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nvm desu its dead.
Wouldn't it be more advantageous to recommend people play symphonia or something instead of repeatedly referencing an awful entry in the series that's over a decade old
does she have a tail or is that a buttplug
don't expect logic from whatevereizen'slittlesisterwascalledpedos
Anal buttblug
Dhaos was right
Edna fag has kept me out of every tales thread.
Bisley was right
Not wholly untrue
was sorey homosexual
Its over
the bad times of course
I hate Edna.
me too
i love Edna
I love Symonne.
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so far I haven't found a really compelling reason to not just run this party all the time

games fun though
Raven's love shot is better than anything Estelle has. I also swapped Yuri out for Flynn down the line because of energy coat and jigenzan.
but yuri is still better
not defending zestiria but symphonia is made for literal children. it's not even the kind of thing where you can still play it as an adult and enjoy it like other jrpgs, unless you're really autistic or have never watched a b-rate shounen anime
It's not that bad
>Raven's love shot is better than anything Estelle has
if you only play on normal mode, sure. otherwise it doesn't heal nearly enough and while on paper being able to spam it sounds like a perk you can just pop overlimit to rapid fire nurses/healing circles, or hit calvary and become immune to your spells being interupted. estelle also has buffs, better damage spells and better stats with an equally janky combo game so she does more damage and enables other characters to do damage

also patty becomes way worse without yuri around
i dont rlly think its "bad" or whatever there was obv effort put into it but the story itself is just not compelling enough to warrant playing it for 60 fucking hours, since its not really allowed to go any further than the surface level of what could have been much deeper plot points.
not to mention the fakeout deaths, or the fact that nothing really happens to the traitor and hes just forgiven and everythings fine again save for a single route that rarely anyone would ever trigger on a first playthrough.
i could play literally any jrpg that's half as long and get a more compelling story...
that being said the main villain is really well-written and i think some jrpgs can learn from his unique way of interacting with the party, but again you'd have to be really young (or autistic) to actually get emotionally invested in his death since the way it's presented is just so......kiddish??
after typing this out over a four word reply about a game i don't even like i've realized maybe im the autistic one what the fuck-
he's forgiven because it turns out he was literally just pretending to betray you so he can get a key item you need from the badguys and saves everyone from their extremely conveneint deathtraps they all get stuck in on the way through the previous dungeon, unless you take the route where it turns out actually he really is betraying you because lloyd didn't trust him enough to make him feel like his life had any value and he went on a nihilism streak

if this game is as simplistic as you say, why did you not understand these plot points the characters directly state without any subtly?
Kratos VS Zelos
Settle it forever
How is this even a question
>Can't turn on the Japanese dub
Yuri Lowenthal's voice is so intensely grating to me. I can't stand how the American anime/game VA industry has like five actors that they use for fucking everything.
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So blinded by hate I forgot pic.
Just download the undub. You'll actually get voiced skits too.
the devs like his take so much they named the protagonist of the next game after him
kratos is cool and all but zelos is the funniest character in the whole franchise, can't imagine not picking him
By taking Kratos you 1-restrict yourself from any of the other Flanoir scenes with the rest of the cast as well as force yourself into a specific epilogue and other small details that come from the Flanoir scene, 2- lose out on Zelos' Personal skill, which is really really fucking convenient, 3- I don't have numbers to give you, but if I recall correctly Zelos has a higher attacking stats over Kratos, who is a bit more tanky - and offence is universally better.

Kratos's benefit - access to Judgement - does not make up for any of that.
>next game
I don't believe Caius is named after Yuri Lowenthal.
Counterpoints:1-he is your dad
2-he loves you
Why do you guys want to kill Sheena’s boyfriend
Do you mean gameplay or lore?
Gameplay, he's pretty whatever.
Lore but he's also pretty good in terms of gameplay, Guy focus really warped people's minds
>Kratos's benefit - access to Judgement - does not make up for any of that.
PS2 and on, Zelos also gets Judgment.
The only techs differentiating them at that point are Guardian Field for Kratos which is kind of shitty with the awful range and Zelos's 2nd MA Divine Judgment which homes in on the target and is easy to activate provided that you unlocked Judgment in the place.
Specifically, he can activate it by himself (frequently at that) which is near-impossible for anyone else without assistance.
But why would you play anything except the objectively superior Gamecube version
More content
The problem is that melee AI sucks and Abyss wants you to run a 3x Mage or 2x Mage + Natalia for healing. Guy is better than Luke so he gets overshadowed.
Always use harem parties with the MC in tales and star ocean
what makes guy better
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Magilou sexo
Trying to steal velvet's prize. Are all the females in berseria huge shotacon?
Gets a lot of good moves earlier than Luke. Has a functional infinite on many enemies with the right setup, etc.
Alphenbros, how do we COPE with the FACT that our "hero" is the WEAKEST protagonist in the ENTIRE FRANCHISE?????
what happened to blastia after vesperia????
At least he wasn't BETRAYED and TRAPPED like Berubetto
will Velvet ever escape the hyperbolic time chamber
>"Shionne, I need your help! This is Senel Coolidge I'm up against!"
Canonically no
He should never removed the mask. The man without a face was really interesting but removed the mistery he was the blandest mc ever.
I tried this game a week ago. The battle system was so slow and boring I dropped it after the first dungeon where you run away with the pink girl.
Luke gets lowkey more fun to play in the second half of the game, but it may be just my perception
I started Tales of Vesperia
What is Rapido used for in combat?
He's the thief/item user, right?
So it's better for the player to control it in combat?
She does DAPs.....
Repede is the fast dude
Just let him do his thing
Stealing isn't too important
Unless youre doing 100%, stealing doesnt matter. Play as whoever you want to.
Catcha : T00T
Is Tales of Berseria any good? I never played any game in the series and it's pretty cheap on Steam right now.
Character is good, Story is okay, Gameplay is meh, Its a Prequel to Zestiria
Worst game in the series. Some of the characters are entertaining but everything else is extremely unfun. Buy something else.
Sorta? Every character is going to be better when they're player controlled (you could argue against Rita I guess if you prep her spell list for every fight but that's a hassle most of the time). Repede's not special in that regard, but you can make him a lot better by controlling him.
Repede does have a lot of item/thief skills, but they're not really the focus of how he's actually played. Instead he's more focused out using his speed and abusing free-run. I can't really give you great advice on him though because he's definitely my least played character in the game
Counterpoint: tempest
Bros I don't get it. The dungeons are long and boring, the combat is flashy but not that satisfying with enemy being spongy unless you pick just the right element that they're weak to.
It's not that fun, though I like the characters.

