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Anyone else love NEVERWINTER NIGHTS?
For me, it's AlwaysSummer Twilight
Luke Scull/Alazander's moduels were always fun. You rolled a fresh adventurer and played through them in order. Seige of Shadowdale > Crimson Tides of Tethyr > Tyrants of the Moonsea. With the EE update and premium module status though, Tyrants of the Moonsea has been changed to the follow on from Darkness Over Daggerford, which is also excellent. PW's had a brief surge with the EE update but now they're kind of stale and entrenched/balkanized again.

OP cannot stop shiling Ocem though.
What are the absolute best of the best modules for a newbie?
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You recognized the screenshot so the shilling is working.
Sunset over Ocem imo
I have never seen a neverwinter night module that did not look exactly the same as every other module. It's so strange, desert, swamp, forest, city, they all have identical sad brown color palettes, which is identical to its sad brown and repetitive gameplay.
it sucks and don't pretend it does not
the first one is a party prg without party and the second one is a pure obsidian jank
Luke Scull's modules have already been mentioned above, they're pretty good (especially the updated EE versions)
This is my personal list of favourites that I always recommend to newbies:
>The Aielund Saga
>The Prophet series
>Saleron's Gambit series
>Tales of Arterra
>Bloodright the Blood Royal
>Honor Among Thieves (made by the same guy as Prophet, can be played as a prequel)
>Avertine - A Nation Dreamed
Some people will try and recommend the Swordflight series to you, but those are pretty much the opposite of beginner friendly. Unless you're a powergaming autist who understands NWN mechanics perfectly you'll probably hate them. If you're interested save it for when you've sunk a few hours into the game and feel more confident.
The party AI in the expansions made me want to slit my wrists.
Posting before the serverless TDNrannies start spamming >muh ravenloft bad
You cut yourself, don't you?
Aielund Saga is a comfy generic fantasy adventure that goes from level 1 to level 38, and from solving problems in a humble village to destroying an alien mothership of doomsday.

Tales of Arterra is also a comfy generic fantasy adventure that goes from level 1 to ~22, but it has very little combat and most of the experience comes from finishing quests. Combat is rather simple and is usually going to be steamrolled by your fighter companion, you easily get powerful equipment and money, but all encounters are hand crafted and pretty fun. Chapter 2 is a fresh start, so don't be afraid to spend all your money in chapter 1, especially if you're a wizard.

On the other hand there is Saleron's Gambit, which fully embraces fun low level adventures and roleplaying with some decent reactivity. You spend the whole first chapter at level 1, second chapter at levels 2-3 and barely reach level 10 at the very end. And the best equipment you can expect is a single +1 weapon and a normal fullplate armor. And you have to work hard for every single coin in the beginning.
But I'll be damned if it wasn't NWN1 at its absolute peak, this series is incredibly good. Not to mention how much it uses custom tilesets and its own music - most modules are too lazy to use anything other than vanilla assets.

There is also Prophet series, which is amazing both visually and in terms of storytelling. Your characters starts seeing visions about a very grim future, sets out to prevent it, and then Enderal tier shit starts happening. Goes from level 3 to 12-13.
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It is one of my favorites of all time.
>someone who likes baldur's gate 3 also likes summertime saga
The remaster is good or is shit?
>me mentioning Saleron's Gambit like 3 times over the years made not one but two anons appreciate it
I'm happy. I even usually prefer mid to higher level modules.
Hey, be nice to anon. They took the time to make a fancy poster of their favourite games.
Neverwinter has better plot than Planescape but you guys are not ready for this conversation
>NWN2 Complete size is 47GB
What in the actual fuck?
Blame EE. My MotB + SoZ install is slightly under 12. And that's with 0.5 in the Override directory alone, so there must be some mods that I've made a permanent addition and no longer even remember.
Yeah, NNW1:EE size went from 5gb to 10gb, but the fucking NWN2 went to 10gb to 60gb at least because only the GOG installer are 47GB so the actual game size must be higher
Does the PRC mod work with EE? Tried installing it, and running the update in the install directory, and it does fuck all. I'm downloading the diamond version now to test that instead. Just want those extra classes.
Yes. You have to patch a module with the PRC to be able to use it.
How Beamdogs managed to make good EE of literally all the Infinity Engine games except for Baldur's Gate?
I understand that, I install PRC, go into the PRC folder in the install directory, and run the PRC update. When I try to run the update with either Diamond version, or EE, it stops during the first prelude module/campaign, and stops patching. Then when I load up the game it doesn't have any of the additional races, classes, etc.

Do I have it installed in the wrong directory? Is there something I'm messing up on? I'm using GoG versions of the game if it matters. I'll keep fucking around with it in the meantime, and see what's the issue. Was just wondering what I was doing wrong.
If that's not working, there are prepatched module downloads.
I'll look into those I guess. I manually chose the install directories for both enhanced, and diamond edition. Tried to use both the .exe, and manual .rar method, still no dice. Can the normal wailing death campaign be patched? Or is PRC for community modules only or something?
The campaign modules all have prepatched versions and can be patched manually.
Huh. In the manual for PRC it mentions not playing well with Bioware premium campaigns, I have to wonder if the wailing death module is simply not compatible then? Pulling my hair out trying to get this to work, but I'll just download the premium PRC modules I guess, and go from there..
It's because they learned their lesson from BG and didn't try to insert new content or companions
>Bear's Gape 3
>PLEBzardry 8
>DOgShit 2
Shit taste
I got a kingmaker PRC module working so far. I ended up having to uninstall both diamond, and enhanced edition, then re-installing EE. Drag/drop the .mod file into the modules folder, then it finally showed up as [PRC] Kingmaker. I have no fucking clue why it wasn't showing up prior when I did the exact same thing. The only thing I can think of is when I ran the PRC .exe, and tried to "patch" the official modules it caused them to get corrupted, or some other weird shit.

first time going into it, did the little tutorial. Are there some general tips one should be aware of? Like certain skills, or feats that just never really get implemented, or barely touched upon? Versus other skills that are paramount?

Also, a question. I know some modules are meant to be played back to back, and some modules are completely stand alone. Can you transfer a character to a unrelated module, and bring their items, experience level, etc with them from other standalone modules they have completed? Or is that really only feasible with some character editor fuckery?
>Can you transfer a character to a unrelated module, and bring their items, experience level, etc with them from other standalone modules they have completed?
Yes, for the most part. Most modules will be wildly out of whack balance-wise if you do that, but it's doable except with a handful of modules with custom scripting to fuck with you.
Perfect, much appreciated. Any tips on character building? Also, is rolling for stats possible either through modding, or in-game options?
>Also, is rolling for stats possible
Only through debug mode assigning manually. Roll your stats ahead of time elsewhere, assign the INT needed because the skill points aren't retroactive and points needed for feats you want, once you're in game, activate debugmode and use setstr/setdex/setcon/setint/setwis/setcha to get where you want.
There are some designed as a series for you to import your character .bic for sure.
A lot of the usuals have been posted but a loto f the modules by Birger are pretty fun. Surviving Horror, especially the 2nd part is great. Rose of Eternity is also incredibly well designed from a systems point of view and plays more like its inspiration JRPG's than a typical NWN module. The creator continued the story in Dragon Age Origins, mostly because at the time a lot of NWNers thought that was going to be the next NWN.
Oh and Bastard of Kosigan.
Which class is the most fun to play in NWN:EE? Bard, Druid and Archer were really fun in ICW:EE unlike the original game were they were shit.
>Which class is the most fun to play in NWN:EE
There unironcially isn't any, nwn is not a fun game by any measure and the people in this thread are literally insane retards that live on persistent servers and are suffering from a huge sunken cost fallacy

You got buckbroken on Ravenloft/Arelith so heard that these threads have become your personal prison. You are forced to drag your gaped ass here to make this post every time. Sorry nobody cared about your revolutionary pw though.
Wizard or Cleric, both have fun bullshit spells that can counter any bullshit the game throws at you. Sorcerer is also good, but has slower spell progression and requires knowing what you do.
Though unless you spam rest after every fight, wizard works much better as a summoner/controller. And cleric with Animal domain is broken in low-mid level modules.
>wizard works much better as a summoner/controller
i just like to whack things with flame weapon
They? The fuck are you talking about you fucking retard. This poster was made by one person only, not by multiple people. It's not they, it's HE. *HE took the time to make a fancy poster of HIS favorite games*. Dumb ESLs, learn the English language you third world monkes.
I have literally never played on a persistent server. I played osrs and wow
They is correct if you don't know the poster's sex. You are latinx
this is true, but, there are no women here and even if there were, they wouldn't make such a hideous infographic.
Are you implying that there are women on the internet? LMAO you dumb troon, you will never be a woman.
Doesn't matter, it's not a grammar mistake.
Vantablack browntinx finding out the differences between english and spanish.
Wizard has a lot of utility, being able to copy scrolls into your spellbook. Cleric can heal, summon, buff others or self buff for combat making them generally the best overall class. Bard is the jack of trades that can be a great self buffer, I play them a lot and they're especially useful on PW's but they lack any sort of great crowd control damage. Sorcerer is just firebrand go brrrrr.
>Salerons Gambit
huh I could have sworn I was the only recommending this in NWN threads.

