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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Contemporary series like Wizardry still get talked about, why not Ultima? Games like Ultima 4 and 7 were popular at release but no one talks about them.
No one here has played Ultima. There’s a handful of people who LARP like they did and talk about what great games they are but they never start threads to discuss the games or play through them, and every attempt to discuss the games just turns into petty bickering about which version is worse than which version. None of it is behavior of people who actually enthusiastically like a game, it’s merely hipster posturing.
I'm a little interested into playing through the series, but my motivation is washed away by already knowing it turns to shit in the end.
Ultima 5, 6 and 7 are fun, the rest are a little hard to get into nowadays. and 8 blows.
All the games in the series are pretty stand alone until 7, you could just play through the series until it starts to sucks, and not really lose anything.
Ultima gets talked about regularly, there's usually a thread going either here or on /vr/. Right now it's yours. Wizardry is a little more popular on this board because it's one of very few games that is liked by both the WRPG and JRPG camps.
I realize people here get their panties in a wad when they see that acronym but idgaf, it's convenient. Not even a JRPG fan myself.
I just never really got into ultima, to be honest.
Ive tried many entries, even the nes version of 4, but none fit my tastes.
So I choose to simply stick with RPGs I like best, such as Dungeon crawlers and rogue-likes.
It isn't convenient, it's reductive. Don't put Bethtards and CRPG fans in the same "camp".
it's not people, it's just one retard autist
It's at least two autists correctly calling out "WRPG" as weeb created dilettante cope. I do hear it's a popular acronym on reddit as well, though. ;)
the problem people have with Ultima is that the first 3 are terrible (understandably, what with Richard being a kid) and it only gets good with IV.
>why not Ultima?
Because the old Ultima games are actually nigh unplayable.
I'd say it's more about how the series didn't end well, than how it began.
Ultima 1-2 are on par with something you could find on Itch. 3 can be worth playing, but 4 is where the series generally starts.

Honestly, I actually enjoyed 9 just because it's one of the best examples of a genuine "so bad it's good" video game.
Ultima is a CRPG. If you don't know that you don't know enough to have an opinion. There are no WRPGs. The term is meaningless.
>Ultima 1-2 are on par with something you could find on Itch. 3 can be worth playing, but 4 is where the series generally starts.
Yeah, I know. But the goodwill the series had was squandered at the end, that's why you don't get as much fond remembrance outside of people who played it back in the day. Therefore, how it ended affects how the series is perceived more than how it began, especially since so many people would never play the first couple of games.
>even the nes version
Well thank god a retard like you got filtered and we don't have to deal with you.
You're being pedantic. Ultima is a CRPG and also a western RPG. Anachronox is a CRPG, WRPG, and a JRPG.
>western and japanese
because Ultima is shit except for underworld 1&2
Western in the literal sense (that it was developed in a western country) and JRPG in terms of gameplay. I don't consider WRPGs to be a distinct style of game, they're too diverse, I just use the term as a cach all for games developed in the west, JRPGs OTOH are a distinct style of game.
>the problem people have with Ultima is that the first 3 are terrible (understandably, what with Richard being a kid) and it only gets good with IV.
Without Roe R. Adams III, Ultima IV wouldn't have been any better than the previous games.

Hawkwindpilled. Roe's ideas also laid the foundations for U5 and U6.
Isn't Ultima Online, somehow, still alive.

Either way, I agree that Ultima 8 and 9 ruined a lot of the goodwill of the franchise. Surprisingly few people interested in doing a reboot either, so it will probably stay dead.
RPGs made in Japan can be CRPGs, like Dark Souls and Kiseki.
>I don't consider WRPGs to be a distinct style of game
Then there's no reason for the category to exist. It just outs you as a retard.
Endlessly nitpicking over terminology and demanding everyone else conform to your personal preferences outs you as a retard. I didn't want to write out 'western made rpgs/crpgs/other rpgs that aren't JRPGs', get over it.
It's not nitpicking, you are inventing new categories where they are not needed or revelant. Might as well call everything made west of Japan zozzle-likes.
Everyone on this board immediately understands what was meant by him using “WRPG” and therefore accomplished his goal of communicating an idea. The only thing that anyone understands when you start talking about zozzles is that you suffer from autogynephilia and gender dysphoria, which was likely not your intention, but I hope you get help and accept who you are on the inside anon, which is that little boy your parents love. God bless.
I never caught that. Good job anon. Dude has been psychotically obsessed with that term for as far as I know going on a year+ I think. I was trying to figure out what kind of brain damage he has. But ya, I think you nailed it. We gotta a lady boy here. That makes sense. That was bothering me for a while what his issue was. It’s been about a year and dozens of threads and he won’t stop. Just like a trans woman talking about their period. It’s an imaginary issue but it won’t stop them.
All preFallout rpgs are garbage with terrible gameplay
>Everyone on this board immediately understands what was meant by him using “WRPG”
yes, it means he's a dilettante, with next to zero genre knowledge. jrpgs are a subgenre of rpgs. wrpg describes nothing.
What do you mean? Zozzle-likes are for lads who just want to have a good zozzle.
wrpg is literally a newfag weeb cope meme invented from butthurt about "racist" labeling of japanese rpgs.
Ultima Online and the single player Ultima have pretty separate fan bases, so there isn't a lot of crossover between the two.

I think the reason few people are interested in doing a ultima reboot is because there were 5 attempts at a continuation or reboot and they all failed. The reboot that did work in 2014 crashed and burned, so the series is seen as poison at this point.
I don't think most people on UO in the late 90s even knew there was a series of single player games until U9 came out. I was a fan of both, but it didn't seem like there were many of us.
Richard Garriot being an massive fag asshole didn't help either, what a money grubbing retard who just love to collect fails and destroy his reputation and IP in the most insane loser ever ways, even in the NFT scam bandwagon, this evil nerd tried to milk his fans into, you need to be a complete moron to support anything that comes from this asshol, i had good hopes for the Ultima Underworld remake, but is not good also.
It was no surprise really, Lord Angloid was always a hack.
corrr blimey mate lets ave a good zozzle lad
He was a bright kid who was good at programming and had access to computers at a time when very few people did. He also had connections through his brother which helped on the business side of things. Once he established the franchise he was able to get some really talented creative types on board who helped steer the franchise in the direction that won it a cult following. If it had been Garriott alone the whole time I doubt Ultima would be any better remembered today than, say, Phantasie.
Many causes to such remarkable games. Surprising how often people attribute something to one cause/person and then when that turns out to not be the truth, we get kneejerk reactions like this >>3535493
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Ultima Underworld still gets discussed a lot among imsim/DRPG enthusiasts, and is arguably the most iconic dungeon crawler of all-time. It is still very underrated even among RPG fans on this board, but there are sizable niches that appreciate and discuss this style of game on /vr/
I played UO but could never get into the single player games.
>the first 3 are terrible
Shit taste.
U1 is simple but fun, U2 is bad, U3 is the most technically refined of the bunch but not as fun as the first and always felt like a poor man's U4 to me.
The only Ultima I ever played is the one that is universally hated.
Me, my dad and my cousin played through that game maybe 15 times. Not "together" as it's obviously single player, but we bonded over it.
Every single corner of the world was explored. We had a great time.
I obviously didn't spend any time on the internet back then.
>Ultima IX

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