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I’m seeing some people apparently excited for the new exodus game that is being made by old bioware employees. But what’s there to get excited about? For one almost all western big budget games are terrible so this will have to be an exception. And second is that there is this meme that bioware was always good and that it was just EA or all the new hires and old staff leaving that made it bad. But that’s wrong. David Gaider was the lead writer on all three dragon age games. One of the best writers who wrote the dwarf sections in origins was in da2 as a writer. Casey Hudson was the creative lead on all three mass effect games. Mike laidlaw was lead in origins through inquisition. Who exactly are these bioware staff members who left? Mass eff t 3 sucked. Da2 and inquisition were bad games. Mass effect still has the writer who wrote Tali. Even some people who left have come back for dragon age veil guard. Besides the doctors, the actual people who made the games seemed to have stayed on for the most part.

This is why I don’t see what’s to get excited about with exodus.the real truth of why bioware was so popular back int rh day is because they had absolutely zero competition. Nobody else was making the kind of games they were. Kotor, dao, me1 and 2. You basically had cs project red and obsidian. And it’s not a coincidence that biowares reputation started to tank after with her 3 came out. It was their first real competition. Yes they put a bunch of work stuff in the games but IMO they do that to try and stand out. They are the company of that caters to that more than any other. But they were never good writers. I recently went back to dao and me1 and the writing is so boring and drags on and on. Either 3 having slightly better writing was all it took to reveal how shallow bioware writing always has been. People get confused with wokeness and believe prior to going full woke they were good but they weren’t.
Last great BioWare game was Baldurs Gate which is now pushing 30
Reminder that this is a spam thread from a language model. Hide and do no respond.
It must be a very insightful bot then because it’s absolutely correct. Biowares never been good at writing. They’ve just changed from a style of being very generic to now being generic, quippy and woke. Nothing of the quality of the writing has changed. They haven’t somehow dropped in quality. Was the lore in anthem really that much worse than mass effect 1 which was probably one of the most generic sci fi settings in video games? There’s hardly anything interesting about mass effect that sets it apart. It’s just a sci fi setting.
I just enjoy Bioware style RPGs and it's nice to see some of their former employees having a go at making a new one without EA's involvement. Am I excited? No, but I'll give it a shot.
I jsut don’t understand the people who are hyping it up. There is this idea that because drew karphysham is writing it that it will have this great story. I’m just very confused because I’ve read one of Drew’s novels and it was the worlds book by far I have ever read. Not like other video game writers are somehow better but I mean come on the writing in bioware games has never been good, it’s just that bioware always puts so much writing on the games that by comparison to something like an Bethesda game it will seem godlike. But it’s not actually the most well thought out dialogue. It’s just a bunch that they have an entire team chirping out lines of text like it’s a factory.
that girl pretty cute tho ngl
>Was the lore in anthem really that much worse than mass effect 1
Everything about Anthem that had to do with shit that was not core gameplay was worse.
>I jsut don’t understand the people who are hyping it up.
Thats ok. You dont have to. Different people get hyped about different things
>There is this idea that because drew karphysham is writing it that it will have this great story
They can take this as an indicator, yes
> I’m just very confused because I’ve read one of Drew’s novels and it was the worlds book by far I have ever read.
So you dont like things other people like and use this to reason the writer itself is bad overall
> but I mean come on the writing in bioware games has never been good
What makes you say so
>But it’s not actually the most well thought out dialogue
Why and according to what metric
>pic related
Something is wrong with those faces. Is this AI?
i guess they're white so it's not something we're used to seeing from video games
I’ll give you an example from my recent time going back to dragon age origins. The theme is supposed to be very dark and almost grim dark. In the city elf origin one early side quest has you help an elf family who are going to ostogar. The daughter elf says she is nervous about being around soldiered who haven’t seen a woman in weeks. Yet when you go to ostogar you see that the soldiers are basically 50/50 male female. But in the origin story all the soldiers and guards you in the arl of denerims castle are male. This is an easy example to show how all over the place the writing is with bioware games.

