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Realistically speaking, how many chances are there that Xenosaga will get a proper reboot, even just a spiritual one?
Being truncated at Ep.III was one of the hugest losses for jrpgs, shit was even more ambitious than Xenogears.
Zero. "Future Awaits" lays it out. What comes next will be new but will encompass everything that happened before. I expect we'll get a spiritual sequel to X the remnants of the Galactic Federation trying to settle Lost Jerusalem/reunited Earth and interacting with the zany blade species.
Probably none. Monolith Soft has moved on and has enjoyed way bigger success because of it.
>Monolith Soft has moved on
Anon Blade 3's finale DLC confirmed that Saga and Blade are canon to each other. They show that Vector industries existed on pre-Klaus'd Earth and that Yuriev and the Salvators (mistranslated as Saviorites) were the ones trying to steal the Zohar/Conduit from the feddies.
same as Xenogears
But Cosmos already arrived before Xenoblade 2. That light must be the Elsa with Shion and Allen on it.
>But Cosmos already arrived before Xenoblade 2
Not the same KOS-MOS.
Yeah Future Redeemed has definitely indicated they moved on by directly making elements of Xenosaga canon
>was even more ambitious than Xenogears.
hahaha, no.
xenosaga already was the reboot, why do you want a reboot of a reboot?
To be honest xeno saga kinda sucked. Kos Mos deserved a better game series
honestly if i want to get into xeno, should I start at gears or saga? or blade?

i've tried gears but the text is braindead slow and the gameplay is confusing.
Production order everytime you inbred sheep shagger
Release order. Gears is actually incredibly simple gameplay wise, you'll get it as you go on.
Trust me, you'll be happy you did it this way. >>3544533
>xenosaga already was the reboot
Not really, there is extremely little in Saga that isn't PW compliant. End game of XS3 beginning of XG requires one moving part
>Abraxas/Michtam gets poofed
>OMEGA/Zohar/Abel found by Eldridge
>Gears starts
eh i like hikaru midokawa but jesus fuck that text speed, also apparently I fucked myself up because i didn't use certain button combinations in the combat section and now im fucked? how the hell was I suppose to know that
>also apparently I fucked myself up because i didn't use certain button combinations in the combat section and now im fucked? how the hell was I suppose to know that
Game came with a manual. That said I do think death blows are bullshit. Depending on where you are in the game you can just pop an item on and grind them out.
well we don't really use a manual now do we in this day and age kek lol
>text is braindead slow
read it as if the characters are speaking it. now the text speed is perfect and the cut-scenes are more coherent.
this isn't the flex you think it is.
bruh what is this a cinematic indie game? i can read faster than i can hear i probably have a way faster reading speed then most people on the internet
it wasn't a flex it's an observation. the statement above is a flex.
well, it sounds like your zoomie mind can't handle xenogears. best to just skip it then and go play some other game.
i'm actually a millenial. what are you?
>well we don't really use a manual now do we in this day and age
You're not playing a game from this day and age.
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>monolithsoft has moved on
Gears and Blade 1 are the best starting points
It's a reference. Nothing more.
>more ambitious
its literally just the promised prequel to xenogears with anything requiring licensing removed. Blade is still a continuation of the story as well. would have been nice to get episode 6 though
gears. its easily the best in the series on all fronts, unless youre a moefag, in which case you should start with xenokys
Actually delusional if you think it's just a reference.
Xeno a shit.
every time theres a xeno thread theres always one anon that spends the entire thread seething because he got filtered by gears
>never got into saga or gears or blade
For me? Baten Kaitos.
No chance. Monolith make offline MMOs for incels now.
What the hell does the "Minos Authority" have anything to do with the Yuriev of Xenosaga?
>tfw Xenogears was so bad Greenrivers completely forgot he voiced Fei
Anon ffs, do you really think Omega Universitas is actually Weltall-Id and that XB2 KOS-MOS and TE-LOS are anything but fanservice? Seriously son, get a grip and stop browing /x/
The Minos Authority is one of the groups that control the space elevators. The real connection is the "Saviorite Civil Rights bill" being discussed. The Saviorites are a mistranslation of Saga's Salvators - the faction consisting of/pushing designer children. Either there have been multiple Yurievs (possible) or Blade retconned Yuriev's body-hopping enabling UMN jump (and exposure to U-DO) to take place on Old Jerusalem/Earth.
On the other hand, the Omega we see in Saga 3 is literally Deus.
He's not the original.
No one is talking about this though, and since KOS MOS is in the ending of Future Redeemed we have to assume that was all non canon anyway. We're discussing the radio and Klaus world
Minos is one of three space elevators in the xenoblade games that went around the equator of Earth. The other two obviously being Rhadamanthus and Aeacus
>xenosaga already was the reboot
Wrong. If anything it was a distant prequel
nope, he's right. saga 1-3 (and pied piper/missing year) are reimaginings of XG episode 1
>XG episode 1
Ah yes, the one paragraph that exists in in PW. Totally a "reimagining" and not an elaboration.
In context, yes. Vector is "The Company". Takahashi admitted it that 'Saga was an attempt to start from the beginning.
yes, XG was already planned out from 1-5
When it was called Project Noah.
a group of fans are working on a "perfect works" build I used to play the game that includes fast text, an undub and a retranslation of large parts of the script (sorry honeywood)
0 (zero). Xenosaga HD collection could happen though, maybe one day.

