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Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
>No, you don't get it. It's too le smart for you even though it commits a fatal writing flaw which is constantly showering the reader with exposition dumps.
This shit badly written and boring. Godawful combat system and graphics/visuals as well (it's so brown it looks like someone took a shit on my screen). I fail to see why it's so praised.
I agree that morrowind terrible, but I would never make a thread on a game I hate without taking the time to carefully deconstruct it, whereas you make lots and lots of these threads. Which seems to suggest you like morrowind a lot and want to flood the board with it by making retarded strawman bait threads, and as morrowind fans have a sub 65IQ they will always reply in earnest.
>exposition is bad
See? You've just done it and bumped another morrowind thread.
It's Polish too, you probably didn't notice and just grabbed the first one you saw while searching, huh
control your autism. you don't have to click on every wikipedia link that the dialogue box presents to you.
>No, you don't get it. It's too le smart for you even though it commits a fatal writing flaw which is constantly showering the reader with exposition dumps.
>hey guys please listen
>guess what
>that old game everyone else likes?
>well I don't like it!!!!!
Okay, thanks for letting us know. Again.
Here comes the morrowind schizo samefagging. He fell for the bait again. Just like every day.
>>No, you don't get it. It's too le smart for you
This but unironically
I think I'll bump this thread for no reason in particular
>another seething at Morrowind thread saying the same shit we've seen a million times
Holy shit, the game isn't for you, get over it already.
>Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
Because the characters are threated mostly as pieces in a game world.

It works for me because what they can tell you depends on their class and role in the world.
It's a bait thread and you replied to it because you're a retard, like all TES fans.
>Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
As someone who agrees Morrowind is overhyped by nostalgiafags, no, embedding the lore codex directly into the dialogue window was a stroke of genius and one of the few things from Morrowind I wish Bethesda would bring back.

It brings dialogue in line with all the other systems. You engage with it whenever you want. Wondering wtf House Telvanni is? Just ask some random local, they can all tell you. There's no risk of missing out on some crucial lore nugget because you didn't talk to the exact NPC who mentions it.

>showering the reader with exposition dumps
As the other anon said, this is your own autism because actual exposition dump CRPGs have trained you to exhaust all dialogue options everywhere. There is no need to talk to anyone if you're not interested. If you need to find something out later, you can talk to someone else later.
>embedding the lore codex directly into the dialogue
That's a great way to put it. I've never seen it as anything but a positive feature. Especially now with OpenMW, since it greys out topics you've read.
>embedding the lore codex directly into the dialogue window was a stroke of genius
It's literally a dumbed down version of the keyword system in older games. Are you underage?
>dumbed down
I'm guessing you're the young one here
>replace keywords with hyperlinks
>wow revolutionary, so deep!!!!
Yes, it is convenient.
>Are you underage?
I'm 30. Daggerfall came out in 1996.
>Type in keyword
>Sorry, keyword not recognized, try again
So this is the depth that was lost to time
Would've been fun to ask NPCs the directions to locations like Nchuleftingth or Ashurnibibi
Nobody is forcing you to read
>he says while replying
You don't understand, bro. Viodegame industry was nonexistent until our lord and savior Kirkbride came and created Morrowind. Father of all games, an innovation vidyagames having this kind of features in the late 70s early 80s? That's just a myth
Come to think of it, I've read several codex dumps in Morrowind before, but I have never bothered in games like Mass Effect, it just feels like a waste of time.
The funny part is, I’ve seen numerous anons bash Morrowinds dialogue system while also praising the keyword system of older games. It’s the same thing but with a GUI slapped on instead of a text parser.
I think a parser makes it better since you have to pay attention to the dialogue and look for stuff that could be a key word instead of the game giving everything to you
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>can you talk to my son and tell him I want talk to him. He's in Maemaea
>OK where is Maemaea
>lol I dont know. somewhere west of the red mountain lol

Stupid ass game
>Bug fix: It’s actually east
>be me
>playing fallout 1
>2 int, 0.00% science skill, literal retard
>Ask about: “Crop rotation”
>You gain 500 xp for improving Shady Sands agriculture
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No, you don't get it. It's too smart for you. You should go back to sucking cocks.
I disagree.
>Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?
Yeah, why can you ask random NPC's about the various topics you've picked up? The game should just have a quest arrow dictating where I'm supposed to go.
>Why is every NPC a walking wikipedia infodump in this game?

