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Enlighten me one which one i should be playing over the other
Divinity OS, Pathfinder WotR or PoE

Haven't played a lot of crpgs appart from Fallout, baldur's gate 1 and Torment...
Simple anon

Do you like turn based:
Divinity OS


Do you like aids:
none of these. MAYBE D:OS2, but all the games you listed are shit
All of them. You have no life.
I have never bought an owlcat game that I did not enormously regret putting time into.
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WotR is better than PoE

Haven't played Divinity
WotR is also turnbased and more enjoyable that way especially with boss fights. The only issue is that there are quite a few trash fights which are better to just switch to RTwP for.
Except skip PoE. Baseder has never made a good game.
I'm suprised the jannies still have this word filter up. You shouldn't have to use alt codes just to type söy as part of a word. You certainly shouldn't have to buy a 4chan pass either just to type a single word.
I've only played Kingmaker and it is a fine game. From all the hate here I thought it'd be much worse. Some questionable story and game design decisions, but nothing catastrophic. Only at the start of act 4 so maybe the game spirals into complete shit.
Just pirate one you think looks best.
>You certainly shouldn't have to buy a 4chan pass either just to type a single word
A loosely applied global rule prohibits racism outside of /b/ anon that’s why we can’t say that word
The filters have nothing to do with racism desu. They're just to discourage overused words senpai.
It doesn't spiral into complete shit, but have fun with the final dungeon.
I'd still play PoE for White march
I preferred PFKM, but whichever Owlcat game you play, make sure you get a mod that skips the Owlcat part of the game. It's as bad as any free mobile or Facebook game you've played. Frankly it's still a pain in the ass even with autowin.
owlcat part??
"Kingdom Management"
"Crusade Management"
Don't try it out and think you'll be the one to extract fun from it. You won't. They're literally sub-Zynga. Just install the mod.
does the rogue trader has a shit minigame like that as well?
Yes. I haven't played it, but if I did I wouldn't even care how well it was received, I would get a mod. A hundred hours clicking through shit your average high school /v/irgin could design circles around is enough. They should have just cut to a hentai game, then at least you could jerk off and feel like you accomplished something.
>Inb4 just turn on "auto x mode"
It's a joke. In both WotR and KM, even the tool tips tell you that you'll miss out on events if you do. You actually have to install a mod for auto mode to not suck.
does creamapi work with wotr and rogue trader?
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I would genuinely rather be skinned alive than play another owlcat game. Those games are offensively bad and you won't grow at all from playing them. In fact it will probably stunt your development insofar as understanding the genre and developing taste, if owlcats fans are anything to go by.
>I would genuinely rather be skinned alive than play another owlcat game
This can be arranged.
I did not like WoTR at all. I think it's the campaign. Something about it. I've tried like 8 different times. In contrast, I've played through Kingmaker 4 times and did the roguelike at least 60 times. Really enjoyed it.

I did not like DOS either. Maybe 2 is better but the first completely turned me off of the game.

I prefer PoE2 to 1 by a mile, but 1 has the true old school charm. It is closer to BG1 than the others.

Turn based is a mistake for the genre.

Also, try Tyranny.
>Maybe 2 is better but the first completely turned me off of the game
It is a lot better but it's still not a good game.
>Also, try Tyranny.
This is a terrible game.
It's a terrible game if you're a retarded troon.
You have to be 18 to post here.
PoE is the best gaming experience overall
DOS if you prefer TB combat
WoTR if you prefer bestiality aids quirky chars and romancing
good boomer taste
You haven’t seen his 10x10 then, he has Duck Tales and shit
Play Icewind Dale 1 and 2. A good fan made enhanced edition of 2 just came out. Also play Temple of Elemental Evil (using the temple plus mod) and then play the first two Baldurs Gates, which are the only good ones. Just dont play the beam dog shit. Get the originals
Zoomer post
>mobile abbreviated url YouTube link with the tracking info still embedded
I’m probably older than you, anon. Not clicking that shit, either.
Duck Tales fucking rocks.
>WotR is better than PoE
Wait why is this a thing? Just tried typing it and it didn't work. I can say nigger, but not that word?
Nigger is just a word, filters are there for to annoy macro posters.
Just seems crazy you can say a much worse word.
There are no "worse" words, just words.
pretty sure you can automate it through settings
It's crazy it's legal to murder babies for your convenience while you replace your entire population with foreigners but here we are.
I don't live in europe.
I'm sure having those extra mongrels on welfare would save civilization kek
Lets be clear, if you used turn based mode, in either of the owlcat pathfinder games, you did not, by any stretch of the imagination, beat the game.
avoiding wordfilters is a bannable offense anon
Let's actually be clear, if you didn't use a pure class for every single character, you did not beat the game.
>noooooooo you can’t just use tactical positioning, move actions, five foot steps, and carefully consider where your spells go, you have to just throw an auto attack blob at the enemy
Unironically this
>tactical positioning, move actions, five foot steps, and carefully consider where your spells go
Literally what is the point of doing any of this? The combat design and spell implementation incentivizes none of this, all you're doing is making a boring bad game last even longer.
Yeah I disliked wrath too after enjoying kingmaker. It just had a less appealing setting and even worse companions. Also disliked the ungodly ability bloat through fast leveling and extra mythic abilities
>Literally what is the point of doing any of this?
Having fun, retard. I guess you forgot why people play games.
Except the combat does when you play turn based. You're benefitting from how teamwork feats interact with everything happening at once and full attacks going off without a dedicated full round action.
>Except the combat does when you play turn based
No it doesn't. Turn based mode is broken because it's missing a whole bunch of mechanics and the encounters are designed for braindead stat bricks bashing into each other. It's basically a cheat mode. I lol'd pretty hard when deadfire did the same thing and had the balls to call it the handicap accessible mode.
RTwP is ALSO missing a bunch of mechanics, that's literally not a fucking argument. Martials who aren't archers fall straight off a cliff in TB. You can't pull off teamwork feat AoO gangbangs with anything close to the ease you can in RTwP and you're literally too stupid to understand why.
Pathfinder is a turn based system that was adapted to RTWP, and so returning to turn based is entirely consistent with the design of the ruleset. PoE is a RTWP system that was never designed for turn based and was poorly adapted to be so.
Yes it does, but its the best one they did, its ship combat that is a simplified version of battlefleet. Its mandatory, but it has its own difficulty sliders, so if you hate it or dont want to bother, just make it piss easy.
>You can't pull off teamwork feat AoO gangbangs with anything close to the ease you can in RTwP
>click all martials into threaten range
>click mainhand attack on critfisher
Just as braindead as in RTWP, you just have to wait slightly longer to do it.
That's way more effort and depends on you having a guaranteed crit attack, as opposed to the crit fisher getting to full attack while moving with the blob that also gets to full attack. They are not the same at all and you're operating at much much lower efficiency.
I'm grateful for the PF games showing exactly how stupid AoO are. It's such a spastic, unnatural combat mechanic.
It's not though.
Sure, in your brain that's true, but in reality it really is.
Do you think you're able to just close on someone with a polearm with no issue?
i'm stuck on getting Divinity 2, WOTR and rogue trader

I was gonna skip divinity 2 till someone told me I could bless stuff like fire and I kinda love that but I like a good story too and everyone says its shit.
>a polearm
I don't know why you'd listen to anything from anyone here on story. Sure, DOS2 can be a little hokey (aka Reddit) but the some of the character writing and setups have their moments, and the voice acting is solid overall.

Most people here are nearly illiterate other than enough to get them through a Marvel movie or trade memes about capitalism, lolis, and HRT on /lgbt/ or /a/ anyway, and those kinds of things are what truly influence their high bar for a literary work.
You should experience things for yourself instead of letting slobbering cretins here do any amount of thinking for you.

These are RPGs anyway, half the fun is, or should be, making up your own story within the story.
Pathfinder is much better than either of those two.
Divinity is okay and worth playing too. PoE is pretty shit.

Just be prepared to read and think about your build/comp, the pathfinder games even on easier difficulties will fuck you raw if you don't strategize.
I liked both gimmicks. Don't force your autism on other people. Both of them were a good break from adventuring from time to time and neither were difficult or stressful.
Divinity is just really generic and has a really off-putting tone.

Also I'm the opposite. Tried to finish Kingmaker a bunch but never did. Mostly because the game literally breaks my save every single time on the First World.

PoE is just plain boring. Both of them are.

Turn based is fine.
Divinity 2's story is generic and campy. I have no idea what that other retard is talking about making up your own story, but that is some seriously retarded shit. A story is either good or it isn't. You sound like one of those mental handicaps that claims Skyrim is good for roleplaying since you can just make it all up in your head.

WotR is fine. The stories are nothing special, but some of the characters are pretty good (Regill, Daeran, Wenduag) and it has the strongest gameplay by far.
Can't comment on Rogue Trader, I haven't played it yet.
if you're gonna play divinity just play baldur's gate 3
it's the same thing with better gameplay, visuals, story, etc
>better gameplay
Fuck no.
it is literally the same engine with a million systems added and the only thing removed was the elemental shit
there is quite literally no objective way in which the gameplay could be considered worse, i'm sure you're not hating on it because it's popular, no, couldn't be that
It's the same engine with a completely different mechanical skeleton underneath. 5E is shit and Larian didn't do enough to fix it.
oh you're just a tg grognard
same mental illness, different name
we're all sure the game would be so much different with thac0 and skill points, yes, totally
>I'm too retarded to notice how mechanics impact gameplay
I'm sorry about your mental disability.
I had almost decided the deepwater autists on this board such as yourself can't appreciate character writing at all because the autism makes you a bit of a robot. I don't care for wokeshit either but apparently if the game isn't about the Third Reich with Wagner playing in the background the story seems to be bad every time is the trend with many of you. You mentioned some characters below and redeemed yourself slightly but IDK, the hyperbole and clutching at the word retard all the time says a lot more about you than it does me.

>Wenduag is good, Sebille is baaaad
I guess...DOS2 is a little one dimensional sure but again the hyperbole is obnoxious.
>The story is either good or it isn't.
Why does Lovecraft endure even though all his prose is purple then?
What is your actual standard for video game writing anyway? Yes Skyrim is good for roleplaying because there are cultures and detailed lorebuilding in the world that pretty much just stays in the background besides the main quest, allowing you to do what you want. We're still talking about video game writing here.

>Strongest gameplay
What the actual fuck am I reading, I like WOTR, it's a big RPG with ambitious scope, a lot of build options, and a seriously multifacted power fantasy (back to your writing comments :P) but once you learn how BAB and spell DC work that's 80 percent of it and the rest of mechanics are just stack buffs feats and win. Rarely is there any tactical tradeoff like you find in BG3 or DOS2.

