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I completed Ys 1 and 2, currently halfway through Origin's second route.
I really like the theme, setting and lore. I know the other games will follow Adol's adventures with mainly self contained stories in the newer games.

My question is, will the new stories live up to the Ys chronicles, or are those games going into a very gameplay focused and generally dumb story direction? Not saying that the first games had a mind-blowing narrative but given the era they were made in they are pretty charming and unique. I also like the direction Origin took.
Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.

Ys stories do grow in scope over the franchise but it's still very much the more gameplay of falcoms titles.
>I really like the theme, setting and lore
What a retarded thread
ys seven and onwards are a lot more anime (especially with their approach to the characters) and fuck up the lore in favor of wowing newcomers.
desu apart from ys viii, they feel like 6-7/10 timewasters with good music and fun-ish gameplay.
the older ones are still really good though, definitely try dawn, oath, and napishtim (especially napishtim if you liked ys i&ii, the music, setting, and exploration feel the most similar to me despite origin literally taking place inside darm tower)
if you don't explain your opinion youve added nothing to the thread and have just farted into the wind
>Just wanna prepare to be disappointed.
Prepare, Ys Seven is probably the lowest the series ever got, 8 is actually a step up but 9 dropped the ball again
You don't get the same lore vibes as 1+2 from the later games no. Honestly people underestimate the power of your imagination filling out blanks in tandem with vague graphics. If they remade 1+2 now in 3D and voice acting it'd feel bad.
Also you can feel the anime in Ys from 1+2 but that's 80s anime vs current year anime for the later titles.
Incidentally the actual ys anime is pretty alright
Some of the games live up to it story wise. I found Ys 9 to be the only game storywise to be the weakest of the modern ones. It's gameplay was actually a lot easier (I normally start my first PTs on Normal but I jumped straight to Hard because Normal felt too easy after the first 2 bosses). I might do the same for Ys X when it gets released on Steam in September.

I have played every Ys game except 5 and beat Origin, 1/2, and Celceta on Nightmare. I am currently doing 7 on Nightmare and I am post-Kava Kelos. I have enjoyed the series for its aesthetic and mainly it's music.
Seven was okay, but what I really didn't like is how they didn't tell you how to Flash Guard and the game really punished you if you botched it. Not to mention you have to chain block through some attacks (Earth Dragon's fire breath, Kava Kelos' Cyclone, especially on NM, etc.).
Thanks a lot for the posts, I really like this series so far but yeah I was fearing the animu in later entries. Oh well, at least I know what to expect. I'm excited for Napishtim as I read it ties the story together nicely.
surely you arent playing these games on easy for the plot
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9 was pretty weird. I liked the novelty of the city prison as a different kind of adventure kinda like a palette cleanser. They just dropped the ball when it came to the lore and the villain not having enough screentime compared to the mystery. I played it on Hard but thought about bumping it up mid playthrough as well, which is something i never usually do for the party based Ys because i don't enjoy stacking flash+skill spam all that much. The difficulty being that enemies just hit harder wouldn't be any more fun for me. There were already times my character got one shot'ed even on hard but i just had another 2 characters to go to. No idea how i'd make the difficulty better, i think it's just an enemy moveset problem, the bosses were fine. There are many things that 9 drops the ball with, but it does some things right so it was ok in my book. Definitely not one of the strongest entries but i wouldn't go as far as to say it was insultingly bad or anything.
I'm not gonna tell you to "embrace the animu" or anything but being a bit open minded can make you enjoy even the weaker entries. The games are still being made anyway.
I usually play turn based jrpg but lately I wanted some action, and playing on normal seems just fine for me

I'll probably just close my mind and enjoy the gameplay if it gets too cringe
Update: TC route was great, can't wait to start Celceta
(blogpost I know, saged)
The setting of 9 should be interesting but everything about the game is boring as fuck. The city sucks, it's dull and has no atmosphere, the intro of the game is terrible whereas 8 was non stop action and exploring right off the bat, for some reason the gameplay actually did feel off, not sure what was wrong with it but it was overall just a boring game. It could've been great if Falcom went for a Bloodborne or Castlevania atmosphere and more focused world design but it's really a shame the edgy monster game in the series came out so drab
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I actually liked 9 plot wise. Particularly the stuff about Not-Jean
I thought seven was decent, and I think celceta and viii are too focused on flash guarding
some people might prefer viii for characters/story/atmosphere/whatever but I think seven is pretty clearly better than celceta
Even 7 has Flash Guard focuses, especially on NM. I often try to avoid the attack as best as possible before having to resort to Flash Guards/Dodges. I tend to save Guards more for harder foes and bosses than trash mobs (with some exceptions). I also take 8 over Celceta anyday.
It's kinda hard to relate to her because she has like 3 total scenes with plot relevance and even if you understand she's based of Jeanne D’Arc the game never shows any of her tragic past unlike say Dana. She's still a joy whenever she appears but it just leaves you wanting more.
The city was fine up until market and crafting streets kept unlocking. It has a ton of downtime for a Ys game (raids again?) which slowly eats up at you near the end, especially since the dungeons are not big or often enough (even if their design was very fun with the gifts). I found areas like the colosseum, the prison outskirts and the noble streets to be extremely barren. I don't see why those didn't unlock all at once, the game was stretching itself there. The combat could be nicer because you have nice skills but 90% of the regular enemies kinda suck to fight against and they all blur together. Fighting them in the city was also a drag because they just kept falling off of rooftops or into the river.

