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what would you say is the definitive "best build" in the game?
Uninstall Wizard
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There is no "best build"(singular); But the most OP builds(When you know what you're doing, not beginner friendly.) revolve around 3 things. Dexmaxing for light weapon AP reduction, Temporal manipulation for more action economy + Stasis and finally critmaxxing with everything available to you.

But in general, even on dominating; Every weapon/combat type is more than viable if you have enough experience and know how to make characters. Some are just stronger than others. You only ever get weak builds if you aren't focused enough in your scope or don't know what the fuck you are doing.
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Thanks for the bump.
The playing through the game once then moving on to learn other rpgs build.
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was thinking this might be a fun build for hard.
Anything that can shit out crits and one-tap everything even on Dominating it's not a hard game.
No problem.
>single player tibia for zoomers
so a sniper with psi support?
You know it's not a RPG when people talk about making "builds" instead of characters
go play disco elysium or something you queer
TM sniper
Tincan ar+temportal, tanky and and can still do shotload of damage and kill everybody in 1-3turns.
Infused rathound leather 3con fag with temporal+ar, you'll either murder everyone in one turn or die from one shot.
No, Sniper is actually the worst weapon type due to various reasons. You can actually get comparable damage of Sniper with a properly molded .44 Hammerer Pistol(IE, basically the Halo CE Pistol).
It isn't that simple, any build like that is usually a glass cannon or requires metaknowlge and some experience. You will just reset more often if you don't know what you're doing, because a single mistake can be fatal. You are right in the sense that you will reset far less often as a veteran player, because builds with good action economy lend themselves to control play. Which leads to less rng.
Making and testing builds in this game is actually pretty fun if you have that sort of autism. The best builds might end up being pretty obvious, but seeing how far you can bend that success by adding different quirks instead is pretty entertaining to me. I have about 400 hours in the game and I've never actually finished the main story. That's pretty much the benchmark for whether or not I will like a game, because it stands on something other than narrative.
I don't know I haven't used them all but even without a guide a bullet time pistol build is simple enough to make uber OP
I reset a lot on my sniper/traps build but it's almost hard to die when you can unload a .44 hammerer in one turn
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Don't forget, poping stasis and doing it all over again if you fail!
this is easily the strongest build I have played
every step of the game on dominating was easy from level 1
tesla armor is actually just overpowered and I think more builds should use it

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autistically churning out builds is one of the highlights of this game, desu
I would get recklessness+scrutinous here
I think about replaying this game for the Nth time over often. But then I always remember what a fucking slog the early game is and don't end up reinstalling.

I know devs don't plan around autistic players replaying the same game over and over again ten times so it's wasted dev effort. But I'd love it if there was a start option that started you off in core city at around level 10 with some basic gear, money, and only the drill chip quest complete.
the last two perks are just placeholders really, so it could be anything really. i was leaning towards those two because they're so useless otherwise and i kind of just want to use them for shits and giggles, but also clothier and skinner would probably be good too.
>easy start
>very low maintnence
>straight forward feat picking
>crafting is optional but still useful for some gear

Gunfu firearm pistol
>harder start
>high maintnence with ammo and repairkits
>requires some good knowledge of feats and some unique gear to get everything out of it
>crafting is mandatory

>extremely hard start, long streches without even touching a sniper rifle
>high maintnence due to ammo weight
>needs a planned out build with no wasted points
>crafting is essential, one of the best rifle types is crafting only

I love the sniper because of the power curve. You go from using your crutch SMG with no supporting feats to deleting up to 10 endgame targets in a single turn from a safe distance.
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>No, Sniper is actually the worst weapon type due to various reasons
Such as?
Who gives a shit about "best" as in most optimal when tin can builds will always be good no matter what and don't require any strategy or late game planning while not having to savescum. The more simple the better.
Build only works well with shooting spree and is heavily pegged to that feat. It doesn't perform even one tenth as well as any other firearm type without it. No other gun type is so heavily dependent on one thing. High base AP cost and big penalties for even moving; lead to extremely rigid and non versatile play(IE you will savescum 100× more). Nearly every other firearm type is viable from the beginning(or shortly after getting access to junktown) and not as unforgiving. Not to mention that the vast majority of encounters in the game are short range or require at least some maneuvering. Compounded with the fact that you will never even be able to use the max range of the Sniper rifle due to perception stat restrictions (vision range is tied to perception). Meanwhile NPCs do not have this restriction, it's the reason that NPC snipers kill you all the time from outside your vision even though they have less perception than you.

So the gun is a pain to use until you get the feat(not the biggest deal but makes the early game dominating be pure cock and balk torture). Then it is sub par compared to every other firearm type for most of the areas where fights will take place. Then when you finally do have encounters in the few areas that are open and long range, the NPC snipers can still outrange you and shoot through fog. In general being disadvantaged even in your "optimal" conditions.

Also let's not forget that you need stealth to make good use of snipe. So even then compared to other weapon types you also have to make more accommodations for it skillwise. Also statwise because you need the high perception to make hit rate(if you miss killing spree once you are fucked). Meanwhile every other burst or low ap small arms doesn't give a fuck about missing once.
Best build ive ever played was a knife fag with some TM & TC. Able to take on any situation and you feel like a real assassin stabbing people and critting for like 800-900+ each stab for really low AP costs.
webm looks like energy pistols with more rng
The early game is the better part of the game because your characters suck and you have to actually somewhat try to play the game, after level 14-16 is where the game gets progressively unbearable because your builds are (or should be) basically finished so it's just going through the same exact motions for every single fight, doesn't help that with each update Styg added more insufferable trash like Phreak's shitty phone puzzles and those godawful glitchy RNG dungeons.
I stopped playing months ago because I no longer have the willpower to keep repeating the same exact shit for hours and hours after I finish genociding the swedish scalies, doesn't help that even with all the possible countermeasures to reduce tedium the game still loves to waste your time.
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Plenty of other builds require a specific feat to get going, like bullet time for pistols or cheap shots for fists and knife.
You can remove the entire move and shoot penalty with the strafe feat.
The high AP is offset by two free shots (if they hit) at a big distance, where any other weapon type requires getting closer.
And it pretty much wrecks anything armored too including industrial bots, enemy jet skis and nagas.
>(if you miss killing spree once you are fucked)
Not really, as you can see in the webm.
You can even miss twice in a row and still recover.
My perception in the webm is 13 by the way.
Stealth is required for pretty much any but meme builds with thick skull and other such feats on dominating.

This is roughly the build, with 5 str and 13 per
>bullet time for pistols or cheap shots for fists and knife

Those are just very good mid level(10 to 14) perks. You are gimping yourself by not using them, but they aren't required to be viable for those weapon types. You don't necessarily need one of their higher level perks in the tree to make use of them well. You can skip out on a couple of skills if you go for a hybrid build or focus on other things. But this is not the case for Sniper rifle, without killing spree it would probably be the only weapon category which people would call not viable(on dominating). You simply don't have the action economy to deal with groups of enemies, especially many of the late game content; If you don't pick killing spree.

>You can remove the entire move and shoot penalty with the strafe feat

No, only 15%. All except one sniper frame have double that penalty as a base. Not to mention that it is a waste of a feat slot. Also you would have to mod your weapon around mitigating the penalty, overall just a shit ton of opportunity cost for no good reason.

>The high AP is offset by two free shots (if they hit) at a big distance

Like I said before, 90% of the fights in this game are at short range so this is irrelevant; and the times where it isn't? You are outranged regardless by HMGs/Snipers/other heavy weapons which can shoot you from the fog. The snipers max range unfortunately cannot be used to much effect in game. Save for higher base accuracy at moderate distances. Which you would have had if you spec into perception anyways. There is such a thing as accuracy overflow in this game, most enemies don't have high avoid.

>where any other weapon type requires getting closer

No they don't, the only exception might be a Pistol or SMG build which skimped on perception. For the most part, any burst or pellet weapon doesn't even need 40% accuracy to kill several enemies reliably at max range. That is the true power of cones from bursting if you know what you're doing.
>Stealth is required for pretty much any but meme builds with thick skull and other such feats on dominating

Stealth is only really useful if you are using snipe or ambush. All of the stealth sections in the game related to quests can actually be beaten with using stealth skill. I didn't know this either after first lol. It is nice to have in general, as you can choose when to start fights. But it's not essential. You can even get your stealth high with zero spec, using gear/crafting if you want to.
It really just boils down to snipers being dependent on activating something in order to have AP and momentum. Every other build isn't dependent on a single feat for basically the brunt of their action economy. Even stuff like Commando only helps you maybe squeeze in another burst and isn't essential.

There is also the massive damage overflow of snipers in general. So it's a bad combo of inflexible weapon and damage wasted. So your base AP ratios for attacking are shit. Every other weapon category can be more flexible
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>Those are just very good
bullettime is very much essential or you will simply get raped nonstop. What is nice to have for it is TM to further extend it for one more turn.

>No, only 15%
Which is 100% of it on a spearhead, which is all you need unless you want to bust down walls.

>Like I said before, 90% of the fights in this game are at short range
Define short range.
I don't consider 10 tiles short range, and that is pretty much the distance at which most fights get started at.
With your pray and spray playstyle you don't consider the wasted ammo and repair kits that you will be burning through.

Also you can use a laser pistol as a close range cleanup option in your offhand.

I consider crossbow the worst weapon type. Awful range, high AP with no recoup like killingspree, bad armor penetration.
Only worth a shit for the special bolts which eat up utility slot and are expensive and heavy.

It's about initiative
>sniper build
>using an energy pistol
>spend your entire turn doing what one aimed shot would do with an electropistol
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>using an energy pistol
Yes, as offhand with zero feats or skills invested for it.

>spend your entire turn doing what one aimed shot would do with an electropistol
the second wave would off you as you'd be standing there with your pants down waiting for the cooldown.
>bullettime is very much essential or you will simply get raped nonstop. What is nice to have for it is TM to further extend it for one more turn.

Bullet time is anything but essential, it's just a nice bonus on top of what you should already be doing. IE, stacking dex for light weapon AP reduction. I'm talking +15 dex here, any Pistol build which doesn't have high dex is a hybrid build.

>I don't consider 10 tiles short range

That's a you problem, because it is short range. Just because mid range weapons have it as their max optimal doesn't mean anything. It's only "optimal" , you're supposed to use PER to gove above those. Not to mention that most enemies can close the distance of 10 tiles within one turn(and most even less).

>With your pray and spray playstyle

Nigger, it isn't spray and pray but fucking mathematics. You just don't know the mechanics of burst cones. Depending on the crowd density, even a 9 burst at 25/30% accuracy can end up hitting all shots(usually it's around 70%). All burst weapons have a crowd control and single target mod/versions. It's just that some are better than others at it.

It is 100% optimal to empty your clip from max range at even at 25% accuracy if enough people are within your burst cone. You can kill several people like this easily(especially with AR and LMG).

>wasted ammo and repair kits that you will be burning through

This game tosses more money and resources at you than you would ever know what to do with. Especially that enemies always drop their full sets unlike other games. You can just disassemble firearms and tin can armor while playing and have near unlimited repair kits.

>I consider crossbow the worst weapon type

I agree, but that's more because they are for hybrid or versatility/Commando belt type shenanigans. They aren't meant to be used alone, that is until they get buffed.
>It's about initiative

Of course, I said as much when I mentioned choosing when to engage. But even with high initiative you won't be guaranteed to go first without an overflow.

You actually don't need to spec very high into stealth in order to get that function you want either. Higher level stealth is for infiltration. Even with low stealth, you can just stay stealthed at range(or corner) and agro or attack.
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>Bullet time is anything but essential
I just recently got done with my OP as fuck gunfu pistol playthrough and it woud have been impossible without bullettime even with all the stupid OP bullshit I have stacked on it.

>You actually don't need to spec very high into stealth in order to get that function you want either
You do, because there is a minimu detection threshold that will enemeis instantly spot you if you are under.
I don't know the exact numbers but they are pretty high on dominating on certain enemeis.
>I just recently got done with my OP as fuck gunfu pistol playthrough and it woud have been impossible without bullettime even with all the stupid OP bullshit I have stacked on it.

Because your build was shit, post it. Also

100% chance of your build being dogshit. I'll post the one I used last year if you show me yours.

