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Strangled the treacherous xenos filth with my own 2 hands
Also Rogue Trader thread
Try /vg/.
40kids are so cringe.
>condemns your party to torture
>has the gall to act like mercy is possible for her
only iconocucks spare her
heretics take her along until it's time to sacrifice her to slaanesh
I know Owlcat games were never great but how the fuck was Rouge Trader so fucking bad
>heretics take her along until it's time to sacrifice her to slaanesh
You're correct, and the warp powers for doing so make it entirely worth it.
It's not that strong, but it's useful against finishing enemies as an extra attack
For Psykers it's pretty worth it
Does your psy rating actually play into it? Last I checked, it worked off Heretical ranks
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don't you slander my noble wife with such vile vitriol
wow nice tumblr art bro
fishie fish
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I made the mistake of actually motherfucking Role Playing and now I don't have enough points in either conviction branch to do anything funny
Also, more cursed items please
>he wore it
Look at my stats and weep
My dude basically soloed the big lizard demon by constantly parrying and riposting 20 times in a row
You can get a further +15 to all skills if you want to sacrifice 48 profit factor but I'm saving up for Drusian power armor
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forgot pic
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Bitch, please.
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Even then, the halo device is a crutch for the normies.

true power lies in psionic might
shit stats

sanctioned psyker? Anyway, MORE cursed items, MORE
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>shit stats
pic related
>sanctioned psyker?
try it sometime
Nigga you levelled up medicae and awareness when that's a companion skill not main dude skill
demolition too, argenta has a good amount by default (unless you want to do burst damage with guns without INT)
You do realize the halo device switches what stats your skills scale off, right? My agility and perception are way higher than yours.
>humans fighting necron
Area attacks (melta and plasma overcharges) can be made to scale off your demolition skill rather than intelligence. I was going for a master of all ranged weaponry build.
dump stats for warrior man
I have 95% parry chance with instant ripsote, literally remover of bosses
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that's cute
it's a lot funnier to watch them get stuck in a parry cycle forever (until the first dodge instead of parry)
I should have traded all my holy gifts to the Drusians instead of Explorators, now I will never see that power armor
this buff stacking shit has to be the most awful thing ever implemented in an rpg
Why didn't you? Explorator's accept mechanicus creations, and a fuck load of junk equipment and consumables you get count as mechanicus creations.
There are psyker abilities that increase warp damage and the ability does warp damage iirc. There are also two psyker related items that increase warp damage.
It grants you near physical immortality from a lore perspective. You'll get an ending where it's found you cannot age if you equip it. Only way for non-heretical Lord Captains to achieve this canonically so far.
you forgot the part where it drives you batshit insane
I want to hold her hand.
small brains
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This game is pure, unadulterated kino.
Some of the dogmatic MC answers, especially towards mutants, are pure comedy gold.
>This game is pure, unadulterated kino.
Its not even in the top 10 of 40k games, (Dawn of War 1 and 2, Mechanicus, Space Marine, Space Hulk + Tactics, Battlefleet 2, Battle Sector, Final Liberation, Darktide) which is really saying something because 40k video games are generally really terrible and this is a tooth picked size hurdle to heroically leap over.
Sanity is a relative concept if you live in 40k.
>Dawn of War 1 and 2, Mechanicus, Space Marine, Space Hulk + Tactics, Battlefleet 2, Battle Sector, Final Liberation, Darktide
Literally all of this is utter garbage and none of which are rpg's either. Dawn of War is rts slop and Darktide is woke nonsense for normies with no understanding of Warhammer.
Awful game
>Come one, come all! See the finest exhibit of xenos in the galaxy!
>The only thing I see is heresy. *BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM*
And then it turned out they weren't real xenos lol
Of course its not RPGs because the Warhammer setting adapts poorly to RPGs, as it is a beer and pretzel wargame, which is why Rogue Trader was terrible and the video game adaptation is even worse.
>Darktide is woke nonsense
Rogue Trader is among the most blatantly gayest shit I have ever played. And I don't mean like guys kissing gay, I mean like deep queer agenda stuff right down to its very roots culturally. Just a very gay game atmospherically.
>criticize darkslop
>gets all defensive
I'm downloading Battlesector right now actually. Any basics or needtoknows? I don't normally play RTS games but killing 'nids sounds like a nice time.
Anon, its all slop. Warhammer is a franchise about churning out slop so low IQ europeans buy overpriced minis.
>Any basics or needtoknows
Have you played a wargame before? If yes then no because this is a pretty basic one. Do the tutorials.
the best 40k game is unironically space hulk deathwing
>And I don't mean like guys kissing gay, I mean like deep queer agenda stuff right down to its very roots culturally.
I don't think russian devs are into that kind of stuff. It's just you.
Now that I finished the game we can all safely agree it needed more Orks. Fuck that gay Necron bullshit and fuck the space elves. Orks and Tyranids (appear in a whopping 1 dungeon), that's where the fun is.
>I don't think russian devs are into that kind of stuff. It's just you.
Owlcat literally spent time and budget developing a faggot viking romance DLC, so stop being a disingenuous little retard.
only if they're genestealers
I had a lot of fun playing that.
don't care, never heard of it
>get utterly btfo after claiming the russian devs don't do gay shit
>proceed to seek refuge in ignorance
What a fucking faggot you are LOL
>Dawn of War 1, Space Marine, Final Liberation
Congratulations, this is your first non-terrible opinion on this board.
for all I know this "gay viking romance dlc" doesn't exist
Is it finally in a playable state yet? I picked it up on launch and while I enjoyed the actual gameplay and content a lot the bugs were unbearable with a ton of softlocks. I dropped it after an earlier choice in the game bricked my save on the transition to act 3 and I couldn't be assed to download a save editor to try to fix it.
Bugs in my complete playthrough:
>PC voices being either played at a very far away volume or getting stuck with the warp reverb effect forever
>Argenta's moving animation completely broke after she got her power armor
>holding space to speed up turns would sometimes softlock the game because enemy turn would never finish
That's literally it, all of these are fixed by quitting to main menu and reloading
No shit, looks like it's time for a reinstall then. I quite liked the game when it was actually working. Did a dual pistols crit build with plasma and inferno
Also the loading times are way too long for how fast my SSD and RAM are, something's very unoptimized in the actual levels themselves
Quiet frankly I've never seen a real RPG that wasn't riddled with bugs. Patches are a newfangled thing, older games are just fucking broken and full of exploits.
I want a freeboota companion. That's it.
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>for all I know this "gay viking romance dlc" doesn't exist
Fucking retard
Now you can find out firsthand that the game is 20% complete.
since I never played pathfinder that's just your opinion he's gay
>>holding space to speed up turns would sometimes softlock the game because enemy turn would never finish
Whenever I would get this one, I'd hit escape to open the menu then close it. Game would run fine afterward.
>And then it turned out they weren't real xenos
They bothered me.
Mechanicus is good but you are retarded if you think it compares to RT
That's not the gay viking romance DLC
That's the DLC with a whole sarkoris questline, a new companion with tons of lines and new classes, which coincidentally also adds a romance.
she didn't do it on purpose, speedreader, she got tricked too
He's also a furry
Did you know they're fixing Arue's ending cuckrager? Will that mean you'll stop being cuckbroken by based Ulbrig?
>Quiet frankly I've never seen a real RPG that wasn't riddled with bugs
You haven't played many rpgs then.
you can't be this retarded
I've played lots and they all have bugs
>this 1/10 doesn't compare to a 0/10
how'd it go newb
By far the best crpg in years.
For me it's pillars 1 and dragonfall. RT was better than either.
You only played 2 crpgs since poe1 came out?
I played underrail, didn't get very far.
wop wop
>only if they're genestealers
you are in luck anon
i liked hong kong more than dragonfall but both are solid 8s in my eyes with hong kong just slightly boosting itself into 8.3 because of its systems
pillars 1 and 2 are so fucking dry and boring i felt like i was eatting chalk while playing but i may just be retarded
i played encased this year aswell because i was looking for something to replace the pathfinder shaped hole in my brain and uhhh it fucking sucked
>be me
>play Rogue Trader
>enter dungeon
>they're coming out of the goddamn walls
>game over man, game over
>finally it's Space Hulk time
>it's 4 genestealers
>4 of them
>they don't even land a single hit
>just run away to regen health and die
Bravo Owlcat
>newfag couldn't stomach pillars but gravitated to a nucom clone stretched over the skeleton of a mobile game
Not shocking.
not him but pillars was a yuge disappointment
No need to pretend to be someone else. Every time someone complains about pillars and starts talking about it, it just turns out they were too dumb to understand the mechanics or talked to gold plates for an hour and uninstalled the game. I'm not saying its a masterpiece, its not even a top 50 crpg for me, but the games you like I would rank even lower and I've been playing games long enough that I can tell what kind of person you are and what you're playing by what you post, and what I see is someone who is sheepish and too inexperienced to understand RPG systems that aren't absolute baby tier and just want to be spoonfed narratives.
the next dlc is about a genestealer cult and a deathcult on your ship shitforbrains
really isn't that same fag
"infinite" dungeon was cool
everything else was shit including the setting the plot and the ending
Also Durance is a fag just like Chris Avellone
you smell so strongly of smemga i can feel it from just this comment
Well excuuuuuuuuse me for not paying attention to DLCslop
They put genestealers in the base game and then did fuck all with them
Of all the broken unbalanced "gotcha bitch" combat encounters in this game this should have been the one