I liked the KM governance and Wrath crusade mechanics too. I feel like people without the ability to appreciate a good lore built world also are not capable of appreciating a narrative counterpoint. That's what they are, also in terms of game mechanics. Ludonarrative if I am forced to use a shitty hipster word. They're still pretty easy though.
In divinity there are people who can use magic called source. These people are legit called sourcerors. If that sits well with you, you can play Divinity
just pick outflank bro
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It's really good in everything that isn't an owlcat game. Owlcat is just a terrible developer and the only reason its discussed here at all is because of schizos from /vg/. Like we already had a sales thread going and the faggot had to make a new thread on top of it with wotr in the title because no one was buying or discussing owlcat games. Its a serious problem and we need to have a sit down over this at some point, because its getting really obnoxious and clearly this company's death is going to be hard on some people.
well its not that Owlcat are particularly amazing developers, its more that in current year the amount of studios actually creating BIG baldurs gate style crpgs is low. Its pretty much Larian and Owlcat. Bioware / Obsidian have long since succumbed to their own mediocrity.
>some anime avatar fag trying to gatekeep again
lol I'll post about what I want
> Its pretty much Larian and Owlcat. Bioware / Obsidian have long since succumbed to their own mediocrity.
Correct. DA: Deadname is not going to move this needle either.
Rather than give EA money to keep poisoning the industry with woke AAA overproduced slop with ultra casual tier play value I'd rather play some of the up and comer smaller company like Last Epoch is doing some nice patches, No Rest for the Wicked looks promising.
Then there are the Trials/Vision of Mana guys.

>But Larian and Owlcat are woke too!
Correct, and if I have to put up with this shit in every game, I might as well play the ones delivering some gameplay too, that's not EA. There are differences in how hard they're pushing woke also and EA has been the maximum woke, worst gameplay for some time now.
>BIG baldurs gate style crpgs is low
Owlcat makes low budget games with mountains of garbage to appear bigger and more competent than they really are, but in reality their games are less ambitious and worse than the average $10 indie game. It's the quantity over quality bethesda method. I would argue PoE has a superior rtwp system and is deeper mechanically, but that's sort of like winning the special olympics anyways. Rogue Trader really showcased how awful their encounter design is because they can't use rtwp as a crutch. I cannot imagine this company's future will be very bright.
>the retard is mad about video games again
>BIG baldurs gate style crpgs
That's what pillars of eternity is. The debuff routing in poe is similar to bg2 scs, whereas owlcats buff stacking is something else entirely. Never understood this comparison.
It's retarded slav cope and they'll do endless mental gymnastics to pretend the game made by IWD devs is less close to IE games than some abortion made for people who jerk off over theoretical level 40 NWN builds.
POE is shallow and underbaked.
I'll give them a little credit for:
customizable AI, which none of the BGtard grogs ever even bring up because their calcified boomer brains are still unevolved past 1995 and I'm not sure they learned how to work it in the first place.

However: The temp buff shit is ok, firearms are ok, some of the class ideas are not obnoxious (Cipher is the dumbest most unaesthetic concept). The races are awful, the muscle wizard ideas are unaesthetic and had a net gain of zero regarding balance, boats were not finished, the autism robot dry storyline is awful. The woke cuck shit is maximized. People want to talk about corny DOS2 plots when there is a blue furry whose head randomly explodes in POE2. Please.

Feel free to shut up about that unremarkable pair of games and move on with your life at any time.
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>POE is shallow and underbaked.
How can you say this when Owlcat games are just autotrip and outflank?
>but the builds!!!!!
In bg2 the only thing you had control over was proficiency and HLAs.

In pillars you need to use potions/food, keep the correct buffs up, target your opponents weaknesses, use those weaknesses to create other weaknesses, manage your resources, synergize between characters, actively remove debuffs from your team, and CC adds, as well as pay attention to map geometry and position yourself correct. In Owlcat games you just stack the same buffs every fight and win. And look, you're already squirming and trying to segue into your subjective opinions over the writing rather than mechanics. If this is all you got then you already lost.
>vatnigger gets called out
>immediately tries to use /pol/ screeching as a cudgel
I don't even know what poltard terms like vatnigger even mean but you seem to be the expert on them.
Dude I'm looking at your post and you are immediately crying about "woke cuck shit" like an instictual defense mechanism. Just kill yourself owlcattle. I am certain you have never made a single good post here.
>In pillars you need to use potions/food, keep the correct buffs up, target your opponents weaknesses, use those weaknesses to create other weaknesses, manage your resources, synergize between characters, actively remove debuffs from your team, and CC adds, as well as pay attention to map geometry and position yourself correct. In Owlcat games you just stack the same buffs every fight and win. And look, you're already squirming and trying to segue into your subjective opinions over the writing rather than mechanics. If this is all you got then you already lost.
>a bloo bloo my 2 dimensional game with boring maps has better potion tactics
WTF potions...my dude... lol
I did none of that shit in POE because I didn't have to, I nearly soloed everything with a riposte built paladin of woedica. It has very little tactical depth. Like most RTWP if we're being honest.
>uhhh writing doesn't count in rpg only my Pure and Arbitrary 2D Tactical assessment
Yeah this is /vrpg/ not a chess board.
There are a lot of outside battle decisions you make in Owlcat games also, even if I totally discount the alternate modes like kingdom management and crusades, which sawboy half assedly tried to do with boats and failed.
POE is pretty linear by comparison, because it is just not as robust of a game, period.

You can take a CC approach in Owlcat if you want, you can remove debuffs, you can turn up the difficulty, you can manage resources, you can create weaknesses, you can use map geometry. POE is not really doing anything new in any of those regards it is just trying to le balance them in some shorter 30 second buff format that is frankly pretty boring. I found the POE maps tiny on top of that. They certainly have a lot less traps, secrets to find etc.
Most Owlcat complaints are a failure of player imagination to engage with all the mechanics, not the game itself.
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Aren't you that retarded schizo that plays everything as a solo paladin with cheat engine enabled and got caught crying about BG3 while being 8 levels over the cap and playing with one character? Go back to your skinner boxes lmao
>I did none of that shit in POE
You did "none of that shit" because you didn't play PotD which is the difficulty the game is balanced for.
>You can take a CC approach in Owlcat if you want, you can remove debuffs, you can turn up the difficulty, you can manage resources, you can create weaknesses, you can use map geometry.
Huh? No, you really, really can't.
>I found the POE maps tiny on top of that.
They are objectively much larger and dense than owlcat maps. Like a single dungeon floor in PoE is the size of an entire owlcat dungeon.
>game only counts at full masochism
Yeah, no. Just because you like to run a staple gun through your nipples doesn't make it a good game.
It's definitely him, it's the same old routine.
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>full masochism
Your complaint was that the game was so easy you could beat it as a solo character but you didn't play on the highest difficulty. PotD in Pillars is the true normal difficulty. It doesn't have a hard mode. PotD is the difficulty in which you must understand all the games mechanics, full stop. Don't post on this board any more. This is embarassing.
>Huh duh I don't actually know how PF works because I stopped at a trip build and called it a day.
Of course you can remove debuffs, bless counters spores for example, remove disease remove curse, dispel, the fuck are you even on about?
>Manage resources
What do you think spell slots and rod charge counts and kineticist burn and etc. etc. etc. x100 even are?
>Create weaknesses
Well did you want the ability of rogue named WEAKENING wound, debilitating strike? Hex vulnerability? Or maybe one of the many other synonyms for weakness.

It's like both of you vapid niggers didn't even play either game whereas I played both.

>I found the POE maps tiny on top of that.
>They are objectively much larger and dense than owlcat maps. Like a single dungeon floor in PoE is the size of an entire owlcat dungeon.

lol, utter bullshit
>lacks tactical depth means IT IS TOO EASY
Maybe try reading comprehension, that isn't what I said. It is lacking depth in your comprehension to assume every argument about video games can be reduced to a pissing match on how hard they are. That's like short man syndrome talk, and another obnoxious and repetitive facet of the type of non-roleplayers that don't need to be on this board. Go play Tetris or speed run Mario instead to prove your superiority over middle schoolers.

If I gave a fuck enough to be engaged on such a crap game, I could beat it in any difficulty. I am not because it just isn't that great of a CRPG. It's not engaging because it lacks, story, personality, depth, mechanics, detailed maps, campaign length, secrets, and finished boats.
>Of course you can remove debuffs, bless counters spores for example, remove disease remove curse, dispel, the fuck are you even on about?
You don't do any of that. You cast haste and mow everything down in 2 seconds. This is literally how I beat both Kingmaker and WotR on UNFAIR.
And another thing, sawboy's game allows for zero creativity.
Show me how you can build a battering blast mage that also specializes bull rush, or a water kineticist or a tandem executioner that can add knockback to arrows.
Show me how you can combo that with a pit mage behind that to create your own map based tactics.
You can't really do that much at all creatively speaking because that would upset the le balanceman.
>muh opportunity attack and trip
Like I said before, those that complain about Owlcat games like this lack imagination.
Those that lack imagination are not as good with tactics as those that have imagination.
Those that are not good with tactics are bad at judging tactical depth.
>why didn't you just go for the minmax build like me and BEAT DA GAME
This is exactly what I'm talking about. You need to go to /v/ and talk about Cawadooty K:D ratios not dirty up RPG boards.
That's not creativity.
You don't need to minmax. You just need to buff correctly and equip the correct gear and basic easily obtainable feats nearly all builds use. You sound like a retard.
I had more creative dialogue when I talked your mom into bed than you seem to be able to come up with though. Maybe demonstrate competence?
Holy moly owlcat fags are dumb.
POE retards sound like nothing at all, because they can't even find two of them to clap together.
Because the game isn't engaging and never has any threads.

Because no one is playing their boring games.