>You do, because there is a minimu detection threshold that will enemeis instantly spot you if you are under.
I don't know the exact numbers but they are pretty high on dominating on certain enemeis

You can for example dip only 50 into stealth and use gear from crafting to easily get +50 more even with low quality 50ish components. With higher quality, it can double. That is more than enough for 99% of the enemies in the game. Like I said before, investing heavily into stealth makes sense for a Sniper because of feat synergy. But in general, even those builds with low initiative don't need to spec that much into it.
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>You can just disassemble firearms and tin can armor while playing and have near unlimited repair kits.
>He doesn't max out Disassemble so his character can just disassemble and reassemble things to magically replenish durability
repair kits are a serbian lie
>100% chance of your build being dogshit
100 stealth is more than enough really
detection doesn't scale that high
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Lol, you do know that versatility doesn't work with gunfu right? Did you really double down on your chosen weapon(redundancy) and waste a 160 skill points for a meme dogshit feat? Even if it was only 40 points it would be a waste of skill points. 40% attack bonus would be nice if it wasn't your skill point paying the bill. Even 140 singular in any weapon/psi is enough for endgame.

How stupid are you, how can you justify using gunfu. Holy shit kek
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It sure as hell works.
It allows me to ditch PER entirely and only focus on DEX for all the damage/hitchance and AP reduction benefits.
nta, but show the hit chance difference on a death stalker or something when attacking outside of melee vs melee
should show how much gun fu is doing
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Holt shit this is some peak stupidity. So you maxed melee but didn't get any feats related to it? Only 70 points into firearms as a Pistol build? Don't you understand that Gunfu uses your base melee points as the bonus. So at max you only get equivalent of +64 sp to your Pistol attack. You wasted basically 96 skill points for no fucking reason and even the bonus from 70(266)+64 is 330(which is less than your melee 350). Don't you know that versatility doesn't work with gunfu?

Litteral mongoloid, read the wiki.
He doesn't even have to read the wiki, it literally says it in the description. "Unmodified melee skill". This is reading comprehension skill 0 in actionn.
Gun fu would actually be broken if it worked with versatility. But I find it hard to see how it would even be viable without it. They should probably rebalanced the base % to be lower(like 20%) and have it be effective(not unmodified).
>he actually posted it
>I was 100% vindicated

So know do you understand why you had to lean on bullet time as a crutch? You gimped yourself big time. Also, I see that you made several other mistakes. Like going above stasis req for temporal manipulation. Also not even maxing evasion but picking feats for it. If you go for evasion, then you need to max it +craft the siphoner gear and abuse jumping bean. Otherwise you will still fucking die as a glass cannon. Because it doesn't matter if you reduce the enemy hit to sub 30%, there are always many of them and multi attacking is a thing.
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It was somehwere in the 3-6% range in regards of hitchance if I remember right, damage is all over the place due to massive range that pistols have so can't test that.

Did you miss the entire point of versatility?
The gunfu is basically just used as additional bonus in combat, it's not much but noticable.

Well I am awating your builds and your gameplay webms.
This isn't 100% accurate, it was just the last one I could find in my history as I'm too lazy to recreate it.
I am waiting for your build now.
>The gunfu is basically just used as additional bonus in combat, it's not much but noticable

I can't belive you are lying this hard to save face, what a clown. If this was true then you would have gone for a hybrid build with feats for melee also. It's so obvious that you thought gunfu would work with versatility. Even from high school level math, your choices wouldn't have made sense unless you thought as much.

>Did you miss the entire point of versatility?

No, you're the one that did. Versatility is for hybrid builds. You made a Pistol build and then switched melee with firearms allocation.

I will post my build soon, I have to check saved pastebins.
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>Even from high school level math, your choices wouldn't have made sense unless you thought as much.
They make perfect sense, my goal was ditching PER and maxing DEX for a deagle meme build.
>Versatility is for hybrid builds.
See above.
What little effective skill I lost with that is made up with this combo.

I hope you will post some actual videos of your build in action as I have.
Because I have seen enough theory craft nonsense here with nothing but "trust me bro" to back it up.
Ive never played the gsme but can an unarmed fkcused build with maybe some psi support work?
unarmed is pretty good
I was going to make my next character either that or fist weapons
I recommend using gloves and fist weapons because they offer more utility than just naked fists. It can be confusing be just putting on leather gloves already doesn't count as true unarmed.
There are like only two feats that ONLY apply to true unarmed and it's more of a meme.

Here it is, I have no gameplay because this build is from a year ago(no saves). My most recent one is heavy weapons build from the dlc.

In my case, I had allot of spare skill points from doing the obvious thing and dumping agility(along with dodge, evade). You can play control style instead with the crazy initiative. So that's why you see me spec into throwing as well, because it synergizes well with dex stacking and control play(poisons from knife, caltrops).

Also to further explain why my build is superior to yours. You dumped perception so your range and dmg is gimped. But more importantly you lost out on sharpshooter, which actually works the best with pistols. You also did have the sense to pick critical power, but you didn't use the specialization points on them like I did. You also don't understand that critical power cannot work without sharpshooter. You need crit dmg overflow. So you get 30 to 50% at best extra crit dmg depending on pistol. When it is 300% with my build.

You also don't have aimed shot or point shot. So I suspect you aren't even abusing the smart modules dmg increase for special attacks. Further neutering your dmg.

Wasting feat point on a 20 sp yell? Opportunist feat too is a waste. Did you even have ways of inflicting enemies without using throwables?

Overall, a mess. Even if you ignore the gunfu thing you did that gimped you also.
>They make perfect sense, my goal was ditching PER and maxing DEX for a deagle meme build

Maybe if your goal is to do a Pistol build without perception, but that makes no sense. Again, you loose out on the vast majority of your damage potential that way(not only base but through crit multipliers). Also, you are still pretending like you didn't waste 96 SP to raise your pistol skill in this roundabout way. While not even doing anything with your melee investment(feat wise).

>What little effective skill I lost with that is made up with this combo

It isn't about effective skill. You basically wasted nearly 100 SP for no reason. Only benefit which is that it allowed you to dump a stat that was crucial for Pistol builds(lol).

Again, versatility is for hybrid builds that make use of Commando belt. Try again.
Cave wizard still king after Styg's asthma rebalance. Go psychosis, stack crit multi, piss on Magnar's corpse.
Bro, your entire build is wasting SP left and right while not committing enough to where it matters. You wouldn't have even needed stealth with you high dex, you would have just needed paranoia or trigger happy and you would go first for 90% of encounters. You wasted 160 sp on melee, 150 on stealth and another 120 on evasion because with evasion it's all or nothing.

You made a Frankenstein build only to have it work around a single feat who's capabilities you misunderstood.
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>Because I have seen enough theory craft nonsense

Half of "theory crafting" is just math and common sense. If you know enough about the game mechanics than simply reading things gives you a rough idea about how they work and if they work well/together. It's far from actual theory because this is a video game with set rigid formulae, what you read is what you get. This isn't "trust me bro" but "fucking read the feats".

Do you really need someone to post a video of their cherry picked moments as validation for a build. Anyone can do that, even you with your shitty build. How you could talk trash to someone when you did something as nonsensical as picking yell when you have 20 Intimidation, is beyond me. You fail to even grasp the theoretical levels of build crafting that you are scorning here. So I sincerely doubt you are even capable when it comes to actually playing the game either.
It literally does not matter what the attribute says, you can have 1 PER or 18 PER. The effective skill is what matters for calculation of hit chance and damage.
Versatility with commando belt allows me to trade 10% of my effective skill for maximum AP reduction.
Futher than that these 10% are entirely counteracted in point blank range from gunfu, which adds 64 points to the effective skill from my unmodified 160 melee.
>You also don't understand that critical power cannot work without sharpshooter.
Deagle has 150% crit damage.
That means with critical power it's at 200%
>special attacks
Those trigger once per combat effectivley, which is a waste for a low AP attacking weapon class.

>Wasting feat point on a 20 sp yell?
Very useful for luring or revealing stealthed enemies.
It's more for utility than anything, grenades are wasteful.

>Overall, a mess
It works

>you would have just needed paranoia or trigger happy
I had too many skill points towards the end that I didn't even know what to do with, but feats I had none to spare.
Also as I said this isn't a 1:1 build, I've adjusted things as I played.

>Half of "theory crafting" is just math and common sense
Right, yet I see people bringing up the main attribute without considering how the effective skill is the one that governs the actual combat interactions.
>Versatility with commando belt allows me to trade 10% of my effective skill for maximum AP reduction.

You could have dumped something else(like agility, which I did) as opposed to perception which is the second most important stat for pistols. Again, it isn't you simply loosing 10% of your effective skill. You also lose 100 sp roughly with the gunfu exchange rate and also loose out on crit dmg stacking. Which is the biggest modifiers for pistol damge. So in actuality, it's not 10% effective lost. But more like 200 to 250% applied(end calculated) dmg lost because you aren't crit dmg stacking.

Gunfu only works in melee, as opposed to perception which is all ranges. This is why you had to waste another feat on sprint and waste points into agility.

>That means with critical power it's at 200%

With proper crit dmg stacking it would have been over 350% instead. Not to mention that the deagle doesn't have a smart module. So that's another 40~60% BASE dmg lost(not crit dmg, this is Multiplicative loss).

>Those trigger once per combat effectivley, which is a waste for a low AP attacking weapon class.

You spec into temporal and don't even know about temporal increment? Point shot is 1 turn cooldown, so it can be used twice and then again the next turn. Rapid fire is only 2 turns so you can use it again the next turn. Even aimed shot is only 3 turns(so 2 with increment). Smart modules increase the BASE damage of these attacks by over 50%. All of these attacks further reduce base AP cost for attacks, so the stack perfectly with light weapon AP reduction, bullet time etc. It's not a waste but optimal. Especially if you are using high base AP pistols like the hammerer.

>Very useful for luring or revealing stealthed enemies

You could have just had normal perception to begin with + goggles. Even without perception, you are pretending that flares don't exist. Even basic molotvs are dirt cheat to make. There is 0 reason to waste a feat for one something like this. You are just not familiar enough with the game.

>It works

Of course it does, you just quicksave one thousand times a session and then say that "bullet time carried you" and its totally essential. Bur like I said before, it isn't and you have a shit build.
>I had too many skill points towards the end that I didn't even know what to do with, but feats I had none to spare.

Which is the perfect illustration that you have no idea what you were doing and I'm trying to explain that to you. The fact that you not only wasted a buch of SP but thought that you had to spare is comical. And again, you had no spare feats because you had like 4 redundant ones.
>Right, yet I see people bringing up the main attribute without considering how the effective skill is the one that governs the actual combat interactions.

You disingenuous fucking monkey have the balls to claim I'm somehow missing somethingso basic. When you littleraly didn't even understand the description of Gunfu. This isn't even a case of you failing to understand my point, but just trying to deflect from your own stupidity.
crit damage maxing doesn't matter in my case when anything but bosses dies in 1 hit. Increasing damage per shot just starts to overshoot max HP on 95% of the enemy.
It's more about dealing with large crowds where AP reduction is more important.

>You spec into temporal and don't even know about temporal increment?
You didn't even watch any webms, how can I take you seriosly.
Of course I know, but spamming it each combat encounter just replaces one mandatory skill with another, which was the entire point of the debate.
I don't seek build advice, my build is fucking perfect at what it's suppsed to do, at least the final one I ended up with in my playthrough after grinding off some edges.

I'll tell you why I did this.
The hirarchy of build resources is as follows:
Attributes > Feats > Skill points
Splitting between PER and DEX would be wasteful.

I knew exactly what I was doing there is no SP wasted as all combat related stuff is cully capped out.
Next you'll tell me dumping it into guns would be good, even though effective skill from versatility is fully overriding it already.

> When you littleraly didn't even understand the description of Gunfu.
Please quote me where I did this.
I'm fully aware that gunfu adds exactly 64 effective skill in my case, which is not displayed since it's conditional.

I now see why the general died.

