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Why does everyone hate this game? The story isn't the best but the combat is really well done, the graphics are nice and the world is fun to explore.
I don't like any fallout games
Dumbass, why would you even ask such an easy to find out question? How do you not even know already? This has been talked about before so many times all over the internet you fucking moron.
It's frustrating because they made it painfully retarded for no particular reason besides being on autopilot. It took basically no effort just to be high school writing basic like Far Harbor, but Bethesda has to make a big show of not trying even that much.
If its your first Fallout game then you won't get it.
I'm someone who played all Fallout games since a long time, it butchered the series.
3 had a lot of problems but it had clever 3D open world transition design and as a result New Vegas was made, but 4 has no innovation, just stripping away all the intricate mechanics and rpg elements the series was known for, and yeah the writing sucked.
>combat is really well done
If it wasn't an RPG, sure.
>the graphics are nice
Somehow worse lighting than vanilla Oblivion
>the world is fun to explore
Your first time, and that's assuming you ignore all the Minutemen shit
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I've also played all the fallout games going back to 1997, and Fallout 4 is a great game. It's got a pretty world that's immersive, fun combat, and the story is decent.
>combat is really well done
Fallout isn't a series about combat.

>the graphics are nice
Fallout isn't a series about good graphics.

>and the world is fun to explore
The world is extremely small compared to NV's.
>Why does everyone hate this game
You mean the sour grapes online? Who cares
who's everyone? it's okay and i like base building
Faggots like you are responsible for the decline in RPGs,I seriously hope you get butfucked by Tyrone with a 30 cm dick
4 is basically an upgrade to 3 in most ways except shitty base construction which can be ignored
I mean, on paper you’re right. It’s kinda like Oblivion to Skyrim. Every measurable thing improved. But soul is a thing. Quest content and feel matters. Or D2 to D3 is another. When you face Diablo in D2 you saw the mother fucker transform in a horrifying cinematic. He chose his words very carefully when he was still human. Very serious. When you face him he says “not even death can save you from me.” It was fucking cool. Then in d3 you fight him again. But now he’s a woman and he talks like one too. “You’ll never foil my dastardly plans!” A fucking Saturday morning cartoon villains. That shit takes a toll on enjoyment. Fallout 4 just didn’t feel cool.
>Every measurable thing improved. But soul is a thing.
Meh, it's just that nothing is as cool the second time.

