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The genre named "Strategy RPG" is terrible and makes no sense as all RPGs have strategy
The Japanese call these games "Simulation RPGs" which is an even worse name to give them

Lets come up with a new name for these games (Fire Emblem etc)
How about Board RPGs or Chess RPGs
grid niggas
Also the pic was picked at random from google Im not shilling whatever that video thumbnail is
'Subgenre that makes autistic retards make useless threads'?
Tactical (Espionage Action) RPGs
I fucked OP's mom-based RPGs
>all RPGs have strategy
side-stepping when monster makes wind-up for attack animation or flings a projectile isn't much of a strategy
>ITT: illiterates that think nouns should be adjectives.
In Soviet Russia, RPGs roleplay as (you)
Shouldnt genre names describe what the genre is about
Genres are collective nouns. It's a category not a classification. A quantity not a quality. A group with a name that could just as easily be called "Those Games".

The distinction is that they have similar gameplay. If you want to talk about gameplay, you talk about gameplay. Not "the genre", which is the body of work, the games, that currently exist.
You're right that TRPG or whatever is a terrible genre name, but you've somehow missed the fact that the "role playing" part is far more nonsensical than the "tactical" part
I am convinced, sorry for the bad thread.
But I still dont really like the name they were given.
squad tactics? turn-based tactics? xcomlike?
there's literally a board for this shit fuck off
>The Japanese call these games "Simulation RPGs" which is an even worse name to give them
"Simulation" is short for "war simulation", please understand.
I had no idea, interesting.
Not RPGs, not even strategy games. It's all slop for low IQ, jap lovers.
Role-Playing Grids... because battles take place on a grid.
Where is the 'role-playing'?
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Not sure I understand you. Does your opinion of a game really change if the characters stand in a square instead of standing in a line?
>Not sure I understand you
Ah, so you are illiterate. Try again next time.
pen and paper rpgs took place on a grid, deal with it. i think what you're looking for is an interactive porno not an rpg ok.
*enemy dies before you swing, causing you to swing at an empty square* Heh nothing personal, kid
That is correct. My favorite games are the Persona series and Baldur's Gate 3. I also like Kiseki.
I don't get you, are you here for a conversation or are you here for an argument?
I do not argue with animals.

>I don't get you, are you here for a conversation or are you here for an argument?
First day on /vrpg/, anon?
Surely there's an option in the dialogue tree which can resolve this conflict peacefully.
Final Fantasy Tactics is Final Fantasy on a grid. But neither of these games are about about "role playing". They are about killing enemies, powering up a group of units, progressing through a storyline, exploring dungeons, etc. If you weren't told that the name of this genre is "role playing game" you would never in a million years use those words to describe Final Fantasy. Instead, when you hear "role playing" you would expect some sort of drama club activity where players act out different characters.
So I fully agree that SRPG is a terrible name that makes no sense.
(for the record, role playing is for fags. I prefer to kill monsters and adventure and stuff)
this 100%
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ewww i just puked a little
>The Japanese call these games "Simulation RPGs" which is an even worse name to give them
Japs are fucking braindead.
Its all retarded.
There is RPG and Action RPG, thats it.
It's an ancient and venerable Japanese tradition to take foreign words and assign arbitrary meanings to them. In especially severe cases they don't even bother with meanings and outright invent "foreign" words then string them together. Mysterious Japanese soul.
I propose "tactical JRPGs" even though they are barely tactical and not RPGs at all because TJRPG is unreadable and "tactics" is too broad (can be confused with proper squad-based tactical games)
lil' nigga don get wabisabi
Honestly this one small change makes combat a lot more tense and interesting. Having to consider if you've done enough damage to kill a dude with your previous characters before you select a target is much more engaging than just mashing attack and seeing it spill over to the other enemies.
If you include this feature in a modern game people will call it janky and give you bad reviews though, I'm sure.
It fits in games where individual battles are fewer but longer duration and designed to take more thought
It doesn't fit in games where you fight lots of fast popcorn-enemy battles intended to give the feel of our strong heroes easily plowing through hordes of monsters
For sure, I just wish we had more of that first type of game.
>fixates over genre naming like a retard
Genres and genre naming is useless in the first place and all genre names are stupid and ill-fitting.
I like that mechanic, makes you plan in advance a little
You're right. That's a tactic.
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There are two types of RPGS:

>top-down, tactical movement

>blobber, four-niggas-in-a-row
Ah... I have eaten from the first spoon but I have not yet had my fill
witnessed Double TRIPS. Are you Odin?
Fire Emblem isn't even a strategy it's "replay the map X times until you know where every spawn is and can plan accordingly" Just so you know that on turn 19 5 dragon knights are gonna spawn right behind you or that bandit is gonna burn down that house that has a key character or item for your gaiden or whatever to trigger.

"Strategy RPG" more like "Made To Sell Strategy Guides RPG" but that's Japanese games in general. Man japanese games are dog shit, IDK why 4chan /v/ boards are covered in jap crap.
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>as all RPGs have strategy
Kek, almost no RPGs offer actual strategy, no matter if it's classic, tactical or action.
If not for their lack of compelling story and characters, I would be playing proper turn-based strategies all day.
And there we have it.
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Grindan games
I hate that shit. That's a game series for retards. Played like half a game and never finished it.

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