dlc slop implies we wont get coom art of the death cult lady
must consoom sloppa
Its objectively the best implementation of RtwP combat ever. On that alone it has merit. There is meticulous and highly detailed old school dungeon design in that vein as well, which is only improved upon in deadfire. I enjoyed IWD1 and 2 and PoE just felt like more of that. But again, here you are confirming you are only concerned with narrative, so my assumption was correct and I don't even know why you replied to me.
correct, all fucking crunchniggers must fucking hang
PoE doesn't have crunch. Its specifically designed to be anti-crunch. You have no idea what that word means.
Oh go smoke 15 million dicks it's been 9 years since I played that shitty game
What crunch does PoE have? You only used that word because you're an owltard.
crunch is your entire build, stats skills and all
the only crunchless RPG I know of is Kenshi because it barely even has dice rolls
>crunch is your entire build, stats skills and all
What do you mean anon? Stop dancing around the question. Define crunch and how it applies to PoE.
Every RPG ever has crunch stop being retarded
So you literally don't know what crunch means, got it. Another excellent owltard thread.
Crunch is the game mechanics as separated from fluff which is the story. Stop being retarded for the love of all that is holy.
How much does Idira affects the lore/dialogues? I she's the weakest of my current party members but I like her visions and I'm not sure whom I want to kick out of the party for the eldari. I'm sure it won't be Pasqal, Cassia or Argenta which leaves me with Idira and Heinrix to be left on the ship for the sake of a xenos. I'm playing on hard so game difficulty shouldn't be a big problem from what I have seen already playing the game but I'm mostly curious about how much lore and dialogues I will miss with those characters and would that be just a meaningless padding or if that would be significant stuff that changes story/gameplay.
very little
very little whom? and is that very powerful and prophetic Idira just a padding character? How about her judgement of others lying or saying truth? Does Cassia have the same dialogues at the same times as her?
There's really not that much, if any. I've played through the game four or five times with her in my party almost the entire way. If there was any after act 1, it wasn't worth much.
>Crunch is the game mechanics as separated from fluff which is the story
Nope, try again and do a little better than searching reddit this time.
Does Abelard, Jae, Incendia, drukari and space marine ones have some enough new interactions to play the game for the second time? And what about two unique chaos companions?
Only Calligos has some. I don't keep Marzihai alive if I bother to team up with him in act 3. Incendia has none unfortunately.
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Unsanctioned psykers are cute CUTE Idira please stop killing yourself on the first round of combat
Oh... that sucks
Mine just screams whole fight unless there is chaos incursion in which case she does whatever...
It was 4chan style before tumblr exist, little secondary faggot.
No, thats literally tumblr art drawn by a person on tumblr.
How is your Idira weaker than Heinrix
heinrix can knock people down, mark them, and dispatch
he very stronk
I laughed when I kicked him from the team and at the end game he had 75 HP next to his inquisitor papa with >1000 HP
She has a lot of single target dmg and some buffs but it's tied to the warp powers while Heinrix is a melee semi tank semi dps who doges and parry a lot with more attack options and aoe
Heinrix can explode and die just from using his force sword
Idira is very powerful as a defensive buffer. If you're specking her more into telepathy than divination then you're building her wrong. You want to crank willpower and pick mostly divination abilities and select talents related to divination. Her strength is not in damage dealing but in making sure you never die.
>leaves me with Idira and Heinrix to be left on the ship for the sake of a xenos
Idira is a defensive support while Heinrix is an offensive support. Yrliet is a sniper. Why would you bench either of them for Yrliet? Bench Pasqal instead.
Can /vrpg/ sell me on rogue trader ? It seems like Pathfinder but without cool magic,artifacts and creatures
Can you romance a xeno at least?can psychers go full Carrie with their telekinesis or is it just a support class?
On a scale from Kingmaker to Wrath of The Righteous, how good/bad is Rogue Trader?
Please give it to me straight