First time experiences are important, and if you played Oblivion before, you kinda already experienced much of Skyrim. Same goes for many other games.
Fallout 4 Did do a lot right. It is far from bad. If they just had better cities and npcs it would have been higher in my eyes. I think settlements took away from the game. The main quest line was kinda terrible but that's every bethesda game. But they didn't really have much outside the main quest other than a generalized go find "loot". And of course since it's a bethesda game there is no loot to find. Leaving people bored and forced into settlement building which especially on console just wasn't good on any level. But like immigrants who come to the US and say "This is great! Why do you complain!?" If it was your first experience into Fallout it would be enjoyable. You'd mistake the afterglow of a great franchise as a shining light. You just wouldn't know any better.
I enjoyed the game playing thru it a couple of times and exploring and seeing locations but for me it came down to the map was far too small and everything was just cramped together and and they wasted a ton of area on useless ocean water you cant do shit with. overall it just felt like the game didnt have the soul or passion put into it. But ive felt that all the games lacked solid locations to explore/clear out and most imo werent that good. I just ended up walking away feeling like I wanted more of everything. I mean just one example is the barely noticed gang wars with raider leaders going on they could have done something more with but instead you get a few notes at the locations if you clear out other raider gangs and wait a bit of time. red or whats her name that has the sister if you clear out the beer factory she notes in her terminal she's worried about her sister and a few other things from notes at others places. could have easily had a whole thing with it where you worked with each gang to take out the other gangs and gain power but nah just shooting gallerys and a few notes a few weeks later. the whole game feels like that just a bunch of what if's and they should have's. The Detective was one of the highlights of the game but that even made me want more film noir quests and going into locations and busting up crime rings.
It tried to be Borderlands with its looter shooter elements.
3 was more innovative and groundbreaking for its time, it gets praise and credit for that. 4 did the opposite it was generic and uninspired.
Finish the game, ask yourself some questions about the story, and you will realise you could had several other options that would have made more sense and work better instead of being forced to choose some bad options yet locking you out of a better option because apparently Bugthesda belives common sense is something that happens to people.
>Antagonist faction doesn't have a clear reason why are they evil nor they make a compelling argument about why you should join them besides science and synth gorillas
>Good guys faction is pretty much just you doing the heavy lifting, despite being technically YOUR faction, and every contribution they can do to help you feels useless, except maybe artillery.
>The previous good guys from last game that were somewhat assholes in the other spin off are now shit again despite being one of the lost useful and powerful factions...and yet they are incompetent as hell in gameplay
>The railroad fucking sucks, they adopt an extremist position to save synths that its downright irresponsable, almost /pol/tard tier.
>Game has section where they make us try to feel guilty over the guy who murdered your wife and gave away your son to nerds.
>Game tries to introduce synth paranoia, but it barely matters and can be fished out easely.
>Deliver THE ONLY CURE to FEV supermutants to a guy in the middle of an irradiated shithole.
>Several small rectons that try to cover up Bugthesda pushing the engine to the limits of their budget, such as corpses not rotting in decades, several drugs that were after the war are now actually prewar as well, 200 year old pipeguns, fusion cores depleting in seconds when they could last for decades and unable to recharge, and more.
>Nukaworld being a cjoice between slave mafia, darwinian furries, and schizo women. I at least respect the choice they gived us to kill them all.
>Dimas memories in Far Harbor.
I fucking love the game play, but there are several issues between story and its connection to gameplay.
It was fun, just normie tier mindless, which is fine for shooters and bad for rpgs.
Didn't much care for the D-pad conversations or the perk chart. Settlement management is interesting in theory, but mostly just turns into a means of converting junk into XP. Really like power armor in this one, though it's annoying hunting for fusion cells in the early game, especially before you have Nuclear Physicist maxed and the Repair bobblehead. The mod system feels like a cheap way to make the game feel like it has more weapon variety than it actually does.
I loved it, had a blast. Now, it was my first Fallout game, I understand it made things worse from old fans perpective, I respect that. But you guys should also understand it really was great after playing few AAA games on PS4 where you couldn't do shit, had one path and everything was polished to oblivion, never messy. F4 was like the opposite of that and it was very refreshing to have some junky open world in which I can do all kinds of bullshit.
>But you guys should also understand it really was great after playing few AAA games on PS4
Now that you mention it, it does affect your perception if you have an endless catalogue of games to play at your finger tips. It kinda reduces the value of any single game.
simply kys
Settlements were a poorly executed great idea
>well done
Both the shooting and melee is fucking horrible, the fuck are you talking about.
>Settlements were a poorly executed great idea
I'm not even joking when I say that it was just something a programmer played with on the side and when Todd saw it he basically said "cool, keep working on it and we'll add it".

It was neither planned nor something that got proper internal support.
Fallout 4 was too experimental anyway. Voiced protagonist, four way dialogue, limiting character build system. I wouldn't mind if it didn't take two decades to get a new game.