I made a weird unarmed build.
I kind of want to fit yell in there but the early feats are crowded as it is and I'd probably drop lockpicking for intimidation.

ancient rathound striders, tesla armor, and deaths grin with power fist offhand
all y'all retards fighting while im over here twerking my ass lol fucking losers
Not bad, bre. Why not shave 10 points off TM? With that kinda strength and going psi already you could work in PK (emission, proxy) + corporeal projection and fuck shit up.
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snipers are (were) the worst guns - miniguns are maybe the worst now. of all weapons, hammers are the worst by a mile.
and yes the game is easy when you have game (and build) knowledge.
Six = Nigger
for some reason I always think stasis is 80 points
is emission even good if you spec for it?
I guess I have 2 psi slots I am not using
I also decided to drop lockpicking for biology because I will have so much free inventory space but I could put some of that into pk maybe
Fuck me I keep trying to think of how to make intercessor armor good but looking at it you've got either 2-3 useless points into strength, autistic micromanagement with food + power fist + exosuit power + sormirbaeren stick, or a half-assed GL/sniper/shotgun build so the points into strength aren't a total waste. Help me out here.
>just wear psi tac vest/noble robe lmao
>is emission even good if you spec for it?
It's good. Eats up your psi but if you're not using it otherwise it doesn't matter.
If you could fit in force user on top of corporeal projection you'd have a thicc as fuck TK punch but like you said unarmed is hungry for feats.
>have 3 str
>eat str food
>turn armor on
>have 5 str
I don't get it
I thought it gets fucked by damage threshhold
I could drop heavy punch for projection at level 24 but I just don't want to put that many skill points in pk
Can't eat psi food if I do that. I could go power fist, it just fucks me up having to turn on exo power for every fight and juggle between fist and wizard staff.
have 4 base str then
psi food is a pain in the ass to find and it's not that big of a deal if you don't eat it
>psi food is a pain in the ass to find and it's not that big of a deal if you don't eat it
You're right on both. The reason I wanna go 6 strength is so I can just eat the unpowered penalty and still run around in the suit, but also do something else to justify the points in there. Guess I can just learn to deal with needing the suit turned on.
starting combat with the suit off just makes you lose some ap as well
it probably won't fuck you that hard unless the fight is so close that you should have been better prepared anyway
Oh shit. How much AP is it per point you're short of the requirement anyway? If it's 5 or so I can live with that, just turn it on when I need to.
35 ap if you are 2+str under
40 ap if you are 1 str under (no food)
you could also just have a tactical vest on hand when you don't feel like fucking with it
that is you have 35 ap if you don't have it turned on and 40 ap if you have it turned on but forgot food or your power fist
Sounds like the way to go, thanks. I thought of going 3 conlet and putting that into per to work in some guns, but what's the point of power armor if you die in two hits past your energy shield?
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time to end this timeline and begin anew

I found pure tc to be pretty annoying since you really want hoddurform to actually deal more damage than pk/mt and you need to deal with distortion to kill robots anyway
Yeah, I just go tri-wizard and put enough into TM for stasis. It's busted but most of what you end up doing is crit cryo orb spam and cleaning up with plasma beam/pyro.

You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna do TC/TM with an AR. If it sucks too hard to be fun at least I'll know.
>you really want hoddurform to actually deal more damage than pk/mt
Styg bring back old locus AoE. It made you feel hardcore melting a whole room in one crit neural overload.
pk doesn't clear rooms as easily, but it crushes bosses and robots while still clearing groups pretty well and having better defensive options than MT
I think MT is the weakest school honestly
>people were annoyed by coral
>there was a reliable way to check if she spawned in your game within a few seconds by going to the SGS docks
>some random patch changed that without even mentioning it in the changelog and now she can spawn wherever at the start

Why did he do it?
What MT has going for it is good damage on an AoE but you pay up for it with AP costs, barely any CC and being fucked against robots with everything but plasma beam. The damage is just fine, but it's not gonna chunk a naga in 1 turn and short circuit the other ones like PK does.
I'm trying to do a run with it and I just went for 6 STR because trying to juggle str food or power fist was so fucking annoying. I'll have a little less will then I want at end-game but I think it's fine as the bonus's from the armor make up for it.
Badass. I might've considered using power fist if this was pure TC, but if not then you already want to juggle hoddurform and spirit staff.
anyone got a good psi-monk build?
Jesus underkeks
For the lolz obv
Same reason he took out the console, but too bad you can hack it back in fuck you styg.
>vision range is tied to perception
wiki says that vision range is static
i just delete a file in the game folder that keeps coral from spawning, so it's always booth. still works for me.
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I didn't need 5 movement on my 3 agi build anyway...
How do you get it back on the latest builds?
Thanks bre
Come the fuck on. 12 int check to tell Six "duhhh so you want the cube" and get one line of dialogue?
He took inspiration from todd howard
Six is even essential, stygger pls.
>he doesn't know
Didn't he patch the newest meme to kill Six?
>He doesn't have a 14 INT baseline
>Six is afraid of Seven because Seven Eight nine
>Tchort has seven tentacles
This is deep
He's fighting the good fight by being a schizophrenic
Any other builds bottlenecked by items like the fucking rapid reloader? Always a chore to find this shit.
not a build but on characters that need them it takes me forever to find image intensifier tubes
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bless this man carrying what the people need
Not as dramatic as the RRs, no.

This viable as a tungsten hammer? It'll be my first melee run. I'm worried I will have no mobility.
Just make spring shoes and it'll be fine.
what shoes do you wear on a wizard just ninja tabis?
>this wouldn't be a problem if you took dissamble
though I'll admit its a lot harder to get RRs with Heavy duty since they're less pistols guys
Im level 13 and disassemble is in my build at 14.
>I'm worried I will have no mobility.
boot spring+adrenaline+sprint+blitz
you can take jumping stilts if you want
dont be such a pussybitch and dont be afraid to make mistakes out in the game
>abandoned waterway facility
what demented mind thought this place up
infinite enemies one shitty quest no notable anything else
It offers some high level crafting components, worth it for that alone
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I was only able to clear the first two areas and I used an enormous amount of drugs, repair kits, grenades, and time.
But I did get this thing for when I want to recraft my boots.
I also learned if you rift walk out of the expedition camp before the native raid it makes aegis hostile.
I think I am done with the game for a while.
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is it possible to play this game as a Spell Sword type character?
Any build that's good without magic is better by adding time control bullshit, so you can just use a sword and cast stasis/haste/LTI.
If you want fireballs and shit? Sure you can, but you're gonna have to split stats between dex/str for the sword, will for wizard shit, int for spell slots and crafting, and then you need to juggle mobility if you don't want to just rely on haste and jumping bean.
tl;dr Go con 7/will 7 for stoicism and make a tincan, use spells for utility. Fuck sprint, use spring boots.

the game literally gives you a hard save like 10 mins before that happenns, stop being a little bitch.
Miniguns are a subset of heavy weapons, so technically they aren't separate from LMGs which are pretty solid. Also hammers are melee weapons. I was saying that Sniper Rifles are the worst firearm type, not weapon category. Also chemical pistols/crossbows are lackluster. But they aren't firearms either.
Maybe they changed it in a patch? But I distinctly remember that perception increases vision range(with there being a minimum and max range). Even if this wasn't the case, it would still be the same problem of NPCs not being limited by view range and instead weapon range. So anything like missiles, MGs and snipers shooting you from fog is the same.
Int is only good for psi or extra skill points(largest amount of skills are influenced by int). So for 90% of builds, it's better to trim the fat of non essential skill allocation instead of having more int. Especially if you are low on attribute points or want more. Usually this is either evasion/dodge(the biggest investments by far for SP across the board), or Steath, Intimidation and other skills that aren't part of your core build. You can get by with min reqs for allot of key things if you know. For example, barter, hacking, lockpicking. If you know the ways to boost them and the highest checks for them.
wonder if there is a minimum level for them to spawn? never really kept track of when i found them in the past. dont have access to protectorate, oculus or any of the core city faction merchants yet, so relying on the guy below SGS and Foundry because I know I've seen them on the SGS guy, and Foundry has the mercantile check, so he should have some rare stuff too.
Nope, I've sometimes have them spawn in SGS armory right at the start
It has nothing to do with that, you can find RR even when first getting access to junkyard. It's happened to me many times before. The real issue now is that there are way more items than the original release in 2015, yet the merchant system has stayed the same. So there is much less chance of finding any individual thing you want(in general). Later down the line you use "the juice" to trade/sell/check most of the ingame vendors in cycles and this alleviates a little bit the RNG.

But the entire system needs an overhaul. Probably a combination of giving vendors more slots for the item categories that have been increased over time(like weapon parts). Also a system where you can pay more and custom order specific items/parts/mods.
idk why dont u just use the merchant refresh mod at this point and quit wasting the dude's juice
I didn't even know it existed. I guess I'll look into it later. Either way, I'm surprised this problem hasn't been addressed. Then again, this is Styg were talking about here.
>I'm surprised this problem hasn't been addressed
it has been addressed before, youre the one late to the party
>Then again, this is Styg were talking about here.
he's albanian, excuse him

It's not a mod its using cheat engine, people are mixed about using it because if you are cheating the merchant system what stops you from just cheating in the item directly and setting the quality that you want?
>what stops you from just cheating
me, I set the limits, sucks to be you if you cant
>merchant refresh
I hope Serbia kills you and your entire family. Subhuman piece of shit who can't enjoy Styg's perfect masterpiece as intended. It's part of the game that you have to wait a long time IRL to reroll the merchants inventory, it simulates reality where you have to hope the store has what you need this week. Something you apparently are unable to deal with.
styg is not serb, hes albanian and he will die poor and forgotten and he will never love you
On the forums one of the guides has a machete/knife + time magic dex build and it's generally the most optimal build for machetes as well
I'm too retarded for cheat engine.
Does shooting spree unstealth you?
No why would it?
To cuck me out of using snipe with it. Thank you.

Don't download the main one on the forums there, that one is tainted now with some russian spyware that you have to pay for. If you look into the last pages of the thread there should be a table you can download.

Or just use the console.
>that one is tainted now with some russian spyware that you have to pay for
what? when did that happen?
But you are already cheating and trivializing the game, why not stop being a hypocrite and the lying to yourself?
Kek. Oh no, it's retarded.
So whats the msot fun build for somebody whos just starting this game for the first time?
Grenade launchers are really disgusting. It's like having Grenadier on steroids.
Psychosis psi for fun, AR for ez.
i wouldn't say psi because you sacrifice defense to enable psi abilities. i would say a melee tank would be the most fun for a newbie because it's just rushing, absorbing damage and killing everyone. its straightforward and doesnt require too much planning to execute.
Tranquility Quad Psi.
AGL 10
Will 10 (put all level up points into this)
Int 8
The rest 3
Never really struggled with anything except Tchort because of the sheer versatility this has. Has an easy Psi solution to basically any problem, and stealth+bear traps+caltrops+grenades handles the rest.
Can be skill point hungry if you invest in all schools equally from the get go, but 45 PK and 70 TM is all you "need" for those schools, so you can save your skill points for a little so the rest of your skills aren't gimped.
Underrail is barely a roleplaying game honestly. All of the content about the game shows off builds and methods to cheese fights. Game progression barely changes from character to character. I go A > B > C > D... every time unless my build needs a certain component earlier, and even then, A > B > D > C... is hardly a deviation. The quests are fairly linear too. Sometimes your presented with what should be an important choice (kill grover or pay up for him), but it doesn't matter. Nothing in the game holds you accountable for your choices.
big hammer go smash
>Nothing in the game holds you accountable for your choices.
I can think of like three choices that end up mattering, triggering faction hostilities somewhere you need to come back to later like Core City, fucking up the Expedition defence too badly or getting fired or joining the pirates, and not playing nice with the Faceless and having Gaunts shove knives up your asshole at DC. Two of those are your fault for fucking around, the last one is signalled hard but you might still miss it.
There are only two or three feats which are exclusively for the minigun. You can easily have a mini as secondary with only specs for LMG. It is definitely gimping, but if you like a specific mingun or want to expend another ammo type for a while.
I haven't played a tincan in ages, how the fuck do you stat out a LMG build? AGI 6 for sprint or dump that and slap it onto CON/PER? Do you just live with having shit for initiative, start combat from outside of detection range and move in with spring boots/contraction MP?
It looks like the move is to start at 10 STR and go to 11 for Heavy Metal and Brute Aim, pick between SS armor for mobility and tungsten for tanking/damage bonus, high CON for all the usual feats, rest into PER, 5 or so INT for crafting because I'm not doing hypercerebrix autism.
>start combat from outside of detection range and move in with spring boots/contraction MP?
You just tank the hits.
Yeah I was typing that out but you figured it out on your own.
Sounds good, thanks.
>You just tank the hits.
I was worried about krigsfar chucking nets at me and thought control bullshit, but thinking about it if the whole build is about tanking and bursting everything around you that moves, I can just ignore anything that's not doppelgangers and keep shooting.
NTa but I went with 7 int for max dissamble for one of mine and honestly it's a good send. I can fully repair and upgrade my my stuff as I go.
Heavy metal with balor as an off hand though really is something else since the spec basically gives you a discount conditioning. You practically can be walking with a free morphine effect by the end
I was planning to use the MG42 and try out micro-shrapnel rounds, to get something like the JHP damage bonus without the DR/DT penalty. Are you stacking strength and using versatility for Balor's? I know you could swing it with 15 + food + native cocaine, maybe 14 with exoskeleton but I'd rather quad tungsten.
5 Will for Bullet Trance is a good investment, but I find that LMGs are very powerful and it's hard to fuck things up.
You only need to equip it in the off hand and use it as a stat stick to tank when you end your turn if your using LMGs
I pick up packrat hound too just so it wouldn't hurt my carry weight to much. Though it also lets you take a lot of gear from the gauntlet as an added bonus.
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im gonna say probably....metathermics, with throwing, stealth, and traps
How much "not knowing what you're doing" can you get away with before it becomes a liability? I got gifted this and was planning on going in blind as some kind of melee guy or a revolver build if I can get away with it, but I'm hoping I can dick around a little before fully committing
you should play completely blind your first time
you can get away with a LOT, if you stick with it and apply yourself
a lot of people encounter a bit of trouble and give up

You will be fine as long as you don't try to pump every skill to mediocre levels - eg don't pump crosbows + guns + melee to 75 and instead focus one one or two main skills.

