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Which FF do you recommend me to start
4 and 5
That will give a good baseline of what games you might like from there.
FFVI or FFVII. Then IV or V, followed by IX and VIII. Those six, IV through IX, are the best games and all feel somewhat similar (Active time battles, world maps with chocobos and airships, similar spells and abilities, etc.).

Depends on your tastes though, the first three games are great if you enjoy old school 8-bit RPGs. If that's the case you could always play in order.
Don't play FF man, it's the bethesdaslop of jrpgs. These are the worst games you can play.
This you? >>3519202
Don't answer that. We know it is.
ignore all other posts. this is the only relevant one. /thread.
FFIX is the peak before they start giving us voiced cutscenes shit.
2, 8, 13 trilogy or 15 as those are the best games in the series
excellent bait, please continue.
>Which FF do you recommend me to start
1: questionable choice
2: bad choice
3: questionable choice
4: good choice
5: good choice
6: questionable choice
7: good choice
8: questionable choice
9: good choice
10: questionable choice
11: bad choice
12: bad choice
13: bad choice
14: bad choice
15: bad choice
16: bad choice
6 is literally the only unique and decent FF. All the other ones are worse versions of other series.
Ultra shit taste.
1 or 7, depends on whether you want the 2d Pixel experience, or 3d semi-modern worldwide hit.
1-6 have their pros and cons with each installation, but they're always improving with each game, in story, gameplay, mechanics, and art.
7-10 they kinda figured out how things work and tried doing something radically different with each one, but all of them are good.
Past that they start getting iffy, unless you like MMOs, that one's supposed to be pretty good.
there has never been a good FF
maybe the mmo for social reasons
Wise post. I might say pass on 2, 3, or 9 as a first one, but that's just my opinion.
>Wise post.
Oh no, the samefagging schizo is back.
Stop projecting.
>hmm yes wise post, may I fondle your balls good sir
>im a big boy who posts on 4chins and that means i have to constantly be an obnoxious and rude edgelord who just spams “faggot” and “cunt” in every post instead of talking about things like a normal human being
You have to be 18 to post here.
seek a shrink
What are 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 like?
Weird, but interesting
Overrated. SNES retro callback but 4/5/6 are better
Kino, but bittersweet, because it was the undeniable end of the old games and the start of the moviegames. I stopped here.
MMO. Hard pass.
The only one I haven’t played that id consider playing
What console did you grow up on? 4&6 if SNES, otherwise start with 7. 4 is really basic and 6 is cool, but if you need graphics you won't like them.
Of all I've read, I think that I'll start playing with 4
Thanks for the recommendations
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4 is a great choice, hope you enjoy
Agreed. Emulate the SNES version.
6 is the best starting point imo