Early screenshot but I'm at the second half of the game.
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it's a good game but imo it's not a good first tales of game to start the series with, for the 3d games you should probably start with either abyss or vesperia since they're easy to emulate/cheap too. for 2d you should give phantasia a chance (the psx version) or destiny
then you can come back to berseria and you'll probably like it
Thanks for the responses everyone. Usually I see people describing Berseria as the black sheep of the franchise, but I got interested because apparently it deviated from the usual cheery stuff in the other entries. If it's edgier, do you think it's handled well or does it end up being a bit juvenile?
i thought it was edgy done right, it didn't feel juvenile
How does she appear in the gacha games then? Like, what's the excuse?

It's funny because you can remove the mask the instant you start the game because of all the cosmetics DLC, it still shows up in cutscenes though, which was weird
Disagree, Berseria was THE tourist Tales game before Arise. It was a pretty big JRPG release in 2017 and everyone started with it and then went back and played other games, I know I did.

It's really not edgy, at least not by adult Western media standards. The MC has a vengeance boner (and that's all she talks about) and other party members are all like "meh whatever I'm just tagging along, don't care what happens". I guess you could say they're not actively "good", but none of them are evil

Except for the samurai dude that wants to kill his brother because he's jealous of him being better at everything and you help him do just that, and then he loses all humanity and becomes a monster in his ending

But yeah the dungeons and combat suck hard, maybe play something else like Xillia first (easy to emulate, looks about the same graphics wise)
if you're going by what everyone else started with then you should know it's symphonia, neither berseria nor symphonia are good 1st games to start with to *get into* the series even though i like both of them, my point is that starting with abyss or one of the 2d games would be a better starting point because berseria does things different than the rest of the series
>Usually I see people describing Berseria as the black sheep of the franchise, but I got interested because apparently it deviated from the usual cheery stuff in the other entries
Not really? Like it's edgier in that your party is made up of tentatively "bad guys", but the people you're fighting against are evil anyways so that doesn't really matter and they don't use it to tackle any themes that are more mature than the rest of the series. I'd say it's pretty on par tonally, maybe a bit sillier overall? In a game that really doesn't have strong side characters, the fact that most of your party gets constantly played for jokes impacts that a lot.

Anyways at this point the black sheep of the franchise is Arise.

Sorta disagree on what you're saying here. Symphonia definitely *was* a good game to get people into the series with - and it obviously worked that way - but the audience itself has changed a lot in 20 years. It's harder to make a fortnite kid (don't take offense to that, I hate that I have to preempt this because some fag will) sit down to it. That said, I don't see Abyss as any better - if anything it's maybe a bit worse.
Fonon circles are nice, but they don't provide enough to substantially improve anything from Symphonia, and the ambitious but completely game-breaking implementation of free-run in Abyss fucks the combat over. You also just have less variety in playable characters which is a downgrade too. Abyss also tends to have a lot more "annoyance points" baked into it - see https://arch.b4k.co/vrpg/thread/3460441/#3521509 - that Symphonia doesn't, and Symphonia's combat mix of 2D/3D lets it be a really good branching point to the different 2D and 3D games in the series. And though I personally disagree - the unlikability of Luke and a lot of the rest of your party, especially in the early part of Abyss, can really offput people. And if they're offput from the game, they won't touch the rest of the series.
>the black sheep of the franchise
not really. its reception is solidly middling
>deviated from the usual cheery stuff
it doesn't. berseria pretends its edgier, and a lot of people get tricked by it, but it's just set dressing to some extent. i'd say that by the metrics you're using it's probably "juvenile" because it's honestly a standard jrpg in a lot of ways.

however the characters are genuinely well written and it's a fun time. probably one of my favourites on writing alone.
>How does she appear in the gacha games then? Like, what's the excuse?
crossover games don't have to make sense

to actually answer the question even though it's stupid, most of the crossover games are alternate universes where the original games never happened. the only exceptions are reve unitia, (takes place in a shared inter-dimensional dream where everyone has amnesia anyways so it's difficult to tell what timeframe theyre from) and rays (everyone is an "exoflection", basically a perfect clone that can never return home. anyone who should be dead or indisposed is from before that happens)
Thanks again everyone. I did end up buying it but your replies helped me know what I was getting into. I put almost three hours into it in a single sitting, which is a rare thing for me in this type of game. I'm enjoying it a lot and I'll check out the other games in the series if they're even better.
Have fun anon, the game really picks up once you get more party members, especially Magilou, Eizen and the shota ofc.

Not a spoiler, just a funny moment.
Is Karol the worst tales party member ever?
>horrible TP costs
>NO combo's
>Slow as fuck
>cant use OL well

Like he is clearly the worst in Vesperia, but arguably in the history of the series.
It's probably Annie as far as mainline goes but I'll always default to Sheena. Not only is her entire moveset copy pasted with no animations, it's the one-off boss in her 1v1 that gets the actual proper Suzu ninja arte list.
I hate every loli character
Did this motherfucker just disappeared with all my ex-spheres I've invested in him?
Why is there so many females in Tailsof fandom?
My hate list
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Mmmm, daddy...
what the fuck.

over emil?
>over emil?
He is a good boy I don't have anything against him
Why are people hate Alphen?
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I will never hate Edna
Lloyd! Our elephant!
Karol’s fine? He can combo pretty easily, there’s a lot of knockdown resets in his kit (he deals extra to kd-ed foes), and if you struggle with spacing after some hits Destruction Street or Rolling Revolution off the top of my head are quite good lateral extenders, especially once you start using charge. He also just does more damage in shorter combos anyways.
He gets some really good artes too. All of his debuffs are fantastic, especially once you get the skill that prevents them from wearing off, and he can self-buff with Coil to deal even more damage. Reaper Knock is incredible, you don’t even need to combo with it.
>cant use OL well
I mean that’s just false. Karol’s skills set him up as an absolute monster with OL - his crits do more damage than any other character, they force guard break, and then in post-game every attack he does in OL automatically crits. For some of the hardest content in the game he’s one of the best damage dealers.
He also shines as an NPC, which isn’t a bad quality to have. Whereas Judith/Raven/Repede etc. are going to be really frail and not able to perform any of the things that make them good, Karol - with very little set-up - can contribute a ton. Because he’s still going to hit his debuffs, he can provide instant good healing and ailment removal, every hit he does will still do a chunk of damage, and importantly he won’t die half as easily.

