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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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>can’t acquire an owl or any other pet
>can’t play quidditch
>wand customization does nothing to its stats (this is supposed to be an RPG)
>shit graphics
>most NPCs you can’t talk to
>can’t even fuck with them with spells, it does nothing
>always have the same friends no matter the house you choose
>confusing day/night cycle
>dyke and tranny character
>can’t pick gender in character creator, girls all lack tits
>all the human faces look weird and ugly
>dumbledore is not in the game despite the timeframe matching
>niggers and proud gays in Europe
>certified wokeshit
>goyslop graphics
>boring ass tory
>Ubislop design
>GOTY according to /v/edditors because Twitter or something
>Dumbledore not in game
This is the pettiest dumbest point
He went to Hogwarts at the time the game is set and was from a prominent family yet he is not in the game. It makes no sense he is absent.
>all the human faces look weird and ugly

Like the game is set in England or something?
That’s a good point actually
>spiritual successor to the bamham games
>customize your own wizard room
It was kinda cool but the "spoopy ancient magic that only you can use" angle was kinda dumb, even in a setting entirely full of magic the writers had to do some stupid chosen one gimmick outside the lore to drive the plot. It should've been more like Bully with classes, quidditch, etc. The dickhead Slytherin classmate trying to learn forbidden magic and clashing with authority figures was more compelling than the redhead woman accidentally makes pure evil magic trying to make her family happy that set up the central plot in my opinion, especially for a game that's supposed to be about Hogwarts.
The fuck is bamham?
>but the "spoopy ancient magic that only you can use" angle was kinda dumb
This so much
>redhead woman accidentally makes pure evil magic trying to make her family happy
This so much
I would say you need to be 18 to post here, but the game itself is already 15 years old. Jesus, time flies.
Is this a good game for a regular asshole who watched earlier HP movies, didn't read books and hates the new movies?
I kinda want to play this game because the amount of work and money were put into it, but I am afraid it's way to casual game for HP lovers.
He's busy doing gay sexual experiments
It's boring as fuck. Hogwarts is cool but the rest of it is the most boring and bland shit in the world. Worse than Ubisoft.
The real highlight of this game is hogwarts. Honestly, all the stuff outside of it kinda suck. I'd have made the game smaller but with more secrets/puzzles.
>>can’t acquire an owl or any other pet
da fug? you got a whole god damn zoo of them
its a hogwarts simulator, just play for a few hours to see how pretty the castle is then uninstall/
The only selling point is seeing hogwarts is big budget 3D AAA

Other than that it's medicore even the OG movie PS1 era tie in games are better
> can’t pick gender in character creator, girls all lack tits
Aren‘t they eleven
I wanted more of a puzzle focus like the old games rather than a combat focus. The puzzles available are mostly boring.
It's an action-adventured goyme rifed with DEI made for mindless cattle.
>Finally detailed Hogwart like never before with the ability to fly
>Cannot land on the roots

This game is literally garbage
Why can’t we participate?
I was wondering about that
Tranny game.
Oh yeah, this happened...
Is this the Persona of the western devs?
>Tranny game.
The trannies were mad about this game because it made fun of them and then they tried to boycott it because they said the devs are chuds.
They're fifth years, they're 15.
That's the other thing. The characters are 15 years old and there's like no school drama. Its weird and smooth.
Like no one has a crush on anybody, nobody gets bullied, there's no gossip or rumors, and nobody hates anyone.
Like they're all robots. The only character with any drive or spice is Sabastian.
Back then I used to imagine a Harry Potter RPG as one of the coolest things that could happen in videogames and then we get this.
It's crazy how they did everything wrong with this game
>It's crazy how they did everything wrong with this game
File: HappyHarry.jpg (13 KB, 150x154)
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Same. At least we got the GBC Harry Potter RPGs.
>The trannies were mad about this game because it made fun of them

And once you realize that most people only think that because of reddit and twitter screenshots SAYING that these people are, everything breaks
Someone confidently saying some statement will probably not actually be able to explain why they think that other than a screen shot
>Like they are all robots
Well they are Bri'uns. They probably dont have a loicense fo tha drama.
Also trannies would have broken down.

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