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Please paizo find a competent developer for once
Is COCT good? it seems like mid level story in the big city. can we romance Abbi?
>1e again
No thanks.
they can rework a little. RT trash combat showed them something
oh great, now the anti-owlcat autists will scream and cry for years more. though i guess they wouldn't stop regardless.
Nah, kingmaker and wotr were atrocious and they are clearly doing the same garbage again. Not falling for it again. It was hard enough to get a refund on RT.
>Not falling for it again
it's funny how much you cry about owlcat and still buy their games. i haven't even looked at rogue trader.
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Zero interest in this.
It's what happens when you're an actual rpg fan, you inevitably end up checking out every major release.
>I play games that I hate and don’t enjoy which makes me smart, instead of those idiots who play games that they like and have fun with
It's just random twitter engagement, they have down a couple random posts before that
Rec Pathfinder novels while I wait
>actual rpg fan=retard who doesn't learn or understand their preferences and buys anything labelled "rpg"
bro, they just posted the most popular module everyone which was asked be everyone right after RT trash tanked and BG3 showed how hungry people for good CRPGs in Dnd not Home erotic nazi WH trash
I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a developer a second chance, but no more than that.
wouldn't that be a third chance?
The only way I would even consider playing an owlcat game again is if they made a public apology for their game design and officially announced they were bringing in level designers from outside of the company, and doing away with their current engine.
wh cuck, we don't care
True in that specific example, though I'd show some leniency since it's a radically different system.
That specific bit of art is from Return of the Runelords, Book 3: Runeplague, page 41.

Also, any kinda sources/numbers that support Crimson throne is the most requested to be adapted? Or that RT actually flopped?
as much obsessive vitriol as that specific poster has shown for owlcat, i'm not inclined to leniency. just hypocrisy.
If someone tells me they like owlcat games I just automatically assume they aren't knowledgable on rpgs.
"On the third of Sarenith, Day of Destiny is celebrated in Korvosa! This day marks the day the emperor of Cheliax signed the charter for the founding of the city. Have you visited this city in your tabletop Pathfinder campaigns?"
seems like CC not RR to me. RT was expected to be massive HIT but sold like WOTR. They wanted to got new auditory but after BG3 and moderate RT sells and low critic aprovel rate decided to bet on good old PF
Isn't this ruleset dead?
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They should have been making Warhammer content from now on, not some d&dshit
dnd is for old straight white males
wh is for gen Z non binary POC people ( see how WH introduced lesbo female ASTARTES )
So more wishful thinking and armchair analysis than anything concrete.
Lawful Evil sisters, are we back?
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Stop liking evil women.
Pack it up, community manager.
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>They should have been making Warhammer content from now on, not some d&dshit
I'm actually shocked no Warhammer Fantasy RPG was ever made.
That would be Hell's vengeance
why did you buy wotr if kingmaker is atrocious
Didn't you post this on /vg/ already? I'll just tell you the same thing, it's a random generic post about PF lore, it doesn't mean anything. Starrok already said they're not opposed to making more Pathfinder in the future but they have no plans on doing anything soon
Probably because WHF is an awful setting and an even worse system.
He's lost control of his life.
yeeeeeees, we're so fucking back.
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QRD on this tabletop adventure?
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It would filter d&dplebs too hard to be financially viable
Mostly Urban adventure in a city where shit steadily escalates. Good progression, there are plot hooks and signs of shit behind the scenes, there are some interesting npcs/allies and each act has plenty of events relevant to what is happening (rather than randomly exploring a tomb hoping you find something, a long ass boring trek etc).
And fewer retarded characters overall.
Generally, one of the few APs people consider good for what it actually is rather than the idea/concept (kingmaker sandbox, wrath mythic)
D&D and Warhammer are both faggot shit. Fantasy died when Tolkien decided to jerk off elves.
>humiliation ritual
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Yeah, I liked wotr somewhat until act 4 started.
The only way I'm touching this is, when it scores 8/10 and everyone praises owlcat for the story and the bug free experience.
Else it's non existent to me.
Rt failing was clear from day one.
Ruskies were greedy and jumped the higher ip, just to face land right after.
>RT failing
Shit game. Shit space combat.
Never touched, never will.
PFtards keep circlejerking each other about how the game flopped, for some reason
We might see ea of this game and new larian ip in winter.
Not that I play ea games.
thanks anon, sounds interesting. Are owlkeks adapting it or not?
No >>3546642
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this post is not real, this post is not real.
Wait, is this retarded adventure about fighting women? Holy shit. Dead on fucking arrival. Who the fuck thinks killing women is heroic?

