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First wizardry so I'll start by asking what am i in for?
>what am i in for?
A game that plays nothing like Wizardry and has nothing to do with it made by a shovelware dev.
forsaken land is a legit 8.5-9/10 game.
It's a slow, deliberate, grid-based dungeon crawler with lots of backtracking at first. but as your characters get stronger with better skills, it speeds up significantly and you just charge through the dungeons floors after a while. great plot and music too.
pro-tip: have your main character starts a cleric, and multiclass them into a bishop. you get plenty of fighters and ninjas, but you don't get many full casters with healing
>forsaken land is a legit 8.5-9/10 game
No it isn't. It's not even a top 20 wizardry game.
I've never even played any other wizardry games, so i don't really give a shit how it compares to the rest of the series. But it's an absolutely great rpg on its own.

Is this the best game to start with for jap wizardry?
I came across it on insert iso site and just downloaded. Couldn't really care about the original games but this really caught my attention.
How can you decide a game is a 9/10 when you haven't played anything in the genre? To someone who was only eaten dogshit, do you think they believe cowshit is a 9/10 culinary masterpiece upon trying it? Too many "I have only played 2 video games in my entire life" types here nowadays.
>Is this the best game to start with for jap wizardry
No play the Llylgamyn Saga. The game in the OP was so bad the company went out of business after making it.
Virgo is my waifu do not steal
Who is Virgo. I promise I won't steal.
i could ask the same of you, when you think that wizardry comprises 100% of what the genre offers. bro, there are other rpgs and dungeon crawlers besides the wizardry series.
It has rather interesting combat gimmick, I wish more games used something like that.
I've played plenty of games and I know exactly what you are. Stay in the """"""drpg"""""" thread.
>Japanese games are le bad
Grow up codextranny
That's funny since the company that made the original series also went out of business

I guess Wizardry is just garbage.
File deleted.
There are plenty of good Japanese games. I've just done playthroughs on 3 JRPGs in a row on this very board. You intentionally seek out the shittiest games and hide behind region like it's some tribalistic war. But it's not. It's quality versus garbage, and you only play garbage. Being released in a certain region does not make it any less garbage.
>I guess Wizardry is just garbage
Wizardry 8 sure was, shouldn't have let Bradley go.
I wish "Japanese remake of Western games" was a full genre.
What's the gimmick?
"team actions"
I rather like this system, stuff like counters for specific attacks, "mass" combat, also aligments play into it, cool stuff. Adds depth to combat beyond what each "class" can do on its own.
As a simple example, backline can be commbanded to counterattack (interrupting) enemy, if its attack specific party member in the frontline, or you can make everyone just mass attack antire enemy team, enemy can use those, too, so they can mass attack all of your team as well, and there is a counter for that, as well. Fun stuff
>I've played 3 jrpgs and decided the entire jrg subgenre is garbage
>Too many "I have only played 2 video games in my entire life" types here nowadays.
So i've figure out that you're simply trolling at this point, but seek help. you hate yourself and don't even realize it.
better than wizardry 6-8
jap wizardry is trash
Are you the same guy? I've been on and off this board. I'm not a regular. But I think there's someone who has posted using this character as an image for years. They always seem angry and I've never seen them enjoy any game. I don't get why you would do this.
I'm so confused. Its just this angry guy who never has anything good to say. It makes me sad. I wish people could just be kind
>I'm not a regular
Well then stay gone, nigga. You think people don't see what you're doing with pushing this jap wizardry shit over and over? Get out of here and stay out poisonous retard.
Huh? I didn't do anything like that
Every time it's some retard trying to attach aesthetics as the primary selling point to a completely abstract subgenre that prioritizes gameplay over all else. This is why jap crawlers will always be asset flip shovelware that attracts the hugest idiots.
I don't know what you're saying to me
I think it's better to disengage with that anon. I'm pretty sure you're walking into a preexisting schizo meltdown.
Everything is becoming /v/ or something. I don't get why people get like this. I feel so lost. Its like they just get themselves mad regardless of me being here
You're here to push games solely because they have Japanese art in them. You don't care about gameplay. You'll play worse games and worse versions of games because they recycled art from some failed gacha project into a dungeon crawler they slapped together in a week. And now you're pretending to be innocent even though you did it before and you'll do it again because you don't have any interest in rpgs. I blame EO, this cancer never happened before that series.
He’s literally schizophrenic anon. Can’t be helped. All you can do is not respond to him.
I never played wizardry on ps2 but I looked up game play because of this thread and it looks fun. Its like eternal ring. I like dungeoncrawling games
I'll honestly take the blame for it. Shouldn't have put jap in the title. But all I know about wizardry is that it originally wasn't Japanese and forsaken lands caught my eye.
My bad.
No, you picked this game because it's a retarded hipster game you "vibed" with. If you like dungeon crawling games it would stand to reason that you played other wizardry games but you haven't. You've only found the shittiest games to play. Every time one of these threads pops up now its nonstop dissapointment as retards frantically search for the dumbest games they can play. There are hundreds of dungeon crawlers to choose from and the worst ones always get picked out.
I didn't pick this game lol.
He's just having a hissy fit. Free bumps for your thread
Tell me how eternal ring isn't a retarded version of Ultima Underworld where you just walk around slowly hitting things while creepy pasta music plays.
>wow its a huge piece of shit where you don't have to think or do anything, SOVL
I like both
You didn't play both, there are no Ultima Underworld threads but there's constant threads for garbage
Well you can make a thread and I'll post there too
Why would I make a thread? I play a game and move on, I don't make threads for the same garbage over and over. This is how I know you faggots aren't ever playing anything decent.
bro, you are completely unhinged. not everyone is shilling for their camp of rpgs. some people are legitimately asking questions.
Why browse 4chan then
Look where the reply chain started you disingenuous retard. Too late to pretend now!
Conversation started with a dude explaining what he liked about a videogame op asked about.

