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Everyone has a different take on the series, so what do you think about the games? Are they kamige or kusoge?
Bait thread. Remember if the OP doesn’t post an opinion it’s just a mill
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Kiseki is superior to all other jrpgs and if you haven't played through the games your opinion on the genre does not matter.
The best way to make a thread is to let other people interact and project their feelings. I enjoy all the games and Falcom as a whole.
Liberl > Erebonia > Crossbell
I just like the games that's all even with all its flaws, and if people wanna play them I welcome them.
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I recently started playing and I never really experienced a franchise like this before is it perfect? no far from it there MANY flaws some REALLY bad but damn do I love this series, it just gives me this fix that no other rpg does for me. I can't wait for the Calvard arc next month
where is kevin
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Kamige of kamige desu
I liked the Liberl and Crossbell games but everything after Cold Steel lost my interest. The characters just didn't seem as well-written.
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Pleasant characters, comfy early modern setting (at least in the good Sky and Cold Steel arcs. Sadly Crossbell and Kuro is just boring modern day urban cities with brutalist architecture). Fun combat and character building. Good aesthetics and music. Weakness is ofcourse the anticlimaxes and unwillingess to let characters hate each other but it's overall one of the most only current franchises I care about.
The greatest epics of our generation. Finally, a worthy successor to Tolstoy.
The best JRPG series nowadays after FF's downfall. The worldbuilding is great and I really like the characters.
It's kusoge but everyone suffers sunk cost fallacy to stop playing
Need like 3 100 hours games just to say
>Le curse is the reason humans are shit hehe Ouroboros are good guys actually
>sunk cost fallacy
>singleplayer offline game
anon...I am sorry you are mentally ill and played a game series you did not like for over 300 hours but this is very uncommon. I drop a game after 2 hours if I don't like it (see Octopath for an example.)
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Yes I understand you're braindead and don't know what sunk cost fallacy means
The first 5 or so games are pretty good but after the dredge of cold steel the only people left are forcing themselves to continue playing because they're in too deep
>The first 5 or so games
this is bargaining, just admit kiseki is a good series
It's not a good series and it takes a fan to say that. It's kusoge like neptunia but it has enough buyers/fans and the company has a small enough budget to keep pumping them out
>the absolute state of anti-kiseki schizos
Simply call the games bad if you wish to, using sunk cost fallacy fallaciously is peak irony.
>It's kusoge like neptunia
No it definitely isn't even close to that, some of the games I'd say are among the best jrpgs ever. Easily.
It's okay to like bad games there's nothing wrong with that, that's why neptunia still exists
You are displaying your irrational clinginess to something you've already bought but still need to justify it by calling them the "best jrpgs ever" when it's more infantilized than marvel movies
>he let go of his foolish sunk cost argument
Well done anon
>The kiseki esl shitzo doesn't realize I just further inferred his sunk cost fallacy
Keep at it champ
Best JRPGs ever made, gets better as you go later in the series as well.
I've just completed Final Fantasy VIII and tomorrow I plan to start a playthrough of Cold Steel 1 on Hard for the first time. The last Kiseki game I've completed was the 3rd in 2019.
Captcha: P00D
neptunia's plot is funny so its better than trails tho
it's pretty flawed in a lot of ways and i get why people hate it but i enjoyed it in a way that i never enjoyed any other jrpg series
They're just ge
>where is kevin
His in the OP my dude.
They're the undisputed best JRPGs in the world at the moment desu, have been for a long time.
Kiseki good.
I just started playing Trails in the sky
I like how comfy it is
It reminds me of Grandia but better in every way
Trash software for gutter trash 'people'.
But enough about your favorite RPG series.
And yet it has been consistently proven to be the opposite by people who actually play games here.
I rest my case.
And I accept your concession.
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The visuals:
They are kind of underwhelming and they lack any unique style to it.
It all looks very generic if you told me the creator bought all these assets from the unity asset store i wouldnt question it.
The combat:
Just go save,go fight the boss to check what cc type they have,load the save,put on the correct accessory that blocks the bosses cc type and you win.
The combat isnt particularly challanging.(as long as you have the correct accessory equipped to block the enemy cc spam.)
Also remember to have both a character who can do magic damage and another that can do physical damage as some enemies have highter physical defense than magic defense or vice versa.
The story:
Its a soap opera.
All games combined are probably like 2000 hours combined and there is no end in sight.
If you like soap opera shows but wanted something more anime then this might be for you.
Its not so bad that its kusoge or so good that its a kamige if you want to use a japanesse word to describe it i guess you could call it a heibon-ge.
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It's completely vacuous. It's boring. It takes 5 games to tell a story any other game could in 1. The characters are dull and never develop and everyone exists purely to orbit and tell the MC how special they are. Nothing matters and the games just continue to cost and alleged world building that's nothing more than over written and dull fluff dialogue that never actually engages or pushes the story forward. It's all so stubbornly bland and inoffensive and terrified to actually engage with the audience any emotion that doesn't make them feel good about self inserting. It is a perfect example of everything wrong about modern fiction.
The series was great until they turned it into generic SCHOOL SETTING slop.
When they took the Bracer Badge and turned it into a fucking cellphone, they basically shot the originality of the setting in the fucking head. And Class 7 just has too many people to give a fuck about them all. Both on the side of the player and the writers, clearly.

