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So, I want to start by saying I want to avoid the usual reddit autism around these factions.
I am appreciative of fallout and its contributions to the genre, but I'm also not an NMA boomer superfan, so keep that in mind.
I've come to realize there is another ending to New Vegas, one that (I am beginning to think) the devs intended but was never made popular.

This technically isn't an ending. There isn't a fancy slideshow, your game isn't ended, and you aren't told by your leadersenpai that you did a good job. But this ending may be much more satisfying, as well as the best for the people of the Mojave.

You don't play the kingmaker.

By choosing NOT to take a side (even ones own) and end the stalemate, even taking the side of the stalemate, the Courier is keeping Vegas in a state of uneasy, productive peace.
>Housefag perspective
The NCR provides free security to the dam, at the cost of some of the power and water, leaving House free to use his Securitrons to police the strip and eventually perhaps even expand into Freeside. By refusing to rout the NCR, the Courier also ensures Houses customer base remains largely unmolested, and the caps continue to flow. Any security lapses from withholding the platinum chip can be covered by hiring mercenaries or employing freesiders to build other, less advanced robots, like protections. By leaving the Legion intact, the Republic is too intimidated to attempt to annex Vegas, allowing House to focus on domestic security instead of an arms race.
>Legioncuck perspective
By keeping Vegas independent, Caesar will have access to constant caravans in neutral territory to raid or kidnap slaves from. In addition, by forcing California to build up forces along the Vegas border, the Legion can expand North without fear of the NCR coming at them full force. In addition, the Legion will have access (through seizure or espionage) to technology they ostensibly frown upon, but will use in times of need.
>Calitroon Perspective
The Republic is already unstable from overextension.
Mass portions of the population are conscripted and the State essentially controls most aspects of society outside of the Founding settlements (i.e. S.S., boneyard, the Hub, etc.). By forcing the Republic to slow its conquests, the Courier is also forcing it to occupy itself with internal stability and economic growth. Further, House's buffer state serves the republic the same benefits as the Legion in security. In addition, allowing citizens the luxuries the republic doesn't (open carry, drug use, etc.) The republic can avoid black market expansion within its borders.
Not to mention of course, the Republic's extensive benefits from the dam, only amplified by the cost saved not having to ACTUALLY defend it again.
>Yescope Perspective
This ending has most of the benefits of the anarchist route without the drawback-Yes Man. Without the chip and access to the mainframe, you'll never need to worry about the assertive side of Yes Man again. By containing each faction, frontier settlements, like Nipton or Primm, are unsafe, but, they are FREE. Anyone picking Yes Man knows that's more important to them. Even further, by not allowing Vegas to collapse, the settlements can continue to grow off of tourism and the resources the dam provides.

So keep that chip in your pocket, it's worth the most there.
>muh NV factions
Fucking Geneforge had more interesting factions.
Did you even read the first part of my post? The first sentence in I called it autism.
You missed the entire point. The status quo simply cannot remain. Vegas will face change. Even Yes Man, which is the closest to maintaining it, still sees changes. With or without you, the fated showdown at the dam will occur.
If anything about the first paragraph was genuine you wouldn't have made yet another awful fallout thread
Except it can, and will.
The factions bluster about the impending battle as a means to convey urgency and their strength to the courier, but none will make a move without him. Not even in the video game sense, but in the literal.
House won't be ready until he gets the chip. The NCR won't move without House being dead, but they can't actually reach him until the Courier assists them. Caesar won't move until Houses forces are dramatically weakened, and he clearly wants the Republic to provoke him first, which they can't without the Courier. Even Yes Man is kneecapped by Benny's capture, so on all fronts, no side is willing to move unless and until the Courier intervenes.
I've not made a Fallout thread here in about 6 months, but out of curiosity, what threads WOULD you accept?
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>also ensures Houses customer base remains largely unmolested
Nice Shakespearian tier speechcrafting there good jorb Commander Based thank you for your service

108+ IQ word. Very nice

>allowing citizens the luxuries the republic doesn't (open carry, drug use, etc.)
You forgot to mention the luxury of consensual preteen prostitution you redditard mongoloid but otherwise underrated post we appreciate you

>2 more weeks

>war has changed
>we our at peace
For 2 more years at least

It is just one retarded autist anon here who SPAZES OUT in seethe anytime any anon posts an FNV thread here. Just try to ignore her
>Did you even read the first part of my post?
Fuck no, I saw the wall of text on NV factions and immediately tuned out. Horrible threads.
Get a life
Did. Do. You.
English motherfucker
>Lol didn't read haha! Screw you OP!
>Which is precisely why I know the quality of this thread is 1/10 at best
>I also never watched the film Star Wars Episode 5
>but, because I'm such a discriminating critic? I'll have to give The Empire Strikes Back a 1/10 shit tier rating. Sorry
>I hate all books, movies, RPGs, plays, songs, animes, comics, stories, poetry etc. Literally all worthless cultureless 1/10 faggot crap across the entire board imo
You're bitter as Hell itself. Has anybody ever told you that you're a hard person to like, anon?
This was actually planned to be in the game as a "joke" ending. Basically at any point the player could have just left from the Mojave Outpost, ending the game.
I fail to see the "joke". Seems like a perfectly legitimate conclusion to the Mojave conflict
Would've been a good way to end the story of one of my characters. Close the book.
How can I ensure the King rules the US west coast?
me neither. Imagine an ending like that but with slides based on what you did or didn't do up to that point, or with a toggleable permadeath option?
Because you're there, so they're working around you. There's no time limit in-game, but in-universe if you fucked around for too long they'd go on without you.
Weren't you banned?
These dozens of slides could have been phenomenal
You forgot the sixth ending from dead money
there was also a joke ending where you just returned to NCR, devs cut it
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best game ever. helped me realize my gender identity
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POOvegas unfinished empty game and statanic... FALLOUT3 Is the real exellence from series of the clasic games style
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good morning saars
There are mods to continue the game after Dead Money ending but I haven't tried them yet

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