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If I enjoyed Disgaea 1. Will I like 4? I read some people claiming it's the best game in the series but some say the story is mediocre and the humor gets obnoxious. 5 has better gameplay but I read the game is full of moe weaboo pandering so I refuse to play it and any future entry if the writing is similar.
I'm okay with the game being sillier and more focused on humor than the previous ones but If the game is going to be full of fanservice and dumb anime tropes like Hyperdimension Neptunia I don't think I will be able to stomach it

On a side note, should I play 2 and DD2?
The one I see mentioned as skippable is 3 and 6.
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4 is the best one with the best characters, best gameplay, and best maps, it is closest to 1 in its attitidude and sense of humor. Check out this old trailer, its amazing.
If you're interested in playing multiple disgaea games, you might as well play them in order, it's hard to go back to older ones after playing newer ones because it's such an iterative series gameplay-wise. Unfortunately, the stories get worse and dumber the further you go. I'd recommend 2 over 4 any day of the week purely for that reason: 4's got plenty to do and fun systems to break, but the story and characters are genuinely dogshit (they spend like THREE chapters on a single gag that isn't funny involving a character from 2 showing up again, and they also walk back all of his character development and retroactively ruin him completely).

So yeah. Play Disgaea 2 IMO. If you want more disgaea after, play 3. And so on.
>they spend like THREE chapters on a single gag that isn't funny involving a character from 2 showing up again, and they also walk back all of his character development and retroactively ruin him completely
heh get dabbed on 2 cuck
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Thank you, genuinely most helpful post ITT. If you like it, then the game must be absolute dogshit

Thanks, I might follow your advice, I'm not sure if the future entries are up to my tastes, I will play 2 because considering it came out shortly after, I suppose its more of the same and the one whose experience will be the closest one to 1 even if sightly inferior. After I play 2, then I think I will move to another NIS franchises such as Phantom Brave or La Pucelle
If you are attached to D1's cast, I'd say it is very much worth playing Disgaea Infinite.

Disgaea Infinite is basically a short official VN game with choices that stars D1's cast and has D3 characters (Raspberyl and Mao).
Outside of the "Prinny Hero" psp games it's one of the few times they write the D1 cast in a truly funny and interesting fashion, Instead of them being hollow husks that remind you of why Disgaea used to be great.
Because it is a VN, I just watched it on YouTube.
I feel like I didn't miss anything by doing so.

As a side note, D3 is only worth playing for getting familiar with Raspberyl and perhaps Mao.
Some people hate Mao, others enjoy him - he's more shallow than Laharl for sure though.
The rest of the characters are pretty forgettable or come from an earlier entry.
In other words - Skipping D3 wouldn't be a huge loss.
>but the story and characters are genuinely dogshit
It's just Troy Baker in a black cape running around beating up people.
the issue is that it brings up a lot of fun ideas and backstories for the characters and gives them a lot of neat goals and then completely ignores all of that shit in favor of "haha axel virus for 10 hours... oh shit the story's ending? uhhhh here's the bad guy i guess"
Wdym, it's only during chapter 6. (There's 18 chapters in the final version of the game in total)
Thanks for the recommendation, I read some people praising that VN game but I never paid too much attention to it, maybe it's worth checking out next to the prinny spin-offs
>Instead of them being hollow husks that remind you of why Disgaea used to be great.
Elaborate further if you don't mind

In my opinion, I feel the reason why this series has gotten so many sequels is nothing but a hollow brand recognition, their golden goose, everytime NIS attempts to create a new IP, its a flop, if it wasn't for this series and them being publishers of so many indie games this company would have gone bankrupt decades ago.
When I made this thread I was unsure if 4 was the last "classic" good game before the series turned into shit, but it seems the series has been mediocre since 2, some people say even since 1. Of course, I only have played 1 so I could be completely wrong this is my opinion based on the opinions I read as a whole for the series

I also noticed recently that many people that label either 4 or 5 as their favorites its because those were the first Disgaea games they played while at the same time, 4 being the entry with most newcomers and the most popular one
>I also noticed recently that many people that label either 4 or 5 as their favorites its because those were the first Disgaea games they played while at the same time, 4 being the entry with most newcomers and the most popular one
I started with 1 and 4 is my favorite.
i loved 1 and i couldn't make it through 4, disgaea seems to get worse as it goes.
So given OPs weird and autistic behavior, it's obvious he just made this thread to bitch about disgaea 4 right?
Simply the character writing, the comedic writing, and the dialog exchanged between the characters.
One thing NISA did correctly up until d3 or d4 was their post-game content and/or brief cameos of the d1 cast that showed their growth as characters, their relationships progressing (even if Laharl was mostly being a bratty shithead on the surface), and Flonne getting closer to her return to Celestia
(although hampered by some of the behaviors she picked up from being in the netherworld).