I wish there were modules in that vein. Early DwR has that feel to it, as does the first chapter of Swordflight to a certain degree.
Really liked the temporary partymembers in SG also kinda being adventuring rookies like you, struggling to get by, felt like they were just around long enough, where you kinda got to know them and wanted to know more about them without ever overstaying their welcome.
Magic Items being rare was a really cool storytelling/gameplay device where I wasnt even surprised when the first time I was about to get my hands on real magic item of power one of the partymembers decided betray me over it in chapter 4.
You guys can recommend a IA to make portraits for CRPGs?
>There unironcially isn't any, nwn is not a fun game by any measure and the people in this thread are literally insane retards that live on persistent servers and are suffering from a huge sunken cost fallacy
>I have literally never played on a persistent server. I played osrs and wow
NTA but you're stupid. Not only do you not know what you're talking about, but you play a literal shit tier browser flash game made by a lazy brit bong autist. You don't really have any perspective to judge what is good or bad.
swordflight fucking sucks and reeks of fedora tipper
Please can we not do this again, the last thread was an embarrassment
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You got filtered by the elementals, didnt you?
>Magic Items being rare was a really cool storytelling/gameplay
The only problem is that your supposedly powerful inherited ring ends up having only a few boring negligible bonuses. It really lacked some big dick ultimate buff in chapter 4 or 5, maybe a useful high level spell or a special bonus for your class.
>when the first time I was about to get my hands on real magic item of power one of the partymembers decided betray me over it in chapter 4
Are you sure you're not mistaking this part for some other module? Maybe it can happen if you travel with the bard girl, but my party didn't say anything.
Not him, but I got filtered by constant hordes of enemies spamming the same ability to make you roll a natural 1, get killed, and be forced to drink a potion of immunuty despite having an overwhelming saving throw. So I just turned off autofails on natural 1.
This is a very solid list. I am surprised that someone on /v/rpg has such good taste in vidya.
glorious list anon!
i got filtered by zarala or whatever her name is
>it's not a grammar mistake
right, but it's a failure of assessment.
i could stomach her forcing her way into my party if i didn't just succeed in a saving throw against her persuade to force her way into my party
Thank you, thank you. Sadly a lot of the other anons in this thread are probably way too young to appreciate some of the older gems that i've put on the list.
Why don't you like Master of Magic?
>King of Fighters
you're brown, aren't you?
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>Why don't you like Master of Magic?
Oh, the answer is very simple. I simply never got to play it. Even after playing videogames for over 30 years i've barely scratched the surface. There are too many games out there.
I'm white. Why would i be brown for liking the best fighting game ever made?
So I want to skip NWN OC, is it worth playing Shadows or can I just play HotU ? (Which I understand is the best out of the og campaings).
i dropped it after killing aribeth - is it worth another go?
I enjoyed SoU, it's not very long and you get background on the greatest bard companion to ever grace a cRPG.
take a look at the comments and think again
>is it worth playing Shadows
No. It's a shit campaign, don't let anyone convince you it's good or even passable. You technically play the same character as in HotU but the callbacks are barely existent. Honestly, the plot would make more sense if they had you play a new character with a specific backstory that explains why you have Relic of the Reaper. Pretty much all the important stuff happened after SoU. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea, I do not know.
general rule of thumb: never listen to anyone who posts this way. shrill reactive hyperbole is a sign of a feminine mind always thinking in opposition/congruence with others and with no self expression.
>shrill reactive hyperbole
Fine then, tell me what do you like about SoU, except for "it's not OC."
it doesn't overstay its welcome. many many rpg campaigns could learn from that. now, react.
>it doesn't overstay its welcome
Kek. In other words, it's bad but not too long? Anything else?
>Why would i be brown for liking the best fighting game ever made?
I'm C rank in kof 98 on fightcade. Wanna ft10? Loser has to leave the board forever.
Its funny to me how people randomly hate sou with all its actual roleplaying and little knick knacks here and there even if the story isnt that epic but just love Hotu which is basically one chapter of Diablo (the best one), one chapter of Diablo II and half a chapter of some ultra linear whatever the fuck point n click adventure hack n slay that completely swaps all character choices you made the last 15 something hours for a preset of items and a key - lock principle that allows one obvious choice of use for those items at any given time while you literally beeline trough a white waste to the last boss, one of the three 30 sec occasions where at least the fighting style of your character matters.
The story? The story is told in depth in a 200 word essay.
>even if the story isnt that epic
The problem isn't epicness or lack of it, but the fact it is simply bad, boring and disjointed. There are also other issues with SoU, including very weak characters, except for Deekin (who is decent), horrible encounter design (excluding two fights, both in chapter 1), padding (the desert interlude), annoying mechanics (visiting shadow dimension in chapter 3), waste of Netherese ruins which should be an epic level adventure, instead you plunder it as a level 12 (and obtain an artifact that allows you to cast one level 2 or 3 spell per day, nice memeno after Netherese arcanists who canonically casted spells of level 10, 11 and in Karsus' case, 12), and using it as a very weak backstory for HotU which in retrospect makes it even worse. Fan modules are far better than SoU.
Neverwinter OC and Fenthick Moss made a friend who plays as a Lawfool seeth beyond belief
>subhumans begging for (you)s
I am merciful. (You).
I'm goonnaaa... I'm gooonnnaaaa.... I'M GONNA PLAY THE OC
>play Swordflight
>think it's probably the best modules all the way up to Chapter 2
>get to the point where you leave the city
>what was once handcrafted combat encounters where careful tactics worked turns into an absolute clusterfuck of massive trash mobs that hit like a truck and need to be tediously pulled in tiny groups like it's a fucking MMO
>even with multiple companions (one of which is a lich) it's horrible
>quit swordflight, never look back
I've never seen the potential of a module go instantly into the shitter to such a degree. The only thing anyone ever praises and talks about with Swordflight is its reactivity and dialogue for good reason. From what I read, the later chapters get even worse to the point where they just devolve into RNG combat sims against infinitely respawning shit like AC 50 kobolds or whatever.
Well, chapter 2 still maintains some balance even after leaving the city. The rest of the module is one overpowered group of trash mobs after another. It can be fun as something like a wizard or a cleric, there is still a lot of reactivity (though usually you get incredibly formulaic doors/chests with a few treasure types, locked behind different class features), all forms of crafting are viable, and some summons are massively buffed in later chapters.
>against infinitely respawning shit like AC 50 kobolds or whatever
It's funny you mentioned kobolds, because in chapter 5 a certain group of kobolds can rather easily kill a summoned balor, who in turn mops the floor with beholders. Not to mention randomly getting a level 30+ ranger with a hateboner against goblins as a companion, and the characters from chapter 2 and 3 suddenly coming back as epic level demigods. And the hordes of epic level bounty hunters.
I mean, it was already getting silly in chapters 3 and 4, so at that point I wasn't even surprised.
This is all criticism that is basically vaguely lambasting it for what it wasn't trying to be in the first place. It's just, "why isn't this completely a completely different module".
No one who seriously likes 3.5 D&D combat and character building can ever create a good RPG campaign, It's just not possible.
>Why isn't it a good module
Sure, I guess.
lol you're mexican
no I only like adwr the most coomer kino rpg ever made .
>boomer detected
>opinion rejected
go die in a hospital fucking fossil
>Good=my taste
Pirates of the Sword Coast is fun to play especially in multiplayer
Really worried about Swordflight's apparent autismo difficulty spike later on bros. Currently at the beginning of Chapter II and the module really has the potential to be one of my favourite RPG experiences, above the likes of many commercial releases. But if I'm going to be forced to rely on some ancient cookie cutter build on the vault forums or some shit in order to survive, it'd really dampen my overall experience and pretty much throw-away the huge class/build RP reactivity, if you're just gonna have to roll with the absolute cream of the crop meta in order to enjoy the chapters after the second one.
What do y'all think of my Monk getting some Rogue levels and going dual wield kamas? What level spread would you recommend?
Unsure if you're serious, but ADWR is fucking godlike and it does a shitton of RPG stuff right. Any retard who decries it because of muh sex and erotica is a narrow minded troglodyte, failing to realise that smut does not disqualify it from being a pretty great RPG experience. It's also realistic in a way - I mean if I was some fresh out on the streets poor as shit bitch trying to survive and not get killed by the newly installed tradchud government, I'm hopping on that sailor dick ASAP if it helps me. Not that you can't complete the game easily without having sex more than once, mind you.

Really funny how some coomer woman from Germany or some shit woke up one day and decided to write her erotic fantasies in Aurora, accidentally overshadowing and shitting on at least 90% of the modules found on the vault. Valine, I kneel, you have more than deserved your dream psychorapist murderer chad hunk to blow up your cunt on command.
If a dance with rogues is among the top 50% of what nwn has to offer then not a single module is worth playing.
I love NWN because for years bored and desperate housewives and BPD types would send nudes because your character looked their way and that made them warm and fuzzy inside.

Nothing is more exhilarating than getting some pasty, overweight married woman with kids (they largely neglect to play NWN) to send more increasingly extreme snaps because you're bored and have time on your hands and it was just ridiculously easy to manipulate them into spreading their holes for you.

Some decent single player modules out there though, ADWR is pure fetish trash those gals I mentioned would eat up.
>not a single module is worth playing
it really isn't play actual RPGs made by actual devs instead... we don't have any shortage of CRPGs these days.
not really
there are many female weg devs, some with better art than darkcuck
Swordflight Chapter I and II are kino though, not many RPGs that actually take into account your race, alignment and class.
>Really worried about Swordflight's apparent autismo difficulty spike later on bros
Depends on your class. I started struggling to the point of no fun in chapter 4 as a pure druid, while a replay as druid/monk 2/wizard 1 worked decently well, and I had a relatively smooth and fun sailing with wizard/rogue 2/ranger 1.
In any case, Swordflight players are divided into two groups - people who hate Zarala and drop after chapter 2, and people who enjoy her being a dumb brat.
>What do y'all think of my Monk getting some Rogue levels and going dual wield kamas?
If it's a DEX build, you want 3 levels for Uncanny Dodge anyway (4 levels before reaching level 20 to not lose BAB, unless monk's own BAB system has some special rules). If it's a STR monk, you're probably going to suffer in the later chapters due to the lack of AC. Shadowdancer dip (post-20, I guess) is also good if you're leveling stealth, true seeing enemies are thankfully fairly rare.
And you want to be permanently buffed with Improved Invisibility - either with Zarala's help, or by leveling UMD and buying scrolls. Maybe even both, if you have enough skill points - you'll be able to buy an unlimited quantity of most low-mid level scrolls, though divine scrolls have very limited selection after chapter 2 and especially 3.
Thanks man, going Dex Monk, and I do plan on getting Shadowdancer for HIPS, but probably further down the line(maybe at the end of Chapter II).
I used to use this console command in game that I could use to model swap my character to something else like a huge dragon.
Then I could use that character online with that model. I went on this one server and they accused me of hacking and, since I was young, I used the "my little sister did this, it wasn't me!"

That's all I really remember about this game outside of the first act being so very slow.
I'm the person who posted earlier about quitting mid chapter 2.

I was running what is widely considered the most busted build in the game (the RDD melee one) with minmaxed AC and still had to perform an entire buff cycle that would put the Pathfinder games to shame for every trash mob battle.
I actually managed to go with minimal buffs or none at all on my Monk/Rogue for trash mob encounters, at least during Chapter 1 and so far at the very beginning of 2. I do use some "cheesy" strats such as pulling one by one, abusing stealth mechanics and the AI
>I do use some "cheesy" strats such as pulling one by one, abusing stealth mechanics and the AI
That's normal, pulling a whole group is often a suicude. Though the worst thing you're going to encounter as a melee character is caster enemies buffed by damage shields. The amulets of fire and acid protection can save you in chapter 2, but leveling UMD for scrolls of Breach might be invaluable for chapter 3+.
In fact, I would recommend against leveling unlock and disarm on Rogue levels to save skill points for UMD. You can replace disarm with scrolls of Find Traps or level 1 summons, and monks are famous for facetanking traps with no damage anyway. Unlock can be replaced by punching objects, and you only lose access to certain chests with loot of dubious value.

