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Why this make me so irritated
Do you chase chickens?
Not openly. Kid has no right knowing that
I thought third worlders were supposed to have PCs. Why are you playing this shit?
OP chases roosters
Someone narced
I ask people if they are just going to stand there like a lemon to this day.
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>stand there like a lemon
Because you don't even chase cocks like a real man. You know you're wrong.
It's another way of saying you lust for cock.
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>not becoming piemastur
Were your people colonized by the British?
Not really
The canonical name is Arseface
Kill Whisper and Thunder to feel better.
Kek i finished entire game with that nickname
>"Its a honour to greet you sir.... Arse..face.."
Gonna kick his ass
Who else fucking killed Whisper in every single playthrough no matter what alignment you're on?
I killed her because she was black and sassy. Joined satan cult later on
Just chase the chickens, chicken chaser
The title seller is literally the first person you walk past when you leave the tutorial.
>we will never get fable 2 on PC
I just want to fucking play it
When I was a kid the top 2 games I wanted to play were fallout 3 and fable 2 but I didn't own a next gen system.
I'm keeping tabs on you
yes, and please title me Sir Arseface
isnt there any port to play Fable2?
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oh i still have my screenshot after finishing game
that old faggot refused to talk to me after i decided its me who should wear satans mask
>mfw all the women of town want to get in your pants
>me on my way to Darkwood (I will be sacrificing them in the chapel of Skorm)
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I remember having a crush on MC's sister.
I don't really remember what happens in the game but I think at some point later on you like find her blind in some merry troupe of bandits or something and then the masked jack the ripper type guy stabs and kills her.

I remember that pissed me off so much when I was like 10 i dropped the game there and never played it again kek.
You remember wrong. Play again.
Jack kills your mother, jot your sister, it's you who gets yo kill Theresa if you want to keep the sword of aeons.
Also, yeah, Theresa is very hot when you meet her at the camp.
Ah well it's been 20 years so it's all just fever dream memories.
I don't really know if I would enjoy playing it again, I tried fable 2 on release day and gave up after a few hours of roaming aimlessly in some random caves and shit, it felt so empty and barren like I was playing a tech demo for open world or something.
Never tried any other ones after that.
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It's a shame they changed Jacks voice in TLC, I know you can mod it back but it would have been better if they didn't change it at al

More or less what happened,
During the raid she was blinded by Jack, she then went to live with Twin Blades until you defeat him, afterwards she kind of roams around until Jack captures her and tries to summon the Sword of Aeons
Yeah, Fable 2 has some really bad maps imo. The original Fable is short and sweet and that reflects on the areas. They're small enough that there's no way you get lost, most are linear, amd there's always something interesting. There's no cave for the sake of just adding a cave, every are has quests attached and you'll end up knowing the entire world like the back of your hand in no time. The gameplay is also leagues better than any sequel. I don't think you're going to have trouble playing it today. It's a cult classic for a reason.
do you think that bandit chef fucked her in tent?
It's a shame because I remember liking the snowy christmas or whatever it was intro that game had.
But yeah maybe I will try the first one again some day.
You wouldn't?
>cucking the coalburner
>Fable 1 released on PC
>Fable 2 did not
>Fable 3 released on PC

What the fuck was the logic here?
>There must be more to life
Just play on Xenia with patch you autismo
I did so 2 years ago so you might not even need patch anymore
Only on xbox series and streaming
Don't do it, farmboy.
My favorite part about Whisper is that literally every encounter you have with her and her brother up to the arena questline is them being complete cunts to you. And then, when its time for you and her to fight to the death, she wants to be your pal and just assumes you'll be on board with her little ploy. She just assumes the orphan who watched his entire village get massacred and grew up to be a demigod is just gonna happily follow the orders of the woman who treated him like shit growing up. As if revenge isn't this guy's bread and fucking butter.
>call a kid farmboy
>the kid who used to be a farmboy, before he watched his entire village, family and all, get murdered and burned

I'm gonna fucking do it, cunt.
Dude what
I don't know anything about your internet shit.
Just walk away!
>Uuuuh it wasn't officially released so i can't play it
Being normalfag zoomer without need or desire to think must be bliss
Don't you have to constantly exit the game because of bugs? Something about the body morphs not working on xenia, causing you to become pure black.
Use patch for it as i previously said
It's somewhere on their github
The one that disables textures altogether? That's not really a patch
What in the fuck are you talking about nobody said this
There's something about the name Chicken Chaser..
Makes you sound like a COCK
I remember in my first playthrough I didn't figure out you can change your title, so even in toward the end of the game as the greatest hero of the realm random pedestrians would still call me "Chicken Chaser". Shit was bizarre.

