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>playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>having fun
>just cleared the troll castle
>can't stop thinking about starting over with a different character
What's wrong with me? This same kind of shit stopped me from ever finishing Morrowind.
>What's wrong with me?
Lack of vitamin D
I get restartitis bad too but it goes away when I get far enough that it would be a chore to redo it again. I’d think the trolls would be far enough imo
>What's wrong with me
The ridiculously frontloaded and enormous character builder.
You saw the thousands of options and are wondering if you can have more fun picking others.
My answer is don't, play the dam game or where you are is the farthest you will see of it.
You don't actually think the game is fun to play, so in the back of your mind you convince yourself that you'd have (more) fun playing as something else. As if it'd scratch the itch.
>why do I find myself dropping the game at the point it drops in quality?
truly a mystery
Play a pure sorcerer. Preferably the one with an animal companion. This way you get most of the gameplay mechanics for your character. Any other little thing missing your party can fill for you. I also had your problem, but restarted with this and got to varnhold vanishing. If you worry about spell choices and the like just cheat and add extra spells to your spellbook. This isn't as broken as it seems as most spells are trash not worth your action casting, which is in line with Paizo lol.
It's the CRPG curse. It's also why the game conveniently has another much shorter campaign to play through. Put your main on hold and try the Hold.
>It's the CRPG curse
I've been playing cRPGs for many many years and I've never restarted to try a new build. It's the curse of slack jawed faggots.
>lazy punctuation
Goddamn Zoomers...
what levels is that adventure for?
>playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker
>having fun
/0 this game is shit

The main design issue with almost all CRPGs is that all your options are frontloaded to a ridiculous. You don't start as a nobody and gradually develop into a mighty hero , despite that pretty much being the entire CRPG ideal. Your character is shaped at the very start and all your future options are narrowed down right away, since level 1 is the most important level of your entire playthrough. All your choices are essentially made before you even start the actual game. Having to build an entire character before you've even played one second of the actual game has always been retarded, and it's especially retarded in the Pathfinder games because they give you literally hundreds of options and most of them are shit, but you have no way of knowing that before you start the game unless you're a faggot who reads a guide before he even starts to play. And all of this this would be bad enough it it just affected your character build, but because of the extreme reliance on character stats for everything it also affects your ability to roleplay. Oh you wanted to play a Fighter? Well you don't use Charisma and you don't get Persuasion as a class skill, so you'll better let your party members do the talking for you!
>to a ridiculous
to a ridiculous extent*
Firstly, you don't know what frontloaded means. Secondly, You have not even played 0.001% of CRPGs and only play trash, you aren't qualified to make declaritive statements like this.
>so buttmad he can't even come up with an actual counterargument
lol, lmao even
You're literally arguing that its bad that your character can't do everything. This is the crux of the RPG, which are cooperative in nature. You don't even like RPGs. You're here to bump your shitty porn game generals.
>You're literally arguing that its bad that your character can't do everything.
You literally can't read.
Agreed. Which is why games like Gothic and Witcher are great. You actually get to specialize as you play the geme, instead of locking yourself in during char creation. Never got past Pathfinder's Char generator, since all the info is too overwhelming and I don't want to start playing without knowing all of my options (because as mentioned you lock yourself in at char creation).
You're literally sitting in the thread coping to yourself about how your generic action adventure games are the real rpgs. Imagine being here for years and not being able to figure out why you don't fit in.
Imagine seething so hard that someone doesn't like your favorite game that you literally start to hallucinate instead of actually reading what's being said.
You don't like any rpgs. You're just here to shit up the board.
I don't like badly designed games. There are plenty of RPGs where you're not forced to define your entire character before you even start playing. If you think that because I think Pathfinder is poorly designed it automatically means I don't like any RPGs at all, you're only outing yourself as a dumb zoomer who doesn't actually play RPGs.

Go be a dumb fanboy somewhere else, and leave the actual discussion to the adults in the room.
>What's wrong with me?
You're a retarded coomer that's only here to bump shitty console slop and rpg maker VNs and you saw the owlcat threads were also full of retarded coomers so you thought you found an rpg that was finally dumb enough for you to play.
>you're only outing yourself as a dumb zoomer who doesn't actually play RPGs.
I just finished playing Pool of Radiance today. What do you play? Oh that's right, nothing but dogshit that barely orbits the genre but you can't move on. Just go post about WEGs on /v/. No point in being here. No point in wasting your time on a genre you don't truly enjoy.
>Y-yeah well I b-bet you play games I d-don't like!
Imagine thinking this is an actual argument. Severe zoomer brainrot. You have literally nothing to contribute aside from mindless NPC seething at anyone who is capable of critical thought. You're fundamentally incapable of coming up with a single counterargument to what I posted because you have no idea that there are actual good RPGs out there.
In your mindless butthurt, all you can do is try to project your severe personality flaws onto me and get mad at a pathetic strawman of your own creation.