By the way, you probably missed the good/evil rogue quest already by giving the paper with hideout whereabouts to the guard captain, but you can get it by taking a single rogue level. I'm not sure if you get more than one chance to get that quest, but you lose nothing by trying since you need Uncanny Dodge anyway.
what kind of builds i should be going for if the module describes self as low-magic and low-level
Cleric or wizard desu, "low magic" usually translates to "non-casters get screwed"
Yep. Even more true in tabletop.
I like NWN but module descriptions and screenshots are such a snorefest. Tell me something that will surprise me and make me think of new possibilities, show me something I haven't seen a million times before.
I wanna make a novel STR-based half-orc build. I was thinking druid. Pump STR to 20 and WiS to 16. What do I do about DEX & CON?
Table-top and NWN are completely different when they refer to low magic. The original table-top meaning refers to the setting as a whole, where high magic means magic is a commodity, and there are magic item stores. Now try and translate that to self-described low magic modules. You can't, because magic is even more of a commodity than in table-top Forgotten Realms which is the epitome of high magic.
What NWN modules mean when they say low magic is that they're going to cap the enhancement bonuses on magic items or add penalties. This isn't a true statement about the level of magic available in the setting, but instead a statement about their itemization. If the norm is to cap at +3 that's still fairly high too, it's just less than the +5 that spells cap out at.
I used to play a pw back in the day that described itself as low magic because they only allowed up to +3 on items, but they allowed +1d6 damage of an element up to three times. So you could have an item that was functionally equivalent of a +6 to +8 item in the table-top item creation chart due to how NWN handles bonus damage and critical. They still convinced themselves that having plentiful barely sub-epic items made them a low magic pw.
For builds this usually just means you want spells to provide your bonuses instead of items. If they allow scrolls and umd or if you can have a caster buff you then they already lost. If it's trickier then multiclass, or just go cleric and self-buff like a machine. What you have to realize is that most module and pw builders have no clue what they're talking about and it's easy to break their balance.
When druid shape changes they use the physical stats of the animal/elemental. Playing a caster druid with low caster stat would be strange too.
16 is low WIS? I don't need INT or CHA. What about DEX and CON?
It isn't very novel if you get someone else to make it for you.
>I don't need INT or CHA
Based /vrpg/ posting anon
If you want a meme build, make a STR or DEX focused Shfter/Barbarian. Some Shifter shapes don't replace certain stats - for example, I remember a STR focused kobold and a DEX focused risen lord. Though everything depends on the level cap in your module.
Oh, haven't missed it, kinda spoiled it for myself prior to playing and knew there was a divergent path for the Thief Guild quest. Only gave the Book of Zataroth related note to the guard captain and didn't rat out the baddies. Honestly it's so cool there's reactivity from things you've done in previous chapters from your first hour of playing or so. A shame module creators rarely put the effort to do shit like that
any news on the dark sun pw?
Ahh. Cool beans. Thanks for the tip.

Lmao. Checked.
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how do is set a persistent chat box size so it stops fuckin resetting on load?
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So I played through Swordflight Chapter 1 today (the whole thing in 1 day) as a druid, because no one knows how to play druid. I don't know what passes as difficulty in NWN but the whole thing was pretty easy and my pet pretty much tore through the whole thing by itself. There was a lot of really amateur level design, like I really have to question the thought process behind scouring a ruined temple for multicolored skittles lodged under rubble, and a lot of the pacing was really off. (for example, after going through the ruins i pretty much casually walked through the asabi caves and watched my minions coup de grace 90% of the dungeon automatically) There's some pretty poorly thought sequences, like only being able to re-enter the ruins from the back. A lot of the reactivity seems to be greatly exagerrated as well thus far.
did you play with the difficulty on dnd hardcore? cause that's the intended setting for it. i remember not being well impressed by the early game after reading lilura's dicksucking of it a few years ago. gonna revisit it and play further.
>did you play with the difficulty on dnd hardcore
>lilura's dicksucking
According to her chapter 2 is an enormous leap in quality and the best rpg ever made, so we'll see.
>KOF 98
Hell yeah dude. Those are two of my favorite 2D fighting games.

>3D porn games
>Being a Dik
I've never played this game, but I know about it and I know it's not a 3D game. It's made in RenPy, it's a 2D game like all other RenPy games.
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No one that likes snk actually plays their games, because if they did they would know their fighting games are kusoge with whiny esl fanbases, and the few people playing them in US/EU are the literal real life personification of wojaks.
*laughs in Soul Calibur 2*
That's not even a game that people ever really played.
We played the shit out of it back in the day. We went on a football road trip and buddy bought a GameCube just to keep playing it on the road (he had a ps2 at home). I don’t care if your “muh e-sports” spergs like it or not. I still have it running on an emulator downstairs for my kids and nephews to play it on
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Fighting games are boring when you mash. They are not designed to be played by mashing, thats what party games are for. Even when SF2 came out the whole neighborhood was practing trying to be the best. I don't care what your opinion was as a 6 year old, just like I wouldn't care about a 6 year old's opinion now. Keep it to yourself. You are boring. You also don't have kids, or at least I really, really hope you don't if you come here.
>in this post, anon makes a variety of unfounded assumptions that do not logically follow from the post he is responding to, and then proceeds to go off based on his headcanon
Many such cases.
It's a cool brief adventure in my book, speaking of Chapter I. The Buried Ruins is a well designed low level dungeon, but to call it one of the best ever is insane dicksucking by Lilura.

As for Swordflight being one of the GOATs, it's pretty fucking debatable, the most impressive thing about the module is class/race/alignment based reactivity. Other strong points such as encounter design, itemization, side quests and others are easily eclipsed by most of the top 20 CRPGs. Swordflight can get a shout I guess, if we're only counting the first two chapters.
>Other strong points such as encounter design, itemization
When does this happen? Because I did not engage with any of this in chapter 1, every encounter was just buffing my pet and letting it kill things, with some minor exceptions like flame lashing mummies. A major pet peeve of mine is when a campaign gives you a super item to solve the challenge directly ahead of you, and swordflight chapter 1 does this multiple times. Like you have to fight a werewolf so here's a silver dagger and a special item that raises your AC against werewolves. You have to fight undead so here's a super undead slaying weapon and an item that raises your resistances to negative energy and associated debuffs. I absolutely HATE when people do this.
I found a lot of encounters in the first two chapters as a mundane class. pretty tactical and interesting as much as they can be done in the Aurora myself, though in regards to itemization maybe you're right. Honestly ill inclined to subscribe to many of the very outlandishly crazy positive opinions on the module myself, put itemization as one of the strong point in my previous post considering a shitton of people laud it as well. Don't really get a lot of the buzzwords like that thrown about codextards and on 4chan really lmao. The itemization being "good" I can understand as more or less equal to "you have a lot of tools available" plus it's not that hard to get gold in the second chapter. Even in the first one I've had more than enough.
>as they can be done in the Aurora
This is sort of the problem. Aurora is not very good.
It just feels that way to you because you make stupid posts over and over.
Please stop signing your posts. It’s not 2002 anymore.
Case in point, if we were to check the archive there are about 5 pages worth of variations of this response, which is so stupid I'm sure it's all you, and looks like you're a black souls/bethesda fan, which is not shocking given the enormous magnitude of your sheer retardation. So maybe stop making bad posts, or better yet cease posting altogether.
>I absolutely HATE when people do this.
Because you're retarded. They're there to bail out builds and classes that aren't up to handling the problem themselves. You have to ensure a problem is able to be tackled.
>if we were to check the archive there are about 5 pages worth of variations of this response
Lol @ your life
>They're there to bail out builds and classes that aren't up to handling the problem themselves
This is a NWN problem, DnD is about party synergy. Additionally, there's no reason a player could not deduce they need a silver weapon to defeat the wererat, then go on a seperate player driven adventure to find and acquire a silver weapon. Perhaps on this journey they encounter more obstacles which create further deviations. This is how RPGs should work, the story being the character's organic actions navigating the world and getting over obstacles. Instead you just walk upstairs and the innkeeper hands you everything you need. It's ludicrous. Why does he even have this shit? Let me play the damn game and let go of my hand. I thought this was supposed to be a hard module, why is the bulk of the content designed like the first hour of a modern AAA movie game?
>This is a NWN problem
No, it's an RPGs in general problem. We ended up here because of the amount of RPGs that used to give you fuck all, or worse, gave you equipment that dealt with threats after you stopped dealing with them.
>No, it's an RPGs in general problem
No it's not. Even BG3 doesn't do this shit. It's a bioware problem, and its in all the console goyslop hellspawn they helped father.
Wrong, it predates Bioware.
I'm playing Pool of Radiance right now and it's not happening. Didn't happen in Ultima 5, didn't happen in Wasteland 1. None of these old giant campaign style rpgs have this issue.
Same era, came out around the same time, developers literally fathered bioware into the industry by publishing them. I would say black isle/Obsidian is to bioware what atlus is to square enix. It's just normalfag trash all the same, but for hipsters.
I agree with moetard about this one. It's gamey bullshit that underestimates the player and fosters bad encounter design. If you've designed an encounter so specific that you need to frontload tools to deal with it, you aren't properly designing your campaign. Prep work and sourcing help/equipment is fine though, but the player needs to engage in the hunt and not just have shit dropped in front of them.
>It's gamey bullshit
It's a fucking video game.
So? It's an RPG, a genre all about player choices, not developer handholding. Save that shit for Metroid.
>Why does he even have this shit?
Because it's a literal kitchen knife.
>This module was designed as low lvl slow paced, low magic dnd experience so expect to be fragile quite some time, its rp not combat heavy, so no hordes of monsters, this is also why resting is drastically limited.
>Oh cool I should play a class that can solve things outside of combat like a rogue.
>Every area explored while being lvl 1 has at least 3 hit die worth of encounters in one pack and about 15 hit die in total, all skill checks are a pure gamble if there are even any, sneaking is outright nigh impossible, trap recovery is at least a 30 If not more, trap crafting: none buying: three per chapter, resting is limited to peaceful areas.
>End up gambling trough one pack after another with a 20% hit chance and 8hp, run back, rest, repeat five times.