Thanks for playing and bumping the Wrath thread some more gents. It's been fun rizzing you bitches, but I'm actually going back to play Wrath right now. Maybe you can slide over to the Rogue Trader thread and get some parasocial attention there?
Which edition of Wrath of the Righteous do I get? Enhanced? Mythic? Does Mythic give you the new DLC or is that separate?
>Because the game isn't engaging and never has any threads.
It has actual threads and not retarded shill threads, like this one you made because you were upset no one was buying WotR in the actual sales thread. No one comes to Owlcat games willingly, its like a cult for tricking idiots into buying the game so you can post cookie cutter builds for them.
>And another thing, sawboy's game allows for zero creativity
You can do all crazy kinds of things in deadfire due to multiclassing, because unlike pf1e classes are functionally unique. It also has far more unique items which change how builds work. Pf1e classing was so bland pf2e trashed it entirely, compare a pf1e magus to a pf2e magus, in the former you aren't even using offensive spells after a certain point.
>It has actual threads and not retarded shill threads
Not him, and don't care, and you're gay, and whatever RTwP sucks, but PoE threads are usually built on baiting.
PF2E magus gets shit on by fighters and you never stop casting with a PF1E magus.
If you play wotr as a magus you are a martial that can provide arcane buffs and that's it. In pf2e you'll be teleporting around smacking peoples rib cages open with a hammer then shoving a fireball into their chest cavity, way cooler. All classes in pf2e are competitive. There are no bad classes and power curve differentials are minimal.
You were already doing that with Bladed Dash spell combat and quickened spells. Your problem is with an intentionally unbalanced system like mythic. Inventor, Witch, and Alchemist are all terrible in PF2E.
>You were already doing that with Bladed Dash spell combat and quickened spells
No, metamagic is nothing like spellstrike. That's completely retarded. If you want to concede that wotr is a bad game we're already half way there.
>Inventor, Witch, and Alchemist are all terrible in PF2E.
Inventor is like a top 3 damage dealer. Also a pretty neat and unique class.
Inventor isn't even close to top 3 damage you lunatic AND it's burdened by some of its paths being total shit.
Dimes grid. Will have to check out that D&D RPG
I will not play POE because its VA'd by those critical role faggots. Simple as.
Also the sailing mechanic looks like ass
>game isn't about the Third Reich with Wagner playing in the background
sauce for a game like this?
>WotR is also turnbased and more enjoyable that way
As a believer in cavalry charges, I disagree. I like the mayhem. Real time combat with ability to pause to give orders is best.
If you want to mod it, just use the Toybox to set kingdom events to auto-succeed. IMHO that is all you need if you don't want the kingdom aprt to be a challenge/hassle.
I wish PoE had the WotR classes, system and combat. With mounts.
Just have fun outflank
>In pf2e you'll be teleporting around smacking peoples rib cages open with a hammer then shoving a fireball into their chest cavity,
So just like pf1e Magus? because 1e also has bladed dash and fireball. hell it even allows you to cast chain lightning and other offensive spells too. I don't why anon is pretending pf2e is all that great when it's just 4e with some 3.5 and 5e sprinkled here and there
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This is even stupider than your first try.
>when it's just 4e with some 3.5 and 5e sprinkled here and there
That's literally what pf1e is, a sister alternative to the terrible 4e. But pf2e is not that, it is competing with a popular and successful ruleset. The most popular and successful ruleset of all time actually. Where pf2e magus differs is that it revolves around spellstrike and arcane cascade, so it's built around dancing around the field setting up enormous damage. You load your spell into spell strike, like a 1 - 2 combination punch. PF2e has a 3 action system, so classes that have lengthy set ups like magus become tactically interesting, because the last thing you want to do is waste an action point, whereas in pf1e a magus was either an overpowered caster or an overpowered martial, because the system was very shallow and broken, and you didn't have to think at all.
I don't think you understand how the Magus played at all.
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>This is even stupider than your first try.
This is my first post you mahiro tranny. why do you think ever poster is the same you schizo
>The most popular and successful ruleset of all time actually
Lol, Lmao even. where did you even come up with such outlandish takes anyway. do you think no one here browses /tg/ or have played a solo or a group TT game? PF2e is barely popular than Dndogshit 5e and warhammer.
>Where pf2e magus differs is that it revolves around spellstrike
>so it's built around dancing around the field setting up enormous damage
So just like pf1e Magus where you have to maximize your shocking grasp, frigid touch or vampiric touch
>whereas in pf1e a magus was either an overpowered caster or an overpowered martial,
so we want from
>Magus is so cool in 2e. 1e Magus is weak sauce amd is just a buff slut just like Wizard and Cleric for martials like every other caster class lol
>Magus is a overpowered class in 1e and is broken compared to 2e one. i much rather prefer 2e one even tho it does basically the same thing but slightly worse
Inventor doesn't come anywhere close to Fighter, Ranger, Barbarian, Rogue, or the archer Magus in damage.
>PF2e is barely popular than Dndogshit 5e and warhammer
He's saying 5e is the most popular ruleset. It's quite strange that you brought up warhammer, as that is not tabletop rpg, but instead a beer and pretzel wargame. You seem very upset and offended.
>Warhammer fantasy RPG and Warhammer RT aren't TT RPG.
Now i've heard everything
PF1E is literally Not-3.5 with the tiniest amount of inspiration from 4E in that it would occasionally rip off a 4E ability in 3E's clunky natural language. It was otherwise nothing like 4E. PF2E takes about half of its inspiration from 4E, which isn't surprising when Paizo hired the guy who was a lead designer on 4E at one point to be a designer and then a lead designer for PF2E.
>This is my first post you mahiro tranny
I highly doubt that.
>why do you think ever poster is the same you schizo
Because it very clearly is.
>Lol, Lmao even. where did you even come up with such outlandish takes anyway. do you think no one here browses /tg/ or have played a solo or a group TT game? PF2e is barely popular than Dndogshit 5e and warhammer.
I don't think you read my post.
>So just like pf1e Magus
No, spellstrike in pf1e is not an action sink/tactical nuke like pf2e. A magus is just a caster that uses touch spells.

Seems you have severe brain damage.
Rogue Trader is a dead spin off ruleset from 15 years ago. Do you seriously not know what warhammer is?
>A magus is just a caster that uses touch spells.
So just like PF2E's Magus? Spellstrike only works on spells with attack rolls. Same shit.
Do you think RPGs go away when they stop being published or something?
And? does that mean Warhammer TTRPG and Rogue Trader TTRPG are not RPG now because it was originally a wargame
>PF1E is literally Not-3.5 with the tiniest amount of inspiration from 4E in that it would occasionally rip off a 4E ability in 3E's clunky natural language
I grew up with 3.5e. PF1e is not 3.5e, and PF1e fans really dislike 3.5e. If what you said was true then people would have logically just kept playing 3.5e. And they did. Those people are called grognards. I should know, I was one! Casuals who weren't grogs went to pfe1. PF2e is it's own unique thing, and addresses the many issues of 4e while tackling the standards set by 5e. PF2e is only similar to 4e insofar as it's focus on tactical combat which addresses the power disparity between martials and casters, but it does not have a huge list of shitty MMO cooldowns for each class to roll through, which makes combat long, repetitive, and boring, whereas pf2e combat is fast, tactical, and deadly.
>Same shit
>PF2e is only similar to 4e
In class design
In monster design
In math scaling and assumptions for both PCs AND monsters
In how it treats magic items
>In class design
I just explained to you how this was not the case. If you are just going to poop your diaper and repeatedly throw fistfuls of spaghetti at the wall in hopes that something sticks, why should I even waste time replying to you?
Class feats are a direct analogue to picking powers.
Not really. there is no touch ac in pf2e. but you are correct. there is no difference between 1e and 2e Magus. If you don't believe me than you can ask /pgg/ about it
PF2E's combat isn't faster than 4E's. They have the same average length of an encounter in rounds, similar time to execute a turn if you aren't incompetent, and similar levels of damage with regard to HP.
It was just explained to you why this is objectively wrong.
God owlcat games are so shit. I have never met a single owlcat fan that wasn't completely retarded. You just know it's the same complete fucking idiot bumping the nwn thread.
I am looking at /pgg/ right now and there's literally someone crying about how he got bullied on the paizo forums after complaining pf2e casters are different, so maybe bad timing on your part.
You never did what you think you did. 90% of your class is not built into the base class, it's options off of a list. That's true in 4E and PF2.
You didn't. You think you did, but you didn't, because you literally don't understand how 4E played at anything approaching a half-decent level.
>he got bullied on the paizo forums after complaining pf2e casters are different,
He is not wrong. Casters are fucked compared to every martial out there. Hell even Alchemist was not spared.
Retardbro, thats been the case since 3e and its changes to multi. Now changes are built into classes and general feats so we have controlled advancement rather than uncontrolled dipping retardation.
No, casters are just more tactical as was previously stated in this thread, and if you view the post on the paizo forum you'll find that all the people there actually playing the ruleset are in agreement.
Owlcat is a dunning kruger magnet.
There are no bad classes in pf2e.
Wizard, Ranger and Alchemist.
No it hasn't. The closest you got to that kind of design were the invokers and martial adepts in 3E, one of which was a beta for 4E.
If a class is not directly powerful then it is a support class. The strongest classes in the game are support classes because pf2e places a high emphasis on party synergy. The game is designed from the ground up for every class to more or less be on the same level instead of the shitty power gaps in pf1e which lead to every character multi'ing into generic grey feat blobs retards pretend are special.
>The strongest classes in the game are
Fighter and Bard.
Wizard is just "Average - the class", which is what it always should have been. The class that can do everything should not also be the strongest. Its insane to say that class is underpowered, when it has an answer to every situation.
>The game is designed from the ground up for every class to more or less be on the same level
If that was the intent they failed at it very very badly.
The do-everything class is the Bard, not the Wizard.
>The game is designed from the ground up for every class to more or less be on the same level
lol. remember that a fighter with a wizard dedication is a better than a standard wizard. You can even cast high lvl spell as rituals if you have the components.
A substitution wizard is definitely within the upper power curves, it might arguably even be the best class.
>before faggy leftists took over D&D gay bard was one of the worst classes
>now it's mechanically one of the strongest across PF and D&D
>last D&D movie made the white guy a gay bard because he sure can't be the barbarian or paladin anymore in current year
Makes me laugh honestly
This. A 3 Fighter 1 Bard party is innately better than most compositions after their synergy and the gap widens if they're trying to synergize.
Bards were never even close to the worst class in any edition of the game. Ever. They were disgustingly overpowered when introduced but improbable to get to, better Wizards than Wizards in the low and mid levels in 2E, the exact balance point you want in 3E and PF1, and a comfortable 2nd place among leaders in 4E. 5E's Bard is inexplicable and they're only so strong in PF2E because all the other casters but Cleric are crippled.
>lol. remember that a fighter with a wizard dedication is a better than a standard wizard
No it isn't, anything with a base class in a caster is going to have more spellslots and caster oriented saves than a martial taking a caster dedication. The math literally doesn't add up there.
So wait, this is just some pf1e idiot crying because he got completely shit on when he tried his 4chan schizo rants on an actual forum for the games?
>3.X spellcaster wankers
>Not crying whenever they're not literal gods and that martials don't grovel beneath their feet
How is this news?
Funny because the math doesn't add up for the Wizard either. You know saves scale faster than their DCs, right? Which means it's not the spells that benefit from better save DCs you want to use, idiot
>PF2e is only similar to 4e
Wanna see what Logan Bonner had to say?
>In general, there's a lot of crossing over of ideas from 4E, but very carefully. Stephen and I both worked on 4E a *lot*, and each had our loves and hates of that system. We had tools for solving some of the same 3.5 problems, and could pick or choose which ones worked well. The main stuff we wanted to pull over were the big successes, like monster creation and more movement.
Shut the fuck up, moeblob. You literally don't know what you're talking about.
>Shut the fuck up, moeblob. You literally don't know what you're talking about.
Why did you post the creators agreeing with him then? Holy hell, he really dragged out the idiots today.
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>Wanna see what Logan Bonner had to say?
So basically what I said?
No, because you flatly denied monster design as inspiration from 4E.
I literally said the game was more focused on tactical combat. And 4e monster design was very bad when it first came out, pretty much crippled until MM3. So yes, they are learning from their enormous 4e mistakes.
>but but but but but
No. You were contradicted by a designer of the game. Eat shit.
You are desperate. 4e is shit. PF1e is shit. I am glad that era is over and things are better now.
If 4E was shit PF2 wouldn't have taken half of what it did from it.
Well as an enormous 4e fan I'm sure you love PF2e then.
It's 4E with worse balance, if everything you did was more boring, and if you tainted the game with vancian magic instead of AEDU.
So you're just trolling, got it.
Well the good news is even with autowin they'll still have to read the shit, they just won't have to pay the mechanics more attention than they deserve (none).
The only proper crpg I've played was bg3 and it was a while ago. I got bored at the beggining of act 3 and never returned.