The Crossbell games were the best. Who the fuck doesn't want to be a detective in some quasi-Roaring Twenties fantasy world?
>The series was great until they turned it into generic SCHOOL SETTING slop
The very first game in the series has that. I don't know why people cry over cold steel being the way it is, erebonians have always been retards.
>The very first game in the series has that.
Bracer School is not the same as "WOW-U DISSO ISO EXUACUTUARRY RIKU MY SCHOORU RAIFO" for a bunch of salarymen who want to go back to the last time in their life they weren't hung-over after mandatory drinks with the boss following a seventy six hour shift, or a NEET trying to relive the last time he ever left his house.
It's not the same thing but the bracers are the same thing as any "adventures guild" a giant red flag that the writers have no idea how to facilitate or introduce a quest unless it's being presented as a boring day job. It's a very different kind of bad but it's not an unequal kind of bad. Moreover the way the series would go on to fellate the bracers even in the Zero/Azure games was beyond annoying.
>All bracers are paragons of justice and virtue. They're the bestest people ever and always right and all super special snowflakes.
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>Bracer School
You don't go to "bracer school." You attend a royal academy for gifted students and help put on a school play while assisting in various school activities and talking with the students. More proof that cold steel concern trolls didn't play the games at all.
It's almost like I was saying that the Bracer's Guild from Trails in the Sky is not the same as the generic school setting from Cold Steel, you retard.

You stupid cunt, you even make my point for me by bringing up the fucking rock concert. Because it wouldn't be Modern Anime without some idolshit.

I will happily take a generic adventurers guild over Anime School Setting any day.
>It's almost like I was saying that the Bracer's Guild from Trails in the Sky is not the same as the generic school setting from Cold Steel
Read the post you stupid illiterate faggot
>I will happily take a generic adventurers guild
I won't. And you shouldn't take either one too. At this point you're just trying to argue which generic slop is better or worse. Nobody wins in a mediocrity fight.
Trails in the Sky has an entire chapter where you got to an actual regular high school, I have no idea what you don't understand here.
>one chapter vs whole fucking game
You forgot it exists and it's the longest chapter in the game. Just stop man, you can't pretend your way to criticizing the game. Put the work in like everyone else here.
God-games one and all
If someone has not played them I simply ignore their opinion regarding JRPGs and RPGs in general.
More like it takes 5 games to completely invalidate all the worldbuilding and political intrigue due to le curse
Probably overall mediocre.
I think the scope of the games just got far too big for the writers to handle. The music is getting worse and worse as well. Falcom's storytelling formula is stale.
You know when you're first starting out it's easy to forgive a lot of the issues. So and so characters don't get their development yet and you think "Okay it's coming later." Plot points aren't resolved but you think "It will pay out later." But it's been later for some time now and still none of this has come to any satisfying head. In fact things seem like they've gotten worse and it's become more and more obvious that they're terrified of anything that might have a lasting consequences and after all these games things were just completely undermined with most idiotic rote explanation.
I can't tell if post like these are serious or not.
He perfectly described the cold steel arc so I'm thinking yeah it's pretty serious
His not serious but I guess being a retard would be a serious illness.
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I assure you, I am 100 percent serious. These games are as filling as wafers.
It really depends.
The Sky games are great if you don't mind the aged looks and gameplay. Sky 1 is a nice cute fantasy adventure, while 2 is essentially the plot happening.

