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Why everyone keeps making medieval rpgs? There are plenty of other time periods that could make for an interesting RPG but nobody tries them.
Nobody fantasizes about living in hellholes like the middle east and africa. Next question.
medieval is a time period not a place retard
Try Age of Decadence.
It allows for enough technology to be interesting, but still old enough to not be troubled by modern propaganda. It’s really a sweet spot of history. It just allows for so much freedom. Like being able to murder a thousand people in one town, and not even be known in another. But we go too far back town are boring and everyone is too poor. But I do agree with, people should think through a Jew fun setting.
>jew fun setting
RPG set in Gaza would be perfect
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um... lol?
>There are plenty of other time periods that could make for an interesting RPG
Like what?
Good balance between Melee and Range Weapons.
Try maybe Deus Ex
Nobody thinks of medieval times and imagines south america.

>Why everyone keeps making medieval rpgs?
Its what the customer wants and thus it sells
I blame Tolkien. Every western fantasy is the same boring slop because of him.
There are almost no medieval RPGs...
If only one guy wasn't so creative, maybe everyone else would be more creative...
Reddit might be more up your alley then.
Can't make modern or futuristic rpg because it inevitably ends up criticising modernity: establishment, systemic flaws like capitalism, alienation, inability for a society to prevent gentrification between elites and normies - which leads to rise of cabal etc. And modern tribe doesn't like it when criticism hits too close to home, so you get modern propaganda slop nobody likes outside of over-socialized libcucks who'll disappear within a generation.

Gl getting past sensitivity readers, publishers cucking to blackrocks ESG etc, with anything real.

>Sir, this is a bait.
I feel generous
You don't understand, anon, he brainwashed the entire world to dislike my particular setting fetish. It's Not Fair!!!!!
You can't make a modern RPG because everyone hates modernity and how impotent we are. Can't even kill each other by our own discretion.
>Publishers being leeches and forcing their good-goy writers to copy that one trend because it's on the rise (to cash in)
>Author being responsible for brainwashing people

This too. The only viable route is to cash in on the symbolism and hope that judeo-masonic bolsheviks like those hints and callbacks, but then it ends up canibalizing the social criticism and you get bullshit like Star Wars that may as well could have been written for a Medieval setting as well. In a perfect world you could probably construct a story that overtly (in terms of symbolism) appeals to the Jews and Masons, but covertly criticizes them and the modernity they have constructed, but it'll have to be written by someone truly enlightened.
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I don't mind Medieval times but I don't see why nobody has tried to make early modern period fantasy besides Warhammer Fantasy and Greedfall. Do guns really completely fuck up a fantasy world that badly?
PoE has guns. It's the one cool thing about it's setting
>Do guns really completely fuck up a fantasy world that badly?
More that they are superfluous. If I have magic heat-seeking armor-piercing arrows, don't really need a blunderbuss.
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>Nobody thinks of medieval times and imagines south america.
>south americans are lizard people
fucking racist anglo faggots selling their little overpriced dolls
It's not Tolkien's fault. It's the fault of Gygax and D&D. Before the late 1980s fantasy was varied, but D&D and it's spin offs became super popular with gen x/millennial normienerds, the Japs kept making European medieval based fantasy games because they loved D&D so much. By the time Jackson's trilogy and TES Oblivion came along to cement it fully as the "default" fantasy setting medieval fantasy had already taken over the nerd scene for the current generations, and due to pop cultural stagnation and corporate takeover of entertainment nobody wants to nor could they establish new settings.

