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but they really fucked up the story
brav post your mc stats
The main quest and okizu are so bad I think I've always picked the "destroy the world" option just out of spite.
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The main story certainly wasn't as good as PoE, but honestly I still really liked what they did with Deadfire. The game prioritizes faction alignment and worldbuilding over a narrative, very fitting for the Caribbean/age of discovery theme they went for. I don't think many people would have as much of a problem with it if Eothas wasn't curb stomping the archipelago.
>le colonialism and le white people... bad?
>le native society... bad???
I supported the Huana because I wanted to maintain their caste system. Oppression is good, negro trading company and shark teeth shogunate would free them.
>The game prioritizes faction alignment and worldbuilding over a narrative
and they should have gone for a story phase where the statue just disappears and you are left to investigate and mingle with the factions,. Instead there's this retarded pacing
Everyone agrees that the main quest was retarded. Other than that, it's a mostly decent game (with great itemization).
>really fucked up the story
Sole reason I can't replay it
for me it's that all the factions are retarded and also completely incompetent without the player's help
i guess it's like that in most RPGs but it felt pronounced in deadfire going from PoE1 because that game didn't have anything like that
>le everyone... bad.
the obsidian method, make choices "compelling" by having everyone suck
Sounds retarded, but OK.
Well, what to expect from calicucks.
Mc is called watcher, hence a cuckold by definition.
Always the case. Somehow they created colossal empires, but can't fetch a coconut by themselves.
Was retarded from the get go. Hey, you were a lord, but now you are a pirate, so that's that.
>refuses to elaborate further
Retarded bait thread
>they really fucked up the story
and the boats
and the game mechanics
and any plausible world
and any compelling storyline
and the awful races
and the awful companions
and anything of interest to humans who aren't robots overly concerned with blm and communism

but yes, islands and pirates are kinda neat for an RPG
I wish someone better would come along and give us a pirate RPG game of note
>but yes, islands and pirates are kinda neat for an RPG
See? It's a great game.
>proceeds to ignore all valid points of critique
Man, I just don't know why it failed. Maybe the logo colour was off or something idk.
>I wish someone better would come along and give us a pirate RPG game of note
No raping
No slaughtering royal navy
No fun
>why bother?
>it failed
It ultimately wound up outselling wotr.
Poe2 was done in california.
Bit more expensive than ruski island in Greece.
>It ultimately wound up outselling wotr.
Nope, both of them were kickstarter games with like $2 million dollar budgets. (although I think deadfire hit double its kickstarter goal)
Wtf are you talking about?
They had dlcs and patches as well. Poe2 cost at least 5 Million usd to make, rather more.
There are plenty of interviews where soiyer lament that he doesn't employ any third world sweat shop code cucks.
>They had dlcs and patches as well
So did wotr. wotr is still having money funneled into it and it's still shit.
cuck game
>Poe2 was done in california.
We know, that’s the point of this thread
>le blacks... jews?
>mfw the Black Nobility weren’t black
deadfire is the best crpg of 2010s
The only thing that really pissed me off is eothas wrecking my keep. Fucking asshole, i put all my savings to restore Caed Nua and even went to war to keep my title and now it's just a hole in the ground...
ending was such a let down
Poe2 runs way better than wotr.
Well, that's ruski vs usa for you.
Live by the kickstarter stretch goal, die by the kickstarter stretch goal
The characters and dialogue in this game were such an incredible downgrade from the first game that I bounced off it after 40 hours. I also preferred the moody fantasy setting of 1, but I know that's probably just me.
The change of theme was uncalled for.
yeah it was awful. every character is a fag and keeps virtue signaling. nigger women are obvious girl bosses
Italians was always fuckin eggplants
>they should have gone for a story phase where the statue just disappears and you are left to investigate and mingle with the factions

They technically did that when Eothas says he will wait for you at Ukaizo. All the factions come to you and force you to align yourself and do quests at the end. Still, I agree that they just didn't do a good enough job to integrate the narrative with what they wanted to do. Maybe that Microsoft money will lead to a better PoE3 in that regard.
daily reminder that "the vast majority of development time and resources" vent into the ship combat system.
And everyone is grateful!!!!!!!!
>Maybe that Microsoft money will lead to a better PoE3 in that regard.
Haven't you learned anything around here?
Best I can do is Avowed
Sorry, can only play human.
Freedom of choice aso.
Eh fair enough.
i know this is a negative thread so opinions are skewed, but at least i'm not the only one who just doesn't care about The Companions, this is the only time in a party based CRPG where i didn't like any of them, it isn't just because i didn't play POE1 (refuse to play RTWP) even the new ones i don't care about
strangely i can't even place why i don't care, just something about them that prevents me from doing so
They are completely empty.
No one has any personality whatsoever.
>I wish someone better would come along and give us a pirate RPG game of note
Risen is unironically a good game. It's somewhat reaction based though. It's also the only game worth a damn that studio has ever produced despite germs fellating gothic.
The Companions from the first game feel like parody versions of themselves in the second game.

