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Like what does it represent?
Is it necessary?
Can it convey its purpose better?
>Nigga cannot go on
A numerical value makes it easier to keep track
Sure. But why not make it hard like IRL where you can't see HP (easily).
>Like what does it represent?
Whatever the fuck you want it to do
>Is it necessary?
Hell no
>Can it convey its purpose better?
If you yourself are already uncertain about it's actual purpose what the fuck is even the point of this question?
>If you yourself are already uncertain about it's actual purpose what the fuck is even the point of this question?
you coming to this conclusion should already induce you to come up with something better than Hit Points as a gaming concept. but I guess not...
it game thing.
game thing is game thing.
me not care.
big tard cry about with no bring alterna tiv.
>t. nigger
Because most games prefer to have specific ways to show success and failure states rather than keeping it vague.

Not gonna even touch how easy or hard it is to understand how hurt you are, cause I will assume you have never been injured in normal sports, combat sports nor combat in actual warfare noir have you consulted people who have, so the point is moot.
Is this the dumbest thread on this board? Probably.

Some autists go on about realism, but fail to understand that games (not even sims) are never realistic and shouldn't be if it negatively impacts the game.
>Dude, what if liek your character started limping and panting and getting bloody when health is low.
>It's totally IMMURSUV!
>Because in reality you don't know how hurt you are and can never tell that you are tired.
>Why yes, I am afflicted with Hansen's disease IRL and need to do visual checks every day, why do you ask?
it's like battery charge of the character, anything above zero they're functional, but the moment it hits zero they shut down
If you have 6 HP it means you can get punched 6 times before you die.
In Tresspasser you looked down at your heart tattoo on your tit
>what does it represent?
an abstraction for survivability
hitpoints is (are?) a concept that vidya copied from tabletop RPGs, to really understand their nature you need to go to the source and ask >>>/tg/
>self-inserting as minnie driver
there should be 3 lifes and then game over
>3 lives
Play Dwarf Fortress and you'll see how combat works without hit points.
>If you have 6 HP it means you can get punched 6 times before you die.

> "HP" is shorthand for "Hard Punches"
It makes sense.
Retarded /tg/ spam thread being posted on another board
Kill yourself
A timer. This is the real answer.
HP comes from naval wargames, so it actually stands for "hull points", not "hit points" or "health points".
Wizard's Crown did it best, and it's been downhill ever since.
Just have different postures. Resident Evil one has it and it works great.
It's simple and... Excellent.
>Like what does it represent?
Depends on the game, in most games it is your life bar, if it gets to zero you're dead, in uncharted, according to the Devs it's supposed to represent Nathan's luck, and when it reaches zero it means, your luck's run out and whatever happened was fatal.

>Is it necessary

>Can it convey its purpose better?
Sure, instead of HP your character could just accumulate debuffs, after a certain threshold of debuffs your character could be considered dead.
>le luck
The game where you have to tank around 13 head shots from a helicopter canon to progress.
You say it like Uncharted's the only one of that kind.
Nah, it's not. Certainly not.
Sounds like plot armor.
They are 100% confirmed hits.
It is supposed to represent a mix of meat points and luck. It fails.
We had a dude in the Skald thread salty about wounds and it spawned a lengthy derail
>but when I get HEALED I GAIN wounds
>and when I get HURT I LOSE wounds
>this is illogical!!!
Trump's HP?
This is the most fedora post I have seen all day
Is this for real?
Why does vrpg attract the biggest retards
It is how much punishment you can take. It is a thing in real life, someone can go up against multiple people and win even if he hurts like hell, and another person will go down after you hit them just once and starts crying in a ball.
This is how I always thought of it as. Like you aren't just continually getting hit with weapons and things but maybe dodging, parrying, close calls and when you get zero they finally hit you with that lucky stab, or arrow to a vital area, etc.
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>when I get HURT I LOSE wounds
Wizard's Crown doesn't have that problem
though it had other problems
What game is this dude from? Is he a hero protagonist?
BG1, he's an optional party member, rather underwhelming one
>hero protagonist
It’s spelled Hiro
because that's not how rpg mechanics work. one of the defining characteristics of the genre is that stats and mechanics are plainly visible to the player.
He's a bard that gets tricked into helping some evil sorceress commit multiple murder.
>Grrrrrreetings, mercenaries! I, am Silke, thespian... extraordinaire.
>in uncharted, according to the Devs it's supposed to represent Nathan's luck, and when it reaches zero it means, your luck's run out and whatever happened was fatal.
That's how I always assumed it worked in tabletop RPGs.
The higher level you get, the better you get at avoiding taking blows to anything vital, so you can manage more hits before a strike catches you somewhere serious enough to put you down.
The higher level you get, the better you get at aiming your swings to hit lethal areas on dodgier targets so you can put things down faster.
A ten damage hit on something with 20 HP is a gash in the side that didn't fully open.
A ten damage hit on something with 5 HP is getting run straight through the stomach and being left bleeding out on the floor.
I find it much funnier to think that high level adventurers and monsters can just shrug off massive injuries.
I like Resident Evil's original take on it just being your overall state via a heart's pulse. It is simple and intuitive while keeping the exact number used vague. To hell with idea guys who want to get rid of HP indicators though since visuals and sounds is the only way to convey information.
Just part of the cancer inherited from D&D, along with character classes, leveling, dungeon crawling etc.
CRPGs offer a golden chance to get away from this shit, but devs are usually just too lazy.
Why, because you say so?
I've known GMs who keep track of the PCs' hit points. And the hit points of NPCs and monsters is hidden from players.
>hey, DM, how am I feeling?
>DM just puts on Warren Zevon’s “My Shits Fucked Up”
>Like what does it represent?
How much you can get hit before you die, in point format.
>Is it necessary?
No, there are alternatives to it. Like dying in one hit.
>Can it convey its purpose better?
It cannot convey it's purpose better. It's purpose is to be hit points.
People still beg for turnslop, they'll never abandon their sacred cows no matter how shitty they are.
How do they have the gall to complain about remakes and remaster? They live on the past.
After playing SKALD that's the kind of thread the game deserved.
HP are ok as a concept but I dislike the HP bloat that comes with leveling. Like why does a lvl 20 nigga have 20 times the HP of a lvl 1 nigga? I wish there were more games where your HP pool stays relatively constant as you level.
>HP are ok as a concept but I dislike the HP bloat that comes with leveling. Like why does a lvl 20 nigga have 20 times the HP of a lvl 1 nigga? I wish there were more games where your HP pool stays relatively constant as you level.
2nd ed AD&D did this (possibly older editions, that's the oldest I played tabletop), you only got your full hit dice for the first... 10 levels? Then after that you gained a smaller flat amount
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>supposed RPG board
>no one knows or remembers that Hitpoints come from military war games which turned into Strategy Tabletop which are the roots off RPGs before theatrekids and storyshitters took over the hobby

How embarassing.
It's the number of hits you can take before going down, duh
It's hull points actually.
Honestly, best not to think about it too much.
if you do that the first thing people are gonna ask is to see the exact numbers
It is cool though in Helldivers 2 to have broken bones and limp towards extraction. Unironically immersive as fuck
>in uncharted, according to the Devs it's supposed to represent Nathan's luck, and when it reaches zero it means, your luck's run out and whatever happened was fatal.
Isn't that basically how it works in DnD? I thought in DnD HP were an abstraction of how much damage you could take or deflect before actually getting hurt.
>which are the roots off RPGs before theatrekids and storyshitters took over the hobby
TheatreCHADS living rent free as usual.

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