I hope the next TES and Fallout act as a suitable framework that allows them to release a second game on the same engine. It no longer makes sense to start over from scratch when development takes so long.
>I wouldn't mind if it didn't take two decades to get a new game.
No chance of that with Microsoft pulling the reins.
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not a Fallout game.
It was a step back of what we already had, far away from what we should have. that is the best some know actually makes it that much sadder.
Also gamey elements introduced to one of two(2) existing brands that actually were doing believable world. random *legendaryTM bulletsponge monster dropping rare loot was a bad sign.
They also clearly tried to chase post minecraft craze but were late to the party.
Also once again you were not the master of your destiny but a second fiddle, voiced protag was a dud, it did late bioware dialogue where you can pick same option 4 times, and main story limited your freedom and demanded you stay on the fucking script - big strong part of all previous titles was ability to by random chance just stumble across the end of the game without going through whatever shit writing some chud spawned for you.
There was more of course. Like different groups getting more flanderized into generic enemy cattle, people apparently living in ruins for generations without cleaning skeletons off their floors getting bit ridiculous, certain parts shitting on your experiences from previous games, ect ect.

It did have strong moments, I definitely found first big boy robot fight memorable. I liked some female companions. Soldier bot with tits was peak fallout. Vampires lmao. Still a step forward two leaps back ahh kind of deal.
>I wouldn't mind if it didn't take two decades to get a new game
wdym 76 is still actively being updated
What's next for the franchise anyway? The TV series re-ignited awareness (and perhaps interest) of general public, would be dumb not trying to capitalize on the opportunity.
When completing the main quest and side quests, and all the mods you try over and over, it'll lose value. That's obvious to the point, but I only got bored just doing the same thing over and over with defending outpost. I wanted to play another game, but that's when my computer was dying of graphic thirst and can't play high end games and will pray to the safe mode gods. :p Starfield properly not worth it, but if and when I upgrade in god's know when, I'll give that shit a go.
Oh right. I always forget 76 and TES online for being multiplayer games.
The game isn't as bad as sum say but the story isn't even ok its ass the gameplay is agreeable but the world could of been better if they made the factions fight out in the open without making it just player driven.
When you try star field get it on xpass trust me better do that then trying for a steam refund if you don't like it.
Fallout 4 mogs all the others
epic trolling bro
Because story isnt just bad, its catastrofically bad and cant hold it's ground against simple questions.
Adding stupid mechanic that literally no one asked for building shit.
People blame f2 for Being too silly but it isnt even close to f4 of how not serious your world can be
Completely gutted leveling up system
Tl dr, its tes with guns, not a fallout game
I didn't like how people talked to me in a really retarded AND condescending way.
I also tried to hide some things in conversations, but characters would magically know everything anyway.
The settlement tutorial shit was especially bad. The guy got really upset at me for trying to get him to think and care for himself. It's like the game thinks you are a special needs child, so it throws you in with other condescending special needs children.
The leveling system was better than 3. I think it carried out role play better. You could more directly see how to make the character you wanted to make.
I am not a nigger, which means that I don'tr enjoy dumpster diving for day on end to gather broken household appliances and used condopms to then build a shanty ghetto out of them.
That reminds me, I don’t mind fallout having an aesthetic and me havibg some suspension of disbelief. But there’s a show called Alone where people are dropped off in the middle of nowhere with 10 items. And not like, lighter. A lighter would be 10 items by itself practically. Fuel, the metal pieces, the encasing. No, one of the items will be a hand saw. String. Something to make a spark. Ect. And these people literally make better shelters in two weeks than fallout survivors make 200 years after the war. I get they don’t have a lot of nature in fallout, but I have to ask why not. It’s a bit silly. A minor complaint, but it is a bit much.
>I have to ask why not
They got the wasteland blues and can't be bothered to rebuild the world
i really enjoyed survival mode, its got the best gameplay loop of the recent fallouts with the junk system. The story was trash tho and i think that why so many people hate on it.
I cant remember if I posted in this thread or not so i'll just say the story was horrible...down to father saying you wouldnt get it when we asked why they do what they do and other bullshit. there was a bunch of stuff you're just supposed to accept as is and no that doesnt work in 2024. also the wasteland having almost no settlements and they expected you to build the game world for them. fuck that noise. there's tons of things this game did wrong and alot of it was a flop. the detective guy was pretty cool I liked most of his storyline but otherwise it was all shitty and poorly wrote. and as usual for fallout games most locations werent very good at all and were only ok or meh. I guess in the end it sitting unplayed installed and modded kinda sums things up for me... just no interest anymore in the world and its dull locations and boring npc and subpar quests. the dialog was a huge disappointment also. 3 ways to say yes and 1 sarcastic yes. horrible "rpg" with zero choices almost and absolutely almost no skill checks or skill mattering past lock picking and computer hacking. there's tons more flaws I could pick up and type up but most people have played the game by now enough to know the flaws of the game and what it does and doesnt do.
>Q: *correct observations*
>A: Spergs here are jaded idiots who are so unhappy with their own life the only way they can feel superior to anything is to pick stuff apart online. Their leftist leadership they follow aren't making them happy, this is one of the only ways they know to try to find meaning.
I don't know if it's worth discussing in the hallways of their asylum here though, usually they just scream about random shit if you try to discuss games they don't like. Which is nearly every single game except the ones where they can pretend to be a 12 yr old girl from Japan.
I think people overstate the game's faults and ignore its successes because of how disappointing it was for fans of Fallout.
Fallout 4 isn't an RPG, it maintains the same list of RPG mechanics as Far Cry 3, it is fully an action game, that alone disappointed many.

