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Fallout games from best to worse would go like this:
Fallout Sonora>Fallout1>Fallout Nevada>Fallout2>Fallout Redsurected>Fallout Tactics> Fallout Olympus>>>>(dark ages of nu fallout series)>>>Fallout NV>Fallout BoS>Fallout 4>Fallout 3
I wnated to tank russian modding community for saving actual game series without niggering it down to dirt like Bethesda did
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including romhacks is cringe
Best in the series
Fallout Sonora is canon and there's nothing you can do to change that fact
amazing there has never been a good fallout thread
Her fake nose is very distracting
I only like New Vegas, since I don't like the gameplay of the older ones, but F1 and some of those modded ones do seem to have decent writing and worldbuilding at least.
Bethesda's Fallouts are bad, for the most part. Unless you like crafting, building aspect, and maybe you could say that 76 actually has more variety.
for me it was the fake lips
ok but the actual order is Fallout > FNV > Fallout 2 > Fallou 3 > Fallout Tactics, and the others are not fallout games. not to diss the fan made ones, i just haven't played them yet. is Sonora really as good as you guys say?
>is Sonora really as good as you guys say?
It's good in a way that every faction is written in a way that you hate all of them and if you could you'd just nuke USA all over again. People of the Villa especially which is your starting location.
As far fan mods go Sonora is like fallout 1 which is tight and main quest focused but Nevada is like fallout 2 which is funny in a wild wasteland way with poor main quest but probably the best side content I've seen in any fallout game.
>look at me! i like all the obscure fallouts more than the popular ones!
>pick me pick me pick me!
I'm glad Todd bought Fallout, the tears of the fans are delicious.
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step aside faggots, actual Fallout tier list best to worst coming through:
>Fallout 1
>*10 empty spaces*
>Fallout Nevada
>Fallout Sonora
>Fallout Resurrection
>Fallout 2
>*10 empty spaces*
>Fallout New Vegas
>*10 empty spaces*
>Fallout Tactics
>Fallout Shelter
>*100 empty spaces*
>Fallout 3
>Fallout 4
>*1000 empty spaces*
>Fallout BoS
>FOnline garbage
>Fallout 76
Olympus 2077 is not a Fallout game. Also, Mutants Rising will probably top the list once it comes out, even outperforming Nevada/Sonora, or at the very least be on the same level of quality as these two are.
>Mutants Rising will probably top the list once it comes out
so in 20 years?
>Mutants Rising
What's that? I already played all the other total conversion mods so you don't have to shill this to me.
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devs said summer 2025 is locked in as the release date atm. Hopefully by then we get a proper translation for Sonora too.
feast your eyes
They're more cohesive than nu-fallout
Looks neat I guess, I'll bookmark it and probably forget about it before it gets released.
Damn that's a ugly bitch
I am currently about 2/3rds through replaying Fallout 1 for the first time in maybe 25 years. I am having fun but honestly the game hasn’t aged well, it’s rather shallow and janky and clunky. The combats pretty random and not much depth there and the party members are all retarded (that was true even when the game was new) and the dialogue is all pretty flat and goofy and there’s not much roleplaying to do besides be nice or be a dick. I’d planned on replaying FO2 after and I might just pass on it. I certainly couldn’t imagine playing a modder fan fiction game.