And don't play on dom
Aside from Pistol builds I would say that the infamous Fisherman throwing knife build is easily the best in the game.

10 con, max dex, decent int, able to shit out hundreds of damage per turn. Doesn't rely on cringe psi dips.
Any build that excessively requires you to flee around corners to exploit LOS mechanics is a bad build. Why? Because its not fun, it feels cheesy in a bad way, and I don't like it.
shoggoth pls
Play on Normal difficulty. If you have average intuition and are able to read you'll probably make a shitty-yet-functional character and manage to go through the game just fine.
Just don't spread yourself thin, focus on something and it will work out for you.
I say hard; hard is the real normal
Just answer me this one thing: is there an attribute tied to AP like Agility in Fallout? And if so, is it just as much of a God stat in this as it is in Fallout? It was tiresome having every playthrough with 9 agility and 9 int minimum in Fallout 2
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agility is a good defensive stat if you're going with light armors
its not like fallout; agi and int are for certain builds
theres not a single stat that every character wants
Cool, thanks anon
>Just answer me this one thing: is there an attribute tied to AP like Agility in Fallout?
Short answer: no.
Action Points (and therefore your most impactful power budget during your turns) is for the most part static. It can be modified by various feats, items (gear and drugs) and "spells" but there is no god stat deciding if you can attack once or five times*.
For the most part there isn't a F1-like dump stat like CHA, however I have to say that Will isn't really that great if you don't plan to use Psi and even for some Psi builds (especially hybrid) it can be ignored.
*Dexterity does modify the action point COST of "light" weapons, but that's the only time is really useful so it depends by the build.
is the tin can build people shill to beginners fun? i wanted psi build but im scared it requires some meta knowledge
>is the tin can build people shill to beginners fun?
Do you enjoy being mostly unstoppable by mundane threats? If so, tin can will be fun.
Do you hate having no mobility at all? Avoid.
>i wanted psi build but im scared it requires some meta knowledge
Depends on the psi build you had in mind, but they do require some varying degree of game knowledge.
What you need to know about running a psi build is that you want at least 6 INT for premeditation, 8 if you want. You either do tranquility (spam more spells at full HP, so don't get hit) or psychosis (big crits big numbers, bigger mana cost). WILL is always max, if you go psychosis you can go 9 CON to be tankier and run survival instincts.

You can go into it more or less blind and still succeed, the only things outside of where to pick up gear/components that you'd need to know besides stats is how schools and innervation work. Unless you're doing something specific, temporal manipulation goes to 70 max for stasis and then you level the other schools that you're using for damage to max. Thought control melts things with a brain and can't do shit against things that don't, metathermics is AoE and damage but other than plasma beam robots don't give a fuck, psychokinesis is your big single target deleter + CC source and fucks up the things that TC and MT can't handle.

If you know how DnD spell slots work you know how innervation works, if not then just remember if you innervate more than two schools the psi cost for everything goes higher than it's worth it. Play around with the spells and figure out what feels good to use, you'll probably end up with 2-3 different setups you go between. Picking up all 4 schools costs a huge chunk of skill points but it makes you the most flexible build out there.

>tl;dr CON 9 WILL 10+ INT 8 psychosis, level TM to 70 and other 3 schools to max, take premeditation/psionic mania/locus of control ASAP, have fun
Forgot to say, take hemopsychosis if you go high CON too. You're gonna burn your entire psi bar fast and then some if you're running psychosis, this lets you turn your massive health bar into more spells. If you're into that, you can slap yourself with stasis and have it last 2 turns.
damn i understood some of those words but this looks awfully complicated for first playthrough, so about that tin can build im not a fan of low mobility, any other option?
IMO knife is very straightforward. Max DEX, pick up anything that says it gives more damage or more critical or mobility, have some AGI, ideally try to fit in 5 WILL for ripper and 6 INT for weaponsmith. You can go psiless, but 6 INT gets you premeditation (free spell cast) if you dip into time wizard shit to run more and stab more.

Level stealth and melee, mechanics and electronics to make your own knives and shit, tailoring if you want. Throwing and enough chemistry to make your own grenades is very recommended. Biology is for drugs, you wanna be on those.
knife is fun don't get baited into taking crippling strike though
the thing im afraid about psi builds since you are just killing stuff with ur mind its going to skip on crafting and weapon progression, it was always important part of crpg for me.
you want a good headband at least
and you want to craft some drugs
If this is your first time playing, you definitely should be playing on normal, otherwise you will get softlocked by many fights and not know what to do. Knowing where to get easy fights for exp is oart of the game. Also don't play oddity, that shit is such a meme. It's arguably more fun later, but you need to know how to play the game first. Also, knowing what you're going for in a build is very important in this game. Skill points are limited and you can't do everything, so you should stick with a plan.
I played hard my first time and never even got close to being softlocked
normal is braindead-tier
The wiki sais Phreak has unique dialogue if you show him the Huxkey, but I can't get the huxkey without completing Old Man Nosek, which requires me to access the Reasearch facility, which means I have to advance the Oligarch quest to the point Phreak gets killed or captured.

So how do I show Phreak the Huxkey?
beat phreaks quests without doing oligarchy quests

Been awhile but don't you get access to the research facility near where the abomination is?
oddity or classic xp option for first time players?
oddity and hard
I see.The Tchortist who is trying to break into the Research faciltiy goes down there after you meet Cornell so it makes sense that there is another entrance down there.

not quite, you'll see
Your weapon is your brain and you craft hats that make your brain better at killing. Looted/bought psi headbands are bad. Don't take neurology, it's ass and there's always a better feat to take when you're a wizard.
Oddity, classic makes you overleveled and encourages you to do kill every enemy pick every lock memes. When you're not doing that the game is faster and smoother.
Well I don't believe you, so...
Every one of those anons is retarded. Oddity is garbage and you will likely struggle the whole game.
you can't imagine someone else being so SMART and SKILLED
is this AR build still good or outdated?
Says the guy bragging.
well, you're the dummy who can't handle basic gameplay
well at least i'm not being a disingenuous faggot.
hey, im an honest faggot
It's bretty good. You can shave some points off mercantile now that the waist pack belts exist, but the overall idea is solid. I would ignore the walkthrough other than the part where it says not to fuck with the Faceless because it'll bite you in the ass later, but if you don't care about surprises and figuring it out yourself then it's alright. Unique guns are viable now if you want to try that out and grenade launchers exist.
I'm such a zoner, bros. I never realised opportunist can proc off suppressive fire. No wonder SMG and AR builds are busted.
ok zoner
Anon I killed the Abomination but I still can't get into the Research Facility to complete Old Man Nosek while Phreak is alive. Am I supposed to wait?
Nevermind I found the entrance. Didn't even need to kill the Abomination... Thanks
Drop off pipeworker
Drop off my ass like the little turd you are, Ladelman
you think its worth it to repair shit before selling it? some weapons and armor definitely aint worth it, imo, but others get insane value back and it seems like it is.
>recycle shit quality and low value gear into repair kits
>repair the high quality high value gear with said repair kits
If it ain't worth repairing it ain't worth selling. Don't encumber yourself with worthless crap.
a good way to see what to repair to sell is to check if the durability < value and if it has attachments besides prob silencers.
however be cautious with stuff that has high durability and low health if you can't spare the kits usually it's non-attach guns especially lmgs/ARs
The sad truth is unless you fully 100% commit to either tanking or dodging then this is required. And with one of those options(tanking), your hp pool gets nerfed every higher difficulty.

So for tanks, you will always need to hide occasionally not to get fucked from some damage type your armor doesn't handle well(usually energy weapons, early game) and also snipers pierce allot of reduction regardless. Even when you max DR.

Also for dodging/evading, it's probably the biggest SP sink and the most prone to reloading regardless due to RNG. Even with full gear/feat/drugs and max stat, the sheer number of enemies attacking on bigger encounters or just RNG will still fuck you. And as a glass cannon, all it takes is one or two failures.

For control play(neither), IE initiative/dex, many actions and stunlocking/rooting/poison. You will always be forced to hide or fall back if either there are too many targets you didn't intercede or simply missed with a denial item/skill(like flashbang).

In general, all if them are more than capable of handling most gam fights without resorting to abusing corners if they are competently made. The corner thing only becomes necessary in high level or difficult encounters where there are swarms of enemies. At that point, the gloves come off(especially dominating), so you are actually encouraged to do so. Along with some other cheese strats.
Its basically just a cover mechanic, not sure why anon is whining about it. Maybe he's just an autist that thinks every fight needs to be a mexican standoff.
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The closest thing to "God" stat for Underrail is Intelligence. If you are going psi then you will need it anyways regardless for feat reqs. But even characters that don't, still benefit from higher INT as the most skill in the game are modified by INT. More INT, more effective skill, more skill points you can distribute. If you want to go for crafting(hint, you always do), you will almost certainly need at least some INT or you will be short on skill points.

So if you have spare attribute points, you can put maybe one or two points in INT for more SP. Conversely if you are short on SP, you can cut the fat for stats that are over feat reqs and put them into INT.

In general, it's a unique stat in UR, as it's the only one that can potentially be useful regardless of build.
Who needs mobility if you are a walking pill box? Just go with Super steel and craft striders if you want more mobility.
Spring shoes are reqlly good, not sure why people think tank has no mobility options. Gives more movement than tabi, as far as I've seen.
There is a flat SP allocation cap tied to your level and you only get a modest flat amount of SP per level. You really need to plan in advance somewhat. There is no worry about skipping progression with psi, as your damge is tied to your skill level and that is capped by your current level.
The aren't really that busted, just competent. Opportunist is a nice bonus because it's universal, but it isn't too string unless you spec into it.
>taking cover is cheesy
Anon, how do you think a gunfight works?
I always see people going for sprint on many ranged tin cans or tanks. I have no idea why, unless you are melee then it isn't worth the wasted attributes.

You can just use boot striders + jumping bean and super steel with armor sloping.
The real god stat is just whatever your weapon (or wizard shit) scales with. Or CON. Fuck CON for tanking, you're there for survival instincts.
Not really, you can get by without maxing effective skill. Your scaling stat is already decent enough due to feat reqs. The only exception being Dex due to light weapon AP reduction.