Eventually zoomers and aspies will come into their own and will want something different and in 30-40 years the default fantasy setting will be something like scifi.
Uh, how hard is it to just not include guns in the setting? It's fucking fiction. You can make it anything. OP is right, the medieval shit is boring and overdone. Personally I would like something set in a shithole in Africa. At least it'd be interesting and never done before. A GTA in Africa where you chase people around with machetes on zebras.
>Warhammer Fantasy and Greedfall
None of these are really early modern though. Warhammer Fantasy is not a serious setting and neither is Greedfall.
I don't care about any of that, retard. I was responding to the question I quoted.
>medieval rpgs
that is the classic RPG setting zoomer, since the inception of the genre
>the medieval shit is boring and overdone.
I see high fantasy as so fundemental that this statement can never be true. It's like saying "this supernatural horror shit is overdone" or like swap in any major genre.
>due to pop cultural stagnation and corporate takeover of entertainment nobody wants to nor could they establish new settings.
high fantasy is always about establishing original settings that share elements of the medieval aesthetic, world building is a fundamental ingredient of the genre. Most of the time it doesn't literally take place in medieval earth but in an original setting with knights and dragons or whatever the author wants to include from it
>Eventually zoomers and aspies will come into their own and will want something different and in 30-40 years the default fantasy setting will be something like scifi.
Then it won't be high fantasy. It will be sci fi. What?
I forgot to add..how can you think high fantasy is overdone but sci fi, which is currently way bigger in entertainment, isn't? Both very broad and extremely profitable categories. Even looking at RPGs the japs have been doing very popular sci fi fantasy fusions for 40 years
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Funny you would say that cuz whitoids love Morrowind but it's basically just Yemen and pre-islamic folktale
Idc about the politics but I think fantasy got normified to the point of being like a CW show, and having the worldbuilding to match
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>haha silly white people, imagine them liking good thing without the shit thing that makes it a bad thing
I want either a top down 2D or full 3D WW1 based single player RPG.
With lots of world interaction.
>real world historic setting RPG
that sounds crazy boring and probably triple A movie game fodder
Why do you have to be mad? It's all in good fun, anon.
I wish there was more medieval fantasy.
I LOVE IT. It sustains me.
I want more urban fantasy not named Persona and SMT.
Troubleshooter's cool but we need a non-SRPG one.
There's actually very little pure medieval fantasy. Usually it's a hodgepodge of time periods with very little thought put into it. Really, castles shouldn't even look the same as they did on Earth in a setting with flying monsters and magic.
>Yemen and pre-islamic folktale
Where is the Yemeni influence in the game?
They're just copying their D&D games. It's the best setting for the mechanics they need to make things work, like magic abd stuff. Only reason Fallout wasn't like this was because it's based on GURPS.
Tolkien fantasy is over done because they often keep the same tropes. Sure, they try to change the brush a bit (dwarves are like this, elves are like this, magic is complicated, etc etc) but it's the same core idea.
Compare that to sci-fi, and while you do see those same tropes, they try to focus on a particular niche. System Shock 2 and Deus Ex are both sci-fi, but in terms of world presentation they're leagues apart, SH is a lot more psychedelic horror. Deus Ex meanwhile has a political-philosophy contemporary lens to it. Even the technology/cybernetics in both games are different, with SH2 having psionic hardware while Deus Ex has a super jump.
In a lot of Tolkien fantasy settings, meanwhile, they use a lot of overlapping ideas. which makes it uninteresting as a setting. Especially when it's clear that there isn't a big historical background.
I say Tolkien fantasy, but outside of that I enjoy fantasy settings a lot more. Even something as simple as (sorry for /vst/ example) Battle Brothers scratches the itch, because in that game all the supernatural creatures are abominations, monsters, that cannot be reason, negotiated or even harnessed, and require summary execution. Even the undead army itself is interesting, because it's an army from a by gone past, and not random zombies.
I've been thinking about other settings for a fantasy rpg besides ye olde europe and the only things that comes in mind is star wars, basically the only game is kotor
Thanks for sharing.
Bronze Age (Ancient Egypt, Sumner, Minoans, the Iliad and Odyssey)

Antiquity (Ancient Greece, Rome, ancient China, can go to Atlantis here)

The Dark Ages, right after the Western Roman Empire collapsed.

Byzantium, the part of the Roman Empire that didn't collapse.

Any period when crazy assholes on horses erupted from the steppe, there's a ton of them. The proto-Indo-Europeans, the Huns, the Mongols.