>Spare her life
>She appears once for a short chat and then disappears completely from the game
Name a bigger "your choices matter" bullshit.
This gotta be the most aggressively British game ever made.
>Insult you while begging for life
Is she stupid? I guess she's trying to remind you of the childhood spent together but she did it the worst possible way.
It was just banter, bro.
I won't bother spoonfeeding but i think the only problem it had was with hair(when you change colour)
>someone rips the JoB voice files from the OG release
>uploads the TLC mod on nexusmods and as expected it gets taken down a few days later
>no reuploads, it disappears from the internet
Fuck nexus and their IP faggotry. No modding community should rely on such big websites.
Try messaging Avarice. He's the fable nerd who ported Fable 2 weapons into Fable 1.
I'll never understand why that shit site got popular in the first place, Moddb has been there all this time, why aren't those retards just putting it on there??
NTA but ModDb has a pretty painful site
Accessibility, aesthetics, marketing.
>for mods
>when you need to make an account
are you fucking kidding me

The fact that people think Nexus is "accessible" shows just how terrible shit was before the Steam Workshop.
It's just rather awkwardly laid out. Most everything for a mod is spluttered on one page and there's a mixture of updates and ""news"" that makes realizing what you're staring at feel off. Meanwhile Nexus has a great search tool, and when you click on the mod everything's laid out in comprehensive tabs.
>steam workshop
who the fuck uses that?
>download mod
>install it according to mod's instructions
>if some additional mods/sw is needed, the author was forced to write it down in the instructions or include it with the zip
>try to download mod
>have to register
>do you want our buggy spy/bloatware or download files manually?
>then and only then a window pops up >this mod requires a dependency
>download it
>this dependency requires another dependency
>download them all in a dozen tabs
>see mod installation instructions
>"install it through nmm idk lol"
>search for general manual installation of mods for the game on the internet
>install everything
Steam Workshop
>Most Popular has shitty one note joke mods
>Most Subscribed has mods that are all obsolete
>find a mod you'd want on the internet, it's called "A B"
>search for it
>dozens of mods with either A or B in the title or description show up
>search for it in quotation marks
>mod wasn't found
>get a link through google
>it doesn't download
>restart steam
>it doesn't download
>restart steam and clear the cache
>it doesn't download
>give up
>it downloads sometime next week
>it's obsolete
Thank God recently modders for a number of games have been moving to github. All you need to know is to download the release, not the source code, which even a retard like me can figure out.
Steam workshop also doesn't work if you don't "own" the Steam version. This fact alone makes it the worst option of them all. All Steam shills are corporate shills and subhuman paypiggies.
nigga just click "mod manager download" and boom
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It's right there in the main description
In the og xbox version, the guild master tells you someone needs help when you first step into bowerstone quay, but there are no quests there (other than the guy wanting you to change your hairstyles). That voiceline is cut in TLC. Does anyone know why?
Anniversary was a mistake.
Dang they paid for Joe Rogan?
Maybe it's because the voice said "slums"? Sometimes devs assume their players have down syndrome.
vid for reference
No one calls me farmboy and lives
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They genuinely ruined the whole look of the game. why change the art style? Made everyone look like a giant baby, when they could have kept the same look and feel but higher fidelity (or just left it alone). It wasn't a particularly good looking game in the first place but they made it so uggo
idk looks better imo
better graphics
>old bad
>new good
ok boomer
the character model looks like a 40 year old man
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I finished the game the other day. Some bosses are utter shit but it's a 2004 rpg after all
>his willpower and potions: gone
>Whisper acts like a smug cunt your entire acquaintance
>becomes clear she's nowhere near your equal the moment you step into the academy
>refuses to change her attitude toward you no matter what you do whereas even the smug Briar Rose does after she realizes you are the real deal
>doesn't offer to surrender to you in the arena until after you beat her ass for the umpteenth time
>tells you to act like the bitch by walking out and forfeiting the purse instead of offering to be the one that crawls away

Even on my good playthroughs I always killed her and Thunder. They were both clearly evil and unrepentant villains, as befits their skin tone, and leaving them alive would only lead to more pain and anguish for others.
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No he fucked her in the vagina.
>the only 2 black characters in the game are insufferable assholes that you can humiliate, cuck and kill
Honestly based.
At the end of the day, /v/ was actually a BBC lover board for hating Fable and based Molyneux.
You know what grinds my gear in Fable 2? in the unskippable prologue you make four choices. One completely changes the look of one location later on and the other three do piss shit nothing. What a cop out. It didn't even have to be something so world changing, but anything would be good.
What choice changes the world? I only went through Fable 2 once.
The one where you hand over posters either to the guard or the criminal. If the former, the Old Town will turn into nice street with few stalls. If the latter, the Old Town will turn into crappy slums with prostitutes and one general store. In the end it has no influence on the story and the game beyond the aesthetic of this one location, but it teases you about your choices mattering in the game.
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Don't forget that they fucking removed mouse support on it. When fucking Lost Chapters exists.
nigga you can't be serious
this is one of those edited screenshots right? there's no way this is an official release
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yu no rike?
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fuck it. I want to reinstall it now. I've got the lost chapters. I heard anniversary was dog shit. any interesting mods for either version?
the mod that brings back Jacks old voice for most of the game

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