When they said God stat, they meant universally usefully stat. Intelligence is the only real candidate due to the SP saving potential. Especially if you fully commit to something like 160 sp into both dodge and evasion. Or want to have high crafting skills across the board.
>When they said God stat, they meant universally usefully stat.
That's the joke. But yeah, the stat combinations you might actually use in a build and are going to govern most of your skills are either dex/int or will/int. And you want ripper and weaponsmith if you're doing a knife build anyway, so the dex/int route works out and you get some will if you want to fuck around with social skills.
I pretty much always do 6 or 7 int, and ik a fan of disassemble.
Playing for the first time, while doing the GMS expedition quest(its very early game) i accidentally shot civilian while fighting riders and they are all hostile running away. is it going to be a problem for me later?
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Or course, reload a save.
its too late i already am way past it

I'm about to hit Level 20 on hard oddity with a TM/TC build and I can't decide if it's worth putting my last 2 base attribute increases into agility for Blitz. I'm taking Cerebral Trauma at 20 and spending my veteran feats on +2 Will and Advanced Psi Empathy.

Skill distribution is almost maxed for crafting and I plan on pumping dodge/evasion but I don't know if missing out on extra 2 Will points is worth the extra evasion and/or blitz.
No, it doesn't matter.
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been testing health regen on Dom, kinda forgot regenerating mixture also gets effected by the health power decrease by half.
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Best way to experience hammers?
No. If you're playing on classic, it makes sense to kill them anyways for the experience.
playing on odity i think it was default setting, game is confusing af it doesnt do any hand holding even with crafting i had no idea i can split stack to use the same component twice to sometimes get stronger effect, btw is there a way to sort items by weight or any QoL mods which add it?
No. You have to sort your inventory on your own. There's tabs that will divide your stuff into categories like ammo, consumables, etc but that's about it.
>game is confusing af
It is until it isn't. Once you "get" crafting, it's the same for everything regardless of if it is with guns, armor, psi headbands, and what have you. I don't recommend using the wiki for anything except crafting accessibility as it tells you in a nutshell what components will do like increase crit chance, accuracy, whatever. Once it clicks it's a very good crafting system, albeit flawed when the fuck face merchants don't stock what you want or you can't find a high quality gismo and you're level 20+ and can't justify using the bullshit low quality shit they keep trying to sell you. Then that's where meta knowledge comes in of knowing what factions to join to get access to the good shit for your build. That's why crafting is generally not recommended on a first playthrough.
This is why Classic is retarded.
seriously, good luck finding a high quality energy edge emitter
i've never looked up where to find one, so maybe i'm dumb for that, but i don't look up anything for video games
no, this is why you are retarded. if you're incapable of restraining yourself from exploiting "cheesy" mechanics, that's a (you) problem. classic is called classic because that's the way it has been done in these games for decades. styg is not clever because he came up with a meme system that appeals to your autism, faggot.
With any build you like the most
>make an XP system that doesn't require retard behaviour to get the most out of
>let retards still play with the old system
>they still cry about it

Just play Fallout 3 instead. Why are you even here?
wtf are you talking about? and funny you call it retard behavior when it's you who decides to do it. here's a thought; stop being a retard, faggot. no one is forcing you to break the game, or break roleplaying for the sake of a few more exp points you don't even need.
What? I don't even play on classic, nigger. It's not my fault you can't read the post I'm responding to.
holy shit you are dense. i said its your fault if you play classic and feel its necessary to abuse mechanics YOU don't like, like you cant restrain yourself from doing the things you hate, kind of like how you can't restrain yourself from being a raging faggot, either.
>like you cant restrain yourself from doing the things you hate
Quit projecting and get your tongue out of my asshole lmao. Trying to argue it's not the winning strategy because you don't use it gives away that you're posting from the back of the short bus. Calm down before your handler takes away your phone.
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*bumps into you*
yeah, you're retarded. it was fun, though.
People play extremely unintuitively for Oddity as well though. Actually you'd probably kill more enemies in total than you would on a Classic run because you need literally every single bit of XP you can grab on Oddity whereas you're way ahead of the curve for Classic.
Nta but melee builds shouldn't be nearly as good at kiting as they are, which they are due to a lack of anything resembling an AoO.
>Again, versatility is for hybrid builds that make use of Commando belt. Try again.
Am I being trolled or do people still not realize that no one actually uses Vers. for "Hybrid builds" (unless you're using Heavy Metal or whatever)?
nta but i look at versatility and i really want to try a build and make it work, but with the mechanics of the game how i know them, i just don't feel like i would be satisfied with the result. its a shame.
It is true that you're ahead of the curve on Classic. On the one hand in Oddity depending on the enemy killing past maxing their specific oddity only gets you its specific loot, but on the other it relies on you checking every container and that means taking subterfuge skills.

That's the big standout, desu. The game's mechanics and quests push the subterfuge skills hard, so it makes sense they're also rewarded more in XP and time, but if you go tincan then you miss out because the 3 CON 10 AGI character is gonna be doing combat too until the point there's no more reward.
It's not hard, just max DEX and have enough stats elsewhere for the feats that you want like any other build. I like to go PER 6 for Ambush but you could just as well take SI instead.
Im using this guys build guide (his recommended for first time player AR/TC build)
he advises to not invest any points in lockpick cause its not worth with 3 dex, im getting more and more frustrated cause of that decision, playing on oddity so fact i cant open doors makes me crazy, not only that i cant even open any ventilation shafts (tried crowbar but not enough STR) theres huge part of game i cant explore, the psi part of the build also seems pretty useless so far party because im clueless but i rarely feel like i should be using it instead of just spamming burst fire. Early game i basically stealth walked around with quick save cause everything was shitting on me, eventually stumbled on "decent" items and learned the game more which let me fight some enemies but now im about to enter Depot A and im scared, everyone is saying its massive filter, am i fucked and should reroll for more standard build with lockpick and some CON on classic XP?
Depends on our metrics.

Dexmaxxed TM Max AP + Crit unquestionably lays down the most damage, but it automatically requires quicksave abuse because you fold like a fucking napkin.

A build that can complete Dom with the least reloads is a completely different matter.
>Underrail is barely a roleplaying game honestly
Actually it's quite good in that department, but only for like 1,5 playthrough. The build autists were repeatedly stated to not be the intended target audience tho.
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Big Yikes.
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Dunno about best but the build I had the most fun with was
>Max strength
>Increased strength veteran feat
>Rat regalia
>Junkyard surprise with +2 strength
>Balor's hammer
I one shot Tchort and Carnifex
>A Serb is Serbian
Oh no
Based Styg
>Lemuria and Atlantis are part of Nazi ideology.

Is every single leftist completely retarded?

Also, Hyperborea refers to a period of pre-ancient times of a known race, not to presumed civs like Lemuria and Atlantis.
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>he advises to not invest any points in lockpick cause its not worth with 3 dex,
I don't get it. Lose TC and Will, have more Con, put points into lockpicking anyway. Play a classic tincan with 8-9 Strength. The only psi school worth dipping into as an AR build for new players is TM and you only need 70 in that for stasis (35 before Depot A for LTI, 55 after for haste), everything else is a gimmick.

> am i fucked and should reroll
Yes, if you're miserable so far you're going to hate Depot A.
Lots of people treat oddity like it's the superior way to play the game, and because Styg said that's what the game was designed for, but it's not better than classic. All you're doing is trading one potentially tedious task for another, for basically the same result, so it's just a personal preference thing, imo. I feel like oddity also benefits much more from prior knowledge of the game, because you'll probably want to plan out your exploration strategy so you can maximize gains for each piece of harder content.
I also tend to feel like I'm wasting resources in oddity because, and unless they are humanoids with an inventory, there comes a point where you will feel like you're not being rewarded for fighting. Some people like that, but I feel like everything that doesn't generate exp and pay me back with good loot is a total waste of my time and money. This is more noticeable on hard+. Again, that doesn't bother some people, especially people who are experienced with the game, so it is what it is.

that being said, ive never done a burst weapon build and all my experiences with the AI hasn't made it look all that impressive to make me want to do it. for firearms, i generally prefer pistol and sniper builds for various reasons, usually both at the same time because they tend to share abilities and bonuses.
Oddity is better no matter how many walls of text you write. Simple as.
nah, and you'll just have to deal with that, nerd.
>I also tend to feel like I'm wasting resources in oddity because, and unless they are humanoids with an inventory, there comes a point where you will feel like you're not being rewarded for fighting.
But that's the point, anon. Otherwise there wouldn't be so many mechanics and quests around avoiding hostilities or combat.
i want to avoid lockpicking and hacking and stealth
i really enjoyed sneaking around, is there beginner build with that type of playstyle? especially for an oddity game setting i would hate to constantly waste ammo on respawning rathounds without ability to skip them...
reminds me of age of decadence and i didn't like that either. i don't want to play a "stealth" game where all i do is avoid the combat and act like im clever because i accomplished things that might be hard... and yet i get that same feeling doing this the "normal" way, so i'll stick with that. this is a case of making a change that no one asked for and some people kind of like.
isnt the argument against classic that you level too fast and end up max level too early or its the same for oddity
Always overleveled unless you go out of your way to avoid exp. If you try to be a completionist you'll reach level cap well before the end of the game.
Roughly correct level pacing unless you go out of your way to seek more exp, but the limited nature of oddity doesn't allow you to grind exp in order to bruteforce the system. If you try to be a completionist you'll reach the level cap in DC.
unless you're super invested in this game, have hundreds of hours, and you seek validation from people online by saying you only play the game on oddity/dominating and that makes your opinion(s) more important - hitting the level cap doesn't automatically mean the game is going to be piss easy for every person that plays it, especially the majority of people who don't already know about the game and are trying it for the first time. You can very easily make mistakes in this game, and that can lead to people getting discouraged. all of those "good players" forget that it's possible to not know wtf you're doing here. oddity exacerbates this issue by practically locking you out of all content until you find some very specific items that gives the boost those people are more than likely to think they will need to succeed, or at least get more of their build rolling with more tricks. it's an interesting concept, and one that i can see veteran players finding a lot more enjoyment in, but i will never agree that it is the more preferable start for new players that are unfamiliar with the difficulty of the game, whether you believe that difficulty is there or not.
and also classic is consistent and noticeable progress towards character improvement, with less emphasis on pulling your attention away from more interesting aspects of the game to instead go on a scavenger hunt for arbitrary items.
If you like sneaking, IMO go agility 6 and put anything leftover in constitution so you can still take a hit, and wear some leathers or a vest with black cloth. Someone posted a drive link with a sniper/AR build upthread, it's good.
>new players that are unfamiliar with the difficulty of the game,
It's not the difficulty, it's the routes that the game offers to you. In Classic you'd have to be stupid or missing out on XP on purpose not to just kill everything at Depot A, in Oddity for many character types it's easier and quicker to just pick up the oddities you want and then beeline for the drill parts. It would be different if this was a game that wanted you to kill everything, but it isn't.
only way to be sure theres no oddity hidden is to open every container which are often guarded and kill everyone who might have it (also important incase of strong drops), unless you possess the meta knowledge of all items beforehand optimal play is to kill most stuff anyway.
at a certain point, you have to justify what is and isn't important to you. if killing every single rathound you come across is worth it to you for the exp, or you feel like that is something you absolutely have to do or you're "gimping" yourself in some way, then your autism would say play oddity. i don't feel the need to kill everything in the game and i like the exp gain, so i play classic.
>which are often guarded
So you sneak.
>kill everyone who might have it
Creature oddities always cap out at a low number, and the ones on human enemies can be pickpocketed. You don't need metaknowledge, you need to think about the options the game offers you.

>i don't feel the need to kill everything in the game and i like the exp gain, so i play classic.
We're not talking about personal taste, we're talking about what each XP mode rewards you for. Choosing not to take the reward every time doesn't change that.
>So you sneak.
then are pigeonholed into sneak build while everyone is recommending tincan for beginners
another "mandatory" skill required, btw do human enemies drop oddity or its only monsters? if yes how big ur sneak+ pickpocket do you need to steal from group of bandits without alerting them lol.
Has anyone here ever followed that Fisherman/Throwing Knife build guide?

On the one hand it seems very interesting and powerful even without the Dominating belt. On the other, throwing knives only stack to 30 (I think?) and crafting them in the numbers used by the build seems like a nightmare.
Never did a throwing knife build because it's obnoxious to use them from the belt. Hopefully it will be smoother in Infusion.
From my experience, the main issue with Oddity experience beyond the obvious leveling being fucked around the midgame is that it outright forces you to have most exploration skills, which only a handful of builds can do.