Take those as inspiration, add gods and magic, maybe some wacky ancient technology. There's at least three periods of civilizational collapse in there, you can turn that into an RPG just fine.
So when is your game coming out?
This falsely assumes Medieval life was not interesting. KCD was great, and even watching shitty pop videos on history reveals just how complicated the times were, and how beautiful it was in terms of landscape, art and buildings.
You don't see that in Tolkein RPGs, where there'll be a mercenaries/bandit groups flip flopping when it's advantageous to them, succession crisis (that isn't just "my rightful throne's been stolen, I'm 100% the correct heir and I'm good at my job"), church vs state disputes, crusades, modernization of weaponry and military strategy, etc etc. In fact, I think one of the great examples of the issue with modern pop-fantasy is that there is little/no sieges, and if there are, it's very superficial. KCD portrays it the best as far as I know, but even then I think it could have gone deeper. Ironfist Chimni has the best portrayal of a siege that I know of
>city waits for relief force, the city is full of civilians who are defending themselves.
>city has to use countless tricks to stall for time, limit invading forces, and train up to fight against the horseman
>the city's conquest will serve as a beach head and proving ground of the invading army, which is why he wants to take the city: it'll cement his rule.
This last point is important. The conquest of the city was as much about proving to his MEN that he is the strongest amongst them, as well as taking over the city. I think it's significant because right of rule is another thing that barley gets mentioned in pop fantasy (how many games have army defecations?)

And so when we go back to "adventurers explore generic Tolkein world", I lose a lot of interest. Even in the fucking Hobbit, there was a cold war brewing over the dragon's gold, with political dimensions and motivations that makes no side the right side. I'm not saying every setting needs to be grimdark, I just want societal change and kings/generals actually running their states, not being blessed with absoulte rule.
a new shadowrun game would be perfect imo
Elden Ring's setting is entirely Byzantine though, the only game of its kind.
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>Bronze Age (Ancient Egypt, Sumner, Minoans, the Iliad and Odyssey)
>Antiquity (Ancient Greece, Rome, ancient China, can go to Atlantis here)
>The Dark Ages, right after the Western Roman Empire collapsed.
>Byzantium, the part of the Roman Empire that didn't collapse.
"Medieval Fantasy" RPGs often blend elements from various eras.
This thread is always so fucking stupid.
Is Medusa bronze age or medieval?
what a shit sculpture.
>Funny you would say that cuz whitoids love Morrowind but it's basically just Yemen and pre-islamic folktale

All Muslims are pigs.

and nobody likes Yemen lol
>Bronze Age
Expeditions: Rome
>Dark Ages
Age of Decadence
This isn't even an era, but more specifically an extremely vague aesthetic.
>Barbarian invaders
Plot point in half a dozen CRPGs

So yes, just off the top of my head those are excellent CRPGs set in each of the time periods you listed. I'm sure more could be found.
Titan Quest for Antiquity is another.
Agreed. Up until you enter the era of guns and steam engines all settings look and feel more or less the same, especially thanks to the fantasy element. Between the Antiquity and Renaissance there is practically not much of a difference.
Typical autism post.
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If Titan Quest is an Antiquity RPG then so is Conan the Cimmerian
>Between the Antiquity and Renaissance there is practically not much of a difference.
Negative IQ post.
I do not understand this babble.
>kalevala fanfic with jewish mythology and elf dicksucking
>It's not Tolkien's fault.
It's absolutely his fault, disingenuous mutt. No other fantasy work beforehand pulled the "fairy tale races but with detailed kingdoms and histories" shtick before Tolkien did.
>I want more urban fantasy not named Persona and SMT.
It's called Project Moon.
why are people who complain about tolkien so universally dumb?
are there any early modern fantasy? like Elizabeth I era?
Pillars is supposed to be close, cos: matchlocks, but i don't think they got the style down. Greedfall has a stronger style, only the game isn't so great to carry it
He's phrasing carelessly but people who don't get the point are the real negative IQs. Sure, some settings try hard to evoke a particular time and place but most ""medieval fantasy"" is at least somewhat timeless. Fantasy settings are heavily influenced by myth and folklore that transcend era. Medieval Europeans were fascinated with the Romans. Tolkien was fascinated by Norse mythology. Fantasy bestiaries are often derived from many different cultures and traditions.