The new companions are a hit and miss. I liked Tekehu only for his character arc. Xoti was just a horny BPD women. Maia was a colonialist racist (based) and Serafen was just a faggy pirate.

Ironically, The sidekicks were much more interesting characters but they were barely given any character dialog at all until some dlcs gave them some.
The Italian/Portuguese analogue culture where everyone looks African just ain't it. No one wants to see that, and these people don't get it, they never will.
If they had balls they could've simply done white people invading the archipelago and you have choices to enslave, annihilate, or help the different natives, and realistically explore the various consequences that could come of your actions. Plus all the fantasy stuff.
I'd argue it be way more interesting that way
>eothas wakes up on an adra giant and starts walking to the archipelago where the wheel is
>berath coerce the watcher to discover "why"
>the watcher starts picking up pieces along the way and discover why eothas is doing what's he's doing whilst the gods are just watching and doing nothing
>right when Eothas is at a stone toss from the wheel itself the gods decide to act by ... make a volcano erupt and raise a few tides
>eothas will destroy the wheel no matter what, implying that eventually life in eora will snuff out unless they figure out something restart the cycle
I replayed this recently and discovered that, now you can ask Eothas to at least give kith something in return, but other than that, the plot was so dumb lmao, this series was supposed to be the next crowning jewel and it turned out to be a giant stinker.
I honestly didn't know how controversial these games were. I got into CRPGs pretty late so DOS2 was my first real one. Quickly looked for others to play and after finishing DOS I got into POE. I thought the stories were cool. I mean, you're a pirate chasing around a god.
Also I literally never encountered that black feathered girl in either game. I thought I was going crazy but that's apparently a real character.
Black and blue people actually.
They aren't controversial. Their release was controversial, because in both cases they were unfinished disasters, but they are beloved cult classics now after patches and DLC. The reasons for these threads are something you never ever want to understand, but rest assured no one crying about PoE in this thread plays anything at all, as there are plenty of legitimate criticisms of the game and they've somehow managed to avoid hitting a single one of them.
You literally can't progress the main quest in Deadfire without interacting with her, though you don't have to accept her as a party member.
>whilst the gods are just watching and doing nothing
Because they're all actually pretty weak and Eothas by virtue of having a physical body is far more able to act upon the world.
this game could have been so good if they abandoned the fucked up ship to ship combat mechanic entirely
luckily for us baseder tested a new way to implement armor system which i honestly loved and wish to see more of in the future but perhaps with less unneeded autistic complexity
baseder made the mistake that by streamlining the systems he ultimately made them really counterintuitive for both zoomers and boomers

i really would want to see a third game written by someone else taking more risks, deadfire was alright but the pirate setting came short, the highlights were the dlcs and some random islands, much like bethesda style exploration
>this game could have been so good if they abandoned the fucked up ship to ship combat mechanic entirely
They give you a way to entirely bypass it by going directly to the boarding phase, which are kino battles.
I see, so just a case of shitposting then.
I legitimately don't remember her. Apparently she was involved in one of those town quests, so I must've forgot, it's been a few years. I should replay the games.
>unfinished disasters
they had some issues but that wording is really disingenuous, especially since we had RT just last year
It should be like in Icewind Dale where you create all your companions yourself at the start, and they just have a few voiced bits like "I am here", "will do that", etc. I played IWD first and when I played Baldur's Gate I was so put off by the childish annoying companions
But the colonizers were the same people as the colonized, and the colonized group structured their entire society around throwing trash off a mountain and forcing the poor people to eat it. It presented a fairly nuanced take on colonialism.
It isn't nuanced, it's just a everyone is shit cartoon.
Yeah, now that I think about it, the sidekick characters did seem pretty interesting. That weird vampire girl, that washed-up guy from who knows where, even the dwarf masseuse. I actually did like them, or at least the idea of them. Maybe it's because they didn't talk often. The only main character I found myself really enjoying was Maia.
>It should be like in Icewind Dale where you create all your companions yourself at the start, and they just have a few voiced bits like "I am here", "will do that", etc. I played IWD first and when I played Baldur's Gate I was so put off by the childish annoying companions
this is the only way I can play nu-CRPGs nowadays because all the characters are complete garbage. Fortunately, most of them accommodate this, although sometimes with annoying workarounds. Poe 1/2 and kingmaker/wotr both have custom mercenaries (though the pathfinder mercs have nerfed stats and need to be modded to full point buy), and dos2 and BG3 have a roundabout way to a custom party (launch game four times and join your own multiplayer game)

