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Starting with an obvious one
The fact that every time he tries to give you some smarmy smug ass pseudo intelligent babble you get speech options to shut him down and make him look stupid and that he gives you access to the coolest armor in the game means he ain't so bad, imo.

You could've picked so many worse companions from that game alone.
The brotherhood of steel dyke is worse.
>no romance with anyone
Soulless game lacking in humanity
So are F1, F2, and F3 also soulless because they have the same thing. Only F4 has every companion be a bisexual that you can pound.
Yeah, don't bother putting any effort in companions unless you make them poundable. It's like half of what makes them human.
>Dude Nietzsche lmao
Kreia is a qt. Only hag I like.
Handmaiden's the worst party member in Kotor.
All of them in baldurs gate.

I want to make Kreia proud and turn her in to my big spoon. While she berates me with a smile on her face.
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I am once again posting Qara is a "worst RPG companions" thread.
All of them written by one man... Chris Avellone
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Arcade Gannon was written as a self insert by Josh Sawyer
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Speaking of which
Veronica a cute.
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FYI to the unfamiliar >>3521746 is a pretentious shitpost. Alex YiiK's character's based off some douche acquaintance the dev knew.
The dev himself looks like an average dork.
He said it's not
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Hot take: I actually don't think she's that bad. Sure she's a brat with room-temperature IQ but the writing is actually aware of this and all the other characters treat her exactly the way such a stupid person would get treated IRL. That level of realism is refreshing.
Still choose Sand over her every playthrough tho.
Pic related is the actual worst character from NWN2
>Deep shit n stuff the bear and the bull courier, ahhhh I meant the dark and the light side of the force exile.

Not once in all those years did she make it past Thelos before rambling about in her quarters alone on the Not-Millenium-Falcon for the complete rest of the trip.
As Jedi she is way too manipulative to be a good master, as Sith she is an old hag constantly getting in the way in the most stupid ways.
The only way to not be annoyed by her ist roleplaying a grey fag who has the personality of a doormat. Shr isnt Darth Traya shes Darth Reddit.
Funny you say that, I almost posted Ulysses except he's technically not a companion.
I fucking hate how Avellone always has to write in some shitty self-insert character to go on long soliloquies about his retarded existentialist interpretation of whatever setting the game happens to take place in. I want to steal that faggot's collection of Sartre books and beat him over the head with them.
But isn't pic rel an autistic elf that's been stalking you since you were a kid?

I don't know, I could never get far in to NWNII. Something about the art direction and control layout was just very off putting. Might have to try again some day.
Yes it is, those are some of the reasons she is the worst (on top of being an annoying preachy retard)
>I could never get far in to NWNII. Something about the art direction and control layout was just very off putting
Yes, the UI and controls are basically ass and they've only gotten worse with age. By far the biggest barrier to enjoying this game.
It's still a guilty pleasure of mine though. You might have fun with it if you give it a chance, the campaign is pretty comfy although I will warn you it basically falls apart into a buggy mess in the final chapter and the ending sucks. You have to play the first expansion pack to get proper closure.
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If Gannon was a reddit basedboy, what does that make this fucking dork
Carth is the reddit basedboy's attempt at writing a tough guy military leader. Pretty pathetic honestly.
The banter where he btfo's Canderous is alright tho
he gives you cool armor
what you said
It's more that I cannot tolerate listening to all of her whining and posturing that it is about her being unrealistic. There are plenty of other bitchy rpg companions out there, some of which I don't mind at all, but there's something about her specifically that really grates on me. The only other character off the top of my head that comes close to how annoying she is is Sera
How is sand so based. Fuck I love having him on the team.
The depressed dwarf in PF:K
>Whiny, obnoxious and depressive voice and character.
>Bad stat distrubution even for a premade character.
>Can't tank for shit because game mechanics demands AC scores only Valerie can reach if you want to wear armour.
>Heals really poorly because he doesn't have healing channeling.
Also his fucking story is also boring "I'm here to destroy everything because I'm sad lol". I guess if you really hate the Dwarven rebuilder pioneer taking back their ruins troupe, this is somehow a fresh take?
Most characters in PF:K are uninteresting but he's the worst of them.
All of the companions to come out in the new dragon age
Maybe Nyoka from the outer worlds but there are so many terrible options from that game. Regongar is boring as fuck but prob not as bad as Harrim.
I can't believe this guy became Shazam
>I am very smart, probably smarter than most people.
>Makes Reddit tier rant about how much of a chud Caesar is right outside his tent.

