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A D&D video game that allowed characters to choose their own rulesets from different editions. The game world would have to be built in a modular, edition-neutral way, with very open-ended and flexible mechanics for things like combat, skills, spellcasting, etc. This would allow different rulesets to plug into the same world seamlessly.
Character Creation:
Players choose which D&D edition ruleset they want their character to follow (e.g. 5e, 4e, 3.5e, 2e, etc.)
Their character creation options, ability scores, classes, races, etc. would then follow the rules of that chosen edition
For multiplayer, the game would have to facilitate parties with a mix of rulesets.
Gameplay Systems:
Combat shares animations/graphics, but behind the scenes apply different rulesets for e.g. THAC0, advantage/disadvantage, action economies
Spellcasting mechanics would be edition-specific for each character
Skills/abilities would check against the relevant edition's proficiency or skill system
Leveling up and character progression would follow the chosen ruleset
World Interaction:
The game world could have certain objects, traps, puzzles that are triggered/interacted with using edition-specific skill checks or ability uses
Quests and storylines could have branches based on the capabilities of each edition's characters
User Interface:
The UI would likely need to be highly customizable
It would swap out different reinforced graphics, rings, rolls, etc. based on each player character's ruleset
Additionally, it may show simplified universal info alongside detailed edition-specific stats
The underlying engine would handle all the base math, calculations, and resolution mechanics.
Then, each D&D edition would be an overlay or skin on top of that core rules engine, providing the specific features and ruleset implementations for that edition:
Rules Data - Each edition would have its own database of rules data covering things like character stats, class abilities, spells, skills, combat calculations etc. This data would plug into the engine.
Character Building - The character creation system would be driven by rules data for each edition, allowing for all the different classes, races, ability scores etc. Per edition.
User Interface - While the UI could have a unified base, each edition would have custom UI skins showing the appropriate rules terminology, character sheets, combat UI etc.
Gameplay Systems - The core mechanics like combat, skills, movement would all be handled by the unified engine, but skins for different editions would dictate how they get translated:
E.g. 5e would use advantage/disadvantage, while 3.5 uses modifiers
Spells could be processed the same way but use different data files per edition.
Scripted Content - World interactables, quests, enemies could have parameters exposed that the edition skins would plug formulae into, allowing differentiated outcomes.
The game would be built around a highly flexible and data-driven rules engine that can adapt to each D&D edition's ruleset, while still maintaining consistency in the underlying simulation. Developers would focus on building and tuning the core engine, while each edition would provide tailored ruleset data.
This would be immensely complex, but would allow the game to authentically represent each distinct edition through the same underlying engine.
That's retarded
This would be a really neat idea. I don’t think it would ever be allowed since WotC always wants to shill the (((current edition))). Also, I disliked BG3, but if Larian releases proper modding tools, I could see it as a really cool platform for various custom campaigns. Shame we won’t get that though, I think.
man i took so many shits reading the second edition players handbook, seeing it really takes me back to the bathroom at my parents house, i had that whole thing memorized
What reason would I have to play anything other than a 3.5 or 4E character?
so that armor class actually works correctly? i know they had to dumb it down for normies after wotc bought them, but that's just wrong.
Holy based.
D&D rules for each edition are not neutral.
White books are generally a hex crawl where you encounter random castles and keeps and engage with groups or individuals within. Everything is chaos-law. AD&D is dungeon survival, AD&D 2e revised is more high fantasy adventure. 3e/3.5 starts to get more pulp fantasy and has a lot of modernisms but still refers to old systems and world building. 4e is points of light and does away with the great wheel, goes fully into video game lore style and marvelization. 5e is build off 4e but borrows a lot of 3.5.
Most stuff radically changed from AD&D 2e to 3.5, and from 3.5 to 4e/5e. Kobolds were dog-like subterranean critters and then changed into dragon worshiping scalykins. Tieflings were humans with some abnormal and random traits, and then turned into Draenei that are all related to Asmodeus for some reason. Plane of Faerie was a non-structured and non-central plane that was not necessarily the origin of anything, basic had it's own dreamland like plane, Birthright had the shadow plane with the seeming, then 4e/5e introduced the Feywild as a central plane where "that's where all fey come from."
You cannot build a truly edition agnostic world, the world itself would have to completely change to match the edition, at which point you're building a multi-game game.
This, you would need a different game for every edition really.
D&D editions are not interchangeable, and some classes don't even exist in certain editions, like the Monk in 2nd Edition.
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>like the Monk in 2nd Edition
Released 10 years after the game launched, and it made significant changes to the class, further justifying my argument, since every edition adds and excludes certain abilities from various classes. Druids didn't even have a full spell list till 3rd Edition.
OR (or) they pick one and make an actually good game based around the system that they pick.
Imagine that!