because that's how real life works, you can ask random people about the country they live in and commonly known things that are relevant and they can tell you baka
>I fail to see why it's so praised.
Baby's first RPG. That's been the case with every bethesda rpg since Morrowind.
It doesn't do that, is all. Most of the dialogue is dialogic. If you ask about a topic, and a person is informed about it, and they like you, they will exposit in detail about it. I know you probably don't know this, but that happens when those parameters are met in real life with people, too.
Not even a SAGE! baka
rope now
>He doens't enjoy reading
Shitbreed detected.
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Say what you want about Morrowind but its characters and setting are truly mesmerizing. I also love that rune drawing magic system, very original and creative.
Indeed. Ultima Underworld 3: Morrowind is great
the only thing i wish they had was different ways to filter and sort the dialog options sidebar since it can get kinda busy.
>"ok guys, we spent all money on russian hookers and vodka and now we have no more left to hire voice actors, what do we do"
>ᵏʷᵉˢᵗᶦᵉ ᵐᵒʷᶦᵒnᵉ ᵖᵒ ᵃnᵍᶦᵉˡˢᵏᵘ ᶻ ᵖᵒˡˢᵏᶦᵐᶦ nᵃᵖᶦˢᵃᵐᶦ
A mod to hide geography questions or whatever in a category would be nice
Don't give me a compass but at least put a marker on the map. Some NPC do it anyways
An ideal would be to have more recognizable landmarks. That way your focus is on the land, instead of a map. Red Dead Redemption treasure hunts did this well, and missions with map markers were noticeably less engaging.

Quest compass and map markers would be optional accessibility settings in a perfect game.
the directions the NPCs give you are often accompanied by recognisable landmarks. they often mention rivers (+foyadas), egg mines or tombs, daedric shrines, dwemer ruins etc. to look out for on the way. and by the time you're a few dozen hours into the game a player who has been paying attention should know multiple noticeable landmarks all across vvardenfell as pointers to help navigation without checking the map.
Because it's helpful
Informing oneself as a member of the community does in fact help resolve the issue at hand
That’s an exploit to complete a quest that the character doesn’t have the stats and skills to qualify for the dialogue tree option, but if you, the player, metagame it and click on the vestigial ‘type in a keyword’ option, you can still get the quest XP
Therefore not a RPG
More like a crappy GM.
>ummmm it said post-nuclear roleplaying game and “remember wasteland?” on the box therefore it identifies as an RPG and therefore its heckin valid chud
It was a bug, of which fallout had many. I think part of the oversight was that the game had shifted to precanned dialogue trees but also included a “ask me about: keyword” button like old school games. It’s probably the last one I can think of to include that feature
They're not.
They know a few basic facts about the world they live in, because they live in it.

You're just very dumb and insecure about it, so you try to find things of quality that are also popular so you can try and make yourself seem above it and the people who enjoyed the artwork because you consider it 'beneath' you, but really we can all just tell that you're an insecure moron.

And that's the end of this thread.
Why aren't you a walking wikipedia infodump?
I know everything about the small town I'm from. Starting from the church that was built in the 13th century, its history, how it went decrepit and rebuilt, another church built in the 18th century, what communists did to it. About a local castle that went into ruin and its hidden tunnels leading into one of the churches. About the forgotten cemetery. About the businesses that were happening here a century ago and the locations of the caves in the area, and the forgotten murders from 30 years ago.