Even someone like me pretty much disliked all of the writing in DD2.
Even though I'm the prime audience that should have clapped my hands like a gigantic retard because characters I like were on the screen.
Whatever writers they have left had long lost the spark.
They discarded pretty much all of the mental growth and relationship development the characters had shown since the end of D1, even the stuff that chronologically would have happened within DD2's timeline.
And outside of like, Pure Flonne and maybe some of the next episode preview segments Etna did (I don't even remember then though), it just wasn't funny. Nor was it touching. Wasn't interesting and none if the new characters were interesting either.
Female Laharl ok as a one off though.

Tldr: Disgaea infinite was written before all their writers with talent quit, burnt out, or ran out of material.
Again, I'll say that Raspberyl is a gem, so the writers had some fumes of talent, but around D3's time period was when the writing for NIS games was really in an obvious free-fall.

A decent amount of people will say D4 was a bit of a "Dead-Cat bounce", I guess.
I didn't HATE D4 and I remember the cast more than the D3 stinkers, not to say that I particularly LIKED any of the characters D4 added.

I don't HATE Sardine dude (Val), I feel like my vaguely positive disposition towards Desco is because of her decent design and cuteness... the rest of the cast... eh. I even actually remember their names - even the boring, do nothing, not funny Emeziel.

I'll give Fuuka some credit in that they probably toned her sass down a bit to try avoiding making her a retread of Etna.

Flonne herself wasn't used very well in D4's story, but I probably liked some of the postgame interaction she had with her D1 buddies?
It's been a long time.
Completely disagree. The cast and story is nothing like 1. They have almost no dynamic and just feel like a bunch of random characters, this is an ongoing problem in sequels since. Overbloated unnecessary mechanics that just serve to make the game more confusing. Lack of multiple endings the series is known for. Hell even the protagonist is a good guy. OP should play 3, it’s the closest to 1 and it’s the best. Great character dynamic, just the right amount of mechanics, multiple endings and amazing soundtrack.
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>but around D3's time period was when the writing for NIS games was really in an obvious free-fall.
NIS really is at their best writing villain protagonists and designing scenarios and jokes around that. I’ve played almost all their games and the only ones that have good stories and are funny are 1 3 and Soul Nomad. They tried so hard to be funny in Unlosing Ranger but it just isn’t.
Disgaea 4 has a laughably deep story. The main character promises everyone a fish for serving under him, and the elite of the underworld get in the way of him honoring his promise. He's a Vampire, and they're obligated by promises. GG EZ
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The exception of the rule exists, or maybe I am just completely wrong and making stuff up. What I said was a global opinion based on opinions I have been reading these days on forums and so on. I played this game very recently so you are very likely to know better than me.
Feel free to correct me because I'm completely disconnected about how the Disgaea games are past 1. I know that 5 writing and humor is a completely different thing from how the series started. I took a look and I couldn't stand it
I hardly know anything about 4 so I wanted to know if writing has more in common with early Disgaea games than with 5, but from what I have been reading these days, I think 4 is more in tone with 5 than with 1, so I think it might not be my cup of tea if that's the case

I see, very interesting insight, thank you.
>Tldr: Disgaea infinite was written before all their writers with talent quit, burnt out, or ran out of material.
When did you consider the devs/writters/anyone with talent started to quit or left? With 3, in 2008? I would like to be in touch regarding this topic

Do you think I would enjoy 3?
What I'm exactly looking for is a game with an overall "best experience"
I don't care if a game has 10/10 characters and writing but everything else is bland and boring or if a game has a fantastic and fun gameplay but the writing and humor make it a painful experience
If you think I could enjoy 3, maybe I could give it a chance (I assume you think I should play 2 too)
Before playing Disgaea, I played last year the trilogy of Rhapsody and I really loved them, they have become some of my favorite games of all time. Despite I really liked Disgaea a lot, I find myself a little bit depressed that it didn't feel the same, so I wondered if I should move on to another NIS franchise instead of sticking with this series
I agree with you that the post game part where Laharl was claiming he "lost" his main character status was pretty great.
I'm pretty sure what Etna said she lost but I forgot what Flonne said she lost though.

