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>DS port of 2 PS2 games
>Better somehow
How did they do it, anons?
Least I don't gotta see Shion's pug ugly ass PS2 model. I winced whenever she was on screen in game 1. /v/ rants about ugly chicks in games now and none of them would've survived the early ps2 era
>Better somehow
I find that claim spurious
Not translated...
Thats what makes it better because you dont have to read the dogshit writing.
Is it really that much better?
I lied about having played the game I just thought it was cool that it existed
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English translation?
What I remember hearing is that I+II is closer to what the devs actually wanted to make. The PS2 originals are really obviously rushed in a few places so I assume they addressed that.
Addressed how? What's different? Be specific.
man I would love it if they ported this to Switch and upscaled the graphics.
Xenosaga I+II is now developed for the DS by KEMCO. How does the game change?
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jsut finished Xenosaga 3
boy i cant wait to play the next game!
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Yeah the ds games have some additional content that was cut from the original ps2 games but it also looks like shit because its a DS game though so i dont think its worth it.
Is this a reference?
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Anon, in all honesty with sci fi, what isn't?
Somebody should make a mod for PS2 versions of Xenosaga games to add the content from the DS version of the games so you dont have to play throught the ugly 2D version to get to the cut content.
That'd probably be a bigger undertaking than translating the DS version.
The next game is Xenoblade 4
It's untranslated so it'll always be amazing until it gets translated and people will play it then realize how clunky it is
i hope not because i 100% dont wanna play Xenoblade 2 and 3
What is the best dungeon theme in the Xenosaga trilogy and why is it Labyrinthos (XS2)?
What's wrong with XB2?
2 might be better by virtue of just being more constrained. The original version of 2 is pretty rough due to the battle system being rather slow. So, if they could keep the general framework, but redo the battle system it would probably be better.
>The original version of 2 is pretty rough due to the battle system being rather slow.
>6 minutes for a regular battle
Yeah it's fucking slow alright. It's a fun system for slaughtering bosses, but it's awful for regular enemies. You really start feeling how slow the battles are in Ormus Stronghold and Labyrinthos. The ES battles feel like a breeze compared to on foot.
MMO combat sucks DICK
That's every Xenoblade game
exactly, they're shit
xenogears was peak and then shit went downhill fast
Did he stutter?
tl never ever
It keeps episode 1's systems through episode 2 but the attacks don't take 45 seconds each
it is a legitimate point of view
never heard anything about the OST though
It won't be a direct sequel. People let their fanboyism blindnthem from the actual story.
XB3's expansion clarifies that the Earth from those games is in fact Lost Jerusalem from Saga, that Vector, the Salvatore and Yuriev all exist and ends with a shot of a blue light (KOS-MOS) arriving at the reformed Earth.
However, this entire sequence is about how the past wasn't unambigously better and the future needs to be made by new ideas (the 'villain' essentially being big boobied catgirl Kevin.)
The lore will finally be reintegrated (which it always was from but people need shit spelled out blatantly ie XB1 with Earth being lost to a phase transfer experiment like it and Ariadne were in Saga, XB2 showing it was a Zohar connection experiment that did it etc etc). Next Xenogame will be something new
>Xenoblade 4
Funny way of spelling Xenogears 2.
If we're talking about gameplay, Gears is one of the worst for having baby's first RPG level of difficulty almost throughout the entire thing.
XB2 and 3 combat systems aren't MMO-based.
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>have the trinity going on
>directional attacks that grant bonuses depending where you hit the Art
>needing to draw or difuse aggro plays a big part
2 and 3 have MMO combat
>What's wrong with XB2?
It's shitty gachaslop with fanservice out the ass. Of course the Chinese shills on /v/ worship it
Where da English transation at mfs??
fucking this. jesus christ the amount of games people elevate to god-like status when they're untranslated and then they turn out to be average shit is astounding.
I highly doubt that considering Xenosaga 2's combat is the best thing about the series.
Xenosaga 2's combat is really broken
>he wants to look at the ps2 graphics instead
You can't be serious
Why the fuck wouldn't you?
Xenosaga is still unmatched in terms of Space Station atmosphere and interior design
the system itself isn't the issue, it's just that enemy hp increases faster than your damage so by the end it takes too many hits to kill things. The main mistake people make is underusing boost; a single stock onto the boost reel is boost positive so you can combo normal enemies with boosts instead of full stocks pretty easily. Early on you shouldn't be taking more than a minute per fight, which admittedly is still kind of long for random encounters. The other thing is that enemy resistance is a huge factor. Using the right character can drastically increase your damage output as well but the in game analyze is pretty crap and only lists the elements that the enemy is weak too and doesn't mention the damage multiplier, which easily ranges from 150% to 250% and sometimes is even as high as 600%. While the elemental buffs help manage this they don't change your physical element so character is still important.
TLDR it's less the system is bad and more that the game is balanced poorly and does not use the system well.
I think you posted the wrong game, anon
Plagued by dog shit "am i kawaii uguu" 3D models that completely take you out of that atmosphere because the disparity is that large
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It's not that bad honestly if you played PSO. Also they completely fixed that by the third game
Eh, bump.
unfathomably based anon
MTL when
>another XB2DS thread
Played it in 2006 on my R4 card. I don't understand any Japanese except for YES and NO.
Surprisingly I was able to get really far, probably halfway through the first game.
I played the shit out of Xenosaga on PS2 so even though I didn't understand any text I still knew what was going on. I think the battle commands were in English or I just figured it out. The battle system was fun.
>big boobied catgirl Kevin
who ?
Too bad about the excessively-loud footstep noises and no in-game volume slider.
anon, there is an independent xeno wiki


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