>Like he is clearly the worst in Vesperia
I don’t think it’s as anywhere near as clear cut as you say. I’d lean Repede - he doesn’t really shine at anything that other people can’t do better.

Like here’s the thing - he’s rough right at the start where all you have is dragon upper and he’s at his slowest, and it’s easy to bench him the moment you get Rita and never give him any focus past that point - which I think a lot of players do. But in doing that you’re cutting yourself off at the ankles. He’s got a lot of good things going for him
>but arguably in the history of the series.
This just makes it look like you haven’t played many games in the series.
For starters, his kit’s pretty much just a direct improvement on what Presea has, so him being the “worst” is just an impossibility. And frankly there’s a ton of characters throughout the series that are substantially worse than either of them.
Putting aside some of the casters, because a lot of those are interchangeable, it’s hard to be worse than Moses. He is objectively awful in every aspect of gameplay at every point of the game, and Legendia’s less than stellar combat system makes trying to play him even worse.
Indeed, I'm becoming quite a fan of Magilou's annoying but unexpectedly charming and funny attitude. As well as her flat chest. I also love snowy areas so this first city is great for me.
He's probably the biggest Mary Sue in the entire series.
Why would you save that
Playing symphonia for the first time, which party members are the strongest? I don't want to grind
Lloyd then any combination of 3 except Genis and Sheena. Use Raine if you really need a dedicated healer.
Lloyd has a milf fetish because his mom is dead
>for the first time
You should use Raine as your 4th slot pretty much all the time. She comes heavily recommended.
Genis is okay in that if you just have him cast the spells that are super effective for the area/boss you’re in (by turning off all his other artes) he’ll do okay, automatic damage. But he’s useless without TP so you have to keep topping that off in mind or else he’ll walk forward and kill himself pretty much instantly.
Sheena’s not great but you might as well get used to having her around anyways lmao.
Colette can be pretty good especially when you’re controlling her, Kratos and Zelos are great, Presea’s fine. Regal is good but really only as a player character.

For the first chunk of the game, I’d recommend playing as Lloyd or Kratos, and once Colettle learns some of her artes she makes a good lead too. In the latter parts of the game you can pretty much do whatever and you can make it work, but I still recommend keeping Raine around.
Genis is fine under AI control. The thing with his spellset is that he really wants you to run with a mix from both trees. Trying to use pure T like most players do is just a strict nerf.
Don't forget that exoflected clones basically are rid of their original cause of death or illness.
Which is why you have characters like fucking Ion fighting (with the worst defense possible in-game and low CC recovery) who still keels over in like 2 hits. Or Ludger/Victor/Julius no worse for wear and living happily with Elle and Bisley (and Asteria teen Elle).
Can someone confirm this scene exists in Tales of Vesperia?
one girl complains in after battle banter
"bounce, bounce, I wish mine bounced that way"

What girls are these?
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This is about right. The early game unfortunately leaves you with Lloyd and Kratos as the only enjoyable characters because Colette has no moves, but she gets projectile and close range goods eventually. Regal similarly starts with beans but suddenly clicks with his better attacks, far more so in the post-Gamecube versions. Presea is a melee AoE guard shredder that is really to your preference. Sheena gets a couple neat support moves later on. Raine really is the MVP between healing and Photon being a cheap but strong enemy stun the whole game long.
Estelle and Judith
Once you got the element down, any attack will also get proper damage as long as you continue the combo. I'm having fun with normal battles but later bosses are a game of trying to see what works before you die. They're the only ones I'm not having fun with my first playthrough.

Characters and story feel just alright. Stahn, Rutee, and Leon are the main focus while everyone else feel like they're just there with the occasional nods. The world isn't really that interesting either? The Team Destiny extras and quirks are in it but aside from that it's pretty average. Might be because I never played the original at the time so maybe it might be more interesting back then. Eternia has a far more interesting world and characters.

But yeah I think it's a great game, great battle system when it clicks, but not necessarily the "best" overall package.
Why is Kratos so popular?
He's in one of the Tales games that people have played.
That’s just a knowledge check on the game desu. And you are better off with pure T than pure S simply because Prism Stars is great