My main issue with D3 is that outside Mao and Raspberyl and her goons - the other new characters needed to be work shopped.
The Base NPC chatter at the base was probably pretty decent in D3 as well.

My dislike, or rather complete disinterest in the side characters in D3 is probably overpowering my memory of the main game's story.
You should play 3, 2 is worth it as well but 3 is the definitive disgaea for me. Also try Soul Nomad, another disgaea-like by NIS.
Almaz is a fantastic character as well. It was really interesting having the sidekick be the true hero of the story while the protagonist is the villain. Another great use of NIS’s multiple endings is there’s even an ending where he himself fully becomes the hero of the story. Also there’s the human world ending which is just fantastic, I really like the variety of endings NIS games had but it’s unfortunate it ended with Disgaea 3.
drives me nuts that 3 isn't no steam but every other disgaea is. other than d2 but fuck d2.
why no Vita? I have them all on my Viter'em up
He ignored this and just went right on dumping text walls of whining about nothing.
4 is also my favorite and i played it after 1,2, and 5.
there is no pattern, its just a good game
>They have almost no dynamic and just feel like a bunch of random characters
they have plenty of dynamics, what are you talking about?
theres the obvious ones with fenrich and val with fenrich, with fen trying to trick val into drinking blood, but still sticks with him out of respect for saving his life. then you have fuka and her sister who have an interesting development and the two of them and emizel become like little kids gossiping, and even form a trio with the angel. i really like the fenrichs tsundere 'babysitting a bunch of retards' dynamic and how they slowly start to respect eachother and the group of 'random characters' start to feel like a ragtag team of revolutionaries. i even like Fuka despite everyone shitting on her as annoying.
The only character i dont like is the true villain which was pretty boring
>Overbloated unnecessary mechanics that just serve to make the game more confusing
thats half the fun, its a min-max grinding game
>Lack of multiple endings the series is known for
D4 has a few, like if you lose to desco, fuka just lets her destroy the netherworld. its probably my favorite alternate ending too.
>Hell even the protagonist is a good guy
laharl is also a good guy, infact his entire fucking character arc, and the gimmick of disgaea is that demons arent necessarily evil, and can have a heart. That was the message his mother and flonne were trying to teach him. although i wouldnt even say D4s protagonist is strictly a good guy, half his reason for wanting to stop overthrow the villain is solely because they got in the way of his prinny instructing job
>OP should play 3
>Great character dynamic
genuinely dont understand how someone can shit all over D4s cast, then praise D3s. Most of the cast in D3 are insanely one note (more so than normal for disgaea), if not for D5, id say its the worst cast
we also dont have prinny 1, prinny 2, or D1C for some reason. also abbreviate it to DD2
i havent posted since then bitch

i remember it lasting at the very least a chapter and a half, and it felt like it took fucking forever. it's probably less egregious than that, it just stank so much that it completely bummed me out on the game. and the story as a whole really did end up rushed as fuck, they tried that stupid "get a different ending for every character!" thing but it just ended up being a mess.
>i havent posted since then bitch
No believes that, fuck off kid
i know you genuinely think that nobody on earth could dislike disgaea 4 for some reason but i do, sorry.
disgaea 3 is superior
Do you think so? Well, I never considered playing 3 due to its poor reception, but if you think there are many good things about it that I might love and make it worth, then I might research about it. But so far I think I will play 2 and that's it
If I decide to play 3 which is the superior version? PS3 or Vita?
I have read a lot of people praising Soul Nomad and judging the preview pictures and trailers it looks very creative and good. But it doesn't really appealing to me desu, maybe I should research about it further
What do you like about 4 that makes it your favorite? Other than its gameplay I assume. How would you rank the series?
Where the hell did the love from 3 come from? That game was mid at best. The character dynamic was exactly the same as 1 but not as good, I liked the joke with Almaz slowly becoming more and more demon but really you don't SEE it happen like with Flonne starting to develop behaviors she herself is surprised to exhibit.

