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What's next for UT/DR fangames? Will anything be able to top Yellow? Are you developing a fangame? Share your progress.
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If we get more fangames like ts!underswap, i believe that yellow would be topped.
It looks and feels like AU slop.
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Underswap has alright gameplay, quality of life features, combat, etc...But I really found myself struggling to be engaged into the story, because at the end of the day it is the same characters just in different places with different roles. A reason I liked Yellow so much despite small slip ups is that it perfectly replicated "that feel" that I had when I played Undertale, or a new deltarune chapter. I think Yellow will always be the gold standard for fan games moving forward, it has a memorable cast (Dalv though...),excellent soundtrack ( the new added leitmotifs and their use is lowkey Toby level genius, the justice motif, enemy retreating, all sound amazing, could talk all day about it. Even the ambiental tracks are stunning, "Echoes of Another", "Undertale Yellow", "Snowfall" just to name a few are great in their own right, as much as we hype up the Boss fight themes), lovable main character (Clover is geniunely such a well written and intriguing character despite saying so little) and it's overarching narrative being about justice and Flowey wanting "something new", in a way him putting him the drivers seat compared to the player in Undertale... It's just good.

I didn't have high hopes for it back in 2016, but it left me pleasantly surprised checking in every few months/years and seeing progress still being made. And I'm glad I finally got to see it being finished. Also, tell me another fan game who managed to raise over 20k $ for charity while humiliating copyright fucks like Wolff in the process lol
nigger are you trying to get us booted off of vg?
the last one hasnt even archived yet.
TS!U chapters 1 and 2 are like night and day. The first is a retread with minor tweaks and incredibly bland side quests, but the second tried to do its own thing and fucking nailed it. It's kinda like how Yellow finds its footing after Dark Ruins
Stop being so paranoid. The last thread was one new thread away from being archived.
Why not just make your own games??
sometimes people want to develop in a setting that is already made, because making your own thing from scratch is hard and people sometimes want to add their own takes into that setting (specially if the creator wont touch it anymore)
and you can use existing assets to speed up development, not to mention already having a fanbase that is interested in the setting instead of having to build one from scratch
in my case, and i think a lot of people feel the same, is that im making a mod mostly to learn about gamemaker, as well as a "tribute" for a game i really liked
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Alright, here is what I have to show, my prototype/proof of concept of a battle system for an Undertale Orange fangame, there is still a ton of bugs to fix and things that need to be polished, but the basic idea is here

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In case you are wondering how the "fight roulette" works, its kinda like the combo dial from Lisa The Painful and the FIGHT minigame from Undertale
you have 4 basic attacks you can make, depending of the key pressed a diferent attack will be done, Z for punches, X for kicks, C for headbutts and any movement key for "feints"
depending on your attack combination a diferent technique will be done (if you have enough TP to do the technique)
The damage of the attack depends on where the roulette marker was when the button was pressed, presing a buton when the marker is on the green zone deals critical hits wich have more damage and give aditional TP
Feints dont do any damage but they give more tension points than other basic attacks
Hopefully its not too confusing
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forgot to explain
Techniques are special attacks with increased damage and aditional effects, the most powerful techniques have minigames that if done correctly can trigger another aditional effect or make the attack even more powerful
Think of them as moves in a Pokemon game or spells in any other JRPG
wow this is really impressive, how long have you been working on this?
i like the fight roulette system, i think its interesting, although i would randomize where the green zone is every time you select the fight button so its less monotonous, but thats a small suggestion. i also love the machine gun fist technique, that one was cool
i noticed theres no sparing system, right? would this game even have that or is it just spare when your enemies are too weak to fight?
anyways, great job!
>wow this is really impressive, how long have you been working on this?
Started working on it on june 11, as a new project, but I had already made an Undertale Battle system in godot before, so even if the new project didnt use any of the code from the first battle system I already had a good idea on how to make the project
>i like the fight roulette system, i think its interesting, although i would randomize where the green zone is every time you select the fight button so its less monotonous
Yeah I thought about randomization at some point and different layouts for the roulette, I'm thinking on putting the grey area (miss area) next to the green area wich would increase the difficulty, my current idea is to make the roulette layout changed depending of your current equipped weapon
>i noticed theres no sparing system, right? would this game even have that or is it just spare when your enemies are too weak to fight?
The MERCY button was replaced with the TACTIC button wich includes an "intidimidate" tactic (works like a reskined "flee" from Undertale), there is no "spare" tactic, instead my idea is to add a technique that works like the spare from Undertale, enemies can only be spared when their HP is low enough, I suppose bosses would have certain conditions until they can be spared besides having low hp

I have some other crazy ideas for the system but now I want to polish what I have, right now I'm trying to balance the Tension points gain, honestly I have no idea how the system works in Deltarune on a code level so the current implementation is just my best guess, roght now tauting and spamming feints is the quickest way to gain TP and enemy attacks barely give you 105 or 15% TP
>and enemy attacks barely give you 105 or 15% TP
10% or 15% TP*
very interesting, you got a lot done in like 2 weeks. thank you for your insight!
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>you got a lot done in like 2 weeks. thank you for your insight!
I didnt even realize that its been 2 weeks since I started the project, for some reason it feels like I have been working on it for months, but maybe thats because since I started learning game dev I had the project in mind
Pic related is from a post I made before starting to learn Godot, its the first "concept" (if you can call it that) of the fight roulette
Do you think the order of the fallen humans is the same as the order in which their items appear in the game?
The order is this imo:
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here's a first draft for the next part of return to form, feedback would be appreciated since im ass at writing this kind of emotional shit so if anything is jank let me know so i can fix it before putting it on ao3 as per usual
>Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
ffs, can someone else just start a new thread on v?
i liked this! i think the emotional scenes were handled well. i like that ceroba and kanakos situation didnt get magically fixed the instant they reunited, it takes time, and you showed it in a good way, i think.
ill say though, i didnt expect the next chapter of this, i thought you were back writing on the zenith story. im not complaining though, i love return to form
New bread
Alright so, Deltatraveler Section 2 might have made the list go from 3 pages to 8. Just so this entire thread doesn't get abosrbed by textwalls about this, I think I'm going to just review it myself from here on but I still want to show my progress just to prove I didnt stop writing this. Itll take me longer than I expected simply because I have other stuff I need to do and this isnt a high priority thing it's too petty for that, but I will still attempt to finish it. If I got something 100% glaringly wrong though, feel free to point it out but the list has gone from 13 points to 67 so there's way too much of it for more
I'll post it again once I've finished writing about section 3, and then I'm done. Should note I heard about an update that changed the fell!sans dialogue but I am not going to play that version, it will all be in reference to how the scenes were in 3.0.5
honestly the chapter for that is almost done too, i just got some writer's block so i was flip-flopping between the two of them for a couple of weeks
much like the dark ruins i think it mostly has to do with the devs getting into the groove more after starting, hell, they even went back and updated sprites for v2 just like with the dark ruins. good analogy.
but yeah it's crazy how high the quality is for the starlight isles is, even the jokes feel like they've reached a peak. it'd be crazy for them to somehow top this in the full release... even if it more than likely won't be discussed much here because the game will inevitably do something to piss the people here off.
>Babe it’s Friday, time to necrobump a Yellow thread for two days straight.
VRPG is cozy, thank you very much
yeah i think its time to just let the /v/ threads go.
they cant even manage 10 posts an hour.
Maybe I'm just copong but I think the thread is having such a low amount of posts because its an "undertale fangames" thread and not a UTY one
I'd say we should make a new thread next friday, if that fails then, yeah it would be time to let the threads go
Im also coping and thinking the same. Last time we said this, the thread went to 500 posts. I think from now on the threads should just be uty focused, maybe
Cmon man, let us review the lists so that you have a less flawed review because you'd get more opinions.

