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Why is it so common for modern crpgs to include romance options that are not only sluts, but sluts that try to cheat on you? And is some cases they outright do so
dont ask questions you cant handle the answers to
Go back to /vg/, you have a whole general to yourself that you ruined just so you could spam owlcattle garbage on it.
>romance options that are not only sluts, but sluts that try to cheat on you?
That's what wimpy build autists get. Women lust after animalistic immersion chads.
I'd say it's just an evil alignment thing
Think about what an adventurer's job is, anon. These women are not wife material.
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Just a WotR thing
Writers write what they know. Modern writers are cucks and proud degenerates, so that's what they put into their writing.
Why do you care that women are being depicted realistically?
That specific character is basically a freaky cannibal demon spawn cave spider monster though. You only have yourself to blame for romancing that thing. I know you are a retard sending a signal flare for other retards to congregate in this thread, but at least pick someone else to complain about.

Not to be THAT guy but the potential female romances are all broken. Arue is a former slut that basically wants the PC to ignore her body count so that she can have a fresh start as a good girl. CamCam is the hot crazy chick that take things too far. The virgin queen is a workaholic that´s terrible at her job and will literally try to kill the commander to keep it (never date coworkers). Then there is Nocticula, literally the queen of the sluts and Wendu. Ironically the spider-cat cannibal monster is just a scared woman at her wits end trying to survive hell. True enough she´ll do ANYTHING to survive, including betrayal, but she is hardly the worst option presented by the game.

The truth is the game doesn´t present the player with a supportive female loyal option. There is no Arwen, Eowyn or lady Marian option here. The only woman worth fighting for is the innocent weirdo Ember. She is not a romance option but she is the only one of the lot that´s a good person and actually deserves a break.
>that basically wants the PC to ignore her body count
Can you post a screenshot of Arue saying this?
>The truth is the game doesn´t present the player with a supportive female loyal option
Aivu. Just wait for a few years and you can marry her.
>virgin queen
Anon, I...
Yeah, that guy is wrong, it's actually more like she throws it out there how broken and self-hating she is in order to gain sympathy. She's good at seduction and playing the vulnerability card.
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>romance the evil feral psycho-slut who loves murder and betrays your party like 3 times
>"wtf, she's not being faithful to my dick? how could this happen?"
arue is one of the few modern romances where you have kids anon
based, broke a 15 year curse
Simple, they're western-made.

Nips have the decency to actually label their NTR-shit as NTR so it can be easily avoided, literally all of them are low budget too.

In the west however, a certain pointy-nose tribe with foreign allegiance would take offense if the games they financed actually warned their consumers of cuckshit. Instead girlboss polyamory faithless male-degradation is actually good and basically you're satan if you care about a woman's body count.
I still don't get why it is too much asked fir to get a properly made game like the first half of kingmaker annually.
Somebody hasn't played Bahamut Lagoon.
If owlcat made small games no one would care about them because they are extremely bad devs and would get lost in the pack of indie devs that make games that sell for $5 like Vogel. Like the only thing they have going for them is how much garbage is piled onto the heap, just tons and tons of garbage padding out the worst RPG you've ever seen.
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Why do you people care? The age of decently written companions is over; done; finished; finito la comedia. What you get now is Cabal-sponsered propaganda disguised as (((subverting of goypectations))), and sluts like Owlcat devs are willing to pole-dance and swallow for that jewish-buck so shit's what you get. If anyone is to produce a decent companion - or story for that matter, he'll have to essentially be a rich patrician with enthusiasm for RPGs and an active dislike of (((tribe))) - to prove that he doesn't have their dick in his mouth. He'll also have to be well-read, and have a touch of romanticism, spirituality and even theological interest. You can probably understand by now that the second coming of Jesus is more probable than us getting a hypothetical dev like that. You probably have a few that fit the criteria, but they're not born into money so that means that you can't bypass Jewish-gestapo, thus you have to remove that sexy romantic bombshell for a sheboon or psychopath cabal-slavebaby like whorecam.

Do yourself a favour and don't engage with their characters in the first place. Owlcat at least allows you the option of skipping their judeo-bolshevik fanfics in favour of based mercs.
why did you post a twitter screencap accompanied by schizo /pol/ rants
>the worst RPG you've ever seen
Y'know, that's a hard question to answer, I've played so many bad RPGs and yet they don't seem to stick in my head or leave an impression. Maybe ArcaniA.
I like to shitup shill/bot threads with truth, and there are no mossad-jannies that remove these kinds of posts here, so you're just gonna have to cope, seethe and dilate.
No one cares about those money laundering lib ruskies.
They choose to be a corporate leech and ride established ips to deliver subpar crpgs.
>bad devs
Beyond ridiculous, really. How did they fuck up wotr so bad?
Just look at how different romance is written by men and women and you will understand why.
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/pol/yps have zero individuality, they're basically bots.
>Pursues the "NOOO I CAN FIX HER" girl
>Can't fix her and she ruins your life
Tale as old as time
Wenduag actually can be fixed, though. Cammy on the other hand...
>the "NOOO I CAN FIX HER" girl
that's every single romance in wrath
And most boy ones as well. Sosiel is the only one who doesn't need an entire crew to fix him.
sosiel's story was hilarious, it's basically him learning to deal with his nigga moments. the implicit racism in his and seelah's characterization was quite amusing.
Cammy needs not to be fixed, she is already perfect.
His romance was also alright. Very lovey-dovey virgin who has a crush on (You) and whom you can seduce and turn into someone who craves your dick daily. I guarantee you that most anons would love Sosiel more than Camelia if he was a girl.
>"Write what you know."
- Mark Twain
Based cuckchad
Aryan hands wrote this post
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Pathfinder issue, take the Warhammer pill
Too bad all her endings are doomed to either having a loveless distance relationship or her turning into a squid because having an happy ending with a girl that isn't a gigawhore is verboten. Unless of course it's to describe how she marries an NPC and has a bunch of children with them, then it's allowed because you're a cuck and that's heckin valid.
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>loveless distance relationship
>grew distant and turned into a squid
So loveless. Platonic love at best.
I think that is
>her turning into a squid
It takes a special kind of denial to directly contradict something you're seeing with your own two eyes huh
No, that's another ending where her mutations go out of control too early and she dies
It literally says that mutations transform her body. She turns into a squid.

Owlshit is literally incapable of writing an happy ending for romance. It literally always has to have some shit like "BTW you don't have children ever" or "BTW she lives alone apart from you" or "BTW she turns into a squid"