(Kingmaker = decent, Wrath of The Righteous = niggers and retarded lore)
It's better than both games by far. Kingmaker is shit in comparison to RT.
>Can /vrpg/ sell me on rogue trader ?
Why do you need to be sold? Are you not familiar with Warhammer? If you're not familiar with Warhammer you shouldn't be playing Warhammer games.
I'll take yoru word on it. But heed this fella. You make a fool of me at your own peril!
Thanks for the (you). I have genuinely been itching to try it and now I will
I let Argenta shoot Idira.
I used to on Dogmatic runs until I realized it set her to zealottard than Firestacy
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Fear the Lasgun, heretic
I let Idira strangle Argenta.
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I let them become friends
Argenta will always hate Idira for being a filthy heretic
Idira will always hate Argenta because she has an Emperor body pillow
How do you reconcile their differences?
>How do you reconcile their differences?
Lesbian sex
fucking deviant
Argenta is only interested in sex with the emperor himself
Maybe a space marine
Rtwp is filth
why are melee damage dealers so ass mid-late game
Just take them together on all the missions and they work it out, Argenta because she begins to pity how hard a life Idiria has had, and Idira because she begins to see the Emperors Grace as the only true salvation she can find in her cursed existence.
>Darktide above Rogue Trader
I can't believe there are people who actually play Owlcat garbage
I played at release up until playing through the initial visit to Footfall but dropped it since. It's been about six months and I understand there was a pretty big balance changes. I was using
>Officer/Grand Strategist Rogue Trader
>Officer/Master Tactician Cassia (specced into the navigator stuff)
>Warrior/Vanguard Abelard
>Warrior/Assassin Heinrex (some sort of shitty pyromancy/self immolation build I remember not working well)
>Soldier/Arch-Militant Argenta (using a hand flamer)
>Operative/Bounty Hunter Pasqual (sniper)
Is there anything that needs respeccing? I'm only playing on Daring. I remember Argenta and Heinrex feeling kind of weak, Pasqal being great single target damage and Cassia killing 90% of enemies.
Until we have an RPG renaissance I will continue to devour the owlslop until I choke. But yeah they're not that great.
Cass is still ridiculously broken and will win the game for you by herself if properly built on Daring.
That's good to know. Fortunately I build characters like someone suffering severe cognitive decline. I was just trying to avoid restarting for a third time and burning out by Act 2.
You VIL drop the difficulty and you VIL like it
Not because your build is shit but because the game is not balanced
Do you get an ending slide to reflect this?
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I just got Jae her permission to represent me as an official merchant. Will allowing her to kiss me block my romance path with Cassia?
I've just started Chapter 3. Do I still have time to do this? Idira was permantly grounded in the ship after Heinrix joined and she remained there through the whole of Act 2 for me
nobody cares about your lack of a sex life IRL
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No, but you should feel bad for cheating on the fish
stop posting shit fan art
Random new tidbit:
New companion is called Kibolla
Chapter 3 is still so dogshit it should put Owlcat out of business.
I liked it.Only problem in a replay are the segments when the text keeps popping up for your hallucinations, but it's like a 10 minute drag.
Act 5 is what pissed me off
>l i t t l e m o n e y
Act 3 perfectly encapsulates how despairing Comorragh is.
Don't blame me. Blame yourself, or The Emperor.
it's supposed to be (I think)
It's your lowest point
You are mentally slow
>Tuning things like this has to be done carefully and in batches in order to prevent overnerfing, so we began with tweaks to the Officer in patch 1.1. In 1.2, we’re going a step further and implementing major changes to a whole set of abilities that provide additional turns and AP. We want them to stay true to their spirit but do something entirely different than before.