I'm willing to give pathfinder wotr a go, are there any must-have dlcs? I've already purchased another game on this sale and I'd prefer to just buy the base game, but I might get one of the season passes.
dlcs are entirely ignorable, there's shitloads of content in the base game.
nice, I'll go with the base game, thanks anon
You've never played D&D 2e nor 3.Xe in your life if you think bards were ever weak, the skald kit in 2e in particular was disgustingly good.
If you couldn't get through BG3 you are definitely not getting through a bloated snoozefest like WOTR.
yeah, seriously if you can't even finish the most streamlined and noob friendly CRPG ever made, it is not the genre for you
To be fair it is very boring.
It's way more densely packed and doesn't have even one hundredth of the time-wasting bullshit present in WOTR.
I said that I got bored, not that it was too hard. The plot wasn't that interesting, act 1 was fucky because the characters freak out about funding the cure asap but you can just endlessly fuck around and complete every single side quest no problem. Then you finish act 2 by killing 1 of the 3 villains and then of the remaining ones just lets you enter the city??? I was pretty burnt out by that point and I completely gave up when I entered the fireworks shop in baldur's gate where if you start the encounter the game is very laggy due to the enemies being on different elevations. Also I found Paladin kinda boring
You will not finish WOTR. Terrible story, terrible pacing and full of empty space and shit that intentionally wastes your time.
Terrible story ,the combat is far too easy ,it's full of coomer shit and zoomer humor.
>one hundredth of the time-wasting bullshit present in WOTR.
Lol what?Most of the game is time wasting bullshit.It's the same as all Larianslop games.
BG3 doesn't have 60 hours of watching a game piece slowly crawl across the map.
I liked BG3 and WotR. :)
Larian and Owlcat make the same mediocre slop, and if you don't agree, you're not objective and you're probably just in it for the waifus
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BG3 is so mindboggingly far ahead of what they made previously that I could not believe it existed until I played it. That game is in an entirely different league.
No. It's just a high budget version of what they were making in an even worse setting.
You can't even jump in dos2. All the the verticality is fake and there's invisible walls everywhere. There is a thousandfold more permutation in how you can interact with the environment in bg3, it's not even remotely the same game. It's like comparing half life 1 to half life 2.
>You can't even jump in dos2.
Git gud.
>It's like comparing half life 1 to half life 2.
What a coincidence, Half-Life 1 was a much better game than 2.
why ever pick a Bard unless you're the face of the party?
It's a strong class.
You can't get best ending without actively playing the mobile game or cheating it with mods
bard was always strong
artfags have a lot of say on this shit and guess what, artfag class is bard
same reason why wizards were always OP cause it's the nerds class
bard wasn't good in the first iteration of it, too convoluted to become one.
every class in the nerd class. only nerds play tabletop.
>/v/ is retarded
>the fun is your imagination
newfag here, rtwp or turn-based for wotr?
any non meme answers?
Turn based is easier in my opinion.
WotR doesn't really have a turn based mode, the game isn't balanced for it so it's sort of like activating a cheat mode that completely breaks and trivialize the game. I would 100% unironically just refund it while you still can.
are there skyrim like follower mods for this game yet
real time story mode for regular shit encounters
change into core and turn base for unique fights
turn based is boring and slow tbqh. There are plenty of great tb games, but wotr isn't one of them.
Owlcat even included a cosmic level retarded fan quest which must be played in turn based and is about as much as blending your dick

Get bubble buff mod, stack attacks of opportunity in a melee heavy party and delete everything instantly
Bros give me an honest answer, no memery.

How important are these DLC? Should I just get the base? It's very cheap but I have other shit I want to buy.
I am 100% not meme'ing that you should not play this garbage and OP made a seperate sales thread just because no one was buying owlcat games in the actual sales thread. That's how dishonest the people spamming this shit are.
To all the refund/don't buy pathfinder niggers
What modern-ish rpg games outside of bg3 do you consider worth buying?
Divinity Original Sin 1/2
Tower of Time, Knights of the Chalice, Grimrock, Space Wreck.
please stop shilling.
Age of Decadence, Pillars of Eternity, Knights of the Chalice, grimrock, expedition conquistador, geneforge remakes, disco elysium, banner saga
its not that strong, can't even decide what to do with it. As a rear line mage, or a frontline fighter with some casting utility
Ranked in order of importance:

Wildcards gives kineticist class which is pretty cool to play as it plays differently than every other PF class and the companion(s) is probably the best one(s) in the game suitable for replacing almost any other one you don't like.

Varnhold's I don't care for side quests mostly removed from the main game personally but it has 18 feats about popular build mechanics like dual wield. A little less relevant if you're not into multiple playthroughs and pushing builds in order to use the feats. It changes the ending so slightly you probably won't care about the extremely minor extra end scene which is just "RP cosmetic."

Beneath the Stolen Lands if you want a roguelike mode with unremarkable extra loot and/or a place to test builds and XP boost your party. I find it not pointless but very skippable.

Royal Ascension is non in-game soundtrack and 2 portraits and a cosmetic pet fluff. Pointless to me.
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Pretty much anything else outside of those crappy nucom clones, this is one of the worst things you can play.
>expedition conquistador
i could not get into this game and i don't understand the praise.
I had fun with the difficulty cranked and a team full of characters with the racist trait. The sequels felt like braindead boring phone games.
It's perfectly serviceable just as the base game. I have just base from Epic, and I regret not having the goats (Wildcards) and the Varnhold's Lot adventure, as a completionist, but I don't think you really miss much.
>fighting defensively is a free action
does it mean that I can attack, use fighting defensively and end the turn, and then at the start of the next turn just disable it, attack and enable it again?
what's the downside?
> lawful good
> vivi

No. In the tabletop as well as in the crpg fighting defensively only applies if declared before making a standard action (i.e. an attack).
fair enough. Damn this game is really overwhelming for a beginner, much harder than bg3. Which is good, after understanding the basics there is nothing more to do in that game. Feels like there are more build options here
Tell me lads, how hard does archery fall off late game or on higher difficulties? I'm on normal, about to attack Drezen and Wenduag fucks hard with her 3 attacks with composite longbow. I saw Ranger has even more buffs for archery. I'm tempted to restart on Core with 2-3 archer party.
I used a deliverer slayer archer merc to replace the dex skillmonkey role in my party and did great
Archery is ridiculously good and keeps getting better.
The only real issues with it are gear distribution if you have more than one archer. Which is also solved by using longbow, shortbow, and the apex predator of ranged: throwing axes and one of the builds that can abuse them the best such as mutation warrior or sohei.
Piercing resistance might be a slight issue, or if you have built into sneak attacks on them as well, but not really since there are a lot of ways around resistances.
Are crossbows any good?
There’s a couple decent ones. I put them on the back line wizard and priest to have something to plink with
It doesn't. For 90% of combats, all the work is done by Wenduag & Arue. For the 10% left, my mages join in (and out of that, 9.9% is done by high level lich spells).

Melee fighters are mostly there for banter.
>Feels like there are more build options here
There's really not.
They're ok but they're mostly inferior to composite longbow because they don't add STR to your damage.
There might be some edge use cases with owlcat occasionally throwing down an OP one but most of the junk magic weapons have something like "17 DC to do X" which isn't too impressive past midgame.

They have a slightly better crit profile, which has some slight potential to be built into a one shotting sniper vital strike build but that's way harder to do than standard archers and multishot, rapid shot, dual wield t. axe stype stuff. A vanity/rp project I mean to take up at some point.
Enlarge and lunge on a strength megazord Wendu with mutation and cleave is no joke.

Neither is my megadex slayer deliverer tank with dual wield and handaxe of rovagug (grave singer). The penetration options from double debilitate, advanced slayer and sneak + deliverer dps stack is quite good. Granted some of it applies to archery but you do need some kind of tank and I get tired of running pets. Then there is outflank.

Archery is easy to phone in builds but melee is stupidly competitive, OP if built right.
Watching everything explode in one hit happens frequently with a cleave built heavy enough.
I felt like cleave is weak because yu sacrifice all of your attacks for the round.
Cleave attack, if I understood the feat correctly, takes an entire action, meaning all your extra attacks you have from BAB, Haste, etc., are wasted for the round you used cleave in.

But maybe I understood wrong?
Yes, but the feat is taken as a prerequisite for cleaving finish and the cleave action is only used at low BAB.
Yep, you turn on autocleave at low levels while you don't have many attacks = everything dies.
Then you get 2-3 attacks and turn it off regular cleave forever while your massive 2h, str build, tons of enlargement style buffs, power attack, crit profile, tons of warrior feat, mutation, insure that you get a killing blow and repeatedly activate cleaving finish to kill everything in a pack at mid to high levels = everything dies.

Using a reach weapon and it's almost ranged. Add lunge to it and it practically is ranged but one which insures you get all those cleaving finishes, also with outflank and covers your sneak attack melee guy for lots of threat range, which also makes sure everything dies.
and for maximal hilarity, serpent bloodline for even more reach if you want to work it in. I didn't bother since I'm also on a bit of a pure companions kick but Primalist/mutation warrior would be an even more obscene cleaver
another factor is once your threat range is so huge that it covers a good part of the map, enemy motion makes more opportunity attacks, so you add combat expertise to get lots of them

Put all that together and you can now see how ranged can indeed get outclassed by melee.
You might be able to work in the long arms spell on a primalist too, since they're arcane. I haven't looked at all the build options in a minute.
Yeah I'm using a deliverer slayer with throwing axes and he blends everything. maybe a solid 25% of all party damage
bard has been completely mugged by skald imo;.In much the same way that rogue has been mugged by about a dozen other classes.
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Gonna make a mounted Oracle Azata, starting with one level of the Sable Company Marine Ranger for the horsebird since that sounds crazy cool, meaning that I'll take the Nature Mystery so that the Hippogriffin levels alongside my character.
Aside from using wield a sword and a shield, I'm not sure what else to do with the character.
Recommend me some possibilities for feats and play styles.
Also, am I crazy or once upon a time you could have two sets of wings, one from the race/class and one from the mythic path, and both would show in your character?
I used toybox to level a character to 20 to plan builds and stuff but once I get the mythic path wings the race's wings are no longer displayed.
I get that it was janky and would clip, but I thought it looked cool as fuck in an edgy teenager sort of way.
Is there any way to revert that? I tried using the visual adjustment2 mod but that doesn't seem to do anything.
>Recommend me some possibilities for feats and play styles
Try moving on to better games.
Is there a way to make companions run in a formation? Sure once they stop they assemble into one but my ranged characters love running in front of the group
I don't like mounted casters myself so not sure why you want oracle for this (esp. on non-angel since no merge) although I suspect it's something to do with zippy magic.
I'd also suggest you do a drovier druid instead or sylvan sorc if you want full casters.
They could both fling a lot of lightning for example and the drovier gets unique pet buffs besides. This should make both Aivu and the Hippo stronger in the case of the Drovier.
Druids also have the best pet specific buffs lines.

