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>this is your final boss
Ayo this nigga bald fr. This ain't bussin no cap.
he cute
mid boss at best
Realistically, who'd be the last boss? Probably some prodigy we don't know yet.
I don't like how he's showing me what prebuff I should cast to make his energy damage negligible for my fighter that does all the damage after the prebuffs are done
modern day games and their forced hand holding, my goodness
Why does all of the AI art in these games looks so absurdly low effort even by AI art standards? Like seriously, you're a fucking writer, at least write a better fucking prompt that at least tries to make it stylized or something.
He's just like me...
>you're a fucking writer
Bold of you to assume. For curiosity's sake though do you have any examples of what you're looking for? Because the situation is much worse than being low effort; these are the results of high effort. I will have to replace all AI art for publication so it's moot, but it's still better to git gud.
AI Taio has too much of a baby face for me to take seriously as a threat, specially now that we will start a business selling copies of his dumb expression as he is defeated.
This, his baby face doesn't kinda click with the threat level
Get a better LoRA if running local, ditch the pseudo-realistic look since pretty much of all the models I know make it look really uncanny, try aping the style of a shounen manga or something.
As it is, it somehow looks worse than minimal effort Bing slop one'd make in like 5 minutes tops.
>AI Taio has too much of a baby face
That's how asians look.
>try aping the style of a shounen manga
Which one? You have half a dozen different styles. So at least give an example.
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baki of course
>Choose your own adventure games
Name 5
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>men look like baki characters
>women look like fairy tail characters
Whichever you'd personally like and the one your model actually handle (i.e. the Bing thing can't really handle anything more than "generic anime/manga" style unless it's something absurdly wide-spread like Dragonball and even then it's rather questionable and inconsistent).
I'd personally actually ape something like Blades of the Guardians but I'm not the author here.
That looks really good but would seem expensive.
In the end it doesn't matter much for now, the pictures are concept art that CoG won't accept. Better AI pictures would just be better concept art that CoG won't accept. I'll be looking for an artist when time for publication comes but that's a year away at least.
Speaking of AI, is CoG planning to deal with AI text in any way? Because I'm pretty sure it's in that VGH Brazil WiP, Ultimate Magic Student and whatever the name of that recent royalslop is.
>muh AI is.. LE BAD!!!
>crown of sorcery and steel portraits are... LE GOOD!!
the portraits are shit
the queenfu is good(evil)
Yes, you can feel the SOVL in them.
When you commission the final artwork, will they be trying to draw them realistically like how the current AI artwork tries to do. Or will you request the artist do a certain Style for it?
I've only played three so far
>Sabers of Infinity
>Arcadie: Second Born
I've enjoyed each.
One of these games fucking suck.
It's not that AI is inherently immoral, it's just in a dubious gray area, legally, when taking about monetization of things with AI trained on artstation and xitter. Nobody wants to get sued into the ground because some artists recognized their style in the AI piece, or from the other end, sued by the AI developers for breaking their code of conduct and monetization rules. CoG are C*liforni*n, so I wouldn't say that they're morally against it- people from that state don't have morals like normal people do. It's simply both a bad business decision, and against their audience's current virtue signalling on the subject.
Arcade is not that bad, it's biggest fumble was killing your sister but even then I am still looking forward to the sequel.
arcadie is poop
I have my parents and sisters killer in the cells, if the sequel doesn't let me torture the fuck out of him then I will declare it a bad game.
Not bad, banned. AI art disqualifies you from publishing with CoG.

I keep seeing people call the concept art realistic, while to me it looks entirely fictional, like a more polished Jade Empire portrait. To answer, I don't know what artist I will use but I want someone who can nail an eastern fantasy vibe, Legend of the Five Rings style.
Fun pulpy setting.
Best girls.
It was enjoyable to stumble from situation to situation. Just finished it for the first time. Looking forward to importing my save.

Based and same.
It would have been an interesting dynamic to decide how to best deal with your sister. The author managed to make her very likeable but very clearly unstable.