One obvious issue is that RPGs often want a nice broad selection of weapons and armor, even if the combination doesn't match any specific time and place. Very often "metal" armor in a videogame does not even have any gameplay properties that would allow you to distinguish between bronze and steel anyway. It's just an aesthetic.
I’m writing an RPG set during the American Civil War which is a proxy conflict between Baal and Molech.
the tunnels would be one hell of a sewer level
it takes some stuff from that, as well as biblical jews and indians
It's a situation similar to high school settings in anime and manga. It's much easier get something that is widely accepted/consumed and add your own twist than come up with something entirely new. Sure, you could set your fantasy game in another period or region, but that would require so much more effort in terms of research and creativity, but without any tangible benefit since most people are perfectly fine with good old tolkenian setting.

Also, some people are picky eaters when it comes to setting. A lot of people simply won't play your game if the setting is not to their liking. You often see games trying to pull that off, with contemporany settings, tribal settings or even coming up with something completely original. But a lot of people will not even try it because it doesn't look that enticing. And I don't blame them. Imagine playing a RPG set precolonial Brazil. Would you really want to be Caçapava, some half naked guy running around trying to save a bunch of tribes you don't give a fuck about?

But if you insist on trying something different, you can always go for asian rpgs. There're a lot of games set in ancient/medieval china and japan.
>You often see games trying to pull that off, with contemporany settings, tribal settings or even coming up with something completely original
Such as?
>6 reviews on Steam
Never heard of it. Safe to say that there isn't a player rejection from the setting, but rather a marketing failures.
>Why everyone keeps making medieval rpgs?

Follow the money.
Whenever a developer gives a pitch for a fresh new setting, shareholders in the boardroom usually shoot it down and the publisher tells them to make faux-medieval England dragon slaying sim no. 1193 or they will lose funding.
The boardroom is after a profit and that means targeting the median consumer.
Noryim have low openness to experience so publishers have to play it safe, not risk scaring them off with something too "ethnic".

People on gaming forums don't realize how illudorate the public is in real life.

Years ago I overheard in a gameshop some parents shopping a birthday present for little Timmy.
"Ok... Okami? How do you even pronounce that? Some wierd asian game."
"Oh look, Monopoly! Let's get that one."
the islands are ours btw
Medieval is evergreen. There's a reason its so common, because its the best.
Conan the barbarian setting is perfect for a Mount&Blade game or solo based rpg.

I wonder why taleworlds or bethesda didnt think of this.
and "medieval" your fantasy is a mold of every fucking thing ever.
Not just european mix of here you have some 9th century poland with 18th century germany and 14th century england, but here's yoursteampunk neighbour, alien neighbour and asian neighbour, hell, remember orcs? Ye evil mongolians with mix of germanic and tribal gear? Now they're demon samurai and now they're nig mudhutters.

your medieval fantasy is literally everything all the time that does not suck, you exclude caveman shit and industrial revolution shit, because only thing more boring than togas is commentary on ford factory lines and guns.
>Release game with new interesting world that respects the player's intelligence and leaves mysteries for them to discover
>Normies hate it
>Release generic medieval fantasy #2049 with quest markers to drag them from point to point so they literally cannot get lost or fail quests
>Infinite sales
Blame normies. They are cattle and their tastes reflect that. No game can be good so long as the majority of the market consists of braindead normies.
Ownership laws to Hyborian Age are utterly fucked. Some of the early stories are in public domain at least in UK but not yet in USA. It all seems to vary too whether you want to make your own Conan story, game, miniature, movie or whatever else. Some guy got fucked over sculpting a Conan miniature. Funcom I think must have an exclusive right to make video games. I think. Then there is also the fact that multiple authors created Conan stories after Howard. L. Sprague de Camp most importantly and many people dislike him because he published Howard stories in an altered form, rewritten, expanded some fragments and synopses into full stories and invented his own and then released them all with no distinction. But others like him anyway because he popularized Conan and it's thanks to him that those stories became easily available. But the problem here is that you might be creating your Conan game and then you use some name or term that was only used in future pastiches or de Camp stories and that might be an infringement.
Bloodborne was a huge hit. I think you're wrong in blaming "normies"
As crude as Fallout is I think there's something to everything boiling down to "haha, I jumped at you when you weren't looking and blasted you with a shotgun to the face" and what these settings would boil down to if it wasn't for the atrocious retard-oriented combat (which can perhaps be fixed with mods but that's always a half-assed excuse where a wrong is corrected by a lesser right that gets to commit to it in a controlled environment). Swords and magic, sure, too bad everything is hit-scan and there's no interaction to constantly spamming fire bolts at some orc wearing a full set of iron armor, all while your health gets drained for simply blocking the strikes all the time.
Same deal as blaming Christianity for making your people into kid diddlers and faggots. The man finds pure information, a concept, and follows it through out of their own directed will, then claims he is something as dictated by the [label], as if it's the fault of another set of information for causing him to become something, instead of either them being genetically impaired or being ill-willed.
There will never be as much effort put into things as before because as it stands even individuals are crushed by the amount of pointless labor inflicted on them by societal standards. Don't even need to mention how many of these jobs exist solely for this reason - how many people would work on a given thing if the goal was to ensure the highest quality possible for that given period? The difference between walking to the same three, four stores that sell equipment & trinkets, and every village being flooded with hook-nosed characters that try to sell you a ton of junk.

