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what is the most cuckolded RPG game out there? for me eith either BG3 or Pathfinder
shit is just awful
Chained echoes
i have to admit looks gay as fuck, but why cuckolded?
I yet to see any cucking content in Pathfinder and BG3
kek games literally have cuck story lines, Shadoweart fuck everyone and tells you about it and youre proud of how strong and brave she is
That's because you have to go looking for it, anyone that complains hasn't played the game or is just shitposting
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Vatniggers are having a meltdown because Larian shut down their Russian studio.
>not a single blip about it on the Russian reddit (dtf.ru) because duh censorship
>moe pedo
>uuuuh uhhh game is not faggotry marxist propaganda because you can not encounter it.. sometime... once or two
What's marxist about pathfinder games?
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How do you manage to finish your runs in either bg3 or wotr?
I'm at the beggining of act 3 in wotr, 40+ hours deep. I want to restart so bad, I want to use my newly aquired knowledge to make a better character. But I've already spent so much time I can't let it go to waste. I always check every single place in order not to miss out on shit. I also got burnt out at the beggining of act 3 in bg3, 90 hours deep
why did I have to be born like this
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forcing racemixing
Wasn't Marx racist? How is racemixing related with Marxism?
For me, it’s “The Hoax of the 20th Century”
cultural marxism doesnt have to do much with original Marx ideas, its pretty much faggot club for neglected children
Why does it feel like everyone makes up retarded buzzwords to support whatever they want?
maybe you have schizophrenia?
Because I do not associate Marxism with fantasy races fucking?
>cultural marxism doesnt have to do much with original Marx ideas
It was created by the (((same people))) for the same purpose, and it uses the same analytical framework, it simply substitutes straight Christian Europeans for le bourgeoisie
Hard to develop anything when you are forced to choose between giving up a percentage of your workforce as a blood offering or get your taxes increased to a bazillion percent.
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why are you replaying to pedo spammer?
so its jews that destroyed viedo games industry making it political tool? how come?
Shut up Ivan, you belong in hell with the rest of your kin
>nafotroons in the thread
but im Piotrek
what nafo stands for?
It's the imaginative insult orks use for NATO
that's your brain on bg3
No, more like warhammer.
Only half as imaginative tactics though
sounds stupid
omg they do be leik that

If you pick Shadowheart you kind of deserve it.
>we have the make the female party members' looks 6/10
>but that will hurt sales
>let's make her look blatantly underage to compensate
And thus Shadowheart was born.
this, she's blatantly a cunt and a massive whore right out the gate so you deserve to be cucked if we're being honest.
Does it count if the PC is the bull? The orc-elf couple in Kingmaker have an open relationship.
You could just respec.
What kind of retardation is this? You couldn't make your intentions more obvious, trash.
>forcing racemixing
Demoralization. “We own and destroy everything you used to like”
Bahamut Lagoon
Holy shit you are a fat virgin loser. Hit the gym NOW.
Only accurate post.
>Wenduag flirting with other men constantly
>Camellia who fucks around at the brothel
>Everything about Octavia
>Shadowheart's infamous cuckening in act 3
You forgot Arue
Clear case of schizophrenia
OK, but what else?
>Shadowheart's infamous cuckening in act 3
But remember: simultaneously, this cant happen and you didn’t even play the game, and also it’s your fault because you chose those dialogue options specifically to make it happen
>t. killed her on the beach
>>t. killed her on the beach
I ignored her and killed her before mountain pass.
That cutscene was so fucking ridiculous. Even Sven said it was silly and he would’ve done the MacGuffin differently.
To add, I liked what they did in early access better. If you repeatedly ignored Shadowheart she was driven mad by the absolute/tadpole/macguffin and attacks you in your camp in the middle of the night and that’s how you get it
What about Octavia? You are the on doing the cucking of anything.
I feel people just repost shit they saw from screencaps instead of playing the games sometimes.
But he didn't in the end, did he?
How do you know? Interview?
But Arueshalae stays completely loyal and become a baby making factory after you complete her romance. even in the Aeon ending she stays a celibate even after you delete yourself from existence
Octavia literally sleeps around freely with anyone she feels like it.
We are talking about things actually happening when you start fucking the characters, not your cuckold fantasies
Yeah there’s an interview about it. They basically painted themselves into a corner writing wise with the MacGuffin and it ended up being very contrived and forced, e.g. that cutscene.
>Literally said in the game
>Hey there do you want to join us in our tent *evil grin*
Post it. As far as I know, she only tests the player by flirting with people around them, not actually sleeping around. She eventually stops doing that if you get her to dump the orc scum.

