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Save for the "quirkyness", these are the kind of rpgs you want honestly.
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No, I want JRPGs with actual JRPG gameplay and not retarded timed hits and bullshit lock/stagger/break/etc fake gameplay mechanics. Let me actually strategize and win battles on wits and stop devaluing that with stupid RNG garbage or shit that invalidates the strategy portion of the game.
Not really. Half assed timing moveset/defends with no other action element are mroe tedious than anything, and all the exploration/backtracking without actual skills/puzzles feels like filler
>barely any skills
>shitty mana system that makes you use normal attacks most of the time
Why do Western devs hate fun so much?
What's the point of making 2d game and whoring yourself graphically instead of being deep, just make it 3d shooter with RTX and shit.
The best JRPG in terms of encounter design for me:
Fear and Hunger 1 & 2. I like termina more because of the different characters and options though.
For a fun, gameable turn based combat:
Even the earlier generations showcased that despite not designed to be a competitive PVP, it generated a comp scene on its own.
OP's game and Octopath sucks. I think these two are the worst example of what JRPGs should try to copy.
OP's example is even worse; it said it's inspired by Chrono Trigger but the only thing it copies was the overworld encounter. No story beats, the combat was different, no overarching time travel plots.. Boring break system with no nuance.. What a garbage.
There's been numerous discussion about SoS where a consensus among /some/ individuals who played deemed the game ultimately boring. Flat.
Why is there a SoS argument thread once/twice a month?
>Flanderized 'anime' arstyle
Always a redflag
I beat it on release and it is one of those "in one ear out the other" games. It was a solid 6.5/10. Best part of the game is the midgame water dungeon with the tubes.
Puzzle like Zelda inspired terrible Dungeons
Quirky gimmick based combat
Uninspired storytelling
Shit exploration
I want good RPGs dammot
Someone post the capture that proves this game is the biggest "fake indie" in existence.
Because it still gets reactions by pissing people off autists who keep responding to it. Don't feed the trolls or just Sage your posts.
Also the majority of low quality posts/necrobumps/threads start around the early morning from 1am - 8am. 3rdies and Europoors need to be gassed.
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This is all you need to know in order to understand that Sea of Shills is a fake indie game. Yet for the millions of dollars they threw at it, somehow they weren't able to make a game with gameplay that remained engaging beyond the first 8 or so hours (and that is being quite generous). Not to mention the dreadful writing.
And yet you bumped the thread.
>dreadful writing.
I still think they used AI to make the story of the game
Back when the game came out I thought Garl was gonna be the main villain since Fleshmancer sounded in line with him being a cook, plus he seemed too saccharin to be genuinely "nice", so I assumed it had to be an act.
Why would I want that exactly?
In fact, why would anyone want that?
Define "indie"
Nobody can, it's based entirely on feeling.
If it feels indie, it's indie.
If it don't feel indie, it ain't.
Fuck no, the game was awful.

- Itemization, stats and skill building are non-existent. There's absolutely zero strategy there.
- Story was embarrassingly shallow
- Not a single memorable companion except for the fatty, remembered only for probably being one of the dev's obese self-insert character

Even Chained Echoes is better than SoS, which is astounding for a game created by two people while SoS' team was like 20 or so people. The writer/s and director need to be fired. The only decent part of the game is the art, which can't carry a game.
only thing that triggered me a bit is shallow knight
ever heard the term metroidvania?
No need for the irony poised insincerity.
SoS doesn't even have a dedicated/professional writer, the dev said fuck it and wrote it himself.
After watching some Literal Who who was shilled on here critiquing Sea and Chained, I was fucking astounded by the abundance and overuse of RPG references he spotted in both games. There's something about the Swedes, French, French Canadians and 3rdies in general with their obsession of media/memes and their cheeky ironic writing style that rivals the West's.
It reminds me of Dead Cells', The Messenger's and Hand of Doom's writing.
The messenger's by the SoS crew.
Looks like something made by western trannys and feminists. No thanks.
>Shit of Sfarts
Poor man's Virgo vs the Zodiac
Even normies agree that these nostalgia bait games are bad. There are some excellent examples of them aping old JRPGs without offering something of their own.
thanks for the new version, friend. your work is appreciated.
It was this video here:
I, too, was shocked and I bet there are more of these "easter eggs" to find if you dedicate some time. Free games like the ones from the RPG Maker community are known to outright copy plots and characters from obscure RPG and that tradition didn't stop when they decided to sell their "work". The maker of Chained Cuckolds is a lying asshole.
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I wish I could find a compilation of the plethora of indie games using "cloak+cape" design for the main character.
Oh hey that's the guy. Glad I gave him a chance despite the thumbnail and him giving off some ironic shitposter energy.