If things look more elaborate to you because of graphics & what they can rip off using free and/or stolen assets, just keep in mind that whenever they decide to update their slop, it breaks so badly they never manage to fix it properly. It's not about putting in enough effort to essentially overdo the quality, it's about doing enough to pass, and as time went on the window shifted enough for most of modern releases to be the same garbage as before.

I could even say there won't ever be a "major" release that comes from the US because things have gotten to the point where they cannot even ensure that minimal quality standard. No one's going to help them because to fix shit up they need to explain concepts to 'people' incapable of understanding them. If that paves way for the death of mankind then I hope it comes as soon as it can, because given these circumstances success is impossible.
If anything the difference between a problem in a medieval setting and a sci-fi setting is that it seems like a more complex one because there's more idiots involved in the process.

>psionic hardware
>super jump
..would both be replaced by their magic equivalents. Think you could illustrate the shift of societal cohesion at large, from magic to technology that essentially does the same thing. Death of naturally induced power, replacement by normie-accesible technology (that ends up killing most of them and harming several others in the process). Denial of fate (even in the face of evil which was a trial for some to overcome, again illustrating what happens when boundaries aren't pushed by the 'chosen'), death of fate to be replaced by a game about pretending to be the good guy (or goy) by eternally chasing after criminals only after they cause a fuck up (Batman archetype?).

All in all technology is primer for deception and the death of natural selection, even if natural never means rational. Skill in battle replaced by whoever can blast your head off from behind when you aren't looking. Especially telling when any game with guns and open terrain boils down to finding a high spot and killing everyone with a sniper rifle. Maybe there's something more to Fallout, with everything being in a state of ruin whereas everyone else still worships the remains of technology as their saviors even though they curse it all the same when they break it or it breaks by itself.
You'll probably end up realizing that unless you deny information access to practically everyone that doesn't seek it out by themselves, out of their own interest, you're always bound to run into a problem sooner or later that can only be solved by either correcting the flaw in one's understanding or killing the entity.
But unlike RPG's there's a time limit to them all, shit doesn't just wait endlessly in a time bubble until you appear.
I know TES has an example of some transcending reality by turning themselves into crystals where they create their own (illusory?) reality by directing their willpower at what they want to manifest. They always want to rise to new heights, but societal issues keep them at bay.
>Nobody fantasizes about living in hellholes like the middle east and africa. Next question.


sorry, ragheads
Almost like the problem is and always has been with the masses that cannot comprehend information beyond a certain point while being given more tools, more tutorials, more artificial enablers to produce the same slop.
It's all there, in the past - Christ was killed by a fearful Roman NPC who didn't want to deal with the rest of the NPC mob nor the kike banker "'elite'" of the time. His students were told not to interfere with what was meant to happen, as if they were stuck on a world where they couldn't change anything even if they tried. (blame me if you wish for doing the same, don't really care)
You cannot be shown things unless your capacity for comprehension is vast enough to understand and correlate the meaning of every circumstance.
>interesting RPG
>Like what?
"Marketing" in real language means it didn't manage to cater to enough hylics to start mooching enough shekels for the fag-party to thrive off of that.