>For example, Seize the Initiative no longer provides an additional turn to the Officer, instead allowing the Officer and allies under the effect of the Officer's Voice of Command to deal additional damage to enemies that have not yet acted in combat.

August patch will be a slaughter
This is projection since rtwp is putting a game on auto play. You might as well just play gacha games at this point if you think rtwp is engaging.
Gonna miss the days where could kill a boss in a single round by having half of your roster slotted with Officers and just turn pass between them.
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>half roster with officers
Just 1 officer proper and a Cassia who used no officer powers, really
>Idira did not remain a servant of the von Valancius dynasty for long. Her travels with the Lord Captain had changed her. She was as lively and talkative as ever, but she had also developed a tendency toward rumination. Idira was now sometimes seen in a place she had barely visited before — the ship's chapel — deep in thought or prayer. Curiously, the warp phenomena that haunted her became less and less frequent. Yet Idira did not seem reassured by this and ultimately decided to go into exile — a pilgrimage, she called it — to protect people from herself. Her trail disappeared somewhere in the Expanse, yet the memory of her lives on
I know argenta has a variation of her order ending where she uses idira as an example as someone that can be saved in her sermons, but it's not on the wiki for whatever reason
maybe? I know the three big events is argenta trying to kill idira in chapter 2, idira trying to kill argenta in chapter 3 and then idira tagging along on argenta's quest in chapter 4. for precaution I'd just take them on the others personal quest too
>>For example, Seize the Initiative no longer provides an additional turn to the Officer, instead allowing the Officer and allies under the effect of the Officer's Voice of Command to deal additional damage to enemies that have not yet acted in combat.
Oh, so it's fucking useless
Meh. I didn't rely on Officer abilities that much. Soldier Psyker is far superior than officer psyker anyway
They buff pyro apparently
How so?
Neat, in my ending she just kinda died a little
And Argenta was doing Argenta things
Thunder hammer or alternatively bone breaker maul is the most fun you're allowed to have in this game
Play warrior
I pretty much specced Abelard for that, but I guess I could try to do a true focused build
1.2 is out.
I thought it would come out with the DLC.
What's the point of nerfing abilities in a single player game?
To eliminate the very concept of fun, inshallah
>No Argenta romance
>Bububu-but muh lore
I am a rogue trader, I can do whatever I want!
Josh Sawyer is right romance in RPGs is never done well
I'm a Volcel Rogue Trader
There is a difference between 'no fun allowed, only balance' and 'the enemies only serve as flamer practive after a certain point, a cheatkill all command serves the same purpose'.
Ater midway of act 2, enemies fall behind drastically and by en of act 3 and exemplar levels, you have to try to be in any kind of danger.
And no, not all CRPGs nor tactics game are liek that . Or it's not as easy to achieve
I haven't played this yet but going off Wrath it does feel bad if you have thousands of character builds to choose from and tons of them you know you're gimping yourself because Oracle Angel exists that can do everything better than any other build.

I still play anything but because I do actually make unique and effective RP builds and play them but purposefully not picking upgrades feels bad sometimes.

>Fucking monk dip is STILL a thing even after they fixed crane, every other character AC boost is tied to their level now, not monk
>read about Rouge Trader on tvtropes
>leveling system is supposedly complicated but game overall is easier than Pathfinder
>leveling is straight up D&D shit with different names
>reload like three times the first chaos spawn fight because i got my ass kicked
Shit talk about different experiences..
my issue is the sisters of battle are cringe and should not be in the setting at all
I'm not a romancefag and it fucking sucks that nonromancables get nadda. I wanna give abelard useless busywork so I can go sneakoff to an underground bar with idira and get blackout drunk, and then later do some borderline tech heresy with pasqal
Why everyone says this game is shit?
Hey I'm considering getting this but some of the reviews say that the game is still broken and I've seen a lot of stuff criticizing the characters. How would you say it weighs up to say Wrath of the Righteous?
because it had an extremely buggy release.
A million times better than Wrath by far. There's no reddit writing bullshit in RT unlike Wrath.
>reddit writing bullshit in Wrath.
For example? Is it really that bad? I kind of wanted to play it (with a mod to remove most of the wokeness AIDS, obviously).
I heard the opposite, that it got turned way up in Rogue Trader with the xenos, is that not true?
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Game only gets good after you pick this nigga up
Balance is of utmost importance in video games. Game developer has to be held accountable for properly designing their games. OP abilities aren't fun and have to be nerfed. If you want to brainlessly kill everyone just use cheats.
you mean like that boring trash POE2?
where everything is balanced and nothing is fun?
no thanks
Nigger the fun of RPGs, or any systems driven game, is in breaking them.
Devs who patch out broken shit deserve to be lynched.
Only BG3 shills say this game is shit
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never in my life have I played a game where levelling up is a chore and not something I look forward to.
If it's balanced then it's fun
>Nigger the fun of RPGs, or any systems driven game, is in breaking them.
Not at all. If you can break systems then they are badly, incorrectly designed and they have to be fixed.
>Devs who patch out broken shit deserve to be lynched.
This is deranged. Balance, bugs, optimization, crashes - all of those have to be fixed by game developer before they stop supporting game they released.
You have never played and owlcuck game before?
I ended up getting the game
>get the ugly fish lady
>game pulls me out of traveling in space to talk to her
>literally every first (and sometimes second) dialogue option for like six prompts in a row is "let's fuck"