Put a throwing axe or the one javelin on, make it a dwarf while you're at it, lol.

Tandem executioner or wandering marksman hunter would make another good unique pet buff stack. Tandem can't cast but gets more interesting unique buffs, WM Hunter has some of the better druid buffs as a hybrid with a couple extra feats and a unique pet mechanics meant to be used non-mounted.

You're taking a big BAB hit on all of those combos compared to Ranger keep in mind.

Charge mechanics + spells isn't a good combo.
Mounted pet + spells is a bit (large) of a waste of the pet.
Even if you are mounted, casting spell in threat range gives the enemy AOO, which will then open you up to being killed even through the enormous pet ac.
If I ever replayed this, I would do a custom party of mercs:
Vanilla paladin MC, angel path, sword and board
Some flavor of bard, rapier and light shield
Exploiter wizard
That’s all you need. No dips, everything covered
>I don't like mounted casters myself so not sure why you want oracle for this (esp. on non-angel since no merge) although I suspect it's something to do with zippy magic.
I was actually thinking of going with a hybrid support-melee kind of deal actually, using Azata to give everyone Teamwork Feats and Oracle Spells mostly for buffs, to free the spell slots of some party members for more interesting things.
Your observations all all fair enough, however.
Also, tangential, but why the fuck can't you mount polymorphed pets?
What the fuck.
>Also, tangential, but why the fuck can't you mount polymorphed pets?
I wish polymorphed protagonist was mountable. Why even be able to dragonform
Actually, M-sized humanoids should be able to give shoulder rides to hobbit girls in cRPGs
basic courtesy
On my first playthrough rn, should I just go full mercs? I feel like I have no idea what my companions do and I've just let them auto-level. I got the hang of my MC and I created 1 mercerany and I am able to level them both up, but the companions feel like a mess
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How do idiots get memed into buying this garbage when they have zero desire to learn the mechanics anyways? Why did you buy a feat porn game when you don't have interest in any of that? Is the desire to fit in that strong? Are you a literal bug? Serious question. Every day 4chan gets closer and closer to reddit. And to answer your question: No. The game isn't balanced around mercs and it's basically like activating cheat engine. You are intended to make do with the party you are given. No respecs either.
Sorry for not understand the game from the get-go faggot. Sorry for changing my previous choices based on what I learn playing a game from a genre I've never played.
Kill yourself tranime nigger. Genuinely die. If you read this your whore of a mother dies in her sleep tonight
Boy, you sure flew off the handle when your true nature was revealed, huh you literal real life NPC?
>asking for help makes you an NPC
you are trying a bit too hard
Yes asking retarded questions you can answer in 5 seconds with Google makes you an actual bot. You can tell a game is only played by complete retards when discussion is solely like this.
>you can answer in 5 seconds with Google
holy fuck, you truly are retarded
My question isn't "what are feats?" or "which companion is the strongest" or whatever else.
I'm asking people who have played the game whether I lose on some quests/items/whatever else if I slowly push the companions out with mercs and if they advise against it.
Also it's my first game of this kind and I have no idea what to expect from it, hence my question. If you don't want to help out then fuck off
>Also it's my first game of this kind and I have no idea what to expect from it
First what? First CRPG? This is not a good first CRPG. You got swindled by a dying /vg/ general. Playing a high level adventure in a bloated and poorly implemented ruleset is a terrible idea if you don't know what you're getting in to. Better to just play Temple of Elemental Evil if you want to learn 3.5e, despite being over 15 years older it shows how the ruleset works in a more understandable and clean way anyways. Or if you have a high tolerance for complete garbage there's NWN, lots of retards like that game.

You won't listen though, because you didn't listen previously. Lost cause and waste of time.
I like the setting, the companions are kinda dull but that's fine. Have your last (You) doomer
You mean you liked the tumblr porn.
>Lost cause and waste of time
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I honestly don't understand why moetranny seethes at Owlkek so much. i mean i get it, there games aren't that great and other studio does shit better than them but that doesn't mean that you would go 24/7 online jihad against them to convince them that there games are garbage and just outright lying sometimes . There games are just okay RPG with good build option thanks to being pf1e (3.5e derivative)
>There games are just okay RPG with good build option thanks to being pf1e (3.5e derivative)
Except they aren't and owlcut guts all the tactical mechanics while arbitrarily bloating numbers go functions, dumped on top of garbage campaign and encounter design. All you are doing is leading people to garbage, when people who have never played a rpg before are going to this the shilling must be absolutely out of control. And there are no good builds in pf1e, all classes exist to cover a wide net of pre-fight buffs, which aren't even relevant to feats in most cases, and all other input is largely irrelevant beyond picking the same handful of clearly good feats over obviously bad ones. Party member don't have roles, they just contribute to the buff/debuff pool with little to no player input.
>And there are no good builds in pf1e
wrong. all four of my playthroughs have been different in wrath because the various mythic path incentivize replay. I have yet to play a game that lets me play a angelic orc shaman riding a wolf, Aasimar semon demon who can stun lock the entire map, Lich that can resurrect demons and drop a nuke and become a Avatar of the four elements.
>noooooooo other people had fun playing a game I don’t like noooooooooo they’re having fun wrong
your inability to understand him simply speaks to your own mental health.
>understand him
stop samefag you dumb cunt.
>stop samefag you dumb cunt.
I read that post as “you can’t understand him because you aren’t insane like he is”
whatever. i honestly can't imagine why you would side with a schizo that thinks his games are better than other games and goes on to shitpost until it hits bump limit. You might aswell conside an hero yourself if you do that
is it really just 1 retard saying that this game is shit and to refund/don't buy it?
Moeblob has a very distinct posdting sdtyled. and if the same person shitting on it and shills that shitty pf2e game, kingdom of chalice or poe than it's moetroon. he also hates neverwinter and bg1/2 for some reason
i was insulting him, retard.
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No, but it sure is one retard saying to buy it. And that retard is from /vg/ and even uses the same images. Its just an attempt to set up a new general here, which is what has happened in the past. It just an advertisement to trick idiots into buying games they aren't prepared for and smugly copy paste a build off reddit when they say they are confused, because neither they nor the retard tricked into buying the game actually understands it and its just retards fucking around with toybox making theoretical level 40 builds that don't really mesh with the experience curve anyways. Additionally, I've done playthroughs of Grimrock 1, Grimrock 2, Wizardry 7, Kingmaker, Rogue Trader, Pool of Radiance, Eye of the Beholder, Baldur's Gate 1, Baldur's Gate 2, Baldur's Gate 3, Icewind Dale 2, Skies of Arcadia, Disco Elysium, Trails in the Sky, Final Fantasy 6, Temple of Elemental Evil, Arx Fatalis, etc. here on this board as well, so I guess you better not play those either. You have no idea what I do here lol, stay on your general.
this almost feels like reverse psychology shilling. do you work at owlcat?
When are you going to turn your attention to the Underrail generals and dominating build autists? They seem like the exact same type.
Pathfinder is LITERALLY
Build to optimize a limited number of functions of your character and spam them as hard as possible while stacking buffs. That's what it's been since 2009. It's inherited from 3.5 where the same fucking thing happens.
>if you buy a new game you got tricked by a shill!
go outside tranime retard, god damn this is the dumbest shit I've read in a fucking while
I started an underrail playthrough and they just started screaming and crying that I looked up a build when I started criticizing it even though I just picked the most obviously broken feats and the stat thresholds suggested by said feats, which supported my statement that the game was based on a braindead AP system with a completely broken one sided action economy padded out with repetitive serbien tunnel crawling and the dumbest implementation of milestone leveling I've ever seen. Those people are the same stupid faggots pushing this garbage, same faggots that post about morrowind, arcanum, NV, and VTMB its a cult of mediocrity for casuals and newfags that get their opinions from edgy and often slavic youtube ecelebs.
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Oh I have screenshots too. Here's me solving a fight with a grenade. (spoilers: this is how you beat all fights that arent instantly resolved by your basic damage rotation)
Sorry but /vrpg/ belongs to pathfinder chads. the threads with 900+ replies here made me try out there game
Except that doesn't happen in 3.5e. You don't spam 80 fucking buffs in 3.5e. Logically tabletop is nothing like WotR, ESPECIALLY not 3.5e, because in general it is of a much lower level, such egregious pre-buffing is not tolerated, and quite frankly it would be impossible to keep track of all the obscene buffing happening in WotR at a table. This happens because Owlcat are bad DMs and their game is designed badly. Don't see this shit happening in KotC2 even though its OGL3.5e, what happened there? Don't answer because I know your head is up your ass.
You're talking to an idiot who doesn't even that Magus from 1e and 2e basically plays the same with some minor differences. or that Wizard is the giga cucked class in 2e because any thing a wizard can do, a thema, a fighter, rogue or even a witch can do better than him because of how prof works
Don't reply to yourself man
>You don't spam 80 fucking buffs in 3.5e.
You absolutely fucking do. It was even worse in 3.0 because 1 hour/caster level buffs were fucking everywhere.
>Don't see this shit happening in KotC2 even though its OGL3.5e, what happened there?
No shit it doesn't happen there, they're based on the OGL with modifications. KotC1 and 2 literally went out of their way to stop you from buff stacking by making almost every single one of the spells you'd stack only castable in combat and making prebuffing impossible.
>Except that doesn't happen in 3.5e. You don't spam 80 fucking buffs in 3.5e
I am convinced you haven't played any tabletop and are nogame faggot who thinks vidya shit is the same as in video game because pre-buffing existed in 3.5 and some DM even encourged players to do it because most spells last like a fucking hour unlike in pf1e where righteous might or even prayer cant even last more than rounds