5, 6, 7, 9, 10 are worth playing
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7 is alarming similar to a modern movie game, 8 is an even worse version of it. 9 is like a homage to 5 and 6 but a worse version of them. 10 is just a retarded little kid game made for the kind of people who like kingdom hearts. 11 is a terrible mmo. 12 is a terrible single player mmo. 13 is a cinematic hallway simulator made to appeal to millennials who didn't have a father unironically as the cast as far as I remember it is mostly really annoying and quirky orphans, 14 is the worst mmo I have ever attempted to play in my entire life, didn't play any square enix product after that except the emerald beyond demo which was complete dogshit.
GBA version of 1.
Lightning Returns is an unironically good game. Shame it is dragged down by association with the first two games, which are meh and FFX-2 style mechanically good but story retarded, respectively.
>7 is alarming similar to a modern movie game
Because it is the game that created that niche and was refined/perfected by Parasite Eve 1.
>Because it is the game that created that niche
Why would you like that
Oh cool, so you can't name a single game those games are allegedly like. Neat
Uh what? I don't understand the question.
Just because something is imitated by others doesn't mean the original shares the weaknesses of the imitations.
>doesn't mean the original shares the weaknesses of the imitations.
It does though, the entire time I was replaying it all I could think was "wow feels just like I'm playing an even worse version of Sony movie games, I want to kill myself"
>Uh what? I don't understand the question.
I understand that you ate breakfast this morning, but, hypothetically, had you not eaten breakfast this morning, how then would you feel?
>tranime avatarfag suffers from suicidal ideation due to video games
Anon, please. Seek help. It's not too late.
6 or 10 if you like 4, 3 remake or 12 if you like 5.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. 5 is a break away revolution from the genericism of 3 and 4, directly building up the mechanics and game design structure leading into 6, 7 is a complete departure from everything 6 peaked in, which further degrades into 8 and completely regresses the formula with X, it's next closest neighbor being 13 which takes walking down hallways and watching a cutscene to the next level. 12 is for people dumb enough to play 11 and 14.
>5 is a break away revolution from the genericism of 3 and 4
5 expands on 3's job system. 12 turns jobs into player designed characters, creating probably the most rpgish final fantasy game to date. 4 was an exercise in storytelling and plot, with an emphasis on structured character traits and parties to contribute to the immersiveness of the narrative with the introduction of snes and the shift of ff4's development from nes to snes. ff6 takes ff5's job system and distills it into espers, but eliminates the restrictiveness and dynamism of the job system that creates the statistical progression from ff5. ff6 is also incredibly narrative and plot-heavy, and while offering a veiled job system also gives characters action traits, thereby combining the fundamental standout qualities from both ff4 and ff5. however, players who enjoy a job system will likely prefer the job system as as a decision tree more than an a la carte grind buffet.
>7 is a complete departure from everything 6 peaked in
7 is the same formula as 6 with the addition of higher resolution pre-rendered backgrounds and 3d models.
>it's next closest neighbor being 13 which takes walking down hallways and watching a cutscene to the next level.
i have some shocking news for you: literally every single player main line final fantasy game is a series of linear corridors with occasional intermissions. just because in 3d it looks like a series of hallways and in 2d it looks like a continent doesn't change its linearity.

you're just regurgitating 80iq takes, because you have a70iq and they seem big-brained to you lmfao
Don't start with 9. It's the best one and will ruin everything for you.
Hating a lot of things doesn't make you erudite or interesting.
4 is only generic viewed from 2024 after you burned out on isekai and rpgmaker apparently.
Playing 4 in its own era was amazing, and there was nothing else remotely like it.
I still look for games in which I can take an airship to the moon and there just isn't anything.
Mode 7 and simple parallax scroll dungeons were also stupifyingly awesome then when the comparison was overhead EGA and first VGA offerings on PC in simple tilesets.
Then there was the music which was also a huge leap, Dragoon, Summoner, Summons themselves etc.
>espers are the job system
Ehh, I ignored espers almost completely, they seemed pretty useless next to gau,mimic, the duplication moves spells and items, shadow eventual unhittable dodge taking and 9999 damage dog etc.
Like literally: what jobs? I never thought of 6 as a job game for a second, and never had the access to 5 that hipsters with roms had later.

