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>Finally get around to playing Octopath 2
>Play most of the chapter ones for each character
>Like most of them apart from Ochette, fucking furry shit (but H’aanit was pretty meh too so whatever)
>Leave Temenos to last, thinking he’ll be some milquetoast Ophilia clone
>MFW they managed to make the religious character interesting.

As soon as I heard he was the inquisitor for the Church of the Flame, I expected crap, but somehow his story is like top 3 from either game so far. Also have high hopes for Throne, but she just seems like a hybrid of Primrose and Theron so I’m not sure if she’ll beat either of their stories.
Temenos is the best story in the game. It is fantasy "The Name of the Rose".
What's up with the current wave of shill threads for this shit game? You must be braindead to get impressed by these prefabricated stories.
garbage game for 12 year olds. enjoy your "muhwhahaha" villains and your "i want a country of love and friendship!" heroes
I think Temenos and Partitio's story were super good. Castti and Hikari were pretty strong as well.
Here's hoping you like Throne, but I found hers pretty weak. Good on you pucking up OT2. Huge improvement over the first imo.
You're right, but enough about Kiseki.
Good game
Castti's is also great. There's a reason why lots of players praise her story.
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I felt similar but with Partitio. At first I was like "Ew I don't want this southern hick guy in my party. Can I just skip his story?" but now he's one of my favorite video game characters of all time.
Temenos has the drip
He cute

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