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ITT: Things we'll never see in a Final Fantasy game.
Open world exploration.
First-person Dungeon crawler.
Weapon Durability.
Multiple currencies.

Granted the online games 11 & 14 sorta do these things.
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An honest-to-God Church that's not a shadow government run by vampires or Dark Elves
Then it wouldn't be realistic and break immersion.
Black main character
Not completely out of the question. One of the concepts for Dirge of Cerberus was originally a Barret game instead of a Vincent one.
16 succeeding.
>Multiple currencies.
FF7 does it too with GP.
The word "rape", FF14 refuses to use it despite alluding to it like a hundred times.
why would you encourage a false depiction of the source material?
The word "nigger", FF7 refuses to use it despite alluding to it like a hundred times.
interplanetary space travel.
It's one of the hundreds of no-no words that the T*kT*k generation will have an epileptic meltdown upon reading or hearing
Well it isn't exactly a pleasant subject for anyone
Censoring anything unpleasant would make for a very dull, dishonest world, because unpleasant things will still be happening, we would all just have to pretend they aren't
It's a concept. They make it a subject.
and pretend other people are responsible for their thoughts and emotions.
You really thought that was worth the bump, huh?
The list of people who get mad when you talk about rape:
- Rapists
- Rape apologists
- Friends of rapists
Isn't most jrpg churches just slutty shrine maidens in habits?
yeah because what you want in a final fantasy game is realism so you can relate to the characters going out to the woods with swords despite firearms ex-

shut the FUCK up
Imagine FFX. But instead of Yevon being a sham, it's real. Instead of Yuna being disillusioned; it's Rikku and the rest of the Al Bhed.

And SIN is some kind of Rapture Comet collecting the souls of the dead to be reborn in paradise
The church wasn't evil in XI, they've been guarding Ranperre's nuclear codes for centuries to make sure on one blew up vana'diel, in-fact they hired (you) to get them back after they were stolen by orcs.
Would go against the themes of the game and vindicate racism
I think themes are emergent properties; not foundational.
they are foundational, or else theres no point using them to tell a story, if you set the story in a fractured locale and use positive themes to reinforce the player's journey and relationship with the party members- and then at the end it turns out they were wrong all along and just causing a nuisance then you wrote a shit story in an attempt to "subvert expectations"

imagine if that was the plot of a Power of Friendship game then at the end everyone dies immediately and thats it. never write a story or else i hope the first person you show it to clonks you on the noggin for wasting their time
>Imagine FFX. But instead completely different
Uh why
It's emergent. As are the players. I think "subverting expectations" is just a phrase used by PR to make people feel like they are the intended audiences.
Because isn't that a nice thought?
Because isn't it nice to think you're important, and you matter soo much, that you don't have to be accountable for your own time and leisure. You can set goals for others to achive. And your interpretations override the author's intention.

Suuuure. The Al Bhed are their own "race". In a world of Ronsos, Guados, and Hypellos that are all clearly non-human.
It's the Al Bhed that are victims of "racism" because the only ones maintaining their identity as mechanics is a global faith telling them to: stop being mechanics.
>leftist drivel
"subverting expectations" refers to leftists replacing grounded and realistic lore building with their propaganda cliches
>men are never martially inclined anymore and never take leadership roles
>every church is some evil hypocritical front organization
>omg he said the c word without condemning it in the same breath, what an unhinged zealot
I'm an atheist.
>you cant be racist to other humans if there are cat people
I wont go so far as to call you a retard but your mental gymnastics over what constitutes as racism are so poor your entire point falls apart

>these so called gypsies are victims of racism because the only ones maintaining their identity as travelers are the communities they travel through telling them to: stop being travelers

and the fact you think subversion is PR rhetoric means you have completely forgotten the waterfall of trite that has fallen out of the Steven Molynoo and other such fartsniffer WRPG devs. any single interview or article that has contained a quote containing "we wanted to-" has been the dev explaining how they wanted to trick the audience with horseshit in an attempt to "break away from the norm". I cant really understand why youre siding with a theoretical shitcunt awful writer instead of the audience and trying to blame that audience for "not wanting to be in control of their time and leisure".

unless you yourself are a shitty writer that also enjoys wasting time consuming pointless stories
Good Dungeon design that emphasize exploration, open world exploration, permadeath, build progress that isnt linear, good character design
Another girl protagonist
Because thatnwas worth the bump.
An MC who is a Dragoon.
Dion is a chadgoon
imagine being a squarecuck
Kinda like how he's all for freedom given how light is seen as the no fun element.
Ward is not a Dragoon. His weapon is an anchor.
There was a scene where he and kiros put on a dragon suit. But for reasons only the FF8 schizo can comprehend, Ward will be absent from that scene if you read a Timber Maniac from Shumi Village before hand.
Good gameplay or good story.
The main character dying in the middle to make space for the much more interesting side party members.
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Shittok algorithm demoting incentivizing self-censorship is one thing.
But there is an unbelievable amount of sheltered, weak-willed, testosterone deficient, pussy-ass millennial/zoomer FAGGOTS who genuinely have meltdowns when they hear "triggering" words.
Clown world untermenschen.
I am fine with them not being pleased with it.
But demanding censorship of it and cringe baby-talking around these subjects are despicable subhuman behaviors.
Fuck off back to plebbit and KYS fucking faggot.
You will never be a woman you retarded tranny.
Cool temper tantrum, but no one here gives a shit
>If I act smug about it, they won't catch that I am a newfag plebbit tourist.
Nice plan you got there. But you should still go back and dilate with your friends at gamingcirclejerk.
Hey schizo, if you're such an oldfag, you should know that rants against wokeness is beating a dead horse. No one is shocked by your brave edgyness
>Old 4chan was always my hecking wholesome validation hugbox until the bigoted chud nation attacked!
Yasuke was always considered a samurai tier revisionism.
Cool story bro, very cool story. Anyway when will you finally ack?
Well now I find your canned NPC responses fascinating, you're like a bot. Do you have more lines, or have we exhausted your dialogue by now?
RTS combat
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