>because in general it is of a much lower level
Basically this. Wrath is a high lvl adventure so it's understandable for every to have buffs and demigod stats. try playing through the ashes dlc. most spells won't even last long and you can't even defeat the average skelton or necromancer without one out of three of your party member dying.
>You absolutely fucking do
No you don't you fucking idiot, and stop pretending to be 2 people. What is the point of pre-buffing in 3.5e when disjunction wipes it all? You don't know shit about 3.5e, you didn't play it when it came out.
The most infamous Cleric build in all of 3.5 was built around making their personal buffs have 24 hour durations. Regular common sense play involved spamming the shit out of Greater Magic Weapon and Magic Vestment and before you entered dungeons or anywhere dangerous you'd layer up your 10 min/CL buffs. Don't even try to argue this you fucktard, I played a mid-level Mage of the Arcane Order at a table and had a nearly double digit list of self buffs on just from the 1 hour/CL ones alone.
You're just ignoring getting called out and being dead wrong and samefagging
>What is the point of pre-buffing in 3.5e when disjunction wipes it all?
Because disjunction is limited to 17+ casters, if you're prebuffed you can have countermeasures to disjunction available, and because disjunction is an incredibly shitty spell to fling around for reasons other than prebuffing?
Anon, all of that can be easily dispelled at high level. If you are running around with 10 million buffs mauling everything any decent DM is going to put an end to it immediately. You're either lying or had a retard DM.
Dispelling is an utter bitch to pull off against a prebuffer actually because they go straight for caster level boosts for duration reasons, which also inures them against dispels. Can't dispel shit against someone who stacked their caster level to +7 over normal.
>Because disjunction is limited to 17+ casters
We're talking about high level play where you are regularly facing high level casters. You already conceded and admitted it's not an issue in low level 3.5e, and I guess now you're admitting it's not an issue in high level 3.5e too. How long are you gunna squirm lol, how many more retarded posts are you gunna make?
Level 11 is not high level play.
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>anyone who disagree with me is samefagging.
Yep, it's schizo time
Yeah sure unless you have like SR31 and the feeble Lichcel can't even penetrate your SR
I don't think a single owlcat fan actually plays tabletop
Do I need to explain to you why a DM throwing around Disjunctions nonstop will find themselves with no players? I'll give you a hint, it has nothing to do with the spellcasters.
>Do I need to explain to you why a DM throwing around Disjunctions nonstop will find themselves with no players
Yeah you do, because it sounds like you had a shit DM and shit people to play with, because that's an entirely normal solution. 3.5e is already heavily weighted towards the player, everything is permissible and a DM that won't kill PCs is a bad DM. First DM I had was my English teacher and high school and he wiped us countless times until we learned. No being a special snowflake super hero, there's always a bigger fish.
Maybe. but you clearly don't and are nogame fag pretending to be a fa/tg/uy expert in Dndogshit mechanics.by just playing video games. just take the L and move on troon, no one likes and you are schizo rants are annoying
Your ass got absolutely pounded in this exchange. How does it feel?
>and each permanent magic item must make a successful Will save or be turned into a normal item. An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save bonus or its possessor’s Will save bonus, whichever is higher.
>Entire game is built around the party having magic items
There is literally no purpose in being a martial character in a game where Disjunction is being spammed. None. You don't get immediate actions to get the fuck out of the way, you don't get contingencies to tell it to fuck off. It's not a matter of if it's going to delete your gear, it's a matter of when.
>It's not a matter of if it's going to delete your gear, it's a matter of when.
Guess you better have a crafter then.
Stop thinking about mens ass you faggot and actually play a TT game for once. go in /tg/ and ask if someone is willing to play with you on foundry or roll20. maybe you stop having homoerotic thoughs and try to be a normal member of society after socializing a bit
You will literally never get the XP or time to recover from it, moron. What the fuck are you expecting, Thought Bottle timeless demiplane abuse that renders the entire game moot?
>Stop thinking about mens ass you faggot and actually play a TT game for once. go in /tg/
But anon, everyone on /tg/ is a gay discord ERP'r
>You will literally never get the XP or time to recover from it, moron
What do you mean lmao, progression is not guaranteed and you aren't entitled to being fully decked out in optimal gear. You rolled the dice on that like a minmax faggot, now suffer. These mechanics are here specifically to punish retards like you.
>progression is not guaranteed
>He thinks it's about not having optimal gear
It's about having the bare minimum the game expects of you, which you won't have if the DM is being a fucktard and spamming Disjunction while jerking off under the table. Nevermind the actual real-world time resolving this horseshit takes.
Those mechanics are there because 3E was never tested above 6th level and the DMG literally says not to run a game like this.
Sure sounds like pussy excuses
I’m not. I was agreeing with you.
>the avatarfag with a folder of three images is crying about other people using “the same images”
What do you think wealth by level is for?
Minimum equipment value for a PC, useful for exactly the type of progression where your gear can be destroyed.
And... what happens when you don't have that value?
You design any fight that is high stakes enough to eliminate that value to provide sufficient rewards to replace it *maybe* and other times you simply cripple the PC because that's dangerous and interesting.
Your casters should be protecting and empowering martials. If martials are disabled the caster gets overwhelmed and dies. It's the casters job to pin down opposing casters while martials clear the frontline. It's that simple and it's not unreasonable to deal with 1 disjunction in an encounter.
>If martials are disabled the caster gets overwhelmed and dies.
We are not talking about the same game.
You didn't even know what disjunction is, so apparently so.
Destroying martials on a whim isn't dangerous and it's not interesting. It's shit DMing.
I do know what it is and I know why it's banned most of the time at those levels. You don't because you don't understand what breaks when it gets thrown around.
It's because recalculating everything for everyone hit by it takes forever and dicking the worst off party members harder isn't fun for anyone at the table to deal with. This isn't new to anyone but you.
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Owlcattle pretending they know anything about tabletop always makes me laugh.
can you retards go back to /tg/?
>openly shit on PF
Okay, but you have yet to go on a years long crusade against them. Chop chop.
Disjunction was literally banned in Living Greyhawk for the exact reasons you were just told. It's extremely disruptive to game flow because of the amount of rolling needed to resolve it, it breaks underlying assumptions of the game and leaves spellcasters as the only characters able to do anything in the aftermath, and if you tried to do your short-sighted idiot 'workaround' you hand the party loot way in excess of what they're supposed to have when they manage to not get their gear blown up by it for whatever reason. The standard advice in 2004 was 'don't use it because it starts an arms race that noone wins' and it's still true now.
Play all 3 and see if you like them. I liked Pathfinder more then the other 2, but that's because mythic paths are fun. PoE you're just a basic bitch who fights another basic bitch.
You can just equip a ring of counterspell. It's really not what you think it is but this whole theoretical seems to have gotten you very hot and bothered.
>PoE you're just a basic bitch who fights another basic bitch.
In deadfire you literally become the grim reaper.
>If martials are disabled the caster gets overwhelmed and dies
Tell that to an oracle throwing around 10th level spells while riding a wolf with 90+ AC.
That's deadfire. He asked about PoE, not PoE 2: Deadfire.
In PoE 1 you fight a champion of a god, and in defeating him you yourself become the champion of a god in deadfire.
The OG game had a level cap of 12. That's basic bitch level.
>shitty pf2e game, kingdom of chalice or poe
All good games.
>neverwinter and bg1/2
All bad games.
Level 12 is high level in any system except for 3.xe
Divinity, pathfinder and PoE 2 all have a level cap of 20. Level 12 is basic bitch level, same with 5es auto level up with no variety.
>Divinity has a level cap of 20
I don’t think this is correct
True, think you can get higher then 20, but you normally beat the game around there. Even more of a reason to call level 12 a basic bitch level.
Yeah, I assumed you were talking about DOS2 due to the ambiguity of “Divinity” but it’s a soft cap not a hard cap, that’s roughly the level most players will finish the game at but it is possible to go higher
>1st to 6th level spell
>counters the cast spell and nothing else
>countering a 9th
It's exactly what I said it was and you're a moron floating a strategy that objectively doesn't work. Living Greyhawk isn't PFS, they didn't ban things for no reason.
Divinity is fucking terrible.
poe is more fun
owlcat games are dogshit unity slop
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Shadowrun: Dragonfall
The start of PoE is such a godawful slog that it killed any interested I had in the game.
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If you haven't played the ancestor of the modern cRPG, you are officially a dilettante.
>game starts
>random women just dumps her whole backstory on me
>suddenly gets attack and get stuck with her and a dweeb
>listen to the BBEG exposition, die and than get resurrected
>enter the grimdark village ripped straight from warhammer fantasy with the diversity of modern dnd5e.
>touching any NPC reveals there entire life in multiple paragraph
>scottish Elves (cool)
I've never dropped a game faster than this .
>I've never dropped a game faster than this
I’ve finished it I think twice since it came out but I have thought “hey replaying PoE would be fun” and gotten partway through and dropped it literally dozens of times. It’s just a cursed and boring game. One might say… soulless.

The cringe backer self-insert NPCs have golden nameplates btw you never click on those
>gotten partway through and dropped it literally dozens of times
You've made this post like 100 times. You don't even play rpgs, move on.
weak b8 m8
>You don't even play rpgs
You've made this post like 10000 times.
You don't play rpgs at all.
>the “you don’t play RPGs” schizo is back, in response to people discussing RPGs they’ve played
Back? He's always here.
His next move will be to say this is samefagging.
It’s like you’re literally me!
Wrath of the Righteous is just overwhelming, it actually crossed the point where it has TOO MANY options for character building, gives me a headache
Like 95% of the "options" are just shit.
They absolutely should have pruned back or outright removed some of the superfluous classes. The later DLC archetypes were much better thought out, far more unique and interesting. So I think they're headed in the right direction for the future, should they continue making pathfinder games
It's Pathfinder.
>Wrath of the Righteous is just overwhelming, it actually crossed the point where it has TOO MANY options for character building
Yes, it is silly. Here’s your half caster of X and here’s your 3/4ths caster of X and here’s your caster stat Y variant and caster stat Z variant and so on. You could easily remove 75% of the options and lose nothing from a roleplaying perspective
PF2e is not like that.
Currently doing my second playthrough of WOTR and I'm amazed at how much easier the game is playing on turn-based mode. Fights which I found literally impossible before (i.e. had to turn the difficulty down) are still hard, but only take me 2-3 reloads (like Playful Darkness and Melazamera).

TBM is still buggy as fuck after all these years though. Sometimes my characters will just jog on the spot indefinitely, and I'll have to flick TBM off/on again to get them to stop fucking around.
Yeah RTWP is retarded sometimes. I'll have characters pathing get stuck and provoke attacks of opportunity because they shift back and forth 20 times. I always use turn based for boss fights.
You're right, PF2E is more like 50%.
>pf2e is not like that
You're right it's worse than pf1e
>slobbering cretins
I bought WOTR last sale but damn, not sure I have it in me to go through this character creator.

I feel like these really detailed RPGs are like controlling a commercial airliner. There's one billion buttons and levers to tweak, but the dude doing drifts with the go-kart(aka playing BG3 or Shadowrun Hong Kong) is having a lot more fun than me.
please stop posting
you got it chief
There really is way too many redundant options in WotR for classes.