Other aspects I could point out would be how generic the main plot of dragon age is and even then with such an easy flow they should be able to use they mess up the plot bigly. One issue is that the main plot and threat of th darkspawn is irrelevant for 75% of the game. The darkspawn is invading yet you are tasked to solve all these factions problems and also discover a lost relic. Only at the very end of the game does the story actually begin to make the blights threat present but even there it’s done bad. This is because once you win the landsmeet youleave denerim and group up at redcliffe. And then the darkspawn invades and you have to go back and take denerim from the darkspawn. It’s just kind of silly how that was done. With da2 and inquisition I’d imagine you agree that they are poor.
With mass effect the writing is very bad. 3 has so many problems I don’t need to go over them. Me2 is terribly written and due to biowares lack of planning for the series. People bring up the crew had a plan for mass effect 3s ending that was dropped but this ignores the fact that me1 was written with nowhere to go for the rest of the series except for the two bullet points bioware had for the trilogy when making me1.
>me2 is like the empire strikes back entry of the trilogy
>me3 the reapers are defeated
So this is peak bioware making me1 and we can see right here is where the problems of the mass effect trilogy have their foundation. It’s the exact same problem the disney Star Wars sequels had. Bioware by this has shown that they cannot plan things out properly.

Anyway, mass effect as a setting really did not require much creativity just like dragon ages THEDAS, THE Dragon Age Setting. Its a human focused setting. You have humanoid aliens that are either blue last humans, lizard humans, or frog humans. And the big dumb strong alien humans. Then there are space gypsy humans. All the other aliens that are non humanoid like the Elcor or the hanar are used as comedic effect. They serve no real purpose for the setting and mass effect could exist just as it does without them.

The reapers as this lovecraftian enemy was something that bioware was not capable of writing. The best they got was saren telling Shepard that the reapers are beyond them. But then everything they did in subsequent games was disappointing to where fans say the reapers should have just stayed mysterious, in other words the fans are saying the bioware should have not written anything more from the reapers because bioware had no ability to write anything that would be good for them.
And in general when it comes to the writing I say it is not good but that there’s just a lot because so much of what you do in these games has no flow into the main plot. It’s just there to add up time. It’s like in dragon age origins where you have all these extra side quests and people to talk to but none of it really has anything to do with moving forward in the plot. Of course with rpgs this is mandatory as you are basically in all rpgs some benevolent mercenary who has decided that since they are going to save the world from a flu all threat that they might as well solve every persons problems. Take for example in lothering where there is the merchant charging more for his wares to desperate refugees. You can intervene but what does this interaction add to moving the plot forward? It’s just there to have something to do and these are everywhere. The missionary quests in the location wilds. The quest in the camp where you can get the two elves to date. Or having the dwarf in orzammar go to the circle. These are the ones that stand out the most so they are easily remembered but there are just so many instances of npc interactions that are there to do nothing but waste your time giving exposition like in ostogar with the guy who tells you about luthias the dwarf son or your nan in the human origin story you tells you about the hound that bit. So much is needless. There’s no plot progression nor character development.
>who are going to ostogar.
>The daughter is nervous
>Yet when you go to ostogar you see that the soldiers are basically 50/50 male female.
Kek so this is what you spergs mean when you insists something has "bad writing", huh?

Goddamn your opinions are worthless.
I mean I gave you three long posts worth of examples and the one you picked is a clear error not merely a subjective one. It shows how bioware wanted to create this gritty dark fantasy like asoiaf which they were inspired by. One where people are unkind selfish and brutal towards their fellow men. One where those in power will not care for those beneath them. But they also wanted to make a very inclusive game that has no real homophobia racism (unless it’s directed towards dwarves or elves) or sexism. But instead of choosing one or the other to be consistent they just decided to choose having both a dark brutal gritty world but one that is also tolerant and accepting of lgbt, racial egalitarianism and is feminist. That goes to show how they are immature as writers. You cannot have both of these qualities for your fantasy world.

I could probably do a 60 hour play through/review going through every line of dialogue in the game and pointing out how it’s all just tedious and full of exposition dumps.

My point essentially is that the rpg genre bioware has for themselves is a talking heavy rpg. And the dialogue is very boring. It’s mediocre and uninteresting. I would ask for the person who disagrees with me to point out examples of the game that gave good consistent writing. What are some set pieces that are not plagued by the mundane writing I believe exists throughout the game.
Reminds me of Immortals of Aveum
>I could probably do a 60 hour play through/review going through every line of dialogue in the game and pointing out
..pointing out things that reinforce the opinion you already hold. You and everybody else.