Cassia literally has no happy endings.
Navigator mutations grow as they grow older, do you cry like this when women start wrinkling?
>your happiest ending is having a brief basically platonic long distance relationship before she turns into a squid in a tank
>unironic VHG posting and """theological interest""" as a prereq for good writing
you aren't wrong for the most part but you are still a fag
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>long distance
>squid in a tank
All headcanon
Cassia won, at least five fish children ending soon
That's probably something to do with the shitty setting. The fanbase is full of retarded, edgy, balding cucks who only want to witness misery, not noticing how comical it all looks when misery is the only defining trait of a setting.
Pathfinder has shitty endings, but there's some very enjoyable ones.
Good thing all the endings are happy then
Except for Yrliet's
>Good thing all the endings are happy then
Hardly. Owlcat is still afraid of letting the main character have kids and arbitrarily decides not to include what is obviously expected of a straight couple, something that, for some reason, happens to npcs. Fucking chickenshits.
As if their main characters have any relevance outside their games whatsoever.
While we are at it, when is the fft remaster coming out?
>afraid of letting the main character have kids
You're still crying about this?
You're still crying about him crying about it?
Well, I know I do... At times.
I just thought you'd shut the fuck up after the Arue ending
Although you've probably already shitposted saying that the kids aren't yours or are mad that it was the succcubus and not some made up virgin waifu, that's how you work after all, always coming up with something to complain or shitpost about
>I just thought you'd shut the fuck up after the Arue ending
Did they add an ending where you have kids? I remember her 'happy' ending being the one with the funny haha farmer village meme.
The DLC did
Is that true? And is she the only one who gets it?
No, Lann too
>girl who spends half the game flirting with other men and saying she wants their seed because they're strong doesn't want to have children with you
kekaroo, they must really hate wenduag.
You are crying to the wrong person now.
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>"The former demon lived in the house she built together with the Commander, far from the bustle of the city. It was there that they spent their time together in happy seclusion, when they were not busy with other matters. They had nothing to be ashamed of, and they had no secrets — and still the shy young woman sought to hide their love from prying eyes.",
>"After some time had passed, the babbling of children could be heard from Arueshalae's cozy house. With the children's arrival, the Commander and Arueshalae's happiness only grew stronger."
Damn that bitch is ugly.
>the game doesn´t present the player with a supportive female loyal option.
Just like real life.
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She won
Why do rpgs even have romance?
Stop assuming everyone is the same person, schizo. I haven't played the dlc, so that's cool, I guess. I still wish there were more of that for actual good endings. That would make it feel satisfying and not potentially bittersweet, even if I do like bittersweet/sad endings and liked some of the romanced Yrliet endings.
Meant for >>3545668
this. OP is as always, a fag :)
Why would my necromancer romance anyone when he already conquered death?
Romances are always cringe. Don't like the loyal lapdog virgin wife character or the whore of Gomorrah, RPGs with choices will never succeed in romance.
why are you playing as a woman?
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I didn't like the Excess very much, but the ending was kino escaping to other planes while simultaneously helping the real me to ascend was fun.
I don't know if I can stand playing it again on my Demon and Legend ones
Usually virgins like yuri because they can't identify with a man being liked by a woman.
>he'll have to essentially be a rich patrician with enthusiasm for RPGs and an active dislike of (((tribe)))
problem is you can't become rich and have an active dislike of (((tribe))), so your dream is even more impossible than you think
Most of traditional western stories include romances that are doomed, unhappy or include some sort of heavy drama. If you are such a great scholar of non-jew literature, please provide three examples of traditional love stories that don't end in tragedy, don't include some sort of love-triangle and don't involve shitton of drama. I'll wait till the stars burn out.
Great question few dare to think about.
If you can have a rpg with friends and enemies, even family members, why not romance?
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Because it's fun, you are also not forced into it. BG3 being the exception where all companions are wet for the MC
>Deskari is a giga simp for Iomaede
You are playing the romance CRPG bucko
Good point, real subversion should be wholesome portrayals, but, drama sells and people love gossip. It does bear out though, that RP shouldn't mimic cautionary tales from narratives that are based on static characters. Basically classical literature is trash from a perspective of the psychological health of the contemporary man, because ancients probably didn't identify with characters due to a closer connection to reality from not being infused with illusion and alienated by technology from an early age
cause sex le good

She is a succubus that wants to be forgiven. What do you think she wants to be forgiven for? Sleeping around and killing. That´s what succubus do.


What´s the point then? Fantasy is meant to be a depiction of the impossible and unreal, not social commentary, no social conditioning and not an exaggeration of how real relationships are. All i´m saying is that if one is going to pretend ascending to godhood is possible one may as well pretend there is a pure wife waiting at the end of that road. If the game was made by japs we would have gotten one of those.

Off Topic:

Doing a chaotic run but can´t decide between Azata to Legend or Trickster to Legend roleplaying wise. I´m well aware Trickster is better mechanically as you get to keep the improved improved feats and i´m not opposed to play the game as one of those fey from kingmaker but Azata seems to be the path for romanticism as it was understood in the XVIII century. Suggestions?
>What do you think she wants to be forgiven for? Sleeping around and killing. That´s what succubus do.
it's like going vegan and wanting to be forgiven for eating meat before
How can she expect you to forgive something that she also expects you to ignore? You're simply wrong, she literally talks about how she both raped and got raped
>she literally talks about how she both raped and got raped
that's life in the abyss.
kill or be killed
rape or be raped
The only character in WOTR who cheats on you is the literal psychotic serial killer rapist.

Wendaug is doing a Viconia and larping to see how you react.
>Needing to take a plot point from another game and using as headcanon to justify this game's romances
Wenduag does it because she means it, if Woljif was desperate enough to say yes she would have fucked him. You can blame the game not checking for romances when triggering that banter if you want, but don't make shit up.
That's the problem with Arueshalalala, she doesn't sound like someone who's contrite after countless sins or who has reached enlightenment. She's written like someone insecure, who's pretending and wearing guilt as a disguise. Just a really badly written character.
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Arueshalae the love of my life
>Wendaug is doing a Viconia and larping to see how you react
I'm not going to laugh at you for coping like this, I'm going to laugh at you for thinking Owlcat is actually going to put in effort to add that kind of companion-banter/romance reactivity
cute :3
do you have a shred of proof other than her making vague larp statements designed to provoke your ire
Kek no, the burden of proof is on you. Prove that what OP posted, or her banter with Woljif and Daeran, are just there to "provoke your ire"
And keep in mind that she does this regardless of romance, so you tell me why would she want to make you jealous if you're not romancing her.
Where is it shown in game that she actually cuckolds you.

>it's not
>all her comments are vague "wow they're hot" remarks
I accept your concession.
>Where is it shown in game that she actually cuckolds you
I never said that.
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That just means that the Jews have been cuckolding European culture for hundreds of years. Possibly since before European culture even existed.
>How can she expect you to forgive something that she also expects you to ignore?

Woman logic anon.
What's going on in that picture?
lol if you don't think your heroic character can't lay pipe better than the dudes that fucked those women in the past. you lack a competitive spirit
>romancing anyone but Camellia in Wrath
Why would I romance the only option that actualy cucks you?
Isn't the point of the whole thing that you're ascending beyond mortality? What do you need basic bitches for? Eventually you'll be able to manifest your own ideal wife, created out of the aether.
Cam is loyal and trad actually
Did anyone ever make a female Sosiel or Daeran mod? I'd usually rather have the romances gay men write for themselves than the romances women write for men
She gets fucked behind your back. I guess that's trad material for some people, though
There is a monster cut out of frame. A man, labelled "proud regular folks" is saying that he's safe from it, because he doesn't read. In the background, Lady Liberty looks on in terror, a tear in her eye. Seems pretty self explanatory to me.
It's cropped from a Kelly cartoon. I can't remember what the monster originally stood for.
Women are depicted realistically but not the societal consequences of their actions.
well, there is a worldwound poring out demons.
[Lawful Good] All the more reason women should be controlled and put on a leash.
[Lawful Good] Not just women.
And the reason she wears that amulet that blocks alignment detection is that she doesn't want to brag about it.
What point are you even trying to make?
She's 1000 times worse than high body count, she's the literal Whore of Babylon, direct from the Abyss (Chaotic Hell) and also describes being birthed out of carnivorous maggots as part of the demon rebirth cycle from scraps of evil souls. She's literally made of supernatural STDs like all demons.

She's treated well by the lgbtq friendly writers but there's a reason medieval people associated women with someone waking up a dessicated husk the next morning and it's not the fun one but the tendency and ease with which women are able to destroy your reputation, wealth, health, and will to live. Some of the better lines from PF are "these filthy eyes" etc.

Haven't seen the evil Arue yet but I need to run a character just for that, I'm curious how much simping they'll do for the dev fetish pet after she goes back to her old ways. PF has some weird narrative inconsistencies that way, like the other succ that eats the crusader eyeballs like grapes. It's got to run against the grain for some of their lefty writers.
>Christcuck schizobabble
NTA but:
Powersexual, she also remarks that she'd fuck the warlord in Wintersun if the Master wasn't better.
Ergo, Daeran and Woljif aren't more powerful than KC so it's just 'he's hot' comments.