Slow burn femWill romance was kino.

Actually, does anyone have femWill's description saved? Wanting to do some fanart but can't find it anywhere.

I left his fate to the court.
What was the even the point of making Arcadie an isekai btw
It could've just been a regular fantasy setting
I think the first route the author finished was RO Stanislas. You'll probably have to wait on that.
I honestly can't believe that there are people who wish to romance the guy. He's not some cool rival you are fighting, the guy literally staged a coup and murdered your parents in cold blood before trying to do the same to you, all in the name on a flimsy excuse to not continue a war that was already over. How can anyone not kill him instantly.
One of the many failures of Arcadie.
? Arcadie isn't an isekai
your great great great ancestor was an isekaijin
I just wanted to fuck my murderous sister
>Arcadie an isekai
>an isekai

>One of the many failures of Arcadie.
Not really a failure tho?
But yeah, I can't understand why anyone would keep him alive. Even his own family disavows him.
I see this thread all the time, is there a pastebin of well known CYOA games? Cultivator anon's game is the only I've played so far.
Just look go to Choice of Games and look at the catalog there.
Most of them are nothing to write home about but there are some good ones here and there. The best are usually Hosted Games but same issue.
If there's one that catches your eye just ask here and hopefully one answer won't be a shitpost.
There is no Pastebin, but there were a few tier lists going around when these threads first became a thing, though those were heavily subjective so I wouldn't say much is lost with them.
Fallen Hero and Infinity series (Sabres, Guns, etc.) are the big series that used to be borderline mandatory reading around here due to how much discussion was around them. Worth checking out at the very least.
Currently the discourse is dominated by the two cultivation WiPs. Aura Clash you've already seen, so Path of Martial Arts is presumably one you haven't checked out yet.
If you want something nice and finished Choice of Robots, Choice of Magics, Tin Star are all standalone classics. Tally Ho is up there as well.
Someone has the link of Wayhaven Christmas Special made on Renpy? I'am not paying $6.50 + Taxes + Tip
Sure, here you go
With the way her mental state was and how much import she placed on family, you being the last. Even wanting to rule jointly with us.

I'm sure she would have welcomed us in to her bed at some point.

Or, more likely, in to some ditch of mud and blood in a post battle frenzy.
>I see this thread all the time, is there a pastebin of well known CYOA games?
Wacky Adventures
>Tally Ho
>Jolly Good
>Relic Series
>Tin Star
>Evertree Saga
>Aura Clash (WiP)
Normal Drama
>Infinity Series
>Creme de la Creme
>Royal Affairs
>Highlands, Deep Waters
>Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven
>Samurai of Hyuga
>Fallen Hero
>Vampire: The Masquerade — Night Road
Slice of Life
>Keeper Series
>Sixth Grade Detective
>I, the Forgotten One
ITFO truly makes one slice their life, true.
>>Creme de la Creme
>>Royal Affairs
Those are really shit though.
Each time someone recommends Hyuga an innocent WiP dies stillborn.
>t. non-powersexual sociopathlet
Good. Junko hungers.
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>One of the many failures of Arcadie.
One of the many failures of the players I would say for even going down that route. Players make retarded decisions all the time thinking they are actually good decisions, even if they are the worst ones to make.
>s/he's crazy and evil because...uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...LE RAPE
rape is bad though
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>you stop her from being crazy and evil by putting a baby in her
Yeah, I'm thinking kino.
Yeah, that's why we should kill all rape victims to spread the stop of evil.
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>stop her from being crazy and evil
I'd kill you if you tried to do this.
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Sorry, but as an AI language model I cannot follow this request.
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And then the actual Junko cut that hussy pretender's head off.
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Cultivator/xianxia games are much better for that. Also, read his novel.
That's the fifth time I see someone recommending Zombie Exodus. Looked like a typical sandbox - even worse, a text sandbox.
>le free will and seeking eternity
>is actually the heavenly determined protag by fate fiat
>such a robot you could replace him with an if else statement
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Good parenting is more important than being evil. Giving your child a proper upbringing takes priority over casual murder for fun.
good parenting = casual murder for fun
You can fix Jun incredibly easily, though. Just be gay. No guarantee Devon will even remember that the child exists in B6.
It was me fuelled by the vast, unstoppable power of my hebephilic perversions who did that though
>automatically makes you the bottom bitch
nice vn gaylord
ChatGPT told me that Davon had to age Masami up because otherwise it wouldn't write for him.
Getting raped is optional. I don't like set sexual positions either, Jun needs to be dicked.
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>we will never get more Great Love Immortal Venerable
It's not fair. The CCP needs to collapse so the writer can get back to it.
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How fucked am I bois?
Quite fucked, my good fellow. Your soldiering isn't enough to pass most of the relevant checks so the difference between it being 0 and 34 is basically nil, and charisma gain increased relevance both here and even more in Lords.
Your fine, my soldiering was even lower when I did this.
>Quite fucked, my good fellow.
>tfw Elson didn't make it.
Feels badman.

