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Thoughts on Eternal Sonata?
Disappointed it wasn't ported to pc
It hasn't?
Kind of shit
chopin in that game is just like me, dying inside while dreaming about fucking little girls
Love the whimsical art direction and graphics. Don't really remember if it was actually a good game

It's a decent rpg. Music and visuals are great. Characters are pretty good. And the battle system is fun (but doesn't really shine outside of that one extra dungeon in the sand area near the end of the game).

It is however very linear with little to no exploration and short. But what's there is pretty good. I give it a 3/5.
the RPCS3 should get off their fat asses and resolve all the game's problem
Really fucking hard for some reason.
Yes intentionally mishearing that move is the only thing I remember about the game.

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