From what i've seen, X also won't be shaking up the formula very much itself. I hope them not having to develop 6 playable characters makes up for either betters dungeons, rich explorable areas with nice verticality or at least more interesting regular enemies. I think most of the work went on that naval combat gimmick though.
>It's kinda hard to relate to her because she has like 3 total scenes with plot relevance and even if you understand she's based of Jeanne D’Arc the game never shows any of her tragic past unlike say Dana. She's still a joy whenever she appears but it just leaves you wanting more.

I certainly agree the game needed more of her. It's really kind of a shame she wasn't playable. I'd certainly take her over a couple of the other monstrums.
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The only ones i felt they developed enough was Krysha and Credo (his development was a hit stupid but they tried). The rest were made out to be pretty simple with the exception of Doll who while being the most interesting didn't get too much explained for her. In general i think the game's "second half" should have focused more about the 500 year past lore and showed you more backstories or character developments.
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Doll was probably the best and while she didn't have much explained there wasn't much too actually explain. And I don't mean that as a bad thing as it's generally effective. Her being Rosvita's doll and best friend from that long was actually pretty engaging in the plot and history and was actually part of what I liked about 9. The game very much was centered around it's history of what happened to Jean and when you were digging into that it was neat. You're right. Focusing more on that in the second half would have been good or at least maybe trying to explain more of who the original monstrums where could have gone a long way.

There was actually one boss near the end I feel really could have used more light shed on them. You meet the actual executioner who kill Rosvitta and he's a broken tortured spirit consumed with guilt after he learned the truth of everything. Had he been more of a character than a boss who showed up once would have been terrific.
Cute Jean. Also not blond. Seriously, that always drives me up a goddamn wall whenever Japanese people seem to think that she was blond. She was not blond. She was one of the most well documented people in history.
All are about the same in that regard desu
Newer ones are a lot longer however with all that entails
Doll left me with more questions than answers. As i understood it Zola gave the homunculi of the 100 year war heroes the gifts, cursing them of not being able to leave the city and being made into monstrums, forced to fight off the Nox. The game never claimed Doll was made as a prototype monstrum, only as an initial experiment with soul and memory manipulation in order to make Aprilis next. I guess we can assume she was also given a gift and considered a monstum since she was being summoned for every Nox, but at the same time the whole little backstory of Aprilis losing her and finding her again in the shop kinda makes little sense. Anyway i won't think too much about it but i wouldn't mind more focus on that kind of stuff.
Doll was in fact a prototype because Rosvita had such a strong connection to the doll and Zola needed that in order to reconstruct Aprilis with some baseline.
I honestly could have bought the plot for the most part if Chatelard was the main bad and they tried to make a plot centered around trying to retake Gilia from the annexation of the Romuns, but then it got weird when you find out that he was a homonculus too and you are basically tools to make up for the Gods screwing up, causing and dragging humanity into a war that ultimately led to their demise.

The whole Zola taking up the God's work keeping the Nox under control felt like a side plot in the grand scheme of things. He also kinda seems like an asshole dragging his friends into that servitude.
Doll was in fact a prototype because Rosvita had such a strong connection to the doll and Zola needed that in order to reconstruct Aprilis with some baseline.
Oh that much was made clear. But i thought monstrums were a specific kind of homunculus with specific gifts being given. Was Chatelard also a monstrum by that same vein?
I also found Zola to be hilariously lacking in backstory. The game handwaves it off like, oh just an old companion. But from his point of sadness about Rosvita's execution up until him turning himself into a little boy(?) we don't get much. I agree maybe it would be better if Chatelard ended up as a rogue homunculus having overthrown Zola.
You shouldn't play Ys for the plot. But I think V has a pretty neat setting and actually a very classic Ys story (ancient kingdom of alchemy is gone, find it by collecting a handful of McGuffins).
Sadly, it is among the worst games in the series. Not offensively bad, I'd say, just a very mediocre SNES RPG.
>the game really punished you if you botched it. Not to mention you have to chain block through some attacks
I actually think they had the right idea here. Flash guard should be a risk/reward thing, considering how absolutely busted it is.
>I honestly could have bought the plot for the most part if Chatelard was the main bad and they tried to make a plot centered around trying to retake Gilia from the annexation of the Romuns
That was certainly the more interesting angle of IX's plot.
I like the homunculus as a concept and when it's used in fiction, and here it was actually brought up in a kind of clever way. But even then, in the end, it just boiled down to "lol clones" as it always does.
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>I also found Zola to be hilariously lacking in backstory
I dunno. As a guy who likes history I can sort of buy the motivation of him being pissed off about Jean's execution.