I can go back to the shift from RuneScape to modern garbage once more - the setting provides an excuse for how long it takes to master any given task, be it mining, farming, fletching, thieving, or how long it'd otherwise take to get strong / agile / skilled in magic / archery / swordplay. You can quickly get to a point where you're average but anything beyond that requires complicated dedication, knowledge of the areas, the right equipment and again a vast amount of time. (you can technically get to, say, 99 strength by fighting the same one bunch of rats, sure, but that is beside the point).
There cannot be a game which manages to be great which also doesn't manage to rip shekels off of everyone to a sufficient degree. For a tower defense gacha Arknights manages to somehow have an event for most major niches, to illustrate various concepts as they are, but it would never manage to stay afloat without being extremely grindy if you want to max everyone out and without perpetually introducing more content which essentially boils down to lengthy stages, specific unit requirements and further unit introductions which loop back to needing more resources, which can be purchased to an extent using 'real' currency.

But you wouldn't fit that into any other game because it doesn't belong, then how can it even begin to exist without someone being further enabled by the environment to somehow be able to try and create that?
Yeah because detailed kingdoms and histories are so problematic for an RPG.
It was interesting to be told Monopoly was a board game which illustrates how centralization of power works.
Need to think ahead and have some luck, and when you're already consistently getting ahead of everyone else bankrupting them isn't difficult. Though there was no satisfaction to the wins and yet enough annoyance to the losses (temporary or not).
More over it also illustrated how people even treat these games, since the ones I played with didn't even deliberately go out of their way to try and fuck everyone else over. I suppose it then shows how easy it would be for me to also commit to that just to earn some material comforts (that will break down in 2 years or less because other places are oversaturated with the same kind of mentality, except without self-introspection), and how impossible it is to make things go the other way without having to be at the centre of everything with inhuman luck / abilities / planning, where everything conveniently waits until you show up and fuck them all up.
I'm under the delusion that games could be of interest for the sake of simulating environments that aren't possible to recreate in the material world. Anything 2D whether there's only left+right+up+down, where models are also that or 3D - or any kind of management simulator where you screw up for the sake of it just to see what would happen etc

It's true that they already are that, they reveal perfectly what everyone is at their core and what their convictions are like, but it sucks that none of them are 'complete'. Can't play New Vegas and get an in-depth overview of where monarchy/democracy would lead, can't get a sandbox and do whatever you want, can't leave House alive and have another in-depth overview of the human morality from the perspective of someone who has lived for too long to regard them as untrue compared to an entity (the player) which has never had a true restraint on who they're going to kill next.
Can't have the same in any other given scenario and even then you'd just be stuck re-experiencing the exact same troubles but under a different setting to the point where you'd consider all of them a deception, a waste of time.

It's also entertaining at times to just manage and create things without being restrained by the material world's limited abundance.
>Rpg set in even more ancient times
>Essentially the same, proto-medieval, barely inferior technology
>Rpg set in more modern times
>guns and industrialization, mysticism and magic are less fitting
>Rpg set in futuristic setting
>space sci-fi slop or post-apocalyptic setting (we have lots of these 2)

Modern weaponry makes battling more boring than swords and spells.
Victorian era and similar settings kinda work, but they are always grim, with medieval settings you have the flexibility to make them bright or dark, realistic or fantastical, resulting in more variety within the the whole genre, and more games being shat.
Not true. There's MAYBE half dozen actual medieval RPGs out there. Kitchen sink fantasy amalgams aren't that.
You are barking at the wrong tree. Its dnd that ruined everything.
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>Modern weaponry makes battling more boring than swords and spells.
No its not. You guys just play terrible games with guns that are shitty nucom clones because everyone here is fucking useless and won't play anything remotely decent unless someone holds their hand and shows them.
Firearms are too deadly compared to blades, they are instant and have the element of distance. There's no dodging, no protection and no trait inherent to the character that they can level to be stronger (beyond accuracy).