Shut the fuck up Gannon.
Isnt nw2 kinda of a cuck thing,i remember your main interest dying and you getting a new one in the better dlc.
I don't see how your love interest dying makes you a cuck?
Unless you mean she becomes a cuck from beyond the grave when you romance the other girl, which I guess is technically true
He doesnt give you access to the Divide for Riot Gear

Yes. You have to actually dig into Arcades dialogue to find out he smokes pole and he mentions in maybe two lines of dialogue ever. Veroncia wont shut up about being gay even if shes just the VA playing herself
They just took Zarathustra and made him into an old woman.
Yea i meant your gf gets cucked.
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>*0 stamina after 30 seconds of combat*
>*mandatory warrior party member for a dungeon crawl in a game with zillion warriors*
>but really warden im so lonely ;_;
>Has a plasma defender and will obliterate everything in the process
All the other companions require equipment investment. Arcade just destroys things out the box for free.
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He can also equip power armor
Well that means your character is the bull, which is based and alpha
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>pretentious shitpost
It's a shitpost and it's wrong, but what's pretentious about it?
There are a lot of girls you can fuck in NV, you just can't fuck any of the companions.
Ellie is worse. Max is the only half-decent companion from that game.
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>t. I wanted to fuck Cass

There is no need for any romance when you have Red Lucy. She submits to the strongest warrior and actually truly respects you for being an ungodly killing machine. And she's hot.
I felt like that but he grew on me. He's like a weird uncle. I find Octavia to be more insufferable though I don't outright hate anyone from KM.
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Worst in terms of being badly written or in how much I hate him? Because the one I hate the most is Anders from Dragon Age 2 but he's far from the worst written rog companion I've ever seen. That one would be Cole from Inquisition.
>edgy rogue with a unique ability that they wrote into the lore just for him
>he's a spirit that possessed the body of a boy to keep him company as the boy starved to death or some shit
>spirit of compassion that is now an edgy knife guy because it's... le cool
>unique never before mentioned or established in any way in the lore ability to make people forget him and of course it's never mentioned even as an idea to have him assassinate anyone
>he also has the ability to say words to you that instantly make your bad feelings go away
>ebin cryptic speech that is actually references to literally every other franchise in existence
The choice of whether he should embrace human nature or remain detached as a spirit was interesting though, I'll give him that.
Kek Oghren is so based that even when you try to make fun of him you only make him even more endearing.
Honestly as mating rituals go this was hot as fuck. Having to go through a pack of rabid giant deathclaws just to pump her full of semen is completely worth it.
She's a watered down Red Sonja but even that is more based than most romance options in video games.
I have never and will not ever play as a female character but I am curious. Do women get some kind of character to fuck them like Red Lucy and that blonde chick from vault 21?
Is it stockholm syndrome if i kinda ended up liking ian and tycho?I managed to have them until mariposa and there i asked them to wait outside.
All Fallout 3 companions.
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Arcade is such an annoying, faggy character that I prefer the bland non-character companions of 3 to him.
If Arcade Ganon was in Fallout 3, I wouldn't use him.
Veronica is a bit annoying, but is still sweet and nice

Hot take: I think 4 did companions better than New Vegas.
In New Vegas, even though every companion character is very well developed, they are fully realized people in their game world, most of them aren't fun. Many are pretty damn annoying even.
Fallout 4, while is has some bad companions, the rest of them are fun first and people second, which makes them more enjoyable to tag around with.
Butch and Fawkes are decent enough characters, and ones with an actual reason to tag around with the main character, which is unusual for Fallout companions.
Charon is alright, a tough no nonsense ghoul, though he doesn't have much of a character.
Don't forget the part were he autistically charms the bard lady who sings retarded songs about the cast.
I honestly like the Fallout 3 companions more than the new vegas ones.
The new vegas ones all seem like insane selfish assholes with how they involve you in their shit. Especially veronica. Absolutely insane the demands she thinks she can make of you.
I just get annoyed by new vegas now.
>seething about Gannon when Veronica, Cass, and Boone are in the same game
Shit taste.

>meme-tier relationship bars + ANOTHER SETTLEMENT NEEDS YOUR HELP + more insistent flirting than release BG3 + horrendously written and completely on-rails companion quests are better than semi-hidden companion quests with multiple outcomes
Even worse taste.
Boone is based, you're a faggot
>verification not required
>Absolutely insane the demands she thinks she can make of you.
Like what? She wants you to go to the bos bunker with her, and then get some cool tech afterwards. What is so insane about that?
Parodies are usually more charming than their subjects.
>Hot take: I think 4 did companions better than New Vegas.
>In New Vegas, even though every companion character is very well developed, they are fully realized people in their game world, most of them aren't fun. Many are pretty damn annoying even.
>Fallout 4, while is has some bad companions, the rest of them are fun first and people second, which makes them more enjoyable to tag around with.