Sky 3rd is mid, was just fanwank for fans. Essentially a combat simulator with some minor plot.

Zero and Azure are a repeat of the Sky duology. I think the team dynamic, the new zones, the more modernized setting made it work.

Cold Steel is where it goes downhill. The plot starts to turn more and more into seasonal shonen, and the characters become one-note personalities because the cast is so large. The fact that the protagonist is a carbon-copy of the Zero/Azure protagonist doesn't help (They even reference this several times throughout).
CS2 is a dumb war that you have to shut your brain off to suspend your disbelief, while CS3 is where it really starts treating you like a retard.
It's a full reset of everything, the game's a carbon copy of CS1 and the plot is so so minor, that 90% of the game is legitimately filler, the end plot twist is also absolutely retarded.

CS4 isn't much better, its only saving grace is that it being the Avengers: Endgame of Trails, it gets some easy points off nostalgia and the fulfillment of investment in the series. (The plot isn't good.)

If you like Sky 1, play up to Azure. Give Cold Steel a try maybe, drop the series if you're not absolutely loving it, as you'll otherwise not stomach the further decline
I'll add that it's incredibly disappointing that despite the series being so old, they clearly are just writing as they go and have no real plans.
The only kind of future foreshadowing in the games are the books, and Kondo has already said it's junior writers who write those as "training", so it's not that they're actually thinking ahead.

Also, the fact that they're forcing themselves to stick to the formulaic 4 chapter setup + final chapter, where those 4 are just copies of each other is terrible. It wasn't so bad in the older games since there was some variance in how it happens, but in the newer ones they've been extremely lazy and it's been really bad.

Honestly I believe part of the reason is Falcom's thing of launching a game (Ys or Trails) per year, these definitely need time in the oven.
>Give Cold Steel a try maybe, drop the series if you're not absolutely loving it, as you'll otherwise not stomach the further decline
Bold of you to assume I won't like Cold steel it almost seems like your some kinda same fag who really hates people enjoying the later games.
I merely gave my opinion, which is what this thread's about, I didn't assume you'd like it or not at all.
You're already got it in your head that everyone's just a hater, sounds like you'd be impossible to convince otherwise.