You either make guns weak and unrealistic like in fallout, or you don't make the game an rpg to begin with. Guns only work if you are in a setting similar to pre-19th century and they are are an alternative to melee weapons, or in a futuristic setting with fictional shit that can tank shots like aliens/robots/suits. A present-era game will have them as a centralized method of killing any enemies.
You don't have to consume products of white culture, shocker!
We owe you shit and if you want to see something different, no one is stopping you from making games about African hunter-gatherers hunting animals or Indians being trampled by elephants, absolutely no one.
Me, personally, I love European fantasy and I wish more of it to be made, whether it's vydia, movies, books, etc.
I believe you can design a game where guns are balanced.
Player and enemies can take cover, ammo is scarce and needs to be bought, guns are loud and break stealth.
Meanwhile bows could have craftable or retrievable arrows, while allowing stealthy approaches.

Many games are just designed to allow gunslinging gameplay, so there's rarely any disadvantages to make it annoying.
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>We owe you shit
>I wish more of it to be made
what are you even talking about, holy shit. i read this twice and still dont get it.
>Games are merely power fantasies
Imagine a cross between mad max and train autism set in a lush, faraway jungle on some alien world that venerates lumbering mammal-like creatures that produce milk. It would be like a zombie game about train logistics
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Just become a janny, bro.
Why so salty?
>Too mad to reply directly.
Concession accepted.
> Devoid of her (You)s, she stays mad
Would a Western setting make a good RPG?
Western as as in the wild west? Not really, unless it's some unhinged indie, all things that could make wild west fun are now too "problematic" for manstream .
Western is the second best option after medieval
Any setting in a frontier works. You need wilderness for a good RPG, that's why urban shit is so fucking dull.
NTA but
KYS, reductionist
Is this dipshit real? Nobody is this stupid right?
Yes, but the issue with Wild West is that it's a very narrow category. Farmsteads and tribal savages in a wilderness that looks like the US west of the Mississippi, but connected to industrial civilization that can produce guns and tech. Deviate too far from that and you aren't "western" anymore.
>Deviate too far from that and you aren't "western" anymore.
I dunno, "medieval" seems to allow a fair bit of freedom
Yeah that's the point. Medieval is a huge umbrella category, "western" isn't.
>Medieval is a huge umbrella category, "western" isn't.
Why do you think that is?
Are you a bot?
You can have monsters and it still be Western, it's not like Orcs and Clerics are "Medieval".
Is this the ideas guy thread
Where we all give some randomizer combination of "setting" gimmicks, but never do anything at all with them?
It's early medieval to high medieval (judging that it goes for vikangz aesthetic), but they can't even keep to that, since armor and weapons look all over the place.
And that's generally the problem with all the fantasy, it's just kitchen sink mess.
Bannerlord (which is technically fiction/fantasy) at least makes its setting look kind of coherent for a time period.
Why can't devs take periods and make the aesthetics faithful to them + add magical things, not kitchen sink different historical periods together?
>Spanish and Portuguese systematically rape and genocide south america into submission for centuries
>"fucking anglos"
Game dev skill issue. Goku could shrug off bullets as early as the first episode of the original Dragon Ball, this was done to establish why the story was gonna be about kung fu even in a world where machine guns exist. Any game set in an era where guns exist can do the same; magic that lowers the deadliness of if not completely nullifies the damage from firearms on particularly skilled magic users.

Simply make it about a magical world that has progressed to the societal and technological level of the mid 19th century. Magic steampunk stuff, trains powered by industrialised fire and water elementals rather than coal, for example. Magic wands that have evolved to look and work like revolvers that cast spells instead of fire bullets, allowing people who have no magical affinity to still use magic simply buy buying ammunition to load their 'wand' with.
What good ones have you played? Fallout? This one doesnt count you know
industrial steampunk revolution settings are full of soul, though!
it seems like he takes issue with various RPG mechanics spanning the genre, but he dumped it all into one stream-of-consciousness rant.
>only thing more boring than togas
togas are awesome you germanic swine
True and real.
Not the clever retort you think it is. Nothing in his post implies power fantasy, and yes powe fantasy is one of the main draws of the genre. So your short reply manages to be stupid in two different ways. Impressive really. I'd say it was good bait except I know it isn't, posters on /vrpg/ are just that dumb.
Is there any good medival rpgs except for elder scrolls games i want to try out new rpg games that are not elder scrolls
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