I'll agree.
Raul's smug snarkiness gets more than a little obnoxious after the twenty-third time he's mocked your "brilliant leadership, boss" and a tragic backstory doesn't make it tolerable because everyone suffers in Post-Apocalyptia.
Veronica is basically the designated waifu, but she's LESBIANS GIGGLESQUEE right out of mid-00's fanfiction.net, which while more tolerable than what we have now, is still annoying as fuck.
They tried too hard to make Cass the primordial Girlboss, but being primordial it means she still actually has some character that isn't just "Step aside BOYS"
Rex is the standard Fallout Dog companion, can't complain about him.
ED-E was a nothing in the main game (not bad or good, just there. Good via dependability I guess), but is the only saving grace of Lonesome Road, and it's amazing how much character they gave to a radio with a gun.
Boone is Coldsteel the Hedgehog, basically a Gary Stu but with suffering instead of love. Sure he has his reasons for being like that, and having him pop Jeanie-Mae's dome is the highlight of New Vegas, but the stoic act gets really fucking old really fucking fast.
Lily is hands-down the best companion in terms of story and personality.

Arcade works as a nice mirror to Caesar. Arcade pulls pseudo-intellectualism in an attempt to be aloof to the nature of the world. Caesar pulls it to be aloof to the fact that he's a bloviating faggot. Being a smug nerd is more tolerable than being a smug cunt like Raul, a beige brick like Boone, Foam Adventure with Veronica, and CASS DRINKS WHISKEY L O L
Clover is literally perfect
I almost want to say every arcanum companion is dogshit, heh, compared to the dog with unbreakable teeth, but that seems a bit harsh.
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>Ganon is better than Boone
I think you're cool. Wanna take a walk around the dinosaur?
I don't like them at all. Paladin Danse felt like my best friend, then he tried to flirt with me. I was so confused. Every single companion is gay unless modded. It's not even like the player has to railroad it like in Mass Effect. The companions always ask something like, "What do you think about our relationship?". HUH? You wanna suck my dick, Danse? You want to bend me over, Danse? What bro?

So I killed him.
I understand your words, but disagree with the conclusion.
I think Qara's personality, no matter how well written, raises the fundamental question of "why is she a companion?" She's so unreliable, bitchy and redundant.
Elanee doesn't have this Ludonarrative dissonance. She's useful, provides a plot & combat role (combat is part of the plot!) and then gets revealed as a weird swamp creeper.

That's not your main love interest, or even one at all. She's just a very relatable character that people WANTED to be romanceable. IIRC there's only 2 romances and they both live (Elanee is one of them)
>weird swamp creeper
Based and realistic elf
Well I don't know what you have against gay people, the reason all the companions in 4 are bisexual is that made it easier to program and meant the player wasn't restricted based on which sex they were playing as.

But it is stupid that if you don't romance a companion, they'll repeat their final affinity chat over and over until you romance them. Like that's dumb as hell, I get Bethesda was afraid people would miss out on content, but isn't that the point of an RPG? The player chooses and those choices make different things available to them or not?
>meme-tier relationship bars
While memeworthy, those affinity bars made companion progression natural a part of basic gameplay. Previous games either didn't have companion quests, or - like New Vegas - had companion quests be arbitrarily tied to minutia a player is unlikely to figure out or uncover on their own (plus they break all the time) it was an unorganic inclusion of companion progression which was a poor system.
Fallout 4 made it natural and not buggy, and while exploitable, certainly some mixture of the two methods would be best, it was more intuitive and better in 4 than New Vegas.
Unrelated. The radiant quests aren't connected to any companion. Outside of maybe Preston, but he sucks so don't travel with him.
>more insistent flirting than release BG3
The player is the one flirting, while some lines may come across as flirting by the companions, that only goes anywhere should the player opt to pick the romance dialogue options.
>horrendously written and completely on-rails companion quests are better than semi-hidden companion quests with multiple outcomes
Fallout 4 does have poor quest design, I don't like how linear most quests are in that game, including the companion quests, but yes. The companion quests in 4 are better than New Vegas.
I mean with Raul you can insult him, do nothing he likes, only have him for like one day, but if you talk to three old guys he spills his heart. Arcade's whole relevance is locked behind progression for a certain ending and a bunch of esoteric bullshit.
This isn't even mentioning how buggy they are.

