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She's not even a full adult by her culture's standards when he started sowing the seeds of BHC.
>sowing the seeds of BHC
Seriously, when was the last time you could say something that dominant about a Bioware protagonist? All their new protagonists are worthless, ineffectual "safe horny" losers. A real numale experience. Compare that to Shepard and the Warden. Just a bunch of sissies ever since.
She was groomed by Garrus
Shep didn't groom her, that requires intent and actively trying to make them attached to you in a romantic way.

Teenagers get the hots for adults all the time. It's normal, and only becomes fucked up when an adult reciprocates and/or takes advantage of the teen. Grooming is when the adult establishes that attraction, psychologically manipulates the teen into becoming fixated on them and then waits until they are an adult before acting. Tali developed an attraction to Shepard on her own and was actively trying to figure out how to start courting him when they start flirting. Hell in a some cases your ship's psychologist has to tell you how bad Tali has the hots for you.
I actually find it annoying how these games devolved into being able to bone everyone.
Based shep
that's the only good part
The difference is it used to be tuned to appeal to a straight male audience. It's all kinds of gay freak shit now.
Obviously. The whole "get back to the engine room, Tali Zorah vas Normandy" scene was Shepard telling the admirality he now owns Tali and he can do whatever he wants with her and they can do nothing about it. He saw though their cultural norms and realized that as the commander of the ship, Tali sees him as omni potent father figure she needs to obey and put complete trust into.
this is my favorite post on the citadel
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Sex without love is so incredibly vapid. I pity you porn addicts.
Isn't that mostly dependent on you? You could play Hawke and the Inquisitor not that far off from Shepard and the Warden.
>You could play Hawke and the Inquisitor not that far off from Shepard and the Warden.
Absolutely not. Inquisitor is better than Hawke but still nowhere near Warden or Shepard. Hawke is a complete failure. Can't stop Anders, can't resolve the templar/mage conflict, can't save the viscount, can't save the divine mother, can't save his OWN mother, doesn't put down Corypheus for good, and the shitty cartoon spinoff reveals he didn't even put down Meredith for good! He also is one of the choices to get rekt by the fade demon in Inquisition, placing him on the same level as some total rando character. Male Inquisitor is a puppet for Solas, can't even marry ANY of his available love interests (unlike female Inquisitor), fights like a pansy in a formal duel (see josephine's sidequest), can't save the divine and can't even save his own arm. Keep in mind that he's stated to be useless from losing his arm despite one of the companions in Veilguard being an effective combatant with a prosthetic fucking leg.
Everything past origins sounds like garbage.
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After Origins they got up their own ass with changing the protagonist every entry because "there is no main character of the series, the setting itself is the main character" basically dooming any chance of carrying forward with a protagonist the player can continually connect with or root for. It doesn't help that every new protagonist since has been kind of a sissy bitch. Then Mass Effect followed suit with that manbaby in Andromeda and whatever Anthem was and that's that. The most powerful thing about Rook in Veilguard according to Bioware is that his pronouns are selectable.
the warden had an option to sleep with an elven couple and destroy their future together
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Fucking this. It's all part of the same 'player must be able to experience all content' disease that had been haunting rpgs for a while. This is why there are more and more essential rpgs in bethesda's titles. It's why choices seem so limited, consequences are non existent and factions are shallow. Contrast this kind of game design with Fallout NV where you can kill anyone and easily lock yourself out of certain quests/factions. Designers became so obsessed with allowing the player to experience all the content that in the process they made all the content uninteresting. It's that old adage of storytelling, 'trying to do everything results in nothing.' Ever wonder why multiverses are so bland and uninteresting. This is why. Trying to do or allow everything actually has the opposite effect as you would think because it is constraint and limitation that actually feeds creativity.

