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Back like 10+ years ago RPG maker games were pretty popular anyone ever play this one, Dhux Scar? It was really badass with a hard combat system, and a pretty cool story with tons of subtext about God and how reality was made. Starts off fantasy and ends scifi
I really love this game, I wish it was more popular. Usually you don't expect a deep story from an amateur rpgmaker project but man, this one hits damn hard. Also, Samael is the best girl.

t.translated it to my language-kun
Sameal was best girl.
Did you ever replay it? I was really amazed how deep the story was and how many hints were dropped that you don't get the first time.

What was her deal anyway like what side was she on it's.been a while
Oh man, Dhux's Scar was great, it doesn't get the attention it deserves sadly. Pretty high effort RPG Maker game. I loved the story, it had so many exciting and memorable moments.
Though I will say, fuck the final boss. Even at capped levels, it was very luck-based.
I felt like how your moves got cooler by the end you really felt the power like huge explosions vs tripping on your feet. Not enough games have this visceral power change.
It's really weird how political the other games of this dev have gotten, at this point I start thinking that Dhux was just a one hit wonder (though, it's got a tranny too, but a based one).
Did he have any more? I remember the next was supposed to be some tranny thing, was it any good and did he have any others?
The plot is peak Japanese nonsense despite the dev being Spanish. I think it was only missing time loops.
>Oh stars above, please listen to my voice


I'm not sure how much agenda Final Form contains, but Angelic Virtues is full of that.
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>It's really weird how political the other games of this dev have gotten
They were always political including Dhux Scar
>at this point I start thinking that Dhux was just a one hit wonder
His new stuff is even better
>(though, it's got a tranny too, but a based one).
All trannies are based.
In fact theres nothing more based than being a tranny.
Did I miss something about the plot since I played it in English and not spanish? The story seemed pretty run of the mill (church bad, MC's identity is not what it seems). It was admirable that they managed to express the feel of the story through the gameplay well but it didn't stand out overall.
I've seen this pic someone else before so this is his game? Do they change clothes or something? Is it any good story wise?
>nuking the God and the whole universe
>murderhobo sonic demon and deaf girl arc
>almost naked loli
>godly monster designs
>based mommy

It's in the details anon
Any games like this where there is a lot of hidden subplot you only realize the second time?
Also any same scale where it ends up entire gods or reality?
funger termina.
time limits : check
horror : check
tranny themes : check (although dhux is more prominent)

Seraphic blue
Wooden ocean
Black souls
Thanks I'll check them.

So how did sameal fit in?

She wanted to fuck the system but couldn't get along with her fellas since demons just were after power, and they basically were Alpha's pawns. At least that's what I remember.
Really interesting game. It exists in this weird space between edgy teenager who just watched Bersek and Eva for the first time, but it's too incompetent to make a decent game, and talented amateur who understands game design and the basics of writing, but is too restrained to make something this cringe and straightforward.

It shouldn't exists, but it does, and it's damn near unique.
Was the game and story any good?

Angelic Virtues? I dunno, I couldn't force myself to beat it.
Did you beat dhux scar by comparison?
Was it any good from the get go?
This anon around? how are his other games?

Dhux is good and not woke at slightest despite having a literal futa as a party member.
Oh Iove Dhux. I mean is the other game good?
Going to try his other games.
One thing this game did really good was not necessairly its over the top plot, but a very good way the characters interacted. From the beginning everyone had a subtext that made interactions more interesting. The merchant guy was trying to sell the girl, and the girl was trying to kill the church. So every conversation of 'lets get to the next town' was colored by both of them manipulating the other.

In this way its better than 90% of main stream JRPG trash of 'lets get to the next town!' and thats the end of it.
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exactly, there was actual effort, planning, and thought put into every scene, every textbox, rather than just being typical exposition dialogue
another rpgmaker game that is similar is 'the way'. even in the very beginning of it, there are cutscenes that have spawned all sorts of theories from the people who have played through that game
thanks anon i'll check it, whats the general gist?

DL is dead, anywhere else?

Have you tried them yet? Are they any good?

You can download episodes 1-6 here, you have to transfer your save between each episode in order to keep your progress.
The game itself is hard to describe, it's a weird product of its time that hasn't aged well. But it's very unique and still worth playing.
I recommend checking out the fan forums after finishing it, people have had a lot of interesting discussions about the game over the years. Though even today nobody really knows what exactly is going on in the game's story.
thanks I dled them
Just let it go, anon. Indie rpgmaker era is gone.
but thats not true, look at how many come on steam, sure more are ecchi/porn
Paid slop =/= the soulful shit of yore
Now that everyone's on the griftset/grindset, it's fucking over. Stuff that had soul by virtue of being just what the creator wanted to do is gone. As Slim Shady said it best: "Money is what makes a man act funny."
To The Moon killed rpg maker and Lisa nailed the coffin.
Thankfully we still have stuff like Hat World to cling to, but this is Japanese shit we're talking here and not the usual western trash.
If westerners saw what Japs were making for free, they would think twice about charging money for their shit.
to be clear 'to the moon' sucked right? I played that and it was so fucking pretenious and stupid, very much like reddit-tier 'omg man'

is hat world any good?

Any other recs?
>to be clear 'to the moon' sucked right?
Yes, To the Moon was an overhyped meme game that was trying to be an art piece first while begrudgingly holding onto small shreds of still being a game (walking simulator with poorly-implemented shooting shit). It, like so many other LE DEEP artsy RPGM titles would have been better served being literally any other form of media.
But take away what little gameplay there is and you're still only left with a lukewarm story. It's an "interactive" story where nothing is gained by being interactive.
Yet, you aren't allowed to level any criticism against it anywhere because the shitty RPGM slop defense force comes out and mansplains why [insipid shlock] is the best thing ever.
Shit like this is why RPG Maker has the bad name and reputation it does.
Yeah I got duped into buying that peice of shit. I got to the end and was like "wtf is that it?"

The thing that bothered me was how it radiated pretension, every step it tooted it's own horn of how deep it supposedly was. I hated the meme jokes too.

I started the dhux scar guys other game, not that far but feels way rougher. Maybe Dhux Scar was a lightning in a bottle kind of game.

I know he had some other tranny game but the name escapes me
I liked the game. I was particularly impressed by how it seamlessly shifted from a survival horror type of game (where you were the horror) to a player level rpg. Yes, if you were doing a replay you didn't have to run, but a new player would have to run until Faye.

The final boss was horrible. RNG resource spam fight even at max level.

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