Sexy Voice in both languages
It’s a victory quote
thank you
Colette is shit
No, but for a while you could trick her into eating it and she wouldn't notice or care.
Think about it. Colette - Toilette.
1- He's arguably not the worst party member in the game
2- Vesperia, like Xillia 2, is a game where even the worst party member is very good
3- There are absolutely far worse party members in the rest of the franchise
I'm sorry their Chad energy threatens you so
Wrong reply, buddy
New format of skits in tales of arise fucking sucks
It's a DS game that's short as fuck. There's a reason it was downgraded from mainline tales game
It CREATED the downgrade
Final fantasy is better....
Square Enix is the Bethesda of Japan. Their games are the absolute worst thing you can play, nothing is lower than final fantasy.
...at catering to retards.
Compartmentalization and forced arguing and warring is retarded. Keep these /v/-like bait posts over there please
Favorite Tales game?
Question. I'm currently in tethe'alla and doing presea quest. At flanoir city, should I pick Kratos scene or Zelos scene first? And should I bother picking other characters scenes, does the game story changes or just a short scene in the ending?
Wrong. Dragon quest is better....
id slap it
Given that his MA is locked behind Indignation, pretty much every Genis is going to have access to Prism Stars. Absolute is really good for bossing and is stuck behind S, Grave is also surprisingly useful during the midgame too. So, its definitely worth taking S for Ice/Earth.
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Our heroes!!
Lloyd is just copy of Tidus
Yuri sexoooooo
Why are fujos like this
>Doesnt even look 14 at all
I'd do the same to Pascal and Rita, I don't begrudge the fujos for this.
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I love pascal.
I don't use genis much until he gets meteor storm then he becomes my bro
Is this official? Looks very offmodel.
its official. Luke is a manlet while Rinwell is tall teenager.
I'm not even looking at the heights, those are never consistent. It's the faces that are super damn off. Just look at Velvet or Raven.
Do we have Tales of Festival available in english?
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Our heroes!
this was the dying dream of that one dude with the glasses who died
Where the FUCK is LUDGER
>No laphi no shirt and tight shorts.
>every good character has a shirt
As expected
Did Emil and Luca prove that NOBODY likes BETA KEK protagonists?
Outside of the first couple hours of the game I have no problem with Emil. Luca sucks, but most of that is attributed to how awful Iria is. And that's coming from someone who almost always prefers tsunderes.
Does Shionne peg Alphen
Was Luca truly a beta?
Less than a year since the last Tales release. It's not dead. We'll get another one within 2 years, probably. They're done with the near annual releases the series used to have.
Luca's problem is more that Iria and Spada fucking suck and they get a ton of lines. If it was up to me, I would have gladly sided with Chitose.
Luca Iria and Spada have one of the best sibling portrayals I've seen in the original. Shame R dumbed it down.
Should Emil, Luca, Kor, Caius, Jude, and Kyle start a manlet club?
It's a good name, man. Kor. Core. Like a meteorite. Cor. Like a heart.
kyle still has time to grow
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pure sex. I want to fuck him
Where are nipples.....
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Our heroines!
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wonder why i can't activate Repede's dog map sidequest
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>Less than a year since the last Tales release.
Arise wasn't even supposed to be a Tales game. You would think they had another title in the pipeline already.
And it's been 3 years already.
duality of gamer, dont want rushed yearly release but also want yearly release
is he called yuri because he's russian
>dont want rushed yearly releases
The only people who pretend to have a problem with this are people who don't like the series in question to begin with. Tales was great when it was releasing "yearly" (in reality there were more than 2 games per year for a 10 year period).
he's there to tag estelle with rita
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wdym tag
...and Caius.
Malik and Van should fuck
Why is Lloyd balding
...and Senel.
>I come from a land down under~
Doesn't seem like the type.
I remember playing phantasia so long ago
now that I think about it that is the only tales game I played.
Play more
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Oh, to be scolded by Raine….
That one's a bit finicky from my own experience.
Honestly I would just ignore it until you're at the end of the game. The rewards are small, it's not missable, and it's a pain to do anyways.
karol is also a male russian name
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But do you deserve it, or is it merely here well-intentioned but unasked for opinion (again)?
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Our heroes!
Luke is retarded
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Top tier hag. Must be bred before too late. Clock is ticking.
Who has the biggest/smallest dick?
More news at 7.
>the biggest
Stahnbros...... our hero is gay.,,,
Porbably smallest for laphi even if is enough for velvet.
...as in happy.
...and by "Stahn" I mean Sorey.
>no kissing no cuddling
I don't like Tales of men being autistic and celibate
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It's a jap thing. No way in hell arche didn't drain chester's balls during the night in the snowy city (don't remember the name). Is left implied but you know they did it.
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our XX heroes!
lloyd definitely fucked emil at some point
ratatosk definitely fucked lloyd at some point
mmm....colette and marta lesbian sex
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Who is that hiding in the tree?
...and Alphen
What is the strongest party (canonically)
Who can cast Indignation in each Tales games ??

I only know Reine's little brother and Rita
just off the top of my head
Morrison, Meredy, Will, Cheria, Mercuria... I'm missing someone. And more if you include enemies.
Why is there so much gay incest fanart in tales
why wouldn't there be?
come on Schwann, let me take your secret mission
I'm surprised DotNW hasn't even gotten an OVA despite its poor reception.
The main trio are generally well liked. The problems would be: the rest of the game is a little too gimmicky for its own good in addition to the ToS cast being level locked in the final chapter for no reason.
Maybe if it had a little more time in the oven...
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Don't Tales elves follow the hit-your-prime-then-age-glacially model, though?

The question is, given that Dawn was a Wii cashgrab, why you would spend MORE money on a premise that only existed for EASY money.
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>hit-your-prime-then-age-glacially model
Dunno buy realistically i couldnt' wait a single month to breed her, seriosuly, who could?
It's sorta hard to gauge? A lot of people have substantial powers but they only work in certain circumstances. For example Bodhi Blastia do a lot of the heavy lifting for Vesperia's cast - without them (or with them rendered non-functional as is canon to the game), everyone who isn't Estelle is pretty much fucked. Rita goes from a death goddess to a malnourished 14 year old real fast as an example. Likewise, Hyperresonance is really strong, but you need matter-as-fonons for that to mean anything, and that only works in Abyss.

You also have to look at like... when you're taking the comparison in each game. Technically, Laphicet is Maotelus, and that puts the Berseria team way above the rest of their team's paygrade (and you still have to somehow add in the weird interactions with who can see/affect each other with Seraphs, Demons/Hellions). Dragon Eizen too too a lesser extent.

But anyways, this is my best shot. Looking at just the games that I've played (someone else can add others to it if they want) this is roughly how I'd order it.

