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Thoughts? It seems like they're trying to discourage you from just going from boss to boss but the sidecontent doesn't seem interesting enough to justify exploring the map.
The expansion story is garbage. I know people trying to be clever will say shit like Souls isn't supposed to have good story or whatever, but no. This is a level beyond. Awful.
>souls game
Are you unironically retarded
Can you even read? Worthless post, you dumb fuck.
Your first instinct shouldnt be to jump on the "story" for a souls game. I think you have actual brain damage.
NTA but I thought Ds1 had an interesting story.
It doesn't have a story. You're just a zombie running around stabbing things
not an rpg
Not him but that's a retarded take. Even if the delivery is not straightforward, there is a story and one can like it or not but it is there, so it can be criticized. This game in particular had GRRM doing worldbuilding too so it wasn't an afterthought of just randomly making shit up for the boss movesets.

I personally think that it is dumb how they made new characters and tried to tie them to the ones in the mainland. I didn't get far enough yet but the existence of Rellana as a character irks me.
>The House of Caria was lead by Rennala who was an astrologer that found magical powers by moongazing, her moon actually having tangible powers akin to an outer God.

>The DLC comes out: ackshually, Rennala had an older sister called Rellana! She had the power of not one moon but two! She also dual wielded moon magic and fire! She could have lead her house but she left because she wanted Messmer's cock!

As for the gameplay I like the humanoid fights, all the monster fights so far have been more annoying than fun. The worst of them the Messmer wicker man thing that can only be killed by throwing craftable pots.
>/vrpg/ - video games/RPG
Post on a different board then
>Not him
Yeah because you're a woman.
File deleted.
I have never seen an intelligent post from a storyfag.
I think good story helps with player invesment into the outcome of the game.
You misunderstand my post. Storyfags do not understand good writing. I realized this when someone tried to desperately convince me xenoblade had good writing. The type of person who plays games for stories enough to be identified as a "storyfag" is the kind of person that binges Netflix. You can immediately tell this is true by looking in this very thread and seeing someone pretend that GRRM is some sort of authoritative indicator of the game's focus writing.
*focus on
Gotcha. To be fair, good writing is rare even among books, so its only reasonable that the standart for "good" is lower in gaming scene.
I have never seen an intelligent post from a mahirotranny
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You are jumping to conclussions like you usually do, niggerfaggot. Probably to pretend like your stance of "uhhhhhh you shouldn't talk about the story of souls games" shit opinion has any kind of value, can't even directly reply to me with a rebuttal.

Now, it seems like you also too stupid to realize I used the name of GRRM to make a point about Fromsoftware trying to conjoin their game to a story, which is why they hired an actual writer with published works of extensive success. The quality of the works themselves is irrelevant, but the act of hiring him and using his name for marketing should already tell you that they hold the story of Elden Ring to a different standard than their other works.

If the game has a story, then it's natural that someone would wish to discuss if they either like it or dislike it, souls lore is one of the most discussed aspects of these games, after all.

Now please, start your usual crying while you samefag.
>I used the name of GRRM to make a point about Fromsoftware trying to conjoin their game to a story
That's literally what he accused you of.
Yeah, so? As I said, no matter how much you hate on GRRM or his works, he's still a huge marketing asset and Fromsoftware used his name before they even showed the title of Elden Ring to say this: "hey, our convoluted worldbuilding has joined forces with this one writer that made that one popular thing, check it out".

Good or bad, poor or rich, you should be able to judge the story's quality on your own and not let a transexual avatarfaggot judge what you can talk about on the RPG board.
>As I said, no matter how much you hate on GRRM or his works, he's still a huge marketing asset
Okay, how does this make the game any more story focused than hiring Larry David to help design the story board? The purpose of advertising GRRM was to indicate the setting would be grimdark high fantasy with lots of gay rape and a guy that eats feces rather than pulling from history and mythology as it usually does.
>The purpose of advertising GRRM was to indicate the setting would be grimdark high fantasy with lots of gay rape and a guy that eats feces rather than pulling from history and mythology as it usually does.
And that isn't story content?
>And that isn't story content?
No, lore is not story. If you want to see what a story focused FromSoft game looks like play armored core.
I played almost all AC games from 1 up to 4 and I have as much of a clue what they're about as I have of Demon's Souls
Its meh. They really messed up by copying Bloodborne into DS3, introducing that retarded adhd-combat ruined the whole feel.
Now with ER they've gone all-in with the obnoxious boss/enemy design whose only reason is to just fuck with the player instead of being interesting or fun to fight against.
DS2 despite its flaws was the last proper souls game.
What a retard you are
How did FromSoftware humiliated western devs at making western fantasy?
good morning sirs
They might be sell-outs but at least they aren't California trannies.
The quality of the works is better than every single game "story" ever written for the past 30 years, and I don't even think that fat pervert is even good, it's just that jrpg and crpgs writers are THAT awful
>The expansion story is garbage
This happens every single expansion for every single souls game
>game comes out, leaving a ton of shit unexplained
>retards expect the expansion to resolve the intentional ambiguities in the main story
>expansion story covers minor shit tangentially related to main plot
>plotfags seethe
literally every single time (except Scholar of the First Sin)
imagine obnoxious to the point you keep shilling dark souls 2 even though everyone played this garbage game ten years ago at release and it SUCKED
I kind of agree with you. Bloodborne is fine as its own game series.

