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Wow this game fucking sucks. I was a tastelet at 10 years old thinking this was really good back in the day cause I liked ryudo. The story is trash. The villains are trash. The other party members are trash. Ryudo stops being funny halfway through. The gameplay is over rated especially when you consider random encounters are mostly solved by a single aoe attack. The towns are boring. The dungeons are boring. The progression is barebones and forumulaic (town - > map - > dungeon with zero variation). Theirs no exploration. The music is trash.

Only nice things I have to say about it is I think the dreamcast graphics are quaint. And the customization is fun enough.
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I usually finish games I start and I've gotten all the way to the great rift which is near the end of the game but it's become an absolute chore to play. It's edging pretty close to drop territory for me which is rare
I love the game, but the finale is weak as shit. If you're at the great rift and hating it, then you should drop it because it's only going to get worse.
Grandia as a whole is a mediocre series made in the wake of the mid 90's JRPG craze, it was initially SEGA's attempt at getting its own Final Fantasy competitor and nothing more.
Granted, while theses games also have zero difficulty they're still largely better designed than any FF outside of maybe 5, but that's not really saying much since FF is a bad series, I disagree on the music though, it's nothing special but it's still pretty good and very emblematic of 90's anime music for better or worse.
how is the story/world in this game? i heard it does a similar thing to ys/trails in regards to npc dialogue (or i guess it would be the other way around?) is the story really kidsy and make light of serious situations or do people actually die and the like? i ask because ive sort of lost in interest in most games after trying to become a normie, so id rather put more time into a few really good games (and i REALLY need a palette cleanser after the crossbell duology (no hate))
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>is the story really kidsy and make light of serious situations or do people actually die and the like?
It's not grim 100% of the time, but it's still a pretty dark game, especially when compared to its predecessor. There's multiple deaths in the first hour (named NPCs).
I feel like it's my fault. We literally just had a Grandia thread and I went off the rails talking about how I loved Grandia 2, and almost everything OP said seems like a focused effort to specifically bait me into defending it because he KNOWS there's a Grandia 2-loving sperg lurking here, but like... I don't care if he doesn't like it? Why would I?
Just sperg more Anon, I thought it was fun to read last thread.
Op here. It's not bait I'm just pissed off at how bad grandia 2 is compared to how I remembered it. Even grandia 3 is better than this shit

The ending even worse than the rest of the game? Maybe I really will drop it and play something else. I've been meaning to play the fatal frame 4 remake for awhile
oh look, a zoomie using buzzwords again.
go neck yourself, you friendless faggot.
Trash is a buzzword?
>The ending even worse than the rest of the game?
I think it was clearly a bit rushed. The climax of the game was really Valmar's moon. Everything after just feels a bit aimless and the bosses are even more easy/filler-y.
>Even grandia 3 is better than this shit
Really? I wasn't going to touch it because everyone made it sound worse than 2, but maybe I'll give it a go.
Don't listen to him, Grandia 3 is in fact not better
It couldn't be much worse.

Well I bothered to finish grandia 2 even the horrible epilogue. Everything about this game is slow from the spell animations to the text scrolling. They shouldn't have bothered to remaster it if they weren't going to give it any qol improvements.

It crashed once too.
grandia ii is a mess, but:

- the music is incredible. i mean listen to the fucking valmar parts battle theme
- it literally just has metal gear solid's voice cast
- it does edgelord nonsense better than any other game
- the battle system is fun even if it's extremely exploitable
>the music is incredible.
I agree with you, but it seems to be really polarizing. People either love the music, or hate it. I just enjoy how good Iwadare is at writing jams. Most JRPG music in the 90s was simple, 2-minute loops, and so much of the Grandia 1 and 2 OSTs are 4+ minute actual songs--reflected by the fact that if you listen to them on the OST, many actually have beginnings and endings that are cut from the game because they have to loop them. Here are some of my faves:


Also notable, Grandia 1 and 2 contain two of my all-time favorite JRPG church songs, and they are hilariously opposite each other in tone:
I liked the first game more than the second personally. Sue is both annoying and cute
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I like how different they are, tonally. But they both still have a lot of great music and visual design, and the character interactions are always GOAT.

My biggest complaint about the first game is that the localization is pretty meh, with some exceptions here and there. G2's localization is fucking stellar, though, and the extra attitude they gave Ryudo is pretty perfect.
Grandia 2 is objectively worse than 1, but I don't think the series hit the actually bad point until 3.
Its a shame the combat becomes an AoE fest by the end because the combo/critical system was alot of fun to play with, especially when you get access to super speed, multihits and teleportation. Al
By the end? One you get what's it called burn flame? The first aoe fire attack. All the encounters are basically boiled down to cast spell = win. And you get that spell really early. Same with zap all
NTA but you have to be pretty careful with some of the AOE spells early game because of high MP consumption. Burnflame is a massive advantage in the Squid King boss fight for example, but you can only cast it maybe twice.
>you have to be pretty careful with some of the AOE spells early game because of high MP consumption.
Not really. Sure, the game doesn't give you access to MP restoring items right off the bat, but every save point is a full heal. In fact, by the time you have the access and money to stock up on MP restoring items, you won't need them because your MP pool will be big enough to last you between save points.

I can count the number of times I used items to resore MP on one hand.
even if you run out of mp between save points you can still perfect most battles with just techs and focus fire, even some boss battles if you have the cancel techs leveled enough and you have the accessories/weapons that allow warping or just increased move speed. once you get tio the game is basically over since she has the highest magic and speed in the game, plus lotus flower hits in a line. i mean roan can already wipe everything in early-middle game by himself, even elena can do it she’s just slower and a bit weaker
I'm >>3559134, ignore me, I suck dick, I thought we were talking about Grandia 1 for some reason, which is why I commented on the Squid King and preserving MP.
MP is barely an issue in 2.
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>I suck dick
thats kinda gay, anon....
o-only kinda gay?
Xtreme niggas rise up!
Wished somebody would make mods for this, even a randomizer
An Anon a while back said he wanted to make mods for Xtreme, but was having trouble figuring out how the files worked.
It's a shame, because of all Grandias it's the one that would benefit most from fairly simple QOL improvements, if nothing else, eg. having the option of selling stackable items in singles, rather than having to dump all the ones you want to keep in storage first and then withdrawing them after.
An undub patch does exist, so someone has cracked how the audio works at least.
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grandia 1 is the best and feena is cool

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