21. There are gray doors around the place, thats enough reason to assume sans isnt using any machines to go from one world to another.
23. its possible that flowey is waiting for the perfect chance to strike, after all, he was defeated before, so he knows he should be careful with us.
28. LV in ut terms means Level of Violence (LOVE) while earthbound has the normal kind of level system, Paula has LV 3 to indicate that she's willing to fight but has level 1 in earthbound because she hasnt defeated anybody yet.
34. Idk about earthbound lore, but didnt porky time travel? And it could be that he time travelled to this specific moment because ig timeline fuckery caused from the doors and kris & co. being there (maybe the time travelling a lot thing is just a bluff to make himself seem more ominous?)
45. Ryno didnt want to make dialogue differences for when you do very specific actions like having noelle iceshock everyone or have susie attack everyone.
47. They meant harmless as in, it's fucking weak and iirc it spares you instantly, meaning that it isnt an actual threat.
55. They saw a blood pool a minute ago already, meaning the initial shock is gone, they dont have to shit themselves every single time this happens.
59. And lets not forget that these cultists are far worse morally than you but they berate you because??? Honestly, i feel like ryno tries to hard to moralfag the player about geno run even when it doesnt make any sense. I've joked before about ut fans not being able to handle unredeemable characters who dont deserve mercy, but it actually proves itself to be true.
60. Kris isnt refusing your commands, its just that the headache is so strong that it hinders your control over kris, which makes it so that they sometimes stop attacking out of pain or is too hurt to want to attack.
62. Deltatraveler kris only talks normally when he rips le soul out
Honestly I completely forgot you can hide reply chains at first, so I'll change my mind just make sure to keep a reply so it's hidden for those who dont care about this
Im refering more to the motive than the how, though I do put too much focus on the how in it. The game doesnt give any hint as to why he's doing it so it feels forced
If that's the case then we should have the ability to increase LV without killing, but we don't. Beat an enemy as much as you want you wont gain any LV if you dont finish the job. You even have to fight all the section bosses and still you gain no LV if you dont kill them in the end
Yes but not until the very end of EarthBound. At the time he's still working under giygas he had not time traveled himself yet. The time traveling cant be a bluff because they're at least right about it being the reason he's immortal, but that's in Mother 3 where he's no longer working under Giygas, just his own desires.
That's like saying you're making a pokemon game but dont want to balance the game around the player building their own team. Detail like that is what makes Undertale work
It approached you and would attack if and when given the opening to. Being sparable turn 0 isnt enough to make it innocent
You dont see your friend murder someone who drops into a pool of blood once and then suddenly you're used to it the second time. It's a slow process, maybe if she acted like that after killing Ness and Paula it'd work but even then those are children which changes it
That wouldnt make any sense though, every other reason for the order to not reach him is in reference to his strength to fight at all. Stuff like his body refusing to draw the weapon, or just outright falling over. The one I listed straight up says he decided to listen to someone else
He still doesnt need to at all, having everyone imply what he says is part of his character. Plus that will change later
even then, i dont think anyone's actually had that many new ideas to talk about.
the game's more or less been picked apart and we've gone over everything we possibly can without devolving to AU shenanigans.
the thread just archives, 22 hours and 145 posts. just over 5 posts an hour.
Well, that might be answered later, given that sans is going to accompany the fun gang all the way to gaster. You could assume that gaster contacted him to get him to watch over the fun gang by the time being.
Well, its technically self-defense, so the fun gang doesnt gain lv from beating the bosses up without killing them, and tbf, i feel like the fun gang isnt the violent type of people, so they dont really want to kill the enemies, thus, they cant gain lv from any other way that isnt murder.
Well, porky cant work for giygas if he's already dead, of course porky would have his own desires while still idolizing giygas.
I know, im just saying that it isnt really feasible to create multiple answers depending on random small actions that most players would never see because who would be insane enough to kill everybody with specific conditions?
Fair enough, althrough its more of a whimsun situation, frankly
Kris's headache seems very severe, im pretty sure that your control over him is hindered at some level because of it.
>tl;dr: devs got lazy and did fucking nothing for months
yeah it was just sad to see. i guess im fine with just this thread. it had to happen at some point, so why not do it now
Why even make friday threads when no one’s going to reply to them? Why not make them on any other day?
Even so, a vague idea should at least be hinted at early on. Even just a simple "oh i was on break anyway" works but you dont even get that
Just because it's self defense doesnt mean its not fighting. Forced or not they should get a LV increase for fighting bosses even if they're spared if you want to go with the idea LV is your willingness to fight rather than a measure of how much you killed
That's not what I meant. I mean in Mother 3, when he IS immortal, he is not working under Giygas. He cant be immortal and working under giygas at the same time, the moment he time traveled was when he abandoned Giygas
If you arent willing then dont make an undertale style game, that is argubly THE thing that makes Undertale what it is, the fact it paid so much attention to your actions. Thats what made them hold any weight to begin with. This scene holds no weight when it cant even recognize Kris wasnt the one who attacked it
Whimsun has a defense in the form of the encounters being Random, so its unknown whether it approached you or vice versa, but in DT it clearly approaches you first
Our control isnt over his mind, it's his body. Even while controlling him he has his own thoughts, feelings, opinions, and options he'd want to take if it was up to him. A headache shouldn't hinder the control, it should hinder his ability to follow through. Otherwise he has no reason not to ask susie to give him another concussion when he realizes it loosens our control. She's willing to kill him later, she'd do that much
I was running out of post space sorry. Granted, the scene in it happens in is very clearly for comedic effect but when killing Jerry on Genocide he will talk while we're still inside him, and knowing these writers thats unlikely to be the only time.
For what it is now, it's just simply how we know Kris. Letting him talk is removes the feeling he lacks agency even when its only while we're outside of him
Last thread performed significantly worse than any regular yellow thread I’ve seen, because discussing undertale fangames alone isn’t enough to sustain an entire thread. Yellow threads survive because of waifus and artists.
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the /v/ thread failed because TSUS is an anti-draw of a game, it's like the AEW of fan games and not even big dimes yellow could save a thread with it from dying
now if the next thread was about the codester's undertale green now that would get 1000 replies and a sticky
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Time to explore what new stuff they added to UTRY I guess
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Nothing, it seems. Bummer.
the new update is out already? i thought it was ways off
Does deltarune ever acknowledge who's the one attacking anyways?
Yeah, but brain damage objectively affects the body, so it'd affect our control over him as well. And im pretty sure that kris isnt masochistic enough to cripple himself just to screw us over, otherwise, by your logic, why wouldnt kris ask susie to cut his legs off and install a torture device that she can automatically turn on whenever you get violent? Killing would be an almost immediate death, permanent brain damage isnt, and it would cause complications for when kris gets back home.
Whats that pic from?
>Does deltarune ever acknowledge who's the one attacking anyways?
Outside that it hasnt had reason to specify who specifically doesnt because usually it doesnt put focus on one individual party member's actions, it treats it as the whole gang's action
>brain damage objectively affects the body, so it'd affect our control over him as well
That's not how that works, yes it affects the body in ways that fuck with us getting Kris to do things. Shit like his body failling to move its arms in the way we want him to, and involuntarily falling over. The problem is that shouldnt affect his choices, just the ability to perform what we tell him. It makes sense to fail the order, not outright disobey it. Just because the arm on a puppet is chewed off doesnt mean it has the ability to punch the puppeteer with the other arm, the puppeteer just cant do anything with the missing arm
>im pretty sure that kris isnt masochistic enough to cripple himself just to screw us over
Section 3 has a fight after killing Lesser Dog where Susie outright attacks Kris, and they talk as if it was planned while the gang was offscreen and the soul left in a bedroom. He literally IS that masochistic according to the writers
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Does anyone know if Red and Yellow adds the elevator to New Home or if it's planned to be added in a future update?
But why would kris be so retarded to hinder their progress like that? For all they know, kris might be dead forever, what will susie say to his grieving mother when they go back home?
>"hey Ms. Toriel, your child was possessed by an otherworldly being so he told me to rip his soul out and break it, so i basically murdered kris after the puppeter made him kill a dog but spared the other dog out of guilt."
Not only that, there's still the whole thing with the roaring knight and the dark worlds, they need kris's soul to seal the fountains, so basically, killing kris would lead to them going back home, them either telling toriel that they killed her son or they stay quiet and filled with regret and sadness over kris's death if they chose to keep his death a secret, then the knight opens another fountain and suddenly theres a new fountain, ralsei asks them:
>"where is kris?"
>"we killed kris because he was possessed by an evil entity."
>"but kris needed to fulfill the prophecy, without him, our worlds will be doomed."
>"well shit."
And then they all see the roaring happen, wondering why kris asked susie to kill him without considering that would've caused the end of THEIR world.
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what undertale yellow take has you looking at someone like this?
I like the way you're doing the UI, still recognizable but unique compared to all other fangames that just copy it 1:1
hoping to see where this goes
>But why would kris be so retarded to hinder their progress like that?
I have no clue, but that is genuinely what happens in section 3. Instead of just giving him a concussion again so he can have some control, Susie just tries to kill Kris as a thing they both planned. I dont think they intended for a concussion to directly give kris more control, I think they're just stupid and didnt realize that text made no sense given how different it is to every other concussion text. Even if it is intentional, its still terrible writing because it's giving kris an out from our control that isn't outright losing his soul, undermining his whole conflict
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>ceroba is bad
>it's literally canon to me and toby should recognize it as canon too
WWE 2K23
I know the game, but is it from some stream or a video?
it should be, though
>I like the way you're doing the UI, still recognizable but unique compared to all other fangames that just copy it 1:1
The UI is based on Underfell One Hell of a Show UI, wich also features a tension bar
>hoping to see where this goes
I'm trying to implement an "elemental system" like in pokemon and other JRPG's
Right now there is not much reason to use different techniques even if they all have different damage and costs, with the current system most battles would consist on the player getting a decent amount of TP and then using the most powerful techs, at least with the elements there is a point in using techs with "elemental" adventage over techs with special effects, not to mention that some enemies would be inmmune to certain techniques thanks to their "elements"
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it's from my game
shit this was meant for >>3538509
god, this fucking picture is so good
Why is there no au or fangame with half-human half-monster hybrids? Surely that's an interesing and creative enough thing to delve into for an au. Like, ut fans come up with a bajillion au ideas and yet nobody thought that a hybrid bewteen two species with an unique soul type would be fuckin rad and interesing?
nobody cares about humans apart from deranged charafags
not compatible species for children
because there's nothing to work off how that would work in the games
at that point you're making so many setting rules up for your fanfiction that you might as well just make it 100% your own thing instead
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it's that time again, but at least the martlet one isnt half bad
Appearance-wise it can be whatever the fuck you want (you can add random monster traits and mix them up with human traits or something), and the custom hybrid soul is easy to design, it doesnt seem hard to make
Man, why everyone make Dalv fat?
why are there so many tranny furries here
this is not that kind of board
remove your freakshit
i like these ones honestly. its kinda funny how martlet only got a belt but its adds a lot to her design
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What would be the most kino fan scenario you can think of?
speaking of, i wonder what kind of progress dry1's original project has been seeing
this picture misses the whole point holy shit. clover has the blast because the yellow soul shoots projectiles. the other ones would clearly have a different ability, not just "clober but purple !!!!"
you have to understand that a vast majority of the fandom is very uncreative.
im aware, i was gonna type how it had the exact same amount of thought put into it as every underswap/spin/shift/flip/flop/sidestep/etc character but i didn't figure it was worth it.
real question would be, what would the "Supers" of the other soul types even be? Patience stops time? Orange Super Speed?
determination has to be invincibility, right? the way they dont even die to hyperdeath asriel stuff
desu i'd have that be kindness, since their whole gimmick is blocking attacks, but it could work for the red soul. i was leaning towards the red soul being annihilating the world since Clover gets their superpower at LV20 and thats what you do at LV20
given the precedent
>red can become determined for massive strikes capable of destroying the world
>yellow is capable of gigafuckoff beams with no counter
id say the ultimate abilities for the others are...
>patience: able betrayal kill without fully meeting spare requirements
>bravery: can completely ignore the enemy's turn and just keep attacking
>integrity: can fling you like sans does.
>perseverance: can ignore the "if your HP hits zero you lose" rule
>kindness: has the power of [NEO], extreme defense and regen.

also i just noticed, but why the fuck is chara's soul brown in that image?
I think it's just meant to be dark red
That reminds me... When was the last dry2 post made?
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i HAVE been working on it, just terribly slow.
ive got all the rooms for the tech demo set up. tiles, interconnectivity, bounding boxes.
now i need to set up the puzzle related scripts.
Sorry, it just that GodotAnon disaperance had me worried
Btw, where was that post made?
someone's attempting a /v/ thread.
But chara deletes the world even if you choose not to
because (You) and Chara are the same soul with LV20 at the end of Geno
Has there been any other fangames besides Yellow with complete genocide routes? Love playing them.
>Has there been any other complete fangames
Overtime, but i wouldnt count that shit because its just undertale with the tf2 designs placed on each character, so ye outta luck here.
If we share the same soul, why does chara feel the need to ask us for our soul when we want the world back?
complete routes would require complete fangames, of which there pretty much aren't any.

if you mean fangames with geno routes that are as equally complete as the rest of the game, there's always ts!underswap and deltatraveler(lmao)
although if you haven't already played those normally (honestly i think everyone in these threads should yes even deltatraveler), you might be a little confused as to the plot
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/V/ kinda sucks, so Ill post this here as well I suppose
the two of them make a single brain cell
I'm still lurking in the threads, there just hasn't been much progress on my end because I'm waiting for some people to do some stuff so I can work and I've been playing too much elden ring
Glad you are still around and the project is still on going. Best of luck btw
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Are you excited for UT:Y's SGDQ run up in 30 minutes anon?
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the thread straight up deleted? that sucks so much
Fuck, we were doing so well.
That's bullshit,
at least it got to 450 posts, which is insane. it was fun
Ill still consider the thread a success.
we were only 50 posts from making our way out anyways, kinda fuckin weird to do that. sucks to come back from work only to barely not be able to post but whatever man.

the power of not trying to compete with other threads over the weekend i suppose

so uh, here's what i was gonna post there before it was shot down:

>Honestly, you could make him a sentient cowboy hat and it would work better than making him a dog.
>Ts!underswap managed to do with the Koffin K

>asriel has enough power to bring the humans back to life after shattering the barrier
>but their current bodies won't do
>he decides to resurrect them as monsters not too dissimilar from ones that they knew in life
>he has the opportunity to bring clover back as the biological relative of martlet, starlo, or even ceroba
>remembers that he spent 10 morbillion years perfecting the jobber route for clover only for his plan to not work out anyways
>asriel creates a huge upset by making monster clover related to resident huge fuckin comic nerd kappy k
Question, why the fuck do ut fans keep making "1 longass turn" battle fangames? Like, first of all, i want breaks to rest my hands, not being forced to get my hands tired just to win this fuckass battle where itll probably just end with the typical "Then sans (and anybody else who happens to be in this battle if its like a bad time trio fight) instakills the player and they win and you lose" cuck ending, and these fangames tend to be made by the typical "au sans fight" fangame devs so the difficulty is still bullshit. Why not just engage with the rpg aspect of undertale and simply let us have regular turn based combat? Its hard to ignore this kind of bullshit when 90% of fangames are "one long turn fight", "le au sans fight", "bad time trio fight", etc.
i think it just has to do with the fact that they're typically projects by people with ideas(tm) of things that are cool but because they have no coding knowledge they just make a functional cutscene but playable and rely on more popular people to essentially upload their animation to a larger audience

honestly if people who want to make "full" fangames now were inspired by undertale yellow, i hope people who want to make single fights are inspired by "one hell of a show" and put some effort into making something that more closely resembles GAMING
Okay I am here. I was told there was going to be Chujin lewds.
Gaster in Deltatraveler actually being an imposter who wanted to have his own experiment through hijacking the real Gaster's, but RynoGG or whatever he calls himself now, would absolutely never.
Speaking of Deltatraveler, she confirmed that Deltatraveler Yellow will take place in TS!US Ruins. Weird choice but ok

>Deltatraveler Yellow wasn't a joke
Jesus Christ
How would ryno handle geno clover and his justice-based mindset?
>Clover deltatraveler is a secret boss in obliteration

kek ryno's gonna ruin the yellow fandom too with out of character clover dialogue and cringe kanako interactions. They're gonna ruin Clover, an actual intriguing and lovable protagonist, fuck.
because muh difficulty, every fangame is just trying to one up each other to make it as hard and crazy as possible so they can brag about it
As long as they keep clover silent i dont give a fuck about whatever she does to kanako, if anything she might end up fueling kanako x clover
>she makes them siblings and not gf and bf
very likely it is a 'clover is adopted by the roba' scenario seeing ryno seems to have a crush on her
wtf i love the deltatraveler tranny now
she better not
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here's the GDQ run of UTY.