Go get cucked by your demon waifu again, kiddo. I'm sure your zealous defense of Pathfinder's awful game design will make her stay with you this time.
Good job revealing yourself as a retarded newfag.
Literal mental illness. I've never had an urge to restart with a different character in any rpg I played.
Try again if you ever become capable of forming a single coherent idea, kiddo.
How is wotr frontloaded? You don't get any interesting abilities until like way later. It's lack of horizontal progression is the issue... which is because it's not frontloaded at all.
So what causes this inability to commit to a full run in some people? Severe ADHD?
Why are you calling someone playing goldbox games a zoomer? That makes zero sense.
Did you bother reading past the first few words of that post?

There are a tremendous amount of choices you make before you're even allowed to start the game. Class, race, stats, skills, feats, deity, etc. And while not all of these are impactful, some of these are hugely impactful for the way your character can develop through the game. It's true that the mythic path you choose later on is a decent example of character development that isn't fundamentally decided before you're even in the actual game, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the choices you get to make are decided at the very start. The game demands a lot of system knowledge from the player before you've even seen any part of the actual game, and that's not even considering pure roleplaying choices like choosing what what deity you worship before you have any non-external way to know the significance of this. Of course the biggest joke is that there IS no significance to most roleplaying choices like that, but you have no way of knowing since you choose before starting the game.
>Did you bother reading past the first few words of that post
Yeah and it's all absolute garbage from someone who severely overestimates their own knowledge and intelligence and doesn't know the first thing about rpgs. Nothing you've said is correct or logically sound. You need to take a break from this place. A very long one
Based post roast his ass
most Pathfinder classes are not frontloaded
5-9, early mid level
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>You're a retarded coomer
Because you realize the game is dull slop and you think that making another characters that plays functionally the same will somehow rescue it.
Play DivOS2, it has literally none of these issues.
But DOS2 is the most frontloaded game of all time. You can get like 20 abilities from a 2 skill point investment
>NPC screeching noises continue
You haven't made a single coherent point all thread long, it's just a lot of mindless seething. Does the fact that not everyone is a mindless fanboy who worships cheap normalfag slop really upset you this much? You should just stay in your usual safe space hugbox if someone having an opinion causes you to have this much of a meltdown.
>I-I’m not s-seething! Y-you’re s-seething!
go outside anon
The problem with post-bioware nu-crpgs is that they're mostly storyfag games with prebuilt companions and that nonsense. If it was designed in line with what classic crpgs were, i.e. you start by designing a party and taking it through the game it would be fine. You then can design the characters in line with what you think you'll need and their synergy.
>storyfag games with prebuilt companions and that nonsense
But thats exactly what bioware did
Me with Jagged Alliance 2. I like the game but always restart because I fucked up and got my whole squad killed.
As a player of 1e, 2e, and the computer games - they are. They're designed that way, especially 2e. It's not necessarily a bad thing. The general reason is that people rarely see level 20.
Which mythic path is the most Gurren-Lagannest in WOTR? Legend?
the classes aren't necessarily, but your attribute point placement pretty much seals your fate
unironically angel
Frontloaded may be the wrong word, I'd rather describe them as prescriptive. You can't go in blind and pick a Magus when you're not sure wether to be melee or caster, then decide later on. You're locked into that very specific casting style of the Magus, with only a tiny subselection of spells being of any use(different in tabletop without the buffed enemies I guess). You have to either loose massive chunks of character progression(which you can't compensate for by overleveling like in, say, Dark Souls), or you do a respecc, which the grognards consider cheating.
You get similar issues for all sorts of builds: Melee gets locked into a weapon type early because you dedicate a number of feats a weapon type(which give every weapon the same buffs, not even further develop their niches). Casters need to plan their feats around spells they get later, not react to things they discover. They also get hit hard for any multiclassing because not even same spell books stack. And feats like Cleave become a trap unless you pick them at the right time or with the correct endgame build already in mind.
Most of these things aren't that big of a deal in the tabletop version, because you've got the social/improv aspects. But video games are much more sensitive to their mechanical systems. I'd actually really like to see a D&D/PF derivative that's designed for CRPGs from the ground up. Just having more granularity could solve most of these points.

Demon -> Legend. You get a cavalcade of demons, undead, devils, feys, etc. joining your cause because they're just that impressed with how much balls you've got.
>I'd actually really like to see a D&D/PF derivative that's designed for CRPGs from the ground up.
Pillars of Eternity?
4E was designed around digital integration from the ground up.

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