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New trailer + release date soon
the remake of trials was surprisingly good I hope visions is just as comfy
You could have made this tomorrow when I could actually see the trailer and talk about it mate
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It was good for remake standards.
It delivered the original game with updated graphics and combat, but it still plays very much like a SNES game, and not even a great one.
I'm hoping they will step up with this game, just 30 hours of of shallow combat and no other features won't do for me.
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I just hope that the dwagon girl will be fun to play. I'm also not super hyped about having a literal neko-fuckboi as a party member, hopefully He's either replaceable or he looks less faggy with some of the yet to be revealed spirit vessels.
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>I'm also not super hyped about having a literal neko-fuckboi as a party member
He's honestly one of the better designed characters, it's the main boy they keep showing that looks really lame imo
It's the hair, It's too wavy.
Val's default design does look pretty meh, but his other outfits are better...
Also don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate the character yet, it's just out of the main three I like him the least, both because he's a little too cat-like in design and all of his designs are flamboyant as Hell.
Since you're talking about characters, did any trailer explain what's the deal with the female MC?
She follows the hero and seems to help in battles, but she doesn't have her own HP bar for some reason, and when she rides the wolf thing she just rides with the hero instead of getting one of her own.
Is she a guest character, or does she act like an extension to the hero?
>nooooo why are legs so stubby it needs to gallop!
Realismbros... lost...
No real info on her yet, maybe at the announcement tomorrow morning, but right now she seems like a tag-along.
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Both the english and japanese twitter accounts have described her as a support character for Val so it doesn't seem like she will be playable.
Ramcoh (the baby flammie that follows Careena around) also seems to be Careena's support character, so its possible Morley will get one too.
Not a big fan of this frilly aristocrat look Square seems to love recently.
No way that’s a boy
15 minutes until the trailer drops, what we hoping for? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Io4_CfCLlW4
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>More characters and classes will use completely new and different weapons from each other
somehow I got exactly what I was hoping for
>Trailer drops
>Thread becomes slower than it was before the trailer
Alright. I'm still cautious about the game, but I'll give my impressions.

Combat is drastically improved, it's not just light attack and heavy attack
Grabs, launchers, juggles, air combos, special finishers
Lots of techniques are tied to the movement of the characters, it's not just something you cast while staying still
They also have proper AoE, they are not guaranteed to hit just because you casted them
Better exploration, fluid movement with double jumps and air dashes allow platforming
Also mana spirits seem to provide alternative ways to move around

Ring menu still breaking the flow of the action
Some spells are tied to the ring menu. Are they the same we see in the trailer, or are they more like ToM spells?

Overall positive reaction to what was showed.
>>Thread becomes slower than it was before the trailer
Isn't it euro hours? Honestly, though Visions of Mana didn't really seem to get much traction on twitter even though I thought it looked fantastic.
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Looks pretty fucking incredible, honestly dreams come true kinda shit. Really excited to play it.
For anyone curious, the Japanese website has lot more info than the NA one right now, including renders for all the revealed classes so far.
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>a bishonen princely gentleman catboy but with the manliest otome game-like voice and a howl x cat returns ghibli aesthetic
Damn. Never have I seen a character so tailor made for japanese women before.
YJK he's going to be super popular with them.