there are some nice glitches and skips shown.
1. Sex bewteen step siblings is less taboo than normal incest because its not like theyre actually blood related
2. Even then, giving them a nice dynamic is still going to encourage kanako x clover because more people can actually get to see them interact together outside of fanfics and fanart now
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Post lewd pictures of Chudjin
alright DRYanon2 here, wont be able to do anything between now and sunday. but once im back im going to seriously focus on the game.
too much procrastination for too damn long.
the deltatraveler account posted on tumblr about there being chara and clover portraits
cringekino is back boys

anyways this setting is kinda cool to me because of the fact that clover canonically died there in that universe and we might get a reaction to it
plus the fact that whichever temmie is supposed to be clover will be like "hey wait what the fuck is this??"
anyways if you can pick up the other clover's hat and kanako wears it i forgive sarah for every bit of poor writing from before (not that i don't expect to be let down again though)
>people can actually get to see them interact together outside of fanfics and fanart now
but deltatraveler is also a fanfic

>the deltatraveler account posted on tumblr about there being chara and clover portraits
can you post them?
>but deltatraveler is also a fanfic
less so when ryno can just talk to the devs of uty
to elaborate, it was a text post talking about the portraits (just how they're larger than kris'). we probably won't have to wait long to see them though.
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Please dont fuck clover up deltatraveler...
roba paws
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Roba feast
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have we reached the end times of these threads? they feel dry as fuck man. which is to be expected, there's only so much to talk about the game (despite it having as much if not more in-game content than undertale), but still.
we just had a 450 post thread on /v/ the other day. its fine
Just start up a conversation or smthn, like, which uty characters would not get along with which ut characters?
Somehow putting a question at the top of the thread will get more replies than threads that don't (even though hardly anyone replies to the questions).
and i also think the curse of not putting "undertale yellow" in the title also deters people like in /v/
Asking a question invites people to have a discussion about a topic, rather than amassing people that are passingly interested in a thread's target to try and come up with their own sorts of ideas to discuss and have multiple overlapping topics.
We need a QOTT (question of the thread) for future ut fangame threads
Maybe, don't bombard people with a ton of questions to discuss at the get go.
https://youtu.be/-LsdtEcZwFQ?si=58GiF4JNeZW3Xclj hard mode deltarune mod, seems pretty promising, with music changes and all that
What would be the signature dish of each main UTY character?
Empanadas for starlo, cocaine for kanako, adult soda for ceroba, onion for dalv, birdseeds for martlet
Man I could go for a fuckin beef empananda
Working on a new system for combat for my Bravery soul game, got a bunch details ironed out and looking to release something playable soon

> Progress fights through fighting
> Spare monsters by bringing their HP down until they’re ‘knocked down’ which makes their name yellow, then MERCY > Spare
> Kill monsters by attacking them while they’re knocked down
> FIGHT is now ‘PLAY’: you deal damage using ’Attack PLAYs’ and support yourself using ‘Support PLAYs’
> Most plays cost ‘BP’ to use, you gain BP by grazing enemy bullets and using certain support plays
> Use right ACTs on enemies to gain combat benefit, like doing something that makes the enemy’s DF go to 0

That’s the basics of combat, but there’s more to go

> Only equip up to 3 PLAYs for combat at a time at start of game, increases up to 6 over time
> Most attack PLAYs have unique ‘action commands’ or minigames, like timing button presses. Most of the time the minigames are to see if your attack hits or misses, but some PLAYs can crit and have bonus effects.
> For example, ‘Strike’ can deal x2.3 your attack stat worth of damage if you land a crit. ‘Roundhouse Kick’ (a x1.5 base attack play) becomes a free action (you get to continue your turn) if you crit (balanced out by BP cost)
Next up, ‘Trinkets’ and stat progression

> Equipment is now Trinkets: instead of finding and equipping weapons to up AT and armor to up DF, you can find and equip up to 2 Trinkets (3 later on) that have unique effects.
> Trinkets can synergise with each other, so experimentation is good before you enter combat
> For example, you may equip a trinket that makes the first play you use cost no BP, and another that reduces BP cost by 20% across the board.
> Trinkets are balanced to have use both early and late game, so you won’t find new trinkets that are direct upgrades of old ones.
> You find Trinkets in the overworld, in shops, and thru unique events depending on the route you’re in.
> More examples of Trinkets planned: there’s one that boosts your attack as long as you no-hit an enemy, but you get a defence cut for whole fight. There’s also one that boosts attack as long as you’re below half HP.
> Planning to have many more trinkets in the game, so there’s variety in picking which ones you want to run to make the game more challenging or forgiving if you want

that’s the main stuff, feel free to ask about finer details
Clover likes pasgetthi, no reason.
You would think that it would something cowboy like or really patriotic but man, does clover like some good pasgetthi

haha, that is exactly what i'm about to eat now.
addendum on stat progression
> you get the stat boosts you usually get from weapons and armour through either LV (if you’re killing monsters) or events in the overworld (like say, training with a character for permanent attack or def boost).
> this leaves trinkets free of the req to scale your stats for later game, so they can have their unique effects
Really interesting what you showed so far! I can tell there’s room for depth with this system.

How is equipment handled for your system? Are you going for a straightforward stat progression (this weapon in area 3 deals more damage than this weapon in area 1) like how UT and UTY does it, or maybe something else?
Does your system have room for non-offence Techniques, like for example a way to boost your TP outside of grazing bullets?
just ask the question in the op but dont write it as QOTT/TOTT. that's pretty much general tier behavior and will have the thread deleted

is this this one >>3536403 or something else?
The roulette wheel looks visually interesting as a combo dial system, but how much room do you have to vary it up over the course of a whole game? Will you have enemies that can affect what’s on the wheel, buffs/debuffs that affect what’s on the wheel, etc?

I also hope that this system doesn’t get tedious over time by having to check the Technique section over and over for the combination (unless you write it down), or getting frustrated over wrong combos or hitting the wrong part of the wheel. Can’t say for sure without actually playing though
Nah that’s a different project. I think they’ve got some interesting concepts, and would love to see more of what they got

As for me, this is for my own Bravery soul project, ‘Undertale Wildfire’
Spaghetti western :^)
I thought about solving the ‘discourage spamming best move’ problem with an elemental system too, though I wonder how much that would fix versus creating more problems.
> Does the player have access to all Techniques at once or do they equip a fixed amount of them out of a larger list?
> What are the ways the player can find out the enemy’s weaknesses?

My concern was that players would just do the bare minimum in engaging with an elemental weakness system, and see it as an added obligation instead of something fun to figure out.
have enemies react differently to specific moves due to their weird monster anatomy, tho that also means extra work since everything is pretty much its own act
nta but undertale wildfire? i know that project from twitter, didnt know you guys posted on here as well. the concept you posted is really interesting, but i feel like ill be able to understand it more once i play the demo for it. how "soon" would the demo release, anyways? if you dont mind me asking
Can't say atm, but happy with pace of progress of my team. I post here because some anons have cool stuff in the works here and I think you can't get the insights here anywhere else
from what you guys showed from the project, its looking very promising, especially the art. i wish you the best of luck for you and your team.
all good! can't wait to put this system with PLAYs and Trinkets to the test
I havent decided it yet, I was thinking on having 3 types of equipable items you can have at the same time, an "armor" for def, a "weapon" for atk and an "accesory" wich has special effects, the armor might or might not have aditional effects, your currently equipped weapon would change the distribution of the roulette adding or removing "slices" or making some other smaller, in any case the weapons and armors would be mostly for linear stat progresion, the accesory would apply an small effect every time you land a critical hit on the roulette (like giving you aditional TP or regenerating 5% hp when you land 4 critical hits)
>The roulette wheel looks visually interesting as a combo dial system, but how much room do you have to vary it up over the course of a whole game? Will you have enemies that can affect what’s on the wheel, buffs/debuffs that affect what’s on the wheel, etc?
You sure? I thinks its pretty ugly, like it still lacks something, I have planned one miniboss whose gimmick is increasing the speed of the roulette each turn, other bosses might have some other gimmicks related to the roulette, the weapon also changes how the roulette works
>I also hope that this system doesn’t get tedious over time by having to check the Technique section over and over for the combination (unless you write it down), or getting frustrated over wrong combos or hitting the wrong part of the wheel. Can’t say for sure without actually playing though
Isn't memorization part of any combo system? In any case I plan on adding a "reminder" on the wheel ui when you select a technique in the menu, that way you can see the combination required to perform the technique
Non offensive as in techniques thay dont deal damage? Thats already covered by the TACTIC button and the acts of each enemy, techniques are mostly for dealing damage, but there would be a few techniques that dont deal direct damage
As for TP gain, the main ways to gain TP are by grazing bullets, dealing critical hits, using feints and cosuming certain items
You can also use the "taunt" tactic wich boosts all to gain at the cost of increasing all damage taken
I still need to balance the tactics and the feints because you can easily gain a lot of TP just by using a single taunt and then spamming taunts
> Does the player have access to all Techniques at once or do they equip a fixed amount of them out of a larger list?
All of them, having an entire arsenal of moves is no fun if you need to predict what you are going to fight
> What are the ways the player can find out the enemy’s weaknesses?
In my system most weaknesses would be pretty self explanatory, you woudn't use a "low" technique on a flying enemy for example, there would be npc and descriptions that explain some of the more "obscure" weaknesses too, just in case, the main thing about this system is that the player can change the "elements" of the enemy by using acts or specific techniques, you can "ground" flying enemies for example making them vulnerable to other techniques
Yes, I know that having faith in "the common sense" is a bad idea but still
Equipment-wise, I settled on a system thats pretty much your accessory slot but across all the equips

I figured it would make room for interesting equip combos, and it would put focus on my protagonist’s martial arts skills vs using a particular weapon like how UT/UTY does it.

Another element that the roulette wheel brings to mind: is there a gambling or casino or game show theme in your story? I feel like that would enhance the presence of the wheel in your gameplay system, and perhaps give inspiration for future additions to the system

I think your system is something we’d have to get our hands on before making a call on how good it feels. Can’t wait to play a prototype!
Your trinkent system is reminding me of the trinkets from Darkest Dungeon, I suppose thats what you are going for right? Items that dont drastically change the character but can make or break it depending on the combination you use, with the most powerful trinkets usually having some powerful debuffs too wich you might want to negate by using another trinket, or if you dont care about the consecuences you can stack trinkets with negative effects
>Another element that the roulette wheel brings to mind: is there a gambling or casino or game show theme in your story? I feel like that would enhance the presence of the wheel in your gameplay system, and perhaps give inspiration for future additions to the system
I thought about that once, now that you mention it, there was going to be a casino area in Undertale acording to the artbook
What I can say is that the protagonist has a "delinquent" theme going on, so the gambling stuff might tie into this
I got pretty lazy this week and mostly fixed bugs, but I managed to add an spare system to the prototype, using the "wake up slap" technique on an enemy with a yellow name spares them, most enemies "become yellow" once their health hits a ceratin threshold (wich is usually half of their max hp)
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goddamnit, I forgot the webm
A thing that's not often talked about that I find interestinghow is how in the wild east, for each mission/event a poster in the newsboard appears. It is those small details that make it on par with Undertale imo, and another reason to interact with everything more. I just love the way they managed to get Clover's face in there as well.