Literally every single one of those modules is: Play a Fighter/Barbarian with 18str and 16 con, dump everything else, kill all things. Not once have I encountered a door which couldnt be kicked in easier than picking it, dialogue that would net me more than 10% more gp even though all NPC's start 150 lines of useless monolgue to click trough if you say hello. Why is this game coming with one of the most sophisticated and easy to use out of the box toolsets ever, a billion classes and skills and all that it ends up in is another hack n slay but now with ten goblins per map instead of 50 and endless self wank monologue npcs of the writer?
Just add some rogue mechanics which work below lvl 5, just add non combat paths for quests, for fucks sake it cant be that hard.
That's the bane of combat experience based adventures, though later on stealth in Swordfight is 100% viable because sometimes you just want to skip all this fucking combat.
Quest experience based adventures like Saleron's Gambit and Tales of Arterra are inherently superior, and I wish RPGs in general used this system more often.
modules are supposed to be the selling point
but it's all amateur shit that barely lands in "extremely mid" territory
nostalgia boomer bait I say
>Because it's a literal kitchen knife.
Silverware? In MY rpg?
>It's more likely than u think
>Literally every single one of those modules
name 10
As stupid as Swordflight's encounter design eventually gets, using a kitchen knife as an improvised silver weapon is a fun detail.
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i want to like a dance with rogues but its actually genuinely too hard for me. tips to bulldoze the early game?
Is that the one where your tits scale with CON? Conmaxx, naturally
IIRC you should multi-class, the plot expects you to have some Rogue levels, but pure Rogue kinda sucks
It's a missed opportunity most of the time with modules, yeah. I can only think of ADWR Part I unironically as the only module which makes use of the Aurora's capabilities for things other than combat.
For me the selling point always has been multiplayer campaigns with a DM/Persistent worlds. If you have a DM who's not retarded and a couple of other guys(or just you for some PW solo shit I guess), it really is the best DnD experience on the PC bar none.
wasn't this game supposed to be played in multiplayer 9/10 of the time? its why theres no party members?
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EU here. Back in the day people were playing SNK on PC trough emulators. Now i got KoF2000 as a gift on GOG. Sadly i am too old to play the game properly and have forgotten any combo i ever knew.
>good EE
buy ad, BD shills.
if they made bonus content for Icewind dale literally who would give a shit. let's be honest the bhaalspawn saga is the only infinity engine games people actually care about.
>lets make a game that is just D&D in a box and you build a module and then play it with your friends like a D&D session
>The tools will be so simple even an idiot child can make a module in 10 minutes
>Okay, but what if people don't have the internet?
>Good point, lets hand off a single player campaign to a small group and it can serve as an example of how to build and script an adventure
>Lets also add a DM client and server portals
>Great, but now people are trying to host persistent sessions
>Okay, then lets also release a persistent dedicated server
This is how it basically went.
>Now i got KoF2000 as a gift on GOG
lmao what
kof2002, my bad
>ok Beamdog you're not allowed to change any existing content
>ummm okay sweety but you didn't say we couldn't add NEW content to the existing content lel XD
Disingenuous faggots.
Lets be serious, people stopped caring 20 years ago. I saw WotC had an intern play BG a few years ago and she just turned on god mode and didn't pay attention to anything. Very on brand for this era's fandom and designers alike.
They didn't update the story. It's bad and people begged them to change it, the Russian community sent them petitions after petitions, and they never changed it or added content.
I was reading through The Dragon's Neck wiki recently and saw their restrictions and changes. I was dumbstruck by how genuinely stupid and ignorant of game design their devs must be. They turned it into a genuinely unfun and uninteresting system that doesn't even support their RP goals.
It turns out that anyone who wants to make or run a NWN PW nowadays is severely mentally retarded
Not sure how any of it is worse than vanilla where if you can't cast spells or don't have UMD you can get fucked. Elaborate instead of just bitching.
For real

They changed so many things I can't even play it anymore. The sheer injustice of it all is contemptible and atrocious.
Is there any way to enable anti-aliasing on the enhanced editon? Previously you could just enable it through your graphics card control panel and it would work but with the latest updates even that doesnt enable it.
I cant get anisotropic filtering to work either. I like how smooth the EE runs but the original with anti aliasing and forced anisotropic filtering looks better than EE.
As an update, chapter 2 is indeed much improved over the first. The module is much more open ended with a significant surge in reactivity. However, it is hindered by NWN being dogshit in both its presentation and gameplay and I am most running around various dark brown areas shrouded in a piss yellow fog with zero obstacles. I have no idea why people say these modules are difficult, I feel like nothing can stop me at this point.
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A king among men.
Dumbass, you're playing one of the strongest and easiest classes to play in 3E. People complain about the difficulty because it barely slows down Druids and Clerics and shits all over worse classes like Monks and Barbarians.
Fighter/barb is the easiest class to play swordflight with. It's extremely biased towards martials.
No, it's Cleric.
I guess, but it's definitely not druid
>I have no idea why people say these modules are difficult
How many hours of experience do you have with 3rd Edition D&D?
Wild Shape and a pet puts them in a comfortable spot without them doing anything special. No matter what you do, so long as you go straight Druid, you cannot fuck those two up. Then they're a full caster and the best summoner on top.
The problem with wild shape is that everything in swordflight has assloads of DR. So unlike your pet who relies on magic fang you get nothing until way later in the shaping department. The DR also makes summons kind of shit.
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Same poster days later. i made far more progress but deciding to restart the module. got really stuck in the later half at the golden chalice quest but i should blitz by now that i know what to expect, and what stats are important for this module. module wasn't kidding about leveling rogue, fucking ridiculous skill check increase jump up, started resorting to dm_jumptoposition cheating since couldn't see quest important hidden doors with only a search of 3 also im not familar with 3rd edition and went some really dumb feats, dumping strength which seemed fine until i suddenly couldn't hold 90% of the loot. its a really well told story for fanmade to the point i don't even care about the sex stuff that's just the spice that makes it far more interesting than a generic normal fantasy adventure. introducing lyanna 2.0
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Make a rogue/paladin multi and smite your various would be rapists.
Ive always went mostly pure rogue and never had too much trouble. Most of the XP you get is from unlocking shit and disarming traps + completing quests so you can sneak past most enemies. In the chalice quest your companions should do most of the fighting.

I usually go Rogue/fighter with most levels in rogue. If you arent going to play part 2 then just put everything into rogue. You can buy Rogue potions which give you something insane like +10 in all rogue skills and they come in stacks of 10. Greater rogue amulet is also really good. The swordsmans belt is a nice item to buy early. it gives 5 damage reduction against slashing and really helps early game. Also even on a rogue a shield is really helpful early game.

As for stats I only take 10 STR, 14 INT, 14 CHA because you have to, 8 wisdom, 16 Dex, and the rest into constitution. Bags of holding are cheap so once you start making some money buy a bunch of then, If you put some points into trap making you can very cheapily make electric traps and sell them for a bunch of money.
the easiest is wizard and i don't even think it's close

the anti magic part is really hard though, really really hard
TDN 6th edition release pls come play our featureless server while the staff micromanage every tiny bit of your character build, lore and progression.
You don’t want to talk shit about PW players who ruined their and other lives because of their obsession to NWN? Who can forget watching potmers sucking and fucking for loot, plots and because someone’s PC said nice things to them.
It's weird. I don't like NWN or NWN2 at all. I guess you had to be there at the time or something. Since I got into crpgs first around 2009 with DAO, I've played most crpgs of note. NWN just feels bad to play.
But anon, while NWN is shit, DAO is an even shittier version of NWN
If you care about cutscene presentation and voice acting, it isn't. These guys think RPGs are TV shows, like with BG3.
Yeah, that's why I think you needed to be there when the game was new or something. I played DAO back in 2009/10. Thought it was great, but I was 15 years old. I haven't played it since.
I ripping through swordflight right now and nothing about bg3 is a movie. BG3 is no less than 50x better than any nwn module and I consider DAO a 0/10 game.
BG3 has good gameplay, but that's not why people like it, just like with DA:O. It's all about the cutscenes and characters and voice acting.
>Etherlords 2
>Jazz Jackrabbit 2
>Worms Armageddon

now those are gems
Etherlords is a better version of Magic the Gathering where you are never screwed with mana or colors
I'm not talking about you, anon, or me. I'm talking about your average BG3 player. BG3 will not spawn a turn-based revolution, but it will bring out more turn-based enjoyers.
>nothing about bg3 is a movie
Heavy focus on a handful of detailed characters and their backstories, and drama, romance, and sex
High production values, spent most of the budget on motion capped animations and full voice acting than on finishing act 2 and 3
Full narration because zoomers can’t be expected to read
I’m sorry anon, but it’s a moviegame. You play moviegames and like moviegames and talk about moviegames online, despite your copes to the contrary. It’s literally over.
>I'm talking about your average BG3 player
So am I, and you'll observe in this very thread that the average hamburger helper/vatnigger type bounces off of it precisely for that reason. Because most people are playing it for the gameplay but those people care about daytime television drama first and foremost. It's no wonder the dragon age retard can't wrap his head around it.
>bg3 is a movie game because it looks too good. Doesn’t matter if you’re in combat or exploring typical dungeons for 60 hours. It has to look like shit to be a game.
>bg3 combat is bad, nwn1 a game you literally just set all the correct feats and afk as your character automatically 1v100s or spam the same spells is good
Lol, niggas just say you hate bg3 because it’s popular. It would be faster for everyone
>the anti magic part is really hard though, really really hard
Oh, come on. You get buffs and heals that work there, you can take the evil staff, and the enemies are generally pretty weak. My wizard/rogue just used self-crafted traps to dab on most encounters in that dungeon.
This kind of strawman is why I can’t take anyone seriously who likes the game. Just the complete absence of any intellectual honesty
Strawman? Is this not what you niggers just wrote lol, im mocking you if thats what you meant dipshit
Anon, it sold millions. Dragon Age fans probably love it, this place isn't indicative of anything. The reason an RPG can blow up and hit mass appeal is production values and characters, same with Wticher 3. Normalfags just don't care about gameplay.
Sounds like denial.
>Then they're a full caster and the best summoner on top
If we're comparing wizards, clerics and druids, the latter is actually the "least best" option for a summoner in Swordflight. Not to mention that he doesn't get good non-buff spells until mid levels.
A pseudodragon with its direct control option, high AC, True Sight and wizard's buffs is a much more comfortable early game pet compared to a bear/boar with druid's buffs and magic berries. Both (all three) options are strong, but I wasn't a fan of constantly bandaging my pet's ass in combat. Pseudodragon just works and can be further buffed with a wand of stackable Shadow Mage Armor.
Cleric with Animal domain massively outpaces everyone else, which covers their lack of a permanent pet. Trickery as a second domain is heavily recommended for Improved Invisibility.

Summons are very good in chapters 1 and 2, especially water/fire elementals with solid DR and fire immunity. But then comes the enemy weapon bonus jump in chapter 3, and your godly level 9 elemental suddenly turns into a little bitch in many fights. Druid's bear/boar can still hit and deal damage, and wizard's pseudodragon turns a good tank after getting a stat boost from the first dungeon. And while your usual summon generally sucks ass, Gate is massively buffed and your balor is a huge help in any fight. Druid is the only one without Gate, so just keep bandaging the pet's ass.