I mean let's not pretend like the rest of the series never gets retarded plot wise. The whole Dude Evolution I'm a goddess thing from 8 was a bit silly too.
Of course, you're right. I said "don't play Ys for the plot" but the true ending of VIII still made me a little mad.
Oh i didn't find Zola bad, just underdeveloped. His motivation made sense but you don't get to know about him at all as a character. I also hated his little boy form.
i dont get people who care about the stories in these games
nobody has any real character depth and the whole not-europe setting just screams lazy (i mean "romun empire really? that's the best you could do? just change 1 letter of the name"
You say that but even in games where the story takes a back-seat there are still distinctions between something that is well written and thought out and not. Every single thing that makes up the game can elevate it, from the music to the story to the atmosphere to the graphic quality to how well optimized it is and how well it runs. Falcom already gives you a boss rush after you finish the game, even if it was a dungeon rush or something like that it wouldn't be close to what i'd want. That said most of these games have perfectly serviceable stories and get extra point for making you care even a little bit about the characters you play as.
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No one cares but i decided to listen to Ys X's ost just for the heck of it while waiting for the release. Without context it's hard for the slower tracks to stand out but here are those that did for me:


Overall on a first listen without time for it to grow on me i'd put it around IX quality. It didn't seem to reach VIII for me personally. There was only one bad track i hope they don't use more than once.

Feel free to point out others that stood out to you if you already played or listened to the ost.
Ark of Napishtim is really the only one to continue the lore/story of 1/2/0. But ironically, it released 2 games before Origin, so the gameplay kinda sucks. It absolutely is a sequel though and continues the story of "winged beings". A lot of other Ys games reference the lore revelations in Napishtim.
Some solid choices. Heat Hazard slaps.
I wasn't impressed with "To Be Free" initially when they did the OST preview, but it has grown on me.
Oh it's good, it just feels like i've already heard it in Ys. Not that it's a bad thing necessarily.
This one also sound "generic Ys" to me but is actually really nice:
Ys 7 felt like a downgrade gameplay wise for me (I'm working my way through the series) but I liked the visuals and something about the combat still scratched an itch. The second tour around the world was kinda annoying and I thought the final boss was awful. Keep hearing people say Celceta is worse but if it still feels satisfying in that dumb autist way to kill waves of enemies and level up skills I think I'll still like it.
I feel like those are the tracks many people want more of.
Incidentally, what's the one back track you mentioned?
Is it perhaps this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E31u0ycd6-s
Seems to get memed on, but I confess, I really like that one.
I'm not opposed to more "classic" tracks even if that's a bad way to put it. It just takes more out of those to wow me because my mind takes them for granted i guess.
It wasn't that one no,
This is the one that didn't jive with me at all. There are some parts i don't like and would not like to hear during gameplay but it has potential for a remix in a super arranged version maybe.
Oh that one kek. Bad news, it's actually a boss theme.
Yeah it sounds like a boss theme but i hope it's only for one of them...i think i don't want to know for now lol
>for some reason the gameplay actually did feel off, not sure what was wrong with it
I had the same feeling after playing 9 recently. On paper it has all the elements that made 8 fun and more. But something is just not right with the gameplay and it's hard to put your thumb on
I'm gonna actually say that ys 9 has the single worst collosseum in gaming. The city in general was just way to fucking boring for how much time it took up
The city started to overstay its welcome when the later parts unlocking had nothing to do in them. I would be fine with it acting as a hub of silly sidequests and downtime if the game also had way more dungeons connected to it. As it is it takes up a whole lot of the game where nothing exciting happens in it except for dialogue.
I thought the city was fine, even if only for going through it and finding all petals once.
Also started to "feel it" when I tried playing IX like a Kiseki game, but I understand that's not what people want out of Ys.
You mean looping around the city talking to everyone after each story beat? I did that and didn't mind it that much. Except for the nobles who were super boring to talk to everyone else was ok. I didn't come out of finishing IX hating it really. I just wanted some of its parts i enjoyed a lot more fleshed out. If that was done i think it would actually be one of my favorites even.
>but if it still feels satisfying in that dumb autist way to kill waves of enemies and level up skills I think I'll still like it.

Also celceta was a lot of fun for me. It's like a proto ys 8 and walked so that game could run. While short, it still has a lot of the elements that made ys 8 fun just in a less refined form. Exploring the forest in the beginning is a lot of fun too. Eventually you run out of forest thought kinda like in 8 when you run out of coastline

One criticism I have for 8 is it kinda front loads a lot of content. Like chapter 2 is huge with so many areas and by the end of the game it starts to feel like the game is putting you on a bit of a drip feed for new content. Probably my only big criticism with that game
oath to felghana is finally coming to ps4/5, fucking lol
hmm, good for console players i guess
This has been sitting on playasia as Japan only for awhile now. Really glad they're adding in the English translation and even publishing it in the west. Woot!

Switch has an incredible library of games
Yeah, talking to everyone is what I meant.
IX felt undercooked in some ways, I'd even say there are signs it was a bit of a rush job. While I don't have concrete evidence for this, let me put it this way: the way they did a lot of things (predictable structure, mandatory "side" quests or random encounter grind, mandatory raids which are easily churned out) is how I would've done it if I had to rush a game out.
>also on Switch
For a second I thought they were trolling, not bringing over the version (of Memoire) that released first.
It probably got undercooked cause covid
X reviews make it sound a bit undercooked too but we'll see
I cant beat the bat guy. Been stuck on him for 3 years.
Run in small circles
I just hope the platforming in Ys X is fun and less jank than IX, I kinda miss the style of bosses from Oath where you actually had to jump on stuff
Which did people like more? Ys 1 or 2?