But even when compared to Fallout 3, which isn't exactly the most beloved game, Fallout 4 has little roleplay, little choice, fewer side quests, fewer interesting characters, and fewer memorable locations which aren't just shooting galleries.

Because of that the main hardcore audience, the type who love Fallout and who would want to talk about it nearly a decade after 4's release, felt and feel betrayed by it.
So you won't hear many people saying "Well at least the companions are fun and the shooting's good." Because that wasn't why people wanted a new Fallout game.
>and the story is decent.
Decent compared to what? The playstation 1 version of Resident Evil?

Look, the story of Fallout 4 is just fundamentally flawed in a way no story should be.
The main driving force of the opening act, the kidnapping of Shaun, is bad since it gives no contextual reason as to why the player wouldn't rush the main story (In Fallout 3, you played a teenager who had just entered a new world, you can easily headcanon that the main character gets distracted or assumes his dad is fine/didn't like his dad anyway) and the player isn't involved in this attachment, since we don't know this family and thus don't care about Shaun.
That's already bad enough, but it gets way worse when you get to the Institute.

The Institute flat out do things for no reason, they have no actual explanation for why they made human synths, why they continue to make them now that they're getting sentient and running away, why they kidnap people and replace them with synths, why they made supermutants for no reason for decades, or anything they ever fucking do in the story.
They are the main antagonist, and there is no explanation as to what their fucking plan is.

The Railroad and minutemen aren't much better, the Railroad are retarded since human slaves exist in the setting, and the Commonwealth wasteland is so hostile it is unreasonable that anyone would care about specifically just synths.
The Minutemen come back without the player even realizing it, and only have two named characters (three if you count the player)

These are issues which should have been solved well before the game entered development, it is crazy to call it a decent story when so many crucial elements to it are just not present or not working
Men, 3 has actual, real sidequests, and a world map which shows genuine artistic direction (making the map deliberately sparse and open to make the player feel lonelier, even if that may prevent some from enjoying the game)
It also has more fun areas to find than just another place to shoot things.
There is fun to be found in wandering the DC wasteland in a way there isn't for exploring aimlessly in Fallout 4.
Microsoft may make Bethesda allow other companies to make a spin off.
76 is still being updated.
It could be possible for another New Vegas scenario, but the issue is there hasn't been a new Fallout game in long enough for assets to just transfer over.
If a new game was made as a fork of Starfield, that would take much longer than what was done with New Vegas and 76.