Just play the games, whatever you do with the opinions in this thread is entirely up to you. I have both friends who quit at CS3, others who keep liking the games, it's not universally hated, but it's a fact that it's divisive.
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I literally don't care about anyone's opinion ITT
I will continue to enjoy my comfy kiseki games
>Irrationally lashes out because not everyone likes the game
Yeah... You seem like a well adjusted person
Comfy is a bullshit compliment. A lot of things are "comfy." But comfy does not mean devoid of merit. It's the same bullshit friend simulator persona 4 was where dullards and idiots think the game is good because their classmates tell them how cool they think they are.
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Is it actually possible to win this minigame?
yeah but it's pointless
It's not that deep
anon just posted an image to go with his post
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What I said was not deep, just pointing out how gay Falcomfaggots are
You were reading too deep into something that wasn't there
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stay salty, please reread my posts, retards!
Kiseki is dangerous. The quality of the games is altogether too high, thus making it difficult to want to play other games in the "genre." Luckily, there are other games in other genres that match the quality of Kiseki.
They're extremely mediocre after the Third and I'm glad I dropped the series with Zero. It's for people who like bottom of the barrel anime trash like Isekai and battle harems, not actual fans of Japanese media.
I couldn't get passed 3. It just takes them forever to talk about anything no matter how banal. A two minute conversation takes a half hour and you can't have a single scene transition with about a half dozen panning camera swoops. And I just did NOT have the patience for another tutorial "old school house" in the third game of a fucking franchise.
its also doesn't helps that Kevin just sucks as protagonist ugh so fucking boring.
>not actual fans of Japanese media.
What do fans of "Japanese media" play
They play uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Tales of Phantasia.
Tales is dead.
Being a Trails fan is like teaching that one kid in class who you know is capable of being an easy A+ student. But for some reason he REFUSES to put in any of the effort to get anything above a C. B if he's in a good mood.
I feel like there's probably a good game and even story SOMEWHERE in that mess. Like if you were to get an editor to trim it down to two games you might have something.
I genuinely believe the first 5 games are some of the best JRPGs of all time. It's only the Cold Steel games and beyond that fail to measure up.
You need to play more JRPGs.
I enjoyed Kevin. He has a cheerful exterior but is consumed by guilt over accidentally killing his adopted sister-mom. It's nothing groundbreaking, but he's more interesting than the average JRPG protagonist.
The first 5 games are great, but Cold Steel and onwards is when they really hit their stride. CS and onwards consists of the greatest games ever made.
What would you recommend? I enjoyed Skies of Arcadia and Chrono Trigger. None of the Final Fantasy games really impressed me.
Grandia and the Lunars might be up your alley if you liked Skies. Wild Arms 1-3. Suikoden does the shared world/ore thing but way better.
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Kiseki is the Ultimate JP-KINO
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No he doesn't. These games are absolutely exceptional within their genre and even Cold Steel is monstrously superior to Suikoden. (And has not only outlived it, but also outlived its spiritual successor) So going off >>3533572 I don't think you played these games at all.
Fucking LOL you're delusional
Suikoden has so many characters and not a single one of them are interesting or well written. With Skies of Arcadia we have a smaller world with NPCs we can keep returning to that react to what's happening and grow, in addition to a world that's fun to explore with pretty decently designed secrets, so its not surprising someone who likes trails would enjoy it, and Suikoden is definitely not that, as Suikoden has some of the most boring maps ever. Trails also has more interesting character customization and combat, like significantly better. A lot of these old games are praised because retards had nothing to play, but I don't see suikoden topping out a list of anyone's favorites these days, so I reckon you might be the delusional one here.
Low effort, low quality, low budget series of games with endless padding split into multiple parts using the same assets to wring its fanbase for as much profit as possible. The writing is pathetically juvenile and the gameplay systems are mind numbing. It has an extremely vocal community despite being a niche series with a tiny fanbase.
>It has an extremely vocal community despite being a niche series with a tiny fanbase.
You could say that about JRPGs in general.
No, Falcom's rabid dogs stand out among them.
Not like this.
It's not even Falcom. It's Trailsfaggots.
Trails faggots even piss of fans of other Falcom games. Trying to get any conversation anywhere about general falcom is a bitch in a half when you're flooded with OMG FIE!!!
"Falcom"fags act like you aren't allowed to like Trails even though Falcom literally makes the games. They just have an inferiority complex just because people talk about Trails more than they talk about every other Falcom game and that's the only reason.
>mfw I’ve never played a falcom game before
Yeah cry more than no one gives a fuck about Rinne or whatever. Won't stop people from liking Trails (which is a Falcom game by the way).
I have no idea who or what Rinne is, anon. That was my first post in this thread.
Several few games are actually great. After that, well, they nailed the atmosphere, so it's just fun to be in that world.
Some trails games are actually worse if you replay them and don't get me started on how terrible Kuro 2 was. I don't need a 2nd playthrough to know Kuro 2 was dogshit.
Well shit
I still haven't played Reverie. I'm not buying Daybreak 1. Just give me a date for Nordics and then be quite unless the next words out of your mouth are something related to Brandish.
They already confirmed their next game is Tokyo Xanadu 2.
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I am ambivalent to TX.
Why Brandish? That's not a good game.
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>Tokyo Xanadu 2.
Literally what fucking conceived this abominable corruption of Xanadu? Did people not like Next hard enough?
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Next was a piece of crap release on the N-gage. Don't pretend like you're superior over anyone.
Who the fuck cares, the game is good and it's on PC
>new Tokyo Xanadu
>new Kisekis
>new Ys
Falcom-GODS...We Won
They actually have 10 projects in total planned
I did not know this desu, that's good news. But I expect that it will take a while considering how small the team is there

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