But Souls games became too muhc anime, the fun of Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 was a human element of the player going against crazy dragons\minotaurs and titanic gods.

The ashes of war turn the game into a bad DMC character action game.

Its not that i hate DMC or bayo i love them, but they dropped the ball on the dark classic western fantasy vibe they were going.
I beat the entire game with a claymore. It's not like you are forced to use magic powah.

True. maybe I didn't explain myself well.
>But Souls games became too muhc anime, the fun of Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 was a human element of the player going against crazy dragons\minotaurs and titanic gods.
I agree, they lost the "thread", like DMC has its own thing and they do that or Bayonetta has its own thing and they stick to that and it works. But the moment they start randomly branching out is where it collapses, you can see it in Bloodborne and Sekiro, it works because those are their own games, tight focus and specific style.

ER doesn't know what it is.
>at release and it SUCKED
All I remember was the MASSIVE butthurt from ADP and rollfags whining because they couldn't figure it out. Like lots of asspain from that one with people crying the game was broken lmao.
Also the mummies that fucked you over in a nanosecond and were unkillable and Pursuer blade and giants stomp, Shrine of Amana and so on but its still a good game. I even installed the release version on my xbox360 just so I could relive through it lol.
But did they finally explain the truth behind Zanzibart?
this game sounds like it has been distilled into everything i disliked in elden ring. maybe i'm spoiled from sekiro, or something, but the much better-directed combat and boss experiences makes elden ring shit feel naive. after liurnia of the lakes the quality of exploration drops pretty steeply. the last 1/4 of the game is an unengaging linear trek through hours of shitty gotcha enemies. elden ring would have been a 10/10 for me if it ended after the academy and used the increased budget from the smaller world to do more interesting shit within smaller boundaries.
STFU, you've never made an intelligent post in your life
>Outing yourself as the retard Falcom slop-consumer
Bold of you to accuse other people of binge watching Netflix when you do the video game equivalent
elden ring late game difficulty comes from not being challenging outright, but by tricking people who have gotten good at souls games by making the bosses and enemies move in ways that are unnatural
as souls games became more and more popular and people became adapted to the gameplay and saw it wasn't really as hard as it had been hyped up to be, they had to keep upping the difficulty. at a certain point, they had to go all in on bullshit rollcatching floaty jumps spastic movements to be hard, because players in general had gotten used to what had been considered hard in the past. the problem is, older bosses were hard because they challenged the player's ability to dodge or time attacks or read the enemy. In ER, especially late game, the difficulty comes from confounding the player, making it hard or impossible to read the enemy or their attacks, not allowing openings or a back and forth flow, instead just becoming a barrage of unnatural looking endless attack chains that need to be dodged in a way that is counter intuitive because the attacks have pauses meant to catch people.

imo it just stops being fun at the point where i can't really tell what's going on. i might be a shitter but super frenetic fights with flashy magic or particle effects everywhere just don't feel appropriate when you're playing as just a dude. In sekiro it makes sense, you're a ninja and can keep up with the fast attacks and speedy enemies. in elden ring, you're still just some dude walking around in armour holding a sword, and being expected to fight sekiro enemies. it just doesn't feel good to play
Historical revisionism nonsense. The story was far better back when Miyazaki wasn't high on his own farts.
what you mean the gay incest pedophilia rape isn't peak storytelling?
So rollgames are going down the same road as shmups
They should go in the opposite direction and try to experiment with other things. Like puzzle design and make a zelda like game or something.
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I don't know why everyone is so opposed to having incest, homosexuality, pedophilia and rape in stories. Literally, every single thing you mentioned is actually really common in mythology where high fantasy is usually pulling its inspiration from. Why do people act so puritanical over it?
it hits too close to home
they were presented as the folly of humanity and the precursors to a fall in mythology, not alternative lifestyles.
Story is garbage.
Bosses are garbage.
Too many fucking dragons.
The new leveling system is garbage and basically requires you to take a lap around the entire map before you start tackling bosses. A lot of fragments are also easy to miss and haphazardly placed compared to golden seeds and tears.
Yeah, you know what i mean. its not that i hate ER, its still great, and a shit metric ton of gameplay.