And it is some delicious irony how when Starlo dies, he gets his own "missing" poster, much like Clover's at the beggining of the game. I feel like his death would make Clover experience the most amount of guilt out of any kills, and maybe that's why he is the most messed up and full of vines in the Flowey phase 1 fight. This is the reason why I also implemented in my credits animation a frame of a missing poster of Clover, this time on the surface.
can you show that frame of clovers missing poster? im curious
yeah, sure. I made this back when I was just getting started on it, so it didn't age that well, but still. Full thing is named "legacy of justice" on youtube in case you wanna see it, I don't want to come off as annoying and shill it here again, but just thought I'd mention it.
oh yeah yeah, i watched it when it came out, i just thought you were someone else. loved that animation btw
thanks! I made it my mission to somehow salvage the pacifist ending with that one.
>missing poster
man, those always hit me in feels.
Especially when you know the fate of the persons inside the poster.
The characters may have not lost hope already but are aware that is all for nothing in the end.
It's already too late.
Too late
How would horrortale yellow work?
are you talking about that russian fangame that got cancelled a while ago
Are the shadow boxers a training battle you can activate at any time to try your skills?
What would be neat is if you could do it by interacting wtih any mirror but differently sized mirrors spawn different shadowboxers, eventually one is a monster and attacks you
doesnt horrortale happen after the empress undyne ending? regardless, i feel like it would be what you expect, everyone being fucked up and cannibals, except i can see martlet being like the only "good" one, guiding the protagonist while trying to suppress her hunger, until she helps them defeat undyne in pacifist, or giving in, in genocide
Am I that predictable?
But yeah thats the idea, the shadowboxers work like a training battle, they are obviously based on the exercise of shadowboxing, more specifically on the shadowboxing shown in the Baki anime/manga
Without a training battle trying to memorize each technique combo would be painful
You dont need a mirror to shadowbox in real life, your imagination is more than enough
>the protag starts eating imaginary food to heal and it actually works
I have more ideas related to imagination/visualization but I dont want to spoil the fun
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>new /v/ thread
>it's just the anti-roba spammer samefagging again
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and im back.
fuckin stiff as a board, but im back.

anyways we were talking about accessories/equipment?
the fourth slot here is a misc slot, every character will have their own set of misc items with their own set of effects
cole has bullets that changes how his primary attack works, kanako has cards that change her passive.
if you can guess what the misc item theme/effect for sadie/june and gizmo are i'll confirm them. undecided on mylo's so far.
You should post this on the /v/ thread
I dunno, micro chips for gizmo or usb sticks?
gizmo has gamer controllers for accesories. each console gives a different property
no idea for sadie
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even if the start was a shitshow it evened out into an actual solid thread, we still got it lads
a thread reaching 500 posts in around 24 hours? its crazy. and it was good too, except a bit at the end when the conversation kinda stopped
would it be cool to remake this in games pixel art style
ok, brb in a couple hours
yeah, and it would be cool if you kept the height differences
sure thing (starlo being the same height as martlet and ceroba in game feels wrong desu). I kinda feel for him, since I am also very tall.

very early progress, will have to work on clover a bit more i feel like
damn that was really fast. good job
No fan game can be better than UTY
Also most fangames are overrated
Probably 90% of them
starting to shape up, need to work on the height thing a bit more.
You work fast
thanks. I will finish it tommorow though, it's getting late here.
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>last two threads we had got pretty much to the intended limit of discussion
>neither were on the weekend
it was so easy. why didn't this happen earlier? i think trying to compete with weekend threads was just kind of factually a bad play.
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its here. was a fun little challenge
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i just saw it on twitter. good job! i wish the roba sprite was like that in the game lmao
is that two guns stapled to each other
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Story of Undertale Yellow
I fell from the light
Talk? Or should I fight?
Monster genocide
This is my Justice

There is five children on Mt. Ebott
I faced a flower down here in the spot
Explains the plot, And he tells to kill Asgore
Dalv attacks me, then takes to his home
He`s got some secrets right here in his room
Now he is dead, Then I met blue feather bird.

Should I be a pacifist?
Or should I use my bullets?
I’m feeling evil, think I’ll shoot them all

I am a vengeance, and I’ve got a taste
I want to wipe out the Monster race
I’ve got no patience, got no resolve
I will slaughter, screw the dialogue

I fell from the light
Talk? Or should I fight?
Monster genocide
This my Justice

I’ll kill Ceroba, I’ll waste who I choose
With all this weapon there’s no way that I’ll lose
Now watch me move, I won’t stop, I’m feelin' rude
Asgore is shaking, he hears my approach
I’ll slaughter Starlo and shoot his pals like a roach
Martlet’s my coach, all these monsters I will poach

Screw being pacifist
I think I’ll use my bullets
I’m feeling evil, think I’ll shoot them all

I am a vengeance, and I’ve got a taste
I want to wipe out the Monster race
I’ve got no patience, got no resolve
I will slaughter, screw the dialogue

Bullet pebbles, ice shards, I will shoot to take your life
Friendliness Pilets, Wild Revolver, epic fight like dual order
King Asgore wants to collect human souls
Seven of them, is his ultimate goal
I will avenge, all the humans he killed
Starting new war, humans overwhelm

I am a vengeance, and I’ve got a taste
I want to wipe out the Monster race
I’ve got no patience, got no resolve
I will slaughter, screw the dialogue
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4 AM shitpost idea
i also had to get some practice in on these characters, i wanna improve how i draw them
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Did you draw this, I like your art style
Any tips for drawing snouts and anthropomorphic foxes in general?
cut to starlo bursting down in tears
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i feel bad giving advice on something i feel i barely know about but here's my basic understanding of anthro canine heads. draw a line out beneath the eyes, and just bring it back in towards the bottom of the head. muzzle length and sharpness are really up to you and your style
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Appreciate it, I'm trying to learn how to get into drawing more kemono art as opposed to just humans
thanks dudes! We like 'em tall
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holy gem, did you post this anywhere else? I'd love to give a follow.
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I wonder where the anti-roba schizo is and how he's doing.
someone's attempting a /v/ thread
I think its too early for a new thread
idk if anyone knows but can someone please explain to me how shaders work in undertale yellow? specially the shaders that change a npc's palette, like the steamworks one or the dunes caves ones. been trying to use a sprite but some parts of it are red, indicating a shader problem, and i have no idea how it works
hey what the FUCK?? the thread got deleted out of nowhere, and it was going so great too. fuck man
I thought they literally had pre-shaded sprite texture alternates for those areas
made too soon, try again next week
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Yeah I saw.
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boy oh boy i sure do love how on topic threads are deleted in favor of porn dump spam, political threads, and an actual fucking general.
Jannies just fucking hate yellow threads for some reason, they never do the same to other regular threads
the zero dollar jannyman strikes once more
>I thought they literally had pre-shaded sprite texture alternates for those areas
snowdin does, and only clover i think. im assuming it does that because it's the earliest part of the game, but from dunes onwards they use a fancy ass shader system

we had a good thing. there were actual discussions. godotanon came back and there was an undertale naranja update. its so so over
at least we got confirmation godotanon is alive and well
i was going to post more mooch stuff soon TM too
Mooch paws
Atleast we got confirmation that godotanon isnt fucking dead
AND we missed out on mooch's mooches. fuck man. fuck
The moochrot is going strong
If I posted a thread sometime this week Titled "Deltarune Yellow" on /v/ ya think it would still be deleted?
if it's in the next few days, thread is probably dead... and if it's over the weekend, it's also probably dead. we should probably try and manage our urges to just create threads because it'll just make the deletions worse.
I'm gonna blast.
I have a little unimportant problem about uty that i dont really mind, but, why is it that uty doesnt let you interact with the objects from the axis chase room after the chase? Normal undertale wouldve made these things interactable, maybe even add a gag or a line if you interact with the door during the chase, like:
>"Congrats! The door is locked."
>Clover actually opens the door and enters the room inside, there's nothing inside (or maybe there is some npc or smthn), and when you come out, axis stands there and says "HI.", capturing you immediately.
they rushed the game in the final years to get it over with so they weren't able to add a ton of small things like martlet's house or more side content or kanako's stuff, game really needed it tho
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im honestly OK with Martlet's house not making it into the final game, leaves room to imagination and it's not really an important place plot wise, and it would've been too similar to Undertale for us to visit Martlet's house like we did with Papyrus

Also I will never get why everyone needs more "Kanako" content or whatever, it's the obligatory child doomed by fate, and it would've broke UT canon discovering what happens in the lab before UT True Pacifist. Not meant to be a contrarian or whatever but I'd say at times the game did more than it needed to, I almost never found myself sayin "damn, this game should've added MORE cutscenes and MORE areas". Imo what the game really lacked, was simply more main cast moments, Dalv hangout beside his house late game would've been nice, getting to know Starlo's family too, maybe more Martlet and Clover moments, etc... Or just diving deeper into Clover's character, I think the devs did a wonderful job characterizing him but they definitely could've done more.
who the fuck cares about breaking UT canon when it makes the game feel incomplete by not including it? Have the flawed pacifist be the 'canon' ending and go nuts with what is supposed to be the 'feel good' true pacifist ending since they already committed to being non canon with genocide and bent over backwards to make neutral work
Ceroba's entire motivation and her actual child just goes forgotten by the plot anon, we need kanako content because there was fucking none to be had where it counts and it feels trashy because of it
no offense but this sounds really whiny, and kinda breaks the whole theming of the game in the first place. There isn't supposed ot be a "feel good" ending, both are meant to require some sort of sacrifice in order to be achieved. I thought it was pretty obvious that the trolley problem foreshadows the only 2 possible outcomes, (almost) all of us chose to run over Ed in our first playthrough, and coincidentally, the vast majority of people played pacifist before genocide where everyone but yourself dies. And Flowey existing simply ruins any prospects of getting side tracked ot the lab, he would let it play out but no way in shit he would let Clover die for whatever Ceroba wanted to do with him, and by that point why even visit the lab in the first place? Ambiguity is good sometimes. I feel like a large majority of the posters here who point out flaws like this fail to realise the point of the game, even though I do agree the game could've done better in certain small aspects.
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>Also I will never get why everyone needs more "Kanako" content or whatever, it's the obligatory child doomed by fate
Then they shouldn't have included/mentioned her at all if they weren't going to touch on her
I agree with the other anon, they should have made a non canon ending where the kanako thing would be resolved
Also the inclusion of Flowey really limits this as mentioned, even if he was done better than most fanworks, though I could imagine that Flowey could have used Kanako's half boss/half human (due to the serum)'s soul as a substitute to the last missing soul and just grabbed both Clover's and hers and then later the 5 Asgore had to ascend
Though we could argue all day about what UTY "could" have been, but the point is, if Kanako was supposed to be a dropped plot point, she shouldn't have been mentioned at all, just have had Chujin die and that would be enough for Ceroba's motivation as she wants to finish what he started
so did yours but just in the opposite way; whining is all we have since the game flubbed it anon, and nothing says there can't be a feel good ending since, yknow, it's undertale and inherently fanfiction in the first place
pacifist clover completely forgetting about everything involving kanako and the lab he heard about many times throughout the game because the game said it's time to wrap it up makes no sense and feels like narrative blueballs
you point to flowey logically not letting clover do anything involving the lab but him letting clover off himself in pacifist or just giving up so fast and letting things reset in neutral makes very little sense in itself other than to facilitate an actual ending
there's a million lines of logic that could be applied to letting clover go to the lab as seen with the (good) fics out there
>why even visit the lab in the first place, ambiguity is good sometimes
not when it's set up over the entirety of the game and forgotten in the last minute anon, nothing of what you said couldn't still apply had things played out as they were set up as
need more...return to form...
>good fanfics
>ceroba adopts clover
pick one

Kanako and the lab are meant to be red herrings, considering the average player knew that no one knew what was going in there in until the events of UT. Clover probably did what he did simply because hearing his fellow friends argue about his safety and giving "the future children" to Asgore in favor to him seems unjust. And we don't really know what he really thought of Flowey in the first place or how much he actually trusted him at all, it is very possible due to all the resets that he may have some faint distrust deep in his subconcious, I mean the whole "gift" cutscene is about his rational side portrayed by flowey against his emotional/ idealistic side by the quotes of his friends. Maybe Flowey finally let Clover go simply because he was tired of him, and in an ironic twist of fate his sacrifice for a cause he believed in mirrored Chara's.

A huge part of this game is how Clover is never in the driver's seat of the narrative, and at the end of the day everything that happened was because of Flowey, and the only time he truly had agency over his choices in his fate was when he leared to give up on his mission in as explained above.