>Xilia 2
>Symphonia 2
>Xilia 1

I value the Eternal Sword very highly here - it's sorta nuts what it can do, and despite the above mentioned nonsense with the B/Z cast, there's nothing else that really compares. Xilia 2 gets a step up because of the dimension stuff, and Milia, Muzet, and Ludger all together have a lot going for them.
Past that point it's mostly taking stock on the one or two people who are substantially overpowered in comparison to the rest of the group. Ratatosk/Emil wins that pretty handily imo.
I don't think the Swordians are enough to get Destiny any higher than that, Shirley as the Merines is cool but the strongest thing she (and from that all the other Legendia people weaker than her) can do is literally be a battery and die to fuel a cannon.
Symphonia cast has the same caveat of jeweled bracelets that give them their ability to fight as kids. Without them they are weak
Ludger is the strongest mc. His party has the best combined reputation in combat abilities. Jude being the weakest.
Real question is
Why is Julius such a bottom?
xillia 2 is easily the strongest, they have ludger and milla
also symphonia is quite possibly the weakest if we're going with the power artifact shit, since vesperia team only needs them to use artes, while the boys from symphonia need them to be strong in the first place (while the lads from phantasia don't)
>I don't think the Swordians are enough to get Destiny any higher than that
Discounting Ludger, Luke, and the Eternal swordie, what feats does anyone else have even comparable to Dymlos awakening?
Jude beat up Alvin, who one-shot Leia. Even without scaling, he'sclearly not the weakest.
She was TRAPPED but unlike Goku, arguably not BETRAYED
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Need more Edna in this thread
Need less Edna in this thread
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Ludger is the strongest, and Xillia 2 has the strongest cast overall. By far.
Bodhi Blastia also amplify physical strength the same way. Same with L/A orbs in the Xillia games.
My distinction between BB and exspheres is that exspheres are self contained, whereas BB still require ambient Aer to function much the same way that ambient fonons are needed for a lot of Abyss’ stuff. Symphonia also has a couple more sources of “outside power” that the Vesperia cast really doesn’t have - Sheena with her summoning pacts for example - and most importantly and the reason why this conversation doesn’t really matter, Symphonia 1 Lloyd has the Eternal Sword. And at that point the rest of the party is irrelevant.
Part of the reason why Z/B are so high, is that there’s a lot of stupid bullshit with how Malakim/Seraphim and Demons/Hellions work, in that ordinary people can’t interact with them outside of very specific circumstances (like those present in Berseria’s timeframe). Because of that a good chunk of the Z/B playable casts are just largely unfightable. And that’s before getting into Laphicet(Maotelus)Velvet/Sorey and their bullshit.

Look I’ll be straight with you - yes it was cool, but it’s essentially just a big explosion (and on the small scale of big explosions in the series) and then the entire cast never does anything remotely like that for the rest of the game. Aside from the technological feat of the floating continent, the power scaling in Destiny is pretty low (though Destiny 2 has time travel stuff so they might be a good chunk higher, but I haven’t played it so I can’t really give that answer).
Like I debated back and forth a lot on Destiny v Legendia, because objectively Shirley with the Legacy+Nerifes Cannon - just in terms of energy output - is one of the biggest attacks anything in the series has - but it kills her so that’s a serious enough drawback for it not to be considered here. And while I’m putting the Swordians above Grune/the rest of Legendia, it’s not enough.
didn't berubeto job to a fall
But it's a big explosion...that vaporized ALL the water in a big-ass lake...that he did at the START of the journey.
many such cases.
>People discounting Reid
Aurora is insanely powerful.
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are xillia 1&2 good games to start with? i dont know anything abt them but i like ludger's design
Plotwise they’re both sorta messes, and they go very hard on some of the popular anime tropes of the time (coming from battle harem shows) - so if that’s a turn off for you you might not like them as much.
The gameplay in both is a lot of fun, and that carries through most of the games’ systems, not just the combat. And the combat is really fun - the link mechanic is done really well and the way all the characters are differentiated through their unique mechanics is also really good. Jude’s snap pivot is a simple idea but it’s a blast to play with.

You would obviously play the first game first and the second game second.
oh i dont rlly care about harems if the main guy is hot so thats ok, and im also p sure this series lets you do really long combos(?) so if these games are some of the funner ones i really want to play them- tysm!!!!
(and yeah, duh :)
It’s not a harem (there is an obvious and clear main pairing), but it takes the same tropes from those kinds of shows. That’s what I’m saying.

And please don’t type like a retard.
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no ^^
Ah, fair enough. I guess my joke was that if she can play the "looks 23 but is actually 300" card then the clock is ticking for US.

It sounds like no one comparing so far has played it
I've thought about that, but it's been too long since I played Eternia. Mind giving me a feat refresher?
I can't believe Raine had 2 underage boys to molest....she is so lucky....
Literally who.......
No amount of external objects will prevent Lloyd from dying to 1 (one) savage wolf fury
Reid was blessed by his universe's god to use the divine aurora in order to defeat the modern vessel of a destroyer god. Eternia's cast also have devices that allow them to carry their summon spirit equivalents with them around the world in addition to winning their fights with just natural skill/training.
how strong was that god
Strong. Really you should just play the game.
aight i will
...and Veigue.
does anyone have an image of the main characters from star ocean
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Dhaos showed up and one-shot them two milliseconds afterwards btw
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Xillia to me leans more towards Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia in terms of gameplay despite being made by devs from various teams. Felt tighter than what I played of Arise.
I was waiting for the skit restoration patch but it looks like that has only been implemented in the skit viewer area
Reid is supposed to be 178 cm tall, why does he always look like a manlet in art?
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Kongman should be like a foot larger in all directions
Imagine the Double Anal
>Tales of Zestiria
>Character is a literal Earth element
>Can cast Ice/Water/Fire/Thunder/etc
Why is Kongman so small
Outside of Meebo, every seraph uses gear based on the element that they're strong against. Meebo does the opposite so its a self nerf.
Tons of freebies before Rays EoS in 2 days. You can maximize at least one of your favorite character in Rays before the game become """Offline""" in 2 days
Zestiria was ok
Do you think she likes being rough with men?
Would she like it during sex if a guy humped her legs like a dog?
Tbf He shot her in the back. Either Jude or Alvin can win that fight in game. But yeah leah may be the weakest
Sure, the fight can go either way, but it still means Jude can win. And besides, I'm pretty sure Elize is weaker than both of them. What does she even do?
finally in act III of Vesperia
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Zelos or Kratos?
Raine is a tuna in bed until you start whispering various historical sites names in her ear
kratos is shit
Both very good but in different flavors
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To be fair she's probably a virgin. Spent all her time on research and raising Genis properly to have a man in her life.
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>he hasn't played the game
Who is the most gar Tales character?
Would they bang?
Generic Shonen tropes is what killed Tales
isn't that at the core of tales?
Generic shonen tropes stopped being relevant since Naruto ended a decade ago. People tired of sudden egdyshit (because the world is a shithole already)
yes, but that's what tales is. it's by far the most ANIME of all the relevant jrpg series.
Anime isnt always shonen anon
For experimentative purposes. Sure.
She would probably step on your balls a couple of time just to see if you like it or not, she is the curious type, probably want to try every possibile fetish before getting an understanding.
Secret cut postgame arc
I don't know what tales you played but they always followed the shonen canvas, edgy or not that's the genre.
I started Arise because of lewd mods
Does the story have twist?
And thats why Tales have failed
They... did like 20+ games what is the definition of failing for you?
How many mainline games got released in last 10 years ? Ill wait
Who cares? JRPG today is on a complete downfall for new stuff, all stuff that sells are remake\masters\boot. If they started to re-release old stuff they surely get some sales.
Dodging a question i see.
The racism is a hypocrisy.
The final boss is infodumped before the actual fight.
About as many as most non-CoD franchises get
>Shits up the thread while obsessing about basic shounen anime
Wow. Stereotypes are always right.
Have some balls to (You) me coward
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>started to re-release old stuff
Yeah figure to re-release stuff like abyss where you'll get anies censored because loli today are a no-no.
3, which is more than JOB Ocean can say.
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Not even Rita gonna passed the censorship
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What did they cut from my waifu?
Nah i mean if Vesperia got remake some of her costumes will be censored or deleted.