Valerie is still superior.
>baby making factory after you complete her romance
Those kids aren't yours.
>Four examples
>Asks for more
That's four too many already
We are not talking about Camellia here tho. she is the only cuck option in the entire game and Wenduag somehow is more of a whore than both of them
Shadowheart cucks you only in a single specific quest path that you need to take.
>you need to be a faggot and to have romanced Halsin
>you need to have cheated on Shadowheart
>you need to go to the brothel and go for an orgy
People that keep talking about Shadowheart cucking you never played the game. Nobody but faggots get the cuck storyline, so if you got it in your playtrough you're a faggot..
>Character cucks you
>Make mental gymnastics why its a good thing
I heard zoomers eat ass and get pegged these days. Youre just bunch of faggots in my book
Pozzfinder is far more degenerate than BG3 could ever be. Reminder that Pozzo unironically employs open,loud and proud animal sexual abusers
>>you need to be a faggot and to have romanced Halsin
You don't, they openly flirt with each other regardless
>Wenduag somehow is more of a whore
Flirts with other men
Outright fucks other men
I know which one is worse thank you
>But remember: simultaneously, this cant happen and you didn’t even play the game, and also it’s your fault because you chose those dialogue options
>People that keep talking about Shadowheart cucking you never played the game. Nobody but faggots get the cuck storyline, so if you got it in your playtrough you're a faggot
Called it. Seen this post too many times.
I kept SH, increased relations with her, made her a Dark Justiciar, romanced her and then gave her up to Viconia, because she's a braindead narcissistic whore.

Ngl it felt really damn good, and BG3 satisfied me immensly with that opportunity.
I will replay bg3 to give it another chance someday. If I make a custom party but keep the origin chars alive, are there in-narrative ways to kill them off as the game goes on?
>If I make a custom party but keep the origin chars alive, are there in-narrative ways to kill them off as the game goes on?
Quite a lot of them actually.
>give SH to Viconia
>give up Asterion to the Gur vampire hunter
>give up Asterion to his vampire daddy
>murder your romanced companion as a Dark Urge
>kill Mizora which turns Wyll into a lemur (a fate infinitely worse than death).
>feed Lae'zel to Vlaakith as she always dreamed
That's just off the top of my head
Children are mentioned twice and in neither case is it said that they're yours. It's children of unidentified origins. Where did they come from? Did she abduct them? Doesn't matter, they're not yours lol.
>she is the only cuck option in the entire game
ICam's cuckoldry is so subtle, if you don't pay attention to her confession in act 3 you won't ever notice.
Regongar literally says so
Wenduag is a bpd shittesting you
No she's not, she's not Octavia.
What kind of cope is this? Octavia is a polyam whore that regularly cucks Reg and then monkeybranches onto you if you're cucked enough to waifu her
None? Did you romance Octavia? She shit tests you, Wenduag doesn't, that's all there is to it.
Jews advocate for goyim racemixing. Doesn't mean they do it themselves.
Cuckolds here lied to me
>y tho
Toolkit let's you do custom items, races, campaigns, aso
In that case the games fun again, as you can skip cutscenes and kill all faggits and skip cuckold queen malady narrator, the pretentious bitch that she is.
>skip cuckold queen malady narrator, the pretentious bitch that she is
You can get her killed in DOS2 if that’s your thing
Doesn't help much in bg3, does it?
I'll just mute her raunchy sex moaning.
I still remember being mad when my paladin kicked down the door to moonrise towers and killed all of the evil cultists, except for this one room on the second floor with patrolling guards that the game treated like guards in a friendly town and not hostile enemies. So, they'd see me, go "HALT! You're trespassing!" and initiate combat, but if I killed them, the game treated me like I just resisted arrest and killed some town guards and made me a fallen paladin. The narrator was all smug like "And you're under arrest for... ... assault? To no one's surprise" or some shit like that.