The main story... is so damn short. It just ends so suddenly and characters come back out of nowhere and shit. The post-game builds up this mystery and leads nowhere and is frankly not as exciting. THe only thing D3 had that i LOVED was reverse pirating, being able to take ships from pirates was amazing.

I'd say with mainline series stick with 1 and 2, 3 is where they start to whore DLC out and starts harming the post-game intrigue. As far as spinoffs go Phantom Brave is a must, Makai Kingdom is also good. I like Rhapsody but that's an oddity since its not about grinding and shit.
I'm moreso confused where the love for 3 came from. Also it's not egregious with it's DLC at all, 4 5 and 7 literally had ingame purchases.
>As far as spinoffs go Phantom Brave is a must, Makai Kingdom is also good.
Absolutely hated these. The gameplay is so weird and I don't think NIS was very good at writing these kinds of stories either. I'm NTA so maybe he'll like it.
PS3 is the superior version for 3 because Vita has this weird bug where the songs don't loop. One of the best things about the Disgaea series is the soundtrack and to have them all cut off after about a minute is very disorienting. It's just a sudden cut then the song restarts. I'm hoping for a PC port complete edition with the vita content though. Soul Nomad is notable for it's story, especially one of the ending routes where the player becomes the villain. I'd say it's worth playing for that route alone, it's like the original undertale genocide route.
>I'm moreso confused where the love for 3 came from.
I meant 4 instead of 3
Hmm, I'm the guy that was dunking on D3's Characters/Writing while praising Raspberyl.

I'll just say this, D3's story and Villian are likely better than 4's - I don'r give a shit about Valz or the angel, obviously the rest of the characters aren't worth discussing.
Some points to Desco for having a decent design, being cute, and having a decent gimmick on paper - but her execution as a character? Meh.

I still think Almaz is a boring nothing character, but perhaps I forgot alot about him (which I think says more about him than me, but whatever).
Looking back, I'd say I vastly preferred the Mao and Raspberyl character duo bouncing off eachother to anything D4 had to offer.
I still think the rest of D3's cast are forgettable or one-note, but D4 isn't much of a step up.

The final boss is D4 isn't worth mentioning, The one is D3 was at least built up somewhat - not that I particularly cared about him either.

So story-wise and character-wise I'll tip my cap towards D3.

I actually LIKE Axel though, so I'm glad to see him have major roles in the story.

Gameplay wise - I don't care, both are fine.
D4 made it easier to skip tedious grind with the Copy Paw trick.

I'm the type of person that tries to play the game under-leveled and use tactics or geo panels to win and I have no particular interest in spending 20+ hours grinding in item world.
So a lot of the content based around that doesn't matter to me.
Are you referring to PB? Cause Makai Kingdom is more or less Disgaea 1 level of writing to a T (villain protag with villain cohorts etc.) People forget that NIS has done games where the protagonist isn't a villain archetype(Rhapsody, La pucelle)

Regardless I do agree that Phantom Brave's story is just ok and nothing mind blowing. Marona's growth as a character is the better part though Ash definitely has his own purpose in the story too. There are some comedic moments, but nowhere near as funny as D1, D2 or Makai Kingdom.

But don't go fucking hating on PB and Makai Kingdom then sucking Soul Nomad's dick. That game is overrated as fuck. You can't even go evil until you beat the main game, though to be fair NIS games always kind of force you to NG+ for multiple endings, and SN's gameplay loop is crap and boring. Besides Gig none of the characters are memorable(funny enough one of them is from PB) and even still I don't find Gig as memorable as Zetta or Laharl as a villain protag.