For the record, I'm interested in well constructed criticism. Yours is not.
What would be an example of a game that was critiqued well?
If you want to take some notes on how to criticize writing, see Duke of Whales on youtube, he's done a few games.
If you want to argue, wait for some other poster.
I’m just wanting to know what exactly you think would be something to critique. I’ve already given clear problems with the writing. There has been nothing to defend what I have critiqued so I am confused as to what is the issue. Some clear issues with the writing I’ve pointed out
>inconsistent tone
>unfocused plot
>dialogue incredibly exposition heavy that does not further the plot
I don’t really see even why you would bother replying to this thread if you do not want to contribute to the discussion. Saying I should learn from someone who writes video essays over elder scrolls games which have the most barebones of plots in rpgs does not amount to much of a contribution. I have posted why I believe bioware games are uninteresting bf from a writing perspective. If you disagree then feel free to explain why.
>I’m just wanting to know what exactly you think would be something to critique
..for you to criticize? You don't have anything insightful to say.
Whats an example of a critique you believe is insightful?
lol i clicked on this guy's channel, opened his AC 1 review, one of his critiques at the start was
>hurr why are al-mualim and robert de sable talking about god in fron of their soldiers??? i thought they didn't believe in god hmmm???
this guy's retarded and you're a posturing pseud
>racism (unless it’s directed towards dwarves or elves)
Who else would it be directed to? In DAO the vast majority of humans in DAO are ethnic Fereldens(who are all depicted as European in the first game and its expansion from what I can remember) and I do recall Orlesians/Barbarians/Qunari being othered to some degree as well.
No I meant real racism, like against blacks
I don't recall any black NPC's in the first game, from what I can remember everyone was white save for some vaguely MENA looking chars like Duncan and Isabella.
I liked DA2, Inquisition, and ME3. Maybe they aren't "good" games but until some studio steps in and makes a better Bioware-style game than Bioware I can't complain too much.
Despite being just 13% of the population, the half-orc citizens of Baldurs Gate commit 60% of the crime, their racial -2 INT modifier makes their students disrupt and hold back local schools, their tribalism disrupts the communal trust of other homogeneous humanoid neighborhoods, and their criminal activities turn neighborhoods into low value slums that even half-orcs are in a rush to flee as soon as they can
>why do people dislike half-orcs and not want to be around them? It’s clearly a moral failure of the goyim, and not the behavior of half-orcs
We wouldn't even have half-orcs if the gnomes weren't bringing them in.
The fact that there is a white guy front and center tells me they're not overrun by retarded diversity hires and anti white racism at least.
That's what brought BW down, the hacks that replaced the doctors and their corporate whore leadership.
Spin history forever all you like, it will never change why people don't like them anymore.
Yes in fact before the wokeshit NWN was all anyone could talk about.
Yes in fact before wokeshit KOTOR had everyone's respect. BW wasn't totally at fault here as Lucas + Disney fucked it all on their own but they could have ignored them and didn't. For a brief period, SWTOR was all anyone could talk about before the doctors left.
Yes in fact before the wokeshit Jade Empire, ME1, DA1 were all good even measured against today's games which you know as they rereleased ME Leg and polished up 1 for example.
ME2 and DA2 were halfway good as the wokoids were only halfway established then, by DA:I and ME:A they were fully established and we all know how that garbage turned out.

In short, you're another short sighted millennial and poisoned propaganda and toxic environment is all you know. I don't wholly blame you as you were probably too young to be aware of what they were doing when they started but you don't have the perspective to judge anything still.