Not to mention gau veldt glitches that let us duplicate bricks of 99 excaliburs for shadow to throw all the time and what not lol.
Can never go wrong with starting on IV/V/VI.
All three of these posts are retarded
If you still need advice after playing 4 and 5 consider ending your life.
If you're casual: GBA or Easy Type
If you seek challenge: SNES or NDS
If you want to enjoy FF4 to the fullest: PSP
>4 is only generic viewed from 2024
All games should be viewed from 2024. They don't get bonus points for being old. This was such a disgustingly ignorant remark I'm not gunna read the rest of your post.
1 ,5 or 6.
Don't start with the non-RPG like 15,16 and 4
Oh, so the game difficulty can vary depending on the version?
>not him
Okay Asmon.
Yup. Easy type is FF4 SNES but dumbed down difficulty and Zeromus' spritework is different from original due to a thing in the original sprite resembling a erected dick and PSP version is FF4 GBA + its sequel and an interlude connecting the two.
GBA version of 4 is pretty bad.
The Zeromus fight in particular has cringe graphics, the original is infinitely better.
>All games should be viewed from 2024. They don't get bonus points for being old.
Not that guy and I agree with you on that point, but overall your arguments are just as idiotic as his. "Genericism" lmao. You are 100% pseud and have nothing useful to say.
>SNES retro callback but 4/5/6 are better
>9 is like a homage to 5 and 6 but a worse version of them
FF9 is better than all of those combined, and not by a little, but by a HUGE margin.
We will have to politely disagree then, anon
Trying too hard.
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>Everything old sucks! This car doesn't even have a usb charger!
What the fuck am I reading and why didn't I beat the shit out of more young weebs before they turned into all of you.
Nine is great, but let's not get carried away there bubba.
>uses a word he thinks is correct grammar that doesn't exist
>can't figure out gambits
>"It's everyone else that's dumb, not me!"
haha classic mid trolling, you do it well
I just recently started on VI. VI is really good. I know all of the oldfags suck VI's dick like it's the second coming of your dad, but VI genuinely does live up to the hype. The gameplay isn't too impenetrable, even for a newcomer, the writing and presentation are very good despite the trademark trademark janky mid-90s translation, and the worldbuilding as far as I've seen so far is surprisingly solid.

The only problem is if you're expecting to be able to work with the job system that became a staple of the series you'll be disappointed. They were still working out the kinks at the time, and VI's solution was instead to give characters relics which would give them job abilities and limit what equipment each character can use based on character archetypes.
VI also has a few minor gripes when it comes to swapping equipment between characters, because characters need to be in your party for you to start fucking with their equipment, which if you're still figuring out what loadouts to give everybody might mean that you have to repeatedly swap characters in and out of the party in menus and shit.
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>I know all of the oldfags suck VI's dick like it's the second coming of your dad, but VI genuinely does live up to the hype
Told you (all the other games are shit)
>the writing and presentation are very good despite the trademark trademark janky mid-90s translation
No, you should be playing the PR, not the SNES Woolsey translation.
Oh damn, I didn't think to ask my roommate if he has the Pixel Remaster. I'll check when he gets home. I'm in a little too deep by now to switch, but it might be fun to compare the two anyway.
If you're like at the world of ruin don't bother, but PR has a better translation, better art, better music, you can turn encounters off which is huge for the endgame, and some other little QoL things. There's just no reason not to use it unless you're modding the original or speedrunning for some god forsaken reason.
FF1 is a good game. Go fucking play it.
No it ain't. Come on lol
That depends on the person, but in general? I think most people would appreciate FF7 the most. Otherwise there are going to be people who would much rather prefer 5, 6, 9, 10, and even 8. I've got a soft spot for 4 myself.
Yes it is you bitch
Good taste.
Bad taste.

FF1 is the last time final fantasy had a sense of adventure.
It's present in V
>a sense of adventure.
I hope you're kidding and not this big of a shit eater
XVI is good and I'm tired of pretending it isnt
I guess so to a lesser extent. I concede. I just love creating a party and hitting the world. Artifact adventure has a similar feel for something more recent.
Get some taste.
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6 is my absolute favorite
4 is a close second
5 is not my favorite job system wise but im autistic about maxing shit out
1 is a must to see how it started
2 and 3 remakes are ok....direct real nes games are horrible
7 was aight
10 was better than people give it credit for
11 servers are still up and its barely the same game you remember now.....
12 was ok
13 sucked
never played any after that

i prefer dragon quest now
>6: questionable choice
for the why?
its great game....or just not a good starting point?
Because he didn't play it.
I have to assume that is why. just watching that intro with the music on high and the lights dimmed was soooo epic and magical
VI has a dark atmosphere, that's why I don't play it.
Can't speak for him but IV and V are more straightforward, paradigm examples of Final Fantasy. VI is more of a mixed bag
- Extra large cast
- Multiple protagonists
- Open-ended World of Ruin
- Poorly thought out systems and formulas relative to its neighbors 4, 5, and 7.