PB's gameplay loop is far better even if it is a bit more complex with understanding dungeon creation, title benefits(like the failure title) and how to really push your characters and items beyond to completely destroy the opposition.
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Disgaea 5 is the best game to play, but 4 is also acceptable.
This entire thread acting like the writing quality of Disgaea has changed… Trust me, having played them all back to back, they are all equally good at their good parts and equally bad at their bad parts in almost exactly the same ways (except DD2 and D5 being notably more generic). The main thing that seems to be different is that the games’ audience has grown up since whenever it was that D1 came out and this kind of story just doesn’t hit as hard when you aren’t as young / aren’t experiencing it for the first time.
Wrong, 1 is just funny, 5 is just unfunny.
It’s true. All Disgaea games have Prinnies. What else matters?
>PS3 is the superior version for 3 because Vita has this weird bug where the songs don't loop
That's definitely a valid complaint but the Vita version having all the DLC included, as well as its own unique content, makes it so I don't really think you can just say that the PS3 version is objectively better
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I agree with previous anons, mao almaz and beryl where really strong characterwise, while champloo and sapphire where... less so. But I'd say the other characters help prop them up enough so that its not egregiously bad
Fuck I got that bug on my vita emulation version of D3. I originally played D3 on the vita so when I went to emulate it I went with the vita version. weirdly enough I never got that bug on my actual vita, just in emulation
Disgaea 7 is the best art in the franchise.
I've only played 1-4 so far, and 4 ended up having my absolute favorite story/cast so far, whereas 2 was extremely boring overall. 3 also had a decent cast and pretty good QoL (in places even better than 4's), but I heard the original PS3 version was ass.
Then again you sound like a fag, so YMMV. I'd generally recommend skipping 2, but you might enjoy it. And you're totally going to dismiss my post now that I've said this.
Disgaea 5's gameplay was pretty good.
I am quite fond of 4.
So I've heard, just haven't played it yet.
Holy based grandma [https://youtu.be/_ZElEkZyD9g?si=QIFAzQVEo10Ro4_y]
The gameplay is the same amount of nonsense (in a fun way) in every game. So it comes down to whether or not you enjoy the characters, their interactions and the setting. People who enjoyed Valvatorez and his retarded sardines will tell you they enjoyed the game, people who found it annoying will tell you to skip it. It's that shrimple.

I really liked 1 and played more than a hundred hours.
I played 2 and the characters didn't click with me so I dropped it after 10 or so hours.
I played 4 and loved it almost as much as 1 so I dumped a fuckton of hours.
I want to play the rest, at the very least 3 and 5. Everyone always say you should skip 6 and I honestly don't think I have enough life to play every single disgaea game.
I didn't do the 1000 hours omega grind required to beat everything in any game, but I enjoyed the couple hundred hours I spent.
OP here, haven't posted in a week (not that it matters)
I didn't want to post anymore because I didn't think I had anything interesting to say since I already made my mind up:
I will play La Pucelle, Phantom Brave and Disgaea 2, in that order, like >>3538411 says, I think the gameplay improvement is also noticeable to the others NIS IPs too
For now, I'm no interested in more games, maybe I will change my mind in a future, or maybe not, the only games I'm certain I won't touch is any game past 4, have zero interest on 5 or its sequels

I kept researching about Disgaea 4, I don't think it's a bad game, never thought it was, just unsure if I would like it, but >>3540211 made me notice D4 has MTX. Wtf??? If I knew that earlier I wouldn't have made this thread, I'm not fond on games that are bloated with DLCs but I draw the line at MTX. Independently of what I think of the game, I refuse to support any game that has that shit, I assume they are easily avoidable since never seen anyone complaining about this, but still
That's it, maybe I give a chance to 3 and 4 if there's a port without that cancer, but so far I'm not interested.
I'm just posting this because I wanted to bring a proper "conclusion" to my thread since I see it keeps getting bumped, I doubt I will post anymore, I said everything I had to say, I don't mind if this gets turned into a normal Disgaea thread, thanks everyone for posting and helping me ;^D
I learnt a lot and read very interesting posts in this thread

I really like your post a lot, I like the way you described the series, maybe I'm overthinking about opinions when the general consensus it just seems to be "if you like what you see you might enjoy the rest, if not you might easily get bored and want to move with the next sequel". Never thought about it really, which explains why everyone has a different opinion from which one they consider the best entry
What Microtransactions are in D4?
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why did he filter so many anons??
>I'm not fond on games that are bloated with DLCs
The later ports of the games always or usually add all the DLC's and QoL changes to the main games. There's really no point in playing the original console releases of the series. Same for a lot of Nippon Ichi games. ie,

>skip D1 and D2 on the PS2
>skip D3 and D4 on the PS3
D5 is a mix bag from what I hear, haven't played 5 yet. The Complete version added a lot but at the same time removed certain features.
I just wish that later games took the canon of the Disgaea Light Novels when it came to how the D1 cast developed. It's far superior to whatever husks of their former selves the D1 cast became after their starring game.
One last thing is that D4 got rereleased including all the DLC's as Disgaea 4 Complete, I played it on the Vita back in the day and it got all the extra characters and stories. The version on Steam should have everything and it's cheapo.
That's it, enjoy playing!