This entire rainbow wokeshit era is going to be laughed at in the dustbin of history some day and we'll go back to better things without so much weepy leftist baggage, just like blaxploitation became a clownshow in the 70s, maudlin emo boy bullshit in the 60s etc.
If you like KOTOR onwards bioware you are the problem and I'd take 1000 trannies over one person like you, politics has nothing to do with it.
>I mean I gave you three long posts worth of examples and the one you picked is a clear error not merely a subjective one. It shows how bioware wanted to create this gritty dark fantasy like asoiaf which they were inspired by. One where people are unkind selfish and brutal towards their fellow men. One where those in power will not care for those beneath them. But they also wanted to make a very inclusive game that has no real homophobia racism (unless it’s directed towards dwarves or elves) or sexism. But instead of choosing one or the other to be consistent they just decided to choose having both a dark brutal gritty world but one that is also tolerant and accepting of lgbt, racial egalitarianism and is feminist. That goes to show how they are immature as writers. You cannot have both of these qualities for your fantasy world.
Based, even GRR Martin revealed himself as a hack this way.
I will never take any writer seriously that puts real world politics above their in world lore building.
Walking Dead: dumpstered in this fashion as well.
Oh no an ad hom from unemployed fat denizen of /vrpg/, how will I ever recover from this.
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It's not ad hom, it's a factual statement and you are praising terrible games made for the dumbest of normaltards. Like literal spoiled milennials that have never touched a video game before. That was the problem then and the games that followed were the result of traveling that path. It has nothing to do with a political agenda. The "wokeshit" as you put it is just an infantile pop culture set dressing, just as Hollywood and space marine shit was prior. These games are just more of that.
>I'll triple down on baseless statements now, that will show everyone what an intelligent leftist I am.
>Let me back it up with a scene from a genre that is next on the chopping block for wokoids

I pity your inability to put down the koolaid.
NWN was a good game full stop for example, so you are incorrect.

>he "wokeshit" as you put it is just an infantile pop culture set dressing, just as Hollywood and space marine shit was prior.
You can try to convince yourself of that but it is different because it is emblematic of the hacks they hire internally that didn't care about the genres. It's not just video games it also causes things like Cavill to leave the set of the Witcher. They have no loyalty but to their koolaid, koolaid is the foundation of their world view, just as yours is.

During bullet shaved head space marine era we said this:
>well this is low effort hack shit
Everyone agreed.
During phoned in three month summer blockbuster moviegaem shovelware release we said this:
>well this is low effort hack shit
Everyone agreed.
During wokoid BLM strong afro womyn protag that can do no wrong we said this:
>Well this is low effort hack shit

Nigger, please. You are the normiest of normcore, because you know all the koolaid positions by heart, up to and including putting wokeshit in parentheses. We didn't invent the term, you and yours did. We're just making you keep it. Remove clown shoes and nose any time you like and perhaps a sabbatical back at Reddit will calm your mind and spirit with your fellow left leaning idiots before you return to these wild forests of truth.
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>former employees of X
Is utterly meaningless unless you know who those people are and what they did on prior projects. Otherwise it's just a marketing gimmick.
I tend to agree but in this case the ME grandoise space opera style, armor style, I even saw some ME/force style powers in a clip, are all things coming through in the trailers.
Which is utterly irrelevant. Those former employees could easily be
>the former clueless design lead that made everything 10x worse that is now the design director
>the intern that brought everyone coffee if now a quest designer
>the tool programmer is now an ai programmer
>the writer for the worst characters and side quests is now the lead writer
No, a trailer is in fact relevant, it show the content and direction the game will take. There are some small gameplay clips out there too, such as swinging line mechanics.
You are just blowing shit out of your ass though like most of the spergs here and probably didn't even look while you try to leverage your midwit iq farther than you can actually reach.

You could do a small amount of research about the RPGs you comment on before you just make stuff up. That might be better for the board.
Blowhard statements like 'utterly irrelevant' are easily disproven.
>a trailer is in fact relevant
It's not. Especially early ones. Games change constantly and their entire purpose is to sell you on a promise. In early trailers, almost everything is faked. There are a million examples of why you're wrong.
Your fervor makes you come across as either a dev or someone invited to their private discord or some shit, which is embarrassing.

You literally didn't disprove anything in my argument or statement.
Without knowing who exacty these "former employees of X" are and what they actually did prior, that statement is utterly and completely meaningless. It's a cheap shitty age old marketing strategy to sucker people in, fucking get real.
Generalizations you pulled from your ass aren't arguments, as I already told you.
>Without knowing who exacty these "former employees of X" are and what they actually did prior, that statement is utterly and completely meaningless.
I'm glad you agree that the statement you came up with about an employee roster is meaningless.
Do they not teach children logic anymore? Did you graduate from high school?
Why the fuck is this the hill you want to die on, retard?

>aren't arguments, as I already told you.
You said jack shit to disprove it you deranged retard. Instead you started rambling about unrelated goal post moving shit and insulted me instead, which is a surefire way to know you just lost the argument but is too close-minded to accept it.
Not only that, you keep doing it too.