Note that other than the systems issues (which casuals often don't notice) none of those features are necessarily BAD they're just more notable diversions of the formula and don't necessarily reflect as accurately on the series as a whole.

Personally I'd list 9 as questionable as well due to the low quality of its ATB system.
9 is a horrible choice to start with
why are 5-fags so autistic
I played the ds version for my first playthrough and its pretty brutal, a lot of the abilities are locked behind a system thats pretty unclear without a guide, and if you dont have them grinding is almost needed to complete the game. its still reallly fun and looks great, the voice acting is fun too.
give your dragon quest takes, these arent bad other than underselling 7
Seconding this, but get a translated version of the Japanese ROM. The english version nerfed all the enemies and removed half of the character's abilities to make it "easier for a western audience." IV is a great place to start. It's sort of the basic bitch Final Fantasy but in a good way. It's the most standard and formulaic FF game in that it established a lot of what's good about the series and it isn't as self-referential as later games
>Poorly thought out systems and formulas relative to its neighbors 4, 5, and 7.
man square fans are completely retarded, its like they crave eating shit
After all these years I finally started on 1 (on my NES Classic) after and I think it's an awesome game.
1 if you want classic rpg IV if you want something more refined but still classic. play ps1 or psp version of 1 and psp version of 4 or snes

also pixel remaster are good versions
seconding this, gba versions are solid too
Mystic quest. Like I did when I was 7. Be the man you want to be. But really 7=9>6>4>1>mystic quest (fight me)>12(still enjoyed it)>13>not sure if the others are worth mentioning
Edit: just play chrono trigger
>9 a better entry point than 6 or 4
take the nostalgia goggles off anon
Seethe more.
You don't understand any RPG system well enough to discuss it beyond the most emotional retard level.
Entry point is still mystic quest. It was literally made because Americans are too stupid. That’s just my order of best to worst. I’ve played almost all 30+ times. So why not do best first?
You can't even imagine what ff6 was trying to do because you only play square shit
12 is the only good game in the entire series
8/10 bait
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the first, of course
everybody in this thread, above and below this post, is L I T E R A L L Y intellectually disabled (otherwise known as retarded).
"warrior of light" isn't even a character in Final Fantasy 1. like who is that supposed to be?
1, 4, 6, 8, and 9 are all worth your time.
>not 5, 7, or 10
Empty rhetoric.
You've got nothing else to say.
>>not 5, 7, or 10
>the person who i see making consistently the dumbest posts on this board also endorses the dogshit pixel remasters
oprah glancing at the camera.webm
FF6 is the closest Square has ever come to an actual CRPG.
>>the person who i see making consistently the dumbest posts on this board also endorses the dogshit pixel remasters
He's been exposed.
4 is the best old school one and my personal favorite
3 has an amazing plot
1 is so short like 12 hoursish worth the quick game
2 sucked
5 and 6 are really good but 6 has some leveling issues in the snes version
7 is truly awesome but its 130 if you dont bother with all the side shit....3ds version is best
8 tits
9 tits
10 i dont know i dont speak elven runes
11 was great and the 2d mode was really cool addition
130 hours*
I've only played up to 6 but I agree with all of this so far. Crazy you dont like 8 or 9 though, I feel like those are the two most common answers for favorites
>Crazy you dont like 8 or 9 though
tits is a compliment to me man.....i like tits.
i liked 8 and 9. just didn't have a major take away.....riding the tiger in 8 was very cathartic.
oh fair enough lol, I guess tits is like shit vs the shit where it can go either way
tits is always positive around here.
what was your final party in DQ4 and FF6?
FF6 I rotated a lot, I think at the end it was
Then I dropped one of the sisters for Psaro, dont remember which one
FF6 is nothing like a CRPG on any level and it's not even remotely what you claim, especially because the SaGa games exist