Unless you have the option to completely side with the evil women and and then getting to fuck them this is going to be a massive flop.
>Who the fuck thinks killing women is heroic?
If they're evil, then anybody with a basic sense of morality
That sounds really lame.
>If they're evil,
They won't be, Pathfinder just like D&D just have "cartoony" evilness, not real evilness. And even if they were you think my 7 feet tall paladin is a match for some 4 feet tall feather weight women? That's fucking retarded and stupid. Women are evil in different ways than men, not being murderhobos who fight in the front lines.
>They won't be, Pathfinder just like D&D just have "cartoony" evilness, not real evilness
Did you even play Owlcat's games?
>Women are evil in different ways than men, not being murderhobos who fight in the front lines.
This is why this is a fantasy anon.
There is magic, there are trolls and elves and women can be frontline fighter or smart and capable
>Did you even play Owlcat's games?
Did you? Or you're just too dumb to realize what I'm saying was already present on their previous games?
>This is why this is a fantasy anon.
That's very cool! Let's remember what fantasy heroes are known for: Killing dragons, killing demons, killing trolls, killing monsters... Oh look, none of these imply going around killing women because that's fucking stupid. In fact fantasy heroes are known for rescuing women. But let me guess: this won't be on the game because is not subversive enough.
Firstly I have to express skepticism that this is a confirmation. Hasn't Owlcat tweeted about random Pathfinder tidbits before?

If they're making Curse of the Crimson Throne though, I fucking called it. Owlcat is at their strongest when doing focused urban areas and city locations (see Act 4 in WOTR and Act 3 in Rogue Trader being the best parts of those games). Their writing actually approaches decent quality there, less loading screens, just better gameplay overall.
Final boss is a black dragon, avatar of an evil god who corrupted the queen. Does that count or does it trigger your autism in a different way?
I have one question and one question only: Are they going to include the canon, actually-in-the-AP forced feminization/bodyswap trap that was in Sorshens sex dungeon?
actually wait, was that in this AP, or the runelord one?
>noooooo I don't wanna kill le hecking evil womenrino I want to dick them!
Lmao pussy
>Final boss is a black dragon
The actual enemy during 99% of the Adventure Path is the Queen, though. The thing you're talking about only happens at the last minute and completely irrelevant to the rest of the story. The AP actually expects you to kill the Queen and see her like the big bad.

The whole AP is dogshit.
>Owlcat is at their strongest when doing focused urban areas and city locations
This is the most retarded thing I have ever read here, this is their absolute worst area, by a lot.
This, but unironically
>Hasn't Owlcat tweeted about random Pathfinder tidbits before?
They have, OP is coping
>Act 3 in Rogue Trader being the best parts of those games
> The AP actually expects you to kill the Queen and see her like the big bad.
Out of all things people have complained about writing and world setting in games/tabletop etc , this is a new level of retardation I did not think was possible, beyond parody
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More WH slop inc
Good. Pathfinder lost.
Pretty sure they already started and were lying when asked the last dozen times.
Shame that they will fuck this game up as well, as they can't manage a team, no matter the funds they have.
She looks like she don't need no man.
Was it them or Larian that announce they were developing two games at the same time? As much as I love fantasy RPGs, playing Pathfinder recently made me realize how an absolute waste of time it is to invest any time in the sprawling lore in the settings, the amount of references in the dialogue of WoTR made me dizzy. I really don't care anymore
Both have two teams each.
About lore or vidya or anything at all?
I do agree that the dnd or Pf lore is pointless. I know about few gods or heroes and that's that.
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>Wait, is this retarded adventure about fighting women?
>Otter dislikes watermelon but cannot stop eating it
I like evil women because I have no sense of self worth, and feel like I wouldn't deserve anyone better.
Stop leveling in the paladin class and take the black guard pill
Are you a femdomfag too?
Oh, and here I thought they decided to stop doing pathfinder shit
Hope they don't force mythic shit were it doesn't fit, nor overdo the wanking again
They likely scored the contract recently or weighed the options until the very end.
Owlcucks are a despicable bunch.