I don't know, i feel like I may just be a minority here, but pacifist ending is easily my favorite, and I think it wrapped everything up decently. Not all endings need to touch up on everything, life in general is not always like that. It would be futile to go into unknown territory with Kanako when we know fully well that she's in the lab and that she'll return home in TP.
This is just more about the way Ceroba was written. She needed a boss monster soul to finish the serum, so she did what she did. Also, it would make ZERO fucking sense for there to exist even one timeline where Flowey could succeed, because if there is, again, Undertale doesn't happen. That's why Flowey even gives up eventually, he went through hundreds of runs and probably a few neutrals before Pacifist, this video even touches up on that if you're interested about the whole Flowey/Clover dynamic and a deeper look into Clover's character (I am aware I already shilled this video enough times already)
>brings up ceroba adopting clover fics out of nowhere
>very possible
>never in the driver's seat of the narrative
this would still be true if going to the true lab but is given a throwaway line of ceroba running away from the lab to throw starlo off which is retarded
again, nothing being said directly conflicts with a resolution in the lab and kanako's plotline, it being a 'red herring' is just that - dumb and unsatisfying
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>Ceroba adopts Clover
>Accidentally drops him on his head
>He believes he's a monster now
>Everyone is too chickenshit to tell him otherwise.
isnt that the plot of bird brained (rip)
Y'know, if Ceroba was the one to inject herself with the blue juice (Which I feel she would've done if the plot didn't want to have another dead/missing kid in the game) how would the story have gone? I kinda feel that Kanako taking on the role that Ceroba filled in the main game would be more interesting. Like imagine if she was your companion through out the later portions of the game and filling in for that "Best Friend" role and getting to interact with her more besides during plot points. Might've made the eventual betrayal reveal and motives more impactful
Where does Ceroba get her daily news?

Fox News.
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'roba would never shill for neocons
i think she would be a based RT and People's Daily reader tho
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Whats the point in "making neutral work"? They already had clover go down a different route where he wouldnt be able to touch the main ut cast, why tf cant clover simply die to asgore in neutral instead of forcing a reset? It wouldnt affect canon ut if clover killed a bunch of fuckers down there
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There should be a UT fanfic or game where once the barrier breaks the monsters go to the surface and find out that monster kind has been living with humans now for generations and that there has been this hole in the barrier for years and things have been patched up for a long time.
Do you think deltatraveler will listen to the critics and fix the ruined gg!fell sans?
>listen to the critics
which critics? everyone outside of here is praising and sucking gg off
https://youtu.be/NjMkq5ulW1M?si=hQdRuLQxpLbCLrf8 check the comments if you dont believe me
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>this moment was perfection
Man, I'm pretty self conscious about my writting and what will people think once I post my fangame
But seeing the standards of the UT community I might just completly ignore their opinions if this is what most of them think
toby does the same with his playtesters
the fans unironically dont know what they want.
You have to keep in mind the sheer psychic damage sans has done to the undertale community
>expecting edgy everyones a killlerrrrrr au to be well written ever
do people really...?
im also self conscious about my writing on my mod, but honestly, if someone comes along after i release it, who understands these characters better and gives me tips on what i could rewrite, i would gladly accept it
Dont get me wrong, I want to hear opinions about my writting so I can improve, its just that most of the UT fandom seems to have pretty low standards when it comes to writting, unless you write something like "Wing Gaster" most of them will shower you with praise
I think I'll stick to the criticism I can get from this site
>the UT fandom seems to have pretty low standards when it comes to writing
have you seen all the esl fangames that decided to have 0 native english speakers check their scripts? It's real bad sometimes
Dont remind me
>one (1) youtube video represents the entire fandom
if only
i know we talked about UTY songs a while ago, anyone else seen this? https://youtu.be/YW2bDg_32Og?si=xLPhh4CnLTLHCJxt
normally video game song covers are pretty fucking bad, but the lyrics and singer are so great here. and the acting in that scream and her slowly collapsing into tears, holy shit man i love how emotional this is
they did good enough to get me to listen.
im just glad this is getting more attention to the game. i like showdown more though
honestly the enunciation was weird throughout and the lyrics hardly feel like they're consistently describing ceroba except from 3:05 to 3:45 but i appreciate the effort put in and i empathize with the singer having to do that scream lol

i know we goof around about ceroba here but surely someone else here sees the misinterpretations? just to get the easy one out the way: one of the reasons ceroba's mask gives her so much power is that it hides that she's crying the whole time.

i know that making lyrics for songs that weren't designed for them isn't easy but
actually nevermind halfway through writing that last statement i listened to some of the other ones and man... they do not make it easy to defend their lyrics. showdown was good but there were some tweaks i would have made to the wording if i was handed that script, forlorn was passable but i would have changed some parts more, and protocol was just...
Just saw a Ceroba in the wild. A customer left my store and she had a dangling Ceroba key chain from her backpack. Managed to see it at the last second.
we are legion
hell yeah
based big dimes roba entering the mainstream
It shows that the opinion exists, do you really think people went from liking the old gg!fell sans to suddenly thinking the new gg!fell sans is better??
Welcome to McRoba's home of the McRoba. Can I take your order?
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chicken wings, pork fried rice, and some fries
when are we doing a thread again? sunday, monday?
it's good tho
there is one up right now
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can i have a 'roba keychain too
i have two
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can i have one pwease
i don't wanna lose her :(
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do you know where i can find one...
Not him but I remember someone making a few danglers on twitter. They were like double sided or something.
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any pictures? is the art good?
and if so could you share? i really want something to demonstrate my love for the 'roba
i thought we decided that fridays are not good, since the threads on other days did waaay better
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Since I'm here I decided to fix that image up.
To be honest the original piece was just a practice piece and I wanted her to look tired from working a tedious job. But everyone sees her as old so I removed excess details. Enjoy or don't.
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Looks too furry and not enough anime/kemono
What I mean to say is that it looks more like a dog than a fox
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based kame_3t, found an artist drawing a roba-adjacent character a while back
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We posting not-robas?

Yeah I know. It's a curse of being a short sighted western furry artist who can't get out of his comfort sameface zone. I'm tryin though.
post that stuff in the /v/ thread, not here. keep this thread on topic
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I respect the work nonetheless, good luck since I'm new to drawing kemono art myself

The topic is Undertale Yellow, how are we off topic
honestly if you kept the wrinkles under her eyes, it would be fine
let's be real though, the people in these threads overlap with /hmofa/ users by like 40%
also the guy was just posting uty art and people were using visual examples for feedback, not a huge deal
You could try redrawing her snout and making it more like a fox's snout (making it slimmer), it has nothing to do with having a western furry style since those usually give foxes narrower snouts too
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If the guy remaking the game in GMS 2 (or anyone else developing something for UTY) is here, do you know anything about decompiling GMS games to mod them? I know you can use Undertale Mod Tool, but I'm wondering if you can directly view the source code or anything as well as the assets.
Pretty sure gamemaker games mostly spit out code un-compiled.
How many boards do you need for this cancer. Why not keep to /vg/
believe me, we probably would be on /vg/ by now if not for the existence of the /utg/ general.
you wanna see real cancer? peep in there. sorry that this is basically a general on a regular board but we've thoroughly discussed how we don't want to be anywhere near those insane self-harming tripfaggots

there's an image somewhere of one of them cutting themselves and posting it for attention, though i don't have it on hand
Haven't you heard? The tripfags all left in April.
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wasted trips on being a complete bitch
https://youtu.be/rDAPK0Svl54?si=bRtZnUjxFcopy9hG kris in undertale, including uty references
this might be one of the worst things ive made (jumped onto the undertale yellow the musical meme craze)
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I am pretty piss-poor at lineless painting/shading but here's pause art for martlet in a non-geno run.
Also made more technical improvements to the overworld visuals and sprite layering system
And saving/loading, save points, LOVE, game data, etc. are all implemented at a basic level
just on twitter. yigarjpg
though i probably won't post anything there that I don't post here, so don't feel obliged. preciate it tho :)
back to back amazing art posts? holy fuck
lmfao, plane flowey cracks me up. good job
i fucking love the colors of this martlet, as well as the small details you included, this is really amazing. i was just wondering how the fnf mod was going, im glad its still being worked on
Damm, at this point it sounds like you are remaking Undertale Yellow but replacing the battles with the FnF rhythm game
Cant wait to see the full fangame
since the /v/ thread is on its way out now i wanted to ask you guys something i think suits this thread better. do you guys have any headcanons you made (or just heard) to fill in gaps in the story?
here's some of mine:

>flowey instigated the feisty five breakup

one thing that's always bothered me about the heel turn the five take is that it's painfully obvious that starlo's "missions" for clover is just him trying to convince them to stay in town so they can be safe from the royal guard in cowboy rp bliss.. so everyone else being ignorant of that doesn't make much sense, especially considering they're his friends and all he's doing is entertaining a kid.
recently though, i realized that flowey disguised himself in town, and just so happened to be at the feisty five's meeting spot the whole time. what if clover actually did decide to stay in previous routes, and flowey manipulated everyone's weak points to create a big blowup and snap clover out of it? flowey DOES go through a lot great lengths to keep clover on track for getting the human souls for him, after all.

>asgore's secret power

this one's more of a regular undertale one, but it does apply to yellow. i'll keep it brief.
i think asgore has the power to store things in a pocket dimension. he puts the souls in there so nobody else can get to them (which is why flowey needs asgore to get them, even after he sees where they are in a previous attempt), he puts his trident in there so that he doesn't have to openly carry it considering it can't fit under his cloak, and he puts the watering can in there when you catch him watering flowers (which is why you don't see him hold it).
the way i'm tying this into yellow is that it's stated there that his trident physically exists and isn't just made of magic like undyne's spears, making it impossible for him pull it out of seemingly nowhere... unless he had the power to do so.

what do you guys think? i love the speculative aspects of undertale if you can't tell.
>it's painfully obvious that starlo's "missions" for clover is just him trying to convince them to stay in town so they can be safe from the royal guard in cowboy rp bliss
then tries to murder clover and turn him in for glory? you're giving him way too much credit
that wasn't a part of his plan, which, explicitly... was to keep clover in the wild east. it literally couldn't've been part of it. it was spur of the moment.
>"Let's face facts. I couldn't keep you here forever, kid."

not to mention that he's fully aware of how shitty it is for him to be sinking as low as the royal guard.
>"They gain that status by doin' the King's work."
>"We all tout justice, but... True Underground status is only secured through pain. Monsterkind's Hero is a title soaked in blood."

not to mention that he later tries to convince clover to live underground. must be some secret plot to kill them right anon???

what you brought up doesn't do anything to make it less true that he wanted to convince clover to stay...

ok now that that's done what's your opinion on the actual meat of that post?
I like clover expressing with his eyes
Kinda of funny how he looks so done with Flowery bullshit at the end of the gif.

This is probably the first time she has ever read the manual about her job.
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>remaking UTY with FNF battles
pretty much, yes. i'm approaching this as a UTY fangame rather than an FNF mod
in short, i'm not a huge fan of FNF itself, but one of the coolest parts of the game is its massive visual/musical control at the expense of having very binary gameplay. the vast majority of games are restricted by camera angles and gameplay rules in ways that FNF simply isn't, and the very best FNF mods have dynamic and diverse visual composition and musical flow comparable to that of film and illustration.
imagine ceroba's battle, but her flashbacks are animated cutscenes, and the battle perspective switches to (picrel) at her final phase. i know FNF is cringe but ultimately that's the potential i see in it
i'm just praying i can get a demo done before i gotta go back to college and my time is fucked next semester
Ohyeah, I get what you are saying, love it or hate ir, FNF "battles" are extremely cinematic without really sacrificing the gameplay (since its already pretty simple)
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The UI reminds me of the old SNES Lufia 2 rpg desu
do you have a higher resolution
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posting this here since the /v/ thread is almost dead
next part of return to form for those interested, feedback appreciated so i can fix it before putting it on Ao3
good read, didn't find any major issues so seems good to go, also surprised sadie will make an appearance
speaking of feedback, I reread the first few chapters recently and I found a few inconsistencies, tho the biggest one was in chapter 2 where flowey and clover move to the flower room all of sudden without the narration mentioning it
once again, waiting eagerly for next part
About the conversation on ts!underswap from the other uty thread, sans didnt leave everything to papyrus and asriel, as an example, he teleports a random enemy away and saves harry and larry from you. So ts!underswap sans is different from undertale sans in the fact that ts!us is actively aiding on the evacuation of other monsters, he cant save muffet from being killed (unlike neutral) because he's busy saving people, if he wasnt, he could easily swoop in and save every victim you find in your way to prevent you from LVing up.
i really enjoyed the chapter. its really nice how ceroba and martlet are going back to their old normal happy selves, at least slowly.
one thing that kinda weirded me out is that during ceroba and martlets cooking scene, it lacked the sense of size from martlet. what i mean is that i thought martlet was too big to like sit on normal chairs or easily help with cooking, since she is like more than twice cerobas height right?
regardless, ive been also meaning to re-read all the chapters so i might just do that tomorrow
i realized you already posted it on ao3 so i was really late, but eh, i liked it anyways lol
no no good point, my bad
thankfully easy to fix with a bit of adjusting, hope that's better
I've been meaning to go back and reread my earlier chapters too to comb for inconsistencies like that - any you happen to notice and point out like that would be appreciated
oh i didnt know you could edit it after you submit it. i re-read it and i liked it way more, sorry if it came across as mean, btw
https://youtu.be/AO-qQFskF0g?si=llXSxRZjqikihQtN enemy retreating with lyrics
honeslly, not half bad at all. Voice actually fits too, somewhat.