The original game (as well as the new ones, which is how NIS does things now) had every returning character as extra and some sidestories, all as DLC on the base PS3 version.
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Aren't these MTX? I saw it on the ps4 port too
Playing D4 on Switch, is there a way to always start zoomed in or am I going to have to zoom every battle?
They're just jealous that Rozalin is canonically eating his Vulcan Blaze every night.
Gameplay wise it's pretty fun, I recommend it,

As for the story, I would say it's incomplete, you get a meaty introduction to the characters and a meaty ending, but there is no middle part of the story beyond a single filler chapter, it's all just character introductions and then it ends.

The characters themselves all are obnoxious gimmicks too, there's no real depth to them unlike 1, if this is just because there was no time to develop them or it was just a precursor to the formula of Introduce characters 1 by 1, develop characters 1 by 1, end, of the next games, I don't know.

Funnily enough, Axel ended up being the best character in that game even if they still fucked up his writting.
I love this woman so much
You know, this rant kinda makes me think that one interesting storytelling idea NIS could run with in the future to kind of mix up the formula would be to introduce multiple viewpoint characters/split path stuff. Sorta like Wild ARMS or Suikoden 3 or SaGa.

Having different parties for a while to really flesh out certain factions before bring the whole cast together could really open up some design space for the series, in terms of not only gameplay, but lore and humor.
I replayed Disgaea 4 this year.
I literally, unironically liked Fuuka this time around.
Bold move, saying something nice about Fuka in this fandom.
1, 4 and 7 are the only ones worth playing.
4 has charm, but is a little too one note and the gameplay is vastly inferior than 7.
>I’ve played almost all their games and the only ones that have good stories and are funny are 1 3 and Soul Nomad.

Awful post; 2 and 5 are excellent too.
Haven't played 3, 6 or D2 so I can't comment on those.
2 and 5 are subpar. 6 is bad and there's no reason to play it when 7 exists.
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1-3 are my favorites, I miss the bad endings and 3 having an extended bad ending path.
She IS kind of a shit right at the start, when she is mean to Desco, but once that gets resolved she becomes much better, I thought she was funny and had fun attack animations.
All i see in her is "human etna". it doesn't help that she steals "you go girl" from etna too. She probably gets better but if I'm being honest 4 failed to hook me much and I only played the first couple chapters
And why exactly is 2 subpar? Is it the new mechanics, the gameplay, or the characters?

Incase you aren't aware, D2 is usually considered on the higher end of the spectrum where people adore it, and for good reason. The introduction of the dark world gives puzzle elements, the core gameplay has been refined, the animations are great and its overall just a better experience than 1 or 3.

If I had to knock off points for anything its the side characters. Adell and Rosalina's relationship actually fucking works because they have chemistry and Axel is at least a memorable jobber rival, but I can't really say much about the other characters. And I do prefer Laharl Etna and Flonne because it was their interactions with each other and the side characters that made D1 so memorable.

Don't make bold claims and not back it up. Also PB Lost Hero hype cause you can customize ships, hoping for something similar to D3's reverse pirating.
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The gameplay in 5 is arguably the best in the 2D sprite games. The main antagonist is shit, and Zeroken is also kind of shit but other than that the rest of the playable characters are fun and Majorita is a great villain up until the part where she becomes Usalia's pet.
The soundtrack is also fucking fantastic.

Oh this is a pretty fun idea. What if they did like… a Demon, an Angel, and a Human set of protagonists. Would finally get to see some Celestia action.
I like playing Disgaea games with English dub because I feel like the trashiness adds to the experience
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I definitely think the dub enhances Disgaea. There are plenty of bad localizations out there, even among NISA’s games, but they usually get the Disgaea ones perfect! The humor just doesn’t land right without the English vocal track to sell the timing and tonal inflections.