Here’s AI-shit because that’s what you’re advertising here in the end.
>Druids didn't even have a full spell list till 3rd Edition
This is a retarded post and you and every inbred that agreed with it should be executed by being branded with every tiresome and pedantic word of it for the benefit of all mankind.
You have suggested that it would be a good idea to build at least 5 times the jank overhead into one giant ball of jank.
Why build one monster encounter when you need to build and balance five. Five versions of magic missile? but of course, I already finished my after dinner matching my sock drawer appointment and have a little free time before the Straightening of Picture Frames evening tour occurs.

First and second ed. were never even good to begin with, it's just D&D had all the writers and artists of the day and I would routinely translate modules into GURPS back then.
If you really want to do something worthwhile, put all that overhead work into bringing back Mythus, in which the talented imagination for both rules and settings of Gygax was allowed to shine through for a brief moment until the forces of bad taste and corporate powered ex wives sent it to a premature and undeserved rpg grave.
Take a look at the spellbook sometimes, it was something else.
>Druids didn't even have a full spell list till 3rd Edition.
What are you on about? They have their own spell list in both Eldritch Wizardry and 1st Edition.
>Why build one monster encounter when you need to build and balance five. Five versions of magic missile? but of course, I already finished my after dinner matching my sock drawer appointment and have a little free time before the Straightening of Picture Frames evening tour occurs.
Kek, well said. I would've been lazy and just told OP he's an autismo.
>every inbred that agreed
It's one retard. There's literally one extremely autistic person that just bumps shit threads all day. Look at how dramatically worse the front page is compared to the rest of the board. It's just an effort to shit up the board much as possible.
>Look at how dramatically worse the front page is compared to the rest of the board. It's just an effort to shit up the board much as possible.
This is very true, but not for the reason you think
This is unbelievably retarded, which honestly is perfectly in line with 95% of this board's dwellers.
Even putting aside how D&D has always been bad, you're advocating for something that cannot be made due to the enormous differences between editions
>Growth systems are completely different, you have to account for Gold to EXP for 1e/2e and then have completely different EXP tables as well for each edition, for multiple classes, this means you cannot design universal quests but have to make different ones for each edition
>1e has Race as Class too so it's impossible to design anything around this for newer editions because your 1e Elf or your Dwarf simply do not exist at all in other rulesets
>3e has that mess of multiclassing and class feat that makes it impossible to design anything around it while considering other editions, see what happened to ToEE which had to change A LOT of stuff from the original module
>Enemies change entirely depending on the editions, a 1e Red Dragon is not the same as a 4e Red Dragon or a 5e Red Dragon, so every single encounter would have to be redesigned to account for something as simple as this, without even beginning to consider PC tools
>Retrofitting things from newer editions into older ones is impossible past 3e simply because most of those do not exist, so again, no communication between rulesets can happen in a single module, even something as simple as Eldritch Blast just isn't a thing in OSD&D
>Even fucking basic spells choice will be a nightmare because every single spell changes with every edition so it's impossible for you to create characters that function homogeneously between editions, heaven forbid if you want to change editions on the fly for some goddamn reason
Honestly I could go on but I'm so disgusted by the sheer idiocy on display in the OP that I have to stop and sage my own post too
i choose Advanced Fighting Fantasy. much easier to figure out if you don't count all those modifier tables.
>modifier table
2nd edition had some great reading between the main books, all the horribly unbalanced Handbooks, and setting books. I'd love to put together a 2nd edition library just for nostalgia.
Didn't they release modding tools (as big fu to wotc) recently?
Modding tools did shit fir dos2 iirc. Or w3.
I know dos2 isn't anywhere near the popularity of bg3, and possible w3 also.
W3 is at a modding disadvantage inherently because this is an RPG genre and people want to roleplay their own characters and story and many actual rolelayers would have issues fucking with W3 lore and aesthetics inherently.
For example, right now many people look for lore friendly builds for the BG3 companions because their default classes generally tied to their story and dialogue.

The timing matters too, as the modder scene I have observed like most internet communities to be pretty prima donna and attention seeking so modders will be all over it for mod clickbait credit.

The bg3 mod scene has the potential to eclipse NWN and Skyrim both and then we'll really see some wailing and gnashing of teeth from those who false flag codex around here.
>as the modder scene I have observed like most internet communities to be pretty prima donna and attention seeking
Western trans propaganda bears fruit
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just got this on sale for a fiver
seems OKish
kinda Nethack but in D&D 3.5 open license, anybody else played around with it?
This is mindnumbingly retarded. They can't even make a game that has one functioning ruleset that works correctly and you want them to combine all into one game?