Pick out what alignment and mythic path you want your main char to be. Decide what class you want for the MC. Make everyone pure classes, dips are for faggots. Make additional mercs to have a party of 4+, a full 6 for your first run is fine. You want at least one of the classic party: fighter cleric thief mage. throwing in a bow specialist or more melee can’t hurt. You’ll want someone (main char) specced for dialogue checks, someone for STR checks, DEX checks, INT checks, WIS checks. I have each of those roles taking care of each of the skills attached to that stat. Pick a weapon type for everyone to use. Make a text file that plans out the feats everyone is gonna take, you get feats every other level. Hopefully this gets you on right track.
Loaded up Arcanum again. Just bought on steam. I have to force myself to load it up because it’s just so fucking annoying to deal with. Start playing. Like 5 wolves attack me. All my hits miss. They kill me within a couple turns. I don’t think I can do it. I think I’m giving up on Arcanum. $2.00 wasted but it’s alright. I made it about 15 minutes in. Spent most time in character creation. Didn’t make it to the first town and I’m just not convinced it’s worth it to continue on. I can’t even figure out the map. And I get people will say well you got filtered. But honestly it just annoys me they felt this game was suitable. They were fucking high as fuck coming up with this UI.
that was my exact reaction when I gave it a shot years ago

played BG2, KOTOR, Fallout 1 and 2, Planescape Torment, then bounced off of BG1 and Arcanum
I played and had fun with Arcanum when it came out and I tried replaying it within the last year and it’s just jank shit, bounced off it too
what bugs me about pathfinder as a D&D 5e player is it feels like so many of the classes are mechanics first, flavor second. Like kineticist or dragon shaman. Like where in mythology and fantasy will you find something like that? What legendary hero am I channeling with my minmaxed monstrosity three-class character? It just feels like they should have left so much stuff on the cutting room floor. Also I am a progressive guy but Pathfinder feels overly sanitized and tame. There's just no soul to it. I love the old Frank Frazetta artwork with muscular roaring he-men/buxom wild women wearing loincloths and leaping through the air and trying to plant an axe in a hideous ape-demon's forehead while its blood-dripping claws are inches from ripping their guts out. People are afraid to make stuff sexy and thrilling and rough around the edges, it all has to be chaste and idealized and marketable.
Kineticist is directly based on Avatar.
you got me there
So Ancient Sarkorian Ghost is just physically and numerically impossible in Act 2 without cheese, right? Like fighting a level 16 cleric who with a single stormbolt will kill at least half the party is just actually the devs with a stick up their ass laughing, correct?
Post a screenshot of your playthrough which I'm sure is totally happening right now and I'll tell you.
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It's this fucker in Act 2. He's surrounded by four other cocksucking ghosts and can cast multiple level 8 spells including Stormbolts, Bubonic Plague, Rift of Ruin, and other bullshit like Blashpemy at ridiculously high saves that paralyzes the party for 10 minutes. It is physically impossible to beat him unless I guess you mog him down turn 0 or have summons take the spells for multiple almost minutes at a time. People bitch about Playful Darkness, this fuck is ten times worse because he comes two acts earlier.
No retard. Post an in-game screenshot of your party. Not something you googled with a reddit filename.
Well after I got angry after several attempts I beat it by invis-ing melee, her mount, and ulbrig, and getting two full attacks off before it could act. Still felt like bullshit, fuck this nigger.
He's just bumping every terrible thread in the catalog. He's not even playing wotr right now. He just pretends to play games like a literal bot for attention.
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Here dickwad, it's Ulbring, Nenio, Ember, Daeran, and a Skald Merc of mine with me as a sable marine ranger MC
I beat him on core+ which is extra AI extra enemies normal stats.
I used my three member party and smoked him.
No pets.

I'll tell you the builds again if you like but they're already up here.

Just some basic things though:
Saves are like armor class for spells.
He will try to drop the rift of ruin on your backline healer usually, you can "cheese" it a bit by not having them stand in his range at first, or try to move as soon as you see it casting. (I am exclusively RtWP for this game, because it is long)

Obviously with three party members I am a few levels ahead as well, I am not going to say that didn't make a difference, but I used two party members through shield maze as well, and two up until Ember.
I use custom respec.

>minmaxed monstrosity
That's on you, I restrict myself to just dual class at least, on the PC for myself, I do pure class on all companions these days, not the least reasoning of which is I just don't want to be in the respec menu forever.
>I am a progressive guy
My condolences on your eventual koolaid poisoning to failure in life.
Yep, progressives the world over agree that he is one of the white privileged hetero patriarchial influences on the genre that need to go. Good taste imo.
>People are afraid to make stuff sexy and thrilling and rough around the edges, it all has to be chaste and idealized and marketable.
Correct, due to the influence of the left/progressives.
What sort of level of psychosis are you on that talking about the game is some kind of bot? Yes I'm playing the fucking game, what are you doing here if you aren't other than to complain?
>still cropping out any gameplay
Wow you literally aren't playing it LMAO, I always knew owlcattle are poison
Nigger what fuckin gameplay are you missing, the fucking turn order? The landscape?
>that weird crop for no reason
Jesus christ man, stop, I'm starting to think you only do this because only owlcat fans are dumb enough to reply seriously to your (You) farming. You make a low effort post in 3 seconds and some low functioning autist dumps a character limit text wall for you so you can feel special and valid.
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How do you manage to finish your runs in either bg3 or wotr?
I'm at the beggining of act 3 in wotr, 40+ hours deep. I want to restart so bad, I want to use my newly aquired knowledge to make a better character. But I've already spent so much time I can't let it go to waste. I always check every single place in order not to miss out on shit. I also got burnt out at the beggining of act 3 in bg3, 90 hours deep
why did I have to be born like this
You're cropping it to hide the fact you aren't playing the game right now. Why else would you do that? You don't have a unique screenshot of your party facing this particular battle.
Assuming you're not the same idiot what sort of fucking crop did you want, dickweed? It's a single fucking screenshot of the party, did you want me to compile every spell slot and BAB for your ass? No, get the fuck over it. You're diverting anyways, fuck the ghost.
Make mercs then, idiot. If you don't got ludicrous amounts of gold in act 3 to burn then use toybox and just give yourself the gold to purchase them. Hell purchase as many as you want an fuck around in the creator, or play Midnight Isles and use random shit there.
I give up, you win, I made it all up
I wish owlcat was not allowed here. I have never seen a good post from an owlcat fan. Any thread you make instantly goes to page 7 in under an hour because 2 or 3 retards uses the catalogue as their personal toilet nonstop like its a general on /vg/ that encourages such behavior. It's very frustrating. I remember when a thread would stay up for 2-3 days, now it will get pushed off in 8 hours because of a stream of garbage data bumping 100 day old threads about nothing constantly.
I already have 1 merc, I'm fine with the companions but I'd like to respec them (keep their classes, just change feats/spells) but I dont have the gold for that
>Dude is actually playing the game
>Not a bunch of soiyer/what gaem should I play slides
>Angry soi grogs are mad that WOTR gets bumped and not their autogynophelia loli rpg
>Can't run to tranny mod to have it removed
>Say this bullshit instead
It's the realest thread on the catalog right now. The ineffectual gatekeeping reveals you as a bad taste weakling.
noone cares about your shitty "opinion"
don't enter the thread, holy fuck you deranged culture-warring muttmerican shitskin
Dude, come on, you're replying to word for word copy pasted posts.
Like I said, download the toybox. Lets you respec for free. There's no real reason for gold to be the barrier, it's not like it adds to your power. The best argument about it is that you could theoretically use a powerful build early then spec out of it, but that really is the most niche case that I can't even think of one.
I'm not a perpetual lurker here
>Dude is actually playing the game
He's not, retard. How dense are you? It's literally made up. You are the target for this behavior because owlcat attracts people with an IQ of like 30 that will believe anything. Elder Scrolls and Fallout threads are the same way. Don't feed the birds.
Jesus christ owlcat fags are embarassing.
>Not a bunch of soiyer/what gaem should I play slides
Anon that's the same person.
yeah that other thread is dead, that's why I reposted it here
Thanks I'll do that
>that other thread is dead
No its not, it hasn't fallen off the catalogue and you're going to bump it as soon as there's any danger of that happening.
Don't toybox just for respec, it's bloated and buggy. Dedicated respec mod is bug free and a lot easier to use.

Minimum mods for maximum WOTR enjoyment:
Respec mod, bubble buff mod, barley's visual 2.

That's it.
>that's why I reposted it here
It's not even a 24 hour old post................................
I've already got more answers here than over there
You got a retard to give you the absolute worst wrong answers because no one intelligent wants to reply to you.
that's a dunning-kruger if I've ever seen one
>just cheat the game
>accusing others of having dunning krueger
He was replying to himself and now he's offended and doesn't know what to do.
well I got a bunch of enchanted items which I can sell so I'm not sure if I'll go for the free respec mod but it's a slight cheat in a single player game, quite literally who cares
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I just reroll if the urge is strong enough.
I am either having fun or having more fun.
If I am forcing myself to play something I think is underpowered/bad rp choice/whatever, it can be no longer fun and I wouldn't want to burn my time on not fun.

I have obscene playtime with a majority in the first two acts including falling asleep on dreaming up different builds and don't really care about actual progress. It's no difference from BG3.