Reminder Rita is short, flat, and 15yo
Oh ok, but it's available on steam with the definitive i don't think they would do it. There are a billion tales prisioner of dead consoles, they should port those.
definitive edition released only like 2 or 3 years ago anon
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Lloyd Irving
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fucking colette....i hate her....a parasite....nothing else....I want my daddy kratos...:(
...has an atrocious hairline.
god i wish they still made ps2 games
No because 80s 90s shonen shit was good. It's just that it now models after the shitty current shonen garbo
Someone spotted Xillia remaster listed on a euro site.

Yay or gay?
I have no idea
I do NOT believe it
>just Xillia 1
It's retarded enough that I believe it. That's exactly what I'd expect from Namco.
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I never played the sequel to symphonia (it looked shitty) so tell me they canonically bang and I'll believe you
>Does the story have twist?
In the end we wuz Renans and shiet because the actual ayyylmaos deported ancient Danans into a space station for their planet draining keikaku, so racism ain't real
They don't bang
That's actually an apt description of the endgame because the writing falls apart even harder.
Why is Kirito in Arise
Collab DLC
But why
Sword Art was the in-thing, not sure at the moment, but it was still popular (also same seiyuu for Law/Kirito). Probably trying to get fans of that series to try out Arise.
Gachas tend to do that with collabs.
Might be also one of the reasons why Rays had TWO Sword Art collabs, unsurprisingly Law was one of the limited units on the Tales side for the second event.
Easy point of reference would be all of the franchises in Smash that people are familiar with, so they might be inclined to try them out. I'll admit I did that for Earthbound and Kirby since I liked Ness and Kirby in 64.
>Law was one of the limited units
Correction: Law was one of the characters (Tales characters not from Asteria are permanent) with a limited cMA and 5* in that second event with Rinwell and someone else while already-limited Kirito and already-limited Asuna got eMAs and some blond guy and blonde girl from the anime were also limited units.
I know the logic behind crossing over, but was SAO still a big deal in 2022?
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It’s best girl’s day!!!!
Probably got an update in the light novels.
What did Arise do right?
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Believe me, I wish I were joking but no, it's exactly like that if you wanna put it real simple
i swear if it's for switch like ToS remastered and not combining the sequels.
Just 1 + it'll be 30fps with dips + washed out colors. Take it or leave it. Namco sounds retarded enough to do this.
kek, I told you doomer retards that they didn't just remove the old games from PSN for no reason. REMASTERS, MOTHERFUCKER
The washed out colors can be fixed on PC with the same reshade as the one used to solve the darkness issue on RPCS3 without the patch. They will 100% leave it as is, though. Maybe destroy the textures with AI upscale.
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Vesperia third act writer wrote that so was expected.
Mainwhile the shitty Berseria/Zestiria writer wrote triangle strategy and other squenix games
I don't trust bamco. They are gonna censore the shit out of it. I have it on ps3 so good for zoomers I guess but fuck off remasters now are not porting but always a reboot.
I'll gladly keep playing at 15 fps with the dark sun than eat more slop.
Arise has Pantyshots
Xilla 1 is still on the ps store 2 I don't know Europe never had it and i had to hunt all over my country to grab a copy. Got the steel box edition so worth.
I don't care about pantyshots I am talking about agria, Elize and whatshisname going togheter, everything sexual Elize says, litterally everything around muzet. You really think that shit is gonna pass today?
Remind me what shes done again ?
>trusting the same people that managed to fuck up symphonia twice
You people just love to be hurt.
The world doesnt revolve on USA alone you retard
>sexual tension and attitude
>deranged psycho not even funny as le joker
>murder people
This stuff can't be done today because she is a kid. Same thing because rinwell wasnt a loli and had layers of plot armor avoiding her to die or being hurt or her doing really bad things.
Also I forgot the cat milkers, they'll probably cover those.
Take your daily meds.
The last 15 years of game releases, Japan included, made me think different. Sorry but japan is no longer 90's Japan.
Prove me wrong. Bring up a recent jrpg release,with at least a real loli or something agria tier. I can wait.
Lots of Gacha still has Loli and MurderLoli. You just havent play videogames lately because your brain has been Rentfree'ed by DEI
I thought it was implied but I need to be clear. I am talking about real videogames not scam jrpgs collections.
Then Tales of Arise
Rinwell has similar build as Agria
If you play the game Edna is also in the game as well. And she wearing Panties, just like Shionne.
>Tales of Arise
The game whose fist critics were "no skits and no loli" by basically everyone fan of the series.
>Rinwell has similar build as Agria
Not even close but ok.
>If you play the game Edna is also in the game as well.
Guest character which you acquire at the post ending dungeon and you see her for 5 minutes tops
>And she wearing Panties, just like Shionne.
Already said I wasn't taking about pantyshots.
Whatever man. Im not coming here to listen to your doompost. Im getting too old for this shit. Doom and gloom what you want. In fact, just kill yourself. Get isekaied to Loli heaven i guess
It made me chuckle by making me think of Retsupurae
>Xillia 1 remaster alone
>Not a collection with 2