Then comes the chapter 4 where your elementals get massively buffed in the first dungeon. Elementals carry you in this chapter and stay good in chapter 5, and the balor is now either a suicide bomb option, or the best way to genocide beholders. Druid's elemental gets no Improved Invisibility even from Zarala, which really impacts its survivability
>The DR also makes summons kind of shit
Not true, summons in Swordflight are great all the way through. Sadly, only a few select options are buffed for epic levels.
>Because most people are playing it for the gameplay
Indeed, and the gameplay in question is romancing NPCs and watching sex cutscenes. Also, who is your BG3 waifu?
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I have never met a NWN fan that wasn't a complete retard.
Compared to instantly shutting down every encounter with one or two spells it was the hardest thing since chapter 1 probably

I couldn't do anything but try to manipulate enemy ai because i didn't dip at all. Even just skilling healing would have probably made it easy but i was doing a little roleplay build, my wizard was even a generalist.
Holy shit. Being able to control Henchmen directly and seeing spell AoE is so game changing as a wizard. This alone make the EE worth it, im never going back.
>Being able to control Henchmen directly
Huh? Did they push out an update recently?
It was added quite a while ago, but the setting is not in the options menu. You have to enable it in a config file.
>but i was doing a little roleplay build, my wizard was even a generalist
Did you craft wands and scrolls at least? That's pretty much the only offline module that gives you enough resources of all kinds to go all out with crafting.
Last thread was embarrassing and fucking hilarious at the same time. I wonder if that unironic christcuck stuck around.
i did a little but its not really necessary later on
Is there any reason to take Fighter levels instead of Champion of Torm levels? They both get a bonus feat every two levels
Fighters also get a bonus feat at first level, and fighter 4 gets you weapon spec and eventually epic weapon spec. I’m going to play as a paladin 20/fighter 4/CoT 16
Im gonna… I’m gonna… I’m gonna play the OC
If you meet all the requirements its a straight upgrade besides not having the ability to get weapon specialization.
Yeah mixing fighter 4 never hurts a lot of builds. It’s worth nothing that the only way to get epic weapon spec is on either a fighter or a CoT level.
I heard about a hyped up server called Dragons Neck. It was offline, apparently undergoing weeks long revisions. So, I took some time and had a look at their wiki about the class and spell changes. It honestly sound like a mess, and they want their DM team to micromanage how you allocate your ability scores, which feats you take, and which classes you're allowed to take. Then I looked on Youtube, maybe some people uploaded footage of gameplay. Sure enough, there was some, along with a dev video from about 2 years ago, and gameplay footage from 4-5 years ago.
Sounds like a load of horseshit that already failed multiple times.
You tell me guys, you tell me.
I would barely call DA:O a crpg, it's more of an action game with rpg mechanics. When I played NWN at first I hated it, the 3D seemed clunky, and the textures were awful, compared to the beautiful and immersive environments of the IE games. I could barely get through the tutorial, and then took a hiatus, did a few more chapters and quit. I tried a few servers and didn't like it. The character creation was too overwhelming and I didn't know if I was making bad choices.
Then a few more months later I decided to goof off on a rainy day, made a dwarf druid on a Krynn server, and started leveling up and pvping people wandering too far from town because civilization is the enemy. Another experience was when I was on a server and accidentally got into a secret meeting and both sides suddenly asked wait I thought that person was with you? Funny stuff.
NWN was just so different from everything else and too much for my soft brain to handle, but after a few attempts I got it, and started to see how some of it was just pure genius. I just needed the right frame of mind to appreciate it.
>its good because it has a far worse version things that can happen in OSRS and vanilla wow
What? Neither of those games support that happening.
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You can literally facilitate real life Venezuelan gang wars in OSRS, you know nothing.
Third worlders third worlding has nothing to do with roleplaying.
Yeah it does, OSRS is basically an ancapistan simulator with a volatile market driven entirely by player behavior, and wildy is a lawless wasteland where fortunes are both created and lost. Warcraft similiarly has emergent gameplay, my personal favorite is when a guild on my server kidnapped the orgrimmar flightmaster and kited him to a cave in an unmarked location in ashenvale, then demanded ransom on the forums, which lasted for 2 days while the entire server went on an insane manhunt to find them. I was also in a guild of troll characters which would take control of bridges in low level neutral pvp areas and demand the players pay tolls to cross safely or spend hours camping them.
None of that has anything to do with roleplaying.
I don't think you know what role playing is.
You're absolutely fucking retarded if you think that you'd be able to do the shit you can in NWN servers elsewhere, let alone in fucking OSRS.
I don't think you do.
why are so many people who play multiplayer games with strangers mentally disturbed?
>objectively point out NWN isn't remotely special
You didn't do that and you're legitimately too stupid to understand why you didn't.
Are there modules where summoning doesn't reduce your xp or is this shit built in?
Its technically hardcoded, gets even more ridiculous with charms, animal empathy and familiars/companions which all count as another player.
As far as I kmow there are a few workarounds in module by basically adjusting the amount of XP gained by hand to match the expected party size but thats not very elegant obviously. There is also a script that works globally and simply adjusts the xp penalty (search the vault its quite popular) to 0 regarding to your customs. But it seldom gets it really right.
>Are there modules where summoning doesn't reduce your xp
Saleron's Gambit
Tales of Arterra
Those two use a custom system where you level up for doing quests or learning information, while combat XP is negligible. I'm pretty sure there's more, I just didn't play them yet.
How bad is it in practice? Never tried it because it feels like the game is punishing me for using a class feature but let's say you play one of the official campaign with an animal companion, a summon and an henchman, how far behind do you end up?
Usually the difference is between getting new levels a bit later and finishing the game with one less level. It won't ruin your playthrough, that's for sure.
Ok, thanks. I might try it if I ever play the game again
>Aielund Saga
I remember playing this. It was alright but one thing that annoyed me is how they changed tons of things about spells and feat but couldn't modify the in-game description so you either had to check a readme or discard the changes entirely.
You aren't objective and clearly have never played NWN online, it's a waste of time to feed you examples why you're wrong
There are clear guidelines what you can't and can do, like any other server, (ravenloft has rules about multiclassing).
Why would anyone post videos of text RP? There are new content showcases that are worth seeing, the server uses unique assets.
does it even still work (1+dlcs) or do I need to buy it on steam? (I have the DISCS)
I absolutely loved nwn online, its WHY I play dark souls/elden ring today.
If you want to play single player the original (diamond) edition is enough. All servers except sinfar have moved over to ee.
Absolutely dogshit RPG taste. Then again, you play FPS and racing games too so confirmed casual.
I thought diamond edition was nwn2 (which I once bought and lost the keys for so im not bothering with that again), and I dont know what any of that means, never heard of sinfar or ee in this context.
Diamond edition is the original CD version released by Bioware, Enhanced edition is the re-release by beamdog on steam. Sinfar is a pesistent world ERP server (seriously) that was designed with the original (diamond) edition and hasn't converted to EE yet. Most other servers (arelith, ravenloft etc.) require EE to join.
so I DO need to rebuy on steam, cool not doing that. so long waterdeep.
Just pirate the gog version.
If you are a moralfag:
Its a 20 year old game that was re-released four times and the last time not even by the original creators but by a group of hacks who basically rebrand old games by making them less optimized and more bloated with a thin coat of barely modernized graphics. So there is no harm to be done here,
whats the damned difference between reinstalling it from disc that I payed for and "owning the steam version" if im going to pirate it anyway?
there is no need for any of this. besides the OG login system is probably dead and gone, I remember that being an issue last time I played and the admins of the server I was on just got me around it cause I was a regular.
You can't explain why hes wrong because he is absolutely 100% right lol
Absolutely nobody in basic bitch MMOs take the effort to stay in character all the time. Most NWN servers enforce that approach which leads to immersion and stories creating themselves on the fly. You can't really compare that to kiting mobs with your butt buddies in wow or armor trimming in runescape.
Warcraft has literal RP servers. DNDO and LOTRO also are infamous for this. However, and I must reiterate this, as per Gygax LARPing is not what roleplaying games are about and this is a woman's activity. As these are GAMES then the objective is to immerse oneself in the game's roleplaying systems, not listen to the server admin dump fan fiction. I'm not sure what these threads are supposed to be. A giant advertisement for dead servers? These were never good or popular. Certainly it's not for modules because you're not gunna play or discuss those, just recommend the same handful over and over, and I think if what's commonly pushed is to be taken at face value then we can conclude there's never been a NWN module that's over a 5/10 in quality. Clearly this game is just for complete and utter morons.
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I tried buying the game but my debit card locked it self :(
Stay in the mass effect thread.
why would i be in there?
Stay in the mass effect thread.
>As these are GAMES then the objective is to immerse oneself in the game's roleplaying systems
That's exactly what PW's are about if you're playing with non-retarded people (easy if you try). You really do not appear to engage in good faith so, as the other anon said, the time spent on arguing with you is better spent elsewhere.
>You really do not appear to engage in good faith
I'm not the one throwing a childish temper tantrum and insisting this is unique to NWN when its demonstrably not. You've chosen a completely indefensible position.
>I'm not the one throwing a childish temper tantrum
Neither am I.
>You've chosen a completely indefensible position.
None of the aforementioned other games have a dungeon master client, for example. They were designed for the massively multiplayer experience while NWN was designed to host smaller adventures which then developed into larger (but still not massive) persistent servers.
i wish you would be honest and explain what your angle is here. why are you so invested in being mad about what a lot of people find fun? your complaints are totally inaccurate as well
>NWN was designed to host smaller adventures which then developed into larger (but still not massive) persistent servers.
But you're literally admitting the persistent servers are undermining the original intention of NWN, and, furthermore, I've already stated that NWN does not have a single module thats even remotely decent. Once we start mentioning DM clients, well you've already completely lost here, because its pretty trivial to play actual tabletop online nowadays, and obviously NWN gameplay is absolutely atrocious compared to not only tabletop but pretty much anything else you could possibly imagine.
Drop the samefagging act.
oh, you're a genuine fuck head
This isn't reddit. Downvoting posts is pointless. You can't just say "X is inaccurate". You have to explain why. Hope that helps.
you're literally a redditor zoomer, wow and runescape playing newfag cancer. you are fooling no one. on top of this you're off your medication seemingly
NWN is a fun game, lots of great modules. Combat is shit though and PWs are just RP cliques due to low pop.
>you're literally a redditor zoomer, wow and runescape playing newfag cancer
4chan literally has an official runescape private server. Were you part of the 2016 trump migration or something? Probably so huh. Retards forget this isn't Codex and mistakenly believe they fit in here.
>evolution of concept is undermining
No one said that PWs are incompatible with smaller adventures.
> I've already stated that NWN does not have a single module thats even remotely decent
That's like, your opinion, man.
This is literal trash. Nobody takes this seriously, you're an actual fake nostalgia zoomer. Runescape was never good. It's not even in the same ballpark.
>vanilla wow
It's also not comparable to baby's first cookie cutter theme park mmo dumbed down for a mass casual audience.
You can't do anything you can in NWN in either of those examples. You can only do shit in those two examples and then jerk off.
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>undermining the original intention of NWN
That's not true in the slightest. The original intention of NWN was to be D&D in a box, it can be any kind of RPG you want it to be. Persistent worlds are well within the limits of what was advertised on the box, which is more than any other game with modding can say.
>Warcraft has literal RP servers. DNDO and LOTRO also are infamous for this.
They are not the same as a PW at all. You can't understand the distinction because you're retarded.
there is no fucking official 4chan runescape server you insufferable zoomer newfag. even if there fucking was it wouldn't mean the game is good. you are such blatant newfag cancer and fooling no one. insufferable zoomer faggot probably only discovered 4chan through twitch
Runescape was always Babby's First UO and was never good.
>there is no fucking official 4chan runescape server you insufferable zoomer newfag
>he doesn't know about /v/scape
>calling others newfags
You got owned and proven wrong, rest lil bro.
just stop, newfag
Runescape is in the same tier as Habbo Hotel. What are we even talking about here?
Are we going to start comparing Neopets to games like Monster Hunter, and Maple Story with Wizardry?
What kind of actually retarded brain fuckery is this?
>Runescape was always Babby's First UO and was never good.
Have you ever even played UO? Because its all automating mundane tasks with macros. You barely even play the game most of the time. Now its a discord game, where everything is done over discord. (Grand Exchange saved OSRS from this, apart from also having an extremely extensive quest series which UO does not)
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This NWN shitter is going insane lmao, what a terrible and boring game this is. Its like a cult, you can end hours explaining why its shit and just get a "yeah well okay you had to be there" and then 10 seconds later they'll go back to pretending its the best thing ever. What causes this level of mental retardation?
I grew up with these games. I remember when Runescape was a Java or flash game, it was always shit. It was very British and you have to pay them British pounds or something to access some areas. People played it when they were bored in class, but nobody played it at home except for total losers and people that were actually mentally ill. You can't do anything special in it, and the mechanics are just the most basic copy of mechanics from other games. You've probably grinded too much in it that now you have sunken costs and can't admit you wasted years of your life because you wanted to be part of the 4chan bros. Now you don't have contact with them anymore, and nobody cares you leveled up shit in a dumb web game made by a lazy britbong.
Cool story bro, but this is an NWN thread, an actual game.
Yes. Runescape fucking sucks compared to it.
NTA but have you ever played UO? Or have you only ever read up about UO and tried it for 5 minutes using bots today?
Your comment makes it sound like you never knew that UO wasn't a heavily botted game when it was still relevant. It makes you sound like you're too young to understand what people are talking about.
Why are you so bent out of shape trying to make sure people that play NWN don't think they're more special than players of other games? It seems like a pretty emotionally fragile stance.
All this thread is missing is the SS13 and Lifeweb schizo.
>this is unique to NWN when its demonstrably not.
It's not, but it's not because of MMOs you dumbass, it's because of weird BYOND games and D:OS 2 having a DM client.