What the fuck are you talking about? It's historically where succubus legends came from minus the PF specific shit, thematically speaking.
Just because I think leftists are pieces of shit doesn't mean I'm a schizo. It's a reasonable position in 2024.
I'm also an atheist so great job assuming and further proving why leftists are pieces of shit.
>so it's just 'he's hot' comments
Heavy dose of copium.
It's kinda funny that succubi are these big nerd fetish things now and it's just sleep paralysis.
>that she'd fuck the warlord in Wintersun if the Master wasn't better
The pic in the OP literally contradicts this lmao
Those children aren't yours.

Exactly my point. The writers want to sell her as the good romantic interest because she is trying and doing her best but no self respecting man just takes damaged or used goods. IRL they would still have to live with their past and it´s consequences.

Believing that just because you got your shit together you´d be entitled to the same kind of happiness you´d have if you had not erred in the first place is the true fantasy. A happy ending on which she is a human mother seems self serving on the writers part rather than something wrote to satisfy the actual players.

The only girl in the game that actually deserves to be happy is Ember. She earned that right by not being a shit person.
>A happy ending on which she is a human mother seems self serving on the writers part rather than something wrote to satisfy the actual players.
no no, it satisfies actual players too
>something wrote to satisfy the actual players
>if it doesn't satisfy me then it doesn't satisfy anybody else
Arue is the most popular girl in the game
Wenduag is also very popular
Sorry, but nobody cares
Regardless of my personal feelings about leftists and their simp propensities, and what kind of whores deserve what; I found the idea of a risen demon compelling because fallen angels have been a thing for a long time.
I found the goddess just snapping her fingers to rewire the demon in a dream essentially a little trite, since they go on about free will in other places.
It would have been a stronger piece of writing if they had Arue be a regular backstabbing succ when you met her and portrayed her rising to grace from an epiphany somehow while the PC directly experienced it somehow rather than filling you in on it through backstory quests.

Ember is def. the stronger piece of writing overall, yes. Doesn't hurt it's a theme I'm more sympathetic to, but it is a stronger piece of writing in the details they use and the way it is introduced (Hulrun forgiveness, Empyreal Grandma influence) That being (spiritually developed innocent inspiring others though wrongly persecuted vs. whore/demon on a faltering path of redemption)
remind me how did Ember break a Baphomet altar with her tears again?
>seems self serving on the writers part rather than something wrote to satisfy the actual players
Right, which is why they only edited it like 3 years after the game released, and after nonstop complaining about how bad her ending was
guys who fuck arue with the intention to breed are the same guys who complain about too many tieflings. disgusting hypocritical miscegenators.
Do you have a source for this
Quite the opposite, the same people that complain about tieflings and race mixing are the ones most opposed to romancing her
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Well I welcome tieflings, as long as they're female
>She gets fucked behind your back.
This is inside the game is just your cuck fantasy?
She regularly goes to the brothel to kill people behind your back (you literally only find out because the owner tells you) and you know what she likes doing after her kills
Just man up and fuck Daeran, he has best romance in the game.
>PS:T had a succubus “romance” what if we did that
>devs fail WIS check
>players fail WIS check
Arue's definitely cuter at least.
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love all succuwives
*i push my dick inside your mouth while you're yawning*
>Believing that just because you got your shit together you´d be entitled to the same kind of happiness you´d have if you had not erred in the first place is the true fantasy.
It's a classical Christian redemption arc. Maybe it doesn't happen in the real world, but it's silly to get upset about it in a work of fiction when European literature has been doing them for about as long as there's been European literature.
This, modern writers are out of touch with historical culture, mores, and living. They write degenerate liberalism because it's easier and gives less backlash. Women being whores is completely normalized now.
Give me an rpg with no female adventurers because contraception doesn't exist and that is taken to it's logical conclusion.
because everyone in pathfinder (besides arue and the gay priest) is a fucking psychopath
i love that about it, it makes the characters unpredictable and fun
>because everyone in pathfinder (besides arue and the gay priest) is a fucking psychopath
Not my beloved Cam-Cam, she’s sweet and innocent and she made me a little bone necklace to protect me and keep me safe even!
>i love that about it, it makes the characters unpredictable and fun
>dude le everyone is le psycho so fun!
No, that's boring. Thankfully you're not right and there are only three psychos in this game, and one of them is based
*I bite your micropenis off*
She's too pure for this sinful Crusade.
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>didn't stop at one
Succ wife won in the end.
Arue is pretty loyal
Do you not believe in redemption anon? Are you not a good christian?

>modern CRPGs

>Viconia (Baldur's Gate series) had three husbands, multiple lovers, and prostituted herself on the surface.
>Jaheira (ditto) had a husband.
>Aerie (ditto) can dump you for Haer'Dalis.

>Raven (Arcanum) had a different human lover, and talks about him several times.

>Mira (Fallout 2) was the town bicycle.

>Every female character in VtM: Bloodlines is a slut.

>Aribeth (Neverwinter Nights) had a lover, and after the events of the game can end up in a threesome relationship with another man (the protagonist of the expansions).

I know this is bait, but you're such a dumb retard. "Incorruptible pure, untouched virgins that wouldn't even breathe another man's name" is a trope carried over from Japan, where they have to cater to otakus, the most socially retarded people on planet Earth.
>Mira (Fallout 2) was the town bicycle.
Still mad they didn't implement levelling her so that you can take her as a real companion.
The mods doing that were unusably buggy IIRC.
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Ravel Puzzlewell was always faithful to you.
>If you can have a rpg with friends and enemies, even family members, why not romance?
You should only have enemies in RPGs.
>You are special as the KC
>Arue is special
>Your kids are special
>vs. massive overuse of tiefs as commonplace standins for lgbtq fetishes and tiresome worn out racism allegories.
I don't see it as hypocritical at all.
Also this dumb statement is funny since it is the inverse of the other dumb statements by the same people that are incapable of distinguishing real world political propaganda narrative from in-world lore politics.
>i fuk used goods and breed tieflings
>nah, it's diffrunt wit me bcuz i specal snowflake
the real truth is that Arue wouldn't be able to enjoy sex ever again and would've already spawned a legion of brats. it's all a completely childish understanding of desire. it's probably one of the worst written romances i've seen in any rpg.
Arue has never enjoyed sex like humans do.
Don't reply to him, his /pol/ mind is broken
>so we have this succubus but wait she’s totally different! She’s not like the other ones! She’s a pure virgin trad waifu succubus and she was just waiting for you the whole time she didn’t mean any of that stuff she did honest
>She’s a pure virgin trad waifu succubus and she was just waiting for you the whole time
Was she? She meets you in-game for the first time at the prison in act 2, decades after she first started her redemption. She had no idea who you were.
I just find her character and plotline completely preposterous and silly and can’t understand why anyone takes it seriously. At least Camellia was interesting for one go-round, though I’d never do it again
His brain is way too jaded and broken to understand something as basic as
>sex with random people for the sake of pure lust (also murder and torture) is bad
>sex with someone you love is good
Is this the end point of “gobbos are people, too”? Succubi are people, too?
Yes. In a way all demons are people, just evil ones.
Sorry Pathfinder isn't your based and redpilled setting where demons can't become good (let's pretend it's a Pathfinder only thing and that DnD hasn't done it either)
Kingmaker already had a goblin who literally dreamed of being a hero, a bit too late to complain. Unless it's only the cute demon girl that triggers you, that is.
No she wasn't. Two of her incarnations had children.
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I seriously don't get why people hate Arue here. she is most inoffensive companion ever written and her romance is just vanilla with a good payoff if you do her true romance
Mix of other waifufags, anti-romancefags, and /pol/tards that project onto her
Tell me tripfag, which one of those tries to or outright cheats on you?
those i can understand because most of them are Sawyerfags and likes it when the NPC fuck someone other than you (Cassidy, that girl from outer worlds and the one in poe)
how so? haven't browsed /pol/ for 6 years but i don't remember them crying about "muh vriign wife"
>haven't browsed /pol/ for 6 years but i don't remember them crying about "muh vriign wife"