You can do the same thing in bg1 and bg2 btw, but don’t need to launch the game four times
More cartoonish than the actual colloquial or academic narrative on colonialism? Not even close.
This isn't a matter of degree. Forcing poor people to eat trash isn't nuance. Obsidian doesn't do nuance and they never have.
It is about degree. For our entire lives, we've been browbeaten with a narrative that says that without colonialism, colonized countries would all be Wakanda. This is the first time I can even think of that presents an alternative argument - that colonized places may not have been utopias, and that colonizers have the potential to improve living standards in traditional societies. Has that message appeared anywhere? Ever?
>le straight white Christian man… bad?
its not my fault the huana don't use toilets. we tried to show them how to use toilets but they just refused. we desperately want them to use toilets but they insist on pooping on the beach. for the love of god, please just use toilets.
>its not my fault the huana don't use toilets
It will be.
>Has that message appeared anywhere? Ever?
Yes, it's called the The White Man's Burden.
Yeah, a poem from more than a century ago. The narrative has changed drastically since then, and has been replaced by something utterly divorced from reality. Not that The White Man's Burden was grounded in reality either, but the idea that there were any upsides at all of a more advanced people bestowing elements of their civilization to a less advanced people is not something that has seriously been posited since well before any of us were alive. It is a nuanced topic, and the fact that Obsidian was able to say, "there are upsides and downsides to this," makes it stand out from literally everything since the 1960s.
> it's just a everyone is shit cartoon
nah, just the natives
The only thing about poe2 that i liked was concelhaut. The was very funny as a pet.
>It is a nuanced topic
It is not. Colonialism is utterly bad, just not for the reasons commonly given.
>Has that message appeared anywhere? Ever?
Colonialism saved fucking India and Africa and yet they threw it away and destroyed everything that was given to them
The combat was improved from poe1 but everything was just so silly and dumb and couldn’t take any of it seriously, all the factions and characters were unlikeable and then the game just ends
>saved fucking India and Africa
You can't save dirt.
He said it was a bad idea, didn’t he?
Conquering without genocide is pussy shit. If you want land, remove people. No half measures.
Colonialism is bad because race is real and certain people can never be lifted up. But in the fantasy world of Eothas, the people doing the colonizing were the same as the people being colonized. Obsidian did not present the message that colonialism is bad because White people are evil. It presented the message that there were upsides and downsides, and within the context of the game that was true.
No, it's bad because Empire assimilates cultural markers that destroy Empire, you are what you eat. Race has zero to do with it.
Race has a lot to do with it, but you're right about cultural assimilation, and it's one of the themes of PoE 2. I thought it was a pretty good presentation of that idea.
>build wells in African with modern infrastructure i.e. heavily organization dependent and telos based technologies
>don't actually teach them to how to build wells with their own available means
>wonder why you have an entire continent of dependents
Imagine lacking the humility to acknowledge your giant fuck-up.
*teach them how to
Kys jarhead faggot.
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I just beat the first game and I'm a bit unsure about something

Was Thaos just a failsafe for Woedica to make sure nobody ever finds out the gods are constructs? Is the PC someone who was dangerously close to finding out the truth and therefore had to be killed?
The writers were unsure too
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No, Thaos is the head animancer that made the gods in the first place, his whole rebirth thing is 100% his own creation.

But yes, he also has a vested interest in protecting the secret of the gods as it getting out would weaken its original purpose of unifying kith. Your charname was an inquisitor that tortured and killed Iovara, who was the first atheist.
>colonize India and Africa
>import white people to fill all levels of government
>import white people to do all technical, scientific and engineering tasks
>refuse to engage with locals except as an amusing spectacle at best or as convinent brute labor at worst
>locals get upset, smash shit up and make you leave/stop your strip mining operations
>locals regress to savage levels due to all expert knowledge having been done by foreign contractors
Shocking, truly.
>they totally would’ve progressed beyond the Stone Age on their own any day now if it weren’t for you meddlesome kids
poseur shit
Played it at launch, my initial reaction was that there was a narrative push to hunt the god of light, but the game also want you to explore the archipelago in the meantime. The DLC support was nice, though. A shame the verse is being degraded with Awoved being a Skyrim clone.
It's because having the game be fully voiced really impacted the script.
>The Italian/Portuguese analogue culture where everyone looks African
That's just Italy/Poortugal in real life
>and the game mechanics
It has better mechanics than the first game
>and any plausible world
More believable than most other RPG worlds.
>and the awful races
Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
>Races are the same as the first. Nothing has changed.
NTA but there was only like one stinky sharkfag in the first game as opposed to hundreds
Italians are the blackest people I know.
Pallegenia and Aloth were alright, they felt similar to the way there were in PoE1. Eder was horribly flanderized to the point where he got on my nerves; he was never stupid in the first game he was just an uneducated farmer who was nevertheless thoughtful and grounded and had a much clearer perspective on events than most of the other people around him. And then the second game treats him like a idiot clown who there just to makes tasteless jokes while everyone mocks him as the worlds biggest idiot.
Thaos was one of the Enwigthans who created the gods, and he was specifically chosen to remain behind as a mortal and oversee the creation of the gods and act as their agent on Eora by spreading the faith and safeguarding their secrets. In the game he is working to destroy the science of animancy in the Dyrwood, as Wodeica fears it would lead people to understand the true nature of the "gods" and and usurp their authority. Thaos himself doesn't really give a shit about the PC until you start chasing him for answers and threaten to muck up his plans.

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