The only good companion questline in New Vegas is Boone's because his is naturally built into game progression. If a player plays with Boone they are going to kill legionaries, and his quest is tied to that.
Its bethesda laziness but easily avoided or dealt with. I dont think most people had a panic attack if it happened to them.
Quara is one of the most powerful companions in the game purely by virtue of being a sorceress, at least provided you pick good spells every level up. and she's the only pure arcane spellcaster in all of chapter one. You're out of your mind to think she doesn't have a combat role. Tbh she is way more powerful than Elanee,
As far as role in the plot goes, yeah you've got a point (honestly at least half the companions in NWN2 are completely redundant to the overall story.) It's worth noting though that Qara has significant amounts of cut content.
I literally can't mentally picture any of these people
Arcade's is troublesome in terms of points, sure, but I'm pretty sure the only plot that doesn't let you trigger it is the Legion's (which nobody plays)
the game fucking sucked so probably best you don't remember it. Avowed is going to be just as bad.
Funny, this is the only Kingmaker companion that I liked.
He's a classic Fighter/Cleric dwarf, from classic times. Also his quest is good.
Game itself suck tho.
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This poster is unironically a tranny.
Dont even try to read mod comments on Nexus with this character. Troons literally complain all the time how much Chud he is and how much he harass women
It's not "trannies". There's a fuckload of women into Dragon Age for bizarre reasons, and as women, Og gives them massive amounts of seethe.
Everyone can... except Lily, Ed-E and Rex I guess.
But only Veronica will wear the easily acquired Brotherhood of Steel armor, and only Boone and Cass will wear the stripped down NCR armor.

But if you and your companion aren't running around in veteran ranger/riot armor, I don't know what you're doing.
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My Mr. House Courier runs around in The King's suit followed by his mysterious cowboy ghoul bodyguard that is until he killed him because he was complaining too much
My Legion Courier is accompanied by Lili because he actually has a big heart
Just leave companions in their default getup with their personal weapon
show him without the mask
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I haven't any pictures of him but most of my guys always look the same
Hes weak as a companion and as a man, the best thing he could do for everyone else around him is sacrifice himself for their benefit so he no longer darkens their doorsteep with his junkie logic and rape based comedy routine.
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sounds perfect for a VIDEOGAME
He actually is desu, hes fun to hate and the game serves him up a lot of misery. He's at peak moid in the fucking deep roads though; takes up a full party slot so I have to leave at least 2 of the significantly more capable women behind, purportedly hs stinks of actual shit and piss, playfully threatens to rape his betters, whines about his wife leaving his unwiped ass for a curvy short gf and ultimately even after he farts his way into a family around awakening he manages to fuck that up too through sheer lack of emotional discipline and empathy. He's trash in battle without a snappy respec, by the time I hit the deep roads sten is already the superior warrior (and man) even in vanilla let alone if I mod him a default specialization. I dont think any of the dao companions are badly written and im not saying he needed a rewrite because you every option to cut his nuts off with words and deeds, but he is by *far* the most annoying and would have contributed the least if my fucking dog wasnt in the running and hes a damn good boy.

Parsheera, we will speak no more of this stinky rapist.
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there's only so many ways to make a not ugly FNV character
When did live action King Koopa get a video game?
But when they look good they do look damn great
>The only way to not be annoyed by her ist roleplaying a grey fag who has the personality of a doormat
Yeah but when you do that she hates you for just mindlessly obeying her.
The only actual way to get Kreia's approval was to kick her off your ship and then just fly off and do what you want, completely ignoring the storyline.
You get compainions affinty up by just fighting and traveling with them. Oh sure you gain MORE affinity by getting into and out of power armor or max it out by fast traveling naked butits usually just a matter of spending 2 hours shooting raiders then they fall in love with you
You guys misinterpreted her character so bad
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Youre just a hater
>The only actual way to get Kreia's approval was to kick her off your ship and then just fly off and do what you want, completely ignoring the storyline.
Based, I’m gonna replay the game as a space paladin and do this. I haven’t played kotor2 since 2004 or whenever it came out
>The only actual way to get Kreia's approval
Why do faggots think the goal of a ROLEPLAYING game is to try and get the approval of all your companions, hell that's exactly the kind of thing Kreia is bitching about.
Probably Steve Blum's worst VA effort desu
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These two and their stupid fucking robot.
Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all had such great chemistry with each other and were a perfect trio but then the game dumps three more main characters before the final arc. I get that they had to move the plot forward to bring the Netherworld in conflict with Earth and Celestia somehow but these characters didn't add much in terms of story and gameplay.
In any other Disgaea game I would excuse this stupid bullshit since that is what the series is known for but Disgaea 1 actually had a good story and the classic Disgaea sillyness ends up detracting from it a bit.
What's wrong with her? Beside the thing I can already see from the portrait, to which I'll say "would".
Not him but her battle lines get grating very quickly. She's a bit pretentious but none of the BG1 NPCs have a character deep enough for their actual personalities to be annoying (except Skie, god dammit Skie shut the fuck up).
The point is playing a cuck who just bears the constant annoyance and munches the crust of her ancient cunt anyway because of the usual redditors inherent drive to follow orders given by whoever acts the most cluster b.
Obviously just ignoring chris is always the top option.