Mythic was neat, despite bad execution.
Wanking is a must in their bug ridden games, I'm afraid.
At least the ap isn't the worst, unlike the previous two.

Does anyone know if rt is full of bugs?
It's just pathfinder lore tweets, they have done them before.
I doubt they have a better alternative.
Not even sure if they will make rt2.
I'm almost certain they would do Iron Gods next, right? Feels like there were a ton of hints in WotR
Why are owlnigger threads so forced and fake? They literally said they're not working on this. Or any pathfinder game.
Owlcats run this board.
Is it going to be PF1 or PF2? At least we won't have to deal with Mythic being an inherently broken disaster again.
It's not a new game. They said they aren't working with paizo any more a month ago
No they didn't, they said >>3546642
Before that they said no of planned for almost two years straight.
Clearly they were either lying or weighing options.
Isn't there an adventure path about mostly dealing with swarms?
They should adapt that one
Yeah, it was called The Great Filter of Ghlaunder.
Owlcat apparently hate 2e.

I'm still surprised they didn't take more cues from NeverWinter Night and people reactions to it.
Blue, not black
>Owlcat apparently hate 2e
There is literally no source for this
Well, they do struggle to implement 1e correctly.
Doubt they will throw that overboard and proceed to fail implementing 2e, instead of milking their buggy 1e.
>waah owlcat shits on pathfinder
I thought they were still kind of early in the life cycle of RT wouldn't a new game be like 3+ years out minimum
yes but this is sort of different, they are just finished releasing content for wotr and now theyre posting about a completly different campaign
>no, this one is different!
>just ignore Starrok saying they're not planning on releasing a PF game any time soon
>any time soon
its possible that just means they're focusing on rogue trader right now
it just doesnt make sense that they would tease a new campaign a month after wotr was officially concluded if they're "done" with pathfinder games
>that just means they're focusing on rogue trader right now
No, they have multiple teams, they can make another game, Pathfinder or not, while also working on RT's DLC. Hell, that's exactly what they did with WotR's DLC and RT itself
I think it would be more because you're supposed to roll for race/career in order to get the experience bonus.
They can struggle all the want but that has nothing to do with hating it or not
I agree that they hate 2e, I do as well.
They have an incentive to ignore 2e.
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If OWlcat is gonna keep making PF1e games than I think they should adapt Carrion crown. it's basically a adventure about vampires, werewolfs, frankstein monsters and headless horsemen and other spooky undead like skeletons and lich

I hope it´s true. I´ve liked both Kingmaker and WoTR (actually doing a WoTR run right now) so i´ve no problems with Owlcat except maybe for those regarding game breaking bugs on release. I seem to recall an unavoidable specter at a certain lich castle and a door that just would not open.

Other than that i really enjoy the mechanics of combat as well as those related to archetypes and character building.
If they wouldn't be such cuckolds, they could easily shit one out every year and milk fans with like 5 (good) dlc.
I'd pay 150 bucks for 5 good dlcs.
>they could easily shit one out every year
As if their games weren't buggy enough
>Stop liking evil women.
I can fix them anon
WHFRP is too based for this gay earth
Unless you can play like one of the vampires or werevolves I'm not interested. Tired of playing the faggot good guy in these games.
Pathfinder is for power fantasy, horror doesn't work at all.
Gitgud owlcucks
In all honesty, they have two teams.
Is wotr still hordes of demons vs like a few mercs and the commander?
Wen news wen ea
>>1e again
does this adventure path have an overuse of one enemy type, like in the last two?
Km was already too much, but wotr was beyond ridiculous with ultra immune demons.
First playthrough between core and hard was carried by the kinetic knight. The others just stood there and looked cool.
>is the game about fighting demons still about fighting demons
You tell me
The whole pf monstrarium is utter garbage
Wrath is very easy if you spec into illusion magic, almost all demons are vulnerable to Phantasmal Killer. You just stack ways to make he DC higher and heighten it to your highest spell slot and it can carry you through the game.
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First part (lv1~3) of the adventure path has you hunting down crime bosses in Korvosa for the Queen, so its mostly human thugs and a few of the crime boss's "pets" (Shark, Aligator, Giant Spiders, ect) one of the crime bosses is a necromancer to various skeletons, skeletal creatures, and zombies too.