You're mad he was on topic?
the fuck are you talking about? the replies were perfectly civil until you started gatekeeping with all the "play more than 2 rpgs" bullshit.
i love how these tards are trying to act like this thread is natural, when it just so happens that the last newfag east vs. west wizardry thread got bumped off the catalog just a bit ago and they are already starting their shit here. people make a thread that gets a little attention and then they have to beat it into the ground.
No one believes you, you lying faggot.
you're right, but I think it's just one guy going on his retarded crusade.
The OP was made with the express purpose of repeating the last thread. Now you are getting shit on and crying.
yeah, this is definitely one guy here:
How hard is it to play actual wizardry games? Why seek out console garbage?
Op here. Genuinely wasn't. I saw game on CD romance and wanted to know what it was like.
All this weird shit flinging was not why I made this thread.
Its not good, go play the actual Wizardry games. Hope that helps.
not him, but i actually don't believe you.
Think about the internet is you don't have to but that is the fact of the matter.
World isn't just 4chan drama
no, we see the same shit over and over here and always it's some tard like you pretending it's all a coinky dink. fuck off.
There's nothing I can say to make you believe that as it's been established in the thread that you're schizophrenic and honestly I don't care.
Have a good day mate
>CD romance
Why not vimm?
oi, tis cause and effect, m8. start your thread with that gay ass "what am i in for" fucking meme and i'm gonna shit on you as a cock gobbling turdmonger with a room temperature iq. so, again, fuck right the fuck off.
>this is /vrpg/, don't you know you aren't allowed to talk about rpgs here? didn't you read the rules??
>[game you like] is shit
>no, I won't make a thread to talk about games I like and want to talk about, that's your job
>I made a thread about a game
>people discussed it instead of upvoting me and sucking my dick
>now i am mad
Gee that sucks. See ya!
I thought vimm died?
NTA but what?
Hockey is the angriest sport. Thats why the video was originally funny. Because of the irony.
>this is nu-/v/
>let me start a thread about a game i haven't played and never will play and have nothing intelligent to say about
>thread descends into shitposting
>herp derp, le shocked pikachu
This is a completely wrong reading of this game. You haven't played it. This game is extremely gameplay-focused and adds a lot of very good ideas and mechanics to the Wizardry formula. The team attacks are an excellent idea that add a ton of strategic depth to battles. The quests are fun and add context, depth and reasons to go back to places. The way that you upgrade spells keeps them relevant throughout the game. The dungeon designs are excellent, feature clever verticality and are far better than anything in 1-5. And the story is better than any other Wizardry game.