magnificent writing
>game is still a broken mess and abandoned by owlcat
Kill yourself zoomoid scum. This is exactly why modern games have no soul, all of it is patched out.
You can complete it in one go with zero (0) gamebreaking issues. Time to stop patching.
Broken quests, progression and character interactions is still annoying and not cool.
0 (zero) broken quests in the gayme
Not anymore.
1.2 broke shit in chapter 4.
Many people cannot finish obligatory space combats for example. Before 1.2, it was in a decent spot
bravo owlkeks
>dialogue option for like six prompts in a row is "let's fuck"
Are you baiting? Oh yeah, picking the dialogue options that immediately end and ruin the romance is an example of how to progress the storyline.
is the game playable now? Did they fix the bugs? add something new maybe?
It was playable but according to one anon ITT they broke it again
Shan't happen. I will continue to hold devs accountable and demand from them fixing everything that's not working as intended, be it bugs or balance
Wotr didn't have levelups every 5 minutes unlike Rogue trader.
Instead you had to spend 15 minutes leveling up all your characters, waiting roughly 1 minutes per click
>waiting roughly 1 minutes per click
Worked on my machine
skill issue i fear
can I seduce the fish
Yes but why would you want to
my rogue trader thought it would be funny
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is the game good yet?
9/10 it's OK
Glad to see an RPG in spesh, and the fact that this game has guns removes the final reason for anyone to ever bring up POE again, which makes me happy anons.

>fish woman instead of fish man
>finished spaceships instead of unfinished boats
>planets instead of islands with poor black coded commies
Yes, the final nails in the POE2 coffin have all been nailed. CRPGs are healing.
based fuck nu-obsidian
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Have I softlocked myself from accessing certain areas by exploring everywhere in Act 2? I can't find any link to Gartrafal and haven't got any remaining navigation mana.
Do you guys think they'll nerf Sanctic, I was keen to wait for the DLC for the conviction rebalance
You can spam yellow and orange connection jumps, since one of the warp encounters has an option that gives you more insight.
Thanks, though that's complete bullshit. I understand what's caused this problem
>you can scan mortus in act 2
>gartrafal doesn't exist in act 2 so a path doesn't appear
>you can't scan again in act 4 when gartrafal does exist
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Because she's best girl
This game is easily the worst Owlcat product I ever played.

It's also funny that they are nerfing half the game without understanding that even with the instakill one turn wipes, the combat was a slog with roughly half the combat encounters being unnecessary trash mobs and filler. The game is going to be far more of a tedious slog now.
>CRPGs are healing
I would say owlcats design philosophy is entirely regressive to the dark age of rpgs. No thought to encounter or level design at all, just feat stacking and endless fodder to plow through, padded with VN dialogue. If this format became popular again it would be the worst case scenario for rpgs. Fortunately that's not going to happen.
Only green paths to planets that you own, the rest you should leave yellow or orange. There are a couple unique items you can only get from random yellow or orange warp jump encounters as well, so it's best not to green literally everything if you can.
>This game is easily the worst Owlcat product I ever played.
How..? Have you even touched Kingmaker and its awful Kingdom Management system with companions engaged in polyamorous relationships and women in armor complaining they aren't men?
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>polyamorous relationships and women in armor complaining they aren't men?
I think you'll find Vox Master Vigdis is best girl
At chapter 5.

So far quite disappointed in the lead up to the ending. Reminds me of awful ending of PF:Kingmaker. Can't say this was a great game, but it was ok I guess. If I didn't like 40k as a setting i'd probably say this game sucked.
>game called ROGUE trader
>only dogmatic endings are good
pffffffff just call it THE INQUISITOR trader or something.
Im glad no one gives a shit about this game not even warhammer fans. its not canon anyway even dawn of war games were canonized.
>anon you can have a space marine and a fucking xeno in your team at the same time
shit's haram as fuck
>He's not an enlightened centrist
DLC postponed from August 8 to September 24
>not just september but near the end of september
It's over
>Supposed to come out June 1st
>Delayed to August 8th
>Delayed again to September 24th

Owlcat's DLCs are not that large nor do they add that much content. So unless they are giving skills proper animations and effects and reworking origins there's really no justification for this other than sheer incompetence
>Owlcat's DLCs are not that large nor do they add that much content
Both DLCs put together will add 30 hours of content to the main story, according to them
So would a 15 hour DLC warrant 80 or so days of delays?
Are you really asking this in an OWLCAT thread of all things? Their games are buggy as fuck, RT already had a bad launch, they probably want to avoid that, and the best part is that it's going to be buggy anyway
Well yes, that's what bothers me. They have no problem releasing buggy games. Rogue Trader launched surprisingly fast if we look at the amount of time between being announced and release.
Every single Owlcat release has been a mess, so they clearly have no issue with that. So why now did they decided to make an effort, for a DLC of all things.
Also as far as I'm aware the DLC adds a few quests and one archetype it's not even pathfinder tier dlc that would add 20 or so archetypes
laughs in imperial regent
New companion and questline is rleatively a lot of content.
Secondly, 1.2 fucked up a lot of things so they need more time to fix that before they start implementing the DLC on top of the game.
Finally, they have actually been adding new animations and VA with 1.2, so they may keep doing so with the DLC, dunno
They did add a lot of animations it became for more pleasant to play pyro with the animations and rework.
I just hope they rework origins, Crime Lord and Noble are pretty good, even if nowhere near as broken as psyker. But Commissar has no excuse being this bad specially when commissar are such an iconic part of WH40K
Most of them suck because they can only use their ability once per day, I don't know what Owlcat was thinking
You mean per battle. And that is good enough since battles end up lasting 2 rounds, essentially.
The problem is the effect. 2 of the origins offer much less to many builds at the important part of the game (aka up to act 2, where it still takes a bit of effort to snowball everything).
At which point do I stop putting points BS/WS? I thought the point you stop increasing them is when they hit 70 but I've seen most people on unfair barely level them above 50
Depending on build, you care more about Initiative and Dodge reduction since after you start, stats/accuracy can skyrocket with buffs easily.
So shooter builds may go Agility/Perception/Ballistics after ballistics hit a basic treshold especially.
Same for an assassin melee build, where you want to maximize lethality for example
Everyone is so brutal in this game