Succubi in the PF setting don't get their energy from sex, but feeding upon a mortal's life force. It's the Lilithu, like Mingaho, who feed through sex.
Well, yeah. They should be. If good can be corrupted, symmetry dictates that evil can also be redeemed.
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>“gobbos are people, too”?
It's incredibly boring and she's written in a very fake way.
t. ascended vanillafag elder
yes, she has. you have a narrow view of people.
>you have a narrow view of people
Impressive lack of self awareness coming from mister "noooo she can't enjoy sex again because I said so!"
You're playing a woman and you're surprised that a bisexual female companion is unsatisfied with lesbian sex?
because of my conception of the state of her neural pathways, if demons are just people too. maybe "ever again" is hyperbolic, but it wouldn't just be "the power of love heals all".
>she's written in a very fake way
how so?
He's going to say that she manipulates you and doesn't really feel guilty, has been trying to force that meme for a while now
How come I never see anyone cry about Regill just saying no to the bleaching with no explanation whatsoever
Her dialogue lacks sincerity and depth of emotion. It's all very one note, like a repeated mantra and she hides her past far too much. I get the feeling the writer didn't really like her or feel her concept, Ember too. Maybe they don't actually believe in redemption.
It's not about "her" it's about the presentation rather than intention. She's obviously just a character in a video game.
That's literally something she says in the game. Demons don't have consensual sex, it's always about the power and control.
Maybe she can learn, though. Just like humans can develop weird fetishes.
>You're playing a woman and you're surprised that a bisexual female companion is unsatisfied with lesbian sex?
Based and Cam-pilled
Cam is unsatisfied with you so I wouldn't use her as an example
uh, anon, people behave this way too. even with consent, it's very easy to see others as objects and sex as a form of masturbatory domination. see, being in touch with your shadow is how you redeem yourself, not through denial of your nature.
>Her dialogue lacks sincerity and depth of emotion
again how? she is pretty straightforward in her dialogue as it can get and she is troubled by her demonic lust. see the horny prison interaction and the various camp dialogue she has
>she hides her past far too much
No she doesn't. She pretty much tells you all about the horriifying shit she did.
>ummm akshually humans also have non-cconsensual sex
I don't know enough about the setting to understand your issue. Isn't it that he doesn't want fear of death to control his behaviour?
>I don't know enough about the setting
You don't need to, playing kingmaker is enough. All gnomes end up bleaching, they'll all succumb to it eventually, but Regill just goes "nope" in the aeon ending
Very inspirational "because the commander hasn't ordered me to die" and all that but, how does he do it, exactly? Jubilost needed a demigod's help to heal one gnome
>not through denial of your nature.
maybe in some other dogshit pseudo setting. but in PF all outsiders are hard wired to their specific alignment if she tried to "being in touch with your shadow" lik you say than she is going to revert back to her old ways. only through doing good deeds and accepting love instead of lust in her heart that she becomes a good person. which is what happens if you complete her quest
Oh, I never played Aeon or finished Kingmaker.
Same way how Arue stays loyal to the commander and becomes a virgin succ trapped in a demonic city Big Lawful Cock
yeah, this is utterly cartoonish and not interesting, a child's understanding of redemption. are demons people or not, can they change or not? would they want to? obviously they are mixing humanity into their portrayals of these "demons", so an understanding of humanity would be helpful to create interesting characters. didn't happen, instead it's "the power of love and butterflies and the correct dialogue choices compels you!"

really though, i can tell you just aren't capable or experienced enough to understand what i'm saying. carry on with your vapid waifu posting.
>are demons people or not,
they are Chaotic Evil spirits born from CE humans souls turn into small muggets who coalesced into demons
>can they change or not?
maybe if they are willing and if someone happens to have Nocticula unique domain powers exclusive to her clerics to show them the error of their ways
>would they want to?
Most don't because again they are hard wired to be Chaotic and Evil.
>the correct dialogue choices compels you
You are describing ever RPG NPC dude. or do you think the player should have no agency to infulence NPC whatsoever
Not the same, the bleaching is pretty much a disease with no cure, demons don't need to fuck, they do it because they're self-indulgent, but they don't need it to live
Someone with terminal cancer is fucked no matter what, a fatty only has his himself to blame if he eats mcdonald's every day
>jews travelling across space and time to cuck self inserting loser gauls by putting dysfunctional romances in their creation stories
Bleaching is caused from the dullness and repetition of life. Regill, under the True Aeon's influence, has such a burning sense of mission it makes monotony impossible for him.
>being in touch with your shadow is how you redeem yourself
Do you think Les Miserables is cartoonish and uninteresting because Jean Valjean doesn't steal any more bread after he becomes mayor?
That's the explanation given in the trickster ending, not the aeon one
It's the same thing, only from a different angle. Regill witnessed first-hand that even the past can be corrected, and order brought about retroactively. He simply has such a mountain of positive reinforcement for his own ideology he deems nothing to be off the table, in terms of possibilities.

Plus, he's right - the Commander may come back. He literally can will himself back into existence in Pharasma's Court. That's the final reward and revelation for a True Aeon - the very fundamentals of reality are beneath him, and bend to his will.
>pnp book
what? isn't he an avellone creation?
Kingmaker had a 2e rerelease, inspired by the game, and they changed some things, Tristian's plot with Nyrissa is gone for example (you can still use it if you want to, though) and the twins are demonspawn, not devilspawn. The Forefather is a Balor not a Deimavigga. And Nok-Nok can be changed to CN and eventually CG.
I enjoyed Kingmaker but Nok Nok was fucking cringe
>Do you think Les Miserables is cartoonish and uninteresting
>because Jean Valjean doesn't steal any more bread after he becomes mayor
Kingmaker got a 2e remake. some people are saying that they are looking to make a wrath 2e remake too
You can't change his alignment and make him dump Lamashtu in the crpg, though?

Too bad, I tolerated it but it felt really wrong given the shit lamashtuism does.
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I get that every community gets judged by its worst members, but followers of Lamashtu aren't all that bad, even if some of their customs go against the usual conventions.
Lamasthu is 4chancore if you haven't fuck monster girl/boys or just a fuck a dog than you don't belong her
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yeah, inflicting gross deformities and birth defects on children, very chill
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Lies and slander, Lamashtu's creed isn't about inflicting such.. afflictions, but embraching those that are already afflicted, giving home to those that would be feared or shunned anywhere else.
Well, that, and monster-fucking.
Lots and lots of monster-fucking.

Isn´t there like a middle ground in between pure waifu and humongous western slut?
>Isn´t there like a middle ground
No, you gotta pick an extreme or the opposite extreme and if you try as much as suggest the possibility of compromise, you're becoming enemy to both sides.
Welcome to every ideological discourse of the 21st century.
Incredibly that the first 5 pages of the catalog are all shitty threads. Not a single one is good.
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which way, white man?
>owlcat mogged paizo so hard they re-released kingmaker with their changes
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>broke the 15 year curse
I kneel.
They pretty much just added the companions from KM, while fixing retarded shit that Owlcat included such as everything related to Shelyn in Valerie's questline
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So, how experienced is this waifu?
captcha 84DPD
>Nymph queen
>also seduced and destroyed tons of kings and kingdom
You already know the answer
Those were probably more like camwhore->simp "seductions".
I'd say she actually slept around more before the curse.
I don't get how people can romance her, she looks like shit.
My point is that the weaboo retards treat it like an extreme.
>She had a boyfriend? She's a slut!
>She had a husband? Enjoy the whore's sloppy seconds!
>She was in love before you? You're a fucking cuck!

And so on. Outside of Mira and Viconia, none of those would fit the "slut" label in a rational discussion.
Don't pretend the otaku and weaboos don't share that particular sentiment, although for different reasons - they're so socially stunted, and so low on self-esteem, they can't handle literally any """competition""" in their head - they automatically assume they would lose.

