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New Madou Monogatari announced
wondered when we'd get another one. How long has it been since she's had a game out? Last one I played was a translated rom on the game gear of her in kindergarten. It was a cute game and alot of fun playing thru. Anyways this game doesnt have the same hair color as her so I guess its a new girl playing the role? idk. Either way it doesnt look overly bad just kind of more of what we've had over the years in games. I'll still pick it up and play it tho.
>How long has it been since she's had a game out?
The Vita curry game.
Is it coming out on 3DS? Why does it look like that
So … from what I gather it looks like a rough arpg with a lot of cutsey elements? Possibly with random dungeons?
Sell me on this instead of just playing Trials of Mana or an Atelier game instead
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I've been waiting for this, It's a miracle the bastards at SEGA allowed this. Also the Madou games are great, you should all play at least the PC engine version of the first game.
Still hoping for a fan translation of the Saturn game
The curry game had way better character designs
I liked the 90s versions of the games. cute and fun and sometimes a moment or 2 of challenge. I still need to go back and beat the game gear one.
Wasn't sorcery saga basically madou monogatari? Anyway, I'm not fully convinced to tard wrangle the ai of the party members.
cute series and I still need to beat a couple of the games in it.
Why do all Compile Heart games all look so ugly?
Shut the fuck up westoid. This is a proud and loud tranime website. You election tourists are so retarded, sexualized children are fine as long as they are Chinese cartoons. I am teh le true hardcore otaku anime lover. Nippon ichiban!
is this game good?
some of the older 90s games are kinda cute and wholesome. fighting blobs and skeletons is pretty neat but it takes a second to learn how to read the health system in a couple of the dungeon crawler games. (its built into the ui). fun games and ive played most of them (didnt beat just played) but im at the end in the game gear version im playing and about to beat it soon.
Do they need to be played in order or are they standalone?
I dont think there's a timeline or order to play them early on. later a couple games are all a few years later setup I think tho. just start with the earliest or google their order
Are those PuyoPuyo's?
The puyos really clash with those generic anime characters. They really should've went with a different art style.
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Will they be able to top this moment?
Puyo is a spinoff of Madou Monogatari, a series of first person dungeon crawlers. Shit happened, Puyo became the more popular part of the series, and Sega ended up with the rights to Puyo while Compile Heart got the Madou series.
Most thought that would mean a new true Madou game would be impossibe, with the closest being Compile just making up a new setting and characters like the curry themed on on vita, but somehow sega amd compile got together to make it happen.
Why are the graphics so shit, looks worse than mobile games. It IS a mobile game, right?
Looking forward it, seems like a truly proper Madou game since this one is actually being devloped in collab with Compile, unlike that Curry God game people keep calling a "reboot"
I just Arle and co. were there, hopefully they will actually show up in the game even if as only NPCs, hopefully...
Never understood what they were trying to do by adding blood and gore to the visuals when the actual script itself still kept the "haha so funny lol" mood of the original version, the dissonance is just so jarring

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