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They probably wish they remade FF7 instead of doubling down on Nomura bullshit.
wtf is Foamstars?
One way or another they are incapable of creating anything at the level old Squaresoft did. After a while thinking about it, I blame technology. You could see it playing their games one by one, by FFX/X-2 they couldn't handle doing open world and npc faces looked like garbage compared to the important characters which really wasn't the case before that and already killed some immersion. Game by game dialogues were more milktoast, all they focused on was the graphics, action battles and open world. In a fucking RPGs. Morons.
I have nothing against them having wanted to make a 'sequel' instead of an actual, proper remake, but at the very least they should have been open about what 'remake' actually was. The bait and switch was a real insult to the fans and I have no idea why the fuck it sounded like a good idea to absolutely anyone working there to do such a fucking stupid thing.
Square Enix's bootleg splatoon
More like they probably wish they released them on more than a single platform that doesn't have the loyal install base they think it does.
Reminder that most of Remake's weird bullshit was Kitase's idea. Nomura was fine just doing a faithful remake.
People on this board get too uppity about Nomura just because he dresses well. Its like they think Nomura suddenly materialized for kingdom hearts and ff13 and hasn't had a key role in nearly every final fantasy
Leave the man alone
Yeah. Seems like the exclusivity (for a year) just kills the hype. Then it gets released on other platforms because it didn't sell well enough on one.
Maybe the deal with Sony is worth it, I dunno.
The deal was made under a different gaming paradigm. Don't forget this was announced as early as… 10 years ago? The landscape was completely different. One of complete and total sony dominance and less PC relevance. They probably regret it.
Is time to accept Shitenix is dead and move on to greener pastures.
I think that's more of a problem with unrealistic expectations. Remember - Squeenix wants Call of Duty numbers.
I wonder if they're going to realize they've hit the diminishing returns phase of graphical fidelity or if they're going to charge ahead like retards?
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>Nomura was fine just doing a faithful remake
lmao even
>Nomura was fine just doing a faithful remake.
Considering what he's done with the property when left to his own devices I doubt he's capable of making a faithful remake, because he doesn't get the source material to begin with. I also wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't just squeenix damage control, trying to play it like it's not shit because the person doing it was the original writer(spoiler:it's still trash).
this has been obvious since sakaguchi resigned after final fantasy IX, toriyama taking the lead since final fantasy XIII just proved he doesn't know about games since all of them flopped.
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watched some low view zoomer streamers play rebirth and none of them had zero clue what was happening with the story
i honestly don't see why they keep making video games when all of them fail to hit goals. just become japanese blizzard and milk tranny money with 1-2 games, you already have FFXIV
wtf is splatoon?
It's not an RPG.
It's a multiplayer shooter for the Wii U and Switch
It's the Nomura special. Take something simple, make it convoluted and tell it in the most awkward way possible. Just look at the Kingdom Hearts series.
>dq12 still alive
>It's not an RPG.
neither are the other two games listed in the op
Pls saia doing the needful plenty dear, kind sire
Rebirth is one of the highest rated games in the series. SE's just completely retarded and shoot themselves in the foot with their dumb exclusivity deals.
Kid, just because you spent 100+ hours in an echo chamber convincing yourself that Rebirth was a successful game doesn't automatically make it a reality.

The Remakes have been utter failures. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can move on. No one is going to remember this crappy trilogy after a year. Everyone will go back to the OG FF7 because these remakes do nothing and add nothing.
Nice reading comprehension there, buddy. Are you mentally retarded by any chance?
Holy fuck the seething on this post lmao
It's like someone trying to convince themselves of their own reality
please learn to talk with your mouth and not your asshole next time
Is it the massively bloated costs and budgets or executives just think that every game needs to sell CoD levels of copies?
I'm glad there's other games that picked up the FF torch and kept it alive though, like Bravely Default or Octopath Traveler, or that at least Dragon Quest hasn't slowed down
I don't get it, whatever happened to keeping things simple
he's right, you know
I am gay
Wanting a remake, expecially a faithful one is beyond retarded: why the fuck would a good game need a faithful remake or be remade at all? Not only they usually make them worse with all their modern filler bullshit, casualising them for mainstream normalfag appeal, they also don't even bother fixing the original's problems.
While VII's remakes are trash at least they bothered to make something original
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Oh yeah? If you're so gay then get on your knees and suck me clean right now.
I don't give a fuck about the ratings, its a mid game. Artists did their job, fantastic rearragments of soundtrack, wonderfully remade locations but the story? they fucked up all the key moments, they are talentless hacks.
Based and OG pilled.
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Yeah, if it gets a release on PC I'm buying it. I'm interested in the combat since I heard good things about it. Let's see if they finally nailed a new form for JRPG combat. Would be about time.
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>release game exclusively on a console nobody owns or wants
>doesn't sell well
and clean
You're describing Xbox.

But they erronously expected more sales of a sequel for part 1 of a mislabeled sequel pseudo-remake, not including a last gen system with a massive playerbase, with most people being satisfied with part 1.