Do we know who exactly from Bioware is working on this game and what exactly they did on those prior games (if anything) and what they're doing right now? No, we don't. So saying "hurrr it's people from Bioware" tells us fucking nothing and could be either a good or terrible thing. It's effectively just an unknown variable of X and a lame marketing gimmick you seem to have fallen so hard for you get emotionally upset when challenged about the validity of it.

Even your moronic goal post moving with
>didn't you see the announcement trailer? it's just like mass effect! it'll be great
reads like either some ultra naive child, a dev on the project or some closed alpha discord shitter. Which is the most embarrassing shit possible.

If you're incapable of basic human interaction and rational discussion and want to fucking die defending an ancient marketing strat of all things, then you're too stupid to engage with and this thread should be buried along with the marketing strats you ejaculate all over.
>Me: Hey there are some gameplay mechanics in the clip I noticed
>cites gameplay
>Me: Hey the trailer looks like actual mass effect pedigree
>cites why based on reasoning from from trailer
Good lord, just fuck off. You have no idea what an objective position looks like anymore. You think your world of depression and nihilism makes you some kind of authority when all it really makes you is someone still talking out of their ass like chicken goddamn little.
>The sky is always falling, why can't you just see it! You must be closed minded!
That's you bro. You're tiresome, and you're projecting your emotional state at being clocked as a knee jerk sperg onto me, because I just turned all your attacks around on you from the beginning.
>You think your world of depression and nihilism makes you some kind of authority
Depression does seem to have the unfortunate side effect of turning people into insufferable cunts who have to force their misery on everyone else, as if they're wrong for not being bitter too.
>Biowares never been good at writing.
I believe so, yes. They have a very identifiable "info dumping in every line" approach to writing.
Someone replies about
>former employees of X
You complete disregard that and start rambling about you seeing things you think are similar from Mass Effect, as if that disproves or is relevant to the comment (hint: it isn't).
You outright try to defend a low effort marketing strat.

You then also try and peddle the idea that just because elements of a game is similar to another game, that HAS to mean people that worked on that game work on the exact same things they did here (hint: it doesn't). You can make a game similar to another game without having worked on it (99% of the time that's the case).

You then ALSO try and tell us that an early reveal trailer is indicative of what the final game will be like (hint: it doesn't). Games radically change during development and early reveal trailers are staged and faked to a large degree (because it's not done, polished, properly implemented and is still in flux).

To top it all off, you actively started by being actively hostile, spew logical fallacies and derail the discussion while having the gall to accuse others of it. This level of outright delusion and close-mindedness is impressive.

The fact that you're being so overly defensive and positive pretty much cements that you're an inhumanely stupid dev on the game (probably a junior or mid level) or some idiot invited to some private company discord and thinks that makes them special.

I gave you several chances, but seems like you're adamant about being a close-minded dick, so by all means I'll leave you to your shit thread to die.
Except saying that just because it "has people from company X" doesn't indicate anything in terms of quality, be it good or bad.
If that idiot interpreted it as negative (because he's overly defensive), that's reflective of his perspective and on him.
You're utterly irrelevant, and a paranoid schizo to boot.
that's a general problem that reared its head when voice acting became the norm. you simply cannot waste the budget.
>paranoid schizo
The irony of this statement considering the reply here >>3553888 and following ones is hilarious
Now that you've finished pooping your pants and flinging shit all over the walls about devs and your emotional hangups here is a trailer showing some gameplay which looks, objectively speaking, pretty cool considering higher degree of physical interactivity (slide mechanics, gunplay) than ME.

>Do we know who exactly from Bioware is working on this game and what exactly they did on those prior games (if anything) and what they're doing right now? No, we don't.
If you're willing to do a little googling, you can see that we do in fact know that James Ohlen and Chad Robertson are two of the former BioWare employees working on Exodus. It's also known that Drew Karpyshyn joined Archetype, so he is almost certainly the lead writer. I'll let you look up what games these three have worked on before.
Hmm looks to me like objectively speaking, they worked on some objectively good games, ME:A not withstanding, but that guy was technical director and not Leftist Politics Director so I'm still tentatively optimistic in my crazy naive world of actually looking stuff up instead of trying to come off as authoritative by yelling a lot and talking internet tough guy words.
>Now that you've finished pooping your pants and flinging shit all
You're the only one doing it and still doing it.