P.S. Fuck you for formating that way my head hurts now.
make a new thread, this shitpile doesn't deserve to be bumped with quads lol
Would be extremely hard to - if at all possible - to develop a game that allows for dynamically changing the entire underlying rules that the game is built around.
Either you'd have to go the Neverwinter Nights 1 route without the singleplayer campaign and just be like a RPGMaker called "D&Dmaker" where you pick a template (edition) and start making a module. Essentially you'd be creating several different games and slapping the same skin on it, so that others can make the campaigns.
There's no way there'd be cross-edition compatibility between modules.
Got it on discount some time ago. Seems to be just one guy doing slow work (update every 1-2 month)
Waiting a year to try it maybe
>kinda Nethack
>to be bumped with quads
yeah, my waste of godly quads even depressed me
but it's D&D and 3.5 is pretty much the pinnacle of it

>>kinda Nethack
the new 2nd adventure mode is supposedly procedural generated

god knows when it's finished though
>Waiting a year to try it maybe
the guy started it 2017 another year won't make much of a difference
thought too it was abandoned, but the updates are pretty recent and steady
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>kinda Nethack but in D&D 3.5 open license
Its' absolutely nothing like nethack, what the fuck are you saying? Did you play it for even a single minute? Its a MnB overworld with procedurally generated fetch quests, except there's really no strategy to it like Battle Brothers or something, you just fight shitty battles against retarded AI. 90% of the feats are just placeholders. Its literally shovelware. Play knights of the chalice if you want a OGL 3.5e game.
>procedural generated
this doesn't mean it's similar in any way to Nethack
one of those times where moeblob is 100% correct
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the dungeon interface reminded me a bit of Nethack, but sadly it's nowhere near that sophisticated
mostly ignored Chalice because I hate pixelshit, but I'll put it on my Wishlist now
The reasons this wouldnt work are that each edition is radically different even in the time period it came out

1st edition is meant for LOTR and Conan sims until you play for a year and level up until it turns into a fractured high fantasy game where the Theif class becomes useless. Late era 1st edtion adds skitzo class like Cavalier or Barbarian and Oriental Adventures classes all with Weapon Specialization.

2nd ed is 1st ed with Orcs Monks and Assassins removed and minor rule changes in things like Bards and Druids or Illusionists being specialist mages. Late editions had OP splatbook support that could render the half the core books redundant

3rd ed gives infintely more options and while some of them are awful others allow you to destroy pantheons of Gods rewrite the laws of the universe or turn yourself into your own sentient demi-plane. Splatbooks were also less powerful than core options althpught the Book of 9 swords gave good options for martial classes even if it laid the groundwork for 4th ed


5ed is alright and feels more like a game that could have existed as the 3rd edtion of the game being closer to the orignal just better balanced and with less retarded rules
4e was the best system for a turn based tactical RPG and it's a crime that it never got one.
Shh, you'll summon the "PoE was 4th ed" schizo
expanding options makes for worse games because the options become shallower and shallower. i want a d&d game of a specific edition tailored around one (1) class, ultra specialized into that fantasy and exploring options related to that class only. nobody does this because they are hacks.
>i want a d&d game of a specific edition tailored around one (1) class, ultra specialized into that fantasy and exploring options related to that class only
What class is this and why is it paladin? Me too, anon.
i don't care what class.
You read my mind. Good job
I kinda wanna see another BECMI/Mystara game.
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I prefer the better Mystara game

How about an adaptation of a good TTRPG, like Runequest you fag lord.
>5ed is alright
it sucks dick.
Tell me you don't know anything without telling me you don't know anything.
4e doesn't work as a videogame despite people constantly screaming about it being a wow clone or whatever. You have so many options and interactions outside your turn in that game that it would be a fucking nightmare to actually resolve combat without drastically simplifying things. You would be getting constant prompts whenever literally anything happened like in a yugioh or mtg game when you've got a board full of traps/hand full of instants.
Thats is pretty much not worth the effort. You're practically making a different game for each ruleset.
>Late editions had OP splatbook support that could render the half the core books redundant
Ah, the Book of Elves. The seething that little bit of paper caused.
Nah, I don't think it's as good. It's probably the weakest Gold Box game.
Big Book of Humanoids gave you OP as shit fighters like Minotaurs and was much worse right at character creation. I also had great experiences with the Ninjas handbook letting you create custom matrial arts styles that would would pretty stupid quick

It got outsold by Pathfinder and a Star Wars RPG. D&D should never be anything but number 1

So does your mom and shit birthed abominations like you. Just because you are right about its second half doesnt make you completely right
>It got outsold
It literally didn't though.

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