It's also insane how much money they threw on the completely wrong things for part 2
There is time travel and a new villain in the interlude game so there is that.
>if the day ends in -y square will be disappointed with the sales of the game
Is ff16 really that bad? I think if it wasn't a ps5 exclusive (i.e. on a console nobody bought, and the few ones who did, did it for fifa and cod), it would've sold way more.
I know the phrase "not an rpg" gets thrown around a lot but 16 unironically wasn't an rpg. It's a linear character action game, and not even a particularly good character action game.
It built on 15 and made it even more of an action game with a boring open world and shitty side quests.
Ironically, they kept building on this with the FF7 "remakes" too.

It's the higher ups at SE wanting to trend chase with more action game focus, open world and shit.

But as a game FF16 is fine.
Not him but can I do it?
>Is ff16 really that bad?
Nope, nothing is as bad as jaded pessimists say. Notice how /v/ shits on the most successful games of recent times. There is no sense in it.
back in the day whenever a new ff game came out, people would spam spoilers for it absolutely fucking everywhere. even if it was a game you didn't care about, you basically knew all the major story beats from beginning to end purely through osmosis.
i don't know a single thing about ff16. nobody even bothered to post spoilers about it. it's insane, it came out and was forgotten within a week.
all i know about it is that the mc's name is clive and that there isn't elemental damage.
>back in the day whenever a new ff game came out, people would spam spoilers for it absolutely fucking everywhere
When was this?
>Considering what he's done with the property when left to his own devices
What, Advent Children? You better not be talking about Crisis Core or Dirge of Cerberus. He had basically nothing to do with those except draw character designs. And no, Genesis wasn't Nomura's idea, it was Hideki Imaizumi who wanted Gackt and let him come up with ideas for the character.
Xbox Series X and S has outsold the PS5 3x over. 80% of those sales are the S because its dirt cheap and has every modern multiplat on it. That's all people really want.
>the most successful games of recent times
FF16 was a commercial failure in addition to being a bad game, though.
i got spoiled on ffx by some asshole while playing diablo 2 online, is how big of a deal these games used to be.
So big that a guy told you a spoiler 20 years ago, huh. That's really something
>i got spoiled on ffx by some asshole while playing diablo 2 online, is how big of a deal these games used to be.
For me, it's getting spoiled on FFX by a SA goon on Direct Connect
DOA Splatoon ripoff because it's a Playstation exclusive
It's not even FF7.
It's a crappy action game with fucked up story pretending to be FF7. Casual will drop it for another FOMO low-quality product and actual fans of the series will avoid it. Fucking old-ass PC port of original FF7 by Eidos is worth more time and effort to make it work on modern PC than playing the dogshit remake.
>I have nothing against them having wanted to make a 'sequel' instead of an actual, proper remake
I do, nobody wanted this shit.
Not like that anon who made the week old comment's here to read your post, retard.
It's the story. It looks great, it even plays great. But it falls flat because it's too tied to the OG for a new player to know what the fuck is happening but it's too retarded with Nomura's Kingdom hearts homoeroticism for nostalgic players to get into.
Team Asano is the only good part of Squeenix.
The demo was terrible enough to make me cancel my preorder.
>opening cutscene is very poorly shot (cinematography)
>Ifrit looks like a giant turd monster
>next section begins with a random make out scene for no reason
>random swearing
>the people all look fairly ugly as well
I don't know where SE got their new artists for it, but they are bad. Music was mediocre as well.
True. Well, its not like players of the OG knew what the fuck was going on, but still, it just makes me sad that some people will think this is Final Fantasy 7.
i mean, square expectations are unreal. They called the tomb raider reboot a failure and that games sold A LOT and broke records. Square wants infinite money from an "episodic game".
FF16 and FF7Rebirth have performed so bad due to various reasons. In 2020 there was a lockdown, so people was bored and had more time to spent gaming. FF7Remake was new and there was more to discover about this new project (even if something was already disclosed through the promo videos etc.). The overall money available in the pocket of the people was more, for there was not all this rampant inflation, and FF7R was released even for Playstation 4. Not only the 5, so the plethora of gamers that could buy it was more. After four years, you can understand how much this picture has changed. Add to it the fact that the PC market was completely cut out of the equation, and of course you cannot pretend to get the same numbers as before.
>Ifrit looks like a giant turd monster
Wtf I love Nomura now
>>the people all look fairly ugly as well
Yes. FF16 have an horrible character design, let's be honest. If they used the same character-model logic present on FF7Remake, this would have catch the eyes better.
the point isn't that i got spoiled, the point is that information about the game was fucking inescapable no matter where you hung out online. ff used to be a big release that got people talking, now we all just forget about it a week after it drops and whenever it gets brought up it's just "oh yeah, that exists."
One guy telling you a spoiler doesn't mean shit
They're doing what they like they dont care if it brings them money they just want to tell their truth thats based.
They're a publicly-traded company, they are legally obligated to act in the interest of their shareholders or they will be sued.

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