>Low Soldiering
I guess I should have kept that gun for myself.
I went in to the playthrough pretty blind but I did use a guide to double check what options were for flavor text and what would progress me to the next scene.

I don't feel like I missed a lot of chances to increase my stats but they're still apparently pretty low. Rep was sitting at like 70 before the battle of Blogia.

I'm still going to play through with this character. Glad to hear it's not impossible.
It could be much worse. The only thing you really need to take into account is to save up as much money as possible for Lords, except maybe to buy promotions but don't send money to your father. Trust me.
Based roleplayer. Fenton is the best boy, shame he can't compete against Lanzerel in the pure gameplay. Also there are only a few loyalty checks, and not very high ones. Discipline and morale are much more important.
Go with the estate path in Lords. You don't have the charisma and reputation, and probably the money for Aetoria. It would ruin you. Also how did your Blogia go?
Doesn't sending money reduce the debt though
>I don't feel like I missed a lot of chances to increase my stats
Most of the stat building is before you land in Antar, barring the additonal boost from the books gift at Fort, the OP runegun, what you do when at Cunaris's staff and hanging out with Caz.
The most important thing you probably missed is that if you're polite to Caz at the start you can get away with putting your SOL as the lowest since he removes the penalty.
>"Oh, hello." His voice is hard and flat. "Who are you?"
>"I am {PLAYER NAME}, your new room mate."
>This is somehow considered rude to him
Nah he can go fuck himself, I am not going to beg to be friends with the fellow if this is how he acts.
>save money
Got it. I think the only things I spent money on in Sabers was my horsefu, Faith, and paying for accommodations for my soldiers. I did miss out on the ransom for the Hussar. (decided to clean and rest my horses after a hard ride. A little disappointing as my men wouldn't let me charge towards the end of the battle)

Yeah I know he's technically the least of the options you get but I couldn't pass up reuniting with a childhood friend. I'm glad he's still with me. I feel like he's the sort of character that usually gets written out of sequels.

>SOL as the lowest since he removes the penalty
Ah, I see. SOL was set at medium for me with CHA being my lowest.
While giving the Runegun to my best shot was the most sensible 'in character' thing to do I'm not sure if it made much of a difference considering the debuffs your unit stats keep getting.

He evens out as he gets older.

Anyway guys, thanks for the tips.