I liked ys 1 more especially that town where you get the cool shot of the seagulls flying over.

Ys 2 was kinda cool but most of the game takes place in that temple. And the temple was boring.
Was it all that janky, outside of Cat's ability in some circumstances?
X does some neat things with the mana string at times. Bosses won't have you ride icebergs like Galbalan or waves of tiles like Gyalva or anything, though. They do make you use your mana abilities, however.
As for the general movement, sadly your characters' movement speed is noticably slower because they want you to use the grimble board, but that one doesn't work uphill.
Ys I. The magic/fireball in II kinda ran counter to the whole bump combat premise, and it made the game easier in parts than I'd liked.
Outside of that, it's hard to pin down why, but Ys I feels more comfy, if you allow that buzzword. Kinda got more attached to I's setting.
Ah did you play X anon?
Does it have cool fields or dungeons or did all the budget go to the ship combat?
Played it back in September.
Environments are pretty neat. Definitely a breath of fresh air after IX's drabness. They have the problem of being a bit samey at times, as there are only so many different biomes for the islands you visit. But it's a bit like complaining Ys VIII has too many beaches.
There are always some side areas you can explore, though some of these islands are pretty small. Except you are generally cockblocked by story progression to a degree, in the same way VIII would lock map progress behind the amount of castaways you rescued and/or straight up story progression.
Dungeons sometimes have these large empty rooms that give a feeling of being unfinished. For the most part, they're pretty neat with some nice puzzles. Nothing mind-blowing or overly difficult or anything though.
Graphical fidelity is overall pretty low for the environments. Most of the budget went into character models and animations. In spite of that, equipping new weapons does sadly not change the character models, except for the ultimate weapons.
Sounds a bit recipe made to be very exciting to be honest. It will still be fun enough, even IX was.
>equipping new weapons does sadly not change the character models
Ouch, i don't care that much because most of the models already were extremely similar, but still.
From the screen shots and videos I've seen I feel like they're trying to recapture a lot of the color from Dana.
Magic is broken is 2 yea
The final boss, dark, is great though. 2 ends strong
Release date for Nordics. Octoboer 25th.
A bit far away still. I should be glad they are taking their time with it (the chinese port was bad). Who knows how they are using their time honestly.
Oh, right. They made their announcement of this announcement some time ago.
LE pre-orders are also up. Since the LE is basically the "Adol Christin edition" Japan got plus an art book, I may pass. Though the plushies are tempting.
I think Napishtim would have been the best game in the series if it had dashing and double jumping. The atmosphere is just amazing.
OP, I'd recommend waiting a while after finishing Origin before playing Napishtim. The game is jankier (it came first) and it'll feel like a huge downgrade if you play it immediately afterwards.
Don't get me wrong, it's good, but it's best to play it either before Origin and Felghana or wait a while after beating these two before playing it.
>I think Napishtim would have been the best game in the series if it had dashing and double jumping
It's not just that, Napishtim was much more open, in a bad way, meaning you could take a wrong turn, and the enmies would be 20x your level and you will die instantly and have to reload from one hour ago. There are no situations like this in either Felghana or Origin (which were Napishtim's sequels and improved on the formula).

Hell, you can get locked in a mini-dungeon on a Romun ship with no hope of beating the boss (if you weren't grinding levels/weapon upgrades before boarding the ship), you'll just have to restart the whole playthrough.

Also, tons of missable items and quests, some of them being must have upgrades.

