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My interest in this game went from 0 to -1.
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>My interest in this game went from 0 to -1.
You expect me to believe that lmao
more like BioWaste lmao
So you’re saying there’s a chance
This is in fact one of their broken clock 2 lucky guesses they got right.
Better to make them wholly evil and horrific for impact and out of the pc hands instead of the schizo way they've been presented as good guys and instantly stabbed everyone in the back in every other title.

Not that I care otherwise about a small element in the middle of cartoon lefty propaganda game but I like to stay objective about things.
Blood Mage doesn't make sense narratively unless it's actually properly supported.
Having you run around as a blood mage doing blood magic while you and everyone around you is shocked by some NPC doing blood magic and having to kill them for it, but you're completely ignored, is retarded.

But that's hardly a problem compared to only being able to have like 3 active skills.
>unless it's actually properly supported.
And since it's too much to ask for origin stories or other consequential choices, dropping half-assed attempts at niche choices like evil blood magic is a goddamn fucking no-brainer.

Blood magic is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, so claiming to lose interest over it is plain ridiculous and dishonest.
Losing interest because the new devs of a franchise have deemed something really tame that’s been in a series since the beginning as “icky” and not including it is definitely a valid reason to lose interest
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>Having a Blood Mage in a game set in fucking Tevinter doesn't make sense narratively and isn't properly supported, supposedly
>Also MY FUARKING HERO would never use Blood magic because it's uuhhhhhhh icky and shit, who's Hawke btw
As if there weren't plenty of more reasonable reasons.
Being upset about this one doesn't seem like "0 interest" to me. Seems more like "I'm gonna play it regardless and complain while doing so, and acting superior to other people who also play it" levels of interest. The usual /v/ enthusiasm.
Thanks for the psychoanalysis Freud
>nasty stuff we aren't interested in having heroes do
Modern Bioware is literally just women who don't know anything about RPGs. It's understandable if you don't want to make the game as degenerate as BG3, but blood magic isn't degeneracy, it's a fantasy forbidden magic concept.
Also the game has necromancy in it which is even nastier than blood magic.
It's pretty degenerate when it's the conduit for literal demons from their version of hell.
This argument just means that necromancy should be treated the same, not that the well dressed necro/gay erudite kween ship bait guy should be welcome to serve you food with hands he was just digging up cadaver spleens and anuses with.
The whole point of blood magic used by good-aligned characters is that they form a secret devilish pact in an attempt to use those powers for something good. It's a basic "greater good justifies some evil" trope, so it's laughable Bioware is afraid of it. No other company would be.

And yes, necromancy should be treated the same, meaning Bioware is illogical when they say we can't have x because it's unheroic meanwhile y is completely fine although it's unheroic as well.
As always I dont get it. Usually it cant get degenerate enough and three guys in pink wigs having a dog fucking party is just love and the new normal and so great and brave but blood magic is not clean enough.
Every second character is some completely unhinged fetish degenerate in some way and you literally cant consume modern anglo vidya without at least one sex scene per 20min making fantasy shows about adventuring borderline hardcore porn but on the other hand American puritan evangelists from the 18th century look like wild hippies in comparison to these disney-clean family friendly psychopaths. I swear those are the people who dismember and cook street children and puppies in the basement while having a charity cocktail party on the first floor.
These are better arguments but the only true solution is to be over bioware as a company and over this as any kind of decent game, which I am.
I'm esp. a bit tired of 'greater good justifies some (lots of) evil' since this is the entire basis for leftism.
They've demonstrated they're not capable of holding any RL ethical framework that is sane so IDK that it's the best thing to put into games for /v/idiots and /lgbtq/ueers anymore.
the more you hear from this turd of a game the worse it gets
>>Having a Blood Mage in a game set in fucking Tevinter doesn't make sense narratively and isn't properly supported, supposedly
And how is the protag being a blood mage narratively important? It isn't.
If you're a blood mage and everyone ignores it while becoming utterly horrified of every other blood mage in the game, it'd be so fucking retarded it actively detracts from the game.

Please write something less stupid next time. You're barely worth my attention.
I think it's because it's insensitive to the LGBTQ+ community, which has a tragic history with the AIDS virus.
More like blood magic is painted as evil and you're supposed to be a hero and the other classes don't have a particular alignment attached to them.
Are you implying LGBTQ+ people are evil here?
>What is Dragon Age 2: the post
Your posting about it. So I'd say your lying it. Veilguard looks dumb and nothing the devs have said about it sounds interesting or even fun from what I can tell its just Marvel slop in a dragon age skin suit. Bioware magic never existed and the studio should be renamed shitbox.
Actually, I can be a woman if I feel like it.
Men and women are merely social constructs.
After giving it a second thought (because /vrpg/ is so slow) I came to the conclusion Bioware is just fucking lazy and them saying "we don't want heroes to do that nasty stuff" is just an excuse for them to remove features they can't be bothered to include.
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A good RPG is always written by gay faggots and stupid ugly fat ladies who obsess over CW shows.
It's basically triage, anything that you can find a pretense to cut should be cut
it's obviously a looter hack n slash quickly edited to be single player after anthem failed. everything about it screams corporate blandness.
>the inoffensive designs
>the magenta color scheme
>characters introduced with a freeze frame and a title
>weightless floaty combat with needlessly complicated flips
>characters are all generically good
Wait, people still care about this series after Dragon Age 2?
this game feels like marvel throwup and the other promotional materials scream "we have bg3 at home"
Most agree Dragon Age 2 was the best one. Seems like you're trying to rewrite history here.
trying WAY too hard, newfriend
Lmao enjoy your pegi 12 adventure
It's all about the money.
Greed is ruining art.
>can't even play a bad guy anymore
Will they remove one of the three pillars of their Dialogue """"""Choices"""""" too?
The poor wheel will be missing it's bottom right...
You could never play as the "bad guy" in Dragon Age. Just how you couldn't be a bad guy in Mass Effect.
You can be pretty evil in Origins
You can be an asshole, not evil. You're fighting the Darkspawn which are the "evil bad guys" and you become a hero/martyr at the end.
No, you can't. You can only play an antihero (or antiheroine if you're tranny) which isn't the same as being evil. You're just a hero with a attitude problem; a pissy faggot.
These devs sound like retards or worse, women.
They said women being in more leadership roles would make society better. It's just made things significantly worse.
Protip, in game dev most leadership roles are not held by women (it's a hilariously small number). They just like to parade them around a lot when they are to make it seem like they're progressive for PR.
Honestly, in previous games literally no one reacted to MC being a blood mage, so it's for the best. Always felt immersion breaking how characters would go on and on about blood magic being bad but completely ignore MC casting blood magic and sapping off their health in battle.

