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Just finished all the main routes. I think I'll just do some sidequests and get the secret classes before doing the dawn story.
I'm really enjoying this game, I like how they expanded on the worldbuilding.
Throne's ending was completely fucking bonkers, I loved it.
Same. I just finished all the chapter 1's, except for Osvald for obvious reasons.
I'm not sure if I want to just explore the map or use a guide. I'm worried if I jump too deep into exploring, I'll get tired of the game and drop it.
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That's funny, I actually started with Osvald lol.
I don't think you need a guide, the map is not that hard to explore.
I've started the first game recently but feel like the battles are a drag, especially one boss battle I fought had a lot of spamming attacks and special attacks, use items, revive party members, etc. Nothing out of the ordinary for a JRPG, but after five minutes I quit the game and went to bed.
Maybe I don't get something, I usually like JRPGs and just came from The Last Remnant, where the final battle took me an hour, but this here somehow was boring.
I'll get back to it tonight, see if it gets better.
I found the story of the game much better that the one in OT1, but when It comes to gameplay, sincerely, I did get somewhat disappointed.
The overworld "route-style" design has been great since the First game, but the Dungeon design hasnt improved at all.
They are just... Corridors. Boring corridors. You just walk through them fightingnsome encounters and look for some treasure chests that poorly mask as exploration.
Combat is still nice, and the extra classes are great too. But really, the boring Dungeons really got me.
It's still a bad game, not much improvement to the 1st.. interactions still suck. Day/night system is hamfisted, just feels like padding. Latent power is basically glorified limit break.
Merchant still broken as ever.
Stealing still has no consequences.
Some path actions are basically carbon copies.
Story/plot is average at best, coupled with bad scene direction.
OST is nothing mindblowing, but gets praised like it is better than Uematsu/Mitsuda.
I still don't know why people overhype it so much.. or maybe just newGODs who sees it has 'beautiful' illustrations + ff styled sprites and thinks it is instantly good?
I mean if you think it is the BEST jrpg then at least give a reason.
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It’s kino
what are some good turn based JRPGs then in your opinion?
Not OP but Sea of Stars has been my favourite RPG in the last year or so. Dragon Quest XI is also incredible. Eiyuden Chronicle, Unicorn Overload and Star Ocean Second Story R are solid too. Tales of Arise is an option if you like more action RPG.
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>Sea of Stars
didn't play but heard the gameplay lacks depth and gets repetitive
played but didn't stick with me. I prefer the pixelated charm of the older games instead of these nugraphics.
>Eiyuden Chronicle
i was excited to play this but jesus christ the constant trash encounters pissed me off. I was in the mine dungeon and after the 100th encounter I said fuck it and tried to run away. I could not escape and then immediately alt F4'd and downloaded.
A shame because I wanted to try all the characters and mess with team combos.
>Unicorn Overlord
9/10 game honestly
>Star Ocean Second Story R
wasn't a fan, unironically preferred SO6

I appreciate the recs though
uninstalled* not downloaded lol
>I still don't know why people overhype it so much.
It's literally shills and marketing. The game itself is a very prefabricated product.
You can turn on 2D pixel graphics in DQXI and play the entire game that way if you prefer.
Yes and no for Sea of Stars. The combat itself can get repetitive but you’re constantly juggling your party members in battle to hit the enemy weakness to prevent an attack. Adds a bit of depth to battles but also means you can’t auto pilot, even during random encounters.
I'm playing this game now, and after an hour I just turned on Cheat Engine to speed up 5x the battles and the exploration. The combat animations are incredibly slow in the game and random encounters were a mistake in RPGs.
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Is there any use for day skills, aside from stealing? Most of them boil down to information gathering as of now with my current party (Osvald, Temenos, Throne, Ochette) - it was kinda useful in the first game, but it doesn't seem to be such in the second.
NTA but kiseki
Hikari's day skill steals techniques from people and KO's them
Agnea can recruit powerful NPCs early on since unlike Ochette's her skill is just a flat % so you can just pay the inn to reset your reputation over and over (or just savescum)
I've read everywhere that ochette was supposed to be the hardest final boss out of all the stories but it was a complete pushover. It didn't even have a second form. It got my party down to 1HP but that attack only triggers when it has barely any HP left so it just immediately dies. Well at least it was stronger than dolcinea I'll give him that
>Sea of Stars
Obsious irony. Crazy how no one here can hold a serious conversation.
Various Daylife
Pier Solar and the Great Architects
I am Setsuna
A hidden quirk about bosses is that many of them have an hidden endure effect for cutscenes to play out. You'll see this on a lot of endbosses.
you lost me
The thing is unless you're trying to cheese it that cutscene will usually just happen naturally as you're whittling down the boss. The people who said ochette was the hardest probably tried to kill it in one turn and found out it doesn't work (i think the condition is that he has to devour ochette not just getting it to low hp) while anon just played the boss fight normally so he didnt notice anything weird.
OP here, I just tried the final boss for the first time. I got pretty far, even though I was underprepared. Gonna stock up on items and maybe grind a little, then try again.
I literally refuse to believe that anyone above the age of 14 thinks anything of this games story. It was beyond childish, the villains in particular with their evil laughs and mustache twirling were so fucking cringe.
I was about to post a OT1 thread but you actually need to stick with it
I was feeling the same for the first 20 or so hours.
It's one of those games that really picks up at like 30 hours in and when you start getting around to chapter 2 and 3 of the character stories.
I wanted to drop it so badly at one point but I'm glad I persisted.
It's actually turned into one of the best JRPGs I've ever played.
It's broken in many ways ofc, we both wouldn't have thought about dropping it otherwise, it's very much an experimental game but it's worth playing for any fan of JRPGs. Don't let the shit aspects put you off.
If you're on this board you're gay if you dont play it
Throne was my main protagonist and the first route i completed, and the entire section of lost seed was so cool
plus, the first time i hear the "final route boss" theme (when you fought claude) i was just dumbfounded at how epic it was
In fact i loved this game, a lot
im planning in doing a full replay one day but this time ill tackle everything i can since i missed some stuff
Is unicorn overlord actually good? I picked it up and besides looking nice it's just a visual novel with a garbage localization. Worse for me is that I had to buy the game twice since the us release doesn't have jap subs.
I've played this game twice up to the halfway mark and dropped it both times due to the characters and story. Maybe it's also that I've 100% OT1 and played it a few times so it's too familiar, but the advanced jobs make or break your enjoyment of late game combat and they aren't as interesting in OT2.
It was decent but I played on the hardest difficulty from the start, it is not for you if you don't like to fiddle around with character setup and gear because that is where the main fun come from
Is Ochette the cutest Octopath character bros?
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oh yeah, i also went for Throne as the mc since thief was so fucking good in the first game
first i am simply following a basic story for revenge and suddenly theres superhumans with abnormally long lifespans involved?

the fucking final boss' second phase... he just nukes me before I have the chance to do anything, and then I have to spend the turn healing/reviving
she's apparently older than Agnea
also yes

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