borya sometimes switched out for cristo
Dragon quest, It's another RPG game I have on the list to play next
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>8 tits
>9 tits
I like tits.
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who the fuck doesn't ?
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SaGa plays nothing like a CRPG, especially when its design philosophy logically concludes with Emerald Beyond, condensing its exploration into following skyrim waypoints to combat encounters and people just going "well it was never about the adventure anyways". There is not a single series in all of jrpgs further removed from what an rpg is supposed to be than saga and if this is genuinely what you like you'd be better off playing those casual coffee break strategy games like into the breach or hoplite or desktop dungeons or something. It's literally just a crappy battle system which totally misses the point of how simulation in tabletop works and VN segments with occasional binary decisions, which used to be stretched over the skeleton of a jrpg until the skin of its mediocrity was pulled paper thin, but the games don't even bother doing that any more apparently.
>simulation in tabletop
Eventually you get to a point where you can talk to a guy who will strip all equipment from everyone not in the party.
Faggots, feminists, male feminists, and trannys.
Not IX, it’s one of the worst games storyline wise: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14012757/1/Everything-Wrong-with-Final-Fantasy-IX
>9 dagger ass
anon, ff6 is still "square shit", you know?
you can really start with anyone, but
1 is actually great and even if archaic. you could play even the nes original and realistically complete it without a guide, but it's probably not a good "starting point" because the series diverged from that
2 and 3 are not good starting points. 2 is just a bad game and 3 is outclassed by 5
4 is THE final fantasy, it's the archetypal game that gave the series its identity. may feel bland if played today, but it's bland only because it was such a classic that everyone copied it.
5 has probably the best gameplay, the sheer customization with the job system is amazing
6 is what many call the best final fantasy but it can be a bit weird to play as your first game
7 is THE final fantasy (again). if not 4 this is the archetypal modern final fantasy. it's great but like 4 it may feel bland due to how much of a pop culture juggernaut it still is. avoid the remake, it's not actually a remake and isn't complete anyway
8 is the most "love it or hate it". i have no real opinion on it except don't look up optimization guides cause your brain will implode from ghe stupidity of its systems
9 is really fucking good but it's also a big victory lap for the whole franchise so you may miss all the references.
10 is controversial but i really like it. the gameplay is probably the best turn based has to offer and art direction is my favorite. it's also linear to a fault
10-2 has a retarded storyline and unlike the predecessor is non linear. perhaps too much, 100% completion has some of the most pants on head retarded requirements i've ever seen and half the game is missable if you don't do a series of weird arbitrary shit before a random point of no return. great atb and job system tho

haven't played the others, but really, just pick the one that seems most interesting to you
4 is the best place to start. 6 can work as well since it's somewhat it's own thing, and if you are mostly interested in the newer games I guess you could try 7.
>but it can be a bit weird to play as your first game
It's weird mostly because it very much does it own things. It lacks the typical FF tropes associated with games like 1 and 4, but it's also not quite the weird cyberpunk fantasy thing 7 and 8 have going on. I would put it somewhat in the same boat as 10 in that you can try it but it doesn't really give you a clear view of if you would like the rest of the franchise.
I'm a male feminist and I fucking love tits.
Don't bother, Square fans are idiots and the games aren't even above mediocre in the grand scheme of jrpgs. Every second spent playing final fantasy is a second you could spend playing an actual good game.
Over the years I've come to realize that classic Square has one of the smartest and most discriminating fanbases.
Oh god it's you again, will you ever get over your inferiority complex I wonder?
acushually that's FFXII (if we are talking solely in Final Fantasy games)
IV, V and VI are a neat little trilogy. IV is the closest to a standard jrpg as FF gets. V has its job system but a weaker plot. VI has magicite which lets you customize most characters, and each character having unique commands and different gear options.
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>2 is just a bad game
Geez, I wonder why vrpg hates 2. Perhaps it's unstable difficulty, because grinding is actually not an issue. Picrel is actually from Maeson hack but FF2 is almost untouched so experience can surely be similar.
what is the Maeson hack
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Ignore the troll
Vancian with revised spell distribution and intelligence stat fix.
>Ignore the troll

you mean the guy who posted an unrelated clip from a shitty fanservice anime?
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I think the GBA remakes of 1&2 is a great starting point, that is also on PS1. From there you've experienced the core FF experience/tropes and you've seen a job system in FF. From there play what you think looks interesting.