More to the point with romances, there should be a completely separate influence meter with any companion that is far more than just like/dislike. You should have to do certain things, be a certain gender, complete specific quests in specific ways, to unlock these romance options. That would make them feel actually meaningful. Same as with all game design. The ability to fail is what makes a game meaningful.
>forced to take this obnoxious gypsy spy with you
>steals your cloaking tech
>I was groomed BTW
I really wanted to fuck Samara
She completed her pilgrimage at the end of the first game. ME2 is two years later. She's legal!
what is love without sex?
How does the sex work?
Does she even have holes?
Pretty sure all these aliens are just sexy humans with different colors or faces, except for the joke/sideline species.
Social Experiment: Somebody go make a mod that lets you "invite" black Kaiden to the Captain's quarters and have him sit on Shepard's couch with a defeated look on his face as you play with your romance choice in bed. I'm genuinely curious if Nexus will remove it or not. Do they hate Jacob more than they love woke nonsense? Thanks mod maker bros

Idk if she even likes Garrus that much, she might've only hooked up with him in a frantic last ditch attempt to seduce Shepard by making him jealous. Modern scientists barely even know wtf human women want, so how can we be expected to calculate what Quarian women want?

Huh? But when you put it that way its like the minors are trying to reverse-groom me and I'm the victim kinda. How do I tell the younglings to get lost without sounding rude?

Quite the opposite. I should be able to romance Miranda and Tali at the same time for example but can't bc game mechanics, I dislike how the game only lets me bang one squaddie at a time. After the 3 of us do a dangerous mission on Omega all 3 of us should be able to enjoy a 3some together in the Captain's quarters. It should never be "either or" in ME romance subquests, polygamy will be the norm well before 2180

Top plothole I can't command it to do any sexy thing Shepard can imagine in-universe. In Lore terms she took an oath you'd literally tell her to consume nothing but her own excrement until she dies of humilation? she forbidden say "no" bc her culture

You fail to mention Shepard needed her expertise on the Geth. He knew from the start she was snooping the ship schematics, he considered the tradeoff worth it despite it

Ask the Salarian

Shepards more chad than any 5 living Quarian males combined but the Quarians are justifiably seething mad she can't birth high IQ Quarian babies as their numbers dwindle closer and closer to extinction

Thresher Maws were dangerously based too!

She was only 26 years old you sick pedophile fuck!
Say Shep, I hear you like em young.
You better not ever go to brig cell one.
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The gypsy sucked my dick then stole my advanced technology
don't worry about it. I believe I already summed it up properly in the other thread. I mentioned Shepard is technically not a pedophile strictly speaking, however The Commander is still dating aliens fresh out of high school almost as if the exact instant Liara turns "18 in Asari years" Shepard suddenly gets horny (and horny enough to risk endangering the entire mission bc "thinking with muh dick" at that) and is immediately trying to rush in on her 3 days after her 18th birthday so to speak
She's not even 17 in ME1, she's 22 and presumably 24 in ME2.
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Irrelevant what a human-centric take on galactic AOC laws bro. Numbers mean diddly squat as far as the Admirialty Board is concerned, Quarians only gain adulthood when she complete her pilgramage. Doesn't matter if she's 8 or 18 or 28 or even 88, she does not ever gain her adulthood status unless she embarks on her pilgramage and brings back a worthy/suitable gift(s) for an active captain to invite her to his crew in legal terms basically
When are Salarians legal?
>safe horny
The fuck that supposed to mean?
You already have a bioware thread on /v/.
>Idk if she even likes Garrus that much
The Garrus/Tali pairing is pure fan service and makes no sense. They never flirted with each-other before that and in ME1 in fact Garrus was quite rude to Tali. They have one moment of playful banter in ME2 and that's it.
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The funny thing is how Shepard unironically thinks he did nothing wrong by banging Tali Zorah, but look at it from the perspective of the fleet's Admirality Board. They all view her as a race traitor whore-daughter who starts an OnlyFans to accept exclusively BBC shortly after turning 18 even if you roll as a caucasian Commander Shepard. And not only that but they'd naturally seethe twice as hard if you mod the game to allow the player groom Tali into lesbian mode!
>And not only that but they'd naturally seethe twice as hard if you mod the game to allow the player groom Tali into lesbian mode!
This was a very, very based post until this point.
You had to ruin it. Tali is a straight (soon to be converted) Catholic Christian waifu!
>They all view her as a race traitor whore-daughter who starts an OnlyFans to accept exclusively BBC shortly after turning 18 even if you roll as a caucasian Commander Shepard.
What did you mean by this? Tali's not like that at all. You might be thining of Kasumi, the garbage whore who unironically does have a "bbc" fetish that her they/them sissy faggot writer included because it's his fetish too. Not even kidding, look it up if you want. That freak went from looking like a relatively normal nerd to a fucking weirdo with bitchtits and blue hair.
No fucking way, sauce?
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Patrick Weekes
And before. Used to look like a normal guy. Talk about indoctrination theory. What a few years working in a DEI company does to a man.
You either retire as a family man or work long enough to become an alt gay guy with shameful tattoos
>>3531385 this anon is a pussy and his limpdick faggotry is infecting the characters
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Shut the fuck up, retard.
Shepard was supposed to be narrative wise the peak of humanity in terms of giga chad. That was the point of the character.