>Oh its just 2deep4u maaan my philosophy professor told me duuude.

Your characters suck, Chris.
no way you got outplayed by a starsy warsy game
Honestly I don't like to have companions in FNV and Bethesda games. Companions are nice in isometric tactical rpgs, but in these first-person action rpgs I feel like they just rob me out of gameplay by stealing my kills and just get in a way. I just go without any companions in that games. With the exception of dog because I don't really count him as companion.
This nasty fuck. Can you believe I actually wanted him to be a companion when I played early access? Only because Larian swore up and down that the companions we had in EA were our evil aligned companions and that they had the good characters saved for the final game(they lied. the companions in EA were the only fully fleshed out ones with a completed story, excluding wyll who they rewrote into a more boring companion who's now like the other half of the companions with no fully completed story) First they hinted that Halsin was poly, which was a turn off since he's essentially a whore, then once the game finally came out, we find out that the new content they added for his new companion role was him only wanting to bone your character, and you can't even deny him joining your party. The writer of Halsin pushes that all the other companions find him hot which is so cringy. Halsin is obviously a writer's self insert, so now when I look at him I see an ugly old man who wants to fuck. I was debating on putting Sera from dragonage in this thread but the game at least allows you to turn her away, you don't get this leisure when it comes to Halsin's nasty ass.
>Only because Larian swore up and down that the companions we had in EA were our evil aligned companions and that they had the good characters saved for the final game(they lied
Did they? I remember the lie going around bit couldn't trace it back to Larian. Wasn't it made up by a coping fanboy?
Of course, I got you anon.

>“There’s been a group of people complaining about the fact that the companions are snarky and they have to have an opinion. But we’ve only put the ‘evil’ and the ‘neutral’ ones out there. We haven’t put any of the ‘good’ characters in yet, so I think that will balance that.” - Swen Vincke

>This was back in 2020.

>They’ve stated a couple times that they purposefully put the “evil” and “neutral” companions in EA to encourage players to roleplay morally grey and evil choices, as evil options tend to be much less popular overall with players
>him only wanting to bone your character, and you can't even deny him joining your party.
I have had multiple anons deny that this is true, too. Lol
Raul is one of the best companions in all video games so it balances out.
I like trawling caves with comedybros, there’s actually quite a lot of comedic companions in Elder Scrolls at least.
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>meet the new EE character in the tavern
>he tells me to fuck off and don't bother him because he can easily kill me
>attack him anyway because that's what my barbarian would do
>he dies in one hit despite my character being level 1
It's unfair for me to call him the worst companion since he didn't get to be my companion, but I found it funny and I get a nice sword from him. He does seem like edgelord type, the kind made by teenager.
Still has more depth than minsc and is less annoying
Thats why im ok with dorn desu. Everyone in baldurs Gate especially bg1 feels like a character id find in my high school games club. Its part of the charm. Dorn sort of works because I can literally envision the kid who used to play these characters. Even if he was obnoxious at the time ("hey anon heres my character for the next campaign. Its another assassin named jericho. He killed his parents.") its still super nostalgic to me and fits the vibe. Where he gets tripped up is all the extra content and voice work, blegh. I get the impulse really. But they would have gotten a LOT further with Dorn if they didnt overwrite him. As an edgy lusty orc blackguard hes absolutely on point, as a tragic character he should be punted into dragon age.
I cannot believe how shitty the EE companions are, without fail.
The BG1 companions were all old tabletop characters the devs played in various campaigns. That’s why there’s so many, they’re intended to be replaceable once killed
I didnt know they were actual characters, but thats very cool. I wish they took that attitude to the EE characters. I can fucking hear that guy saying dorn's lines now, getting all flustered when we'd cringe. I need to get a new irl game going its been too long fuck
I liked to have an archer companion in Skyrim. Never got in the way, but it was cool to have an enemy just about to drop their axe on you suddenly killed by an arrow.
Almost every companion in that game is likeable to some degree, Halsin, however, just makes me want to blow my brains out. The worst part for me is that a Druid character can be such a massive fucking degenerate to have engaged in bestiality, it feels incredibly off-putting.
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It really annoys me that he's the only companion you can possibly turn into a healer.
I should start saying this in real life
I thought gay people like you loved stinky unwashed rapists and people the size of children. Why the sudden aggro?
Sand's hands typed this out
Fallout 3 had the best companions. Jericho was amazing. Rapist with fantastic dialogue.
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True and it gets even more based when you remember rape is not even illegal in Fallout 3, if anything rape is almost encouraged because rape helps prevent population decline. So if you actually analyze the facts Jericho literally did nothing wrong
Booner is twice as strong
Old Ben, Freeside's top chad except for The King himself. Also FISTO the sex robot
That is fine but I expected Veronica to suck my nuts and eat my farts after we procured her tech. She's rude and ungrateful
How did you get The King's outfit? I always assumed he was unkillable like the Yesman so that can't be looted off his corpse right?
Yesman is the only unkillable npc (other than kids) in NV.
>Jewish grandma
She's fun as fuck if you take her as what she is: a miserable old woman
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>current year + 10
>anons still seething about Kreia
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20 years and she still makes us sneed.
>perhaps you were expecting some surprise. You have failed me. Completely and utterly.