>Dawn of Souls
It really depends
>I'm in the mood for a good "JRPG" with no frills
>Give me something "ambitious", I can handle jank gameplay.
>I want a story/narrative focused oriented JRPG

IX is weird because I think it's better played after playing through the snes trilogy, it is standalone but I don't think it's ambitious like the other PS1 games and honestly pacing is kinda fucked throughout the end. Feels like it never really got off the ground.
>"JRPG" with no frills
I.... just what?
play 7 > 6 > 10 > T > 8 > 9
start with Mario RPG
How so? there are like no movies in it.
There aren't a lot of cutscenes in uncharted or asscreed either, but they are surely movie games.
This, but I would also throw in 6. I will also say that 7, 10 and especially 13 are incredibly overrated.
6 had it's flaws:
>No real challenge without putting restrictions on yourself
>Too many characters with some of them being too overpowered and some requiring a lot of knowhow to use properly and some flat out just suck no matter what you do
>SNES port had awful bugs like the Magic Evasion, Vanish/Death, Rippler losing Interceptor, Morph glitch, etc.
>Every character can learn Ultima and just flatten destroy everything
>You can beat the game without everyone rescued in WoR

I give you cajones for using Cyan but the other 3 are OP and that kinda ruins it for me.

From what I have played
1 - Depends on port, but it ranges from okay to bad.
2 - Depends on port, but I wasn't a fan of being able to strike your own characters for stats
3 - Depends on port, but it was meh
4 - Loved it
5 - It's a challenge, but I enjoyed it
6 - Loved it despite it's flaws
7 - Loved it before but I believe now it was overrated
8 - It's... unique but the Card game saps the fun out of it
9 - It's alright, but it's slooooooow
10 - It's alright
11 - Never played
12 - Never played
13 - I didn't like this one
14+ - Never played, although I own 15 on Windows
>No real challenge without putting restrictions on yourself
That's all square enix games.
If 9 didn't have that board game section I would really love it.
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>people are recommending 5, even though its hard
1 or 4 is the only real way to start

also idk where else to post this but im replaying the original ff5 and i already found a grammar error in this translation :/ at least its not as silly as the GBA/Pixel Remaster
>No real challenge without putting restrictions on yourself
True, but like >>3537992 said, that's pretty common for the series. Not like FFVII is any tougher. FFVI at least has some tough areas if you wander around underleveled in the second half. Though good equipment trivializes everything once you find it. It's a shame there's super bosses and optional hard dungeons to put stuff like Genji Glove + Offering to good use. Wish somebody would make an SNES hack with the GBA bonus content at least. I suppose if you're already playing a hacked rom you could always get T-Edition or Brave New World for a challenge.
It's not common until VI.
4 is not a good game man, stop repeating yourself.
1 is charming, but 4 is a legitimately good game.
i just didn't like it that much. the villain was based tho, but it simply isn't up to snuff when the series has so many better entries.
1 is a better old school game and 6 does pretty much everything 2 did but better
whats wrong with 4?
4 might be the greatest game in the series if we're looking at the 3D remake for the DS
love that game but its stupid hard if you dont know how to get the good upgrades like doublecase and dualcast
I assume you mean the "my" instead of "me", I'm pretty sure "my" is also valid, though me is much more natural.
It's final fantasy at its most fundamentally retarded, like a stale peanut butter and jelly sandwich. There's no reason to play 1-4 over anything else because it's just a barebones version of a jrpg which many devs have done better
Play ff6 with the divergent paths romhack applied. It's the best version for beginners since it includes an updated translation, reduced grinding and enemy encounters, as well as other quality of life changes.
FF X if you want turn-based, otherwise XVI
Going from us releases in order
1 is great bit buggy as hell. Probably not a good starting off point.
2(4) is good, also buggy, but an amazing jumping off point. Suffered from too many characters who in the end won't even be on your team.
3(6) amazing but yet again buggy as hell. Good jumping off point since every character has a "job" but it dosent really matter(save for gau, numero, gogo and mog) everyone can learn every spell. Best villain.
7 probably best one to start at if you are under 40. It's fun. The story is a bit of a mess. The materea system is good. It kind of drags at points.
8 don't bother
9 great story, suffers from too many character situation like 2(4). Really great soundtrack
10 really great level up mechanics (sphere grid) it drags a lot. Hottest female party members. Probably a good jumping off point.