I won’t get into any histrionics like “this game is DOGSHIT and everyone that ever like it is a RETARD” and the usual bait that passes for nuanced discussion in this misbegotten board, but I think this one may have been better left in the fond childhood memories.
You keep using that word, and I do not think it means what you think it does.
>it’s rather shallow and janky and clunky
you can use this to describe any game you don't like without even playing it
FO4 > FO3/NV > FO1 > who gives a shit
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fucking zoomers
Where's Fallout 76 on your list?
this but also fallout tactics equal to 2
Zoomers didn’t grow up playing Fallout. They would’ve grown up playing Fallout 3.
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but you said it yourself
>I am having fun
and that's just it. Fallout is pure, concentrated F U N. This is what keeps the classics going, well over 25 years after they were released, and trumps all of the complaints/shortcomings of the games.
>clunky UI
might be to our modern sensibilities, but it's still pretty easy to use and get used to
>combat is simplistic
yet has just enough depth to be very satisfying, especially thanks to all those gorgeous death animations
>party members are retards
and they still grow on you despite being one-liner mules for the most part
>dialogue sucks
brevity is the soul of wit - it's on point, has just the right amount of substance and fully reinforces the post-apoc atmosphere with every word. Goofy stuff is just the cherry on top, F1 had great humor and there are many memorable characters.
>it's not an cRPG
more so than many role-playing games after it, and it only gets better with each new entry in the classic series - brute, stealth, diplo, tech, good, evil, stupid and even gender-related options for solving problems - the fuck more you want, or need?
For me it was easy to fall in love with the formula, various gameplay loops, and the world we got to play in. They are as fun to me today as they were the first time I installed F1. It's the "perfect" game, and I just can't get enough of it, the flaws it has just end up adding to the charm. However, for the best Fallout 1 experience I recommend getting Fallout et Tu:
you won't regret it
So what thread are you trying to kill off?
I want a new Fallout 3 with more Fallout 1 in it.
None of your business
Fallout 1, New Vagas, and Sonora are the only canon games
>Fallout Sonora
Does this have a decent translation yet?
F1, Sonora, Nevada*
i mean olympus isnt even a fallout
it just a fan game made in fallout engine
i'm never playing that kitschy slavedge crap
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>sour grapes
kek, enjoy you amerislop, fag
yet it's still better than anything bethesda has shit out
Fallout, as a whole, is not very good and I would not recommend sinking considerable amounts of time into it.
Only posers put FO1 above FO2.
vidya are not barbecue steaks, bigger doesn't necessarily mean better, F1 is neater and more coherent, F2 is bloated and all over the place
F1 is barely a game.
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Only retards put FO2 above FO1. Not counting some small UI/QoL updates of the sequel, the original is better almost in every regard.
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luv this MOD
series wasnt THAT bad, not as bad as Witcher or that LOTR series
Fallout is the best show based on a video game, which is a bit surprising. One could've thought games like Final Fantasy or Warcraft or one of those movie games might have produced something good. But no, it's Fallout. The setting is just so good.
I feel like F1 leaves better memories but in terms of being a game I still would say F2 is better. Replaying F1 and going to The Boneyard again and again just shows how barren F1 can be. I still find new things to do in F2 like working for the Vault City chief in my last playthrough. F2 also has better mechanics, companions, more than one build that isn't driven entirely by agility, speech, and small guns.
Fallout show is horrible
only 2 points that i can give it is that it doesnt feel like a cosplay show, and actors actually try
the rest of it is trash
lore breaks, memberberries, plot armor, them making tthe show anticapitalism because they are afraid to make it anti china or anti commie
I still prefer Larian vs. BG3 tears.
It's because fat grogs deserve it for trying to gatekeep us for trying to preserve the original D&D spirit instead of bootlicking for leftists.
Not that BG3 is a bad game, but you know what I mean.
Fat stores estrogen so it's never hard to understand how they got that way.
I've never finished New Vegas. It's not that I don't like it it's just that I burn out about 30 hours in and the game has so much content that if I don't rush the main quest I'm never gonna finish it, and I don't want to rush the main quest.
>not bootlicking for leftists
>The combats pretty random and not much depth there and the party members are all retarded
What, you don't like it when your companions gib each other with crits every second combat encounter while making no attempt to get a line of sight that doesn't involve shooting through dogmeat? You don't like being forced to watch the entire turn play out incredibly slowly before you're allowed to hit escape and reload?
And yes Fallout 2 is worse.
I dropped it in the military base. I could kill the mutants fine (haha minigun go brrrr) but it’s a fail condition to let dogmeat die and I’m a dad who gets like an hour a night to play vidya, I’m not a teenager with infinite time to savescum anymore. Couldn’t even trap him between some yellow force fields, he’d just go back and forth in the red ones until dead

Really made me realize I hate not having control of party members in combat
>inb4 muh canon dogmeat death
I know and I don’t care
But you have the time to shitpost on 4chin? Lol, lmao even. Play Et Tu you absolute boomeroid

I dont care about fallout but I cant stop laughing about her grotesque mut face.
shes cute

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