Or perhaps the blind one who tells you in the beginning of the game who the big bad is. Who fucked up the planet that you are blamed for fucking up. But when it’s time to explain yourself to your old masters - NOOO. Just pretend the blind one isn’t around you and told you nothing. Fucking useless. Can’t even shag her properly. Just meditate and look at colors lmao
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Let me drink those space republic tears. I get thirsty on Tatooine.
>can't possibly imagine what happens between a man and a woman who form a romantic connection
>have to be shown a sex scene to know
I sincerely hope you have never used the words "nuance" and "subtlety".
You reverse pickpocket any clothing item with higher DT (which is 5 as I remember)
So just give him some heavy armor which he will instantly wear, then pickpocket his suit
*shoves massive silver cross into its ass and watch it disintegrate from the inside out*
Do crosses work on Forgotten Realms vampires? I'm genuine asking because without connection to Christianity I don't see why they should work.
Iirc Earth as we know it exists canonically. So, it's only a matter of whether the god of Christianity exists and and if yes how do crosses work. Are they blessed objects for everyone to use or is it some kind of spell that a cleric could do?
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How do I romance FNV Veronica if I roleplay as a straight male courier? I assume first I install voice acted coomer romance mods from Nexus. But how to I activate these mods as a male? Is there a console command I can use to change my character's sex to female anytime immediately before I speak to Veronica, and then immediately use console commands to change my courier back into a male whenever I'm done interacting with Veronica? Or is there any way to romance her as a male without the hassle of inputting constant console commands? Like are there any good mods that just make Veronica straight so I can bang her? I feel like she would be a great follower but the problem is she's a lesbian which pisses me off
>Do crosses work on Forgotten Realms vampires?
Delete this post, anti-Semite
Even tho no one played Tyranny it doesn't excuse this level of cringe
Don't she roll over and show you her belly as a sign of submission or something like that? I think I saw screenshot of it around when Tyranny came up.
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I think all companions in Jade Empire are pretty bland, but Sky has to be the winner. It's just a generic good guy and after the initial quest where you meet him for the first time and help him take revenge on pirates for for killing his daughter (or maybe it was his wife? I don't quite remember) he has nothing going on. It feels like Bioware added him because they needed a male romancable companion.
Just posting to defend the honour of Henpecked Hou, Black Whirlwind, Wild Flower, Kang the Mad, and Death's Hand. Those were nice characters. It's the romanceable ones that are bland like Sky and Dawn Star.
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Whoops, wrong image.
shit taste, off yourself. veronica is a cutie.
>veronica is a cutie
We agree, but as far as RPG followers go? She's shit. Why is she shit? Scribe Santalego would be 100 times as agreeable, recruitable, wholesome and based if the fucking game let male couriers do romance side quests with her. But hey that's just my personal hot take as an anonymous RPG expert so wtf would I know about creating perfect RPG squaddie Lores? But. If my toon is built to 9 CHA Fallout New Vegas literally RAPES ANY AND ALL sense of the player's immersion when Veronica isn't scripted to make subtle quips suggesting deep down she wishes the Courier would just step up to the plate pass a clever level 92 speechcraft check to cure her gayness with our chadness by triggering a romance plotline