Pickpocketing in particular goes from meh to an almost hard requirement.
If you don't have the skills you need to avoid combat then you're gonna have to do combat, yes.

>btw do human enemies drop oddity or its only monsters?
99% of humanoid enemies that have an oddity have it in their inventory, it depends on faction and enemy type. Faceless masks and mutie femurs are on kill only, something like protectorate dogtags is pickpocketable. Even if you do get in combat, once you're full on that enemy type's oddity you can pick and choose when to/how many of them to fight.
Hacking and lockpicking definitely, you can get away with putting 0 hard points in stealth and compensating by crafting instead in basegame, but good luck in Expedition areas. When'd you feel pickpocketing is required, Core City corp oddities? Protectorate/Free Drone ones? I can think of JKK pens and praetorian insignias needing pickpocket, maybe faceless masks if you want to max them out and not fuck yourself over before DC.
>Pickpocketing in particular goes from meh to an almost hard requirement.
Why would it? You get more than enough exp to reach the level cap (which is superfluous as you can beat the game anyway) even without hacking/lockpicking/pickpocketing.
You people have a real strange assumption of something you never tried out.
>If you don't have the skills you need to avoid combat
then why are you all telling beginners to play on oddity when that requires specific build and meta knowledge, without those specific skills you will feel inclined to fight and kill everyone even more than classic cause EXP is scarce and missing potential oddity could fuck you.
>then why are you all telling beginners to play on oddity
I'm not that guy.
You don't have to be a giga brain genius to figure out that you're gonna get into fights if you don't take the skills that exist to avoid fighting, though. Everything you need to realise what you're supposed to do is in the skill descriptions and in the difficulty select blurb, even if somehow this is your first RPG.
>oddity when that requires specific build and meta knowledge
Completely wrong.
>without those specific skills you will feel inclined to fight and kill everyone even more than classic cause EXP is scarce and missing potential oddity could fuck you.
Not only wrong, but also illogical. How could you possibly know that you're missing exp without meta knowledge?
>dude pick that oddity setting cause it encourages not killing everything
>you will struggle for exp and need to check every trash bin, locker and box also kill everyone incase they have it on them but its fine you can avoid fights with this NOT recommended for beginners build you have to know before you start your game
>btw i recommend tincan as first char
>you will struggle for exp
The XP curve is tuned around Oddity, by definition you'll be at the intended level for where you're supposed to be.
>check every trash bin, locker and box
It's an exploration game.
>also kill everyone incase they have it on them
Literally wrong. Most humanoids don't carry oddities, and the ones that do can be easily pickpocketed if you care so much. If you make a build that's only good at combat it'd be retarded to cry about how you end up doing combat.
>It's an exploration game.
which pretty much equals clearing all maps as tincan
>Most humanoids don't carry oddities,
and how is a beginner player supposed to know it? you have to kill them if not for potential oddity they might drop then for item drops
>The XP curve is tuned around Oddity
which means Styg balanced classic EXP wrong and should remove it
>and how is a beginner player supposed to know it? you have to kill them if not for potential oddity they might drop then for item drops
By playing the game. It's not hard to figure out that the humanoid oddity drops are faction related once you pick up your first insignia or dogtags or whatever, and if you think for two seconds you'll figure out you can pickpocket most of those anyway.
>which means Styg balanced classic EXP wrong and should remove it
Why? Oddity is the intended system and Classic is a holdover left for anyone who wants it, why should Styg cuck you out of doing what you want?
>call the intended XP experience "oddity"
Yes, and?
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And then we call the alternate system, "classic"
Do you have a point?
requires meta knowledge of the game, you cant expect somebody who just started game to dump points into that skill, even the few builds posted here didnt have it
>why should Styg cuck you out
why leave it as option if its totally wrong way to play the game you mongoloid
>dodges tincan argument
as long as you faggots shill tincan to beginners with oddity setting end goal will be the same, besides the EXP curve being difference you will feel pressured to kill and dive into every trash container even more than with classic exp.
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Nope no point, all is labelled appropriately. Good day to you.
>requires meta knowledge of the game, you cant expect somebody who just started game to dump points into that skill,
I don't expect every player to be a retard who needs to be handheld and can't experiment or read skill descriptions.
>why leave it as option if its totally wrong way to play the game you mongoloid
>dodges tincan argument
Kek. If you're this mad about a game you don't even know how to play just pick Easy, it'll be more to your taste.
lmao only person mad here is you cause people dare to pick classical exp option over oddity gimmick, get over yourself faggot.
Keep seething, no wonder you need a guide if you have an autistic meltdown about having to rub two braincells together and learn how to play.
yeah, those people are pretty dumb, but it all stems from their massive egos, so i slap them around a little and then ignore them because they're just trolls.
>waste hundred of hours learning mechanics in game which intentionally obfuscates stuff and encourage wasting time on brainless activities instead of good gameplay
How retarded are you to be this proud of """achievement""" which could be done after 5minute of reading wiki instead
Deterministic skill checks in a system where numbers veer well into the triple digits is bad.
I was thinking about doing a melee build, but all knife ones seem to rely on either survival instincts (being a one shot glass cannon is unfun) or flurry (reading the skill description alone with its hyper RNG made me cringe).

How are spears in comparison?
>all knife ones seem to rely on either survival instincts (being a one shot glass cannon is unfun)
You can play without SI, but you'll likely be a glass cannon anyway.
>or flurry
Flurry is a sword feat, it has nothing to do with knives.
I suggest Knife+TC.
>How are spears in comparison?
They're good, just don't fall for the spear+shield trap.
>needing hundreds of hours to figure out basic patterns
Depot A is not enough, Styg needs to add an IQ test at gamestart to filter out the downies.
go ahead post your first character and hours spend in game nigger.
He already casualized the game with the map, I'm afraid that the damage is done and it can't be undone.
why dont you turn off your monitor instead of playing on easy mode you retard
actually you can butcher the faceless in the institute basement and ninjaloot their masks on a high mobility build(without ruining your reputation), though you're stuck into going to DC at that point
I've been trying to theorycraft a build that would be fairly unique (pun not intended) in that it relies almost exclusively on found unique weapons/armor in the world. Crafting in Underrail sucks shit due to insane RNG that can make or break a build (smart modules on pistols come to mind) so avoiding it is the point. Also, almost every single build guide I have ever seen completely ignores all unique weapons and armor sets.

Most ranged weapon builds are out due to this. Melee wise, the builds that seem to have the best gear progression seem to be gloves, knives, and potentially spears (the early glaive in the latter seems especially nice). This is the area any input from you anons would be helpful in - I have never played a melee build.

Fist weapons in particular have some very interesting options available from what I see on the wiki, with low damage potentially being compensated for somewhat with expertise+expose weakness. Phreaks glove in particular with its special unresistable electric damage attack seems like it could legitimately be used effectively against robots+maybe short circuit them?

Armor progression is the main issue, aside from Rathound Regalia it seems like there isn't anything that much better until you get the Tesla suit or something without crafting.
i fucking hate so much how using TM is basically a requirement for half of all builds
It didn't exist before Expedition and non-wizard builds managed fine before then.
You sure guns are right out? Some of the refurbished ones are competitive with crafted ones and come with a fun gimmick, but I wouldn't run a sniper build with uniques. If you wanted to be memey people have done a XAL + CAU armour build with escape artist before, it works. If you don't want to look around for parts to refurbish guns with there's a handful that don't need parts, like Wyatt's gun and Thumper. Stunner is very good too.

Melee weapons, especially unarmed come with some fun options. You can stack TfB fast and use The Claw to stack contaminated, and on top of that fast bladed weapons means you can apply many stacks of poison on your opening turn. I haven't played with Phreak's glove, but even on the unarmed end Power Fist is just a better metal glove.
>Armor progression is the main issue, aside from Rathound Regalia it seems like there isn't anything that much better until you get the Tesla suit or something without crafting.
It's actually not a big deal. If you're playing an agile dodge/evasion character, or simply lots of movement + stasis, armor will be irrelevant for the most part (unless you really want to max out on dodge/evasion). Just pick whatever you like most.
I have yet to try to make use of the new exo armors but the medic one looks pretty good if you want something heavier.
>Most ranged weapon builds are out due to this.
You're completely clueless. ARs, LMGs and Pistols work just fine using only uniques. Done those already so it's not just a theoretical statement.
With the new dlc you can also get a very powerful energy pistol extremely early on.
Knifes is doable. You'll get a couple of very good options. Do have some plan for when you'll have to fight robots, like throwing acid or EMP 'nades.
Swords also works, and like knives you get a decent selection. The issue here is that it will take a good sword to get the other swords, and it's not easy to get a good sword (unlike with knives, where it's possible to get something good early and for free).
Spears I still have to try but I assume it's a situation similar to the swords.
>Fist weapons
Fists (no weapon) is superior. No need for a unique or crafted item when your hands are the ultimate weapon.

tl;dr: unless it's chem pistols go ahead and do a unique only run
(temporal manipulation) skill issue
For armour I just like how the grey army spec ops outfit looks, I wear it around for fashion on Hard. It's about equivalent to a mediocre black cloth vest. If you were a wizard you could wear tchortist noble robes or do something with the Heavy Duty exosuits, and you could always just wear the JKK/coretech/praetorian outfit if you're doing pistols/energy pistols/tincan style build. No shame in wearing the regalia all the way down to DC though, if you kill everything in turn 1 and you get benefit from the strength bonus it's really solid, I've done it before.

It's kind of funny how this is still one of the best builds imo purely due to it not having 0 0 0 in exploration skills like every single melee or AR one.
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why do melee builds feel so weak and fragile

am I really supposed to just corner camp, that's like one of the worst parts of the combat already when you have to do it with ranged builds
Is it not worth to craft armor early game? every build i check has no tailoring untill like lvl12+
Was thinking of doing a crossbow stealth build while also dipping into psi, what schools should I use?
I've never used any psi other than occasionally dipping for TM so I'm not really familiar with how it works or whats good.
Will I be spreading myself too thin if I go TM plus another school?
I never actually hit the level cap on any of my oddity runs before reaching post-game. Though I never ever take pickpocketing because man that shit is tedious.
I always make Siphoner leather armor and boots for when I go to depot A.
Get only enough PK for the spells that you need, like telekinetic grounding and electro imprint. You can't get both PER to max and WILL to 10 without giving up on other attributes that you want, so it's best to pick and choose utility spells you want to take eventually and get just enough hard points for those. TC has a lot of utility but you need to beat their resolve and you're not doing that with TC at 70 and WILL at 3.

If you do go with high WILL and invest a lot of points in there, though, TC could be fun. Neurovisual disruption would be one of the ways to drop back into stealth for another snipe, enrage and bilocation are always funny, Locus is Locus.
Making mutie dog armor trivializes Depot A, so for that reason alone it's worth to have a decent amount of tailoring.
what makes it good? looks average af
Maybe the fact that it provides protection against acid.
If you just want survivability I'd say a tincan with stasis.
Yeah, you can start with siphoner leather when you first go to depot a, which has acid resist too and makes killing the dogs a lot easier, then you can make the mutant dog leather if its better. Requires biology though, I think, while siphoner leather does not.
The fact that you even have to take pickpocketing for oddity is retarded, imo.
>have to
>Requires biology though
Chemistry. Which is convenient since the other way to trivialize Depot A is to pump Chemistry for the grenades.
>why do melee builds feel so weak and fragile
I don't know what you're smoking. The toughest most survivable build I have ever played is a pig hammer. You have health for days and outright avoid most damage from dodge/evasion.
Bump CON to 10 you dumb zoner
What is a build that is reasonably able to do most exploration related tasks (aka doesn't have 0 in hacking and lockpicking) and also doesn't suck.

The only full playthrough I ever did was tincan Psi because it let me pick those skills.