>I wish I could find a compilation
It's best you don't because it's a tryhard shitpost I contributed to several years ago.
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Of course a dude who looks like an IRL soijak would LOVE chained cuckholds.
>RPG Maker community
Chained Echoes and Sea of Stars were not made with RPG Maker, obsessed-kun. RPG Maker games tend to have more original plots than anything made by these rich studios.
He does not like it.
Did you make a full assumption from the thumbnail?
He does like it. He just thinks the countless references to other media dominates the game in a bad way and that the writing/editing is horseshit.
You didn't watch the video.
>and that the writing/editing is horseshit
There you go.
>The game was made by the German developer Matthias Linda, who grew up making fan games with RPG Maker.
And yet Chained Echoes is not made with RPG Maker, but with Unity. Next time fact-check your shit or STFU.
does this have dei
it looks like it does but i have severe chronic pain and cant play actual games i like cuz it ruins it
i need slop to fill my time with and osrs is cancer
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For as much as /vrpg/gies make fun of Chained Cuckolds, they sure are "chained" to obsessing over and talking about it!
Black souls is shit
I don't agree with including Cross Code on that list. That is actually an amazing game, and I usually hate these western jrpgs.
I often wonder if shitposts like these are actually genuine or not, if the editors who make them even played half or 1/3rd of the games they deem to be shit and what other games they enjoy over them. It just screams "No fun allowed".
The amount of times I see them reposted makes me believe they just hate people having fun regardless if it's shit or not.
You know is bait because games like Andy and leyley aren't not even RPGs.
it's a stealth recommendation image from /v/ designed to appear as outrageous bait
You're such a fucking retard it's unreal.
If I've learned anything from Zeldafags on /vr/ is that 4chan chuds don't want what's familiar/good in new things despite claiming otherwise. They just want to knock things over, talk and moan about why things can't be like how they used to be and call that "criticism".
They're entitled, uncreative and their (Millennial) time died an early, hateful death.
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Pretty obvious they're joyless faggots.

Miserable people only want to make others as miserable.
Filter, hide, and move on.
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It rightfully targets the indieslop that supposedly "saves" gaming or whatever. There could be a lot more titles being listed there.
>if the editors who make them even played half or 1/3rd of the games they deem to be shit and what other games they enjoy over them
You don't need to play any of them to judge them. They all deserve ridicule. You will never have "objective" reviews. Judging by looks is 100% valid.

A pseudo-game that's "cute" and has a retarded "twist" that's more laughable than sad.
furry queer garbage, hideous
>Double Sloppa
ugly platformer garbage
>Bumbfuck Cyberflop
retarded garbage
toddler game
>Chained Cuckolds
*copies parts every Anime, Manga, JRPG in existence* *gets shilled by spastics on /vrpg/* actual cuckoldry
>Forced Skies
hideous Tumblrslop
>Scamming Bitch Nobeta
no content, hence the mockery
>Coom Shit Angel
barely qualifies as a game
>My Time being a Sandcuck
unappealing artstyle + wokeshit
>Trial and Error
Name says it all. The randomness kills it.
>Slop Tower
another ugly platformer, now with /v/ shilling for it, wow. you all need to be castrated for shilling garbage.
>Shallow Knight
disgusting to look at, bug game for bug people
>Slop Stranger
puzzle garbage
>Dave the Goyslopper
wokeshit, fat fuck "hero", disgusting to look at, riddled with pointless minigames, paid shill game
>Cuckold Project
wokeshit, ill-fitting Minecraft graphics
>Slop Code
wokeshit, obnoxious puzzles
>Sea of Shills
wokeshit, garbage writing, fat fuck self-insert character
>Troonstone Island
>Athenian Crapsody
toddler game
>The Caughing of Andy and Leyley
comedy shit
>Bug Fables
bug game for bug people
furry shit
>World Of RNG
this is neither scary nor enjoyable
>Rabbit and Shill
aracde garbage
>"No fun allowed"
The titles crack me up everytime.
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It deserves to be there because it competes with JRPGs that don't have nignogs in every corner or this gross pseudo-anime style. Call it racist nitpicking but this should never be tolerable. The atrocious puzzles are more forgivable than this.
>You don't need to play any of them to judge them. They all deserve ridicule.
Like I said: No fun allowed

>it competes with JRPGs that don't have nignogs in every corner
I hate sounding like a progressive tranny, but your example is the definition of "[Minority] exists, therefor woke".

Drop the ironic shitposting for a minute and recc me some games or kill yourself, faggot. I'm bored and need a distraction from this gay board.
I want nothing like this. This is made by and for people that don’t really like the genre.
>"[Minority] exists, therefor woke"
It's the only definition that will stand the test of time.