>here is a trailer showing some gameplay
It's literally what I told you it is. Just some quick bog standard early clips where the game doesn't break that they slapped together for the end of their reveal trailer to say "Look we have gameplay!".

To be specific, very quick (indicative of duct tape is holding it together)
>static hallway shot
>scripted sliding
>crouch walking
>shooting guns for 1s
>scripted janky swinging over a gap
In your mind this not only spreaks for the game being incredibly high quality, but being "just like mass effect". The only thing being close to "mass effect" was that you might have something like biotic powers (not unique to mass effect), 2 active party members (maybe) and guns. WOW! You sure showed me!

It's a by the numbers reveal trailer with barely held together snippets of mostly faked "gameplay". This is not negative (I need to clarify this since you're so overly defensive about the game), but the reality of game dev and game reveal trailers.

Now after all that, what am I supposed to get out of your shitpost just now?
>please be excited for our game, it's going to be great! trust me
Which again has absolutely nothing to do with the initial comment here >>3553859 which is a comment about a marketing statement which tells us nothing.
You going SO HARD in on defending that marketing statement makes you come across as a dev, because no normal person would defend a bog standard meaningless marketing line as hard as you.

You cannot tell us what exactly and concretely "made by former bioware devs" means in practice. Will it have great writing? We don't know. Will it have good characters? We don't know. Will it have good AI? We don't know. Will it have good gameplay design and abilities? We don't know. That statement tells us nothing.
>We don't know the end product
True, but I prefer to know the devs and the direction they're going for, instead of not even knowing that.
Your replies are getting longer and angrier.
And mine was a link to a video and a comment on two devs with public info.
>Me: I'm tentatively optimistic
What kind of medications are you on for real. SSRI? Fent?
Please don't go shoot a political figure or something because you can't win any argument on a video game board ok?
Looks like uninspired garbage just like Mass Effect. You sound like a shill.
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>If you're willing to do a little googling, you can see that we do in fact know that James Ohlen and Chad Robertson are two of the former BioWare employees working on Exodus.
Which doesn't tell us much either, since the team as a whole is what matters. Which anyone with even a basic understanding of game dev would know.
This is especially true when it comes to people at the top like studio owners and directors. Do I really need to dredge up the millions of examples of this?

What you want are competent mid-level people and leads. The job of a director (and for the record is not like a movie director in terms of role) is mostly to not make any big stupid decisions and for the studio owner to stay out of any game dev relevant decisions. It's the leads and mid/senior level people that do the brunt of the work and is what decides the quality.

Which is why using "from the makers of" or "people to worked at" such a meaningless statement.
The trailer we saw is effectively an inconcrete pitch video trying to sell people on the idea of it and little else. If you want to dream about how amazing you think the game will be based on the little we've seen and know, by all means.

>continues to not actually reply to anything, only focusing on logical fallacies and insults with shitpost after shitpost
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Ah, Exodus, it is like tasting the first snowflake of winter, yes? In this game, you step into a world so vivid, so rich, like biting into juicy mango on hot summer day. Graphics, they are like silk ribbons, smooth and delicate, wrapping around you like warm embrace.

Gameplay, oh, it is like eating crispy duck skin, so satisfying with every bite. Controls, they are precise, like chopsticks in skilled hands, guiding you through challenges with grace and finesse. Combat, it is like dancing, fluid and powerful, each move a symphony of motion and strategy.

Story, ah, it is like tasting grandma's homemade dumplings—heartwarming and full of emotion. Characters, they are like old friends, their journeys unfolding before you like a banquet of flavors. Each twist, each turn, it is like a surprise in every bite, keeping you hungry for more.

Sound design, it is like listening to raindrops on lotus leaves, soothing and immersive. Music, it is like a melody from ancient flute, setting the mood with its haunting beauty. Every sound, it adds layers to the experience, like spices in a master chef's secret recipe.

Exodus, it is not just game, it is journey. It is feast for senses, leaving you craving more with each playthrough. Like tasting forbidden fruit, it is an experience that lingers, its textures and tastes a delight to remember. Exodus, it is a masterpiece, a dish to savor with every moment.