Second part (lv3~6) after you've dealt with the Crime in Korvosa its hit with a massive plague and that plague brings undeath, ghouls, vampires, ect. So its mostly dealing with plague carrier rat/fly swarms, rioters, and the undead. Turns out the cult of Urgathoa is behind it so you fight a bunch of cultists and they summon various Undead creatures and few Daemons to fight with them.

Third part (lv6~9) has the main city of Korvosa under lockdown, the plague has mostly run its course the Queen sent out her personal army (secret police) to "keep the peace" by just killing anyone causing trouble or breaking lockdown, but undead, demons, ect are still getting into the city via the ruins of Old Korvosa (pic), you're sent to find the source and deal with it. Turns out its Red Mantis and Rakshasa, lots of Rakshasa, there are also rat swarms, various undead, Succubi, bunch of crazy people, ect along the way.
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Fourth part (lv9~12) The heroes are sent out to find out why the Queen is acting increasingly and flagrantly evil. This quest takes them to the cinderlands, vast desert full of choking smog and random firestorms, fire elementals, cinderhounds, ect. Eventually you meet with the Shaonti (American Indians) the nomadic people who live in the surrounding planes, you have to do a bunch of trials for them to gain access to their tribe to speak with their chief and then send you around killing various things mostly with the "Large Magical Beast" description Basilisks, Hippogriffs, Chimeras, Rocs, Wyverns, ect, you gain access to the tribe, find out what you need to know, right as the Queen's goon squad shows up to wipe out the Indians.

Fifth part (lv12~15) The heroes learned from the Indian Chief that the Queen isn't actually the Queen anymore, she is possessed by an ancient Zon-Kuthon (god of sadism, torture, pain) worshiping Blue Dragon, his soul lived in the throne and he now inhabits the Queen. The heroes learned of the ancient magic sword used to kill the Dragon but it lies in a massive fortress which is now deep in the Orc held lands, the hold of Belkzen. The area is obviously full of orcs and you have to fight your way through them. When you reach the fortress its full of ghosts and other incorporeal undead and various monsters with the "Large Aberration" descriptor" (pic)