I kind wish they stop doing the fucking dying world in ER, wher eyo9u can still have dark areas but maybe have an area little town with ncps, or city, it does not have to be super reactive with schedules like TES. But something different.
Miquella's conscience (Trina) asks you to put him down.
I’ll play this when I can buy a GOTY bundle with DLC for 20 bucks, so probably not any time soon
Miquella quite literally divests himself of his heart and conscious and then you KILL HIM. If seeing any of this made you think 'wow from is advocating for this' you have the brain of a toddler
>I realized this when someone tried to desperately convince me xenoblade had good writing
LOL Your the OP of the Xeno thread who holds Kiseki as the panicle of """good""" story telling.
>lore is not story
Oh no, he's retarded
That's not advocating for or against it dumbfuck. It's completely irrelevant to him being an AIDSfaggot
>Trailsfag is still seething
Thanks for the laugh homo
This is an anonymous image board. The internal 'doxxing' faggotry has no place here.
So why are you mad that a game is letting you murder evil faggots?
he was just in love
With writing, every single inexperienced writer I’ve ever met, without exception, wants to skip past all the important stuff: drama, characterization, even plotting, and go for what seems easiest. Beginners and talentless hacks both have one thing in common: they love to write lore, granting it a primacy that more experienced writers never do. The inexperienced writer believes, incorrectly, that lore isn’t just important — it’s the point of the story.

If you want to test this, just state your lack of interest in lore publicly — if inexperienced writers see it, they’ll get angry with you, telling you that you don’t know anything, that what you’re saying is just your opinion, and so on. The scrubs will use statements designed to bring you down, beneath them, so they can keep doing what they’re doing, because they want to do what comes easily to them, and they don’t want to change. They don’t see why they should, which is why so many of them write stories that go nowhere.

Meanwhile, more experienced writers tend to respond with “yeah, of course.” They won’t even blink. No shit drama comes first — that’s the whole reason people go to stories in the first place.
idk lore is a part of the story the way garnishes are part of a dish, they're a nice touch but they aren't an integral piece
>Getting defensive over an observation
Looks like I hit a nail on the head.
>""Le doxxing""
It's public info.
Bayle the Dread is the hypest fight I've seen in Fromsoft games. The music and visuals are perfect and Igon, who you can summon, is the best NPC From has made.
Kiseki blows GRRM out of the water when it comes to storytelling.
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anything beats getting lectured by a tranny and a land whale who got into gaming to show the evil chuds their place…
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I don't even like GRRM that much but your standards have to be impossibly low to think this
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DLC still has some pretty dumb shit like the Golden Hippo
GRRM puts me to sleep, but I still have to take this bait. He doesn't make me cringe as hard as the entire CS arc does
I dont think the lore fits another fucking apocalyptic dying world.

But thats their comfort zone. Towns should've been populated and have some intrigue.
If the next Dark Souls style game from them at least had a "Clock Town" style hub, I would really like that.
GRRM hasn't written anything of significance since 2011, so Kiseki wins by default.
If were going by significance, Kiseki barely matters apart of some hipster weeb cultists
What'd you guys think of the DLC, I thought it was visually impressive
don't forget the part where the fanbase retroactively considers the previous game a masterpiece unlike (insert current fromsoft game here) that ruined the series
it was certainly more elden ring. i got what i expected.
i haven't played it but i think it was shit because of the story issues

bloodborne was great
expansion came out
expanded on the base game's story in an interesting way
there's too little enemy density, would've like it a lot more they made much more clusters of enemies. Make me fight my way through dammit!
Tried for the 3rd time to get into Elden Ring, and after 80 minutes I think I'm dropping it yet again. 1v1 fights are the only fun part of this game and everything else is a chore. People say "oh dude you gotta play with lock on" or "use a crowd control weapon like the zwei" but neither of those things fix it. Mobs are just headache inducing in this game and I don't think anything will change that
If you wanted shit encounter design where you get swarmed by copypasted enemies with no thought put into it there's always Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin
lmao at this being the opposite stance of >>3536059

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