In the other recent games you're just some schmuck.
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How will you feel when this skinny androgyne is revealed as the next protag?
We have to play as Kai Leng? Thats weird unless ME4 was a prequel maybe
>Average Human (Caucasian) IQ level = 101
>Average Human (African) IQ level = 89
>Average Quarian IQ level = 190
>"Huh? How do you figure? Why would the highest branch of the Quarian government view Shepard like he is some low class nigg?"
>"But what do you mean? My Shepard is a white man!!"
>"Wait... wtf? Are you saying the Quarians wuz the real racists all along and shieet?!"
The aliens consider us the niggers idk why maybe they're ignorant bigots and/or perhaps because they're jealous of how Humanity wuz able to accomplish more based achievements in under 30 years than most of those snakeskins could accomplish in over 300 years
Wtf qrd what is this monster I would not trust the guy in either picture alone with my kids he looks derranged af before and after. What Mass Effect plotlines was this walking carpet involved in?
Is it still grooming if she likes it and it was already her dark secret fantasy to get groomed before she even meets Shepard? no. Tali wanted it
>Victim shaming
play the game again lol
this is kind of why i prefer liara, she seems to grow and stay on shepards power level where as tali almost does feel a little manipulative to romance
Incomphrensible post
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>next ME is written by a woman
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it's called white, you stupid burger
and no one rolls a black shepard because the voice doesn't fit
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>Average Human (African) IQ level = 89
Black Shepard voice fits fine. With Chinese and Hindu Shepards, not so much
is OP a kind of moral faggot?? looks older then mc, too tall, body is big, she is an adult.
>But her culture
this is like murricans complaining of someone fucking an 18 year old
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THIS! What if Tali was actually the one grooming her Shepard in reality? Except nobody has the space balls to call out the fucking bs space feminism in this fucking game so this wild double standard continues to fly through hyperspace unchecked
Legal to lay eggs and jizz on them or legal to get groomed by Asari?
you cant romance her in the 1st game
she can only watch as you pound that blue box
You know that's the same dude who wrote Tali, right?
>you don't understand you NEED her hanging out in the engine room. How else are you going to get basic bitch info about the Geth?
Talifags are mentally ill
She's ready according to BHC standards
> wasn't even a full adult
She was 22, and isn't the pilgrimage generally a trial that quarians go on AFTER reaching adulthood?
>and then waits until they are an adult before acting
how exactly is it a problem then
Given the quotations he is likely being sarcastic and belittling the trend of guys who drink the kool aid that being outgoing is morally or ethically wrong. Oh and sex with those guys is evil.
why did they make miranda look nothing like miranda?
i agree its gotta be lower
Tali is a traitorous bitch who stole the designs for the Normandy.
based Shepard
>playing bioware slop
Mass Effect 4 when?

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