Everything else has
>0 persuasion
>no or only 1 exploration skill
>in the worst cases 100% unviable meme builds with 0 mercantile
I don't understand that question. No matter what character I play I like to cram in as many social and subterfuge skills as possible.
You can make your own character build, right?
Skill issue
Learn how to make a better build then.
>you can make your own character build, right?
Why bother sorting through spreadsheets and the 70% of feats that are useless gimmicks?
Most builds just flat out aren't good or simply limit you in dramatic fashion.

post your meme self made builds (you won't or it will be something nearly identical to a build guide)

I have made several builds, but this one is closest to my heart

Is the only thing you can do is project your failures onto others?
Here, have a couple
By the way, if you want something specific you may want to ask instead of going through this passive-aggressive woman behaviour.
>Why bother sorting through spreadsheets and the 70% of feats that are useless gimmicks?
It's alright if this kind of game isn't for you. Did you read the name and think it'd be like Undertale?
i make some more balanced builds with the fun things i like doing.
only made a few adjustments to this one since then, like taking rapid fire before grenadier. also could consider taking 1 out of perception, putting it in dex for 11 dex, and then take increased perception for 11, which would let you take the veteran crit perk. major supplier and salesman are just filler feats.
Hearing people here talk about throwing knife builds has got me curious, given all the added support over the years I'm sure they are powerful, but wouldn't having to manually select+click on enemies 40 times in a single battle get tedious? Not to mention the insane amount of crafting you would have to do.
whats the difference between Grenade Launcher and normal grenades? GL shares skill points with guns why waste points on throw then?
Grenade launcher shells have less variety and are usually less powerful. There's nothing like Plasma Grenades for example. Throwing also lets you toss some other weird things like spears and whatnot.

You're right though, generally GL's are busted. There is less variety and less damage, but for what is basically 0 investment if you are doing a guns build (or god forbid and AR build - meaning you have STR to use more than the Thumper) the payoff is insane. Thermobarics can obliterate entire groups from sniper ranges nearly.

That actually does give me an idea, since I've never really played a full AR build before.
i also didnt think about the fact i wont have swap weapon while grenades are in utility belt, thats pretty big downside for GL
GLs take more action points and if you don't have the strength for the bigger ones you're stuck with the 1-shot Thumper. Regular grenades have a cooldown even if you have grenadier and LTI, and incendiary GL rounds are underwhelming compared to chucking a napalm grenade. The real funny shit would be to do both and blow everyone up.
do you have a single non autistic brain cell?
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it cost 15 AP to throw grenades but picking grenadier to have emps,gas and flash at the ready is always good. Also it cost 25AP - 35AP to use GLs. Though using the thumper as your main is decent with the GL belt for 8AP reloads, basically 32AP to shoot

I've done a meme build with it to grenade spam that was fun pic related. Can fire 4x max or just 3x chuck a grenade/flash and then reload.
I want to play this game again but I already played 1.2k hours worth of this game. FUCK
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I made a character
he's a sneaky autistic fellow
maybe I should've set some stats to 4
What are you going to use? Knives?
yeah knives
Unironically get disassemble and use it to get plates from random enemies' knives.
Is it normal to get skull smasher instead of ice t like 12-15 times in a row
nevermind I think I am/was somehow manipulating the RNG in some fashion
I kept making the same character over and over because I want to do pre-depot A mostly ironman and every start gave me skull smasher. just did a completely different character on dominating and got ice t. i thought my game was broken
whats easier to skip, lock-picking or hacking?
Why is every single Exoskeleton in Heavy Duty shit?

Not a single one of them is usable without gimping your build and actively making it worse. They are all high armor penalty. Their powered armor effects are literally all worse than Tesla Armor. Their defenses are in some cases worse than a fucking tactical vest. They cannot be disassembled. The worst of the psychophract armor which literally comes across as a mocking joke.

This is why this game needs mods and why styg is shit, half of the things in the game just are no usable due to his shitty balance.
All of the exos in the entire game suck, idk what he was thinking
>sword builds are an rng fiesta
>hammers have a nearly impossible early game to the point that it's just flat out better to use knives even with no feats until like level 12
>knives suck too until you get your insane crit damage up (maybe some sort of 10 con build could work also with them)
>know nothing about unarmed/fists or spears
so how is the monk or greek larper life?
I always skip lockpicking because hacking lets you open more stuff at the start + use the turret at GMS to skip the boss fight
GMS has a boss? wtf i might have skipped some rooms then lol
nvm i might have "trivialized" that fight by pure luck cause i reprogrammed auto turrets just dont remember computer needing hacking skill.
not you anons, but i always kill the boss without the turrets, but i play classic so i like the extra exp. i hack the turret after.
Seconding Lockpicking.
But obviously it depends a lot on the character, if you have extremely high Dexterity there's little reason to skip it thanks to the scaling making it cheap to raise. Or if you have high Strength there's little reason to take it, as you can force open the vents.
Everyone benefits highly from Electronics so that's also an other point in favor of Hacking.
isnt 6-7 INT a way to go on every char? all crafting skills scale with it and i would hate to play without it.
6 int and dump an extra point into it for 7 is how i usually play, pretty much regardless of build. crafting is massively important to the game, no matter what you're trying to do really... though im sure some could get away just fine without it.
>>hammers have a nearly impossible early game to the point that it's just flat out better to use knives even with no feats until like level 12
This is flat out retarded and untrue
t. hammerfag
yeah bro I'm sure being able to kill a single enemy per turn up until you're past depot a with zero mobility and shit tankiness is engaging gameplay

hammerfags are truly mindbroken
>yeah bro I'm sure being able to kill a single enemy per turn up until you're past depot a with zero mobility and shit tankiness is engaging gameplay
Skill issue
you're right, I forgot that on Dominating you will usually wiff one of your attacks and not even be able to kill a single enemy, lets lower those stats even more
>The closest thing to "God" stat for Underrail is Intelligence.
Not at all. Even the strongest psi builds only need 6-8. But it's maybe the most generalist sure.
Dex is the best stat by far because it makes light weapons hit harder and more often.
With massive amounts of weed so you don't care how mind numbing it gets after a while.
Skill issue
Maybe put Strenght to 10 or more, Constitution to 10 and Will to 7
You don't need to "exploit" anything for classic to be a retarded xp fest.
My personal best favorite build is a high dex gunslinger with decent int/per/agi for this reason. Pistols just have such a good ramp up over the entire game, decent at the start, godlike toward the end, many attacks due to dex. You get so many skill points due to the stat spread that you can basically do everything and dip into vanity skills like persuasion.

I also found it much more engaging than melee builds due to ammo types/crafting being more important.
Kek. But it's true that stug is a very cringe chud. Amusingly the discord is still full of bronies, trannies, faggots, and some of the worst retards ive the misfortune to have ever seen.
My already low opinion of Styg (weird hate towards playerbase/antimodding action) basically dropped off a cliff when I saw him have a meltdown on twitter about how BG3 is "woke and onions" and a bad game. Pure bitter grapes, bad sign for Infusion when the dev has become completely animated by resentment.
It's one of the nicest builds for sure.
>Amusingly the discord is still full of bronies, trannies, faggots
Why you lie?
It's true, it never recovered from the sseth tourists.
>it never recovered from the sseth tourists
I hate that you are right on this one
You fags act like you've never played rpgs before, and that somw release more content than the current cap can support. That's Stygs fault, and a testament to his bias that he didn't account for it classic cause he apparently doesnt give a fuck.
Yep classic is only in there for normalniggers who can't adjust, if styg thought that he could only have oddity without losing normalnigger bucks he would have done that
This. Normalniggers are losers who can't appreciate the struggle of digging through the trash just to survive. Slavs every day have to suck dick and filthy themselves just to make it another day. People who play on Classic would never make it in Serbia.
we had that discussion before oddity is a gimmick and classic exp is badly balanced
Styg is exactly the kind of person I would imagine thinks he is some revolutionary RPG god that thinks he found the solution to a huge problem and that he will be remembered for setting a trend that will last throughout the ages.

Spoiler alert; he's wrong.
"Best" at what? Strong and easy to play? AR tincan is brainless and stomps 99% of the content, guess you can throw a couple grenades at the other 1%.

Most fun, fulfilling and satisfying? Old psi by a fat margin.
Is this game fun if my favorite part about FO1/2 was the combat and trying out new builds
Could be.
i would say so. i've put 400 hours in the game and i've never actually finished it. i've probably made a dozen different characters and played them well into their builds. funny too, even though i play classic, i've never actually hit the level cap.
its objectively better game than fallout 1/2 but also quite different, it has steep learning curve and combat is 10x times more involved and demanding. in F2 you could win 99% of fights by aiming in eyes, here you will be using full arsenal of crafted utility grenades, shields, consumables and setting up traps before fight to succeed, as a 1st time player expect to be be quick loading a lot.
Also expect your first run to be a trial run, because you'll almost certainly fuck up your first build in some way and will want to start over with more efficiency. Lots of people get filtered at depot a, probably because of lack of understanding with the game and a shit build.
On a purely gameplay perspective I would say Underrail is vastly superior to classic Fallout. The build variety is great, combat is deep, and there's loads of gear and crafting options to mess around with.

As far as story goes, that's more complex. I love a lot of Underrail's story and the world is interesting. I'd go as far as to say it is a vastly more interesting world than Fallout's. Without spoilers, the worst part about Underrail is depending on how you play you get no answers at all and even if you know exactly how to build to get the "most" out of the lore, you still walk away not knowing what certain things are. And it's not a "Wow, that's a lot to think about" type of unknown, it is a "This answered so little and so much is up to interpretation that I don't know what even happened" type of unknown. In other words, the ending falls completely flat to me which is a shame because everything up to then was amazing.
Yes, but it's also not unbalanced in the way that FO is. It's also a lot longer even when you know where to go and what to do, and builds take more time to come online.
You need to take that bear cock out of your mouth.
AAAAAAAAAAAAH i hate that Dude guy, did some joke quest and ended up in quest chain which took me to alternative time line with nazis i could not leave cause i my char was clearly not ready, had to cheese and stealth around with gorrilion quick saves and after finally that was over i end up in god know where cave far from anything with monsters way above my level FUCK
Yes, that's generally how people stumble on Dude.
I think it's because Depot A isn't fun.
i honestly was super lucky i had like 3 TNT on me cause going back i ran into rocks blocking my path multiple times and i dont think there was any other way to the civilization. Would force me to restart my char
I don't mind Depot A, it's a good build test for that point in the game.
Think you can follow the north/western route along the river and get back, but yeah, problem is there are a bunch of goliaths and crawlers along the way. I pretty much had the same experience with that quest on my first time. Wholly unprepared and it took hours to get through the gray army base and lots of sneaking/saves.
but now it's like when can i reasonably do this for a bunch of loot.
also the gray army theme is pretty sick and one of the best songs in the game.
thats another thing, how the hell do you even play without sneak in that game? pretty sure only reason i am able to do anything in this game is cause i invested into sneak at all levels and had ninja tabi and sneak armor i cant imagine being forced to fight every bullshit monster and enemy i run into
>how the hell do you even play without sneak in that game?
Murder absolutely everything or bring stealth gear like a normal person. You can sneak by most encounters with 0 skill points invested.
>I don't mind
This is not praise. This means it isn't fun. You can test builds and make it fun, but I think that's against the Styg design philosophy.
Would a maxed out dodge/evasion build work? I'm talking normal difficulty. Would be pretty funny to just stand around while people are shooting at you. Just wouldn't know what my main weapon would be
>Would a maxed out dodge/evasion build work?
>I'm talking normal difficulty.
Even better, then.
>Would a maxed out dodge/evasion build work?
Of course
lol anything works
>Would be pretty funny to just stand around while people are shooting at you.
Shooting AND attacking at melee.
>Just wouldn't know what my main weapon would be
I'd recomend a melee weapon. All of them work for that, even sledgehammers
technically, you don't need sneak because with crafting you can make really good sneak gear that will cover most situations if you need to sneak by enemies. but like other anon said, if you're not sneaking, you're most likely killing everything anyway.
>it isn't fun
its just my opinion. i dont find depot a as bad as you do apparently, especially since I feel like if you know what to craft, the entire area is almost completely neutered of difficulty, the only real problem being how many enemies can show up in a fight, but that is pretty much taken care of by doors, too.
you have two choices in this game basically; you absorb all the damage, or you dodge all the damage. absorb is probably the better of the two for various reasons, but mostly because you will be reloading a lot if you rely on RNG defenses like dodge/evasion. sometimes, you just get shitty rolls.
Dodge/evasion works even on dominating but you need to do literally everything you can to make it work well there (drugs, dodge armor, precog, high agility)
Strongest damage avoidance ability in the game is high MP and running around corners
You can make it work but less so on Dom besides compounding it with other gear/feats. Ideally you can use uncanny dodge just for death stalkers/hammer fags but evasion is the superior one to lvl since it effects all AOE as well.
If you take evasive maneuvers you can easily reach the cap and can tank Naga blasts with greater siphoner and galvanic padding at 3con. It also effects the rock throw move strong men and giant mutants use which can make you tank those hits on a jetski
It's all or nothing though if you can't make room for those feats and some don't work on the jetski for some reason.
>I'm pretty sure it's both for the dodge and evasion feats said above
Depot A is fun. Everything before the metro opens up is a lesson in something, Depot A is there to teach you how to deal with crowds, pinning, and traps, and that you don't have to fight everything. Damage types too, if you make some dog leather gear. It's slower if you don't invest in hacking/lockpicking, but you should've figured they're there to give you alternative routes right from chargen.
Sad to see that bg3 troons are still a thing here
I believe it's meant to simulate the feeling of stumbling home along the side of the road for miles, dehydrated, with a vomit stained shirt, the morning after a whiskey bender.