Next Xenoblade may have some nods to Saga, and maybe X, if the game happens. At most it'll probably be the "same, but different" multiverse bs where we'll see name drops/familiar designs, especially if they bring in the old humans that were in deep space.
>Aftermath: she turned from pure maiden into an omnipotent, enlightened 10K years old town bicycle
only if you can rape the sluts
i wish xeno- were a collection of wacky mindfuck novels i could read
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Zero. Xenoblade is the new one and I don't like it one bit.

The world is not interesting, there is no space travel, no space ships, more of a crappy awkward anime tone and aesthetic (especially 2), the open worlds are boring as hell, etc.

I don't care if we don't get more Xenosaga. But I would like something Xeno related that isn't blade. Like a new series or even just a single game.
space travel is barely an aspect of xenosaga, nevermind its level design being a lot more boring than blade and even gears
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It's the same deal in Star Ocean. If you have a space setting with spaceships but you're only stuck on 1 planet for 95% of the game it just sucks.
So few RPGs involve spaceships, space travel, traveling to multiple planets so we need more of them. Not being stuck on the same old forest planet.

To make matters worse, in Xenoblade you're effectively stuck on the same "planet" that looks way too similar.
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>space travel is barely an aspect of xenosaga
>80% of the game is spent on spaceships
>reboot/spiritual one
not likely, anything with saga will be repurposed if it comes back just like how gears's stuff was repurposed for saga

Xenoblade areas don't look similar, especially not 1/2. 3 has all its areas assblasted by war so a lot of it looks like blown up shit

The traveling part is done all in cutscenes and most of those space ships are less ships and more megastructures
Phantasy Star IV, Rogue Galaxy, and Infinite Space were three sci fi rpgs that stayed sci fi the whole way I think
Gears was as ambitious as it get and Saga was a continuation of that universe (more of a prequel) instead. We never got a remake or "remake" (a la FF7), the "reboot" was blade and it was okay but not as gritty as it could have been. Side note -I fucking miss the deathblow system and how it filters retards.
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>space ships are less ships and more megastructures
What exactly is the difference or problem with this exactly? My favorite parts of Xenosaga were exploring the nooks and crannies of all the spaceships/stations in the game, and I honestly think they had a really good interior design and aesthetic.
I do wish you could actually control a space ship in battle maybe(you can already control mechs though so there would be system bloat) but there's absolutely ZERO shortage of really stellar looking scifi structures and spaceships in the game, there are even cool space battles in some of the cutscenes. I mean even mass effect doesn't really have a spaceship combat system it's just all thematic.
Xenosaga also is 100% scifi the entire way, even the reality-bending stuff could just be compared to a weird Star Trek episode.
Also revisiting old areas is kind of explained away by the party basically entering a holodeck-style recreation of a place they've been which is pretty clever.
when the worlds merge do they just cease existing?
People's data in Origin rebirths them from what we know so far

Xenoblade's areas are far more varied than the hallways of Xenosaga breh, 3 was the one that actually started to give more of a shit about environments and you can see that carry over to the blade games
>Xenoblade's areas are far more varied than the hallways of Xenosaga breh
Any idea how many times I've ran across generic rocky areas or grasslands in RPGs? I'll take space sci-fi with spaceships and other planets every single time.
>I'll take space sci-fi with spaceships and other planets every single time.
except these areas largely consist of samey metallic hallways. When xenoblade commits to sci-fi areas, they're more extravagant than those in saga, you can compare Origin in XC3 or literally any area in XCX to those of saga and see the difference

>generic rocky areas or grasslands in RPGs
Makes up a small part of the games
I have played XB1 and XB2. All areas were the blandest most generic stuff you can find. If you love generic grasslands, generic caves, generic brown temples, generic forests, generic snowlands, generic ravines and such then by all means.
But generic stuff I've seen and played in 10000 times before is not something I'm looking for in sci-fi RPGs, let alone RPGs as a whole.
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I'd like RPG recs with settings like this please
trying too hard
How am I trying too hard? By not saying Xenoblade has the most diverse set of environments ever? Tone down the fanboysim.