It's the same motivation that causes chink gachafags to have a meltdown when a waifu mentions a male character in a positive way ONCE, and start boycotting the game.
That's your reason? And no the fact that she barely spends any time with you, and what little of it you get is her trying to kill you and being a cunt?
>the fact that she barely spends any time with you, and what little of it you get is her trying to kill you and being a cunt
hey, it worked for Galfrey
No it didn't, and it's funny because you actually do spend more time with Galfrey than with Nyrissa. Kingmaker takes place over several years, like four maybe? WotR, at most, will be a year, unless you start skipping days on purpose
>not marrying the pvre trad virgin nymph
lol, lmao
She told me I was the only one and she would never lie to me
No, my reason is she's not interesting and Valerie is my waifu. I'm just wondering what other people's reasons are for ignoring all that since there's no "hey but she's hot, bro" thing going on here. Is it just climbing Everest shit?
Does she actually say that or are you making shit up? Because the game even references her relationship with that eldest, although just once
According to purityfags no. if a women as much as utter another mens name than she is used goods and loose slut. I am starting to think most of the purityfags are just third world mudslimes with how they view women relationship with anyone other than themselves
Anon... the Stag Lord made a fancy bed just for the purpose of fucking her. The game doesn't explicitly say "oh she banged all those men she seduced" because it's assumed the implication is enough for a non-autist.

You think people like the Stag Lord or Irovetti would be satisfied with some honeyed words? They're called "nymphs", for God's sake, and are famous for one particular thing in most settings, Pathfinder included - being absolutely godly in bed. They're what the average coomer thinks of when hearing "succubus."
You'd think these retards would make the correlation between Nymph and Nymphomaniac
>i fuk used goods and breed tieflings
You're hung up on this because leftists have put mediocre sluts on a pedestal so high we all get nosebleeds from trying to see them anymore.
I get it.
>>nah, it's diffrunt wit me bcuz i specal snowflake
I am legitimately better than most here in several categories IRL, but this is about a video game though, where the KC is undeniably better than everyone else in the standard chosen one type plot.

>the real truth is that Arue wouldn't be able to enjoy sex ever again and would've already spawned a legion of brats. it's all a completely childish understanding of desire. it's probably one of the worst written romances i've seen in any rpg.
This is the /pol/ 'pair bonding is destroyed' narrative. Having seen celebrity romances torpedo themselves constantly and lived through some of what you might consider top shelf pussy imploding on me for probably similar reasons there is some weight to this.
However this is fiction, and the narrative of a redeemable demon is still compelling, because it is fantasy.
>Arue should have already spawned a legion of brats
Irredeemable whores do this IRL sure, but in the context of the game she's in prison, run by demons, and focused on a war. It's not implausible.
I don't find the romantic notion of dealing with an otherworldly being on her terms to be diminished by such nitpicking. I think the childish part is the inability to distinguish fiction from hangups you may have acquired from real life.
I didn't see it as that trite because of Areelu talking about demons as literal reflections of humanity, with all of their passion but none of the restraint. Literal perfect CE portrayals.
It has potential for a decent fantasy cosmology if handled well.
They do lean into clownshows with simping for Desna etc. as you say but maybe that is from specific and vapid lgbtq writers, who knows. Maybe they don't have enough collective life experience to understand people outside of leftist cult stereotypes either, who knows.

It's not a total wash is all I'm saying. Other elements in PF rise to a better fantasy standard, gnome bleaching for one. Not a coincidence their better lore elements are farther removed from identity politics.
what a funny name
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That's just artifact of the limited graphics quality of the game.
You have to put yourself into the MC's shoes.

>you go on a risky campaign in a harsh wilderness
>an exotic otherwordly beauty comes to you in dreams, a spark happens
>can't stop thinking about her
>yay you meet her again, seems she's real
>you could meet her once you win
>Damn, turns out she is an enemy! THE TRAGIC FATE
>But I can't stop liking her, even though all my buddies hate her with pashion
>If only things could be different
>Oh woe, oh the tragedy
>She wasn't really evil, it's the curse's fault
>much TrAgIc FATE
>FUCK even she admits she likes us

It's simply peak romantic story.
>That's just artifact of the limited graphics quality of the game.
no it isn't, the portrait is fucking ugly.
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Camellia is such a dumb ho.
>blah blah blah i kill people because the voices tell me to but i swear it's for a good cause lol

bitch barely finished the sentence before my monk punched her across the room
>;artifact of game graphics quality
be it model/texture or portrait, same difference
>the portrait
IIRC she has 36 charisma so it is almost as high as Nocty's.
I assume the thorns on her body are due to the curse, so those will go away in my headcanon
Probably wouldn't be fun fucking very hard (or god forbid trying scissoring), else.
a painted portrait isn't related to a game's graphics quality, more to its artstyle. besides pathfinder official art still has her looking like a retarded plant woman.
failure to model the stats through dialogue or presentation. bad rp from owlcat.
Not just that but her tabletop artwork too
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Forgot pic lol
Still would
we don't expect standards from you, anon. no need to share.
Just download that one portrait edit on Nexus
>mods fix her
the korean way, huh?
nah, game's soul is game's soul
unless it is Morrowind body models
I mean, I think she has a beauty about her

But also because I simp for the character she presented herself as. I don't believe that was purely an act. There's good in her somewhere.
The entire point of both the Stag Lord and Irovetti is that they wanted to fuck Nyrissa, she literally promised them pussy but never actually gave it to them, Irovetti literally had to commission a statue of him fucking her to satisfy his fantasy
Impressive dedication to your shitposting though, I thought only Arue and Valerie got that treatment
>I mean, I think she has a beauty about her
I mean, I think you are tasteless
>Irovetti literally had to commission a statue of him fucking her to satisfy his fantasy
wait wait I need to see that, is that in the game
It is. The statue is in his room in the palace.
Okay, not "fucking" her but in a suggestive pose, but still
>Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the sculptor, and the marble
Ah, I think i just used it without looking at it.
And they say Owlcat is completely uncultured
>Damn, turns out she is an enemy! THE TRAGIC FATE
>But I can't stop liking her
she isn't just an enemy she deceives you then lures you to a secluded area to kill you and also turns your kingdom into hell on earth and uses incredibly cruel methods to kill innocent men women and children
the only reason you'd still have feelings for her is >MUHFUGGIN DEEK IN HER SALAD POOSY
>only reason you'd still have feelings for her is
Empathy. The world is not black and white you know.
You only find out about her curse later
destructive love, classic stuf
There are copium/hopium hints in the Other World area during season of Bloom that can keep a dedicated simp online.
I can fix her
She says it pretty early in the game what she's still remember the way she once was.
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Imagine the inner turmoil of queen/king if you fall for her and then there is the betrayal and you almost getting killed and then the epidemy happens, and you have almost zero hopes for anything good happening with her, just straws you can grasp to suggesting she wasn't always an evil monster. Imagine seeing all the suffering and still not being able to let go.

And that's for like four years. Only then you get to penetrate her dream and see a bit more, so you can feel a tiny bit justified in not writing her of completely.

Though if you play an elf, it gets more believable to be able to not lose the feelings for her over that time.

One thing I kinda regret the game not using: Your companions probably knew you had hots for her. You probably couldn't keep it secret, the rumors that the king actually was and probably still is infatuated with the fey that sent all those curses and catastrophes on the kingdom should absolutely start spreading.
It's funny because that's quite literally the reason why you "fall" for her in the first place, because she's a 11/10 nymph (ignore the portrait)
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definitely wouldn't
isn't that a shampoo ginger?
Writers think it makes them and their work more mature and realistic. Socially active career writers are generally scared to death of being called out as otherwise, and so often beat their script with the "irreverence" bat to keep the audience nodding along.
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Yeah. I did my best to ignore him. Easily the worst companion. But from what I understand, he's a fan favorite?

>mommy morrigan
Best Morrigan

Fair, fair.

>the fact that she barely spends any time with you, and what little of it you get is her trying to kill you and being a cunt
It's pretty great, ngl
>"But you actually do like me right?"
>"Yeah, you like me."

>Still would
Based and same. There's definitely an exotic beauty there.