>Cassia: I was raised believing xenos are hideous, but you just look different, like me
>yrliet: you're a monster and you would've been killed at birth if your mutations weren't useful
The game balance problem is mainly that it's really equipment reliant, like the early part is so brutal because you only have dogshit and the game seemingly only grants you slightly less dogshit like x%chance more dmg for opportunity attacks when you're just begging for a better weapon for your characters. I had sold Argenta off as worthless for a good half of the game because every Bolter was subpar until I finally got her a heavy Bolter and reached dakka spam, and it was only near the end of the game she surpassed Cassia who had been chugging along with the basic plus warp ability staff you can get at the start of chapter 2.
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>Try to be friendly
>Xenos cunt insults you and then gets you captured and tortured for good measure
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>finally get a 40k rpg
>it's horribly buggy
>it's horribly balanced
>combat is a bore
>writing and characters is poor
is game good yet?
<good half of the game
You can clear a map with Argenat only by mid act 2 (some levels of Arch Militant and Imperial pride from plague quest) or going in on a heavy stumper, not even bolter. Or just buying a bolter from one of the merchants (heavy or not).
Her initial bolter and the first ones you find are trash, but you can graduate from them pretty early.
Heck, you do not even need to focus on High Rate of Fire early on, just give her lasguns, shotgusn and flamers.

You being a retard who barely tried different things does not mean Argenta is useless for half of the game
Eldar only like Eldar and mutations is reminiscent of Chaos. It's not like the Imperium looks favorably on Eldar either.
I'm not going to deny my retardation as I was still familiarizing myself with the mechanics before I just needed to realize the best way to victory is just grug smash buff button and modifiers, which shouldn't be that surprising, but I didn't trade much because of my hoarder mentality so it took me a while to tech up, but it is pretty aggravating that the game just eventually gives up slaps 10k health on enemy bosses and eventually just have them turn steal when they decide you've done too much damage.
That happens for 2 (or maybe 3) encounters total.
I do not rememebr if Edge of Daybreak does turn steal or is just the barrier thing, he could not do damage regardless
I do like how she approves of her execution if she ends up getting captured and held in the iron ball
>for a DLC of all things.
>Also as far as I'm aware the DLC adds a few quests and one archetype it's not even pathfinder tier dlc that would add 20 or so archetypes

Because most likely the DLC was lead by someone else. Generally someone lower on the management ladder. The people working on DLC like this usually does so in (partial) parallell from the main team, which gives them more freedom in how to approach it. Another good example is Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC which was vastly superior to the main game.

Meaning the problems at Owlcat is higher up the management ladder.
>Idira would rather stay locked up or with sensory deprivation
That was kidna sad
The problem always tends to revolve around unrealistic deadlines set without proper time for testing being given resulting in delays as they are faced with the realization that they have to devote more testing and integration time, which should have been managed all in house so as not to look incompetent but because they broadcasted the DLC release date you end up in this scenario with everyone scratching their head at how they allowed this to happen.
>enter combat encounter
>oh shit! oh wait...
>lidless stare lidless stare HA lidless stare
>combat ends
It's a month and a half, not 8
My hunch is that certain directors/leads are very bad at planning, direction and prioritization, they have too few producers, have a very low number of QA on the team and have very bad playtest structure.
I've seen this problem many times before.
>and have very bad playtest structure
They keep adding content even when their games are about to release, according to Starrok on steam
Based retards.
From what I understand, this is a very common management habit for eastern europeans.

I once worked at a company managed by eastern europeans and they unironically wanted to repeatedly add content during "content" lock. They also only had a 2 week content lock period, which is insane when you consider that 1 month would be the absolute minimum at any sane studio.
I don't care about waiting since they have already delayed the DLC twice before. And Owlcat actually seems intent on making RT as good as Kingmaker was.

I just hope they deliver the conviction rebalance together with the DLC and at least buff the other origins. I'd also like for a proper sword + pistol talent/archtype
>delcayed the dlc twice before
We only got an actual release date a month or so ago for August 8, didn't we?
ok, finished, the game yestarday and i have a couple of questions.
first, i tryd to bang an elf but ended up just sitting near the pool, is what alien sex is like or did i screw something up?
second how the fuck do you learn necron language? i felt like explored everything or at least most things
third what was that giant whole that i bend to my will? i dont remeber it ever coming back
I've never bothered to verify it with official sources, but I recall someone saying eldar need to be inseminated multiple times during pregnancy to reproduce successfully. I dunno if sitting by a pool will work
>first, i tryd to bang an elf but ended up just sitting near the pool, is what alien sex is like or did i screw something up?
Around the time the game launched they said the first DLC would contain 2 archetypes and you be released around july. The the trailer came and they said it would launch in august and it would be only one archetype, and now it was delayed again.