Sixth part (lv15~18) The Heroes now have the magic sword and head back to Korvosa, the Queen rules with absolute power, her personal army is now the general army, anyone who openly opposed her is dead so you have to fight your way through the city, raid Castle Korvosa, and kill the Queen. You're mostly fighting her army in this one, but also some Devils. Final battle is against the Queen and after she's dead the newly risen undead ancient blue dragon that possessed her for phase 2. Make sure someone can use Bastard Swords to kill the Dragon you need to land a hit with the magic sword.
i'm not reading all that. i'll take it as a no?
>crime boss's "pets" (Shark, Aligator, Giant Spiders, ec
>skeleton summoned by a necro
>almost all demons are vulnerable to Phantasmal Killer.
Just ignore all spells and use one spell.
Phantasm Killer go brrr...
KM didn't really overuse an enemy type, tho.
Kingmaker was the same with Cloudkill.
That's true.
Iirc the gas cloud and poison protect was trivilizing large parts of the game.
Cloud kill is even better.
Tbqh haste alobe is already op.
Beats starting an adventure off the rats or goblins at least.
They can easily make a vampire or werewolf power path similar to mythic path. with both of them having their own unique powers and whatnot.
Not really.
>Act 1
mites, wolves and bandit
>act 2
trolls and kobolds
>act 3
magical beast and some fey and plants
>act 4
undead and cyclops
>act 5
irovetti bandits
>last act
mites are fey
>you lead goburins here?
True enough
>owlcattle repeatedly bumping a thread on a bait tweet to shit up the board
Imagine my shock, it's almost like everyone who likes this company is a drooling idiot that shits up everything around them.
What are you, a jannie? go cry somewhere else faggot. this is a Owlchad board
Hate all you want, I'd like a good fantasy crpg with no bullshit and at least mid story.
>this is a Owlchad board
No it's not lol these threads are dead as fuck, you should have been here back when WotR threads managed to get 1000 replies
Owlcat is too slow to bother with. It takes them close to 4-6 months for one dlc and it's always something stupid.
those were peak. even back when they announced last sarkorian DLC it reached 700 replies in fucking /v/ of all places.
They want to maximise profit with their dlcs and fail miserably.
>He also promises to heal your body
Like a health potion?
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>trying to get away with not killing the elves at elven camp for Jaethal's final quest, Kingmaker
>secrets of Suramgamin spell can make enemies with half or less level compared to caster run away (but be treated as defeated so that Nortellara still rises up as the game detects the enemies are all gone)
>but you need to be level 20 to turn away every single one of them (two archers are level 10)

Shit, I have level 20 protagonist but everyone else is level 18 with log way to go to 20.
>enervation doesn't work, doesn't drop their effective level
>tried respec into cleric and back but apparently that broke my character, can't select sorcerer spells anymore ("nothing to select" shows up during level up).