Definitely the kind of series that needs a looser localization to make sure the humor doesn’t fall flat.
4 and 5 remaining the best seems to be inevitable with 6 being a downgrade and 7 being better but still lackluster. 4 Complete at least has the benefit of vomiting out a fuck ton of unlockable characters for the post game, and I enjoy how the Demon World, Human World, and Angels all kind of integrate together. I think the games are at their best when they lean into all three.
>Modern localizations
come on now
I think a better question is which one has the MOST fan service. I mean I can't think of any other reason to play these games
If I don't care at all about the story and only care about the gameplay, which ones are best?
Probably the most recent one, but I stopped at 5. 5 is really fun, though.
5 or 7, 6 is a slog and 7 improves on it, but it's still not as good as 5, but that's just my personal preference.
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Spoiled by Laharl or can't appreciate him because they come from the newer games and can't handle a more grounded less wacky MC.
really bad voice acting and dialogue in the english version.
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I agree, though the exception would be returning characters having different VAs than their original game, it just feels wrong.
Play 4 it's S tier.
Play 2 on PC it's S++ tier.
Play 4 complete on PC it's S++ tier.

The big Disgaea problem comes with NISA being the most backwards studio known to man and handing over their big money maker to new teams, losing staff and an addiction to simplifying things in a series that's packed with gameplay systems all in an attempt to appeal to fans.
Do not touch 6 or 7 for gameplay, not even with someone elses. Touch 7 only for the best story since 4.
1 & 3 are alreet so long as you're playing updated versions but 1 vanilla is fine too if you go to it first or don't mind SRPG aging; most have issues going back.
5 complete is alright for gameplay as is D2 but only shine for some character/story moments and mainly got outshined by other entries. D2 will set your console on fire.
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5 is objectively the best across the board, but in terms of sheer gameplay it's got the most, and actual character customization if that's your thing.
Thanks lads

I'm currently playing Disgaea 1 and really enjoying the gameplay but I can't stand the insane story dialogue. I've heard it's skippable in the later releases so that's something
You should be able to skip the story before each stage as it is.
Yeah you can do that, but you can't skip the end of chapter scenes
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Cute retard
Almaz, Raspberyl, Master Bigstar and Salvatore were the characters doing the heavy lifting imo. Mao and Sapphire weren't cutting it, only good thing about Mao was Vic being his VA. The story was under baked in some places and felt like a worse version of Laharl's story arc in 1. Aurum was the best part of the story, I had a lot of exectations for 3 and it just turned out alright, the gameplay was the best part and the design was great like in 1 & 2. For 4 I loved Valvatorez and Fenrich a lot, I don't hate Fuka like most people, but she isn't one of my favourites, but has her moments. I loved Desco she's cute and has her thing that she does well, Emizel was fine same with Artina. The story was ok, but I think a game centered around Valvatorez before his fall would be great to see, maybe a vn like Infinite. Disgaea 1 & 2 are the peak of the writing and characters for me, I haven't played 7 or 6 yet, but I will get around to 7 at some point, I hope it's a return to form
One thing I really liked about 7 was that it didn't try to force a romance between the two leads piriko and fuji, they are firmly just really good friends which is nice
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That's nice, I will give 3 credit and they changed it up with Mao and Raspberyl staying friends and Valvatorez with Artina is more of a will they won't they type deal. Laharl and Flonne is cute and it works perfectly with the contrast between them, Adell and Rozalin works really well, just wished they would double down in later titles instead of having them act like they aren't together when it's pretty much sealed by the end that they're together. 5 already had Killia have a relationship going on so no problem there. 6 I know Zed gets with the main heroine, but haven't played that so I don't know the ins and outs of that dynamic or if it feels organic.
atleast in D7 Adell and rozzy act like they are in their honeymoon phase
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Nice. I want to see Adell and Rozalin have kids, come on NIS stop stringing me along and get to it. There was concept art for Laharl's and Flonne's kid, let's hope we have that in the future for those two.
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The funny thing is that that kid would have been mao
Mao is too fucking cringe to be Laharl and Flonne's son.
7's gameplay isn't that bad but you can definitely tell that most of the effort went into trying to claw themselves back from the brink after the disaster that was 6.
7 is the most well-rounded Disgaea game so far. Balacing the advancements in gameplay, good visuals with a solid story and characters.
I for one love the stupid edge autist that is mao, particularly because none of the cast will put up with his tsundere bullshit

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