I'd say start with 2(4) or 10. Flip a coin.
GBA/PR have the best translation though. It's PSX that's bad
>it's better because you get to play less
grinding and random encounters are the core of these games and fuck anyone who wants to reduce them
The first one, logically. Anyone suggesting something later than that is trying to give you the "Cliffs Notes" of the series.
agree, skipping the original trilogy is cringe and lame. Even if you dont want to play the nes games the gba ports and pixel remasters are solid too, used to play them for an hour or two before bed and beat them all in a summer
Thread is 17 days old and OP's gone. Stop necrobumping it with reccs.
This isn't reddit.
anon this is 4chan, no thread is bound by its OP
Shut up redditard
Whichever. Just pick one. Asking which game to start any series from is stupid. You either go from the beginning or what catches your eye.
As if OP's here to see your post and didn't already leave right after making the thread.
FF VII Remake
1, 2 and 3 are more or less the same. Very old school. If you want a classic game with very 80's mechanics, this is a good place to start, I guess.

4, 5 and 6 get much more story driven, and gameplay is different between them. 4 follows a similar structure with the first three, but each character has their own story rather than being a blank slate creation like the previous games. 5 also follows the four protagonist structure, but it introduces jobs, so there is a lot of potential customization. 6 is where the series starts to get famous and breaks the previous design standards. There are a bunch of characters, each with their own unique abilities, and a huge overarching story that each character plays a part in. It is often considered one of the best FF games.

7, 8 and 9 are a generation of their own and we are now in 3D territory. I feel like 7 has enough of a reputation to explain itself. 8 has a very neat setting and attempts to do some very unorthodox things, which can be very hit or miss for some people, but generally, I feel like the world makes up for it by being a slick blend of sci-fi and fantasy. 9 is a return to roots, seeking to emulate the earlier games in the series. It more or less does this, but people are generally split over the importance of the game.

X will be the last game in the series that uses mostly turn-based combat, with a few quirks here and there. I feel like there is a pretty big shift in the design of the games from here on out. Very anime'ish, serious with goofy undertones, vaguely immature in how it portrays itself. It's not a bad game by any means, but you will see these same types of characters permeate throughout the rest of the series.

With XII, the series is now full action combat and movement. I guess a lot of people like it, but I don't. XIII was the last FF game I bought - it was so fucking bad. Lame young adult/anime characters, pretentious story, dumb protagonist that is pretty much only good for rule 34.
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Final Fantasy is one of those series with such a huge fandom that asking people which they should play first is like asking for gallons of raw sewage to be dumped on your person.

There's a lot of stuff that's the same between 1-9, but a lot of stuff that's different, too. Just play the one that looks most interesting to you. I personally think that FF5 is the quintessential JRPG experience, but you might hate it. C'est la vie.
Only true answer in this thread ignore all the other fags :
Best 2d FF :
Crystal Project - it's everything that people love about FF without all the dumb nonsense
Best 3d FF:
Stranger of Paradise - best combat system combined with class autism combined with unexpectedly lovable story that connects well with FF 1.
Jack is the greatest brotagonist.
Nah, just ignore this fag. He's the most demonstrably incorrect faggot to ever fag.