Also the King seems like a qtp2t. I want to win the war for him and put a smile on his face.
its just the way it is. if it isnt the ccp it was covid or injuries
lot of good books just never see its way to completion
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>Also the King seems like a qtp2t. I want to win the war for him and put a smile on his face.
>Also the King seems like a qtp2t.
In what regard? Hes just a politician like any other
He simply wants to be treated with proper respect as a fellow officer, sirrah.
It's also from before he pumped up his charisma stat.
>Yeah I know he's technically the least of the options you get
Not exactly. He is better than Hernandes because he doesn't prevent you from catching Karol (you fucked up here), and Harlech is not that good because morale, while useful, is also easy to increase. It's just that Lanzerel mogs everyone because he has decent discipline, allows you to get the best result during the bridge attack and doesn't end up with crippled loyalty.
In my opinion Fenton is the second best option here, but I admit I like him a lot and I despise that troglodyte Harlech which probably influences my view.
Anyway, what did you do at Blogia? That reputation is rather low.
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>Also the King seems like a qtp2t. I want to win the war for him and put a smile on his face.
>Anyway, what did you do at Blogia? That reputation is rather low.
Nevermind, that's Guns menu, isn't it? In Sabres you don't see your squad's numbers.
His constant use of the royal 'we' and his desire to prove his rule.

Also, like most irl dragoons, I have a weakness for redheads.

Oh no.

Oh right Blogia.
Stayed with Caz to defend the castle.
Split command with him.
Convinced retreating Dragoons to not desert.
Had the new Dragoons and Caz's lot up in the towers while my men and I secured the passage.
Barricaded the passage really well.
Killed a Hussar.

Yeah this is Guns.
Dis is pretty much the same but Morality and Loyalty have been halved. Like I said, rep was 75 or 80 before Blogia. Didn't have to pay for my promotion which was nice.
>Dis is pretty much the same but Morality and Loyalty have been halved
I think the lowest number you can start with is 20%. Once I did a run with Fenton when I maxed out loyalty and almost morale, while ending Sabres with minus 30% in discipline. My stats at the start of Guns were 20/35/40 if I remember correctly.
>My stats at the start of Guns were 20/35/40 if I remember correctly.
It was a pretty big blow. While my Dis was weak I was happy with the gains I made in Loyalty and Moral. I was afraid of putting my men in danger because I was unsure if they could weather it but I knew they would have my back.
Would Tierra be better off had Miguel just focused on using his navy to ward off attacks than invading?
Tierra would've still found a way to collapse somehow
It is what it is
>It's also from before he pumped up his charisma stat.
Yeah, the early disgrace after his promotion really helps humble him a bit. At least a little.