It was very bad, but an important trail blazer nonetheless I suppose.
One thing I noticed is that Ys doesn't have a lot of recurring enemies, unlike other game series. In fact, i don't think there are any recurring enemies aside from the bosses in Origin.
That never happened to me, but fair enough.
there's a primordial in 9 from 8 but i think it's because it's a memory from adol(?), otherwise yeah there aren't really re-occuring enemies which is ok with me, I like that they mold enemy design based on the game/area you're in
8 and 9 share some enemies. Like those bunnies with the sticks
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>Hell, you can get locked in a mini-dungeon on a Romun ship with no hope of beating the boss
That's really shit, yeah.
>tons of missable items and quests
These are great. Not sure which of them are "must have" upgrades - maybe the emelas acessories you get from the optional bosses?
But even then, this is something the other games sorely lack. As much as I love Felghana and Origin, there is almost no reason to explore. Not sure if it's fair to say Origin even HAS exploration. Felghana just has some areas you can go back to once you have the double jump/earth bracelet for some extra raval ore, gold and whatnot.
But take Napishtim. You can dip into the penultimate dungeon pretty early if you want and get the second best weapon and shield.
The way is perilous, but you are rewarded for it, and I think this is one of the coolest things in games.
>i don't think there are any recurring enemies aside from the bosses in Origin.
I am pretty sure you can find a few other enemies from Ys I/Darm Tower, at least in Wailing Blue.
These rat-like enemies they introduced in Celceta(?) also keep being used from that point.
I'm sure there are more, but none feel really iconic.
>second best weapon
"Armor" and shield, of course.
>There are no situations like this in either Felghana or Origin (which were Napishtim's sequels and improved on the formula).
Also just remembered, the places you can go back to after getting the earth bracelet, e.g. where you get the spirit cape, have end-game enemies that one-shot you.
But yes, Napishtim is much more relentless with throwing enemies at you that you'd need to grind a bit for before you have a chance of beating them.
The badguys big evil plan is to create monsters from Adol's memory. Which is.... stupid in a way but also in others kind of the best.
The romun ship and napishtim in general is not that hard dude. You'd have to be a fucking idiot to get stuck
>One of the best bosses in the entirety in 9 is from Adol's memory of a past game
Really makes you think.
Dark Fact in 3D when
Playing VIII now and I noticed the frontloading too. But it's okay in my book since many questions get answered, thus it stays interesting. I also liked the moment I realised why Hummel was so keen to deliver that egg, since they placed his character-dialog in a clever spot. Regarding those quests.
How do i emulate tg16 im too stupid for mednafen and ares
i have faith i you anon
bigger retards have succeeded
No seriously I need help. I don't know what to do. Why is there no dedicated emulator like for every other system
Try the one called Mesen?
Sorry man just google your way through. It's not rocket science
It really is rocket science. Google doesn't work anymore to help find real answers. The internet is worse now than it was 20 years ago
I agree. Napishtim has much better exploration and a better atmosphere.
>I'm sure there are more, but none feel really iconic.
That's kind of a weak point for the series, in some ways. Some iconic enemies would help give it more of a recognizable brand identity, though I understand why they don't do it.

For some reason, I find the Ys world/setting very interesting, even though it might be a bit "generic" at first glance. There's just something about it that the devs really get right. The music also helps.
I just played those games online lol
just get the beetle PCE fast retroarch core (mednafen is called beetle in ra) download the bios files from google, slap it into the system folder in the RetroArch folder which is in the root of your C: Be sure to rename the bios files to whatever names the core wants, which you can find in settings->core->manage cores->NEC PCE Fast ->scroll to firmware. For future reference consult emulation wiki https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/PC_Engine_(TurboGrafx-16)_emulators
>web emulation
it's far from perfect, but it's an option
for your convenience the bios files are on github https://github.com/Abdess/retroarch_system/tree/libretro/NEC%20-%20PC%20Engine%20-%20TurboGrafx%2016%20-%20SuperGrafx
>For some reason, I find the Ys world/setting very interesting, even though it might be a bit "generic" at first glance.
I never really took it as an issue. The fact that you're in not!France doesn't really matter. The fact that this place has some ancient ruins where some decidedly non-historic stuff, stuff that's quite unlike our real world happens, is what matters.
What. I think I just downloaded BizHawk and got those bios(?) files and that was it.
Idk how Falcom made Lacrimosa of Dana so great after 7 and managed to make IX shit again
Is there some meme I'm missing or did a copy of 7 run over some faggots dog?
Thanks for the heads up, however I'm playing the "story order" anyway
(1, 2, origin, celceta, felghana, napish, 7 8 9)
the jankiness isn't really an issue and I like exploration in games. I'm very excited for Napishtim story-wise already, based on what I read about it.
Currently roughly at 3/4 of celceta. It's definitely more anime and I'm not a big fan of the party combat but I still like it.
I don't how anyone can think 7 is a good game, let alone a good Ys game.
You don't even verb.
I recommend checking Brandish out also if you like games with uninterrupted gameplay. You'll recognize the falcom flair.
Thanks but I'm gonna have to pass on that one
I didn't know this thread was still up and just came back to it. Haven't started Celceta yet - am I in for a bad time?
not that anon but for me celceta isn't bad, it's just a bit easy compared to the rest of the series. the soundtrack is killer though
I like Celceta quite a bit.
I finished Celceta recently and as a newcomer (OP), I think it was good.
Exploration is nice, made quite easy by a (decent sized) map, but backtracking is not too rewarding.
Characters are cool and fortunately not obnoxious.
Idk about the newer entries but I didn't really like the party combat in this one, skills were nice if a bit too many. And yeah it's EZ.
If you're following the overarching story, Celceta expands on it and if you paid attention in Origin you'll start putting pieces together. If anything it made me even more hyped for Napishtim.
Man you are blazing through the series huh?
damn right, just entered Valenstein Castle in Felghana yesterday
You'll be able to answer your original question soon then, if not being able to partially do it already.
It's not that I hated Celceta or had a bad time with it. But I never think
>man, I should re-play Celceta some time
whereas I do with almost every other Ys game.
Fair enough. Already had lowered expectations so I haven't been scared off or anything. Does playing on Hard/Nightmare help with the difficulty or does it just inflate HP?
Has any other game ever tried to replicate and hopefully improve the bump system? Bumping into enemies made the "open" world and the dungeons a lot more fun than the classic turn-based combat. Sure, the bosses are a complete pain in the ass, but I'm sure some talented devs out there could come up with ways to make it better.
There's an indie game called Angeline Era that does this - but I have to confess I haven't tried it yet.
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What a game
I can see why almost everyone loves it
Indeed. It's my second favourite, after Origin.
Followed by Napishtim, actually. Fuck the haters.
Why is the music quality in Monstrum Nox so bad? I liked the tunes, but it sounded rather thin and flat. Found a mod that replaces them with the OST tracks and it's much better now.
I mean, yeah they want to sell the OST, but no other Ys game had such a problem.
That's just the current state of Falcom music from Cold Steel 3 onward. I'm looking forward to Ys X for the gameplay changes but my expectations for the music is probably rock bottom for the series.
They are outsourcing a bigger part of their OSTs since Ys IX. It also seems that they lack a mastering engineer to oversee the end product. Even composers have multiple roles within Falcom and if somebody leaves it's ot just another composer position that needs to be filled.
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I laughed. Seven seems enjoyable so far, but then again i've only played the party based games. I'm going through the series backwards.
Seven is fun
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seven has one of my favorite soundtracks in the series and the dungeons are really fun, but its such a let down going from the bump+napishtim games. its when the series stopped being unique and became just another arpg series, except the games dont even stand out all that much on their own and are just 6-7/10 ways to pass the time (apart from ys viii but even that one fucks up the lore)
God I hated this boring piece of shit so much, hope you can enjoy it but it basically ruined the combat of 3d Ys for me
>Barely any thought put into positioning for every single boss battle, just whack the HP stick and then do a million yard dodge roll to get away or use the flash guard which the game never even bothers to tell you about at anypoint
>No more cool platforming because there's no jumping
>Literally the 4 elemental temples of fire water and whatever
The only redeeming factor for me was a certain character being playable.
Fuck off you whiny broken record.
Oh you're going to whine because I listed reasons why I think Seven sucks? Fuck off cunt, I don't even know what you're accusing me of since this is the first time I even mentioned why in the thread dumbass rabid fanboy
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I'm gonna miss this engine. And the winged ones. This might be the first game in the franchise I'll actually go back to for the optional and endgame stuff.