Also, unless i'm schizo I'm pretty sure when they first announced the DLC they said you'd team up with an arbites and not an assassin
>and it would be only one archetype
No. The DLC is still including two new archetypes
>first announced the DLC they said you'd team up with an arbites and not an assassin
That's the second DLC
>No. The DLC is still including two new archetypes
Let's hope it's dual wielding one.
You can clearly see her dual wielding swords so probably
I played my first playthrough with pyromancer and now i don't wanna play as anything else
Officer is fun.
Or making suboptimal builds work, like a dual pistol build when I killed Jae and Xenos as Dogmatic
You would know if you played the game
As much as i hate jae, she's the best tank you can have build right with over 100% armor and dodge. Her cold trader bonus is nuts when build properly
if by built properly, you mean when you max out all reputations, duh
>go do Jae's quest while I'm already sleeping with her
>guy says that I can come back after the rogue trader ceremony to get it done without waiting in line
>chapter 3 happens
>option gone, romance ended
>"If you really cared you would've gotten me that merchant license."
Fucks sake game, some warning would be nice. I like sassy fake French poon but I'm not reloading all the way back just for that.
No seriously is sitting by the pool in your chambers is culmination of yirlet romance or did i screw up somwhere along the way?
Can you kill all the aliens in the game? Even the companions?
she's arab
...oh wait
Yeah. Eldar see humans like baboons at best or rats at worst.
good morning sirs
Yrilet in partucular dislikes physical contact in general it seems (she doesnt even hug her brother or any of the other eldar). Her "romance" is about developing a spiritual connection with her.
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Any of the DLC worth getting for this game?
None of it is out yet, unless you refer to the preorder bonus items, which are always just OK.

If we go by the content the first DLC in September , it seems to be worth it (extra character and quests plus archetype), but in the end that is unreleased content
Oh. Think I'll just get the base game for now then maybe the season pass later on.
Eldar see humans and orks basically the same: at best, uncultured brutes and unreliable tools to be used for the eldsrs own ends; at worst, uncontrollable mindless beasts.
THe dlc needs to be played from the beginning of the game, otherwise you'll lose content. I would wait until it's out
>The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.
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Might want to pirate and I'm being 100% serious and not trolling. This game is really bad. (this is as far as I got before it became unplayable, not only does the game go to shit once they introduce all the mechanics, but it becomes extremely buggy as well) Played on unfair.
I enjoyed kingmaker and wotr and I’m waiting until this is completely finished and not receiving patches or DLC before I touch it
This is their worst one yet, mostly because they couldn't bury encounter/scenario design underneath rtwp popcorn encounters. You have to pay attention to every fight and you really get a sense of how lazy they are.
more like before they worked on adapting existing work using existing rulesets, now they actually had to adapt something they couldn't just do 1:1
Rogue Trader is an existing ruleset and their pf1e adaptation is maybe 10% accurate to the tabletop
You severely overplay how much RT borrows from established rulesets beyond the terms and completely underplay how much the pathfidner games are based on the tabletop.
You are either trolling or you are retarded. No in-between.
>t. Uthan The Perverse
While thats true, your consciousness literally gets hijacked by an alien intelligence and you turn into one of the most horrid monsters available in that setting. What remains of your actual soul probably spends your immortaily begging for sweet release as your body moves to the impetus of pure evil.
Best take.

While everyone else is moaning about their lost civilizations and raped children or whatever, the Orks are out there having fun with krumping gits. Only non-depression faction in that setting.
If you already get eternal war delivered right to your doorstep, whats the point of being a peaceful peasant who only waits for some deldar to harvest him, or some chaos faggot who thinks bloodshed is seriuos business as worship for some gay god and not good natured fun?
I feel like the claim that they "evolved a society" is the source of tons of long, drawn-out arguments in ordo xenos message forums. Doesn't most out of universe information point to orks being constructed to be this way - they reproduce via spores so there is no vulnerable pregnancy period, they love violence and aggression of all kinds, they're ridiculously resilient, theyre incredibly obediant to whoever is in charge once they've decided to follow a leader, the gestalt psychic field thing, etc. This is like praising a modern banana for being such a great food for people, ignoring many years of selective breeding by people that got it to this state.
While that is true, most of that can also be said of humans. Their Gestalt psychic thing isnt actually that different from human beliefs and emotions shaping the warp , creating Demons, Saints and even gods like Emps or the Chaos gods.
According to lore, orks where actually created this way and not even bred, but their attitude makes them perfectly adapted to a universe where the war will never end (which is the point of the setting, duh).