>prettiest design
>thighs somehow fatter than angela
>magical girl staff but with a fucking flail
>Yoko Hagkasa
Best girl already
Just by the character design alone you can tell this will be another squeenix flop. These idiots can't stop trying to chase the fujo audience.
>Buhhh fujos
>Mana game looks like a Mana game
Oh no, how could this happen?
>5 playable characters instead of 6
>No one’s going to play the annoying plant boy so it’s actually only 4 (if you have to include kid characters please make them girls)
I hope they don’t rip too much from Symphonia (i expect the story to be worse than that either way because it’s a mana game) because it feels like it’s cutting very close to that.
Combat looks good though, hopefully its less mash-y than Trials
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>No one’s going to play the annoying plant boy
>Having more playable characters is a downgrade
Complete nonsense
>I hope they don’t rip too much from Symphonia
What? Symphonia literally ripped off Mana's story (not that it was terribly original to begin with) but hell the only difference was the main theme was basically racism is bad. Symphonia's story sucks ass and Mana has had more interesting stories like Legend of Mana for instance.
Hope it had swimsuit dlc.
>immediate seethe fucks up your brain so much that you think 5 is greater than 6
Calm down it’s just a video game Pedro
>>immediate seethe fucks up your brain so much that you think 5 is greater than 6
What are you even saying or talking about? There were only 3 playable characters confirmed before this trailer.
There was six in trials. Now that it’s confirmed that there’s only going to be 5 here, that’s a downgrade from trials. Please try thinking before posting.
>Less playable characters than Trials
There's ONE less character and they all get completely new weapons and playstyles when switching classes instead of just new abilities like Trials. That's not a downgrade, that's a net positive or even an upgrade, why don't you bother thinking in things besides numbers?
NTA is there a list of the different classes for each character?
I think it's on the website that>>3519225
But it's implied there's a class per element
Hope it had swimsuit dlc.
>Yoko Hikasa
Best girl confirmed
Plus it seems you actually GET all of them beyond the three you pick
in previous mana games you could play with girls using leotards
in this slop you play like a faggot
Looks good, hopefully it's not piss easy at launch like the last few.
I respect transexuals, but you need to understand not every game is for you. Not everyone wants to be a girl.
i just know the girl will abandon her quest partway and rather be with Val for the duration of the game as the sixth member. the fairy being with the party makes it feel like she'll be the one to offer herself to the mana tree.
I know the secret of mana remake and trials of mana had some silly voice acting but holy shit this trailer had some of the worst voice acting in a game since the fucking 90's
the music sounded generic as fuck
the visuals were alright but the characters do not stand out at all, the pikuls look better than any/all of the cast

I was excited when it was first announced but not anymore
>There was six in trials. Now that it’s confirmed that there’s only going to be 5 here, that’s a downgrade from trials. Please try thinking before posting.
Quality over quantity, Suikoden 1 had a massive 78 playable characters but only a handful of them stood out.
>quality characters
>comparing against Suikoden of all things
I expect the same
I wanna' watch Vinny play it, but then I remembered his chat's gonna' just make a bunch of unfunny jokes calling him a weeb, be in denial over playing a cutesy colorful JP game when he plays Mario all the time, remark about Angela's squeak when she jumps and "Twiles of Mana" from his previous stream, then never touch the game again.
>>quality characters
Yes? Why should I not expect quality characters from Seiken Densetsu
>Chosen girl journeys to meet her fate for the good of the world. A young boy warrior is her chosen protector.
It's a remake of FFX?
>'I am Auron!'
It is!
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>People forgot this was literally the same dynamic as the first Seiken Densetsu with Sumo and Fuji
>It delivered the original game with updated graphics and combat
Except the multiplayer which is a pretty bad oversight, especially now when everything usually has some online play and it should be easier than ever to play with a bro
t. played SD3 via netplay with a friend back on the znes a long time ago and it was great
You sound extremely fragile and easily bothered. The main character is pretty much in line with how the series has always been.
If you have literally only played Trials with Angela as your main character and a full girl party then that's cool and all, but don't expect people to take you for anything other than a retard when you complain about something like the main character's appearance in this.
>The main character is pretty much in line with how the series has always been.
and I already said these characters looked like faggots too, but it was easily ignorable because you could play like cute girls with leotards. now you're forced to play with this faggot because shitnix has forgotten how to make games and drones like you will defend their incompentece no matter what
let's see if the homo audience they're chasing will buy their slop
It's sad that people like you post here.
You can play as a cute girl in a leotard in this one too, you retarded blind cunt.
>It's sad that people like you post here.
Pot meet kettle, troon.
>too scared to reply directly
Isn't Twitch tranny central, kid?
>flamboyant as Hell.
Well, he does seem to be Spanish
>but with the manliest otome game-like voice
lol so I'm not the only one who noticed.
>Passive-aggressive female deflection
I'll take that as a concession.
When will Mana series get an anthro as the MAIN character?
The time is now.
The market is ready.
Are the Remakes of Secret/Trials any good?
Trials is great. Secret isn't terrific and while I wouldn't call it awful or even especially bad it is WAY over priced
no you don't the MC of this shit is the homosexual dressed like a faggot
squeenix fags are really retarded jesus
I thought Palamea would be anthro, but she was actually a human type B with squirrel tail. Cannot wait to see her dark costume.
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Trials was pretty bad, I dropped it after a few hours desu
Trials is amazing, best remake in the history of vidya, much less rpg.
You can safely ignore those who want to retard signal about not liking it.