I wonder if an Origin-type prequel set in Canaan (maybe even Atlas) with a soon-to-be-darkling MC would be a good idea
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wait wait wait wait
it smells like retcon
or very uninteresting story nobody would talk about in the next seven years (granted idk anything post Napish but I don't remember nordic regions mentioned anywhere)
They just wanted a younger adol to make the game more accessible to a younger audience (lol). So they just jammed X after 2, I don't try to think to much about it.
honestly i stopped taking the lore seriously after seven, i wouldnt be surprised if they never have him die/go missing on the way to the north pole before the series ends
So what...are they basically remastering the songs for the OST after they got the game out?
I mean, I understand they are a small company with a limited budget, but they are charging full-price + DLC-tax for their games. Even Indie games manage volume and loudness not problem. It's not a fucking rocket science. I also hate the super compressed cinematic that play before the Grimwald Nox battles, it's not even something they couldn't have done in-engine.
Overall I have fun with IX, but there are many details that just scream low-effort, like they couldn't be bothered to fix some basic shit. Many animations are even wonkier than VIII, while others look great. (Dolls special moves are pure eye-candy.)

I have to admit though. I really like the architecture of Balduq, the contrast between older and newer buildings - they really thought about how they wanted to arrange the districts of the city and gave it a nice history.
>before the series ends
No one can end it at this point. Kondo can end trails, because it's his creation mostly, but ys began before his time, so he'll just be passing the torch.
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The series was no stranger to jumping around. Back when 9 was announced though I remember them sort of making a point of it being Adol at his oldest yet. He was 23
Without saying too much, Ys X's story is relatively small-scale in terms of stakes etc. Makes it a bit less stupid that they're cramming this inbetween II and Celceta, but it's still silly.
>i wouldnt be surprised if they never have him die/go missing on the way to the north pole before the series ends
About that, funnily enough, they actually bring up the whole North Pole thing in a secret cutscene in Ys X's epilogue.
That's not to say we will see it happen in our lifetimes, though.
>Makes it a bit less stupid that they're cramming this inbetween II and Celceta, but it's still silly.
I'm cool with that. Honestly when you break it down it's astounding how many doomsday prophecies would have gone off without him to help.

Why would they? He's supposed to be like 60 at the time anyways.
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Don't spoil me but do i get to keep her? She just joined.
>dont spoil me
>asks spoiler question
LOL what do you want from me anon???
either play a little bit more and youll find out...
or here's the answer: no, why do you think her moveset is conveniently the same as aisha's? and this is an anime game, they wouldn't just shelve the main female lead
No, just a temporary stand-in for Aisha. Too bad.
I tried to avoid spoilers so you could answer with a yes or a no. That sucks and now i'm sad.
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> and this is an anime game, they wouldn't just shelve the main female lead
Sure they do. They did that kind of thing all the time. She very easily could have spent a portion of the game kidnapped and in need of rescue. Same exact thing happened in legend of dragoon. Shame though. Sig is cool.
7 is a pretty big downgrade from 8, the skills go all the way to level 10 instead of just 3 in 8, so the game is very grindy (or you just give up and use 1 skill per character the whole game). Also no flash move, only flash guard (but it's very spammable).