I know I should never expect anything from Scamco but I’m still disappointed
Not panties really it's just like the bottom of a swimsuit, just plain texture.
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not of this thing
>I am talking about agria
Agria is already censored in the original localization.
Wow what exciting news that we haven't been talking about already for a day
Yfw the Xillia remaster doesnt fix Milla’s lisp
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Symphonia pantsushot
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zelloyd is cute, of course zelos is my top priority
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>mrw i was too nice to regal and cucked myself out of kratos' route
Why are the character models in this game so intrinsically funny?
How is Vesperia compared to Symphonia? Who should I focus on? Is vesperia harder than tos? Who is a jobber?
I'm not on /vrpg/ very much...
Judith doesn't play like how she was specifically designed until like NG+ grade shop transfers.
Karol is a slow build unit. He's usually the first one benched for most players, but he has his merits (although you have to work for them to make him work).
Rita is busted thanks to the overlimit system.
Repede can steal.
Raven is designed as a jack but some players vouch for him being a better healer than Estelle for most of the game.
ToS is piss easy compared to ToV.
Yuri is the best
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these two have the best hetero cis sex!
i like luke fon fabre
how do i beat kuchinawa
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before the fight make sheena cook enough curry that she's a few hits from overlimiting in battle (test it on regular monsters) and save the game, then just git gud (it took me 11 tries i think but i managed to do it at level 45? the first time around)
muzet and gaius playable in remaster?
it's a weird pic because Yuri is 22
Shithole letters
...after Yuri and his wife Judith.
Generally you just don’t do it for a bit until Sheena’s leveled up some more.
You don’t have to do the fight right when you’re able to, so just don’t go back to Mizuho for a couple hours.
That aside - learn how to block, avoid hits, and combo like you already should have. Equipping a holy symbol for the fight is also a solid idea
You don’t need to do this.

I feel like Symphonia generally has more “unfair” feeling fights in it? In Vesperia you can skill diff your way through most of the game pretty consistently. How much problems you’ll have doing that is up to how good you are.
The very start of the game is probably where you’re going to feel the most out of sorts - there’s a particular boss a couple dungeons in that’s known as a wall that you’re probably going to have trouble with.
>Who should I focus on/Who’s a jobber
Learn to play all 9 characters. They all play substantially differently from each other, you lose out on a lot if you just play one for the ~150 hours you can get from a ToV:DE playthrough.
That doesn't stop you from reading the fucking thread.
what are your favorite costumes in tales of vesperia?
Outside of probably Sheena, the cast in Symphonia is pretty straightforward to use and so the AI can handle them adequately with the right setup.
As for Raven, IIRC Love Shot needs a lot of uses for it to become a reliable alternative to Estelle. You're better off using Repede as your backup healer instead with his item share skill.
Patty breaks Vesperia in half.
i've been using her so much
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Should've played the gamecube version
Patty's super fun. you can just go ham with her strings

For the price of going to the inn twice to top off your TP and spending five minutes throwing out arrows (and this is only if you want to rush it right away because it's super easy to get the uses just playing him normally or having him in your party as an NPC) you don't have to think about it ever again and its super effective.
The thing with Repede is that his item build comes online at about the same time as high-level Judith does. And costs about the same in SP? You don't get the equipment that make it good until at the very end or after the end of the game. In contrast Raven gets Love Shot at level 31.
It's not really comparable.
What is the point of affection past the Flanoir scene?
An halfway between chibi and realistic. They look like a puppet show with strings not with hand in ass.
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Heroic Actress
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It still affects some things. For instance for some of the sidequests where you get costume titles, you get Lloyd's outfit, the outfit of a person you get to directly choose, and then the 2 people who have the highest affection values get the last 2 outfits. And the person you pick for Flanoir can not be one of those highest 2 for various reasons (eg. you picked Kratos, you picked the 3rd choice and there was a gap between them, you've gained/lost significant amounts of affection since then, etc.)
I think it affects the rate of which end of battle quotes you get? Probably other small stuff like that too.

It's a good art style.
Well I just beat him on my first try by setting Sheena on auto(she is shit) and getting her a luin weapon
Presea so cute and soft! I want to hug her (from behind).
Probably Rita's Catgirl Waitress.
This one's really good too. My Estelle also always wore glasses as part of her outfits.
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fuck colette
Repede gets Karakaze +1 after like Deidon. He's a really useful support for a long time even if he doesnt have everything.
Man i wish, but it's the last girl i would fuck in that game.
The skills you're thinking of are different. Item Thrower - which is what Karakaze + 1 gives you - is just an ability that allows you to use items on other characters. Every character in the game gets it, it's pretty basic.

The unique skills that make Repede's item use worth it - Item Amplifier, Speedy Item, Item Amplifier 2, and Multi-Item (the one you're thinking of that lets you target everyone at one) - aren't available until right at the end of act 2, immediately before Tarqaron, in the post game, and in the Necropolis of Nostalgia respectively.
You can quite literally get Brionic before you have access to most of his stuff.
The thing about Repede is that he tends to get his item skills earlier than the others. For example, he gets Item Thrower and Pro 1 less than 3 hours into the game. Combine that with his near perfect availability, he can come in clutch for stuff like Schwann and Gattuso. I recall Love Shot being a bit inconsistent since the arrows prioritize women first etc.
Played Zestiria, Berseria, finishing Symphonia. Should I play Vesperia or Arise? Which one is more satisfying?
Just find some keys to jingle in front of your face, shit eater.
God eater ?
found the yurifag
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kid estelle and kid yuri
dammit flynn i've seen your entire Arte's, use your mystic arte against me! why wont you activate it! I need it for the secret mission.
Use yours first.
Genshippuden impact
Arise is for toddlers
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black and pink.....hmmm.....it's the best
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Say, do any of you know what page is picrel from?
Someone posted it in one of the Xilia remaster threads on >>>/v/, but I'm range banned there and the thread was already archived.
Beautiful, thank y-
>There aren’t any releases here