Anyone know the artist?
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Wayne reynolds
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No it's not, pic related is
The illustration isn't made by wayne? wierd because it looks very similar to his style
It's this guy
Is Seelah's horse supposed to be 1 level behind her or is this a bug? I thought paladin mounts didn't need boon companion.
probably a (new) bug, I saw it mentioned somewhere, there were probably changes to pet level calculations with the new DLC, hopefully will get fixed soon
>I don't get how people can romance her, she looks like shit
I love challenge
Yes anon, you totally didn't use a guide
I see. Well, I could roll with it. What's a good use of 3 levels on Seelah to justify taking boon companion? She's a level 12 straight paladin so far.
>Wayne reynolds
Yeah, I know he's the lead artist and the guy responsible for most of PF's style but, >>3549339,
is definitely not him.

WR's uses much sharper angles and crisper rendering. Generally with a more desaturated colour pallet too.

That other pic reminds me a lot of DiTerlizzi's Planescape era art. (Some of my favorite art of all time).

Thanks friend!

This pic of Irrovetti does not match up with his in-game description.
just ignore it for a time, they'll fix it, must be unintended effect of them fixing other problem with overcounting in previous patch.
Imagine the wetness
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Why couldn't they let me Romance the Orc-fu?

Why does Owlcat and Paizo keep the best girls from us?
The Orc girl isn't even in the game anon and even if she was they won't let you romance her because she is a iconic
>isn't even in the game
I know, I was greatly disappointed

>even if she was they won't let you romance her because she is a iconic
I know, I had the same disappointment with Amiri

Have actually just started WotR for the first time. Going in pretty blind. But I already prefer the intro of and setup of Kingmaker and what little I know about the companions in this game doesn't fill me with a lot of confidence.

Also, anyone got input on the best way to make a spellblade? Something like a self-buffing/CC duelist type? Not optimal I'm sure but I always have fun with that kind of character.
>Viconia (Baldur's Gate series) had three husbands, multiple lovers, and prostituted herself on the surface.
She also admits she made a bunch of shit up to try and disgust CHARNAME enough to drop her. I'm not saying she didn't use her body to survive, she did, but not to the extent she initially claims.
I already dislike lann, Seelah and a lot of dialogue comes off as very 'modern'. Bit of a nitpick but it doesn't break immersion.
Reserve your hatred, you haven't met Nenio.
>best way to make a spellblade?
Magus or 10 wizard/10 EK. the latter can merge spellbook with Lich
Storywise Kingmaker is vastly superior. Having played both I can say that going in blind is great for Kingmaker but for Wrath I think it's better to plan ahead, mainly the mythic path you want because you really don't want to be locked out of what you wish to play.
As far as companions go in Wrath it's all about extremes. Most of the companions are love or hate and it will depend on your own preferences.
>best self buffer
Depends on your alignment. Evil? Wizard/EK with lich. Good? Oracle or crusader with angel while ignoring bolt of justice. Outside of the metacheese that are liches and angels you can make a viable spell blade with any mythic path so just go with the one that fits best your character idea.
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Because shitty writers think that
>it makes it "realistic"
>they try to not make it seem that everyone only has eyes for you
So not only are the writers terrible at writing romances in general, they try to make it less bad by making it worse.

But there isn't a single modern RPG romance that isn't fucking horrible anyway, so who gives a shit. Don't romance anyone.
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>but she is hardly the worst option presented by the game.
She's a dogshit option and a retard that you have to jump through so many hoops and to do so much shit to manage to get gutter trash.
>but she is hardly the worst option presented by the game.
nope. Arue and Camellia are better
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Based Radiant Historia poster.

Why, what's their problem?

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was originally thinking of going Eldritch Scoundrel/Duelist. I love the idea of Finesse two-handing an estoc but I'm not sure I would get the Duelists picrel bonuses with it. (A little intoxicated so I can't figure out what the exact ruling is on my own atm)

So far she doesn't seem so bad.
>and Camellia
Literally cucks you
She breaks up before going back to fucking and killing tho.
>Why, what's their problem?
>He doesn't know about Camellia's brothel escapades in act 4
Are there any fantasy crpgs coming this year?
I know but the sex was good until i completed Arue romance too.
Nenio feels like a Homestuck character.
she's not even that, she's straight up bazinga

So far Wen feels like the only character that isn't just a reddit caricature. Are all the companions like this? Why is this the case?

I know that Linzi could be a bit much for some people and I guess Harrim and Amiri could grate on some people. But even then they were decently written characters that felt like they belonged in the setting.
>Harrim and Amiri
I feel like Octavia's the annoying one in that game.
Same. I pretty much just ignore her and Reg. The fact they feel like they're written in a way that the developers would just assume people would like them makes it even worse.
Who do you got for an arcane caster? Should I have made my PC one?
My PC was already a Wizard/Rogue so I didn't need either of them.
>So far Wen feels like the only character that isn't just a reddit caricature
Rotted waifufag mind speaking
Well in WotR you get to sleep with most of the romance options before you commit so if you treat them as disposable as well when the time comes to commit choose the loyal one
Tristian mystic theurge.
Happy go lucky bard. Yes, she can be annoying but her archetype is a staple of fantasy romps, not exactly what I'd call reddit.
Immensely based character. Suicidal cleric of an apocalyptic god is a very interesting idea for a companion.
Her voice actress is annoying and there are some reddit elements in her feminist plotline but you can always go against her so it's not that bad.
Unfortunately, rather than idealistic relationships and morals like you'd see in Japanese games or something, the writers of most western games seem to think that their garbage morals and relationships are fine. Plus they need to do their part to make sure everyone can experience how cool an independent sexually liberated woman and LBG2GAY relationships can be.
Every people have stories about failed relationships with women because it's a common occurrence in life. Lmao. I'm not surprised most anons on this board can't figure out another likely possibility. They probably also complain about the present day landscape of dating and relationships. Write what you know. How many people you grew up with had divorced parents. How many stories have you heard about guys getting cheated on, have you been cheated on. This doesn't explain the weird furfag shit, but is it any surprise that people now are writing failed relationships. Jesus Christ we hear about how fucked dating is every day, we've experienced it. Yet there are anons confused as to why there are failed relationships in media.

This just proves that most anons are truly delusional autists who think they'll date a Japanese girl and their relationship will smooth sailing. That there's no possibility that any problems could arise.
It's also what we're surrounded by.
Haven't played aeon but isn't the true ending about how you write yourself out of the timeline? Is it mentioned that you can somehow return?
It's not even just that, it's that the foundation of degenerate liberalism is nihilism.
>muh no contraceptives
I don't feel the need to peddle some chud wifebeater shack rape fantasy but look at something like the Hercules television show. Which is not full of nihilism and lefty bullshit as Kevin Sorbo is not about that. It's campy but also free of modern concerns which allows you to just enjoy a decent fantasy romp with some entertaining character acting, costumes and slapstick fights.

It's amazing how much better things are when they're not made by leftists trying to cry about le racism, climate change and immigration in every scene. Or the existential angst that leads them to GTT style misery porn.

Even Planescape, which was full up on actual diverse perspectives (the core of the game philosophy) before they did the bait and switch with Diversity™ meaning "replace all white and straight people so useless commies can get into government makework positions", didn't have the preoccupation with nihilism that failure lefties have that is sublimated into all this political propaganda bullshit now in every game. It wasn't exactly metal in the 80s D&D sense, but it was awesome too.
You do return for Areelu judgement meaning that you can will yourself into existence anytime you want
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>Hercules television show
dude that was such a slop.You clearly didn't have to live through being young in the 1990s and having only that shit (includes Xena) as your fantasy fix.
>mentions acting
>mentions costumes
>mentions fights

Fucking kids these days don't appreciate what they have, as fucking always.
>Fucking kids these days don't appreciate what they have, as fucking always.
No, anon. You are the cretins.
My middle school band teacher loved that shit and talked about her all the time
Goofy fun fantasy would be a welcomed reprieve from all the melodramatic diversity fantasy drama of today.