It's a very good game, a good dungeon crawler and a solid Wizardry entry. Your posts in this thread are unhinged.
I still haven't even gotten a reason as to why it's bad beyond it having a Japanese aesthetic.
The guy doesn't have a reason. There's something wrong with him and people should ignore him.
What did you expect the thread to be?
>is this game good
>but ive never played a video game in my life and it looks good to me
>i fail to see how that enables you to discern quality
>you cant say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Furthermore, this could have all been avoided if you just played the game and discussed it. But you didn't. Or did a long time ago and are simply pretending to be retarded in order to push your game, which would explain reply #2. But regardless you made a thread on a game you haven't even started playing yet. None of this works. This thread is an abortion. Don't ever do this again.
Only certain games on vimm got axed.
I haven't checked if wizardry is still there but many other games haven't been touched yet
these retards don't even know how to find easy links to direct downloads for any iso or rom they want. motherfucking pathetic.
>but ive never played a video game in my life and it looks good to me
>i fail to see how that enables you to discern quality
>you cant say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only did I not say that the anon you're trying to dunk on didn't even say that.

Stop being disingenuous.
Thats all there is to it its anime Wizardry.
Isnt that enought?
So you're saying wizardry itself is bad?
Oh wait i read that wrong i thought it said no reason why its good
I just remember it floating around in the Half-Life 1 days. I played football, my town in Alaska wasn't cold enough for hockey, and now they have hockey in like Las Vegas and Florida and shit, what the fuck.
same anon here again

OP, go play the game, it emulates flawlessly on pcxs2, just make sure to get a recent build. i found the first and second floors to be the most challenging, but once i understood the flow of the game it became a lot more fun.
as i said, it has great atmosphere and the music perfectly sets the tone:
How long until we get a translation patch for Busin 0?
It's already been translated and has a really professional guide, but I don't know if it will ever get a patch.

Is this a separate game or just the Japanese version of forsaken lands?
It's a sequel. It was made after Tales of the Forgotten Lands and takes place 100 years before the events of the first game. It adds a bunch of new classes and mechanics.
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Why lie? The dungeons suck ass and are extremely basic, it adds stupid shit like team attacks, its much more story focused, theres even literal social links, it has a standard MP pool.... Literally how is this even remotely related to wizardry? It plays nothing like it aside from being a dungeon crawler. What posesses people to post stupid easily disproven shit like this? Actual kike behavior.
He's lying because OP played the game already and made this thread to shill it. He doesn't know anything about Wizardry.
Still here huh.
>just leave so I can lie and spread bullshit
>Thats all there is to it its anime Wizardry.
No it isn't.
Wizardry Empire is anime wizardry.
It has wizardry in the name. Case closed.
Shit. Well hopefully by the time I get around to playing and beating this there'll be a patch.
You're not allowed to point things like that out.
so you aren't ever going to play this game.
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Look man let me hope. I only just got around to prime remaster and suddenly prime 4 gets a trailer.