Do you really not understand that the guy's story about accidentally getting in on a secret meeting is impossible in MMOs and meaningless if it was possible because it doesn't mean anything?
>he thinks /vrpg/ is one person
>NTA but have you ever played UO?
Yes, Outlands is literally installed on my computer right now. You remember it wrong or did not understand how it works and only played it as a retarded little kid.
>post you're toons

guy as well
Good times. I'm feeling nostalgic for that schizo, at least he put in some effort into his rants.
Outlands? I quit shortly after Age of Shadows. This is my point, you have no idea what it was like to play around 1998-2003.
Outlands is to UO what OSRS is to Runescape 3. If you haven't play the game in 21 years then clearly you aren't qualified to have an opinion on it. Or on anything really, if you think this is a proper stance to argue from.
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Thoughts on my fit
Looks brown and generic
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This thread is making me nostalgic. I should probably stop being lazy and go back to working on my mods after a 3 year hiatus. They added some things in the updates over the last few years that I wanted.
That's plum, you are color blind
It isn't though. I am absolutely more qualified than you to speak about what UO was. If you play on some spinoff shard today, that means nothing. You didn't play the original game. You're playing some weird modern simulacrum of what it was like to play UO.
Thanks for outing yourself though, it really shows everyone what kind of shitter you are.
You don't remember what UO was like. Your brain wasn't even fully developed when you played it. This is the biggest problem on this board, idiots who haven't played a single game in the last 20 years and just bitch and moan about everything while hanging out with their fellow faggots who also don't play anything.
UO ended over a decade ago. You can't compare people resurrecting the corpse of a dead IP over and over with the original IP. You talk about validity of arguments, yet you conveniently ignore this fundamental flaw in yours. It's not really worth continuing to entertain you with serious responses.
>It's not really worth continuing to entertain you with serious responses.
Because you don't have any arguments and got called out on being a retard blowing smoke up your own ass.
I already gave them. Just because you don't accept them and type text that doesn't mean what you typed is true or even a good argument itself. Your entire point is that because you weren't even alive then and can't speak on it then it must be invalid. I'm sorry for you?
Moving on...
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I played the original game, which is why I know about outlands. Games do not age. A game that is bad now was always bad. A game that was good then is good now. Only your perception changes. Your flawed perception is what fooled you into thinking UO was good, and your cognitive dissonance is what is preventing you from revisiting it now. Additionally, OSRS is just strictly an significantly improved clone of UO so it's strange that you would so vehemently hate it and compare it to habbo hotel (which makes no sense?) while praising UO, the details of which you seemingly do not remember at all.
In however many years there will also be AI that can play any game perfectly. So, really when we take that sort of argument seriously, then nobody could have ever enjoyed or been engaged with any game, and nobody could have enjoyed those games because at this future time AI plays it. That's where your argument goes. It's stupid and I wonder if you're even over 18.
Yep. It's a retarded argument. What was anon even thinking?
>In however many years there will also be AI that can play any game perfectly
I don't even understand what this argument is. Are you referring to the macros? UO was designed to be macro'd, from the ground up and since it's inception. Many actions are very tedious and even doing basic things like bandaging must be macro'd to be useful.
Shit argument. UO is literally not the same game it was on launch and wouldn't be even if it was identical mechanically because the community isn't the same.
There's that retarded and desperate downvote samefagging again.
I can play OSRS right now and still have fun. Same with vanilla wow. But UO is terrible, unplayable even by your own admittal. Why is that?
>I don't even understand anything
Yeah, that tracks.
>I can play OSRS right now and still have fun. Same with vanilla wow.
I can't. I find both of those games intolerably shit.
>unplayable even by your own admittal
I said no such thing.
Sir, your anus is prolapsing and bleeding all over the floor again. Please clean up.
>I said no such thing.
You just said that. And you aren't playing it now, haven't played it in 20 years, and are never going to play it again.
>my warped experience of a dead game two decades after it stopped being relevant, changed multiple hands, gutted and raped, and rehosted is totally the same as it was for people back in 1997
No I didn't. Get over yourself and stop conflating different posters, moeblob.
Nobody said that. You're delusional and imagining stuff now. Take your meds.
I think NWN has its flaws but why is it that whenever an anon starts campaigning about "valid criticism" against NWN they always turn out to be literally fucking insane?
Samefagging isn't going to win the argument for you. Over this entire back and forth you haven't made a single argument as to why UO is, or was, good, especially compared to OSRS. I don't think you ever really played it and are just a poser.
UO pushed boundaries and was a genuine attempt at translating a world to a different format. Runescape lazily retreaded UO's footsteps for poor third worlders like Tibia before it.
You're mind broken if you think you're only talking to one person.
>UO pushed boundaries
Has nothing to do with quality. You're just sidestepping the question. How is UO better than OSRS? I'm sure you can answer this as you seem to be an expert on both games.
Get off your phone retard
Please quote where anyone but yourself explicitly said UO was always "unplayable." If you cannot do this then we have to conclude that you are mentally ill.
I'm not on a phone. How do you think you seem right now to me, who is not on a phone, and everyone else responding to you? You don't seem sane. That's for sure.
You only hope is that someone else reads this thread later and thinks you're right, but that's so unlikely. In short you're saying it for yourself, because you can't cope with reality.
There are actually several posts, blaming that exact copies of the original source material are a "simulacrum", the "community" has changed, I was a retarded 5 year old therefore my experience is valid today, etc.
I don't think it's even a serious question. Runescape is shit, it's literally shit, it was always made to be shit. The fact that you and a few other zoomer memelords had fun with it doesn't mean it was good. Habbo Hotel was never good either.
>How is UO better than OSRS?
Most of the gameplay is derived from the players. The game strives to be coherent and its world was designed as a world first.
Yet you can't quote any of them. You should probably be questioning your sanity, but then you would need to have a shred of sanity to begin with.
And every argument there is right.
Nobody said any of that. You're just picking out random words people used, but they didn't say any of that. Learn some reading comprehension.
I started playing when I was 16 and stopped when I was 19 or 20, which is probably much older than you are now.
Except that's not true as it's a series of mundane tasks implemented by the developers which drive the game's economy, which in turn drive the game's players. OSRS comparatively has a more complex world and economy, which means more complex player driven events.
Yes, thank you for proving the point that you didn't understand UO at all.
To add to this >>3560079 the world was really designed to be coherent. In contrast Runescape was filled with stupid British schoolboy humor, anachronistic quests and features, and other shit that was pretty typical of website games at that time. You don't have to completely ignore the systems and world building to have fun in UO or NWN or any other real game like you do on Runescape. It was stitched together cringe and that doesn't make it good game design in any era, not even in ironic/post-ironic zoomer brainrot era. Even the people that enjoyed it for the memes knew it was shit and would never huff Runescape farts and call it peak design or groundbreaking unironically.
>Most of the gameplay is derived from the players
This is actually objectively wrong. For example, most equipment you will use in Runescape is created by players. Not so in Ultima Online. A lot of the original Ultima Online is actually really bad and empty space. There isn't much to buy and having money isn't very important. Once you 7x your character that's pretty much it, which doesn't take long.
Sounds like your complaints are largely shallow aeshetic preferences not rooted in game design but rather nostalgia.
It's not wrong at all.
*aesthetic preferences
NTA but you're an idiot. Players focused on crafting, using ingots created from smelting, from ore that was area specific, needing bodyguards to protect miners, and sold armor to other players from hired NPC shops they placed in their homes. In Runescape you just repeatedly press buttons between answering riddles and other hard coded cringey "humorous" quests.
But it is wrong and I just explained why. Outlands actually improves on this by making crafting more important and adding more locations. I remember what UO was originally like because I actually played it. You're just totally wrong and throwing an embarrassing samefag tantrum.
I think you just keep on digging your own grave deeper and deeper with every post. Please continue.
Wanting a game where the gameplay is supposed to stem from the world to not be a wacky incoherent themepark is not an aesthetic preference, it's asking for the bare fucking minimum.
Nope, you just made your own crafting character, and this was not important and the gear available in UO was very limited and easily obtainable. Conversely, you don't even go into wildy with optimal gear in OSRS because you'd risk losing months of progress.
You didn't. You think you did, but you didn't.
>not be a wacky incoherent themepark
But UO has actual theme park design, it's just a big empty world with a handful of visually distinct locations to draw in players. That's what theme park actually means because its how real world theme parks are designed. Whereas OSRS has thoroughly designed areas and you're constantly wading through content, the opposite of a themepark.
>That's what theme park actually means
Yes it's literally referring to ubisoft style towers on big empty open world maps, like a big rollercoaster in a theme park. That's the origin of the term in regards to video games.
Zoomers really think there is value in just being contrarian and talking out their ass, huh?
Go play your amazing modded OSRS persistent world based on anything from Skill based leveling Steampunk world or Star Wars to LOTR or modern zombie survival or Pathfinder setting and rules and have fun instead of ranting and embarrassing yourself. Oh wait, it doesn't exist and it never will. Well, well, well, how about that.
No, it's not.
You are so fucking retarded.
>That's what theme park actually means because its how real world theme parks are designed.
Real life theme parks are incredibly dense.
And you think that being old enough to remember is a bad thing, and that your understanding as a child is better. This is literally like a 15 year old telling everyone they understand everything about the world.
Your understanding of these games and terminology like sandbox and themepark is severely lacking. Lurk more. Stop posting when you clearly don't understand shit.
Reminds me of how some kids think World of Warcraft is a sandbox MMO.
He's going completely insane.
>themeparks aren't really themeparks
>sandboxes are themeparks
Okay, we get it you're baiting, but this is an NWN thread.
Guys, this is why you don't respond to trolls and don't taking "NWN is shit" and "D&D is shit" as serious arguments. These people are actually crazy and don't know anythings. There's nothing of value in engaging with them.
Liking UO more than OSRS is the contrarian take here. UO is dead and OSRS is more alive than ever.
Appeal to popularity. So, go play Fortnite, it's more popular than both combined by a longshot. Go run your pw on Fortnite, do your RP on Fortnite. Go on.
I would rather play fortnite than NWN.
I'm sure you would.
So is Maple Story, herpy derpy derp.
Yeah, I don't think anyone believes you would prefer otherwise.
>old enough to remember
But you don't remember.
Of course I remember. What is a fact is that you don't know my mind, and any attempt to convey that you fundamentally know my mind is on the same level as appealing to astrology. If you say something that isn't true, and you say things that out you as a young person, that's not the same as you telling people that they can't remember stuff that they do remember. We're not dismissing each other on the same grounds here, you literally have no grounds beyond your assumed telepathy.
it has a lot of flaws

shit programming, its a fucking buggy mess and not even fixed to this day.