Fallout 5 I don't expect to be out until at least 2030
>There is fun to be found in wandering the DC wasteland in a way there isn't for exploring aimlessly in Fallout 4.
FO4's world seemed to be an improvement, trying to look at it objectively. There's varied locations, more reasons to scavenge clutter, the city area isn't separated with loading screens etc.

It doesn't have the same impact since I've experienced it already. Feels like I forgot how to fully enjoy it, but it's more like I've already "depleted" the enjoyment there is to be had previously.
Someone playing a game like it for the first time would have an amazing time.

It's better to try fresh experiences than trying to relive the same type of games. It's never gonna be the same again.
I enjoyed the exploration and being a widow. Don't know why people keep crying over this.
the combat is dogshit looter shooter jank, nobody bothers with VATS because the game plays like Call of Duty. the world looks like playdough and is only fun to explore if you're a braindead zoomer who has never played a good RPG in their life. we used to have enemies that weren't just "super" versions of the same thing with a star next to their name. the Salem witch quest is now and forever will be the single most disappointing, low effort quest in video game history.
>quest is now and forever will be the single most disappointing, low effort quest in video game history.
For me, it’s returning the pants to the pants less n’wah in the river in Gnisis
3 had like 16 sidequest total
i dont like 4 but 3 is actually very small game
Really? Not when Bethesda took a highly publicized American historical event that's known world wide that's centered around being paranoid about your neighbor in a video game that has the major themes of America history and being paranoid about your neighbor, and reduced it to a special death claw with a star next to its name? Please tell me how the pants are more disappointing.
Oh our big hero is too important to help out a wronged brother in need of pants? Fuck you.
>Story is decent
Yeah you just don't have any standards. An inability to examine things makes experience worthless.
Unironicully can someone tell me whats the goal of the institute?
Why synths, why supermutants, why the fuck gorilas
With tech they have (including a fucking teleporter) why do they do all of that
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Reminder that Vault Dweller has more compelling story than Nate and Nora.
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My Friend, You Bow to No One.
The story's core issue is they don't have one, they're just maniacally pompous overpowered wannabe intellectuals. They're training their AI to act human but past that there's some passing comments about generally reclaiming the surface. They should have been slowly replacing people in positions of power with synths in an attempt to peacefully take over the Commonwealth as a shadow government and expand from there without anyone ever knowing they exist or able to reach them. Then they could have used the radiation proof synths to clean up the surface world, rebuild the city, and then shut them off all at once.
Play fallout 1,2 and new vegas. Then try and play 4. Its fucking miserable. 7 years for bethesda to make that slop. black Isle and obsidian wiped them across the floor with games that barely took 2 years or even a year to make
It was a good game but signalled the end of an era. Better question is why people pretend to hate Fallout 3, that game was k i n o.
bad story
no choices
world building is utter garbage
fucking larper vampires and shit like that
Try reformatting your post like an adult and then expect anyone to take you serious.
If the bullet point isn't enough for you, then fine.
Fallout 3 looked at the very surface of what fallout is. They just made a madmax with laser guns in terms of setting and oblivion with guns in form of gameplay.
RAd scrorpions in the east coast because they were in the original game, supper mutants in the east coast because they were in the original game, enclave is here because they were in the original, gerald is somehow here too so we can clap to memberberries. the only thing they invented is mirelurks.
the main story is awfull, they give you too much background for F3 to be a role playing game. what if you dont really want your father that left you in a vault with murderous guard and no way to defend yourself. What if you just want to leave this shithole that doesnt have food or water.
why in fact anyone is living here? if a water crisis is so bad then they simply cant live here. general autmn is a joke and now known as "you again" guy because no one knows who he fucking is even though he thinks you his arch nemesis. Eden so eager to kill himself that i legit dont think theres aa way to keep him alive. megaton is retarded why would anyone build a town around a fucking bomb. Super mutants anow just orcs, BoS is generic good guys with no nuance what so ever.
enclave whats to prevent bos from fixing purifier so they can fix it themselvs. three dog is your personal stalker. hawkes read the script that sayseither you or blondi should die in the end. FUCK little camplight and fuck subway as just locations. etc etc.
theres so many issues i dont have time to list them all
Basically "One step forward, two steps backward" for the Fallout genre.