I'm hoping this'll work the same way.
>a nintendrone on top of everything else
>be me
>never played wizardry
>might be interesting let’s check this thread out
>wow looks like a bunch of psychopathic trannies like it
>guess I won’t be playing wizardry then
Feels good man
Oh my bad I thought you actually wanted to talk videogames
From what everything this autist is spouting it's actually not wizardry so you should be fine
>A bunch
One guy isn't a bunch
I'm looking through the manual right now, what the fuck is this shit? It doesn't sound anything like wizardry.
>just “reading through” the “manual” of a game I dislike and don’t intend to play, purely to get mad about and post on an image board about
>yup just another normal day for me
I'm sold.
>SA goon
Anon. Do not the beast.
In my defense, “I stole a pie from Estelle Getty” wouldn’t fit
Why are your replying like that's your screenshot?
You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
you haven't played any wizardry games
You can think a game is good without playing another of the genre.
No, there is no good without bad. Everything cant just be good.
That's retarded and also not what I said.
If you want be a cup half full kind of guy you can say everything exists on a scale of good to not good, but that's sort of the same thing. If reality is subjective and relative then we need to draw comparisons to make concrete sense of it. That's how the human brain works. And if that scale exists then maybe the top of it is beyond your ability to percieve it due to your own inexperience as people are not innately able to detect the height of quality, just like someone who drinks a 40oz of steel reserve everyday will probably not have the palate to appreciate a fancy craft beer, and your inability to argue otherwise is evidence of that. Fortunately, this is a board for enthusiasts, not people who have never played an RPG before, so people like that shouldn't be here.
The fact you are arguing in objective fact is literally all that is needed to unravel your rambling but this is bait anyway so eh.
Nigger. You are unironically saying one needs to play literally every game in existence to say something specific they played is good. You don't. Are you alright in the head?
It's an elaborate shit post.
The fact is, what you think is a good game or not and why says less about the particular game and more about you as a player. A connoisseur must broaden their palette with experience, as when talking to others with more knowledge about the genre, you come across as fairly vapid. This is why many young people, who want a shortcut to taste through the adoption/refutation of preceding opinion, often get upset when their attempts are met with disdain by those who've actually put work into their hobby.
>retard complaining about others in a thread where the only person who knows how the game actually works and played it hates it
Indeed, you've caught me in a grammatical faux pas, palate was my intended word. Unfortunately I'm prone to these sorts of errors. You have my thanks for illuminating this particular example.

As to the rest of your post, well, it seems nonsensical and irrelevant to my point.
>those who've actually put work into their hobby.
Lol, lmao
Are you attempting to denigrate the monumental labour of love that a true hobby is? Yuk away, sloth-thing.
Look. We are all nerds here who have sunk tens of thousands of hours of our lives into playing computer games, but please, have the self-awareness to recognize that it’s a self-indulgent waste of time and not some worthwhile and productive endeavor or a useful skill to master. This is absolutely massive levels of cope.
Any actual productivity would ruin the very proof of our love, anon. Never did I claim it was important to anyone but those who love it, that's what a hobby is. You are reading my post poorly.
>what am i in for?
jarpig sloppa
>I guess Wizardry is just garbage.
It is.
One of the things that I think is really cool is that the tavern starts out really crowded and, as you do quests, starts to clear out. By the end of the game, it's completely lonely and empty. You don't realize it until the end, but they're souls lost in limbo, hanging onto this existence through regret, and by completing their quests you're releasing them from purgatory. It's pretty cool.
The reaper is a really clever take on Trebor's Ghost from IV; if it touches you, it curses you. If any of your characters die while cursed, they're gone for good - they can't be resurrected. But the curse also allows you to use certain doors that you wouldn't otherwise be able to see, which can lead to exclusive treasures or areas. It also gives access to special curse team actions.

It's really terrifying, getting cursed, but also pretty thrilling and can have some upsides too. Overall a really cool mechanic.
Infinity Engine games but with 4-5 niggas combat would go insane
Now that I think about it, Bounty Sword came out way before Baldur's Gate and has far, far better combat. The only Western RTwP game I can think of off the top of my head that came out before is Darklands, which had awful combat. Have the Japanese been the true kings of RTwP all along?
>You don't realize it until the end
They explain it right in the beginning, the game has tons of dialogue and most of it is poorly machine translated.
A slow as fuck game, it's torture on original hardware.
Are you thinking of the right game? This is Tales of the Forsaken Land, not some other game like Labyrinth of Lost Souls or something. It isn't stated ever, and it's something only inferred by a story reveal about 2/3rds into the game.
Yes, it says it right in the very beginning in the tavern. Are you an ESL? Be honest.
I don't remember that. I'll play the game again and see.
>I'll play the game again
Sure you will
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That's not at all what it says. It says they're people who will welcome your help because they lost things in the Flash. It doesn't say anything about that when handing in quests either. Why can't you just talk honestly about the game? Just talk about it on its own terms and not this weird, made-up bullshit.