Available Q4 2024 via Steam and most gaming consoles!
No no, I promise you when I want to shitpost, I make an actual effort to shitpost.
Here I was just sharing my favorable opinions on the information that is available while dunking on spergy brainlets.
>denies shitposting while making another shitpost
Right? It's almost like I don't have any respect for you or your "arguments" at all and am mocking you to your face.
But I do believe you too can change, so I have a tiny amount of respect that I reserve for all those who aren't really autism robots with a golem like script in their head on repeat.

I believe that you, Ang, are capable of growing a modicum of social awareness, logical ability, and tact, and Save the World. Staring with you yourself.
You got absolutely livid to the point of non-stop shitposting for half the thread when someoned dared say that "having people from bioware" tells us nothing about the game or end product quality.
Not only that, you didn't refute that statement even after all those shitposts. You even conveniently ignore other posts like >>3553967 because it doesn't align with what you believe.

In every single except 1 you focused almost exclusively on insulting other posters over refuting the original statement, while claiming others are irrational.

Now you will once again shitpost over, since that all you seem to want to do.
>The trailer we saw is effectively an inconcrete pitch video trying to sell people on the idea of it and little else.
Thanks for explaining the obvious
>The job of a director (and for the record is not like a movie director in terms of role) is mostly to not make any big stupid decisions and for the studio owner to stay out of any game dev relevant decisions.
Tim Cain would disagree with your characterization of game directors. In any case, it's not just those three (although bar seems to have moved from "we don't know who these ex-BioWare people are" to "the people in charge of the project don't matter"). If you really care you can easily lookup people currently working at Archetype that used to work at BioWare on Linkedin (there are a bunch).
>Thanks for explaining the obvious
You're welcome, it seemed to have slipped the mind of the shitposter.

>Tim Cain would disagree with your characterization of game directors
You most likely misunderstood the shitty video he made.

A game director (not to be confused by design director) primarily attends meetings, tries to align the team in a general direction (often with bad ideas the team has to make work or prove doesn't work), (hopefully) regurlarly plays the game build and comes with general feedback for the team (which any sensible director delegates to respective leads and don't enforce their out of touch solutions).
The most you can hope for in a game director is to not come with too many stupid decisions, not directly involve themselves too much in areas they are not experts in and up to date on (like giving micro or macro LD feedback when they have never made a level in their lives) and to be able to effectively communicate the kind of end result they're looking for.

>In any case, it's not just those three (although bar seems to have moved from "we don't know who these ex-BioWare people are" to "the people in charge of the project don't matter")
Again it doesn't matter since it tells us almost nothing. Unless you know exactly what they did before (their contributions), exactly what they do now and the general makeup of their respective pods/teams you have no way of knowing what the end result will be.

A good lead with shit people under and above him is neutered. Good seniors and principals with a bad lead and design/art/etc director will be neutered. Or worse, these people might be bad at their jobs and landed the job by having a portfolio that looks good on paper.
We don't know, so using that as some sort of selling point or indication of quality is dumb.
You'd have a point if a majority of a proven team joined or started a new studio, which is rarely the case.

Just drop this dumb topic, there is nothing more to say on the matter.
>seemed to have slipped the mind of the shitposter.
I would assume he understands it, and chooses to be optimistic.
Getting upset when people don't join his circlejerk isn't optimism. It's perfectly valid and more understandable to be sceptical of a game we barely know anything about, have barely seen anything of and from an unproven studio. Especially when one of the selling points that some people worked at this other studio you might've heard of (as if that isn't any non-junior dev in the industry).
>It's perfectly valid and more understandable to be sceptical
Doesn't matter either way, we're not placing bets here.
No, but if you want to discuss the game shutting down scepticism is the wrong move unless you just want a circlejerk.
>shutting down scepticism
Don't be so dramatic, you two just had an argument.
He got so triggered over something he perceived to be negative criticism about the game he shat up half the thread.