Funnily enough, DAO has a bunch of removed scenes where characters criticize MC for using blood magic, but I guess they figured party members leaving over a subclass choice was too extreme.
>devs be lazy
>just write and design alternate scenes for everything because there's a small chance a player uses a specific spell
>don't be lazy bro, i want my spell
Consumers are unreasonable retards, especially when it comes to RPGs.
people would've just make "lmao AIDS blood" jokes which is homophobic
Blood Mage class wasn't even interesting and you can easily make tons of other mage specializations that are better. This is a non-issue.
Blood mages are cool. I don't fucking give a fuck about nerdy min/maxing, prick.
>this magic type is lore important and a super big deal in the setting
>you're not allowed to use it in this RPG because we don't want to bother making the interactions
They'll say that choices matter too lol.
you have blood in your dick, yet you're shitting on blood mages?
>WotR has Swarm-That-Walks and Lich
>BG3 has Durge
>evil playthrough isn't an option in DA because the devs just want to railroad the story in an RPG
Every time another one of these games comes out, I get even happier that I never managed to get around to playing Origins.
I might've actually really enjoyed it and had to watch yet another series I like turn to shit.
Thanks for ruining everything EA.
I'm rooting for this game. I'd like to see an action RPGs pull off tactical gameplay in a squad.
>>this magic type is lore important and a super big deal in the setting
It also makes no sense for the hero to have it, when it directly conflicts with the narrative. So if you care about that, then blood magic is an issue. We've already talked about this ITT.

>you're not allowed to use it in this RPG because we don't want to bother making the interactions
It's for lore reasons you don't have it. So I guess you don't care about lore.

You also utterly missed my point. You could create some much better designed class that fits better or just rebrand it into some "spirit mage" and make it work the same mechanically if for some reason you thought blood mage system design was 10/10 (it wasn't).
Evil playthrough is always full blown retarded and the concept of being "evil" in the first place is pre-teen cartoon level shit. The examples you mentioned prove this.

Also if the premise of the story and game is that you're going to save the realm from some crazy threat like darkspawn it would not make a lick of sense as someone "evil" to do so.
From my point of view, non blood mages are the evil ones
>You could create some much better designed class that fits better or just rebrand it into some "spirit mage" and make it work the same mechanically if for some reason you thought blood mage system design was 10/10 (it wasn't).
We've seen the necromancer bullshit in DAI and soon DAV.
It's worse than blood mage.
How do you feel about sand, anon?
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I wasn't talking necromany and that wasn't the point anyway. The point was that you could if you REALLY wanted to transfer the mechanics to a new class that wouldn't be regarded as "evil" and always a bad idea in the setting, aka Blood Mage.

Really, if we're looking at the spells from DAO
>mode: use health instead of mana for spells, healing spells are less effective
>drain health from ally, ignores prior mode healing restriction. can kill ally.
>deal high aoe damage and stun enemies that fail a physical check. doesn't work on targets with no blood
>mind control target if it fails a mental check. if check is passed, take high damage instead. doesn't work on targets with no blood

You could easily recontextualize these spells. Even if they are mostly boring and having no real synergy. You could even make them work on targets which don't have blood (golems, undead, etc) which could've been a problem if you had a lot of these types of enemies.

So non-playable Blood Mage is a non-issue. It makes sense narratively and mechanically they were unimpressive, but could still be implemented differently.
>da joos are sacrificing people under da nyc sewers
look at how DERANGED you sound
Are we supposed to like the Qunari or hate them? Bioware can't seem to decide.
Since they became playable in Inquisition, like them. Even though making them playable utterly torpedo'd the race as a whole.
Remember when the opening hour of DAO had your mentor figure gut an innocent man like a fish because he dared to question his cult's hazing ritual
Wasn't that guy supposed to walk away with their secret knowledge?
Origins had such a great intro, probably my favorite of all time. The ostagar and the wilds were thick with atmosphere. I have good memories of it.

I wonder when a new game comes out and manages to leave such an impression.
Everyone who agrees with this faggots reasoning is also a total faggot.

This game will bomb hilariously tho.
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>corporate blandness
Its not only blandness its the sort of safe whimsical corporate fantasy.
Its to fantasy what Google corporate art is to well... art.
Its so safe and boring its essentially pic related.

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