I play it every few years. This is a pic from my last playthrough a little more than a year ago.
>That's not at all what it says. It says they're people who will welcome your help because they lost things in the Flash
It literally says you are helping them move on from "this realm".
>Why can't you just talk honestly about the game?
Why can't you? Why make threads for games you have zero intention of playing?

>That's not at all what it says
It does say that, in fact it references this many times throughout the game, like the Ninja not existing in the register. But you wouldn't know this from briefly watching a YouTube video.
It doesn't say that anywhere. The video is timestamped at 4:25, but I'll write what it says in its entirety -

The people here shall welcome your presence.

Since their losses in the Flash. . .

This place is flooded with people who are searching for what they have lost.

It will be a challenging task because some are looking for their dreams, and some are looking for their loved ones.

But, in any case, they are precious memories to each one of them.

They have not been able to retrieve those things after the Flash.

It shall be your duty to fulfill their quests.

That's the entirety of what is said. None of that says that they're lost souls looking for peace before they finally disappear. I don't think it's ever directly stated, even after the reveal. Maybe in the late, late game someone says something about it, but from what I recall it's something you're supposed to infer as a byproduct of the narrative, which I think is pretty cool and understated.

I didn't post this thread. Prior to our interactions, I think I made 3 posts, mostly to say what I like about it. You don't have to like it, that's fine. But I don't think you're capable of talking honestly or meaningfully about it. Everything you've posted in our interactions so far is a mischaracterization or an attack on me personally, and it gets in the way of actual discussion.

I play the game regularly. I enjoy it very much. I posted a picture of my last playthrough at the end of the game, which was taken about a year ago.

I think Kyo doesn't exist in the register because he's a named character that joins you, not someone you create. It's mechanically distinguishing between your own characters and the game's characters, who have stories and identities of their own. But I do think it's cool how the game foreshadows a lot of its narrative, which makes more sense in retrospect. It's a game that rewards a second playthrough, for sure.
>It doesn't say that anywhere
Yes it does and it goes into detail about this as you recruit your first characters and walk about town and literally the first character you meet is a ghost, who is immediately described as a ghost. What in the fuck are you even saying?
>139 replies
>not a single person in this thread is going to play this game
>OP is pretending to be someone else and posting youtube let's plays
And it's not even the only thread like this. Every day a bunch of threads like this get bumped at the same time. There's literally a bioware thread that is just a straight up chatbot. Things keep getting worse and worse.
You aren't talking to op anon.
Bullshit. What video game did you play today?
Gravity circuit.
So not an rpg, looks like you're on the wrong board then.
Just don't respond to him. These people constantly demand things of you, constantly force you to prove yourself and when you inevitably do, they shift the goalposts and force you to prove something else. It's the opposite of constructive conversation. If you see posts like these, just ignore them. They're not here in good faith. Don't respond.
And what are you gonna do about it?
Why are you samefagging? You're never going to play an rpg. You're here to shoot the shit and pretend to be interested in a genre you very clearly want nothing to do with. Go post more screenshots of tomb raider and gzdoom wads and pretend theyre rpgs.
Why is he so afraid people are gonna play this game? Even after this whole game I still don't get it.
He's a jobless transsexual from RPG Codex with nothing better to do.
>Why is he so afraid people are gonna play this game
I'm literally telling you to play games instead of making threads telling people to play games for you so you can feel validated.
No you're just shitposting. Final (you)
>let’s check in and see if this thread has gotten any better since yesterday
>oh look more schizo meltdowns
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take your meds you unhinged retard
Kys faggot. Wizardry 8 is the best in the series.
It is not.
I like it. Its very cute, that retards just say "its bad!". Not a single reason given, none.
Its made by *country-name* aint a reason, no. Hows somebody palying or not-playing other Wizardry games should affect this game quality, and how much of an enjoyment I had with it?