I dare anybody ITT to debunk the validity of my objection. Please explain, how does Veronica being gay improve FNV's meta exactly? I'm waiting
It's a moot point. Josh Sawyer wouldn't allow it.
Are you the Mass Effect lorechad?
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>without connection to Christianity I don't see why they should work.
vampires evolved from pre historic folk tales about disease. The connection to christianity is modern
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
Aright I admit. These companions are fun. They aren't complex and get into one gimmick too much (Henpecked Hou's monstrous wife, Black Whirlwind's murder-hoboness) but they're fun and often that's all your need from companion. I think I like Black Whirlwind the most. Funnily initially I thought he's the second male romancable companion. Still think it would be a more interesting option than Sky.
>entire personality is one joke
>worst sidequest in the game
>shoehorned into a shit specialization without mods
>fails to be interesting at every opportunity
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> shit HP/Defense Score
> has taunt as a special ability but doesn’t have enough evasion to dodge aggro enemies
> doesn’t do enough damage to be a glass cannon
> terrible compared to bow with Hunting
> no magic (at least at level 10)

Oldfags(or anyone playing BOF2 on the SNES VC) what am I getting wrong about Katt or is she just terrible at the beginning of the game?
no that means your character is the thot, the other girl is the BVLL
for me it was Ebb because i killed the furry right away
>Excuse me, sir? I noticed how you travel with a pack of elite level 100 guard dogs in your party who always accompany you 24/7 everywhere you travel, and how you seem to have a bizzare personality type consisting of a peculiar combo of traits from almost every RPG hero. Why do you act like an RPG protag irl? Are you that chad from 4chan's /vrpg/? Don't be coy, your million dollar mustache combined with the shirt you have equipped are a dead give-away, not to mention you say nigger a lot more than the average white American chad. Is it really you?
Yes I am. Of course it'd be funnier if somebody randomly asked me the exact same question irl at a bar or shopping mall or etc and phrased the question in a funnier fashion too tho
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not an rpg but... you're in my spot.
oopsy wrong pic
theres an entire whorehouse area where you can fuck everyone even beaner gigolos and old ladies
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HK-47 is the most based companion in the game, probably the wisest droid ever constructed too even. However from an ingame combat point of view? He's the worst guy. Why the hell would he start with such a high strength stat if the game won't allow him to equip melee weapons?
>Why the hell would he start with such a high strength stat if the game won't allow him to equip melee weapons?
The extra strength comes as an added bonus of being sentient metal. The moment you understand the weakness of flesh, it will disgust you. You will crave the strength and certainty of steel. Meatbag.
In that case, why not have HK-47 start with 50 strength, why only 16 strength?
He's holding himself back. Verbal mockery is sufficient. Besides, guns are better than punches so why try to impress meatbags in a way that is unimportant?
>guns are better than punches
Usually, but not always. The perfect assassin droid should be able to kill efficiently with ANY household object in the galaxy so HK47 should be the programmed ultimate melee master kinda like the Jackie Chan of droids you would NOT want to fight HK-47 in a hardware store for example... Is there an option in the cheat menu to let him go unarmed and melee mode at least? A feat I can grant him maybe? I remember there being a feat you can grant Big Z and Mission Vao use lightsabers in the cheat menu but I forget which feat rn
I hated using him in combat as he was very easily the weakest one. However I loved the character so much that I kept him around constantly regardless.
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Why did FNV have so many insufferable companions?
he keep shooting me in teh back why.
Also dogmeat killed himself by running into a laser door.
She's the best companion in this pile of shit campaign
The only one who calls out everybody else for being absolute fucking retards and the plot for not making any goddamn sense, and she's right on both accounts
The gnome, the boring elf mage, the boring elf druid, the paladin are all way worse and you're forced to interact with all of them
Replaying New vegas recently i had the though that Red lucy is a very mod-like character that ended up in the actual game
You are in my way sir
boone > arcadia >>> cass >> raul > veronica > lily is the objective nv tier list also EDE > rex for the nonhuman
I hate having to do her whole fucking pentalogy fetch quests to get her unique shotgun. I wish I could just kill her for it and loot it from her corpse. Doing all those MMO-tier fetch quests for her "romance" and a shotgun that is outclassed by the time you actually get it is one of the biggest letdowns in FNV. Maybe if she didn't have a potato face like every other FNV NPC and actually looked hot it would probably be a bit more worth it, but modding FNV to make people look like supermodels doesn't feel right.
I think the mindset behind the companions in New Vegas was to make them very realistic, fleshed-out, believable people.
Which means, like with real people, they aren't going to be liked by everyone.