There is no better example of the problem with modern fantasy than with the Willow movie and Willow tv series.
No, you are simply an idiot if you don't recognize how cheap, intelligence-insulting crap those TV shows were.
It's latin american soap opera quality meets power rangers, in bad costumes.

Or just a dumb contrarian.
Don't go looking for girls in owlkek and 7 man cuck squad games
I'm talking the tone, structure and direction. But you're clearly illiterate since you missed this the first time. I even flat out compared it to a MOVIE with Willow. But reading isn't your strong suit, so I'll stop. Too many words hurts your brain.
I don't remember any girl in owlcat game cucking you with bears
>I'm talking the tone, structure and direction.
You are talking crap, you can't possibly know what you are talking about.

It was vomit in production values, vomit on narrative level, vomit in action/fantasy setting value.
It was also bastardising myths of all sorts on hitherto unknown levels, but I guess with all the assimilation of those capeshit does now, teenagers or young adults don't even think anything's wrong.
Btw if you love being a contrarian so much, just go and watch b-tier 80s fantasy movies. Chances are, you are gonna love dat """""direction""""", """""structure""""" and """""tone"""""

Xena and Hercules are mostly continuation of those in similarly cheap or cheaper budgets. There's huge overlap.
Wait, that was harsh. 80s direct-to-video fantasy schlock has titties quite often, whereas Xencules is total cuckcore blueballing in that regard.

Big plus of the 80s versus the 90th crap (which is also generally downgrade in style).
I worded my original post poorly but this is exactly what I meant. I love these characters but I can also accept that they're the three people would find the most annoying. But even at their worst they still felt like genuine characters who the writers took seriously.

I'm still in the prolog for WotR but 80% of the dialog so far feels like rejected marvel movie scripts.
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>You are talking crap, you can't possibly know what you are talking about.
Stop talking, retard. You lack basic reading comprehension so words are wasted on you.

Take a long hard look at the post at >>3553144 and see that nothing of the shit you spew has any relevancy to it. I won't repeat myself when there is nothing complex about what was said. If you fail to comprehend it, you're too stupid to interact with.

How about you take a look at the example in the fucking post, you subhuman monkey. You were given a direct example with Willow, which you outright chose to ignore because you're both ignorant and in denial.
your problem is Hercules is nowhere near "goofy fun fantasy", shiteater. The very start of our post is absurd and it only follows from there
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>rants about hercules
>when nowhere was that word mentioned in the post he replied to
>instead he repeatedly ignores the ones that were, willow, as well as the rest of the post
It's like you want people to treat you like a subhuman retard.
>n-no i wasn't really talking about shit i was talking to pleasu understand
Subhuman, you directly replied to >>3553144 yet ignored everything in the post, to keep rambling about your personal autistic shitfit.
When being repeatedly told this you cry and shit the bed in another shitpost.

Fucking grow up and get a spine.
Why should I humor his bullshit? I simply took major offense at idiot suggesting there is possibly anything good about those trash TV series.
That retard clearly knows nothing, I grew up tortured by that shit and saw a lot of it (and similar schlock of the era like the Ivanhoe, Robin Hood series, fucking hell). I won't allow anybody to whitewash that crap, particularly for stupid contrarian reasons. That's a hill I will defend bitterly.

But Willow show/movie? I fucking don't care about it, care level: zero. Depending on which Willow he speaks about, I might have seen it ages ago or not, but I certainly don't give a slightest fuck about it or his gripes about itSo I'm not going to discuss that just because he begs to.

I certainly am not going to look into the topic to be able to talk about it if I see the dude randomly ooze batshit notions like using said crapshow as example of anything good, person like that just can't have it together. Better be clear enough for you, because fuck this shit, going to work.
>he doesn’t watch 10 hour YouTube retrospectives about Willow
Anon, you're replying to someone not talking about the crap you're rambling about. You then keep throwing a baby shitfit. Repeatedly. Fucking embarrassing.

Not only that, you utterly and completely missed the point of the post you replied to. Even with it literally being spelled out to you. In small words even a 7 year old could understand.

To top it off, you failing to comprehend that the appeal of some old shitty show or what people liked about it not being present in modern ones is just the cherry on top.
Like when told things like
>I'm talking the tone, structure and direction.
You threw ANOTHER shitfit and disregarded it, so you can keep pushing your close-minded tirade of
>noooo old shows were shit, new ones are much higher quality
while plugging your ears like some toddler.

You're so incredibly mentally immature it's just embarrassing to watch you, shitfit after embarrassing shitfit.
Amiri is hot.
Xencules > some butthurt anon's spergy opinions
I would too but even if she was romanceable she would still have to wait until at least a third or fourth playthrough before I give her my cummies. Priorities, man. There are better girls in there.
I wish RPGs didnt have "romances" to appeal to gooner lunatics in the first place.
I made the original Hercules post in this thread.
My point was even though it is most definitely campy schlock, it is good and uplifting campy schlock, without being filled with nihilistic lefty angst that /r9k/ tier spergy robots base their worldview around.

The fights are mostly slapstick, sometimes approaching cool.
The women are hot.
The mythology is absolutely shat upon for World of Warcraft tier reddit jokes, yet they use it well in some points, such as Icarus' father to drive a plot point.
The dialogue is funny.