>Never again, I swear to god, I'll never drink again
>Passes out in the upper caves again next week
Psi Tinkan so can you kill anything, tank anything and get all the lore.
>Depot A is there to teach you
gib build
Im really annoyed i copied AR hybrid build for my first char i rarely use PSI cause damage is dogshit and i have wasted like 70 SP on TC just to use frighten yawn ...
Just go with metathermics and temporal manipulation
TC is the worst one as a low investment support school because it relies on the skill too heavily for it's effects, for comparison TK grounding/imprint will always root/stun, icecube too and TM's most important spells also have static effects
Already getting bored of the AR, thinking about restarting as tank hammer build because fuck this gay sneaking shit with 3CON, literally everything can one shot me, how much will i hate my life as the hammerfag?
TC support really gets going with enrage or projections but I say it's better when going with throwing knives, melee, or smgs.
AR kinda already do alot of damage and the 10 Wil investment to LOC is harder to get without sacrificing something.
>how much will i hate my life as the hammerfag?
Depends how you build it
If you go heavy tin can, use PK
If you go nimble can or berserkfag, make sure to have enough MP, and maybe have some stealth with leatherfag, helps a bunch to close the distance before fighting
Chem guns=best guns
that's all
Can chem guns do this????
>sticks finger in ass
>Styg shat on the gay bear dating sim
Based Styg making all the sisters seethe.
>every single build I try making devolves into Survival Instincts + stealth + TM alpha strike followed by running behind a pillar

I've wanted to do some tin can shit for awhile now but I have to giga cheese my way through depot A with traps/molotovs and a thousand reloads and then I just get demoralized and quit. Also, dominating without SI or grenade spam feels like I'm just smacking shit with a wet newspaper.
Stop playing on dominating retard
yeah this is pretty sad, anon. why do you feel compelled to play dominating despite disliking it? does it hurt your ego if you play an easier difficulty? you not man enough to hang with the cool kids on reddit or something? are you a sadist? do you like your balls getting crushed or something? i only ask because it seems like you're a glutton for punishment when you can just play hard or something, but im guessing your excuse is the game would be too boring and easy. you just can't win, can you?
There's extra content in dominating, and hard is indeed too easy. If there were another difficulty between with all the content then I'd obviously play that one. Why are you two such hyper defensive spergs?
Stop TM abusing first.
I've literally never used SI and doing fine on dom
well you are whining about it being too hard, so if you made some sense we wouldn't be talking. you know what the solution is, you just don't want to do it because apparently it hurts your ego.
Stop abusing grenades.
Stop abusing crafting.
Stop abusing armor.
Stop abusing ARs.
>guess I'll play naked
Stop abusing evasion and unarmed.
well you know you're exaggerating your point, not sure why you're making this so hard on yourself. meta slavery is not healthy.
Oh yeah dominated brain.
Im sorry you can't enjoy this game like I do.
I'm just joking, projecting Anon. Grenades trivialize most of the content and they were in the game way before TM was a thing. Only legit retards bitch about TM.

And what's exactly the source of your enjoyment, a diplomacy/speech pacifist run? Oh wait, this is UR and you just "abuse" your weapon of choice.
maybe dont come here crying like a bitch if you dont want to be called out for it, pipeworker.
>>every single build I try making devolves into Survival Instincts + stealth + TM alpha strike followed by running behind a pillar
Then dont.
t. plays 10 CON 7 Will psiless tank

Skill issue.
>And what's exactly the source of your enjoyment, a diplomacy/speech pacifist run? Oh wait, this is UR and you just "abuse" your weapon of choice.
Sorry I don't take TM every run like you do
Shut up mass replying banga, no one asked you
>maybe dont come here crying like a bitch
I'm not the one who came here to cry like a bitch (about TM), projecting Anon.

>Sorry I don't take TM every run like you do
But I don't. See above for the rest.
>no one asked you
You're not the boss of me, you motioner.
>I'm not the one who came here to cry like a bitch (about TM), projecting Anon.
neither was i, confused anon
>the literal best build was posted amid the thread and got no attention
What do you care about in a build, anon?
>seeing traps/secret passages/ceiling niggers without boosting detection
>killing everything on turn 1
>crafting w/o investing every point in and leaning on crafting bonus/hypercerebrix autism
>CC resistance
10000000 fuckin times done
I do all builds, so yeah
I don't play favorites
>What do you care about in a build, anon?
Gimmicks. I usually build around one thing and go all in on it. I made a max agility run and gun pump shotty build that was a ton of fun. 20 strength Balor's hammer build. Max constitution and will super slammer hammer. Basically if it sounds dumb or memey I'm down for the cause.
Do max dodge/evasion/intimidation/tc build. Yell at niggers while you hide behind your 7000 layers of avoidance
Might as well add quick tinkering and 45 PK too further have all melee guys commit sepuku at the sight of you
Why is rapid reloader such a rare component? literally found it once dont even remember where and havent seen since, i keep checking vendors like retard everytime im in town
yeah it's pretty rare. i guess it can appear in any weapon store. i usually check and find it most often on the guy behind the coded door near SGS.
It's rare but has no quality so every one you find/buy is good. And you'll find more than enough that you'll be able to make a decent amount of new guns with a couple of RRs to spare just in case.
Not sure why its so rare, but it is probably the most important crafting item for a build in the game, i dont think there is anything else that compares to how much of an affect this has on the success of those builds. As long as you're making vendor runs and checking merchants at least once an hour or two, you will find enough over time.
I wish it were possible to mod the game and make a mod that brings back the old PSI without having to switch the game to a legacy version and miss out on all the new stuff added in since the nerf.
I wish psi fags would just shut up instead of crying like an eternal victim.
Because everybody needs them and Stygs love wasting their players time. So use CE like any sane man or spend a couple of RL hours shopping.
there's a command to learn any psi ability, not sure if it bypasses the slots restriction
There's a trick to swapping between versions to pick up forceful innervation. Hardly the same thing, but that way you don't have to juggle will and int.
>still mindbroken by the bear a full year later
/v/ lost so hard, you should go back there
tell me about it
>playing a pistol build
>literally unironically absolutely need a rapid reloader for it, the build loses like 50% of its DPS without it
>get to level 16
>still haven't found one

It's pretty fucking absurd, I've done 2~ different playthroughs and I have never seen a single Rapid Reloader. Styg absolutely at some point in the past year or two (probably after seeing that OTK .44 build get posted on the forums) tweaked the rate at which they appear. He's actively made it so you can't mod the game and threatened to brick saves if people remove Coral, so this isn't some schizo shit, it's par the course.

Just extreme player unfriendly tedium enforcement. It's why I'll pirate Infusion (assuming that game isn't ass which all indications seem to be pointing toward).
>threatened to brick saves if people remove Coral
You can just delete a file to get rid of her. Still works for me.
And the next update will brick your save, so you'll better accept the gypsy humiliation ritual.
Did gun-fu crit .44 DEX build with TM and stasis. It was really fun and I beat the game with it. Was going to start Expedition....
Then I stopped playing because the dev removed the in-game console.
So I had to go back to using the cheat engine to remove the tedious/monotonous aspects of the game.
Fuck the dev. No mods allowed. No console allowed. Game code is obfuscated.
why did you buy the game on steam where it can autoupdate?(in the steamapps folder you can set the appmanifest file to readonly to stop it from updating in the future) scroll up and there's a mod on github to patch the current latest version to reenable it
Wow I didnt notice this. I was using the lastvwrsion with the console enable from GOG. Thanks
RR has been making Styg's autism flare up for ages. Remember when he tweaked the Spearhead to cost exactly 26 AP to fire instead of 25 with RR?
you could just toss a nade or do drugs on your first turn and shoot it twice on your 2nd turn and onwards with the spillover AP, if that bothers you that much just use the unique dragunov
Nobody asked
I asked
you say that but im lvl16 and found only one RR while autistically checking all merchants everytime im in town, i i found multiple pneumatic reloaders but RR for some reason is an unicorn, if its deliberate design decision stygg is a twat.
Oh darn... I've made dozens of characters and have never actually finished the game, so another fresh start isn't a big deal. Not like Styg is releasing a patvh every month.
>I've made dozens of characters and have never actually finished the game
what the fuck...
I can relate to making characters that stop at reaching DC.
But really? Never finished the game... not even once?
Yeah i usually finish most of the og game as far I know and then maybe about half of expedition. I just like trying different builds and seeing how they mature.
The change was before shooting spree or spillover AP existed, anon.
Hi, could anyone help me out with some estimations/theorycrafting I'm doing?

Specifically I'm trying to estimate what damage numbers look like at say, Q50/100 for both knives and gloves. I've always heard that knives are better for dex melee builds but referencing the wiki I'm not so sure about that as the damage numbers look similar, and more importantly.

-Gloves benefit from the one unarmed feat that reduces AP costs by 2 while Knives have nothing similar.
-Gloves have things like the pneumatic fist attachment that allows for massive damage spikes
-Bladed gloves have a higher bleed proc chance which is far more important when combined with Taste for Blood than bleed damage
-Unarmed feats like Combo combined with Cheap Shots+Opportunist to give you a pretty insane chance with each of your hits to outright take enemies out of action for a turn
-Good unique support with The Claw being fucking insane for applying contamination naturally and getting even crazier with Vile Weaponry

This is all theorycrafting of course, but unless the wiki is very wrong I don't understand the bad reputation gloves have. The only negative they seem to have compared to knives is slightly lower crit damage which is a massive who cares given that by the time crit focus in a build comes online you are one shotting stuff anyway,
After a bit of testing in game (at least early on, since I've never really done melee before) knives definitely have an advantage. Gloves early on trail knives with 4-5 points lower min/max damage.

I have to wonder if Expertise would maybe help and push them over the edge?
look at what glovevirgins have to do in order to match a fraction of knifechad's power levels...
Not really, this is like the level 4~ experience with ultra early stuff, everything is painful at those levels.

Unless I'm doing math wrong, a pneumatic glove synching up with the combo feat+crit can one shot a Naga.
>melee builds need to put in 2x the amount of work with obsessive positioning, traps, invest in evasion, craft better weapons every 3-4 levels, kiting and abusing LOS compared to any ranged build in the game
>all that and still unable to deal with a single robot boi without doing a dozen backflips with grenades, expose weakness and more
I genuinely don't understand why people will claim melee has the 'best builds in the game' when pistols, shotguns, ARs and even sniper rifles are able to compete with vastly less danger and in all but the late game are able to kill more efficiently as well.
ranged builds do the exact same thing? or do you just stand in the middle of the street eating bullets?
Also melee has easy cc available
Cheap shots makes knife piss easy for anything that is human or animal. You van make a pretty decent shock dagger for robots.
I end up using knives and gloves on the same build depending on where I'm at and what level. I never pick any of the knife exclusive feats like ripper.
The uniques for both are amazing and get be aquired as soon as you get the drill parts.
>dehumanizer gets 2 taste for blood stacks at once
>claw with the conterminate stack
>kukri with the insane crti chance and spammable expose weakness effect
>power fist against robots
Why are there random cats spread over trade hubs with their obnoxious meowing magnitude launder than city ambient sound, howcome there are no dogs, is stygg some kind of cat fag
>obnoxious meowing magnitude launder than city ambient sound
That's after the nerf, it was even worse before it got patched.
I've run into a massive pack of dogs in upper underrail, the first north map after core city. No idea if it was a random event or a new change.

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