Also I'm actively praying if Man on the Internet does Retribution with lyrics we get a kino duet between Clover and Martlet. Kinda wished they made Clover sing a little in " A mothers love" as well.
Honestly the idea of clover singing/talking in genocide instead of pacifist sounds pretty kino.

I was thinking that something like an undertale yellow fnf mod would work in such a way that the pacifist run songs would have game sounds vocals thing similar to kris in seek's deltarune fnf mod, but in genocide, clover would actually have proper vocals and voice.
that is a good point too, but at the same time, in Undertale canon only his "pacifist" self is canon, so it would make sense while in neutral, where he is in the middle of the justice spectrum, in pacifist and genocide he'd have two different attitudes and singing it out.

Also a big reason why I am a bit bummed we didn't get in the musical bytes an emotional pacifist song, "A place to rest", "Undertale Yellow" (the first minute with the guitar section still brings me goosebumps, those who know know), "Gift", hell even "Echoes of Another" would've been a nice track to include for neutral. Choosers can't be beggars though. I just hope they don't fumble Martlet like in Protocol, imo it was the weakest song out of all they did.
i had a stroke while typing that, i meant that in neutral he wouldnt have a voice of his own, but in pacifist and geno he would for the final boss.
i thought fever pitch and best friends forever was the weakest one imo. protocol is too much of a musical instead of being "with lyrics", which, i guess makes sense musical is right there on its name, which i gotta respect somewhat
I think that martlet fumbling on protocol is intentional, she's clumsy, doesnt actually want to fight, so her failing to make a satisfying "protocol with lyrics" song is in-character. If anything, her geno songs would be better than protocol with lyrics
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no, art is not mine, i just found the image off of google to quickly show as a reference
evil creature, what is he planning
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Why is it that the furry characters in uty dont seem to express themselves accordingly to the species they represent? You never see ceroba doing picrel, but itd make sense for her to do so since she's an anthro fox
silly goose, furries are not about animals, they are about sex
the reason the team will give you: she isn't an animal, she is a monster that looks like a fox
the actual reason: the team forgot/didn't think about it and just want hot furry mommy
g*d i hate furfags so much
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martlet already acts like a bird though
martlet isnt a f*rf*g character like SHITroba its perfectly okay to post about her and jack off to porn of her
getting this pressed over a fangame character is lowkey pathetic
i like how you censored god and fur for some reason
>post from january

Someone made a kanako too.
this post has been betrayed and trapped in the analysis chamber by real juandiced integri-lifeguards
verdict: true (pacifist)
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The kanako version doesnt really have the same "enraged feral fox" vibes as ceroba's or chujin's sprites, that kanako sprite feels more like "angry generic anime loli"
I'd chalk it up to the fact that Kanako's sprite is front-facing and doesn't have much of a snout. Seeing the wrinkling of the nose ridge and how wide the mouth is from the side really sell the feral anger.
Feral kanako would work if she was gritting her teeth and like a shadow over her eyes, maybe foaming at the mouth too
>A reason I liked Yellow so much despite small slip ups is that it perfectly replicated "that feel" that I had when I played Undertale, or a new deltarune chapter.
I played Undertale and then Yellow right after (ok I played deltarune before it). Yellow does not feel different from Undertale, at first. The first two areas are literally Ruins and Snowdin, even the characters there are either remixes/expies of Undertale characters, or literally them.
It's no deltarune which actually features an original cast of characters, with completely different story beats and a new setting.
Just get the Lizard guy to draw it since he's very good at drawing ugly ass furrys
>casually ruins perception of the game with strawman arguments and not even all routes played

heh, nothin personnel kid...
if someone was hypothetically working on a full fledged starlo genocide fan game, what sort of cool stuff would you expect to see in it? It being lines of dialogue, cool poses/ one off moments, act mechanics etc?
In terms of attacks I would like to see more attacks based on different wild west weapons, he already uses revolvers and dinamite sticks, I think it could be cool if he had an attack where he loads a sawn off shotgun with cyan/oragne shells and you have the dodge the shotgun blast based on the shells loaded, other attacks could include using a lever action rifle (maybe the casings from the rifle can also deal damage) and a gatling gun as his final attack
For acts maybe an act that has you shooting Starlo's gun from his hand wich reduces the speed of his attack or lowers his damage
And if this fight replaces the Zenith Martlet fight, I like the idea of Starlo using the "flashback vision" on Clover (just like how Clover uses it on Ceroba and Martlet), wich lets Starlo see the kind of life Clover had that led them to become so involved with the concept of justice
"Sorry that you had to live throught that, kid... But an injustice doesn't justify another"
i watched the first minutes of this video and for some reason he went on genocide for the first route? who the fuck does that? what an awful video
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what is this video and why is it bad
saw this being talked about in twitter and some other places. i havent played this or undertale 2, but it looks like it follows the same formula. it might be a troll or something idk, i didnt bother to download it. ik people here liked undertale 2, so
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woah, wont go into detail but there is something from here that we're currently trying to implement, spot on. The flashback thing does sound interesting, any ideas what that cutscene would be from clover's life on the surface?. Though it should be something that happens on both pacifist and genocide runs on the game, but is contextualized differently.

I kind of like the idea. will think about it for a bit.
The thread's come up with quite a few good ones before. They may not all fit together at once, but whatever. Some that I remember:
>Start off with the dual. Maybe he goes down like normal if you win the draw fair and square, but if you shoot him in the back, the sheer injaundice triggers his transformation.
>Involve the Feistyj Five somehow, or at least explain what they've been doing.
>Have him try to kamikaze you at the end by going supernova.
>Reuse or reinvent the lasso mechanic from his normal fight. Maybe instead of giving up on the whip after you break it first, he just keeps reusing it, so the length you can travel gets smaller and smaller each time.
>Kill Ceroba lol.

One idea I had: I headcanon that Clover doesn't actually like eating gunpowder, nor does the gunpowder have any nutritional value. The flavor text (heh) makes eating it sound like a miserable experience. But Clover gets healed to full because, in his mind, he's doing something more cowboy than any cowboy's ever done it. So my idea is that Clover can buff himself by ACTing to "out-cowboy" North Star. Do revolver spins, spit on the ground, shoot a G out of the air, that sort of thing. Sure, maybe Star is too pissed to care, but if Clover convinces himself that he is the superior sheriff, that gives him buffs to speed and/or attack. Just an idea.
is this dust devil or is this something else?
regarding clover in the surface, i would try to avoid showing other humans with sprites. maybe show clover in a really awful home in a small playable segment where you can interact with most of the things in the house or them walking up mt ebott at the end
Personally i like going no mercy neutral run first, then pacifist and genocide (or genocide then pacifist), it allows me to see what happens when characters die on pacifist/neutral so i get to see more of the game in 3 playthroughs than i would from sparing some bosses and killing some bosses on neutral. Is that a good ut fangame first playthroughs structure?
not dust devil
will keep these in mind, thanks
Anthro women.
i think so. most people go with pacifist first because they know undertale and that pacifism is the best option, but when undertale first came out, people would normally do the neutral route first because there wasnt anything like it before. so im gonna say neutral, pacifist, geno is the best structure
Adding to this, if you want to keep it somewhat "canon", Ceroba being a backup fighter for Starlo is also solid. In pacifist, Ceroba will protect you from one hit per turn when she's with you. Having her do the same for Starlo (subsequently making him invincible with you only being able to hit once), means you can justify him dying in one hit while drawing out the fight.
Good endings are overrated anyways, so i dont really care much about muh pacifistic non-lethal options in games
UndertaleModTool is the best option. You can't get a project file, if that's what you're thinking. You can view all the assets in UMT, and it's more than good enough for modding.

They only did before GameMaker Studio launched (<=GM8.1). That was 12 years ago, so I'm not sure why you still think this (a lot of people seem misinformed on GameMaker, to be honest - I still see people thinking it's not a real game engine and is made for people who can't program). Nowadays there are two options, VM and YYC. Both are compiled, but the first is compiled to bytecode instead of native code and so can be decompiled well enough.
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Improved ceroba sprites
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Do you ever wonder if some ghosts ever occupied these dummies at some point?
>Though it should be something that happens on both pacifist and genocide runs on the game, but is contextualized differently.
Wait, so this mod/fangame goes beyond just a genocide starlo fight?
Anyways, I agree with what the other anon said, the flashbacks shoudnt show human sprites, at most they should be silhouettes
As for what kind of cutscene, that sounds like the hardest part, it would be easy to make it too edgy or ansgty, I was thinking something like Clover experiencing a great injustice, like maybe he always had a shitty life surrounded by people that hated him just for being born, or something like Clover's family being accused of a crime they didnt commit
Something that would forge Clover's sense of justice (or his need for revenge)
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They serve corn chowder at my university's canteen sometimes and ever since playing Undertale Yellow I've been tempted to try it in honour of the 'roba. Is corn chowder any good (in real life)?
i really like the idea of clover suffering some great injustice ngl, but not showing it too explicit
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>kanako having a giant tail when she's older is spreading
yes haha YES
The human sprites usually have no face features and tend to be portrayed with a lance if necessary (althrough, if theyre supposed to be modern day humans, i think that the lances shouldnt be used)
She resembles ceroba a lot but theres no chujin characteristics.
why is she even taller
thats just an edit from roba
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She gives tall girl energy desu
Really, it depends. I've had some great chowder, but also some horrible one. I'd still give it a shot though.
unironically this is what the real sprites should've been
That right there is two children in a kimono sneaking into the movie theater. See, they even have the stripes around their "waist". Can't fool me.
just saw there was a /v/ thread out of a sudden. its not doing too well, as expected, since its been a few days since the last one. im just surprised no one said anything here
i did see it but i figured its best to let it die and wait until later.
oh right, good call
who made this one?
>why is she even taller
she's apparently supposed to be tall.. or at least she was depicted as so in some pre-release art showing the cast in silhouette
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its true
I am so unbelievably enraged, what the fuck!?
good, the community still needs time to detox from section 3.
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oops guess i gotta fix that bug now.
anyways to make up for my outstanding laziness lemme tell you about an idea i had that i dont want to like, but need more opinions on
>DRY rosa speaks french as a second language and it feeds into her smug shitass personality.
i do not like the idea. but at the same time my mind does.
i do not know why my mind made the connection. maybe its because of tf2 and spy, maybe not. i dunno.
i know that when the idea popped into my head i wasnt thinking of anything that would've made the connection.
sarah needs time to detox and make her very unpromising ut post-pacifist kanako fanfic animation (at least i think its in active development)
and then deltatraveler yellow (hopefully written more by team switched than team deltatraveler)
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Clover at abusive home life flashback. The unnamed "figure" is the statue thing staring down at us in New Home, thought it'd be fitting like a sort of hallucination as the one thing remaining from Clover's life on the surface/trauma. Also works as he probably hallucinates that figure thing in the bits and bites shop in genocide too.

-Clover staring blankly at TV on the carpet, next to a rundown couch. House is in horrible condition.
-Tv static sound effect in the background

-Door opens, faint light from outside appears
-Figure comes in
*This stupid damn job... CLOVER!
-Figure looks around
*I came home, expecting the place to be sparkling.
*And you haven't even gotten started on the dishes?
*This is just GREAT.