In spite of all that, they're missing the critical modern poison: leftism and woke sadsack shit.
Point this out, and many robots seem to have lost their CPUs over it. Very curious.
I forgot there even was a Willow series made.
How wokeshitted up is it? I'm almost afraid to even ask, lol.
First episode is mostly made up of 2 teen romances, one with the female protag and her lesbian love interest both of which are skilled fighters.
Take a wild guess what the rest consists of.
>Willow series
What the fuck?
>Take a wild guess what the rest consists of.
I really have no idea.
Something something blacks, communism le good, colonialism le bad, and "white privilege"?
>willow series
baffling why they thought turning a traditional fantasy adventure featuring a dwarf wizard into an edgy teen romance melodrama was a good idea.
then again
She's a monster by the way. It's like picking the Sakura route except less cute.
>because ancients probably didn't identify with characters due to a closer connection to reality
Are you retarded? How would they attain catharsis if they didn't?
This. Only the fanfics I wrote in middleschool about my self-insert banging Samus are real TRAD and EVROPA. We need to reject jewish lies and RETVRN.
Catharsis is bullshit.
>Basically classical literature is trash from a perspective of the psychological health of the contemporary man
If the modern man can't handle anything that isn't some sort of wish-fulfillment isekai bullshit then maybe modern man needs to fucking die.
>maybe modern man needs to fucking die
I think they are already on it.
>not wanting a bunch of whores who cuck you is "wish-fulfillment isekai bullshit"
Do you believe in eating garbage and rotten food and that anyone who throws up from it is weak? Take care of your mental health, stop consuming psychological poison.
Have you actually read books?
But it's the best medium for it.
Yes. Have you actually had a complete thought before?
Well, hear that, academics and the entire culture of ancient Athens? It's time to pack it up, anon says catharsis is bullshit. It's over.
>entirety of literature is psychological poison
>watch k-on instead
Greek stuff is garbage. Piles of books and NOT ONE of them is Cute Girls Doing Cute Things. Were those mentally ill freaks even trying?
It is. It's hoodoo.
All the cure girls in greek myths were raped, turned into monsters, or both.
Circe suffered no such misfortunes, though she did inflict them herself every once in a while...
They were poisoning the western culture since way before it even existed! The West had never even risen!
The Greeks were crushed by Romans after falling into decadence due do an excess of shallow appreciation of form, which then happened to the Romans. Decadence is a universal product of success without restraint, ego spins it out.
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>Decadence is a universal product of success without restraint
Civilizations are biological organisms and they grow, flourish, decay, and die.
Civilizations are vehicles of life and they don't all eat properly. Humanity has yet to love health.
Slay Queen! I love brown people too!
Do you guys not date? I don't know any couple that didn't have some sort of drama in their lives. This does include generations older than me too like the boomers and before.
The older ones kept it to themselves at least, but not wanting any sort of drama at all makes me think you lack socialization with real people.
Dating is for westoid nafo trannies. My dakimakura provides all the socialisation I'll ever need.
Yes, I've had several longterm relationships, one over a decade. Have you? I do leave women alone who talk about how they want to fuck other people or play head games or possess no discretion. I don't know what you specifically mean by "drama".
So you're old, worn out and bitter. Got it and makes sense with your previous posts.
First I lack experience, now I must be jaded and exhausted by the vagaries of the world You couldn't even grasp the ironic undertones in my initial post, little bro, and now you run from specifying your penchant for drama. I think you should stop spinning in circles and get to a point that isn't simply opposing.
Ow, so the cuck shit hits too close to home?
Lacking experience and being a worn out cuck can be very similar things.
You're so old and still don't understand this lol
Well, you tried.
Did ranting about jews infiltrating your video games come before or after the divorce/breakup?
Ah, so it's not about my posts, it's about other people's. Didn't get divorced, by the way, she died.
Oh, you're just about alienation and don't even blame the jews for it?
Well language is inherently alienating so your point about stories is moot.
I directly said alienation comes from technology. We need each other less and we can build conceptions that don't get immediately broken apart by practical realities, add onto that a near constant exposure to fantasy designed to catch eyes and increase dissatisfaction so as to produce more needy consumers while growing up and you get very confused individuals. Welcome to actual communication and not tilting at a weeb /pol/ strawman.
>language is inherently alienating so your point about stories is moot
Laughing out loud.
>we can build conceptions that don't get immediately broken apart by practical realities, add onto that a near constant exposure to fantasy designed to catch eyes and increase dissatisfaction
Nigger, you what? Welcome to the world circa invention of fucking fire.
Indeed, but have you heard of a concept called "scale"?
Have you heard about being a fart-huffing pseud with nothing to say?
There’s an old Robert Anton Wilson quote something like
>and when he was feeling especially rhetorical, Justin Case, New York Times book reviewer, would call books he disliked Paleolithic, which he justified in the grounds that they consisted of words, an old Stone Age invention
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>Only the fanfics I wrote in middleschool about my self-insert banging Samus are real TRAD and EVROPA. We need to reject jewish lies and RETVRN.
Yes, and your example is sterling.
So to make people less alienated... we need digital media that coddles them like babies and never makes them upset. What sort of backwards logic is that.
>irony fail
There's nothing upsetting about any of this shit. There's no tragedy here.
Oh yes, retard. I'm really aiming for that intelectual clout. Engaging in halls of debate with you.
Have you considered not replying? It's the best proof that you don't care and aren't actually butthurt about being proven to be a child throwing a tantrum at a strawman with no particular thoughts of their own.
I'm curious about for how much longer are you going to pretend to have something to say.
I said my piece, you couldn't engage. Now you will posture because boilerplate mockery is all you have. There's no wit, there's no banter, and there's no adaptation. Just repetition. I really, as your elder, want you to be better.
Nigger, your "piece" was that all stories that were ever written are shit ackshually because adversity is bad for male mental health because technology and angry spiders that live in your head. This retarded drivel doesn't deserve debate, it deserves mockery. Acting like bootleg ted k is no way to cope with a loss of a loved one, my man.
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Owlcat should include romance between companions.
>your "piece" was that all stories that were ever written are shit ackshually because adversity is bad for male mental health because technology and angry spiders that live in your head
>Acting like bootleg ted k
I love how your brain just can't help but constantly try to draw associations instead of engaging. It's really interesting, it's like your thoughts are snap-to-point.
Why would I engage with you if I don't find you engaging? I just want to poke the freak.
But you can't touch me without engaging, anon. What I'm seeing is you poking thin air. The only thing I can think, based on the way you've twisted my posts, is this is some kind of "team" thing to you and you need me to conform to your idea of that opposing team, which leaves you unable, not simply unwilling, to engage. Possibly you do this because of unconscious insecurity in your own adopted beliefs, causing you to use irony and mockery as a shield to hide yourself behind.

All of this in defense of bad video game romances, too.
>why aren't you engaging me
>but you are engaging!
Great job, freud. That debate club attendance is really paying off.
umm yeah dude idk maybe because 40% of the reason to write anything is to impose your sexual fetishes on other people
Because a lot of people like it so it makes the game sell better.
They shouldn't care about sales, they should care about pleasing me. Isn't worth more than mere money?
>playing owlcuck gaymes
>trying to do a lesbo romance
LMAO. KYS faggot
Romances are shit and should be deleted from rpgs. The same thing with all that storyfagging.
>talking to a demon
That's how they get you. First thing you know, you're trying to help a sex demon pretending to be redeemed. Next thing you know, you're opening up another portal to the Abyss.
>The same thing with all that storyfagging
Then why the fuck are you playing a rpg?
An rpg is a tactical wargame where you play with only a single character. That is of course what Gygax intended. It doesn't mean there cannot be some story. However, it should never be the sole focus of the game. Even in tabletop it was supposed to be secondary to the dungeon diving, combat, and character building. Storyfagging is alien to the rpgs and is nothing but a waste of time. If you want your romance plotlines, then play a weg.
>If you want your romance plotlines, then play a weg.
Based BG3 fan
I'm actually a KotC fan. BG3 has romance plotlines and they are very gay. It's also filled with an excess of storyfagging.
so youi admit you prefer your women having bodycounts in the double digits? as opposed to a sensible human girl?

do you want to go for your cock cage now or later cuck?
i just wanna use persona romance writing for its female characters to contrast western female romance writing
most of their problems and hang ups are not of their past relationships or body counts they have other human problems like working multiple jobs of varying humillating blows to ones self esteemm that are just not sexual, or trying to prove that a conception of a "mans job" can be done just as well by a woman even she has to dress up like man to prove it, or a girl feeling trapped by her parents expectitions to keep the families businesss going forward
like all her negatives aspects dont boil down SHE BANGED 10,000 DICKS AND IF YOU WANNA GET WITH HER LIVE WITH FACT NERD KEKOID
like western rpg consuuuummers always mock the fact that japanese romanceare about virgins when they in fact draw their strength for being more than about is she a virgin or not
>The age of decently written companions is over
when did we ever have well written companions in rpgs?
>she isn't just an enemy she deceives you then lures you to a secluded area to kill you
>and also turns your kingdom into hell on earth
Only partially
Act2 wasn't her doing
Act3 was her first real attempt to fuck your barony, but that's where you learn her backstory.
>Hardly. Owlcat is still afraid of letting the main character have kids
Jesus Christ, stop using video games for sublimation
I tamed Octavia.
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Kingmaker is much more enjoyable if you start to treat the story as a fairy tale. Very dark one, but a fairy tale nonetheless, only then getting together with Nyrissa is the perfect ending.
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Just today I caught her trying to whore herself out to the celestial degenerate.
Stop trying to psychoanalyze things, you pathetic lowlife. If they've reached that point, why not take the jump? Not everyone is a fucking autist who only enjoys things by self-inserting. A happy ending being more fulfilling has nothing to do with me living out my fantasies or kinks. You know, just like a fucking book? Moron.
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That's not even the one where she tries that
>wants to get bred by nigger elf
>wants to get bred by nigger teifling
>won't have kids with you specifically.
worst romance hands down
>I'm not a cuck, I just like to compete with other men on who can fuck my wife better. Preferably by using their cum as my lube.
Top kek
>who can fuck my wife better
Freudian slip
>ther men on who can fuck my wife better.
lol this cuck can't even satisfy his wife.
>KC figures out the mysteries of Areelu and the Storyteller's past
>plans everything and takes the necessary steps to achieve ascension
>even has spare crystals
>KC ascends
>all his friends ascend
>his waifu ascends
>Areelu ascends
>my nigga Suture just stands there and is immediately forgotten
the fact that you think areelu's conflict can be summed up as "she wants to be forgiven for sleeping with a lot of dudes" means you either didn't play the game or have two digit IQ
She is a being literally made of evil that is trying to do good and it's killing and tearing her apart

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