One weird trick lawful stupid paladins hate: just put up a sign that says "no do gooders allowed, lawfags forbidden from entering" on your evil lair of doom and dismay
Are you the casual retard that cheat engine'd a level 20 paladin into the game to play solo
swinging relations is cucking. and it's ok!
>One weird trick lawful stupid paladins hate: just put up a sign that says "no do gooders allowed, lawfags forbidden from entering" on your evil lair of doom and dismay

Played vengeance and had the same problem. I savescummed and my bard sneaked that part.

I believe they patched that behaviour?

I'm curious if the mod kit is easy to use.
Really keen on playing with custom everything.
Itemization in bg sucks big league.
Wonder if someone will model good looking guns.
>cheat engine'd
How that dev has fallen from grace.

Wonder if level limit can be raised with the mod kit, without breaking the game.
There’s a mod for the game that raises the level cap to 20 and added some of the missing class features, but it was incomplete, at least when I played bg3 a year ago
Everything after lvl 15 is slop that would be unplayable in videogame form, fuck it's unplayable in pen&paper form too. Especially the way Larian makes everything hyper interactive.
lets have a bump
screenshot related and orc relationship in pathfinder
isnt that threesome with orc, cuck and missus kek
>but it was incomplete
So it was faithful to the game.
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You know it's bad when even normalfags start to notice
Wtf? One of the earliest companions you encounter is some faggot orc bragging how his girlfriend "belongs to him" while she sleeps around with other men.
because bolsheviks are what people think of when they think of communists so they use marxist as a stand in for jewish because they are pussies
u oh goyim knows, someone rent bunch of pajeets to seethe online
>cuck your gf
>she cucks you in return
Are you retarded anon?
He is retarded. Dare i say brain damaged.
It's a spoiler so don't read if you consider playing the game. It gets revealed that protag in a previous life was a snob, his fiancee (kinda arranged marriage) cheats on him, snob kills the guy.
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Sakurabro should just avoid these games altogether. Everything made in the West is cucked and degenerate. It's like being surprised that water is wet.
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Camellia never cucks you
I don't know why Wrpg fags tolerate this shit are you gay or women yourselves?
>Tells you she likes to have sex after killing
>Tells you she gets off to doing things in secret
>Was a regular at the brothel
>Behind your back
lol sure
>I have deliberately stuck my dick in crazy, and now my life is in shambles
>How could this be happening to me?
Same as the writers, they're way too obsessed with liking something that's "mature and realistic"
Too bad that usually means including the worst degeneracy possible
She gotta be a great lay, but not much of a relationship material. That much should be obvious.
>Larian said that you would be able to enter polygamy relationships with your companions
>The only female character that could do that was Shadowheart, the rest were men (Halsin, Astarion and Gale)
>Even then, Astarion and Gale aren't particularly comfortable with the idea of sharing
I swear they did it on purpose because they knew Shadowheart was the most popular one
Interesting fact: The Forgotten Realms exists solely as a way for Greenwood to write about his degenerate sexual fetishes in a fantasy themed environment. TSR had to tone down a lot of those elements when they acquired it in order to make it coincide with the TSR code of Conduct. Even with the omissions, making FR the official setting was the beginning of the end. WotC eventual discarded the Code of Conduct to allow for as much degeneracy as possible when they introduced MTGrpg--you might know of it as D&D 3e; which featured statbloat as a regular part of gameplay just like MTG--and since FR was already full of degeneracy, WotC simply just brought it back.
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Ed was living the dream, writing out all his weird kinks, forcing them on thousands of unexpecting impressionable youths and getting paid for the effort.
Here is the issue. Larian should've let them rot in Russia for their cowardice