Are there any items or spells that increase caster level for "universalist" spells?
I also wasn't able to pick the Suramgamin spell for spell specialization, similarly.
Can't you just cast overwelming presence and stun them permenantly
if they are still on the map "alive" the quest won't progress
If you had call of the wilds installed you could pick the varisian tattoo to increase it by 2. pretty sure there are some staff that raises caster lvl if no than you are shit out of luck
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Herp, I wonder if I can buy a level 20 cleric merc with a level 20 main character.
Must PROTECC knife ears
>Herp, I wonder if I can buy a level 20 cleric merc with a level 20 main character.
Turns out you can, but the merc won't get the spell.
(maybe if they were in party before they would?)
Push ffs
Wrong brap cloud. The primary CC was stinking cloud
Only with poison protect all
Well yeah. Even without using the spell and without knowing what the enemies do, I had Delay Poison Communal up on Wrath 24/7
I'd like a new pathfinder, but I'm 100% confident it will be worse than wrath.
Wotr is still a bug fest after like 3 years after release.
Not really. Most of breakages in the last year are due to new additions. The core stuff is fine. (Note: I mainly played it last year, have paused it afterwards, not enough time)
Blood kineticist still doesn't work, many other archetypes don't work as well.
Which is baffling and can only be explained by spaghetti code.
Likely they brute forced it, instead to actually plan things ahead. Bg3 has similiar problems, despite being overall the better produced media.
>not playing pure classes
I played with custom team and didn't touch that class. I was on their forums during release and it was the number one topic.
Coolest class ever is primalist. Unfortunately hard to multiclass.
Blood Kineticst was fine after Lord of Nothing.
They broke it again
Kek at spaghetti code made by interns
>how hard can it actually be?
Primalist is broken because you can just get a second bloodline and get all the rage powers you want by just sacrificing useless resistance. I created a Angel primalist and he was clearing the entire map with 40 AC and 60 damage per swing with a greatsword. shit was wack
I had a dual wield two sickle on hard (ye, 1d4 + x) and he was pretty much soloing everything. The others in team just witnessed his blood rage.
Aeon iirc. The pre buff aeon.
Primalist is clearly broken.
Barbarian? Yup. Mage? Kinda. Downside? None.
sickle with lead blade scroll and enlarge would have the same dice as a enlarged falchion. so that's not bad
Yeah, I used that.
I still felt like I'm cheating.
>Final boss is a black dragon, avatar of an evil god who corrupted the queen
Can we fuck her?
It's not cheating if you use the ingame mechanics to win. interestingly it is stated that any ranged or thrown weapon after enlarging would change back into the original size after you shoot it. Guess Owlcat forget about that because i really like Arue shooting x10 4d6 arrows in one round
>Guess Owlcat forget about that
They have a million bugs.
Ridiculous, really. Those rules are mostly one liners in code, they still fucked up big league.
40d6, kek.
Ranged is op, shame there aren't many returning weapon options.
Instinctual warrior is still better
Pounce + Reckless Stance riding Azata Dragon says otherwise
>RT failed
Except it didn't?
It sold extremly well and even owlcat was pleased by it
Is this legit "fantasy is better"/pathfinder-cope?
Failed to be a good game
Better than Pathfinder
I (eventually) enjoyed Kingmaker and WotR, and I will play RT someday when it's finished, but Owlcat's knack for consistently putting out unfinished and bug-ridden games is likely unparalleled in the modern industry, possibly since Troika went out of business.
i had more fun with it than kangmaker...that aside the dlc being delayed by 2 months is something alright..."up for our quality" can we even imagine how bad it was...?
Incredibly low bar
I liked km as well, but it has no replayability, as it really falls apart after the barbarian tomb (latest).
The end dungeon of km is evidence of how stupid owlkeks are.
Both their pf games are rather tedious after the first playthrough.
Pf as system feels dated, the owlkek bugs are so numerous, it's actually funny.
>can we even imagine how bad it was...?
Kingmaker at release.
>Kingmaker at release.
is that even humanily possible?
Very likely not, but owlkeks can underachieve the impossible.
It will release with the exe, at least
>Guess Owlcat forget about that because i really like Arue shooting x10 4d6 arrows in one round
You can only shoot 3d6 arrows and with manyshot and rapid shot Arue can only shoot like 7 arrows. Lann is the one who can shoot 10 6d6 arrows
I still don't get it.
Why is it so complicated to release one adventure path a year?
It's just story + modeling. No need to add anything extra.
Strange, really.
Unless it's completely linear and 95% reused character and building models + OST , that is not enough time.
I will even say 'no VAs at all'
Like km and wotr aren't linear.
>one years time is barely enough to create 5% new assets, while wotr was released within two years dev time
>fuck va
Fuck va
They can go with remixes from km and wotr.
I'm convinced that it would them more money in less time.
Larian learned their lesson and announced two games
>little does larian know that they suck at management and will fail miserably with this task.
>Like km and wotr aren't linear.
You do not understand what linear means.
It would be like a 50% reduction of text alone for kingmaker.
Now imagine wrath being just Angel.
>>one years time is barely enough to create 5% new assets
No, the point is that with 1 year, they would barely create new assets,. Which does not work if you want to do varied APs
>It would be like a 50% reduction of text alone for kingmaker.
These illusion of choice answers are boring anyway.
Remember when swen told us the game will take a "total different direction" depending on class and race? A gith druid will have a different ending than a gith barbarian. 17000 endings bullshit.
Instead of wasting massive resources for pseudo choices, they should focus on quality (for once).
I should've clarified that I meant custom aps.
The original aps aren't really good source material for a video game to begin with.
Why study the ap and rewrite half of it? Easier to do it completely from scratch.

