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i love you Aerie, those pink haired dykes from BG3 are nowhere close to you, my princess
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This seems like a good thread to ask.
>Best games for romancing female drow/goblins?
>cucks you with a tiefling

Nothing personal, tehee!
i dont think you can romance a fucking goblin, maybe in bg3 or other fag slop but it doesnt count
>face tattoos
Way more woke and pozzed than any of the BG3 girls thoughever.
I actually love it.

Tattoos are only woke and pozzed for people removed from culture that utilitizes them. Example: tats on a samoan are not woke or pozzed, nor are tats on a navy war veteran or a hardened biker gang member, but tats on a white anglo saxon protestant american are. Everyone with tats in Faerun pretty much gets a pass.
>I actually love it.
its peak soul
Faster then Chicktikka Fastpaws!
aerie was fucking awful wtf are you smoking
>muh wings
>I'm saaaad
>I'll cry I swear
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shut the FUCK up!
>still filtering teenage retards 25 years later kek
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>Chitika Fastpaws is the Furry friend of the Gnomish god that Aerie worships since her loss of her wings(She is to ashamed to worship the Avariel goddess). In my game she tells me all of this and more after i had done a few quests.
Her character doesn't make any fucking sense.
Why doesn't she just regenerate her wings? She can even cast wish, it's not impossible for her in the fucking slightest.
death doesnt make sense in DnD neither. Khalid cant be revived because of fabular reasons
Isn't it clear to you it's storytelling decision? It's attempt to not make death feel trivial. Not the character's fault, it's the storytelling.
one, it's been years so it would take an incredibly high level cleric and would still put her at risk of going into shock
two, Quayle told her it was impossible so she just listened and waited for someone else to cry about how living on the ground is worthless and her feet hurt
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it just werks (not really)
I don't give a fuck what reason it is if it doesn't make sense in the setting.
>one, it's been years so it would take an incredibly high level cleric and would still put her at risk of going into shock
who cares? she harps on about her wings so much she would definitely be willing to sacrifice... nothing at all because death is meaningless to a party of level 20 players
You can't revive anyone that gets chunked. Guess what. For all intents and purposes Khalid got chunked.
Khalid was a fag, and Jaheira's pussy is wet on my sight - thats all that matters
More of a Mazzy kinda guy myself.
For me, it’s Branwen. She always gets me rock hard.
She got tha mommy vibes
>*plap plap plap plap*
Khalid was impossible to resurrect:
>Have to be dead for less than 24 hours, and Jaheira outright says it "has been some time."
>Body needs to be mostly intact. If you lost a hand, and nobody found it and re-sewn it back - you won't get it back.
>The soul may outright refuse to go back, especially if it's in the respective paradise of whatever deity the dead worshipped.

They also removed two other important parts of Resurrection:
>You need A DIAMOND as a component.
>The caster permanently loses a point of Constitution.
shame almost all female portraits in bg1 are ugly. Only Skie, Jaheira and Viconias portraits are somewhat attractive.
>You need A DIAMOND as a component.
>The caster permanently loses a point of Constitution.
Sounds reasonable. If resurrection were free, why would necromancers ever exist.
Yep. There were ways to avoid the Constitution via a ritual where several priests took part in, but you get the gist - "normal" resurrection had a ton of caveats.
These look like shit.
you look like shit
>Yep. There were ways to avoid the Constitution via a ritual where several priests took part in
Delete this post, anti-Semite
Not him but Branwen's a babe tho?

Very much so.
Imagine that dark druid hag sucking your soul out of your cock. One hit wonder
No, Branwen looks like a fat soccer mom. I'd rather put my dick in a kobold.
>t. doesn’t have mighty buttocks
>It doesn't count
How come? I'll probably torrent it when it finally finishes up. Last I knew it was still being developed on? Don't follow it to much, but I've seen clips of some of their goblins/drow. I've seen worse.. Just a fan of shortstacks, and dominant women. Simple as.
I look better than your shit art.
you are probably a nigger
BG1 is the best exclusively due to the fact that BG2 introduced autistic retard romance
Aerie....i love you
>BG1 is the best exclusively due to the fact that BG2 introduced autistic retard romance
I will always be fond of BG2, but it's hard to argue that it hasn't had a negative influence on the genre.
bump for Aeries small breast
They aren't ugly, zoom-zoom. They just haven't been sexualized.
Shadowheart clears this girl
Shadowheart is a used up roastie edgelord who had trains upon trains ran on her including being spitroasted by trannies
Aerie tragically died in the circus when CHARNAME, who minmaxed his stats by dumping INT and WIS, slayed her due to appearing to be an ogre
They’re not even comparable
>Tattoos are only woke and pozzed for people removed from culture that utilitizes them
This post was eye opening, your iq must be really low to not be able to see that the anglo saxon american is also part of a culture, like the samoans, and that your pozzed qualification is completely arbitrary and meaningless.
shes a whore
in english professor
I hate how I can't play without Korgan, he's just too based
I can't play bg2 without Jaheira anymore. Help...
I was a jaheria fag in my first playthrough, i adored the slow burn as she comes around to the idea. on my 2nd playthrough i went with viconia and got bored. it honestly ruined the whole illusion of the romance system. just like how jaheria spent her romance talk just whining to the player besides maybe twice she actually talks to you not whining, viconia was whining at me literally in the same way just change out dead husband with "woe with me im a drow". i have a feeling aerie is the same just with wings . I no longer care for video game romances
They really prepare you to irl romances.
>pink haired dykes
>I no longer care for video game romances
Anon has become mildly enlightened.
Same here bro. . .

Her and Yoshimo/Imoen are staples for me.

Thinking about doing another playthrough with the Xan and Branwen mods to flesh out my re-united party. Just don't know who to make the last member.
And mod her to thief/cleric
Is there such mod? What even are essential mods for bg1?
>it's only culture if it's not white, it's fine for oogaboogas and faggots because they have culture!
Fucking libshit brain rot.
>those pink haired dykes from BG3
That's funny, because the only companion with pink hair in the BG games is Imoen in BG2.
a little bump for my beloved Aerie
I actually came back to my old (last save was only 4 months ago but i started this playthrough actually 2 years ago, seems i had one year gap between chapter 6 and 7 wtf) ToB save because of this thread. Time to finish this at last.

I have urge to play BG1 again, maybe i should just stop after that and never start BG2+ToB. Or at least play only chapter 2. Also, archer is boring as fuck. Bows are for party members.
try TuTu mod (honestly i never tried but everyone recommend it)
Could you imagine just you and Xan being stuck in a party of babes?
had so many wanks to Aerie as a kid
Neverwinter nights has a drow wife
Your parents are niggers, pajeet.
bump for Aerie
She looks like she has down syndrome
She has down-to-fuck syndrome.
delete your 4chan account

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