Thanks Anon. I'm out.
daily reminder that graces' "awesome button" combat would lead to the franchise's downfall
>fist critics were "(...) no loli" by basically everyone fan of the series.
No they weren't. Go cry elsewhere, third-world lolifaggot.
The biggest complaints were enemies being hp sponges (make better accessories retard), the miniboss/boss class enemies being unstaggerable which causes moves with huge start up frames to be bad/useless in many fights. 4chan is the only place where I saw people making a stink over no Edna like character.
Is Milla allowed to watch while Jude fucks Leia?
please don't consider the edna faggot as part of us. Everyone here wants him dead too.
More like Leia watching while Jude does it with Milla.
On that note, Arise version of the around/backstep system used in other games is so dumb. Would have preferred if perfect guards/dodges were standard across the entire team. Shionne having no proper G to A arte (so her AI will never use aerial artes) or Kisara's ONE aerial arte for a long time being optional content is stupid too. On top of one global AI setting.
I dont despise Arise but man, it was rough and you can feel it.
This but Alvin above Rowen
And it's still better than your favorite Tales game. Crazy.
>generic seething response
i believe the creature to be a zestiriatroon actually
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attack route when we find the ednatard btw
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Why do people like yuri? He is an edgy and sarcastic piece of shit?
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It's happening.
....only ps? ;_;
>new product listings for 'Tales of Xillia Remastered', across PS5, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series
>the games appear to have been registered to Bandai Namco as unique products in Europe
Probably PC/Steam too, it's just PC has no physical, hence no listings.
xbox series = pc nowdays.
I hope is just a porting with a better lightning and not "adapted for modern audiences".
I dunno but i would like to see some yuri between those three.
who is the girl on the left
He is a chad who solos your fav (unless it's Ludger)
That simple
I cant stop jerking off to Edna.
Every day, all day
suddenly Ludger is my favorite character
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They're 100% changing certain lines.
How's innocence r compared to ds? Is the combat just spamming artes into stunned targets who dont tech out? At least based on some of the videos that ive seen.
Yuri's a pretty weak MC in the grand scheme of things, he gets folded by most MCs in the series because the only thing he has is a generic bodhi blastia, meanwhile you have people like Cless who have timespace bullshit, Luke's Fonon™ bullshit or Shing who can cut through small planets Getter Style by simply being very horny for Kohaku, he's probably on the same power level as the more "normal" MCs like Stahn, Senel or Reid but can't touch the true broken bullshit MCs
Overall, not as much of an improvement compared to Hearts > Hearts R.
You do get blue mage Kongwai and speedy-not-Judith QQ to play with though.
Hearts -> Hearts R isn't an improvement, it's a sidegrade at best.
Outside of the Aurora bullshit Reid's not batshit levels of broken, hence "normal".
>Outside of the thing that makes him special then he's normal.
Aurora is also an inherent ability that he learned, not an external factor like the Eternal Sword.
>Is the combat just spamming artes into stunned targets who dont tech out?
Enemies in the R games have the ability to counter, which triggers at different points in your combo depending on the enemy (some enemies do it more often than others). The player has the ability to counter that counter with a timed button press, resetting your arte chain and allowing you to continue your combo. Also, as your combo counter gets higher, your attacks have shorter hitstun, making it harder to continue your combos.
Exactly, i don't really care because i have it on ps3 still i cant trust scamco today. They will try to cancel everything, no matter the niche.
Aurora's not particularly noteworthy compared to other MC's powers or abilities, Ras learned it although not completely and he was the one who gave Reid the motivation to learn it, Reid's not particularly high in the powerlevel category, same with people like Stahn, he doesn't have brokenass magical artifacts, unique OC donutsteel superpowers or an ancient demon stand, he's just a strong guy who mastered a strong technique that other people could also use.
I'm not hating on Reid or anything, hell Eternia was my first Tales and I still look back on it very fondly, but he's objectively not high in the powerlevel list, Ruca could probably beat his ass, especially since Reid is a lazy piece of shit.
Your rating scheme is inconsistent because you're handwaving powers with actual feats like Reid and discussing Yuri without Blastia while hyping up Cless with the ES.
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Cress having a teleport doesn't change the fact that Savage Wolf Fury by itself is a ridiculous speed feat
Is it true Edna likes sex especially anal
But Yuri>Kratos and Kratos=<Lloyd
I like Kratos because I like dads
Why does Stahn have chad hair
But Karol+Estelle+Patty+Raven > Yuri+Flynn+Rita+Repede+Judith and Yuri+Rita+Repede+Flynn > Karol+Patty+Raven+Judith+Estelle
Yuri>Karol+Estelle+Patty+Raven btw
i played halfway through zestiria a few years ago and was very disappointed to find out that sorey x mikleo was just fujo shipping and not real
They kiss after the final boss
no fucking way
Playing poker at Nam Coband Isle and man it sucks when you have to guess high or low.
But it’s rigged it your favour? Just pick the right answer - never settle for anything less than the max
Man they fatigue to canonize hero and heroine romances figures if they did something so bold as going full homo.
(i felt for it too, don't worry).
Did Arche fuck all the dudes in the team at one point or another?
Extremely plausibile. She's also into suzu, if you do the "bad" ending in her spinoff game she basically assault her and go full yuri.
The full blooded elves hate halfsies like Arche cus they're Stacies/Chads.
Next thread must use a Luca pic for the OP
The closest thing to a heroine in Zestiria is Mikleo so its not surprising. Sure as hell isn't Alisha.
You should be worried about them selling unplayable garbage like they did with Symphonia, not about the phantoms in your head. I'm so sick of fucking retards like you.
Why in God's name do you think they're gonna censor the game
What the fuck is there to censor
Xillia's already censored anyways, Agria's death scene.
She doesn't have her middle finger up as she falls in one of the scenes in the non-JP versions
They didnt show her crushed, splattered body after falling from heights

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