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Are you excited? What did you think of the first Fairy Tail rpg?
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Is it gonna be as cheaply made? I remember some character in the first one not getting models
still mad at censorship in ps4 and steam.
if they make it an exclusive for switch without censorship then more then welcome!.
what the fuck is there to censor
I don't watch jap cartoons btw
lurk more nu fag.
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Excited but I won't be playing on release. First game was great.
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zeref is a chad
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I remember reading up on this game cause it was developed by gust who I'm a fan of.

Basically in the switch version you have to choose between playing it uncensored. Or applying the update with all it's additional content and shit and having it censor things out. I believe it mostly censors out the panty shots.
Extremely weak, repetitive RPG lacking content, tons of missing character models, bland and simple levels, hacked up versions of the story arcs. Totally squandered a genuinely cool battle system too, with only 1 or 2 fights in the whole game that actually required thought to clear, even on the hardest difficulty mode. DLC is also worthless and overpriced. No way in hell am I picking up the sequel unless it's for like 5 dollars
Fairy Tail is shit so a game based on the anime is going to be shit too.
Is it even an RPG game? Will Natsu be able to date Erza?
>Are you excited?
Let's not get overboard there, I'm happy to see it, and hope is better than the first.
>What did you think of the first Fairy Tail rpg?
It's a pretty weak RPG, >>3545540 sums it right.
For 30€ it was acceptable, but for 60 I would have been miffed about wasting my money.
such an odd choice when fairy tail anime is like 40% fan service shots
not to mention a character that routinely strips to his underwear
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It's not odd considering Sony policies
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will she be playable?
No but i will play it.(pirated)

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