Maybe. But it might have also made them seem weak to their neighbors and encouraged more hostilities.
It does which lowers the interest by approximately one crown a year. If your dumbass of a father used this money to fix up the manor, cottages and road, it would be profitable. Instead he choose to waste it by attempting to pay off the debt.
I will tell you, I managed to get enough money to pay if by the end of Lords thanks to investing in Shipowners. If I sold off my shares and pay the debt, I would lower my income by thousands of crowns a year. You do not pay the debt, you renegotiate the interest rate and keep it low while you build up your village or invest your money.
>the early disgrace after his promotion really helps humble him a bit.
Nah. He turns out the same way even if that doesn't happen. He's just manipulating them.
>thanks to investing in Shipowners
Sucks that that only works if you go royalist. But I guess having Wulfram take on your debt is almost as good.
>try out war for the west because I'm curious about zapers pervious game and he's making a sequel for it
>its an unstructered day by day choose what to do system
thanks I hate it
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Royal affairs?
Heresy was another manhua that ended. I quite enjoyed its themes about what it really means to live as a cultivator in such a world.
There are those that climb even if it means atrophying their ability to be human both physically in regards to things like their stomach and mentality in regards to how they see other people, there are those that are satisfied where they are because they're effectively king of the hill and those that fight to retain what it means to still be human in the face the temptation of overwhelming power.
Wulframist has worse modifier, true, but ignorimng the interest rate and constantly borrowing more money to invest should give you even better results. It will tank your influence but eh, fuck Leoniscourt.
Keeper 3
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God damn I love it when my men love me.
Crusher Mao seems like the type of martial art mf that makes fun of people that choose the nunchaku as their main
>Ahh yes, the overwhelming martial art of playing with sticks on strings. -Crusher Mao
Jack uses a nunchaku during the prologue. The man probably loves them from being a cool weapon to hit people with.
It would've delayed the total economic collapse of Tierra by at least a few years for sure. Antar wouldn't have ever tried negotiated anything sensible and Tierra wouldn't get the grain from them, but it's not like it's getting it now or that Tierra got anything out of the war than "YOU WON" paper.
The supporters of Miguel's policy will argue that Tierra wouldn't get offer any bailouts like the one Kian offers without that paper, but I honestly doubt that Takara and Kian would just completely ignore an opportunity to expand their sphere for cheap. Especially when Takara bothered with fucking Callindria.
Counterpoint, the war allowed for the rise of the Chadgoon, the genius, rich 14 year old who will save Tierra from itself and personally nuke Takara and Kian.
This is not a power fantasy, so all of those things will be done by Cazarosta who'd arise regardless guided by the Will of the Saints
Cyoas for this feel?
Raider women or men are made destruction, nothing else
that sure is alot of books that begin with keeper
>fucking /vrpg/ is the only place that discusses reasonable fictional politics
Un fucking believable
but in a good way
keeper of the sun and moon/day night/ whatever. its "your a wizard harry" except wizard college is really stressful and mundane also people keep trying to kill you. the first book is trash, the second is better but still kinda mediocre, and the demo for the third one is shaping up to be really good. /cyoag/'s waifu pick is usually astrid followed by serphina or thalia or the precog that recognizes the schizoing happening in book 3 that I forgot the name of. all the roomates are good though
By the time of book 3 you're 29 years old
Im still kinda pissed people younger then you with less achievements under their belts were able to occupy the higher offices.
But then thats kinda what game is trying to tell you about institutional rot.
Game made me realize im a glory hound. Its not enough to win but everyone has to know I won.
Katarina's coup de grace is something no one will ever know you played a part in and if they did they arent going to be praising your ass about it.
Unfortunately this means screwing Cazarosta over some of the better achievements but its ok since he manages to climb up anyway.
Well i was reading the tumblr
Is that the new trend?
>trust me bro it gets good 500k words in
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no its because if she has high enough relationship astrid will approach you in the first book and ask you out, and we like that I guess. She's also just a sweet girl, its her parents you gotta watch out for. Thalia is for if yoh want to get freaky with the shark teeth I thought that serphina and the other nymphs looked liked an actual forest nymph and not just a regular human
majority of em are less than 400k and the one game that isnt is hated for having a unsatisfying ending
What are some good games not connected to cog? And any good NSFW ones? Any with cunny?
its a case of an author actually improving their writting with each new project. If I was them though I would definitely rewrite all of book one or just shut the keeper series away and start something new after book 3 beacause its really got some shakey foundations with the first book.
>What are some good games not connected to cog?
Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
>any with cunny
check F95. Degrees of lewdity used to be a cunny/shota raping sim but somehow garnered a fanbase that was disassociated with that and made the dev lazily scrub it of being shota/cunny, and the rape stuff is pretty toned down.
slay the princess was pretty good. It's getting an expansion soon that should flesh out some of the routes and add a couple so thats nice
yeah thats an oh no moment
Slay the Princess
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante
>Astrid asks for her money back
>I give her money back
Fuck you game, I was content to wear the clothes I was quite literally kidnapped in. I didn't need her handouts
>he wouldn't want to spend time shopping for clothes with a cute girl
Massive homosexuality on display here.
>quite literally kidnapped
its funny because if you date astrid the others will joke about how she kidnapped her now boyfriend
Anyone played Heads Will Roll? Is it good?
my wife just wants me to look good so her family doesn't think she fell for a psychopath again

how will the expansion work? new paths or more content added to existing ones
Think A Legionary's Life, but with shittier mechanics, /weg/-tier art and writing.
its a bit of both I think, I know at the very least that the gore princess is gonna have an actual route and not just her insta jibbing you like in the base game [https://youtu.be/NI-CNuqNaUI?si=BfTIo51dOjv8ZDY-]

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