Clover: I'm sorry.

*...And anyway, why were you watching TV again?
*...We don't have money for cable, you know that.

-Figure turns TV off. Goes in front of Clover.

*Get up. Now.
*Go finish cleaning.
*You will not get anything to eat until then.

-Clover gets up, goes to the dishwasher, starts running the water tap.
-Dishes scrubbing sfx, water running in the background

-Figure gets on the couch, takes a sip of something
*...This stupid damn kid...
*I wish he would just disappear, like those 5 from that poster.
*Would be one less headache for me.
*...Wonder what happened to those anyway.

-Undertale RESET SOUND, screen goes white

Flashback to the fight.

Starlo: ...

...So that's what made you arrive here.

Sorry that you had to live through that, kid...

But an injustice doesn't justify another.

///Have no clue if this would fit at all, just throwing stuff at the wall at this point. But I REALLY like the idea of Clover having his own flashback into the past. Also would be a reason he'd grab Ceroba by the hand in steamworks in that one cutscene, he doesn't like screaming at all.
i feel like the surface life shouldnt be shown for any of the UT humans at all. only vague implications about what it was like, such as the "overcrowded conditions" implied by the feisty five..
well, it's why i tried to obscure the appearance of said person as the figure thing we see in new home. It would be in a hardly lit room too, kind of something like the Chujin basement with the tv static being the only source of light.

Im still brainstorming ideas, if you have any feel free to share
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reposting this here too
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Trying to balance the new mechanics was harder than I thought ,I think I'm mostly finished with how the techniques and tactics should work
I dont have much to show, besides this overworld test, wich I guess also counts as a "protagonist reveal"
In a few days I might start working on the actual fangame figth now that the systems are finished, wich I'm a bit anxious about, making a system is one thing, designing a fun boss with dialogue that is actually meant to be read by other people is something completly diferent
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Had a weird dream. I was outside floating in the air and there was some creek in a forest. From above I see Martlet waving up at me and there's a lot of people setting up picnic blankets around this creek. I get closer and there's another Martlet who's just there and then ANOTHER Martlet, but this one is with Starlo and has some Star/Bird hybrid kid. On the other side of the creek is Ceroba, Chujin and Kanako having a picnic and like 5 water imps that look like a mix of Undyne but with the body shape of Midna.

Then I woke up.
i like this one and it would be fine for a written fanfiction, but if its implemented into the game it shouldn't have any dialogue at all. having clover speak is a big no-no, and i think having no dialogue and just actions would make the scene more impactful. just my opinion though
what if she tries to speak french but is really really bad at it, while she thinks she is really good at it. could fit in into her smug personality
I see. Then how would you suggest to implement it into the game without dialogue to get the message across? Kind of hard to do that now that I think about it.
hmm if i have to say it would sort of be like the same scenario that has to be conveyed with the sprite art and sound effects. so it would be like, clover sitting on the tv, light appears, figure comes in, stands next to clover and points and shouts to the sink, clover lowering his face in fear, does the thing, figure sits down while tv shows mt. ebott and then the cymbal thing. again, i think no dialogue with sorrowful music and sound effects would work best and is more in line with normal undertale cutscenes, but you're right it would be a bit harder to get the message across
hmm, yeah that is something, thanks for replying back. Honestly, feel like it may not be such a good idea anymore if I have to twist it so much I guess. Would've been interesting though, but the "overcrowded conditions" now that I think about it could also imply that Clover lived in an orphanage/bigger family, so the scenario wouldn't work. Also the implications that he was the one assigned to do the "duties back home", for presumably younger peers.

Well, just wasn't meant to be ig, the devs did a good job characterizing Clover without going into more detail than necessary.
yeah, its tough. my suggestion wasnt great either, i think you can find some better ideas by asking around, so i wouldnt give up entirely. honestly, now that i think about it, the reason we dont really know much about frisk, chara and kris is because of meta reasons, but clover is different since they are their own character, but at the same time its tough to show too much of their backstory because at that point it loses that mystique, i guess? even in my mod, during a cutscene, i made clover act a certain way that im kinda afraid its out of character by just using a single sprite, but im hopeful its left to the players interpretation, so idk
extremely jealous

ngl that sounds kinda cringe, I think it is better not to characterize the home life of the humans and leave it as vague as possible with just a few hints
>*I wish he would just disappear, like those 5 from that poster.
>*turns around and winks at the camera*
>"That's a piece of foreshadowing for you, viewer"

The trope of abusive parents is overdone at this point, I liked Sigs take of Clover being a forest child.
i tried LOL, im mostly a spriter not a writer . Though yeah that does seem pretty stupid now. I think I understand Rino and deltatraveler's horrendous writing now.
>"Clover, your mother has Jaundice..."
What would Clover and Starlo's reaction to Ram Ranch be?
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Write dialogue for this specific scenario, i wanna see what you guys come up with.
>Dalv: *hoarse screaming and sounds of disintegrating flesh*
>Asgore: "Oh my, it appears I need to remind the vampires about the realities of living aboveground."
I’m kind of at a crossroads on how to proceed with return to form
>martlet gives clover a ride into town enabling some bonding time between them
>same goes for kanako and ceroba who would go on foot
>Martlet takes the two kids into town to give them a tour while Ceroba goes on foot to get starlo
>martlet basically abducts ceroba to come along with them and they all go into town nice and quick
Each has its own positives and negatives, thoughts?
i feel like clover and ceroba didnt have much time to talk, so, if i were to make a suggestion for the fourth one, since ceroba is afraid of heights, what if martlet concedes and they all go on foot, leading to more interactions between the four of them? if not, i think the first one is the way to go
I'd mix the first and second ones together. Martlet and Clover bond as she shows him around Eastwood while Kanako and Ceroba do the same, except with the clear intent of reaching Starlo. A lot could be set up between how the two view life on the surface which is shown in how they approach the town. All four of them could cross paths at wherever Starlo is located and we can see how that would effect how they interact, maybe?
With this, once they're done with Starlo's business, maybe they could swap out? Martlet could show Kanako around and Ceroba would be left with Clover.

I'm just spitballing though.
>horse screaming
sounds like they aren't fireproof after all
I think they would love it. I particularly think Starlo would misinterpret it as actual cowboy traditions just like all the cowboy movies he found.
axis would be so pissed that he has to stand back while everyone gets a spot
At least he got one, Mettaton isn't here at all
its kinda funny how mettaton got shafted from the important true pacifist scenes in UT, even despite being like a main boss or whatever
He would sue them for defamation.
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Cool samurai starlo
This Starlo swaps with Ceroba? What does he use instead of the mask for the final pacifist fight?
Well, im not the artist, but ill assume its the samurai hat, you'd have to jump on some platforms and then jump over his hat then press the down arrow key mid-air to slam it and end up bouncing to the air from the impact for a special attack.
So is roba a cowboy in this universe?
And why is Integrity fighting starlo instead of axis?
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slopswap enthusiasts when not everything is a literal swap:
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the conversation people arent ready to have: martlet with tail feathers
martlet absolutely should've had tail feathers. its weird that she doesnt. maybe she hides it under her pants or something?
Its easier to justify than the roba family not having tails at the very least
Why the fu manchu moustache
swap fans imagining an AU where they're a girl instead of a boy and their mother left them instead of their father
maybe an Oni mask instead of the Fox mask
It wouldnt be a swap au if they didnt swap with another existing person
>[undertale, generally] fans imagining an AU where they're a girl instead of a boy
all the people that are now named "noelle" are many steps ahead of you on this
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Frisk and dalv
What would Ceroba and Starlo say to Frisk after the barrier was broken?
>inb4 "give me alone"
>inb4 "clover... was the best PACIFISTS I knew..."
what is this? a teaser for an update for red and yellow?
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Ceroba will see that Frisk is slant eyed and yellow and will speak in a forgotten language.

Which roughly translates to Give me alone...
It's appears to be happening.
Undertale Yellow 2: Revenge from the Grave is being made.
nta but i saw these on twitter, its just a thread of mockup images of frisk talking to dalv, martlet and starlo after the barrier breaking down. i didnt like the dialogue very much but its cute ig
there's two of them now?
but will kanako be a party member?
this is an important question
Kanako is Axis's killphrase.
god I fucking hope so.
I really do.
We need more kanako, also I want to know who clover is going to be this time.
Because last time "frisk" was a random fisherman they kidnapped.

Perhaps Kanako will be an actual normal Kitsune that is very annoyed that you keep calling her Kanako.
Kanako is just a random feral fox that gets picked up into the team.
You know I had the same idea for the Ceroba boss battle months ago.
When I keep jokingly talking about game.
Like how
>Clover is actually a brain damaged with mild telekinetic abilities
and how
>The fight with Ceroba is a kid not mentally capable of understanding it's wild animal trying to kill him
>not a friend fox monster like he sees the world thanks to his broken brain

>starlo was just a Christmas themed robot, he's the star
>they refurbished as a cowboy when out of season cause of the sheriff star thing

And I never thought of a concept for kanako.
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that would be the roba

anyway UTY2's party should be clover, kanako, axis and dalv
It's a pokedex
dalv would probably just an emo or something like that.
He not even a monster, just a weird human.
But clover he calling him a monster despite his complains.
Even the villains think he a monster vampire.

He becomes plot relevant in the chapter where they trap everyone in personalized dungeons, his place full UV light trying to kill him but he's human so he's completely unaffected.
There are no other traps, the villains blew their budget on anti-vampire traps.
what is sans is a party member again, because why not
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>There's something written here.

>"A tribute to all who lost their life during the human's attack, and to the brave ones who fought till the end."

>"Signed Moray, Mooch, Ace, Ed."

> "North Star."

>"The Feisty Five."
no, only if its for a short gag, keep UTY2 skeleton free like how UTY is the only UT fangame not polluted by skeletons
what's this supposed to be for?
Starlo, and the people who died in Clover's rampage. Dumbass.
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I don't know why Ceroba just didn't ask Clover for the soul.

>Ceroba: Oi, gov. You seem to be a pretty spiffin lad with us monsters. I'll be real with you, I melted my fucking kid, mate. And your soul is what I need to help bring her back. You'd be a legend if you let me use it for a bit.

>Clover: Cunt, shoulda fucking said so in the first place. I got ya, mate. Cheers.
it might have happened in some timelines but flowey reseted since that would make clover deviate from his "goal" one more reason why flowey shouldnt have been in yellow
i meant what game or fan comic dumbass since there's this nebulous human in front of it
nta but for some reason i know of these things from twitter again. its called #AfterYellowAU, its just sprite edits/images of the next human after geno clover
is the next human not supposed to be frisk? lol
it's actually kind of wild realizing how much we missed out on with clover because of flowey's many iterations of events
i mean, what were the interactions with undyne like? with any other of the royal guard? what did clover do to make alphys do her actual job??

not to mention that finding the "jobber route" wasn't even the end of his tampering, flowey does shit like anonymously mail the missing kids poster back to clover.. how would he know that clover is losing sight of flowey's mission unless it already happened?

there's so much story potential there. flowey doing shit either live in the background or before clover even got there.
>went to martlet's house instead of riding the boat? time to smash some boards.
>stayed at the wild east with the other cowboys? time to break up the band.
>went to the lab with ceroba? time to necessitate some repairs to the road. time to move a rug and unhide a secret lab. time to delay you so starlo can reach you with the news.

actually i just thought of something even more fucked up... flowey using his knowledge of his own creation and that of the amalgamates to sneak fake research notes into chujin's lab about injecting kanako with "impure" determination- just so clover doesn't have a friend his age to live for.

just imagine that being dropped in an alternate universe neutral ending. some REAL "it was me, barry!" type shit.
flowey does a lot of the same shit in Undertale via papyrus too. The last phone call you get from Papyrus telling you to go to the true lab is either a script directly from flowey or flowey imitating papyrus' voice
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The author said that frisk didnt want to fall into the underground because "the "Crazy Cowboy Kid in Psychward" story killed their curiosity for if Monsters are real or not", ultimately this is mostly just an excuse for them to draw a new human anyways

More afteryellow stuff:

Undyne offered the Feisty Five the opportunity to become the actual authorities of the dunes, but most of them declined.