Example, XB1
Colony 9, Bionis Leg, Colony 6
>brown rock grasslands

Tephra Cave, Ether Mine
>generic cave

Satorl Marsh
>slightly less generic, glowing trees and purple water

Bionis' Interior
>not super generic, but nothing special and been done many times

Makna Forest
>generic forest

Frontier Village
>tree village

Eryth Sea
>mostly water with floating islands

>standard neo sci-fi city, but in line with prior xeno games

High Entia Tomb
>generic temple/dungeon

Valak Mountain
>generic snow area

Sword Valley
>brown ravine and walls

Stop me if you think any of these are super unique and amazing.
Trying way too hard
DEFINITELY trying too hard
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>they're more extravagant than those in saga
You absolutely need to replay Saga, I legit think you forgot about all the cool ass shit
by your standards, everything in xenosaga is either a metallic or rocky hallway. You also ignored the more unique areas like
>>3559785 as well as origin which was brought up earlier
1. Second Miltia looks exactly like a PSO area
2. New LA did it better
3. That's one of the better looking areas of Saga 2, most areas in saga (especially saga 1/2) aren't nearly as detailed
you can prefer sci fi aesthetics (which blade has too) over fantasy but calling xenoblade's locations generic is ridiculous
>Second Miltia looks exactly like a PSO area
This is a bad thing??? PSO was cool as fuck
>New LA did it better
Eeeeeehhh, it had some nice verticality
>That's one of the better looking areas of Saga 2, most areas in saga (especially saga 1/2) aren't nearly as detailed
There's a lot of detailed areas especially in Saga 3
>noooo don't say anything remotely bad things about my precious xenoblade games, even if they're facts
God I hate fanboys. Thin skinned and fragile.

Here's another fanboy.

>by your standards, everything in xenosaga is either a metallic or rocky hallway
Nice logical fallacy and goalpost moving. Clearly your go-to strat.

>You also ignored
Oh, like you totally didn't ignore the list I just posted? Fancy that, special rules for you and your logical fallacy loving self.

Why did I even bother. Fanboys just shit up this board beyond belief, making even a basic discussion impossible.
No don't bother replying, you made it clear you're too biased already fanboy. I'd just be wasting my time.
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>you can prefer sci fi aesthetics (which blade has too) over fantasy but calling xenoblade's locations generic is ridiculous
Do I literally have to post screenshots of every single location because you misremember them? Just so you then can go
>no that location is super unique bro, what do you mean you've seen a forest like that in a game before
>Nice logical fallacy and goalpost moving
my post was neither of these

>Oh, like you totally didn't ignore the list I just posted?
you didn't post a list of saga areas to support your argument, you only reductivly attacked blade's areas. That would be like if I dismissed second miltia as generic futuristic sci-fi planet or song of nephilim as generic space station. You again also continue to ignore the more unique areas of the series while likewise cherry picking the best areas out of saga.
you're still ignoring this >>3559785

Saga 3 has the best areas in the series because the art team was getting better and they fully flourished with the xenoblade games, likely bringing in the talent that worked on the baten kaitos titles
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>it's guhneric where are the copypasted hallways and static backgrounds?
Kek do sagafags really
I like space ships AND alien worlds. Not sure why there needs to be some gay rivalry between Saga and Blade
I like space ships too but saga's environmental aesthetic didn't get good until 3
As a hypothetical imagine that the next Xenoblade game is also a sequel to Xenosaga and it's a big hit, something like 8 million units, top selling JRPG of the generation and revitalizes the genre, Bamco would pull Xenosaga licensing and field their own sequel because they would stand to make significantly more money by doing so, and that's why I think the merging of two different worlds is completely unprecedented and something that you will never see from Monolith Soft.
PS IV drifted a bit.
Phantasy Star III
That's what XCX was supposed to be. Basically Takahashi et al's 3rd attempt at a reboot of the Project Noah concept
Yes but not a continuation of it, here's hoping that with the Switch 2 they are able to improve their tools to fully realize an open world JRPG with a fully explorable spherical world.
thanks for the rec i'll check it out but a bit odd considering the first area is exactly a generic town and field assuming you're the same person I responded to
no it wasn't, XCX's focus is on aleins while saga (and the other xeno games) don't emphasize them.
Here's the big secret,Your world is a giant colony ship
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He claimed, now almost 7 years ago in a passing comment on Twitter, that if he does a sequel to XCX, it will take place on the Japanese colony ship in transit as its in evasion to one of the alien fleets.
I thought both the Tokyo and Paris ships landed on Mira
Tokyo was being pursued, Paris got blasted.

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