Also marked the end of niche, for the gamer Fallout and mass-marketed corpo Fallout that the games were and still are critical off.
Yeah I get it, you are some 15 year old on the internet who only learned how to use a keyboard from online games and you watched a video essay about why "new vegas is teh best gaem evar xD". You weren't old enough to play Fallout 3 when it was new, let alone Fallout 1/2. But that's obvious enough, this is 4chan after all.
i havent mentioned vegas once
my first fallout was 2
and you havent replied to anything
decmiss the critisism all you want but it wont make bethesda good at making games
don't care about the story but the gameplay is fun. especially when you increase enemy spawns with mods.
>the gameplay is fun
post 30 seconds of thrilling fallout 4 gameplay
Yes, 3 is a short game, but Fallout 4, despite being a larger game with three times the map size and a substantially increased list of locations and main quest length, has fewer quality quests than Fallout 3.
Fallout 4's world lacks cohesive narrative vision.
The story and dialogue of Fallout 4 would lead one to believe that the world must be relatively civilized, given that people are mainly scared of the institute and synths and not wasteland creatures or raider gangs and how people talk about going outside cities and settlements like it isn't a big issue.

But the actual map is incredibly dense with enemies, you cannot walk for one minute in Fallout 4 without finding a new enemy or dungeon or raider base.
It makes the whole plot and setting feel incongruous, it doesn't match.

In Fallout 3 the dialogue made the wasteland seem empty and hostile, which it is, so that worked, it was fitting.
In New Vegas the world was civilized, and so was much of the main game map, it also worked.
4's map, doesn't work.
They don't have one.
In game they say they want to do their science in peace without being bothered by the topside world, which is obviously false given everything they do in the story.

I hear that their purpose may have been to replace humans with synths. Hence 'Mankind redefined' but that doesn't make sense since they don't treat synths as humans or the piers of humans.

They genuinely do things for no other reason but the convenience of the plot.
>they give you too much background for F3 to be a role playing game.
Are JRPGs not 'role playing games' those games give you named characters with incredibly detailed backstories, do they not count? Are they 'improper?'

I think Fallout 3 was meant to be an introduction to RPGs to the general audience who may not have played them.
The purpose of that intro is to get the player to make choices which ultimately reflect personality and character alignment, through those little moments even someone expecting to just shoot shit and explore needs to decide whether they are good or bad or neutral, who they like, how they talk to people, it gets the audience which likely were more GTA/CoD normies into an RPG mindset.
>map is incredibly dense with enemies
>setting feels incongruous
It's for gameplay's sake, I can forgive that. The city area is too packed with enemies though, so much that exploration suffers. It's a bit exhausting, needed better pacing.
FO3 intro is kino, the best intro in the genre. Too bad it has too much story and fathers. Can't really roleplay an old man with it, can we.
I completely believe that F4 was mostly written with the idea that there was going to be significant civilization. I don't think any adult working there meant for the upper class of diamond city to be three haughty people sitting at a picnic table all day
Bethesda just truly doesn't give a fuck though; I think someone probably hammered out a prototype of the build mode and Todd thought it was amazing and decided to make that the goal of half the team and no one gave a shit about all the stuff that was being hung out to dry.
Jrpgs are not rpgs
They are visual novels with gameplay
You have to gives player SOME choice for the game to be a role playing game
Dark souls in this sence is more of the rpg then any of the ff game because you can at least choose a class that you will be playing
Good god, we need a "what is a RPG" general so people can move their pointless arguments there
>simplified mechanics
>butchered the dialogue options (you literally need a mod to see what the character will answer)
>ignored the previous lore and made stupid retcons
Need i go on?

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