Ed went onto work for Starlo's family to honour him.

Mooch and Ace got office jobs an moved on.

Moray remained, stuck in the past.
mooch paws...
there is a /v/ thread btw

This is what Undertale should have been.
True RPG Combat.
Yes funny memes still exist but they are balanced with proper RPG mechanics.
>office job
anyway it sounds boring, more like the creator just wanted an excuse to put their OC into the yellow setting
Well, ig the creator didnt want to make horrortale 2 or whatev
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Go back to your [insert niche JRPG with boring uninventive cookie-cutter combat system] thread
great art learns the rules in order to break them. If undertale followed “proper mechanics” to a T it would be like OFF: About 1% as fun and 1% as successful
Undertale can nary be called an RPG given how none of the RPG mechanics actually matter, and I say this as someone who really enjoys it. Traditional combat systems can be fantastic, but barely any RPGs actually make use of it. People really need to take more inspiration from Chrono Trigger.
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posting here as well, im still lazy to a comical degree and my mind still wont drop rosa speaking french as a second lanauge.
anyways, my spriter had to take a break for a while due to irl stuff but he should be getting back at it soon. first will be some overworld sprites for use in the tech demo.
but for now, proof that im still alive and slowly crawling through it.
>puzzle rooms - layout done with all collision set up
>room transfers - updated to now change position and sprite direction. also added a toggle to make the transfer interactable or a walk-in
>fixed this >>3556484 bug
>working on - setting up the transfers for each room
>up next - individual room scripts to handle the talk button, leading to the puzzles.
i would say to expect better progress but i have a week long trip coming up soon so i'll probably use "catching up on stuff" after that as an excuse to not focus on the game for another few weeks.
after that though, no more trips for a while so progress will speed up in the near future.
Deltarune does feel more rpg-ish through
This is true, though it still suffers a little from how controlling Toby is in his design. Still, it takes much better advantage of the battle system, probably due to you actually having party members.
giving mana for grazing is such a good way to make the bullet hells more interesting
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Althrough the spells do feel pretty optional, you dont need to pacify anybody, and healing with spells isnt necessary. Itd be nice if there were more utility spells or something.
What would be some cute slice of life things (you) would like to see starring martlet and clover in return to form? Kanako and ceroba too but they’re up afterward
The thing about utility spells is that there arent many stats in Deltarune to increase or status effects to apply on the enemies, and the defend option already increases your defense
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Clover learning how to be a monster lizard and taking care of his scales. Like how birds preen and lizards shed.

Actually, dumb idea but he could shed his skin like a standing decoy to trick an enemy or something.

Back to your point through, maybe learning how to cook monster food, or Martlet still not getting over the fact that there's non-monster birds on the surface and one time she tried to communicate with them with no avail.
>maybe learning how to cook monster food
but martlet can't cook, though that could lead to some funny interactions
martlet teaching clover what it means to be a monster. or martlet telling stories about her travels, like the time she met humans for the first time or any of her wild east stories.
she does know how to cook in return to form, i think
so how do you plan on handling the battles? will it be a separated scene, or overlaid on the current scene? since deltarune fights have a fade transition, loading a different scene would be harder and it would be best to disable all entities when battle starts and load the battle background and entities atop that, though it all needs its own collision layers to not mess up with the objects
In godot you could put the entire system as a child of a canvas layer node so that the collisions of the battle dont interact with the overworld collisions, Unity might have something similar to that
Man I want to see Dalv x Kanako nsfw so much I need them
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right now my current plan is to handle it the same way as the UI and suspend all the non-battle logic while a battle is happening. but i still might make it its own scene if that proves to cause problems.
for reference here's what the UI currently looks like and the white box is the screen space. ive got everything for the UI loaded but off screen. given the nature of the game this shouldnt have a noticeable performance impact, but if it does i can change it.
im still working on my uty mod which is about 75% done. it turned out bigger than i expected but im happy with it. is there anything you guys wished was in the game since the start or wish that got added? obviously minor things, dont ask me to put a starlo geno fight or something like that
>you pp, me FFF
>you ritardando, me allegrito
Leaving the Wild East early on a Neutral run.
And congrats on getting any work at all done on your mod (unlike me)
is there any new kanako content?
im thinking of doing that but when you abort genocide in the dunes. its kinda weird how everything goes back to normal if you spare one enemy in the dunes. but, i probably wont include it in this release.
no, i figured i would leave that to other projects, like the godot one i heard about
Add some acts to the Dalv, Martlet or Starlo fight so you have to do something other than wait in those fights if you want to spare the boss
Maybe introduce the feisty four through the dunes, you dont need to add cutscenes or dialogue to them, just placing them in areas you can't reach in the dunes would be enougha
Also, make el bailador appear throughout the dunes's mines, trying to cheer the workers up but failing to do so, unintentionally making them feel even more annoyed with their jobs. maybe give him a motive to fight you as well.
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>the integrity soul human kicks Axis a bit too hard, he starts malfunctioning.
>Axis's eyes turn red.
>"Leave me alone you freaks! Why cant you guys stop attacking me for once!? God damn it!"
>the human steps back on fear.
>"Go away... please..."
>the human starts to run away in fear, with axis chasing after her.
>The human dashes to the side towards a dead end.
>"oh no... fuck..."
"I cant run any longer... somebody, anybody... *ack*"
>axis grabs the human's neck before she can finish her sentence, then he whispers...
>"[Charging special attack, 3... 2... 1...]
>Chujin comes to waterfall after a while.
>the scent of blood...
>axis is carrying the human's mangle corpse, his eyes red, chujin runs somewhere else to vomit, axis follows.
>axis speaks up with the human's head on his hands.
>"I told you to capture the human..."
>Axis's eyes turn purple once again upon seeing chujin's reaction, seeing it as negative feedback, not knowing what he did wrong.
No bullet hell mechanics, not interesed
Guy who is making the "naranja fangame" here, I dont have anything new to show but I just wanted to say, that I have a newfound respect for the people that make fangame battles, making attack patterns that are balanced and actually fun is not easy at all, maybe its just a lack of experience from me, but still, anyways I'm slowly making progress hopefully this will become easier as I design more attacks haha...
yeah... i mean, there is a reason why deltarune has its own dedicated team member for bullet patterns. shits hard
>Yes funny memes still exist but they are balanced with proper RPG mechanics.
the game is really fun but suck a dick dude, the mechanics are pure bullshit.

There is one move that literally puts a fuck ton of random effects on the enemies.
And speaking of random effects, good luck what half of those mean cause they game won't tell you.

>Turns the enemy dusty
the fuck is dusty?

anyways 10/10 funny as fuck, love lancer being the recurring miniboss and frisk just being some random Chinese fisherman

speaking of fishing, I 100% fishing in the game.
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Thinking about making a short fangame based on the Halloween Hack MSPFA to learn game development
Any devs here got any tips? Especially for Godot, specific or general is fine
How much experience do you have with Godot? And what do you mean by "short fangame" like only a few fights long? Or like the duration of a deltarune chapter?
I'm this guy >>3564550 so I cant give you that much info since I started learning Godot 7 months ago but I'll try to help
I just wanna do the Ruins section because I genuinely think Toby's shitty MSPaint sprites are soulful as hell, mostly to learn how to do different rooms, dialogue boxes, stat calculations, all that good stuff. Looking through the thread you've got something really cool there, thanks for the offer! I'll probably post whenever I do something notable and ask for assistance if I need it
Anyone got any cool ideas for ways to remix the dark ruins enemies for a hard mode mod?
Maybe the attacks can be literally "dark", with your soul initially hidden, and the bullets cast a light, meaning you can only see the soul when you're near a bullet
first step give them actually interesting bullet patterns
>mostly to learn how to do different rooms
Godot's tilemap node makes this pretty easy, you can literally paint the rooms like in a level editor as long as you have a tileset resource and you can easily find the Undertale tilesets you by searching them on google, also remember to read the documentation for the Tilemap node if you havent already and watch one or two tutorials just to make sure you arent missing any important feature, I made the room shown in >>3556626 withouth reading the documentation but thats because the room is just a placeholder, in general I wouldn't recomend using a node extensively if you havent read its documentation, if you need a way to manage room transitions this tutorial is pretty good and shows basically everything you'll need https://youtu.be/2uYaoQj_6o0 (I used a modified version of that same scene manager to transition from the room to the battle)
>dialogue boxes
Basic dialogue is pretty easy to set up with just a RichTextLabel and tweening the visible_ratio property, but if you want anythung more complex than just displaying dialogue I'll recomend using the "Dialogue Manager Plugin" by nathanhoad, it has a lot of settings and all the dialogues are stored in resources that can be easily edited, you do have to study the documentation for this plugin tho, but there is a decent amount of tutorials for it
There is dialogic 2 as an alternative but I havent used it and it seems more focused in visual novels or games with a dialogue system like classic fallout
Btw dont forget to make a "main theme" resource that can be used in all of your control nodes, it will save you a lot of time when making the UI
>stat calculations
You mean like the damage formulas used when the player deals or takes damage? undertale uses a pretty simple one that is just something like
Damage = max(1, player.atk - (enemy.def + rand(0,2)))
That is not the exact formula but its pretty simple
Lastly, remember to use any version control, the last thing you want is to lose your progress, it only takes a few minutes to set up, I personally use git desktop but thats because I got lazy and thats the easiest version control to set up
>sweet corn
They resemble popcorn now

You know how they look like the autism creature? Well you could base of them one of the other creature

>Crispy Scroll
well he's inspired by Crunchy Roll, so you go two routes
Either make the enemy also inspired by a streaming service or just upgrade him from scroll to book

You could give her a mechanical pen, make her scales look a bit like the one of godzilla from the new movies

Well, he's a bat and sound-based. Like that annoying Pokemon that bothers you in caves
You could copy a bit of the design

More dracule-esque maybe

Idk, these are terrible idea maybe
Only god idea I could think of is a general one
>Hardmode variant of enemy
>Unlike every other enemy they look exactly the same
>First turn and they suddenly take a FUCKING METAL PIPE
>That's it
>That's their hardmode version
>They are going to break your knees with a metal pipe
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Thanks for the videos, I'll watch them later. Do you work with GDScript or C#? I use the latter myself, I'm guessing the syntax is similar
GDScript, but yeah, as far as I know "translating" from GDS to C# isnt that complicated
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i feel like i owe a gameplay progress update by now
getting menus and saving shit done mostly.
a major addition is this custom "memory log" state that condenses a gallery and freeplay into one. the idea is that you can look at that character's concept art and assets, have flowey explain them to you like Goombella from paper mario, and flowey can use his epic meta SAVE superpowers to effectively load you back to that point in time to re-fight them, independently of your current save file. in other words, you can replay any song from this menu even if you reset your main save file, as long as you beat the song once.

a lot of this stuff is ideally gonna make the full game beyond the demo a lot easier to develop with the framework in place.
Huh, no Dalv in sight
which makes sense he's barely in the story at all
You should make him the secret boss or something just for shits and giggles
This is really cool! Have you posted this on the FNF general? They'd probably like it
fuuuck this is so unbelievably cool
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i dont wanna totally abandon dalv, in fact with my other rewriting plans, i'd like to redeem him. similar to Kanako, the game set up some stuff with him and never acted on it. he's not my top priority but im willing to try if there's time.
however he probably won't be in the demo. other characters are more important and he doesn't make the cut.

thank you, but you're too optimistic my friend. /funkg/ is a cesspit even for 4chan standards.
it makes me thankful to have these UTY threads, and the fanbase in general. for the most part, everyone is very pleasant, even on twitter. it's just cool ass art, nice conversations, useful feedback, and people who really love the characters. feels like that's a rare thing these days.
but fuck it, i could post something there just as an experiment. i wonder how many times people will say "that's a tranny game" (ironic)
those flowey sprites are looking great. is it still just you on the project? or did you get someone to help with the music side of things?
Have you contacted with any musicians yet? With what you have shown here and in the previous webms I think you have enough content to get people interesed in helping you to develop the project
The mirror enemy thing should be related to dark magic or evil mirrors like some 90s disney-esque thing, maybe his face is inside of the mirror itself.
i checked out /funkg/ to see how bad it was
and people on /v/ complained about our threads? jesus christ

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