terrible implementation of rules, ultra lazy design and filled with retarded homebrew
Stop trolling, nobody is going to take you seriously anymore.
>but I'm a new troll
Nice argument.
In what way am i wrong? there are so many issues with this game even after years of patching and tons of dedicated fans. How it was programmed makes it a serious ordeal in order to fix them, even the EE hasn't.
Good talk.
if you seriously think caster level being fucked(its why pale master is shit) because of short sighted lazy design that didn't want to properly implement paladin/ranger is ok then i don't know what to say to you.

almost all the bugs and poor implementation(and there are many) in nwn are for the same reason, idiot developers cutting corners.
>At 4th level and higher, her caster level is one-half her paladin level.
That's RAW
You're talking to yourself.
There are many thing I wish they implemented properly and designed better for expansion and modding. I'm just not going to throw a hissy fit over it or lose my mind on an anonymous message board. Fixing caster levels was always an easy scripting fix, replace GetCasterLevel(object oPC) with GetMyNewCasterLevel(object oPC), where you loop through GetClassByPosition(int n, object oPC) and use GetLevelByClass(int nClass, object oPC) to re-calculate the CL. I'm not going to lose sleep over their sloppy implementation when the fix is so easy.
NWN is a buggy mess and ugly as sin, but it still works well enough to be playable. And it looks decent enough when modders use custom tilesets.
The game has a decent number of genuinely enjoyable player-made adventures, and it's a good enough reason to try it.
I hate NWN. A slow boring piece of shit just like KOTOR.
Holy based
yeah but not in nwn. half cl progression is too complex for bioware
it's not really a big deal but you have to admit that the developers were lazy fucks. nwn deserves criticism because so much of the game was half assed and never fixed despite 2 expansions and years of patch support
if i hated this game i wouldn't have played it enough to notice the problems.
i won't defend its imbecilic design choices or incompetent implementations.
Larian could do the funniest thing and fuck over Hasbro by releasing a full module making toolset like NWN has.
>it's not really a big deal but you have to admit that the developers were lazy fucks.
Depends on what you mean. Have you ever tried to actually implement the SRD in a game accurately? I will assume the answer is no and that you assume it's just a matter of grinding out the work. To an extent that's correct, but there are also so many caveats to everything that you need to account for. It's way more complicated than people think. I don't think they were just lazy, I think that they didn't assign enough devs with enough time to properly implement all of the rules. I also think they had other priorities, but overall it was not a terrible implementation. There are other things that bug me too, especially with things like certain feats, divine might and so on applying incorrectly as an unresistable damage type to the character and not the weapon, and shield applying to the character and not the shield. Then again, you could write books on their implementation of spells, including breach spells, Issacs, flame weapon, implosion, and some of the DR spells, which they just pulled out of nowhere. How about the way that weapon bonus damage is calculated which means that it's always equivalent to bursting critical damage. It's no surprise that a lot of those changes result in the most powerful options in NWN.
I only really take issue with how they implemented some of the stuff that makes it difficult or near impossible to extend of fix. Metamagic continues to be a headache because you can't really adjust it for memorizing casters. Domains and familiars were implemented with only one class in mind too, so even when they unhardcoded them they can't really be used to offer class specific options. Now that's a result of lazy devs. The other stuff is just whatever it is, they had to ship a game.
However, try to explain to me how Obsidian got the source, made their own engine, boasted how much they would fix stuff and still fumbled NWN2. You literally can't explain it.
For what game? Not BGIII of course.
>yes, but when I said like NWN what I really meant was nothing like NWN and just more severely limited and lackluster like the tools and GM stuff for DOS2
You don't say.
>You literally can't explain it.
I can easily.
Nwn2 was developed at the start of the multiplatform craze when they tried to shove literally every game from rts to rpg on consoles. Consoles which at the time where even more drastically limiting than they are today, especially when it comes to resources used.
This led to a sad sack of shit of a game they had to design around running on a toaster and working with controlers.
NWN2 never came out on consoles.
It didnt but it was originally developed with the 360 in mind. Thats why the visuals and the animations are 00's floaty garbage.
If they just aborted that because they realized it will never work or because quarrel with Shitsoft I dont know. In the end they had spent a lot of time on a console version and not enough time and money to start from scratch so they just released that dumpsterfire it on PC.
This literally came to you in a dream and never factored into NWN2's 1.5-2 year tight dev cycle. They were posting about improving NWN for what the community wanted constantly, not consoles. In fact they ended up going with overly bloated area data structures that killed multiplayer on the PC let alone consoles. Take your meds.
The visuals could barely run on a high end PC and were never designed for something like consoles. I don't know what you're smoking or why you make this argument and at once contradict it by how limited consoles were.
>Tesla Effect
That's enough replying to yourself
this is true... most of the modules these guys love to jerk off so much are nowhere near as good as the games they shit on .
>he does not know Tex Murphy
zoomers >>>/out/
The issue with nwn is the lack of party control and a good base campaign that forces you to use 4-6 full party. one-man party janky ripoff diablo but flavored with 3e dnd was weird. its alright but the games main strength was to be dnd online in mmo servers with strange roleplay community focused modules, playing it solo in some hack and slash module is fucking strange. Million other games that do that far better.
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same same poster. at ravenclaw castle, i ended up really liking a dance with rogues so far. the quest design is actually pretty decent and there's some cool political intrigue. I'm not going to suck its dick that its some 10/10 masterpiece but I'm surprised custom content has this many cool set pieces+quests not related to the main and the main is fine too. lots of charm, some recurring characters i actually genuinely enjoy like my nigga timo, strange the horny shit is the least noteworthy thing about the experience. that's just spice to make it stand apart from generic sexless fantasy at this point desu. i went 6 rouge/4 fighter with longbow expertise. power spike was insane. went from no way i could fight a standard dhorn solider to being able to fight 3 at once with a +4 mind immunity +4 mighty longbow. i know I'm nearing the end, i had to consult the wiki a few times and saw this is the backend of the experience, can't figure out how to do the undertow quest which seems to have been added in 2.0 and has no info about but seems cool. is part 2 worth playing or am i about to experience a decline? also, no spoilers if you can, i want to see how this ends genuinely.
That bush is truly chaotic evil.
Just when I thought all this thread needs is the Diablo schizo that convinced himself that NWN was made to be a Diablo clone.
What is it about NWN that attracts so many schizos that hate the game but apparently never played it or paid attention to it, and just make shit up?
I enjoyed part 2 a lot, its different but pretty fun. If you save a character from the enhanced version of part 1 to bring into part 2 it will be either really buggy to downright broken at parts.
Part 2 is made to use an imported character from the original part 1 mod. You can of course just create an entirely new character to start part 2 and level up using debug mode, although all your items/gold will be gone. You will also need to console in Pias/hyaths ring if you want the romance and hyath plotlines.

Also thats a pretty nice build, 1 level of shadowdancer or going assassin for death attack could be pretty useful.
Strength paladin vs charisma paladin?
If you going to be a paladin take both man
Yeah, usually I’d pick one to boost and leave the other at 14. The stat reqs for epic feats are so high that you can’t hit both (23/25 str for overwhelming/devastating critical and 25 cha for great smiting). Not like nwn2 with a hybrid build of 21 str/cha and epic divine might works out
If I had to pick one i would probably go strength, if you want to focus on the caster part might as well go cleric instead.
Strength paladin is just a feat starved warrior.
The point of a nwn pala is to stack ridiculous saves via the global working cha bonus to the point of being nigh immune to most spells, traps and special abilities while having max BAB/attacks a good HP pool and thus being a viable melee frontliner as also smiting three digits four times a round via great smiting.
This only works with a cha focused build and strength wont modify any of those points above besides giving you extra damage that divine might does better (ignores physical dr) and extra attack bonuses which a full BAB class wont need that much apart from what you can get from items and your 14 starting strength.
Nwn features +10 items and attribute stacking in almost all epic high magic modules so getting a +14 str bonus trough belt + buff for a whooping modifier of 9 which is just 3 short of the cap (12) is no problem and you almost max out Str. effectiveness without wasting a single point over 14. In low magic modules which are usually also not epic (no greater smiting) and tend to use rules like limiting divine might and saves to a modifier of 5 you should get enough cha to hit 20 along the road and put the rest in str.
>The point of a nwn pala is to stack ridiculous saves via the global working cha bonus to the point of being nigh immune to most spells, traps and special abilities
How about dipping one level into paladin as a cleric for extra saves?
Solid and convincing argument, anon.
Then you’re not a paladin, you’re just cheesing
play vanilla singleplayer
of the modules that come with the game, darkness over daggerford. aielund saga sucks, don't bother.
For me, it’s the OC followed by SoU -> HotU and then on to the NWN2 OC
Makes sense if you go full munchkin cancer and just bullshit dip classes together using the already OP cleric spell list as buffing base.
So cleric with divine might, get enough wisdom to get the buffs you want (usually 19, 20 if you want to round up and make use of the +1 Bonus), Domains time and earth for max fuckery (haste, premonition, energy buffer, stoneskin), 16 cha put all remaining points here, 14 strength, dump everything else, dip monk for 5-10 ac wis bonus, dip pala for saves. If you have all the spells you want go pala for hp. If you are a maximum shitter you go 20 pala first to get max attacks, then get the cleric lvls, then dip monk inbetween or at the very end.
But this stuff is only viable if you play max lvl servers or modules because you play some void of identity crap that sucks 90% of the time.
For a normal playtrough on a normal cleric you either wont have enough points to spend on cha to not fuck yourself over with that one non caster lvl in comparison to spell progression, or you go divine might cha based cleric who relatively dumps wisdom and at this point you could just go full paladin. Not talking about how one lvl dips go against any rp principle with classes who are connected to oaths and deities because all the power is borrowed and can be taken from you the moment you start shitting around with it. Bonus points for having to allign paladin oathery crap with the service to and the domains of your god as cleric.
3rd edition really was such garbage.
Dips and munchkin builds were a mistake. Builds are supposed to facilitate roleplaying, not power wankery.
Agreed maybe 15 into that classes main attribute minute or something to be allowed to put a level 1 into a new class “? So you need 15 wisdom before your allowrd to multi into cleric
what paladin are we talking here? vanilla paladin is really fucking bad and only gets three smites per rest with extra smiting feat, otherwise only one. the only thing that makes vanilla paladin sort of good is that your taunts are gonna be great with a charisma build, but this also really depends on if you're able to do the taunt + expertise combo effectively or the animation cancel taunt. some gay servers will ban you for this shit too
you should have to find someone to train you and take at least year or two.
If you ignore the rules and advice in the books then you get what you deserve. My favorite ones are when people break games using stuff that was listed as NPC only.
>My favorite ones are when people break games using stuff that was listed as NPC only.
Such as...?
I forgot what it was exactly, but there was one in a "this build breaks the game" discussions that used to get reposted a lot. It was from a web supplement and specifically stated that it was an NPC only template, also with several restrictions because it was intended for a servant of a god. Anyway, people ignored that part and used it for their lowly adventurers, then complained it broke the game.
The continuum of silly for 3rd edition munchkins goes from ignoring stacking rules like NWN did to basically using Asmodeus' stat block.
It's sort of tradition though right back to the days of Gary Gygax complaining that people were using too many magic items in their games, but that didn't stop him from bending his own rules and guidelines.
Pun Pun is a more famous example of 3.5e cheese, which traditionally uses a level of Divine Minion. It's only needed for getting started super early, though - the biggest use of the class is wildshape, which other classes eventually have. Anyway, a basic application has a lvl 5 or so kobold gain effectively infinite attributes, permanently.