Now, why are YOU not an infodump?
>Now, why are YOU not an infodump?
I'm autistic so I can only go on long rants about old rpgs and how skyrim is NOT a real rpg
Is Morrowind worth playing today? Are there must have mods that add widescreen and modern systems suppotrr?
Yes. OpenMW is all you need, my brother.
>Is Morrowind worth playing today?
Yes, depending on your taste and what you like. Morrowind excels in its atmosphere and worldbuilding and exploring an alien world and immersion and roleplaying. Its combat is mediocre and it’s an easy game so if you like build autism and overcoming extreme challenges you’ll probably find it boring. There’s a million exploits and if you enjoy either restricting yourself from using them, or breaking the game in half, you may like it.
>Are there must have mods that add widescreen and modern systems suppotrr?
Don’t play OpenMW, play the original with Morrowind Graphics Extender and play in borderless windowed and not full screen. Slap some upscaled textures on and it looks great. The game is more or less playable vanilla, with some light modding to taste, but I’d say it’s far less in need of modding than either oblivion or Skyrim.
>OpenMW is all you need
>Don’t play OpenMW
3rd opinion here, OpenMW is the way to go. The only reason not to use it is for script extender mods you shouldn't be using as a new player anyway. And OpenMW is starting to pull ahead in modding too.
Play the original with Morrowind graphics extender if you simply want to play the game but with nicer graphics and support for modern resolutions, distant lands and view distance (but not too far, some fog is part of the charm), and higher refresh rates.
Play OpenMW if dude you want to play multiplayer with discord trannies or gimmicks like having an in game computer running dosbox running doom because Michael kirkbride made some forum posts about chim and spaceships going to the moon bro
I’ve been a Morrowfag since 2002 and I just don’t see the appeal or utility of OpenMW, honestly. I suppose it’s a neat project from a technical perspective but they’re planning on it being complete in like 2035 and honestly who will care at that point. I don’t use extensive modlists or anything, I just occasionally replay the game for nostalgia and I want it to be the same game I remember, not encumbered with cruft or new features
They aren't, most of the NPCs in the game are copy pastes of each other that say the exact same thing, except for specific quest related NPCs. They are literally faceless nobodies until you get a quest "go talk to this guy in bumfuck you already met and had no dialogues" and suddenly he has a few dialogues and unique personality just for that quest.

There are some NPCs that have huge infodumps, some of which are from the morrowind website back in the day, like Ygfa in Pelagiad who tells you about every single potion and disease in the game, or the orc smith in suran who tells you about all the types of weapons and armors.

It is an overrated game though.
>I’ve been a Morrowfag since 2002 and I just don’t see the appeal or utility of OpenMW, honestly. I suppose it’s a neat project from a technical perspective but they’re planning on it being complete in like 2035
Your age is showing. Do you even know what OpenMW is, demented grandpa?

OpenMW is complete and vanilla.
If you didn’t play Morrowind when it came out, why do you give a shit about it? Is this like when zoomers play modded Daggerfall unity port with so many new features they don’t even know what the original game was like?
You seem confused. Go lie down and rest.
You like to dance close to the fire, don't you?
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The actual difference is that OpenMW doesn't support Morrowind Script Extender, which is required for some mods to work. If you want to use those mods, you can't use OpenMW. Other than it's the same.
I'm pretty sure there's a list of unsupported mods on the OpenMW website, so you can check there if you have a specific mod in mind.
*other than that
To make things more complicated OpenMW has exclusive mods that won't work on MWSE now too.
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Playing it for the first time rn, and I’m tempted to say “fuck it” and use my starting gold to just power level alchemy and enchanting because of how strong it is. I don’t know if this will “enhance” or ruin the experience but rn I’m doing warrior with speech skills and a hint of restoration (20 at time of typing).
Not going to create a new character who specializes in magic? It would at least speed up the grinding and make it a bit more appropriate for your character, if you're into that sort of thing. Alchemy and enchanting will be more viable from the start as major skills too.
Sounds awfully boring to powergame them from zero.
For me, that would ruin the experience, but it depends on what you find fun. I enjoy playing knightly warriors who eschew most magic. Last time I played I used restoration only and had to rely on potions (levitation) and enchanted items (mark, recall, divine intervention) for spells I couldn’t cast myself. I didn’t use any custom enchants or offensive magic all game and very sparing potions
the obnoxious TES fan community here and elsewhere made me avoid these games like the plague. even more so than the shallow game mechanics of every entry.
How do you know the game mechanics are shallow, if you've avoided them like the plague?
God I wish OpenMW would stop removing features it's had for years to appeal to vanilla purists who will never stop playing the original engine anyway. It's like how TF2 ruined so many items and elements to appeal to comp fags who didn't even bother unbanned any of the new item reworks or playing Valve competitive.
Use openmw, old engine is old, 32bit, limited memory, buggy, riddled with save corruption etc.
Literally no reason to use it unless you want to play with some meme script extender mods like ashfall
It will be fun to do like one time, but it's more fun to see yourself gradually becoming stronger and stronger to the point where you one hit skeletons that were a pain in the ass earlier

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