You are right than translating an ap within one year is basically impossible (for owlcat).
I'd rather have 2 or 3 great mythic paths than 8 in total and 5 basically being hollow additions anyway.
3 great mythic path are a far cry from lienar though
I disagree. They can be linear.
Surely, if you take all three in consideration, we are talking multi linear.
I'd take a proper made km without mythics anytime though.
The mythic paths ended up blue balling me hard. Very frustrating
Rats and Goblins are fantasy kino, and by the end you're fighting demons and dragons, you need that sense of progression for it to really feel like a real adventure. When you start the game by killing demons and you end the game killing more slightly bigger demons its just fucking boring.
Wasted opportunity.
Cool concepts among mythics.
Never saw it like that, it's true though.
Mono demon was a stupid design choice.
That's what I meant when I wrote that paper aps aren't good source material for computer games.
Holy illiterate
PF2 is the most soulless TTRPG ever made.
If you don't like it then it's probably the best ruleset ever.
Butter... Aghh
They're amazing.
People love 1e, but I hope someone makes a 2e game for you. I really do, god speed.
Name literally just one
They have to find a way to fix the constant buffing, it really drags the gameplay down
Wouldn't be a thing if they wouldn't have bloated enemy stats and immunities.
They only do that on the higher difficulties so it's up to you, but those shouldnt be a drag either.
>They only do that on the higher difficulties
That's not true, all the stats are bloated from tabletop, even on normal.
Probably because it's a 6 man group fool
Normal is a cakewalk for quite a few builds, even most leisure players shouldn't have a problem at all. Starting hard almost all builds are useless.
No, it's because they can't into AI.
Long before we even touch A.I, we are in a combat focused game with zero verticality (so special abilities that would require different approaches like simply a flying demon are out, different terrain is out, and no shit like light, ou cannot initiate dialogue at will and use skills, no taunting of any kind etc).
And whatever game you bring up with good A.I, it does not match a DM.
Using tabletop stats would simply not cut it.
Indeed, bloated tabletop systems are horrible things to use for cRPGs.
This was like the least relevant takeaway from my post, but whatever.
I find it incredibly pertinent, a system built on freeform unconstrained combat with myriad options is poorly placed within the limits of a video game.
It's not like you cannot transfer MORE elements into the videogame (see Solasta). Same for more utility spells and non combat situations.
And the problem is not that enemies have arbitrarily higher stats than the tabletop or not. It's about design encounter and how challenges scale.
And both owlcat pathfidner games have example of good, mid and atrocious encounter design.
Good encounters in km?
Come to think of it, which ones on wotr are fine?
>good, mid and atrocious
I can't take you serious with these adjectives and no Oxford comma. Disgusting.
>i haven't even looked at rogue trader.
nta but I regret my decisions. I knew it was goiong to be a bit rough but I didn't realize it was going to be as blatantly unfinished as it was.
i picked it up last week and had a blast
idk in what state it was on a release but now i hardly encountered any bugs aside from minor shit like accsional tposing when new actors come in the location or dialog 1 time showed me portrait of yirlet despite that she wasnt talking
fuck 2e, if they move to that boring "all classes are same" edition I won't buy.
>phrase learned in youtube videos that explains why anon keeps getting killed
git gud lol
Killed? You can clear every fight in the game with basic prebuffing and autoattacking
>t. amerimutt
>t. retarded pole
Cope more. There is the reason why it was Tolkien, not Howard shaped fantasy genre
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We love Tolkien here in glorious America.
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>We love Tolkien here in glorious America.
Case in point, Tolkien is loved so much in America that social engineers who work for multinational companies and are funded by foreign powers use it as a vehicle for their garbage and that love was strong enough to cause their butchery to flop.
Howard influence was and still is stronger actually, in both Warhammer and DnD and their copies, in both tabletop and video games. All people take from Tolkien are some traits of his subverted versions of Elves and Dwarfs and that's it.
Fritz Leiber and Michael Moorcock and Jack Vance as well. It's a collaborative effort between Britain and America.
>Howard influence was and still is stronger actually,
Yeah on worse pieces of the fantasy like DnD and Warhammer.
There's barely any difference
>Turns out the cult of Urgathoa is behind it
Jaethal cameo?
>more Owlcuck slop
Do you think they'll actually finish the game within two years of the release this time? Do you think they'll finally write a good character? Do you think they'll manage to design even a single combat encounter that isn't a mindless stat-based tank and spank with zero tactics involved?

Hahahaha oh wow that's hard to even type with a straight face. Of course they won't. They'll just add even more blacks and trannies to keep you distracted from all of that.
>dnd is for old straight white males
I wish I could live in the 80s like you're obviously doing right now.
KM has zero good combat encounters, it ranges from boring to tedious.

WotR has a grand total of ONE good combat encounter that actually requires a tiny bit of tactical insight, and it's locked away in the Roguelite DLC. Everything else is the same mindless dogshit as Kingmaker.

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