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post games only you like
I finished it 4 times.
Pirate DLC is also very good.
>English mf, do you speak it?
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it's literally cut in half, so i cannot recommend it to anyone, but i loved every minute
Two Worlds 2 is the only good game that came out of Pooland
a shame the DLC's after the pirate one are broken
His English is fine, you brown retard.
why do russian always think about shit?
I have never played a more sexist game.

TW2's is a man's world. There are very few women. But those that are there, whew.

Of those few women there are, they always fall into one or more of these stereotypes:

- A victim (hero's sister, niece Annette )
- A manipulator (the dragon queen)
- Wearing unpractical boob armor or a very short skirt (the dragon queen, Reesa)
- A liar (Reesa, the first major woman you meet after 6 hours in the game)
- Payment with sex (again, (Reesa), after you help her)
- An undecisive/cowardly woman (the side quest Love's Labour Lost )
- A sick woman (the side quest Sick Auntie )
- A cheater (Sol Pan )
- A whore/dancer for money (side quest Stag Night )

Now if you use it sparingly, I can see these stereotypes as spice. Some people do fall in these stereotypes, that's why they exist in the first place. But the problem of Two Worlds 2 is that all women in the game fall into these stereotypes! There is no woman standing out!

Two Worlds 2 is a sexist piece of junk. And beside that, it's simply not a very good game.
Wow that actually sound very problematic. I'm a little taken aback by the cult like status the game has in that case. But, I suppose this is the same world where sexist shit like the Witcher can become beloved. I cringed when the sex cards started popping up.
I never played the second one but I love the first one, I have it on CD but I bought it on steam anyway. The combat is fun even if a lot of skils are useless and the magic is cool too. The ploot is camp but I like it, I enjoyed exploring the world the most out of everything when I was a kid. Also Poland makes the best video games. Witcher 1 is a good low budget RPG, and Wither 2 is a good action RPG. 3 is mid and overrated. after Cyberpunk it seems like CD Red is done making good games now and just want to make pseudo-rpg slop for americans like bethesda.
first game is like this too, I can't think of any female characters other than your sister, some girl looking for herbs, and one old bitch somebody wants you to kill.
Thank you for posting this, we need to talk about stuff like this in games.
You are an ugly fat man, not a woman.
fuck off back to plebbit
women are also weak and useless in real life except steroid using body builders who die by 50. cope and seethe faggot.
where did this copypasta come from, anyway?
why did you sign your post?
i beat the first one, but the 2 one lost me in the asian-like country, i dunno why, i just got tired of playing it and then forgot about it
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None of my /v/ bros ever fw Enderal
I don't remember anything about two worlds or its sequel beyond the fact that I really enjoyed it when I was younger, might just give it another playthrough some time.

God that's so fucking based
i remember this game was leaked and i got the pirate version one week before release. I barely remember anything about this game but the chapter one being giant while 2 and 3 being barely something. Had a really strange magic system but it was fine i guess.
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I thought it was nifty.
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nobody i know has played this game. I love it, and its extremely unbalanced painful experience
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based, sounds like an amazing game, will give it a try, thanks anons
My mother has beat this game 3 times.
damn. cool mom
Vagrus - wealthy victory condition. Too lazy to post a screenshot of the game.
She also has 2000+ hours in Fallout 4. :|
Can she be my mother too?
how old is she?
That's not so cool...
I remember the ending of this game and it was terrible
shitty mod
Based, she's like the Disgaea granny.
Don't attach jotaro to such awful posts please
Yeah I love skyrim, I was so glad to get more.

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