Hey, at least it wasn't Wenduag.
Genshin Impact. They released the Sumeru expansion with the game pairing the player character with the new girl Nahida. Nahida sells bonkers. And then the patch story happens and the villain steals your girl. Goodness gracious fuck this NTR shit
Your best friend is about to steal your girl in the upcoming Trails game. Fuck Falcom
Having played all three i'd easily say BG3 is the worst about it, followed by WOTR and finally Kingmaker. Incidentally also corresponds to the quality of the game world overall.
Kingmaker has the obnoxious cuck couple but they're actually easily missable and optional. I wouldn't recommend engaging with them as they're still one of the worst bits of content in all of Kingmaker, while the rest of the game is a classical fantasy world.
WOTR has multiple obnoxious companions only marginally improved by being able to kill them on sight and several annoying GMPCs you have to chaperone for the half of the game that has actual fleshed-out content and most of the world is barren, lots of "strong independent womyn" tinge to the content that will grate on you if you're at all sentient. (naturally the men are all homos albeit such do-nothings you'll forget they exist)
BG3 is written for actual homosexuals who loathe the idea of a straight man or woman who isn't a whore, every single cope about it being optional shows the shills haven't actually played it. The Emperor continuously tries to push you into a fag relationship, Halsin tries to force himself into a relationship with you even if you never said a word to the cunt, Gale starts shoving romance scenes at you likewise, Astarion's a massive fag, same with Wyll who is excessively whiny about "totally not real life" politics over refugees/newspapers/rightoids to boot. In fact the only bearable companions who aren't whiny and judgmental one way or the other without you having to tolerate romancing them like Lae'zel and Shadowheart to get them to stop being c unts are Minsc and Jaheira. Same with the setting itself being full of unimmersive dogshit throughout.
Laezel is the only companion who asks you if you are dtf after getting turned on by humiliating Zorru.
All the other romances are player initiated at the post Grove party. They are not coming onto you they are playing their romance dialogue because thats the point where you can pick up to two of them before settling for one in Act 2. If you tell them you are not interested it never comes up again.
Gale is the only rapey one but thats because people expect he will do some magic until your character does flirty faces with him.
Halsin is a meme and serves as Orin bait.

Stop spreading misinfo, BG3 is actually super prude and most romances are still bugged to this day
>pairing the player character with the new girl Nahida
Anon that's pedophilia
>Stop spreading misinfo, BG3 is actually super prude
This was good bait up until this point
The most explicit scene is Minthara sucking you off, cropped so you dont actually see it
>All the other romances are player initiated at the post Grove party.
Wrong. Halsin immediately assumes you're into him even if you ignored him at the party and you have to explicitly tell him to fuck off, Gale starts asking you to go meet him alone and gets a shitty "romantic" outing even if you've never indicated anything of the sort.
I take it you've got parasites and STIs rotting your brain.
I told you Halsin is a meme and the Act 2 meeting with Gale is part of his romance so you already did some "magic" with him, faggot
Do bg3 fanboys really
>They are not coming onto you
>they are playing their romance dialogue because thats the point where you can pick up to two of them before settling for one in Act 2. If you tell them you are not interested it never comes up again
Sounds like they are coming onto you then. The romance scenes simply shouldn't trigger if you never flirted with them, with the exception of the few that actually should be trying to fuck you in-character (like Lae'Zel or Astarion)
>already did some magic
Nope. Explicitly shut down everything.
He still has that shit.
Why should I care about Russoids? When they kill each other that's a good thing for the rest of the world.
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Bahamut Lagoon
Have you played either of them?

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