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It’s become fashionable now to to make fun of bioware and call them a former shell of what they wince were. This is not factual at all to me. Bioware imo has not dropped its writing quality has not changed much. Bioware has only become far more progressive than before. They always were somewhat liberal but now it’s just far more so. But that’s really all that’s changed, not the writing quality.

Looking back at older bioware games shows that they were never really that good anyway. It’s just that they had pretty much zero competition when it came to big budget wrpgs. So if you were not into anime styled jrpg, and you wanted a big budget rpg, Bioware was your go to.

You go back to baldurs gate 1, kotor, mass effect 1, and dragon age origins, they have the same quality of writing as modern Bioware games. Some people back then were able to be tricked though into thinking that a game have a lot of lore and dialogue meant good writing. Bioware games had mounds of dialogue but I wouldn’t say I was ever captivated by it but on rare occasions. And mass effect and dragon age had massive amounts of lore for a video game but as we saw with later installments, it totally fell apart which imo shows that the quality wasn’t all that good and the mystery held up it’s interest. And of course when it came to true main stories of the games they were pretty standard and simple. Go to three planets or areas to gather resources or allies then go to the main area where you are placed in a linear line to the end of the game. You are always cast as a warrior from an ancient order facing an ancient threat.
While some might dismiss criticism of BioWare as trendy, there's more to the story. Here's another perspective: Nostalgia can paint older BioWare games in a rosier light. Storytelling techniques and player expectations evolve, so what felt groundbreaking then might seem clichéd now. Additionally, the RPG landscape has exploded, offering diverse narratives and mechanics, making BioWare less of a standout. Scrutiny intensifies with competition, and flaws that might have gone unnoticed before become glaring.

Some argue BioWare has shifted its focus, prioritizing broader themes and representation over the character-driven narratives that were their hallmark. There's also a sense that the intricate lore of earlier games has become inconsistent or underdeveloped in later installments. While BioWare titles have always boasted mountains of dialogue and lore, quality is subjective. Some find it engaging, while others crave tighter narratives. The "ancient order vs. ancient threat" trope was initially successful, but repetition breeds predictability.

Ultimately, BioWare's writing had definite strengths in the past. However, dismissing criticism solely as a fad ignores the possibility that their approach has changed, leading to a perception of decline in the current gaming landscape. Whether BioWare's writing remains strong or has faltered is for each player to decide.
Well you can blame EA's greed for that one. Its not just their money gouging interferences with game design and absurd deadlines. Whats really disgusting is how they treat staff. Some of the worst crunch times in the contemporary business led to the senior staff walking out. I dont think their politics are relevant to the games quality either. Its entirely because EA has mismanaged what was once a fine company to work for, something you could be proud of. Imagine having that legacy of pride at your back and being made a part of Dragon Age 2 because EA refused to give you enough time to do your magic. Gutwrenching desu. My only hope for Veilguard is that the recent successes of multiple single player games and the mass effect LE will give EA the signal to let bioware fucking cook.
i dont care about the writing. i care about the shitty fetch quests, hallway maps, and boring combat. truly, one would have to be retarded to think about these games for even a single second.
100% chance this is one guy right? Who cares about dragon age, Jesus lol
Me as op has only posted once. Now twice
you're an idiot
Wokeshit has ruined a lot of things, paragraphs of cope won't change that.
For the 10,000th time, it's not just the poor writing, it's the invitation through bar lowering dei of people on the dev side who weren't really passionate about the genre in the first place to phone in more dei/esg requirements.

QED go to bed.
No I made >>3532463. I thought OP made good points and I wanted to jump in by pointing out what I think brought us to this point. Bioware is a well known company with an influential track record, of course we care. We want good games.
You copy pasted this awful thread on /v/ as well. Just stop man. All bioware games are bad.
lol, i copypasted that from the google ai shit, brah
I really didnt.

Oh ok? You accidentally made sense then. No wonder it didnt include causation though.
>it was a literal chatbot
>idiots still responding
How shitty does this board have to be for OP not to be permanently range banned? Explain how this logically makes any sense. This is just evidence that biotards are actual real life NPCs.
AI just spits put regurtitated information from the internet. This is no different from a chatbot explaining that the earth is round followed by a globe enthusiast saying "thats true if simplified".

If anything an inability to debunk what to you is just AI gibberish is kind of telling isnt it?
retarded janny thread
>I wouldn’t say I was ever captivated
You could have just said this.
I read Oscar Wilde and thought it was gay, but it's not a reason to call the writing bad.
Critiquing any professional writing is unwarranted, some things are better written than others but it's pathetic how much armchair criticism people give from the comfort of anonymity about people they've never met with a job they've never had concerning a topic they know nothing about.

If I don't like the writing in something I just stop reading it and do something else, I don't feel the need to ramble to a bunch of internet strangers how much of a literary genius I think I am.
Baldurs Gate 3 had shitty writing.
>OP literally admitting it's an AI generated post
>still going
It's a prompt for discussion like any other post here.
I agree.
Well Said.
But they do have some good games, them not being good doesn't mean everything they make is bad.
Mass Effect 2 is a good game.
>It's a prompt for discussion like any other post here.
More like it’s the output resulting from a prompt
Much like the people here
You are correct, WRPG fans pretending to know and judge writing quality is an amusing new trend kek
They end up on wordcel flatulation in the end, a classic ending. Selfie, Suicide the game.
well said AI
>no I don't even want to try resurrecting the supposed love of my life, a very reasonable thing to do considering the setting
>let me bounce on MC's dick instead
boomers pretend bioware was ever good in writing department
stfu granps, you want tv privileges taken away from you again?
there is such a thing as objectively bad writing, and it's alright to point it out

Go fuck yourself you numpty cunt.
Just take your fucking screencaps of funny, but not too racist posts, and run back to upload them to Reddit in some r/4chanreposts or whatever, without the commentary you little cunt.
Bioware, even at it's best, is somewhat of a "One eyed king" situation. Their writing is flawed as fuck, but they have, or at least had, a grasp of basic plot above the abysmal standards of most video games.

They also tried to write actual settings after most AAA video game abandoned that.
yeah but it had hot characters meanwhile in bioware games you have both shitty writing and ugly as sin characters
if your writing is going to be shit at least obfuscate it with hots chicks with big asses
There are no fetch quests in Veilgaurd

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