its the best of the japanese wizardry sequels/wizardry-likes i played and i've played a few. good level design, good combat and mechanical additions, good story, good graphics, good atmosphere. the biggest problem is that combat is fucking slowwwwwwwwww but if you're playing on an emulator you can speed it up. on the original playstation 2 the game would start to stutter on floors 8-10 when those fucking ninjas were on the screen. but yeah, it's at least as good as wizardry 6 and better than 1-5. good game and underrated ps2 rpg.
>better than 1-5
Absolutely not.
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I'm having fun with it. Hopefully that samurai girl that showed up in the Tavern can be recruited at some point.
There's something really satisfying about recruiting the characters, even the ones you don't end up using.
How does recruitment work? I thought you make your own party in this game.
You can, yeah. But you're also able to meet characters through quests and events in the dungeon that can lead to them being available to you as well. It's like Wizardry 8 in that regard.
Recruited characters also occasionally chime in during story events too, and a handful are very powerful for their level.
godly digits
I kept Kyo, Rui and Sara for the entire game.
It's possible to change their classes. You can get stones throughout the game that can change classes. I don't remember if you can get them from treasure chests, but you can definitely get them from that stupid orc minigame on the first floor. It's not really necessary, but if you want them to have different spells or equipment, you might want to do it. For instance, you can change someone's class to ninja, give them shurikens and then change them to priest or something and they'll still have the shurikens equipped.
>I thought you make your own party in this game
No, this has absolutely zero things in common with wizardry. It's just a regular jrpg with wizardry slapped on the title.
Are they stronger in anyway? Like will I be nerfed not using them?
This is a console game, it isn't hard in any way.
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He's right, you know why you're playing this lmao
That's proto cloud, but OK.
No, you can use whoever you want. You can make your own guys and be perfectly fine.
kys troon
Don't bother.
I will
>There are plenty of good Japanese games.
None of them by Falcom.
Amazing game.
Why did >>3533256 drop it then
he thinks anyone who doesn't do a complete screenshot lp thread of a game hasn't played it.
Please don't respond to the off-putting, mentally ill transexual.
Mad samefag
Sorry but no.
"Jap" is a racist word so please don't use it, thank you
Overall yeah I agree it's the best Japanese Wizardry (better than Wizardry Empire series by a lot). The sequel looks so good but it will probably never be fan translated.
>better than Wizardry Empire series by a lot
Really? I thought they were pretty bland. The new classes weren't very interesting, the maps weren't that good. What did you like about them? I don't see how they could compare to Busin 0.
If you played them why are you complaining about the Forsaken sequel not being translated? 2 out of the 3 are not in english. The maps are fairly good, pretty much what we've come to expect from Starfish in Elminage, just a bit more experimental which is a good thing. This is a terrible thread, so if you bump it I will not be replying to you again. This is not a discussion.
You're still going to be in the thread anyway.
Don't pretend saging now will change that
A few are translated, let me link.

Wizardry Empire

Wizardry Empire: Staff of Resurrection

Wizardry Empire II Plus

The ones that weren't translated are Ancestry of an Empire and Asterisk: Hiro no Fuin, so I don't know anything about those two, but I found the others to be unexceptional. There's nothing in them that wasn't done better by Wizardry 1-5. The maps in the Gameboy ones were god awful, unbelievably boring. Can't even remember Empire II Plus.

Elminage games are alright. A step in the right direction for Starfish and dungeon crawlers in general. But Busin offers way more. Smarter and better designed dungeons, good production values, better mechanical additions, more interesting dungeon events. Feels way better than a lot of the stuff tacked on in Elminage, but Elminage games do have way better post-games.
>Wizardry Empire II Plus
Not fully translated. Did you play it?
Yeah, the stuff that wasn't translated were like images with names on them, everything else was completely playable.
He's just making shit up to get a reaction.
troon, stop lying

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