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what the FUCK is this thing??
a shit thread
The origin of monkey pox
umm not very nice...?
He may enjoy fecal matter, so no kink shaming!
>yet another shitty Slop & Troughler spam thread
can you fuckwads fuck the fuck off to >>>/vg/ already PLEASE
fuck off its our board
muh dik
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The average Colombian couple
100% true btw. we consider the burro to be like the practice before you can fuck a girl though so its not weird like you think everyone does it when they 10-15 year.its only weird if you keep fuck the burro after you should be fuck girls
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I believe that is what the kids these days would call a "BBL Drizzy"
Well, obviously it's... oh my... how lewd.
He's literally me
Don;t know what you're upset about. The Welsh do it with sheep and Americans do it with horses.
Where is this shit even from? Ive never seen a monster design try so hard to be scary dark and deep
Freedom of Hangover
Looks like a goat and goat fucker fused together mid coitus
You're in a stealth advertising thread anon. The fact that you "engaged" by wondering "what game" means you were the mark.
we call it "flesh marriage" in south america
Guess they missed the mark. Id never play something so boring and grotesque
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Some freaky aah nigga giving backshots to a zebra frfr no cap
monster from Fear and Hunger
Looks pretty neat. Would probably be cool to become this creature. Also would.
The dev of Fear and Hunger is Finnish, and in some Finnish villages it's tradition to have sex with Donkeys displayed here is donkey fucker
Discarded Silent Hill design
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>what the FUCK is this thing??
Not my proudest fap.
A marriage between man and horse
The man fucked the horse in a ritual circle and they fused.

That or stitches creation, being sewn together is also a possibility.
It's from a horror game with occultism and gore as the main elements, flesh can be fused through a carnal ritual, its not that deep
it is that deep, guy practically fused his pelvis into that zebra as deep as he could.
A midget fucking your mom.
Wish there were more "modern day" RPGs where your guys get decked out in ancient artifacts and occult trinkets.
SMT1 kinda fits, I think, but then it quickly goes post-apoc. Devil Summoner might be closer to what I'm thinking about actually.
Arcanum is too high fantasy.
Shadow Hearts leans more towards fantasy too, if I remember correctly.
And Shadowrun is cyberpunk through and through, but I thought I'd mention it.
To summarize, there should be more games were your character wears a bomber jacket, has Glock in one hand, magical sword from hundreds of years ago in another and can set you on fire thanks to this sick ring (the ring was created in a ritual that involved sacrificing 40 virgins).

Oh yeah, Secret World is a thing! Or was, I don't know anymore.
Urban fantasy is a critically under-explored genre in gaming because there a bunch of unimaginative nonces who don't have the inspiration to take the mundane and, with measured hand, inject just a touch of fantasy.
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A Tijuana sex show.
i believe theres some new RPG about steampunk realities but its pozzed as fuck. truly cancer of todays vidya
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
Americans fuck horses to tame them. The whole purpose is to make the female see the handler as her partner and submit to the handling. It is kind of hilarious that mindbreak and corruption is actually proud white boi tradition and that our attraction to centaurs may be because of all this horse fucking butthey do it with a purpose.
Is that why they're so paranoid about big penises? They know no human penis could ever actually please a comparably huge mare pussy as opposed to a literal horse cock, so they're predisposed to be scared of big brown penises?
An act of love...
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so is this RPG maker game any good? i like good monster design
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Honestly Beta design is better.
My current obsession rn.
Sucks that the fanbase is fujos and trannies.
However they are definitely more creative than chuds.
it's okay
it's mostly carried by atmosphere and designs, the game part of it is way too RNG dependent to be consistently fun.
It's worth playing though.
It's better than most recently released JRPGs today which lack any creativity in encounter design at all.
Ex. Octoshit, Sea of shit
Post more Fear and Hunger monsters
I love the design but I don't want to actually play the game
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This is my favorite enemy both aesthetic design and encounter design wise.
The meatgrinder sound effect is so satisfying.
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i love em too
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left one was inspired by paintings by Francis Bacon, you may like it.
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why is he such an asshole
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these guys are not worth fighting at all
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No. Real horses are premature ejaculators and millennia of selective breeding has made irl horse pussy optimized to bring a mare to orgasm from fingering and human dick.
is that from that teraurge game?
>all the cocks are pixellated
What a bunch of cowards.
Btw kinda sucks you cant have marriage ritual with a girl, that would make game edgy as fuck
It's not pixelated in the game
Nah, the wrapping covering everything up does a better job of forcing the viewer to use their imagination in the face of such a frightful abomination.
jesus fucking christ
is this mental illness?
It's called being Finnish.
>Americans do it with horses
besides Robert E. Lee who are you referring to?
Horse trainers/handler specialists and kids who stick their fingers and hands in horse pussy.

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