One major issue that makes actual war so terrible - killing members of your own species - falls away. Modern military training is not just aimed at overcoming the self preservation instinct, but mostly towards overcoming inhibitions towards killing another human being.
With a tyranid, Ork, or arrguably a totally dehumanized chaos worshipper all that becomes irrelevant,. There will also be no subconscious guilt, no coping and no reasoning or propaganda required for killing them. Just pull the trigger and dance on their corpse.
And to add to that, my point being: Why not shape human culture towards embracing fighting for the sake of fighting, like Orks? Reality is, the fighting is not going to end in the next 100.000 years unless Geedubs fucks with the setting again, so theres really not point treating all this as if humanity was going to return to normal and live without war at some point.
Ummmm anon don’t you know about the uh skulls on everything
thats more of the grimdark serious business with praing to emps and sacrifice for humanity and all that blah
Just krump some gits, who cares about the rest
>implying your soul doesn't change
>implying it's not a fusion
How often do orks feel things like despair or humiliation or shame or horror? I know orks can feel fear sometimes, but it seems some of the more complicated negative emotions are beyond them.
Sounds like a retarded cope that isn't based in reality.
My point here (which I failed to make) is that there are more differences between orks and humans where just restructuring society will make humans (or eldar/tau/etc) more positive about the violent and horrific nature of the universe.
Just restructuring society will NOT make*
About what? It has nothing to do with quality of the games.
Pathfinder games tries to implement the ruleset faithfuly in most regards, RT is loosely inspired and its progression system has nothing to do with real ones.
Chapter 4 is really hard, but I guess its partially my fault for not bringing abelard or medical supplies (I've never needed them before now). I limped out of the defiler fight, and everyone in my party has a couple traumas except yrliet; I got murdered in 2 turns in the uralon fight. I think I have to reload my save at the cruiser space battle and properly equip my people.
I just cheesed fights with a grand strategist duo (Cassia and pasqal) giving their best modifiers and the item that doubles zone effectiveness.
Put the defensive zone in, and you can never die. Which means regardless of initiative, one round of buffs and armor stripping will happen properly
>the item that doubles zone effectiveness.
you didn't get the one that quads it?
I have beat most of the battles after ch3 without enemy taking a turn
Main guy was psyker and after getting the cinviction power that lets you use any ult at any time most of the battles looked like this
>Main dude always goes first
>has an eye thingy that lets him attack as many times as his psyker level
>unload 6 attacks
>give cassia an ult
>she gives an extra turn to the Main dude
>he unloads 6 attaks more
>pass the turn
>it passes it back to cassia since her turn was entrupted by an giving an extra turn, pass turn with her
>turn passes to the main dude that has all of his AP again (i don't remember why)
>unload 6 more attacks
That was enough to clear the most encounters in the game aside from boss fight with especially large healthpools or when enemy was so spread out that my dude just couldnt see them
Because every single thread on this board is people saying games are shit.
daily reminder that Palpatine rapes the Emperor of Mankind
Show of hands, who actually let the C'tan loose and didn't let Nomos absorb it?

In terms of evil yeah
me cause i banished nomos
because he killed a bunch of peopple for no reason
>land on planet taken over by word bearers
>traitor marines, cultists and a helbrute
>the cultists are fighting the helbrute

I'm interested to know what was happening just prior to me touching down there
The Emperor is unironically a good guy in a brutal universe
Yeah playing the game i realised that all that fluff that surrounds your character and inqisitoe is earned. Chaos worshippers are fucking everywhere.
Imperium might be extremely cruel but fuck is it needed for survival
Also im so glad they used old necron designs. I hate Space pharaons necrons
it's strange they made the explorable areas on planets that are under siege and having massive battles lack any massive conflicts the player can participate in, especially after doing so in wotr
You mean large battles?
I imagine that because game is now purely turn based they would take forever
I already found myself waiting a bit more for my liking to have my turn finally.
they had the army battle system already made, all they had to do was refine it and have it influence the explorable area based on the outcome of the battles
Do we need a other minigame though
Dont get me wrong i enjoyed Space battles, in fact i belive that its they best gimmick out of owlcat games.
Its just you would need to micromanage it too. Gather troops, arm them, level them up etc.
And all of that being on top of ship and colony managment. I already found myself neglecting to equip new ship sheilds or miss the distress call from one of my planets on my 1st playthrough because i had so much to do.
>Do we need a other minigame though
>Gather troops, arm them, level them up etc.
sounds fun to me, seeing the difference between a planet's PDF and my personal regiments in battles and on the field would be cool
having the PDF visibly change depending on colony choices
what's the point of being a system spanning ruler and not control massive amounts of troops
>ship and colony managment
those are usually just occasional look overs, never really had to micromange them
i think having 4th gamemode would be a lot
it would be either very simple so it wouldnt take much time to deal with and in a result would just be annoying distraction leaving you wonder why its even here
or it would be a somewhat deep combat system that would take too much of your attention, and will make you dreadfull to see a combat that you are not ready for putting it on your to do list later.
plus it being warhammer game people will either want the actual wargame or they wouldnt have it at all
maybe for their next game
Is the Yrielet romance any good? I don't want to make any character for it if she's mid.
Really underwhelming
Calling it a romance is a stretch
You are not going to bang an elf because she hates any human touch
ok time for a 2nd run
kinda wanna do double pistol run
crime lord/solider/bounty hunter sounds good?
or crime lord is exclusevely sniper backstory?
She hates all touch
She doesnt even hug her brother

Romance the navigator instead
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If Cassia isn't your first option then you don't deserve her
can cassia swim in the oceas or salt will fuck up her gills?
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She can, but she needs to learn to swim first
She was, but now I'm going down the list (except the Drukhari, that's just stupid)
This is gap moe right here

>stares into the warp for long periods of time
>kills people and monsters constantly
>involved in all kinds of political intrigue
>afraid to step into the sea
Is it just me or is the merchant skill completely useless?
It's almost always just an alternative to speech or worse, a way to give away resources to surrender like a bitch.
Not enough conniving merchant rp opportunties in a rouge """"trader"""" game
Yeah, you'd think it would matter a lot but then doesn't
Coercion ends up being the most useful

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