Whatever, this thread is gonna die soon anyway.
>James Ohlen and Chad Robertson are two of the former BioWare employees working on Exodus. It's also known that Drew Karpyshyn
Ohlen was a lead designer and Karpyshyn was a writer, but what did Chad Robertson do?
Ah yes the "rational" card after pages of nonstop angry ass pulls attacking a reasonable pair of observations and statements so obvious and generic as to be meaningless lmao.
Please stop bloviating your avalanches of midwit at me at any time. Your empty posts are functionally equivalent to shitposts and you've put zero effort into naming anything specific about the game other than through your filter of 'Lookame I'm a haughty asshole with more opinion than brains and I made it up'
None of this matters, it's just more bullshitposting anchored in still more asspull generalities. It's a tree of shit obvservations you grew in the earlier field of bullshitposting you've desperately been trying to plant for some reason. Maybe come back when you have something specific content wise to share. I don't believe you've ever held a real position in a company in your life but you seem to want to sound like you did for anon points.
More utterly basic non-observation. You're desperate for people to validate your vapid opinions on general "observations" of [generic] [industry] when you could be saying something objective instead like: here is a trailer, here are some mechanics, I think X of them.

What a waste of time it is to listen to anything you have to say. If I want a pedestrian observation factory I'll ask your mom how your dad fucks sometimes because your le big boring brain didn't come from anywhere but your equally dumb, boring parents I'm sure.

Hate the game all you want, but don't put me to sleep being a blowhard half-wit, maybe have something entertaining to say about how the mechanics actually look bad to you instead of crying that your 'skepticism got shut down'. You sound like a fucking fedora.

Others shared verifiable outside info about the devs and I shared mechanics and a trailer. You have nothing but underbaked opinion so far. You're as full of "rational observation" as a commie trying to distribute food in Ethiopia.
Mystery meat mutts are not white, no matter what you tell yourself.
They look white to me
This looks really bland and reminds me of andromeda. This will flop.
I playing Kotor and this shit is more bugged than a bug nest, the Skipping Dialog Bug, the Grass Bug, the character getting freeze after combat bug I having all of them. After KOTOR my next game is Jade Empire
Bioware had more soul when they used their own Game Engines like Infinity, Aurora, Odyssey and Eclipse everything went to shit after Unreal and Frostbite
Jade Empire literally doesn't run on modern OS at all and after years no one has bothered to try to fix it lol
>earth is dying, colonial ships launch
>no actual aliens just humans that evolved into something else and would like to keep their territory
>earth humans are okay with being infected with some alien organism that either kills them or turns them into killing machines to defeat other not-alien humans
>there is also time travel
story already sounds like ass, introducing time manipulation usually spells disaster
Just download the GOG version, unlike steam, GOG actually makes a few modifications to make sure the games run on modern OS, you are still experiment some bugs but if the game is available on GOG you should get it from there (pirate or legal)
That's because GOG actually ports the old game to make it run on modern OS, steam justs takes the port release and puts it in the store without doing anything else, that's why the GOG version of Jade Empire is just install and play meanwhile in the Steam version you need to literally watch tutorial to make it run on moderns OS
No difference. New Bioware is just how Bioware has always been. A developer of shitty cutscene simulators that has made a good game (that is a game with good gameplay).
the old bioware employees were shit too. maybe if you said ancient bioware employees. i have a feeling these are the retards that worked on me2 and da2 which puts them firmly in the garbage category
>One of the best writers who wrote the dwarf sections in origins was in da2 as a writer.
hamburger helper?
>me2 and da2 which puts them firmly in the garbage category
ME2 was good, and DA2 was made like in a year
>But what’s there to get excited about?
Maybe they manage to make something good
I wish some of them would get a real sci fi writer on the staff.
Mass Effect as a sci fi concept had something there to begin with, so did reapers. It's like the Qunari, they teed up something good and then let overinflated sense of self worth dyke hacks step up and slice it off into their vagina bush instead. No amount of their cuck ball carriers polish could save it after that.

I'd rather they go with space magic, vapid people like leftists can deliver magic stories better than they can sci fi because nothing requires consistency or logic there.
>You have humanoid aliens that are either blue last humans, lizard humans, or frog humans. And the big dumb strong alien humans. Then there are space gypsy humans.
It was a deliberate choice, ME was inspired by old sci-fi TV shows, Star Trek and the like, they even put a film grain over the first game to make it feel even more like it for Christ sake.
ME1 was fine, it was the choice for 2 to not do ANYTHING with the main reaper plot that ruined everything.
The Arrival DLC does more to move the main plot of the trilogy forwards than the main quest does.
ME1 was their last truly good game, it's also the last game they made before EA got involved so make of that what you will.
>I wish some of them would get a real sci fi writer on the staff.
>Mass Effect
ME1 did have a true sci-fi writer on staff, it's the only one that did.

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