Depends on which era you are interested in. Personally i think the only ones worth playing are VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and Tactics. Maybe IV too. That´s it. XII is not THAT bad by 2024 standards but i wouldn´t say it´s good or indispensable. Anything before or after that is not worth anyone´s time.
In what world is SoP AAA?
>says to play 4 and 6
>but not 5
Ultimate tastelet detected. IMO, everyone should play 4 and 6 first, and then 5, so they can be utterly astounded by how all the pieces clicked for one glorious moment in 1992 and then abruptly fell apart again.

Not saying 4 and 6 are bad games, but 5 is just literal JRPG perfection.
Play Final Fantasy Tactics. It’s far and away the best FF game.
He couldn't handle the truth
Is this board really this retarded to think OP checks the thread still?
youre like the third guy in the thread to say this. No, but anons think its still and interesting question to discuss, and mabe somebody else who hasnt tried ff will be interested
just about to start WOTL on my vita. Ive never beat a tactics game but Ive been playing the FF's in release order so I thought I'd try it
>but anons think its still and interesting question to discuss
When addressed at OP, who isn't here? It's like you people are so bored you just take that as in opportunity to butt-in to make it about you and your opinion.
You attention-whoring thread hijackers are the worst.
yes anon, its the people coming to /vrpg/ to talk about their opinions on jrpgs that are the problem, not you whining about threads content. Im sorry this thread got your omori general deleted
I recommended XVI to a friend who has never played FF before, and he loved it.
>yes anon, its the people who think talking to a wall is their friend. I'm sorry you remind me of my boogeyman
Oh don't pretend there's any semblance of a conversation happening that isn't just you and someone else samefagging your posts to necrobump the thread and kill off threads you don't like.
I am very late but the two most famous "eras" of FF were kickstarted by FF4 and FF7.
Both are excellent games that have similarly structured games released after and the best entry point in my mind. 4-6 are more classic and 7-9 are more contemporary (narratively speaking at least, since gameplay wise they have a similar common ground).

It doesn't really matter in the end because everything from 4 to 10 inclusive are worth playing and if you like any you'll probably enjoy playing the rest to at least some extent. I know I did.
7 is a classic, one of the best games ever made. You can't go wrong with that one.
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playing FF16 and I am having fun with it right now.

Just unlocked the ability to switch between Eikon blessings and I am really seeing the DMC aspect of the gameplay of 16
Four is not bad
Because that was worth the bump.
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thanks man! bethesda games are kino, so FF should be great too.
what should I play then ?
RPG Codex top 100
lmao no. RPG Codex don't even play RPGs.
/vrpg/ is basically the slightly retarded offspring of RPG Codex
guess I'll replay chrono trigger then.
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5 if you enjoy class systems, 4 for linear story-focused JRPG gameplay, or 3PR because it's my favorite and i said so
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oh, i was too late for my post. enjoy, anon. if you end up liking 4, go ahead and try out 6 and tactics.
3 is so underrated just because it never had a western release

easily a top 5 nes game
most people just dislike the idea of being forced to use certain spells like mini to get past obstacles. it's a flaw but i look past it for the other things it achieved for the time
also it has the best final dungeon in any FF i played
I started with 12 but I think 6 and 7 are still the best entry point, can't go wrong with the classics. They're both excellent yet very different.
I should add, don't start with 4 because its main selling point is the story but the story sucks.
It's because they played other games first and have an improper preconception about how jobs actually function.

In ff3 jobs are treated like equipment, sometimes you need to switch jobs for a certain segment, sometimes jobs become old and need to be replaced(red mage is obsolete in like an hour) and some jobs are exactly the same as others but better in every way. There is no reason to be remain in an inferior or wrong job and only spell casters really get bonuses from having high job level.

game has a few problems though but mini dungeons aren't one of them
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we peaked with him
The main selling point of 4 is the combat. People who think RPGs are exclusively about customizing a party are very confused by 4.
agreed, few FF badguys are as good as him.
>No, but anons think
More like one baiting retard that spams square shit every day.
6, 7, 10, 12, 16, depending on which one of them appeals to you the most.

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