None can judge me save Gygax.
Yeah, that guy is a fucking nightmare. I think I used the item that summons angels and demons, and let him waste all his nastiest spells on those while my party stayed out of range. Still took a lot of tries. Cool fight!
Summons are pretty underrated for making them waste nasty attacks. I just use the pair of paladins from angel a lot now at the edge of the screen and get a lot of mileage that way while not having any summon focused characters at all. (I don't feel like the overhead of clicking on all those other items.) They live a lot longer than I was expecting too.
where are u humble bundle anon
Pets annoy me because in my mind I always know I am 100% gimping myself if I dont give every character a pet, but I also just dont want to have a pet. I felt the same way about shatter defences but luckily that was nerfed so I no longer feel any obligation to get it.
How the fuck are you act 3 but have no gold to respec. you should be swimming in tens of thousands of gold
Respec mod is fuckin borked
Time for the ultimate fag discussion
Ranger Demonslayer or Sable for your 1 dip?
So is toybox and bubble buff. All of them break various parts of the game and stop certain spells/abilities from working
Is it? I tried respec mod, was fucked. But my toybox is still kickin
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Gonna complain here
Am I wrong that all crits are damage?
My crit range is 15-20, I rolled a 15. Why was this a miss?
Depends on what you want.
Divinity if you like messing around with creative mechanics, but the rest of the game is very generic.
Pathfinder if you REALLY like number autism and character creation autism. The RPG aspects are 'okay' but the game is pretty railroady at times.
PoE if uh... Honestly, I can't think of a reason to recommend the PoE games. I guess if you really want unnecessary amounts of worldbuilding in literally every dialog? I'm curious now that I think about it, why do people play PoE?
just taking a wild guess but maybe crits don't mean an automatic hit, only a natural 20 does?
character rerolling autism is extremely common
I get it in MMOs too, and it's even worse there

usually the only way to stop it is by being curious about the rest of the story
Only a 20 is an automatic hit.
Neither are true, in Pathfinder you roll to confirm crits.
yes, and there was no confirmation roll there because it didn't hit
there's a reason the system makes a distinction and even points 20s out by calling them natural 20s.
you still got to hit your enemy though
if you rolled 40+, you would be in crit range and a new attack roll would happen, if you hit then you crit, if you miss you just deal normal damage
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>Why was this a miss?
Because his AC is 40 and you rolled a 39. PF2e doesn't have this problem by the way. (because it's better)
Are there any effects that change the automatic hit range?
God /crpgg/ is so bad, I just checked it. Owlscat is truly a curse. I feel bad for anyone that got memed into getting involved with it.
I personally have never gotten over the loss of THAC0
Build autism pick pathfinder, nostalgia PoE, larian at it's best and it's dumbest D:OS 2
I find the builds in deadfire to be way more interesting and varied than anything in wotr. And bg3 is way better that dos2, dos2 is awful.
Someone explain the Kineticist class without mentioning Avatar to me, someone who has never seen Avatar.
it's shit, like avatar
You spend time powering up like Goku and then you fling fire, water, ice, air, electricity, rocks, or metal at enemies.
what advantage does this have over just throwing a Fireball?
for one the average fireball does 10d6 damage while a kinetic fire blast does 20d6+3d6+ other modifiers wih crown of elements. you can shoot the blast as a shotgun spray, spindle and detonate blast. you can also combine two elements together to make a composite blast like a magma (fire+earth), blue flame(fire+fire) thunderstorm(air+electric) mud(water+earth) and plasma(fire+air) which does alot of damage
You can do it all day long.
Multiple times stronger than your regular fireball, no limit about how much you shot it per day, the only downside is sometimes to shoot your most powerful blast you power up now, shoot it next turn
Kineticist just seems busted and cheesy to me, I would never take one and find them unappealing. Like warlocks.
Good build to emulate pic related? Basically
>Heavy armor
I've been playing a Magus but even then the spell failure is fucking me up at the best of times even with the reductions from the proficiencies. I'm on Kingmaker btw because I really just wanted to cosplay Dr. Doom leading a country
Pretty sure kineticist is pathfinders warlock. Which is a shame cus I prefer the class fantasy of warlock
Consider a Hellknight Signifer Eldritch Knight.
what this guy >>3557970 says 10 hellknight signifer 10 wizard Lich or demon
witch is pathfinder's warlock
>control spells
one of them even has eldritch blast in elemental flavor
>a warlock is a male witch
>mostly lesbian panthenon so here we are in 2024 the Current Year
that's a pretty boss idea, boss but sadly you're fucked
>armor sucks in the first place in PKM
>tons of feats and specialty armor to be inferior in defense AND casting since you burned feats on cosmetics
Do it in cleric or perhaps bard flavor, or use a visual mod.
Call of the Wild probably has some options for you that don't completely suck but I can't remember. It will triple the fun of the base game, get it right now or yesterday or sooner.
I've never played a game as crunchy as WotR before, and I'm not really inclined to do so, but I'm really interested in the Lich mythic path. Is it worthwhile with that in mind? I do know you don't get to transform for a while.
Lich is only good if you merge your spellbook with wizard, sorcerer or Witch. otherwise it suffers from the same thing Angel does where it feels lackluster as hell. and yes you don't get to transform until act 5
Wenduag is such a sweetie once you strip away her calloused layers of cynicism and bitterness.

Has Owlcat ever confirmed that video game Wenduag has normal human feet? She looks very different from the official TT artwork, but there are no official shots of her feet (as far as I can see).
Stay in your containment zone on /crpgg/.
My opinion of owlcat fans is so low that I just completely disregard anyone who likes them. I have never heard a single insightful comment from an owlcat fan.
Magus will get ability to cast in heavy armor without arcane failure chance, but he gets it at higher level (11-12) iirc, while you get medium at level 7-8. Until then arcane failure will hit in.
Also, you must not use shields.
>fucking anonymous posting
>how does it even work
I didn't consider cleric, I guess that could work. I'd prefer an arcane caster because that fits Doom better but I can just pretend. Clerics also seem broken as casters considering they just have all their spells
Yeah that's what's killing me, I want to wear plate from the get-go but Magus is slow to work to it
Can anyone confirm if Inspire ferocity no longer works with skald inspire rage with reckless stance?
>mediocre boomer slop save for like 3 games
>It's such a spastic, unnatural combat mechanic.
Only because SHITfinder combat incentivizes turtling inside of a big blob to melt everything with Outflank. There's nothing wrong with it conceptually, since D&D is a hyper abstract combat system and in this case it's meant to represent the risks of attempting to disengage whilst you're fighting for your life. It especially helps avoiding dumb shit like rushing into a crowd of enemies and bypassing all of the warriors to kill the enemy mage or whatever.
>or use a visual mod.
Only cowardly bitches afraid of adhering to their RP do this.
There should be a Vampire Lord route where you can date rape one of (if not all) your female companions.
>Enlighten me one which one i should be playing over the other
You shouldn't play WotR at all as evidenced by this thread. You should play PoE if you like the gameplay of BG1 and want more interesting version of that. You shouldn't play DOS 1 or 2, those are mediocre games and you're better off skipping straight to BG3.
Okay moeblob.
I'm hole anon.
How worth it are the sales for path Wotr?
None of the three. Try Knights of the Chalice 1+2 instead.
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Can anyone explain to me dual wielding/2handed?

I'm so confused. Basically the archetype of a character I want is some Aragorn esque generic shit (my first pathfinder, I don't care to get too creative).

>2handed weapon

I heard Ranger (Demon Slayer) is good and simple enough so this is what I want to go with. What's a good:
>2handed weapon to focus on (which one has the most options basically, i'll be playing normal so dont' care for min maxing)
>Any recommended race besides human (I know Human get an extra feat, I just get bored of humans in RPGs, i've played them too often, Paladin Human to be specific)
>good starting stat spread/feats to take (I know 19 STR is apparently something to aim for and dump Dex as i'll probably wear heavy armor?)


This game looks sick as fuck but holy hell does it confuse newfags to this genre
>dual wielding
Using two weapons. You require three two weapon fighting feats.
The superior melee weapon choice. High STR + Power Attack for high damage. Take Focused strike as well to remove the to-hit penalty from the first attack with Power Attack each round.
Dual wielding gets you more attacks but takes a ton of feats to not suck at it. You’ll likely want a class that gets the two weapon fighting feat like for free. Dual wielding is good when you have some additional source of damage per hit since that’s multiplied by your larger number of attacks
Two handed weapons are good for high strength characters since you get your strength bonus damage multiplied by 1.5 due to using both hands. Also helps punch through damage reduction better due to your big numbers.
If you’re going to use heavy armor you want to end up with 12 dex to get the maximum armor class out of full plate. If you dump it below that you’ll want to increase it with items.
Pick whatever weapon you think is cool. There’s a magic weapon that can turn into any type, to help you patch holes in itemization
I really enjoyed making a merc who was pure class two handed fighter that burned feat on exotic weap prof fauchard. Pure fighter gets so many feats it’s hilarious especially cause I’m used to feat starved paladins
>Any recommended race besides human (I know Human get an extra feat
Human is still the strongest racial choice. Given that you just want to go all in on Ranger with a two handed weapon, there's not much reason to go with any other race.
>dump Dex as i'll probably wear heavy armor?)
You'll go down fast and most encounters you'll be on the ground while your party has to carry. You want at least 10 dex to make sure you're not taking significant AC penalties from the beginning.

STR 19, all level up points go here. If you want to go for the Legend path, you either can decrease starting strength to 18 and put more points elsewhere.
DEX 10 +
CON 12 +
INT 10+, depending on how many skill points you want
WIS 10+, 14 is needed for ranger casting without gear. However, +2, +4, and +6 WIS gear is plentiful so you can drop it to 10 if you want.
CHA 10+, 10 is fine though more is good if you want to use persuasion
> Dual wielding is good when you have some additional source of damage per hit since that’s multiplied by your larger number of attacks
This is also the only way to make it work. Without sneak attack die, sense vitals, or some other source that adds a huge amount of damage on top of the attribute bonus, it's easy to end up with a dual wielder who will do zero damage in the late game. Should only be ran on classes that have precision dice for this reason.
well that's good to know, will probs do it.

>will go down fast and have to be carried

Well that just sounds dogshit, isn't the class meant to be strong?

Am I really just better off going paladin again? Or were you implying i'll go fast if I don't have minimum 10 dex?
You’ll want enough dex to cap out your armor. The best heavy armor (full plate) allows a max +1 dex bonus to armor, so you want 12 dex to cap that out.

Heavy armor is totally viable especially if you’re playing on normal difficulty. Don’t listen to people who say you need meme dip builds with 70 ac just to play the game. Just make single class builds like a civilized person.
Will do,

What I did was:

STR 19
DEX 14
Con 14
INT 10
WIS 12
CHA 10

I feel like I could tweak it but i'm going to bed realtively happy with it.

Also, what are some of the better races? Dhampir strikes me as the coolest (don't see it much in CRPGs) alongside Tiefling. Thematically a Tiefling sounds pretty based, slaying demons etc. Any good races to consider for a Demonslayer Ranger?

Also, final question that's more a generality, how is Paladin in this game? Is it fun? I see quite a lot of mixed shit on it
Stat line is good.
Human is best. Extra feat can't be beat.
Dhampir can be awkward to play since they don't heal in the same way as other characters. The game throws plenty of inflict scrolls at you, so just have divine caster or Nenio in the party.
Tiefling has some good heritages, like motherless which gives a bite attack. Very nice for a demonslayer.
Kitsune also gets a bite attack, but takes a penalty to STR rather than a bonus. For a demonslayer the main benefit would be the vulpine pounce feat. Ignore the magical tail feats.
Aasimar get 2 +2 bouses without taking a -2.
Elves have proficiency with elven curve blade, a good 2h weapon.
You get a paladin companion early so paladin PC overlap quite a bit with her. The archetypes aren't great either. It does very well in the campaign since most enemies are evil and you can just multiclass Seelah into doing something else, or leave her on the bench(even then 2 paladins isn't a bad decision).
>Seelah unlocks a horse
>well, time to try mounted combat!
>rush in with her mounted into the next fight, which includes a lvl 12 inquisitor
>I had no idea you had to level up the horse too
>gets instantly vaporized
>Seelah falls prone and gets pulped

We still won, but damn that was ugly.

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