Fallout 4 generally has a better roster of companions since the main focus was to make every companion fun and likeable, rather than realism or complexity.
>ctrl+f "jaheira"
>0 results
retroactively dethroned by Neera and various other EE additions
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Based companions can save or ruin an RPG. Take the King for example. Why wasn't he a vanilla companion? Why do we have to use mods to recruit the King of based as our follower? Are there even any decent mods for the King as a recruit? Honestly if I were on the New Vegas dev team and I legitimately was tasked with making the game twice as based, I could do so with one simple stroke. At the end of the quest G.I. Blues, when the King promises the courier one favor you get an extra dialogue option:

>Follow me around as my bodyguard for awhile. NOBODY in the wastes is retarded enough to dare fuck with me if the King himself is watching my six

you recruit him as an OP follower his elite powerlevel compensated for by after dismissing him you can't recruit him again. 3 times stronger than Booner at ranged with his Assault Carbine, 4 times stronger than scribe Veronica at unarmed with his Displacer Glove. having him in your party raises your CHA to 10 and doubles speech/barter I.E. you can pass the Lanius check at 50 speech

shitty Lore design that Arcade is a follower while the King is not imo

>I hate having to do her whole fucking pentalogy fetch quests!
You are playing the wrong RPG. You roleplay as a courier, he got into the delivery business because he loves doing fetch quests. The first step to fixing FNV is to mod in at least 10 times as many fetch quest missions that you can use for filler inbetween actual missions so one can truly experiance the thrilling meta of being a courier slumming inumerable miles across a 120 degree wasteland wishing for a nuclear winter as you deliver everybody's mail I.E. if fetch quests are not your cup of tea, FNV Lore is just not for you anon

>wish I could just kill her for it and loot it from her corpse!
You think shes as stupid as she looks? She keeps her best gun hidden in a top secret location so her hordes of adoring fans and simps don't conspire to murder her to loot it so they can use it to dominate Vegas
It's a simple formula
>Why does this companion fight alone?
>answer: mental trauma
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>The first step to fixing FNV is to mod in at least 10 times as many fetch quest missions
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Dragon Age: Inquisition is probably the worst I've seen. Not a single likeable character and they're all up their own ass making snarky comments every other minute.
I can't even imagine how bad the new game will be. Almost a Lovecraftian level of horror. Indescribable and will certainly make a few people go mad.
I mean they literally rewrote the entire story somewhere inbetween the EA and actual release. It wouldn't surprise me.
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swat 3 and 4 are timeless

up there with yo castlevanias and Zelda's yo
The new ones all look terrible. Inquisition at least had Blackwall, Cassandra, Varric, and based Vivienne.
Women are just trannies with no dicks (and therefore worse)
Turn Undead used to be a cleric class ability, but the last time I played a DnD game was two and a half versions ago.
>jolly paladin woman who just wants to have fun
>noblewoman who talks politely but is so obviously evil it comes off as a surprise twist when she doesn't betray the party right in act one
>brave and noble lizardman monk, and his ex the demon-worshiping cannibalistic spidercat fighter
>autistic witch girl with tragic backstory who's a vocal atheist in a literal war against Hell
>egomaniac hedonistic pervert who mastered healing magic just in case his S&M sessions went a bit too far
>ruthless military commander who will commit any atrocity for the slightest advantage but he's a fucking gnome
>fallen succubus
Everyone's personality is kind of a joke.
I agree that Nenio's joke isn't very good, though.
swat 2 let's you be the terrorist
She really was bad. It felt like they were aware she's bad, but pushed her anyway. I don't understand what the point of the beast people was at all. They can be removed from the game and nothing changes.
>noblewoman who talks politely but is so obviously evil it comes off as a surprise twist when she doesn't betray the party right in act one
I can fix her
>I can fix her
Tagline of the whole game
You can be fairly one-note and still be a likable and enjoyable companion. I like Daeran a lot, for instance. Nenio is just absolutely unbearable.
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It's not even funny how much Daeran loses from KC not romancing him.

His romance carries his entire character arc on its shoulders and actually makes you believe that he develops into his post Act 5 quest self.

All these layers, the bloody nihilism and desperation to escape in empty unfulfilling decadence until he kicks the bucket that run through his character, the importance of trust between him and KC, the growing attachment. All missing without romance. His personal quests are duller than dishwater without romance, he's essentially male Wenduag in that regard.
>sten is already the superior warrior (and man) even in vanilla let alone if I mod him
lmao nice cope tranny but modding a game to unfuck sten doesnt magically make him better or account for his 10 missing attribute points and missing racial bonus.

Oghren is by far the best origins warrior you get outside of Loghain for his innate ability to get Alistair to fuck off
Based supermutants killing two gay lesbians
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how about an entire game made up of the worst RPG companions imaginable
>Posts best line ever in most kino film ever
I take it you agree with everything I ever posted in that case
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I am the worst rpg companion. I never fail to let them down.

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