>Drop the ironic shitposting for a minute and recc me some games or kill yourself, faggot. I'm bored and need a distraction from this gay board.
Learn to consciously lucid dream. Best game I ever played.
Thanks for confirming you're just arguing in bad faith.
Your criticism is not objective, you are just a dissatisfied 4chan subhuman user
Learn to meme arrow, retard. I just gave you the most powerful tool you could possibly have.

My word is law.
You're just a fucking faggot that is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.
Wish the tranny janny would clean this board up properly. It's ironic shitposting central.
Does your mom think you're funny?
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Yours sure does
Good JRPG that teaches moral values and the love for adventure.
i thought that game had cool looking pixel graphics but i thought eastward had cool looking pixel graphics too bad it was booooring af so now i'm skeptical of cute pixel graphics jrpgesque shit
It's a genuine Japanese game.
You're just mad the final boss is a giant elephant
Wow imagine making/saving images like this to win little internet battles. What a loser
Obsessed but also based
>Attack QTEs
>Only 3 skills per character
>we blew the budget in decent visuals and music and the rest was an afterthought - the game
Carlos of truth.
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haha heehee hoohoo lol heh
Sad to think this is how you spend your time.
Anon, I spent like 5 seconds bagging on a game I don't like. What do you mean?
He spends all his time defending a shit game so he's much better than you actually
Its turn based and retro inspired
This is the fucking worst because it's not even necessary to do that in JRPGs. You could have any combination of the following:
- Forging your own weapons
- Equip drops from bosses, enemies or chests
- An upgrade/enchant system so that "upgrades" from better shops aren't necessarily better

Instead they went with the most generic system imaginable while mocking it at the same time with le quirky ironic humor.
Or they could've had different smiths sell gear side-grades that allow, if not for different builds at least some playstyle diversity
when will indie fags learn?
woke = loxism + gay
its a Jewish movement about their hatred of the European race, and their love of gay shit.

Its that simple. antieuropeanism + faggotry
Nice bait
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>the kind of rpgs you want honestly
Subpar throwbacks that fail to surpass the games they're copying?
Yeah, no.

Almost all indie RPGs have atrocious writing and game design.
It's very "anti-European" when you insert random uglies, fatties, browns, and blacks into your setting without even as much as an explanation and portray them as having positive traits. "Indie games" do that on a daily basis because their creators grew up with dysgenic propaganda like Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon etc which polluted their perception of reality and the definition of goodness itself. What you call "woke" is the latest trend in the war against beauty, eugenics and humanity - and in essence the truth of physiognomy. If you can't see it, your tolerance levels are already unnaturally heightened to accept this filth as normal.
Idk why you're all so obsessed with a then FotM tranny game from a year ago. It made no impact and the discussion is stale. Time to let go.
I want to play this soon
it is demoralizing that this "indie" started where I hope to finish
2 million liquid is financial independence unless you want to live in a shitty urban hellscape
I will never get there, especially not via indie games
No I want good indie jrpgs like Lisa, Hylics, and 8-Bit Adventures 2
Lol. I tried playing Omori for 10 minutes and that game is lowkey like a portal to hell. It's the product of a sick and depraved individual.
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>No I want good indie jrpgs
>like Lisa
>and 8-Bit Adventures 2
>good indie jrpgs
as impressed as I am with the sheer effort you go to put out such bait, I'm worried for your mental health anon. Please take your meds, we're worried about you.
You type like a nigger, you're depraved yourself.
He's not wrong, and I laughed at the image, but you're not wrong either.
It's also true that the same people that are destroying the industry with low effort shit tend to be leftists that also want to make a world where white people are dead with nothing to escape to even in fiction because something something "capitalism and white privilege" I guess.

So I ask you here: are you punching down at the victim, or up at the industry?

WoH guy is just an honest Junji Ito fan and made that one by himself so why pick on him though lol.
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I'm gonna say what no one else is going to say.

Chained Echoes > Sea of Stars
Because that was worth the bump.
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>Because that was worth the bump.
Both are bad
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But one is better than the other. You know this. I know this.
That's not even controversial. CE objectively has better gameplay. Only an absolute retard would prefer SoS.

I'd argue the story is much better despite one or two poor moments, it has warring kingdoms, decent plot twists, multiple factions, etc. And even if people argue that it's nothing original or an XG/FF/Berserk rip off, that's still better than the absolute shallow piece of shit that is SoS.
fakkin saved with the power of thousand million suns in explosion!
So why exactly couldn't you pick white male/black female?
Keep fighting.

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