Celceta also sucks compared to 8, basically just a complete downgrade in all aspects. I wouldn't bother with the old games outside of Origin and Oath.
>game that came out 7 years before another is a "downgrade"

Nooooooooooooo. That can't be true at all. Fuck off, retard.
Celceta was 2012, 8 was 2016, that's 4 years

And both were developed for the same platform, PSP Vita, so no "better hardware" cope either
>only flash guard (but it's very spammable).
I don't find it very spammable honestly because it kinda sucks for long lasting hitboxes. I tend to avoid it unless it's an easy setup + punish for the free crit. There are some moves you have to mash it for too long which i hate (Bird boss tracking tornado), maybe that's what you meant.
I just beat the fire dragon so i obviously can't speak for the whole game. Overall while the combat in 7 is janky, i think i enjoy the boss design more than say 8.
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More like a proof of concept to be able to use it when Sig decides to leave.
You can brute force a party member back into formation with cheat engine if you find the corresponding address. The formation persists between saves but you just cannot put the "unofficial" party member in the bench because they will vanish.
This approach went a lot better than me previously trying to just model and sound swap where the tests ended up in a Dogi using Sig's voice-lines and portrait but his original model...
My autism will not give up on Sig yet.
Ys 2 honestly had a really good ending. I liked Ys 1 more for gameplay reasons but Ys 2 tied everything up nicely together. Not sure if the scenes after beating the final boss were added for the remake or not, but they were a pleasant edition.
I liked Celecta.
>Not sure if the scenes after beating the final boss were added for the remake or not
Depends on which scenes you mean? The ones where Adol talks to the descendants of the priests and Feena were in the original, and the scenes where he meets the other villagers were there I guess, but less elaborate and more of a slideshow.
Yeah, that's what I was referring too. That's really fucking impressive.
I like Sig too. Seven has a few fun designs and I like the look of the game itself. Wish there was more fan art of the game - and not on a coomer level. Though I'm not against that either.
The game also had an animated intro which, as far as I heard, was considered kind of a big deal at the time.
>series called Ys
>only 3 out of like 12 games are about Ys
Yeah, it's a trope.
Ys II's sewer level soundtrack goes unreasonably hard
For me, it's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AnUa6A5Brw
A first dungeon theme shouldn't be this good.
Can't forget Darm Tower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GNWcJLEKYw
But I could take pretty much any track from Ys I&II's OST and go "this one is so good".
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I can't name another OST with so many bangers as this one
Not enough talk about Wanders from Ys. One of the best in the series.
what version do you recommend

i downloaded the genesis version and turbo cd version because of this comment, thanks
>One of the best in the series.
I wouldn't say so. I ejoyed it and the hate it sometimes gets is overblown, but that seems a little much.
NTA but I'd go with the PC Engine/Turbografx 16 version.

Objectively, the Turbo CD version is probably the better version. Certainly the music. Load times blow if you're using the actual hardware. SNES for me mostly because of stupid nostalgia.
i finally beat ys 4 dawn of ys, it had really good art and music but it didn't grip me the way ys 1 and 2 did and there were far too many cryptic moments for me personally. i may try mask of the sun someday but not extremely interested in it right now
Just popping in to let everyone know that the PC Engine version of Ys I & II ruins the music of the original.