Secret remake is awful, I don't think the same company did it?
i'm honestly more excited about this than any ff game
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Trials remake is literally everything a remake should aspire to be.
Playing it feels like playing a SNES RPG but with (modest) current day graphics, and that is unironically the best praise I can give to any video game released this decade.
Is Vision of mana chinese game unlike prequels? IDK if Hifi rush is Jap or West...
Why the fuck would a japanese developed game be chinese? And why are you mentioning hifi rush, it doesnt relate to this game in any way.
Both are games with confusing nationality. Because Vision of Mana seems to be made by Netease unlike prequels and that's why it didn't care about ESG.
Yes, it's a Chinese project.
>Representative director: Wang Yi
Netease is pretty much buying up "brand name" Japanese devs to make it easier to market games over there and globally kek
No co-op, though.
Co-Op was a shit meme that you were never going to use
I'll be your friend. You just have to promise not to be transphobic.
Mana is epic if you have brothers, online co-op would've been kino for Trials though
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OK fair enough, I personally don't care about co-op because I see JRPGs as something to play alone, but I can understand if people felt disappointed about that.
Not to argue for removing it but I feel like the original coop was always something that was just there as an extra and was kind of neat rather than something mean to serve as a full multi player game. It's like they knew players had siblings and threw it in as an after thought. Cool but not really the main point. Though I never understood how people can fully enjoy Tales of Coop either. Putting aside the fact that the games are too long, and will have most of the players sitting around doing nothing during moments outside the battle, the actual coop just isn't as good as a game meant for it fully.
The Trials of Mana had many things going against it and it still managed to be considered a success. All of you who cried Co-op are liabilities. Because of you we could have lost the change of this series revival, and with SE's dwindling reputation I worry for the sales of this game.

It was bad enough they decided to release the Trials remake on the SAME WEEK AS THE FF7 Demake so of course that shitty game got all the attention.
yeah Co-op in mana you have to set ground rules like "no magic" or " no attack spells." the paused game while you spam rock missiles and light beams is really annoying for the second player.

never played 3 player but I imagine its worse
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>salamando's vessel just lets you ride a fucking rocket
You can switch to any character you don't have to play as Val
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My only other complaint is that some of the environmental design and asset quality are just awful. The game clearly didn't have much of a budget.
That's fucking rad.
I like all they have shown about how you interact with the different elementals this time around, can't wait for Aug 29
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Can't believe I'm looking forward to a Mana game again after all those years.
>first mana game with a director who has actual action game experience and it already looks miles better than anything this series has offered in the past gameplay-wise
I hope they release a demo
I was thrilled by the way that it looked at first, but the more I look at it, the more boring I’m starting to think it looks visually.
Really? I thought the environments looked great
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I love her fluffy tail
Guaranteed spot in my party 100% of the time.
Aaaaaaand dropped.
I wish you could romance her instead of the Mana AIDS girl.
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she's for the cat
I don't. Dating sim crap has been an absolute cancer of game design since day 1. I'm tired of every character existing purely to orbit the MC and will be happy if characters actually interact with each other and have personalities, arcs and development of their own because I'm not a retarded self insert faggot.
It has some great qualities, but the party AI is so bad it's not fair to even call it a complete/finished game. Unplayable kusoge.
>but the party AI is so bad it's not fair to even call it a complete/finished game. Unplayable kusoge.
AI doesn't make the game unplayable kusoge, also you can switch to any character at any time during combat
It's only really an issue during one or two boss fights and that's because of environmental damage
Oh, it's you. The faggot that thinks anything appealing to straight males is "icky incel stuff eww" you insufferable gay cocksucker.
That's an awfully extreme take. I didn't say anything about the designs. I said shit about you being a retarded self insert pussy. You know you can have sexy girls in your game and not have it being a dating sim, right?

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