There are also builds around "chicken infested," a joke feat available to commoners. Long story short, it allows a player to create live chickens out of thin air, which has a worrying number of potential applications. At least one has the arbitrarily high number of chickens explode, but I can't remember the exact build.
they're supposed to facilitate both, you faggot
some dips are stupid but it's because of people like you that dnd turned into a story time in fantasy setting
Does it allow creation of talking chickens?
It was fine before you guys came around actually, we had both. Then you WotC trained autists drove people to repudiate the gaming side to get away from your obnoxious metashit and buildwank circlejerking. You suffer the consequences of your actions.
>they're supposed to facilitate both
No. You and I and everyone reading this knows that in 99% of cases, people that are taking dips are doing so purely for the mechanical benefits for munchkin powerbuilds and that no one gives a flying fuck about roleplaying. It’s not like Elminsters class spread which was done solely for his backstory and background.
No, I don't know that.
Especially since a lot of those dips are not with vague classes like rogue, or fighter which cover a dozen different ways of being and have zero rp or mechanical prereqs besides learning shit available to everyone.
Divine Stellcasting is bound to a deitie and follows strict rules, rituals and often times the membership in some kind of church, cult or circle which gatekeeps its knowledge.
Monks are originally bound to an order and require intensely focused years of training and dedication.
Many dip classes are allignment restricted like bards and essentielle link the class to a certain personality.
No shoehorned 12 yo sonic the hedgehog fanfic tier story is going to believably cover that you are a clerical drow bard of Grumbar who spontaneously trained to be a monk for a short period of time going trough a complete personality change and back before you realized the dragon blood in you and maxed its potential.
What is believable that you are a street kid rogue who later became a wizard but that shit is not what munchkins do.
>What is believable that you are a street kid rogue who later became a wizard but that shit is not what munchkins do
Dipping into a rogue is a great option for a high level wizard. Ideally you want it after level 17-18, but getting a couple of levels along the road is also a viable option if you're going to reach every spell level by endgame.
Most posters on 4chan on male, so it's not wrong to simply use "He" as an assumptive pronoun.
>venom codename outbreak
Slav detected.
>Divine Stellcasting is bound to a deitie and follows strict rules,
Pun Pun never works because the reading of Manipulate Form is very liberal and effectively brain dead stupid in theorycrafting discussions. They never fixed it because it isn't broken, the Sarrukh cannot infinitely upgrade others or itself, nor can it bypass its own limitations by letting the player effectively create their own rules. The reading is so liberal that players might as well say they assign themselves a feat that wins the game. Done. Pun Pun skipped, and game won.
And that's after all of the other issues that theorycrafters and their parrots gloss over like needing to know what a Sarrukh is despite that it's a rare epic monster.
If you read the rules like you've got shit for brains and the DM is likewise debilitated then of course the game you play in will run like you've all got shit for brains.
There is nothing wrong with dips and so on. The DMG has various passages where it discusses things like multiclassing, additional requirement, training, and of course there is even the favored class and exp penalty for multiclassing. People tend to ignore all that like they tend to ignore the exp penalties because they think it's boring. They also ignore this part in the DMG about prestige classes specifically.
>Allowing PCs access to prestige classes is purely optional and always under the purview of the DM. Even though a few examples can be found below, prestige classes are idiosyncratic to each campaign, and DMs may choose to not allow them or to use them only for NPCs.
>Dungeon Masters should use prestige classes as a tool for world-building as well as a reward for achieving high level. They set characters in the milieu and put them in the context of the world.
D&D 3.0/3.5 was always designed to be a curated game, with many options, variants, and other suggestions. Complainers are always people that ignore the majority of the text in books like the DMG, while at the same time praising D&D 5e for making backgrounds "part of the rules." But there were already options for backgrounds in previous editions including 3.0/3.5. These guys are beyond ridiculous and it's hopeless to ever expect them to be intellectually honest. Instead, have a many multiple class dipping build with mechanics taken from options tied to multiple diametrically opposed affiliations.
People ignore the XP penalty for multiclassing because it's worse for the game than not having it.
Its also pretty much non-existant if you are playing a human.
That's what I'm talking about. Everyone is at least in agreement that when you change the game it plays differently. They just fail to acknowledge their own role in this.
>curated bullshit list clearly based on /v/ board consensus
You know (you) don't get updoots here, right anon?
>implying I would ever praise D&D 5E for anything
Divine spellcasters of nwn are druid, cleric, pala and ranger all of them get their spells granted, in terms of paladin not by their god but its still limited. "Nature" is basically a godlike force. Also no one would ever dip ranger or pala for the spells.
Nwn is not pnp. All those things dont matter there, especially not in singleplayer or bullshit mmo modules which started this discussion. On persistent worlds no on curates anything besides using shit like dips a tool of nepotism. Also its not like angry Computergame Jebus bursts out of your shitter to drag you to hell or something if you munchkin a game like nwn. I just wouldnt recommend someone on his first playtrough to meta the shit out of the class system that gives enough freedom (which is a good thing) to completely break and turn it into a shitty elder scrolls with a god PC who has no identity and just does everything because the classes are that one thing which make a game with so much combat interesting.
And I was talking about a wizard with an actual background. Not spending all your adventuring to the point of near epic lvls and near demi godhood and then casually learning to sneak perfectly, pick locks and disarm traps overnight. Especially not with NWN's system of storing unlimited skillpoints.
Clerics can worship concepts and get powers from them just fine.
>the Sarrukh cannot infinitely upgrade others
The changes are explicitly noted to be permanent to the point of being passed down to any offspring, and more importantly, there's nothing to suggest only one such change may ever be active or applied. The only RAW limitations are "any Scaled One native to Toril, except for aquatic and undead creatures" (kobolds are considered Scaled Ones, at least they are in Serpent Kingdoms where sarrukh come from), sarrukh are immune to it, and Manipulate Form always calls for a fortitude save in a game where you can't intentionally fail a check outside of house rules.
I mean for crying out loud, the rules about Manipulate Form say "A sarrukh may also grant the target an extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability or remove one from it." This is literally everything RAW says about its capacity to change abilities, meaning there are exactly zero limitations noted on what abilities may be granted. Even if we rule that a creature's form may only be manipulated once through this ability, or that the only abilities a sarrukh may grant are ones it has taken away in the past, the whole thing is either absurdly vague or broken to hell.

Pun Pun "never works" because theorycrafting is the entire fun of it. Actually running it in game is pointless.
>Clerics can worship concepts and get powers from them just fine.
Cringe and wrong
All d&d gods are cringe by default. Meme magic from Planescape is where it's at.
>and then casually learning to sneak perfectly, pick locks and disarm traps overnight
You have a perfect understanding of those through Invisibility, Knock and Find Traps.
That's still getting your spells from a Power, it's just the nearest strongest one with that concept in their portfolio.
>always calls for a fortitude save in a game where you can't intentionally fail a check outside of house rules.
Untrue. It's stated in both the PHB and the Rules Compendium that you can.
Your DM would have to agree with all of your loose interpretations, since it's not possible as either RAW or RAI.
Read the text properly without the BS. These discussions always break down into one camp that argues it basically lets you rewrite rules text, and another camp that says it doesn't. The latter group is obviously correct.
First of all a precise reading of e.g. polymorph/change effects states you assume the form of a target and can assume the gross type of the target, but you are never the target itself. No class levels, languages, knowledge, or afflictions. You don't count as the creature whose form you are assuming. Therefore, you assume the shape of a sarrukh by magical effect but you are not a sarrukh. Manipulate Form is taken with Assume Supernatural Ability. However, you are infact not a sarrukh, you have merely assumed its form; the text as written never applies to you. Trueseeing reveals that you indeed are not a sarrukh, you were merely pretending.
The second detail that is often skipped over is that supernatural effects are magical effects, similar to spells. All types of magical effects have quirks, but unless stated otherwise fall under source stacking rules. Manipulate Form has no such exception that says the permanent effects are no longer from a magical source. Successive applications are self-blocking/replacing but permanent.
A sarrukh can increase the ability score of another creature up to its own ability score. This does not imply that they can temporarily raise their scores to bypass their own scores in this fashion, obviously that interpretation would be tempting, but a stricter interpretation would make it similar to ability score requirements for feats.
The true power of Pun-Pun assumed by proponents is not the leap-frog of ability scores, but the assumption that you can give yourself any extraordinary and supernatural features. Some try and claim that you can change the nature of published features and grant feats and class features based on this. At that point you don't even need to bother since you're diregarding the rules.

Anyway, Pun-Pun played by his creator could only go a few rounds before being destroyed by The Word. As expected for a low caliber rules lawyer. The embarrassment never stopped the legend though, because level 1 kobold god is funny.
If you go Paladin then you should go full Charisma

>Paladin 10/Champion of Torm 30
>14/8/8/10/14/18 starting attributes
>All levelup points into CHA
>Skill points in Discipline, Spot and Tumble
>Take 2x Great Charisma and 10x Great Smiting as epic feats
>Scimitar (with Keen, Permahaste and all elemental damage bonuses)
>Tower Shield
>Kumakawa armor
>Boots of Striding
>Nymph Cloak
>Greater Mask of Persuasion
>Belt of Storm Giant Strength
>Bracers of Dexterity
>Armulet of Natural Armor
>Ring of Protection
>Ring of Universal Elemental Immunity
With those items, feats, Bull's Strength and Eagle's Splendour you should have
>26/18/18/10/14/52 attributes
This means your Divine Might and Divine Shield last 21 turns and give 21 extra damage and AC. Divine Wrath gives 13 damage, 13 attack bonus and 25 damage reduction too.
But the real point of such a build is its save throws and smites.

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