impact is ripped out. New opening cinematic is great though.
Maybe I am biased because I played Chronicles+ first, but I never thought the PCE arragements of the Ys I&II OST were as great as they're often made out to be.
Not on the same level as the Dawn of Ys OST, where Ryo Yonemitsu knocked it out of the park.
As an aside, I hate it when people refer to the PCE version as the "original".
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Works alright. The game stops updating her skill and levels because it knows you won't use her again i guess, so from that point Aisha and Sigroon are different characters. Sigroon never gets Azure destruction and stays with Ocean squall also. Gonna go enter what i think is the final dungeon now.
>The game stops updating her skill and levels because it knows you won't use her again i guess, so from that point Aisha and Sigroon are different characters.
Interesting. I would've assumed a lazy copy+paste job with everything but model/animations and voice lines being equal. Kinda surprised they thought of that.
Also, that dedication to your waifu(?) is amazing.
Man if they ever remade or updated 7 I'd really like it if they let you keep her and that dude cute brown girl replaced. Because really sometimes more is enough when there's no harm.
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I suspected as much because their stats (and armor options) are different. The game just seems to update level + skill progression at the time of the switch.
It's not waifu autism. It's that other kind of autism where Aisha was not dressed the part for an archer in my eyes and Sig seemed cooler.
It would also be cool if you could switch Adol out like in later games. I found it funny how you couldn't in this one. He acts as an all around character too as far as enemy weaknesses go because his weapons can change his damage type. Interesting primitive ideas for the party system. I get why people might dislike 7 and the direction it took but it was nice seeing just how many things it introduced that ended up sticking.
Ys VI is filtering me. It's the first one that feels like a slog to go through. The combat is the worst so far (even the bump system was more fun) and the bosses are easily the part i never look forward to because they all have 2 moves and spend most of the fight invincible or out of reach. I love the setting, the characters and the artstyle but the actual gameplay is close to ruining it for me. I played I+II, Seven, VIII and IX before and liked all of them. I hope Oath and Origin are different.
>I hope Oath and Origin are different.
They are more polished versions of VI in terms of gameplay.
You won't have the problem of stepping into a late-game area getting oneshot by the mobs there and losing god knows how much progress.
VI is also often seen as kind of grindy outside of issues like that, i.e. you get to a new area and enemies will shit out lots of damage. I found this to be less true on my last playthrough than I remembered, but you do have to go out of your way and grind a level or two sometimes.
Bosses are also way better. Peak Ys even, in my opinion.
So it's only uphill from here, and I hope no matter how the rest of your playthrough of VI goes, that won't dissuade you from trying the other two.
That said, I love VI.
I'm gonna soldier through VI and certainly play the other two. I guess i'm just disappointed because i was looking forward to VI for the same reasons the OP was, returning to the winged ones for a bit. But even dash jump and lack of tutorial nonsense aside the design decisions are weird.
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ys vi is my favorite of the napishtim games (mostly from nostalgia) but yeah the gameplay is only uphill from here. its cool how the engine immediately went from pumping out one of the clunkiest games in the series to oath and origin which are imo the two best games combat-wise. although, i will say that the final dungeon and its respective boss fights are a step up from the rest of the game, especially if you avoid grinding
I think VI did some things well and I wish these things had been kept in later entries.
Like being able to go into higher-level areas early, as I mentioned. Not that the game is super non-linear or anything, but still. That can lead to frustrations on a first playthrough, but can be a really fun thing the second time.
In general, there were more secrets/optional items to find than Felghana and Origin have.
Also, Adol having three swords with different movesets. Felghana doesn't do that, instead you have three different types of magic (but an improved magic system as a result). And in Origin only Yunica gets a second moveset with her greatsword. Seven had it, but then it was dropped again for Celceta, VIII and IX and only brought back in X.
So it's not all bad.
Yeah for me the boss fights were the worst part, but like the others said this engine will be more polished in Origin and Felghana and it's my favourite in the franchise. Just prepare for Felghana because it's significantly more difficult.
Funnily enough, VI's weakest part is Felghana's strongest imo (bossfights).
I also really liked the non-linear exploration in Napish.
Story was great although I might have hyped it up a bit too much lol. The lore was expanded and explained nicely, and the self-contained story reminded me of DJ Peach Cobbler haha (youtube schizo obsessed with the Roman Empire and Spanish colonization in the Americas)

I don't think I'll continue with VII for a while, wanna finish SMTV:Vengeance first.
I am going to play the rest, but Seven onwards just don't seem as interesting as the first games were. What a great series tho. Definitely listening to some tracks for years to come.

Thanks for entertaining the thread anons.
I agree, i like these aspects too but also feel that they are at the same time ruined due to how the game works. The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do (you can stun lock them in the corner and do 1 dmg repeatedly i guess). Most optional bosses so far also have no reward, i remember a plant boss and a jellyfish slime thing. Maybe you can skip fights and get an item or two early if you know what you're doing in another playthrough. Secret items help with that but they tend to be way too cryptic for the first playthrough. Again i like the whole 3 sword moveset thing, it's just held back because combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
Funny thing is that VI has kicked my ass the most out of all the titles i've played so far. But at the same time it has the easiest nightmare mode out of all of them. My deaths were all super sudden one shots or taking the time to understand boss fights because they are structured like puzzles. I restarted on normal mode after my save got corrupted and i had given up trying to enjoy the fighting in VI, yet i still got as easily killed at the same parts as before. Leveling matters a ton in VI, maybe even more than I+II. Once you are at the appropriate level or a bit above it's mostly smooth sailing.
The OSTs have been one of the best parts for the games. I find myself downloading one after each game i finish. They are worth it up until VIII. I felt IX dropped the ball a bit but it still has enjoyable tracks.
>The non-linearity is cool, but i couldn't really take advantage of it because taking on a higher leveled enemy isn't really something you realistically do
No, but you can dip into the Limewater Cave early and get the second best armor and shield, plus an accessory slot, if you maneuver your way through it without making enemy contact. Though that's also not terribly feasible on a first playthrough.
>Most optional bosses so far also have no reward
So far.
>combat in this game is weirdly a low point for me.
If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky. That's something that Felghana and Origin smoothed out.
In fact, I like that you don't seem to need to mash the attack button as much as in other games (the much-hated lunge attack is actually a godsend).
Now that you mention it, VI's OST is among my top 3 along with I&II and VIII.
>If that's true at all, it mostly comes down to the enemies/bosses themselves. I don't think the core combat is that bad, though perhaps a bit clunky.
Yeah i definitely wanted to phrase that better. Adol controls fine enough, even the lunge attack is not that terrible. The enemies just have very inconsistent hitstun mechanics or something, and the occasional 0 damage producing no stun never helps in tackling anything outside your level range. Honestly the best approach to combat so far is completely avoiding the enemies themselves and sniping them from afar, either via the flame sword's range or preparing a tornado (i love the timed aspect) or a lightning dash while away from them.

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